Home Back to handouts GENERAL STUDIES LESSON PLAN - ABORTION Aim: Students should understand the issues surrounding abortions Objective: Students should be able to construct a reasoned essay plan on the topic Resources: Terminology OHP, statement cards, article Alternative activities in pack: Worksheet 2.6 - When does life begin? Article - Does it matter what men think? Time 10 mins Activity Intro - Key Facts Since the 1967 Abortion Act there have been more than 5 million abortions carried out in UK 500 abortions are carried out every day in the UK 66% of women who have abortions are single In 1968 there were 22000 abortions, in 1998 there were 177000. The reason given for 91% of abortions in 1998 was that was a risk to the mental or physical health of the mother. Use OHP for 'key words' to ensure everyone understands and can use appropriate terminology 20 mins Give out article on 'Does Cleft Palate justify abortion?' Students to read and make bullet points to summarise Discuss issues raised by the article. 10 mins In pairs rank the statement cards - most agree with to most disagree with Put two pairs together to compare results and discuss 10 mins In small groups - using an example from any recent TV series you may have watched, discuss the difficulties faced by someone thinking of an abortion Feedback to group 10 mins Brainstorm on board essay plan for the following question: "Do you think abortion is an issue that should be decided by law or left to the individual mother? Give reasons for your answer." TERMINOLOGY Embryo - the organism between 14 days and the eighth week of gestation Foetus - the developing human being between 14 weeks and birth Pro-choice - the term used by those who consider that a woman's right to choose is absolute Pro-life - the term used by those who argue that a foetus is an innocent human being, who should never be killed Personhood consciousness - the ability to feel pain, a developed capacity for reasoning, the ability to communicate and self-awareness Viability - the term used to describe the independent survival of a foetus outside the womb Does a cleft palate justify an abortion? Curate wins right to challenge doctors Rebecca Allison Tuesday December 2, 2003 The Guardian Two of the country's leading judges yesterday paved the way for an important high court test case to examine the criteria necessary for an abortion to go ahead. In a decision which focuses on the human rights of foetuses and could undermine a law which supporters insist has served women well for 35 years, Lord Justice Rose and Mr Justice Jackson gave a Church of England curate permission to challenge a decision by police not to prosecute doctors who carried out an abortion on a foetus which had a cleft lip and palate. Medical ethicists have warned that the case could have wider implications if as a result Parliament decides against setting new rules in other areas of medicine because it feels doctors cannot be trusted to follow them properly. "It was quite clear in the 1990 parliamentary debate on amending the Abortion Act that the clause on late abortion must not be used for such trivial things as a cleft palate. If it [Parliament] decides that doctors cannot be trusted to keep to the rules it is setting in areas such as this, then it may in future decide not to set new rules at all," Richard Nicholson, editor of the Bulletin of Medical Ethics, said. The Rev Joanna Jepson, curate of St Michael's church in Chester, believes the procedure at the centre of the controversy, which was carried out late in the pregnancy, was "unlawful killing" and in breach of the abortion law. She has said her legal action is partly an attack on the cult of perfection and claims that the case raises the "increasingly worrying concern of eugenics in our society". The termination was carried out after the normal 24-week time limit, which is only allowed in circumstances where the pregnancy is likely to result in the baby being born with severe physical or mental disability. What constitutes a "severe abnormality" is not fully defined by the law and allows doctors to exercise clinical judgment as well as taking the mother's wishes into consideration. Ms Jepson, who was born with a congenital jaw defect that was not corrected until her late teens, says a cleft palate is not a serious handicap and the law should not allow abortions for "trivial reasons". The Cleft Lip and Palate Association backed her case, saying it would never condone a termination at 24 weeks if a foetus was diagnosed with a cleft palate and had no other medical complications. The Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child also endorsed the young cleric's campaign, which it suggested could be expanded to include all disabilities. "We would like to stress that we don't regard the right to life as dependent on any degree of handicap," the society's general secretary, Paul Tully, said. But Ms Jepson's critics are concerned that the case could undermine the 1967 Abortion Act. "We are flabbergasted that someone with absolutely no connection to this case can be allowed to bring an action like this. It is absolutely no business of hers," a spokesman for Marie Stopes International said. "Two doctors in consultation with this particular woman reached a conclusion that it did constitute a serious handicap. It should not be for a disgruntled member of the public to question what should be a very private decision between a woman and her doctors. We too would like to see a change in the law, but one which would allow abortion on request, thus removing this whole questioning of women about their motives." The British Pregnancy Advisory Service also criticised the decision to allow the legal challenge to proceed. "When the law was passed it was deliberately left vague for the decision to be made between the woman and her doctors," a spokeswoman said. Ms Jepson's initial application for a judicial review was rejected by a judge last month. But at the high court in London yesterday Lord Justice Rose and Mr Justice Jackson reversed that decision. Mr Justice Jackson said the curate had "substantial hurdles" to overcome in the next stage of her application for judicial review. But he added: "I am persuaded, having listened to the statements of counsel, that this case does raise serious issues of law and issues of public importance." The abortion at the centre of the case was carried out in 2001 when the unnamed woman, from Herefordshire, was more than 24 weeks pregnant. Richard Gordon QC, for Ms Jepson, told the court the decision by West Mercia police not to prosecute was incompatible with a section of the Abortion Act which says that a post-24 week abortion can only take place if "there is substantial risk that if the child is born it would suffer from severe physical or mental disabilities". The court was told that the force had taken advice from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists which said a cleft palate was a good enough reason for the abortion. But Mr Gordon said a cleft palate could not be considered a "severe" disability within the meaning of the act. Speaking after the hearing Ms Jepson, who insists she is not anti-abortion, said: "My teenage years were difficult due to facial abnormality. I also have a brother with Down's syndrome. "We both live positive and fulfilling lives. The baby in this case did not have this opportunity, despite the availability of excellent and routine medical help. I hope we shall succeed at trial and recognise once again the value and dignity of our common humanity, disabled or able-bodied, no matter what we look like." Risks to life and health that allow termination The Abortion Act 1967 The act permits abortion by a doctor in an NHS hospital or approved centre. Two doctors must agree in good faith that one or more of the following criteria apply: A The pregnancy involves more risk to the life of the woman than if the pregnancy were terminated; B The termination is necessary to prevent grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of the woman; C The continuance of the pregnancy would involve risk, greater than if the pregnancy were terminated, of injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman; D The continuance of the pregnancy would involve risk, greater than if the pregnancy were terminated, of injury to the physical or mental health of any existing child(ren) of the woman's family; E There is a substantial risk that if the child were born it would suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped; or in an emergency, certified by the operating practitioner, as immediately necessary: F To save the life of the pregnant woman; G To prevent grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman. Most abortions of unwanted pregnancies are carried out under grounds C or D. From the Office for National Statistics "Chromosomal abnormalities were reported for about a third of cases under ground E, other congenital malformations for about half. The most commonly reported anomalies were of the nervous system (22%) and the cardiovascular system (5%); Down's syndrome(20%) was the most commonly reported chromosomal abnormality." Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 Section 37 of the act changed the Abortion Act. It introduced a time limit of 24 weeks for grounds C and D. Grounds A, B and E are now without limit. Previously, a 28 week limit applied for all grounds. A foetus is not really a human being Abortion is just another form of birth control Abortion stops the birth of unwanted children Legalised abortion stops the misery and exploitation of young girls trying to conceal or escape from their pregnancy Abortion must be allowed in the case of rape Abortion is acceptable to avoid a person being born with severe disability Late abortions should never be allowed Abortion should be entirely the choice of the pregnant woman A father should be able to stop a woman having an abortion Abortion – Pro-Life Or Pro-Choice? People often have very strong views about abortion. As I keep stating, it will always come down to the individual and their religion, upbringing, experiences and beliefs which will explain their personal view on abortion. bit wiser and to understand everyone’s view on abortion, here are the arguments for and against abortion.Read this to be clued up on everyone’s right of opinion and beliefs: PRO-LIFE - People are often against legal abortion because they believe that: Human life begins at conception and abortion destroys respect for human life Abortion is a violent act that damages a mother and her baby. It is uncivilised and unjust There are alternatives to abortion, such as adoption Abortion damages women because they suffer post abortion guilt and trauma Abortion is rarely necessary to safe the life of the woman Abortion encourages brutality and child-abuse Abortion on grounds of foetal abnormality encourages discrimination against disabled people PRO-CHOICE - People are often for legal abortion because they believe that: The embryo or foetus should be respected as potential human life but does not have the same value as a born person Women are capable of making the right moral choices and can follow their own consciences A pregnant woman understands her own personal circumstances better than anyone else and so is in the best position to know whether she should or should not have a child Legal abortion is relatively safe and is likely to cause the woman less harm than forcing her to continue her pregnancy and have an unwanted child It is better for children to be born to parents who want them and love them Public opinion supports legal abortion When abortion is illegal women tend to travel elsewhere because they are so desperate to avoid having to continue an unwanted pregnancy How Late In A Pregnancy Can An Abortion Be Done? An abortion should be done as early as possible. Most abortions are done during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy because they are safest then. Sometimes abortions are done as late as 20 weeks, but this is very rare. How Safe Is An Abortion? According to the experts "Abortions are very safe. They are now one of the safest operations of all. And, the earlier the abortion, the lower the chance of any complications." If I Have An Abortion Can I Still Have Children Later O n? Yes. Women who have an early abortion are just as likely as women in general to have a healthy baby in the future. Is An Abortion Painful? Local or general anaesthetic are used before an abortion to control pain. Most women feel cramps (like strong period cramps) for a short time. If a women needs it, the doctor will give her extra medication for any pain. How Do You Feel After An Abortion? In general, women consider abortion because being pregnant at that time is in some way wrong for them. Most women feel relief after their abortion and feel that they have made the right decision for themselves. Some women feel sad or emotional afterwards due to the w hole experience. You may need a supportive friend, relative or counsellor at this time. Researchers have found that an abortion does not generally make a women feel bad about themselves years later. Do Many Teenagers Have Abortions? About 45% of pregnant teenagers choose to have an abortion. Unfortunately, many other teenagers decide to have an abortion too late in their pregnancies. Either they don’t realise they are pregnant or they don’t know what to do about it. That is why it is important to see someone if you think you are pregnant as then you can get all the help you need and as quickly as possible. Is It Wrong To Have An Abortion? Some religions think that abortion is wrong. For example Roman Catholics. This is because they believe that life begins at the moment of conception and should be protected from this time. However, other people believe that abortion is a responsible decision, when a women cannot handle a pregnancy or is in the situation to take care of a child properly. It all comes down to everybody’s personal beliefs and opinions. Is It Legal To Have An Abortion? It is in most countries. For example, it is legal in England, Wales and Scotland but not in Northern Ireland or the Ireland Republic where abortion is illegal. This is because the Irish religion is Roman Catholic. What Happens If I Live In Ireland? This is a very difficult question to answer. By Law, Irish women must follow the law and the respect their religion that abortion is illegal in their country. However, as time has moved on, people realise that we are all beginning to follow are personally chosen religion and beliefs. Due to the much believed freedom of rights and speech. Marie Stopes International can still help if you do have an unplanned pregnancy and live in Ireland. There is a centre based in Dublin which can help you with advice and counselling. If you did choose to go ahead with an abortion, you would then have to travel to England for the procedure Home Back to handouts