Name: _______ Period: ______ Date: Causes of the American

Name: ______________________________________ Period: _______ Date: __________________
Causes of the American Revolution
““The distinctions between Virginians, Pennsylvanians, New Yorkers, and
New Englanders are no more. I Am Not A Virginian, But An American!”
Patrick Henry
Essay Question: What was the main cause of the American Revolution? Why?
The road to revolution was a road paved by the grievances, sacrifices, and events of
the colonial era. The culmination of these events motivated those colonists, thousands
of miles from the mother country of England, to rise up, revolt and bring about a
change that would be felt around the world. These complaints range from simple
taxes on goods to actions taken by the English government against the people in
Colonial America.
The American Revolution was caused by many events which can be summed up with
three themes: taxes, violation of rights, and England’s disregard for colonial
Your task for this assignment is to choose one of these themes and explain why it is
the main cause of the American Revolution. You will need to support your thesis
explaining your choice with three events leading to the American Revolution. In
order to adequately support your point, you will need to compose a five-paragraph
Due Date:
Outline: Monday, November 16th, 2015
Essay: Friday, November 20th, 2015
Introduction: Introduce American Revolution, Give Background info of the Causes, Thesis
First Body Paragraph: Sub-topic to support your thesis
(At least 5 sentences)
(At least 6 sentences)
Second Body Paragraph: Sub-topic to support your thesis
Third Body Paragraph: Sub-topic to support your thesis
Conclusion: Reworded Thesis, wrap up your argument (summarize your body paragraphs)
(At least 6 sentences)
(At least 6 sentences)
(At least 5 sentences)
Fill in and choose one for your main
Main Causes:
 Taxes:______________________________
 Violation of Rights: __________________
England’s Disregard of Complaints: ______
Do NOT Include:
First Person
“You may be wondering…”
“I will be using”
Thesis statement
o At the end of Introduction
Topic sentences
Ending/Concluding sentences
Choose three to support your
main cause. These would be
consider your body paragraph
topics that relate to your thesis.
Supporting Causes:
Mercantilism/Navigation Acts
Benign Neglect
French and Indian War
Proclamation of 1763
Stamp Act
Sons of Liberty
“No Taxation without Representation”
Townshend Acts
Boston Massacre
Tea Act
Boston Tea Party
Common Sense
Intolerable Acts
Quartering Act
Olive Branch Petition
Declaration of Independence
Causes of the American Revolution:
Organization of the topics
Instructions: Each column must have a minimum of four possible supporting causes. Each supporting cause
needs at least a two-sentence explanation on how it relates to the major topic.
Main Cause:
Main Cause:
Main Cause:
Violation of
England’s disregard
for colonial
Possible Topics
Possible Topics
Possible Topics
Body Paragraphs
What was the main cause of the American Revolution? Why??
(Circle one to be consider your main cause)
Taxes -- Violation of Rights -- Ignoring Complaints
Body Paragraph #1
Body Paragraph #2
Body Paragraph #3
(2nd Paragraph)
(3rd Paragraph)
(4th Paragraph)
Supporting Cause:
Supporting Cause:
Supporting Cause:
Brief Explanation: ____________________
Brief Explanation: ____________________
Brief Explanation: ____________________
How does this event prove that your
“Main Cause” started the American
Revolution? __________________________
How does this event prove that your
“Main Cause” started the American
Revolution? __________________________
How does this event prove that your
“Main Cause” started the American
Revolution? __________________________
Introduction Paragraph (1st Paragraph):
Beginning of the introduction paragraph:
Introducing your topic:
It must have a ‘hook’ the reader in
A ‘hook’ or an ‘attention grabber’ can be an analogy, a fact/statistic, quote, or a rhetorical question.
Your ‘Hook’: ___________________________________________________________________
After the hook statement, include an explanation of your major topic (Taxes, Violation of Rights,
Ignoring Colonial Complaints)
 Make sure you connect the ‘hook’ to your explanation
Continuing your intro: ____________________________________________________________
Thesis Statement:
A thesis must answer the essay question/prompt.
 Remember the essay question is: What was the main cause of the American Revolution? Why?
It must explain in one statement, your entire argument and set up your body paragraphs.
It must go at the end of your Introduction.
o Your Thesis: The American Revolution was caused by _________________ (taxes, violation of
rights or ignoring colonial complaints) because of ___________________ (Supporting Cause #1),
___________________ (Supporting Cause #2), and _________________ (Supporting Cause #3).
Conclusion (5th Paragraph):
Beginning of the conclusion paragraph must start with a rephrased thesis:
o It must restate the thesis in different words
o New, reworded thesis: ___________________________________________________________
o Remember, use the reworded thesis at the beginning of your conclusion
Summarizing your argument:
After the restated thesis you need to wrap up your thoughts
Summarize the different body paragraphs arguments in relation to your main topic
 Body Paragraph #1: _______________________________________________________
 Body Paragraph #2: _______________________________________________________
 Body Paragraph #3: _______________________________________________________
Include a "closer" statement that clearly and effectively brings the essay to an end: