CLASS-1 FOR THE ALL ROUND DEVELOPMENT OF A CHILD 1. Check your ward’s bag & school diary daily. 2. Help your ward in doing H.W. regularly. 3. Attend the P.T.M. regularly. 4. Help your ward in performing extra Activity & Project work 5. Send your child in proper & well-ironed uniform TIME TABLE Note:- Send the books as per given below and with pencil box Monday to Wednesday 1. English Reader 2. Hkk”kk ek/kqjh 3. Maths 4. Step by Step Art book & File & Wax Colour 5. Eng., Hindi & Maths Separate note books covered with brown paper & stick name slip Thursday to Saturday 1. English Practice Book 2. Hkk’kk vH;kl 3. Maths Book & note-book 4. My living world 5. /keZ f'k{kk ENGLISH I Term APRIL MAY Revision of Vowels, use of This, That, In, On and Under. General Topics Animals name Myself English Reader: Lesson 1 The Pets Lesson 2 Kitty-The Naughty Cat Lesson 3 A Funny-Funny Zoo Lesson 4 Neha in a Jeep (Sound “ee”) Practice Book Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Practice Book Pages 1 to 11 The Big Bell (Sound “II”) The Hot Spoon (Sound “oo”) Pages 12 to 17 Rhyming words of sound ee, II & oo Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Practice Book A shop in the Ship (Sound ‘Sh”) Chintu and the Chicks (Sound “Ch”) The Thief and the Thorn (Sound ‘Th’) The Puss in the Class (Sound “ss”) One Thing at a Time (Poem) Pages 18 to 30 Lesson-12 Lesson -13 Lesson-14A Project Work Vicky and Nicky (Sound “ck”) The King’s Ring (Sound ‘ng”) My Mummy (Poem) Paste your Photograph along with your Mummy on a Chart and write 3-4 lines about your mummy. Pages 31 to 35 JULY AUGUST Practice Book SEPTEMBER II-TERM OCTOBER I-TERM ASSIGNMENT General Topics 1. Mode of Transport 2. Days of the Week Lesson -14B Lesson-14C Lesson-15A Lesson-15B Lesson-16 Lesson 17A Lesson-17B Activity Practice Book Let us Learn about ‘I’ He, She, it. Anil and Geeta Say “are to learn ‘are” use of is, and are through One-Many. Out of the cage Tiny Ball (Poem) Let us Learn You, We & They Use of ‘I’ (Sentence formation) Pages 36 to 45 Lesson-18A Lesson-18B Lesson -19A Lesson-19B Practice Book Clever chicks Has Turns into Have Tommy-The Pet This to These-That to Those Pages 46 to 53 English Reader NOVEMBER DECEMBER III-TERM II-TERM ASSIGNMENT General Topics 1. Birds Name 2. Months of the Year English Reader Lesson-20A A Picnic Lesson-20B His and Her, My & You Practice Book Pages 54 to 56 JANUARY Lesson-21A Lesson-21B Lesson-22 Lesson-23A Lesson-23B Practice Book Raju’s Bunny What is What Kitty’s Birthday The Ants Yesterday was a Holiday Pages 57 to 71 FEBRUARY MARCH Lesson-24 The Greedy Monkey Lesson-25 Golu’s Shop Lesson-26 Neha in the Forest Practice Book Pages 72 to 78 III TERM ASSIGNMENT MATHEMATICS I Term APRIL What Comes before, After & between 1 to 100 Serial Counting 1 to 100 Missing Numbers 1 to 50 Pages 1 to 10 Number Name 1 to 10 MAY Pages Missing Numbers Activity Number Name 11 to 24 50 to 100 Missing numbers through game 11 to 20 JULY Pages 25 to 35 Number Name, Place Value, Greater than, Less than and is equal to Before, After & Between Number Name 21 to 50 AUGUST Pages 36 to 42 1. Ascending & Descending order 2. Ordinal Number (1 to 10) Activity Ordinal Numbers through Simple race SEPTEMBER II-TERM OCTOBER I TERM ASSIGNMENT Serial Counting 101 to 200 Number Name 51 to 75 Pages 43 to 69 Number Line Addition & Subtraction with number line Add and Subtract(Down-words) Add 3 numbers Shapes : Simple shapes, Solid shapes. Number concept 0 to 100 Numerals and Number name Tens and ones through abacus NOVEMBER DECEMBER III-TERM Pages 70 to 83 Missing Numbers Put the symbol, Before After & Between Ascending and Descending order Concept of 100 Length Sums of Addition & Subtraction II-TERM ASSIGNMENT Number Name Pages 76 to 100 84 to 90 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH Pages 91 to 105 Add two digit numbers Subtract two digit numbers, Capacity Time Pages 106 to 114 Money, Coins and Currency Notes See the collection and write the value Add the coins Find the value of objects Add & Subtract Serial counting 201 to 300 III-TERM ASSIGNMENT E.V.S. I Term APRIL Parts of Body, Animals, Birds, Fruits & Vegetables name MAY Lesson-1 Activity More about me Mirror Activity Lesson-2 Activity Keeping Clean Poem on Cleanliness Lesson-3 Activity Lesson-4 Our Food Classification of Fruits, Vegetables and Grains Keeping Healthy JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER Lesson-5 Clothing Lesson-6 A House is a must I-TERM ASSIGNMENT (ORAL) II TERM Lesson -7 Who are they? NOVEMBER DECEMBER III-TERM Lesson-8 We are a happy family Lesson-9 Fairs and Festivals Lesson-10 Know your surroundings Lesson-11 Plants Out door Activity Visit to a garden II-TERM ASSIGNMENT (ORAL) Lesson -12 Kingdom JANUARY Lesson -13 Lesson – 14 The Animal Water Important places FEBRUARY Lesson -15 Let us meet them III-TERM ASSIGNMENT (ORAL) MARCH Art (I-Term) APRIL MAY JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH Pages 2 to 8 Pages 9 to 12 Pages 13 to 16 Pages 17 to 21 I-TERM ASSIGNMENT II-TERM Pages 22 to 26 Pages 27 to 31 II-TERM ASSIGNMENT Pages 32 to 36 Pages 37 to 40 III-TERM ASSIGNMENT PHYSICAL FITNESS & WELLNESS PROGRAMME APRIL MAY JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH Personal Hygiene-Information Frog Jump Aerobics Ex. Spoon, Lemon Race & Toffee Race Tada Asana I-TERM ASSIGNMENT i) On Spot Jump ii) Simple Race Circle Game with Hanky II-TERM ASSIGNMENT P.T.Exercise Warming up Exercise III-TERM ASSIGNMENT fgUnh ¼izFke l=½ vizSy lkekU; fo”k; vaxks o Qyksa ds uke ek=k Kku vk o b Hkk”kk ek/kqjh ikB&1 dfork&jktk csVk ikB&2 veu ikB&3 le>nkj vt; ikB&4 jfookj dk fnu Hkk”kk vH;kl i`”B 1 ls 15 ebZ ek=k Kku ikB&5 Hkk”kk vH;kl bZ nhikoyh vkbZ i`”B 16 ls 19 tqykbZ ek=k Kku m ikB&6 xqfM+;k dh ‘kknh Hkk”kk vH;kl i`”B 20 ls 24 ikB&7 dfork&’kke gqbZ vxLr flrEcj ek=k Kku Å ikB&8 tknwxj dk tknw Hkk”kk vH;kl i`”B 25 ls 31 izFke l= ewY;kadu ¼f}rh; l=½ vDrwcj uoEcj fnlEcj lkekU; fo”k; if{k;ksa o R;ksgkjksa ds uke Hkk”kk ek/kqjh ek=k Kku , ikB&9 esyk ek=k Kku ,s o vks ikB&10 ’kSyk dh eSuk ikB&11 gksyh dk fnu Hkk”kk vH;kl i`’B 32 ls 44 ek=k Kku vkS o va ikB&12 dkS’ky dh lkyfxjg ikB&13 lat; dh iarx Hkk”kk vH;kl i`”B 45 ls 52 f}rh; l= ewY;kadu r`rh; l= tuojh lkekU; fo”k; jaxks o tkuojksa ds uke Hkk”kk ek/kqjh ek=k Kku pk¡n fcUnw ikB&14 rk¡axs okys dh ew¡Nsa ikB&15 dfork&ifj;ksa dh jkuh ikB&16 eLr dyanj Hkk”kk vH;kl i`”B 53 ls 57 ikB&17 dfork&uUgha fpfM+;k Qjojh ikB&18 vPNh ijh ikB&19 dfork&xqCckjs okyk ikB&20 ;ksx’kkyk Hkk”kk vH;kl i`”B 58 ls 66 r`rh; l= ewY;kadu ekpZ /keZ f’k{kk ¼izFke l=½ vizSy ebZ ikB 1 ls 4 rd fo”k; vkdk’k] okrkoj.k] thou ds vk/kkj] mBukA ikB 5 ls 7 rd fo”k; nkrqu] dljr] ugkukA tqykbZ ikB fo”k; vxLr flrEcj 8 ls 11 rd gou] [kkuk] ikB’kkyk] i<ukA ikB 12 ls 15 rd fo”k; [ksyuk] ckyd] ckfydk] HkkbZ&cgu ekSf[kd ewY;kadu ¼f}rh; l=½ vDrwcj uoEcj ikB fo"k; ikB fo”k; 16 ls 19 rd ikB’kkyk dks] i<kbZ] Hkkstu] [ksydwnA 20 ls 23 rd vc mB] FkksM+k Vgy] gou djds [kkuk [kk] i<us tkA ikB 24 ls 27 rd ¼r`rh; l=½ tuojh Qjojh ekpZ ikB 28 ls 30 rd r`rh; l= ewY;kadu ekSf[kd ewY;kadu izFke l= ds fy, ekSf[kd iz’u iz01 vk;Z lekt dh LFkkiuk fdlus dh\ m0 Lokeh n;kuUn th usA iz02 vk;Z lekt ds fdrus fu;e gSa\ m0 nl iz03 Mh- ,- oh- dk iwjk uke D;k gS\ m0 n;kuUn ,aXyks oSfnd iz04 pk¡n] rkjs o lwjt fdlus cuk;s gSa\ m0 Hkxoku usA iz05 thou ds eq[; vk/kkj dkSu&2 ls gSa\ iz0 jksVh] diM+k vkSj edkuA iz06 gesa dc lksuk o dc mBuk pkfg,\ m0 gesa tYnh lksuk o tYnh mBuk pkfg,A iz07 nk¡rksa dh lQkbZ dSls djuh pkfg,\ m0 nkrqu] czq’k ;k eatu ls iz08 dljr djus ls D;k ykHk gksrk gS\ m0 ‘kjhj LoLFk o ran:Lr jgrk gSA iz09 gou djus ls D;k gksrk gS\ m0 okrkoj.k ‘kq) gksrk gSA iz010 gjh lfCt;k¡ [kkus ls D;k ykHk gksrk gS\ m0 d½ vk¡[kksa dh jks’kuh c<rh gSA [k½ ‘kjhj dks rkdr feyrh gSA iz011 gesa dgk¡ cSB dj i<+uk pkfg,\ m0 ,dkUr esaA iz012 [ksyuk D;ksa t:jh gS\ m0 LoLFk jgus ds fy, A ekSf[kd ewY;kadu ¼f}rh; l= ds fy, ekSf[kd iz’u½ iz01 Mh- ,- oh- dh LFkkiuk fdlus dh\ m0 egkRek galjkt th usA iz02 gesa fdldk tki djuk pkfg,\ m0 vks…e dkA iz03 gesa ?kweus dgk¡ tkuk pkfg,\ m0 ckgj rkth gok esaA iz04 lM+d ds fdl vksj pyuk pkfg,\ m0 ckbZ vksjA iz05 [kkuk dSls [kkuk pkfg,\ m0 [kwc pck&pck dj [kkuk pkfg,A iz06 xehZ esa dSls diM+s iguus pkfg,\ m0 BaMs o lwrhA iz07 lnhZ esa dSls diM+s iguus pkfg,\ m0 xeZ o Åuh iz08 ikB’kkyk es fdldk dguk ekuuk pkfg,\ m0 xq:tuksa dkA iz09 lSj djus ls D;k ykHk gS\ m0 d½ eu izlUu gksrk gSA [k½ ‘kjhj LoLFk gksrk gSA ekSf[kd ewY;kadu r`rh; l= ds fy, ekSf[kd iz’u iz01 m0 iz02 m0 iz03 m0 lcls igys Mh- ,- oh- Ldwy dgk¡ [kksyk x;k\ ykgkSj esa Mh- ,- oh- Ldwy ds izFke iz/kkukpk;Z dkSu Fks\ egkRek galjkt thA gesa dSls cksy cksyus pkfg,\ lPps o ehBsA iz04 ns”k dh lsok dSls djuh pkfg,\ m0 ru&eu&/ku lsA iz05 gesa dSls jguk pkfg,\ m0 fey&tqy djA iz06 gesa lk¡l dSls ysuk pkfg,\ m0 ukd lsA iz07 gesa fdldh lsok djuh pkfg,\ m0 ns”k] lekt] ekrk&firk o cM+ksa dhA iz08 gesa vfHkoknu dSls djuk pkfg,\ m0 gkFk tksM+djA iz09 gesa dSls cSBuk pkfg,\ m0 lh/ksA iz010 vk;Z lekt dk eq[; mn~ns”; D;k gS\ m0 lekt esa QSyh cqjkbZ;ksa dks nwj djukA