Young 5`s: What Christmas Means to me

Young 5’s: What Christmas Means to me:
Clark Lux-age 4-“The best part of Christmas is loving someone!”
Adam Bader-age 5-“about loving people.”
Grace Mellinger-age 5-“Jesus’ birthday is on Christmas.”
Isaac Winn-age 5-“Santa’s giving us present.”
Aubrie Dishaw-age 5-“Presents are good.”
Cavin Mills-age 5-“God’s birthday.”
Cooper Mills-Age 4-“It’s God’s birthday.”
Aiden Fletcher-age 5-“Christmas is for liking people.”
Rahul Pavuluri-age 4-“Toys”
Ezgi Kurt-age 5-“Playing with people.”
Mara Benitez-6th grade
Christmas is one of my favorite holidays and I’m always excited when it’s coming up.
To be honest sometimes I kind of only think about the presents and other things like that.
But at my school every Monday in Advent we have a little prayer service. Sometimes I
stop and think about the meaning of Christmas in my heart. When I think that, I know
exactly what it means to me. It means joy, happiness, family, laughter and so much
more. In other countries it might be illegal to celebrate Christmas, and I don’t even know
what I’d do if Christmas wasn’t part of my life, because it doesn’t just bring my family
together, it also bring a whole lot more.
During the Christmas season, I always love looking at the Christmas lights. Maybe it’s
because when I was a baby my parents would drive me around with my siblings and we
would look at the Christmas lights. But sometimes, just my mom and me drive around
and look at all the lights by our neighborhood. When I see a house with a whole bunch of
lights it reminds me of Jesus, because he is our light. Then I think that the house must
have the true spirit of Jesus with them. A time when I feel the true spirit of Christmas is
when I go to my grandparent’s house the day before Christmas and I open presents and
eat the good food my grandma makes. I look around at all my cousins and family and see
all their smiles when they open presents and I feel all the happiness. I am so glad that
this type of happiness is legal and always enforced in my family.
Abby Mellinger-6th grade
Somebody said to me once keep Christ in Christmas not X-mas. So that is what I do.
CJ Cleveland-6th grade
To me, Christmas means family. I love seeing my family again at Christmas where we
all exchange gifts. Some people go to parties and completely forget to put Christ in
Christmas. I would hate to not be invited to my own birthday party! But I’ve got to say,
I do enjoy getting present too. It’s almost as cool as GIVING presents.
Aaron Stankewitz-5th grade
Christmas is a time for sharing. You are with your family and friends. Everyone is
giving and receiving. Christmas isn’t just about the presents, though. It’s about baby
Jesus coming to us.
Jackson Morehead- 5th grade
Christmas is a time when you receive from family and friends. We also celebrate Jesus’
birthday by having a feast. We pray with one another and like to have peace. St. Nick
goes all around the world delivering presents for children. Every Christmas morning,
kids get up to open their gifts.