American Revolution Persuasive Essay

Name _______________________________________ Date ____________ Block ___________
American Revolution Persuasive Essay
The primary purpose of a persuasive essay is to convince readers to think the way you do
about a subject. To accomplish this goal, you will have to establish a reasonable and thoughtful
argument supporting a subject or a position you have strong feelings about. (Writers Inc. p 116)
In this essay you will focus your knowledge of the American Revolution and support
your position, opinion, or point of view on this historical event in United States History. You
will convince your readers that your particular stand on one question is correct. The questions to
choose from are as follows:
 Did the colonists justify the American Revolution? Why or Why not?
 What event was most significant with regards to the American Revolution?
 What groups in American society were affected most by the Revolution?
 How did the lives of various groups in society change based on the outcome of
the American Revolution?
 Why do people rebel?
Requirements for your writing piece are as follows:
 Your essay includes a title, introduction, body and conclusion
 Contains the use of at least 6 vocabulary words covered throughout the lessons
 Contains at least 3 supporting facts with citations
 Cite at least 3 different sources
 MLA Format
 Typed, double spaced, 1 inch margins
 12 point Arial or Times New Roman Font
 Works Cited
Final Draft
Due Date/Time
Mon. 08/17/15 in Google Classroom by
11:59 pm!
Tips for Success:
 Make sure you understand MLA Format
 Come in for help during office hours or make an appointment
 Get additional feedback
 Use time productively
Mrs. Pico-Lilio
10th Grade U.S. History
American Revolution Persuasive Essay Handout
Name _______________________________________ Date ____________ Block ___________
American Revolution Persuasive Essay Rubric
This rubric will be submitted by the end of your block on Tuesday August 18, 2015 in Google
Classroom. You, the writer, should complete it. Each category should be rated (1 – Not Yet
through 5 – Strong) based on the 6+1 Trait Writing Rubric
Ideas x 6 (30 points)
Organization x 6 (30 points)
Presentation x 4 (20 points)
80 points possible
*Please remember that although you will not be graded on voice, word choice, sentence
fluency and conventions, you will be responsible to incorporate them within your essay to
make it a quality piece. *
Reflection Questions: Answer the following questions and submit on Google Classroom.
1. What do you feel you did well?
2. What do you feel needs more work?
3. What did you learn working on this essay?
Mrs. Pico-Lilio
10th Grade U.S. History
American Revolution Persuasive Essay Handout