ENG4C – “Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption” Literary Response Assignment Your task is to write a 5 paragraph literary response to one of the topics below. Your response should be well organized and include: o o o an introductory paragraph which introduces the reader to the topic you plan to address and identifies the ideas you plan to expand upon in the body of your response (i.e. your thesis statement and statement of 3 arguments), a detailed body paragraph section (3 paragraphs) wherein you explore the topic in detail, utilizing your own ideas, as well as evidence and direct quotations (2 per argument) from the novella, and a concluding paragraph which restates your thesis and 3 arguments and sums up your ideas. TOPICS I. One of the major themes in the novella is the burden of isolation and imprisonment. Examine whether the novella is a realistic interpretation of the American penal system. II. Explain and illustrate the ‘power of hope’ in “Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption”. III. A reoccurring theme in the novella is corruption and crime. Andy is both effected by and takes advantage of this. Examine both sides of the theme corruption and crime in the novella. IV. Time serves as both a torment as well as a means for Andy’s escape. Explore the reoccurring theme of time in the novella. V. Examine the pinup posters (of Rita Hayworth and the other women) as a symbol in the novella. VI. The rocks represent a symbol in the novella. Examine the purpose and significance of the rocks in the story. Citations You will use the MLA method of citation in your writing. Use the following format. Quotes less than 3 typed lines: “He had plenty of time to study those walls. Plenty of time. When the cell door slams and the lights go out, there’s nothing else to look at” (93). Quotes greater than 3 typed lines: I hope Andy is down there. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope. (107) Works Cited King, Stephen. “Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption.” Different Seasons. New York: Viking. 1982. Print. *Using quotations to support your ideas and citing them properly is worth 30 of the 70 marks for your assignment, so be sure to include quotations and cite them properly!!* “Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption” Literary Response Assignment Planning Sheet Topic: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Thesis: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Introduction: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2: (the first argument of your thesis statement) Topic: __________________________________________________________________________ Points: Page references for quotations (2): ______________________________________________ Paragraph 3: (the second argument of your thesis statement) Topic: __________________________________________________________________________ Points: Page references for quotations (2):______________________________________________ Paragraph 4: (the third argument of your thesis statement) Topic: __________________________________________________________________________ Points: Page references for quotations (2):______________________________________________ Conclusion: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ENG4C – “Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption” Literary Response Assignment - Marking Scheme Name:_________________________ Total: ____ marks 70 Category Knowledge & Understanding I can show that I understand the characters and big ideas (themes) in the text through my writing /10 Thinking & Inquiry I can make inferences and analyze the text based on my topic and use examples and quotations from the text to support my ideas Level 4 80-100% Level 3 70-79% Level 2 60-69% Level 1 50-59% Level R 0-49% Writing shows an exemplary understanding of characters, theme and chosen focus or topic Writing shows a considerable understanding of characters, theme and chosen focus or topic Writing shows some understanding of characters, theme and chosen focus or topic Writing shows a limited understanding of characters, theme and chosen focus or topic Writing shows little or no understanding of characters, theme and chosen focus or topic Student infers, analyzes and makes use of examples and quotations from the text to support ideas with a high degree of effectiveness Student infers, analyzes and makes use of examples and quotations from the text to support ideas with a considerable degree of effectiveness Student infers, analyzes and makes use of examples and quotations from the text to support ideas with a some effectiveness Student infers, analyzes and makes use of examples and quotations from the text to support ideas with limited effectiveness Student does little or nothing in the way of inferring or analyzing, nor does he/she use examples and/or quotations from the text to support his/her ideas Ideas are communicated with a high degree of clarity Ideas are communicated with considerable degree of clarity Ideas are communicated with some clarity Ideas are communicated with limited clarity Clear evidence of editing / Control of conventions is evident in written work Considerable evidence of editing / Errors exist but do not distract from communication Some evidence of editing / Errors exist and distract from communication Limited evidence of editing / Errors exist and interfere with communication Ideas are not communicated clearly; reader cannot easily follow writer’s ideas Little or no evidence of editing / Errors exist to a degree as to impede communication Quotations are cited with a high degree of accuracy- no errors exist in citations Considerable accuracy in citing of quotations; only a few minor errors in citations Some accuracy in citing quotations; definite errors exist in citations Minimal accuracy in citing of quotations: citing is either incorrect in most places or is improperly done overall /20 Communication I can express my ideas clearly and coherently so that my reader can easily understand me /10 I can make use of the writing process to ensure a polished final draft (error-free!) /20 Application I can make use of quotations to support my ideas, and apply what I know about citing sources and correctly cite my quotations accurately /10 COMMENTS: No quotations used, therefore no citations are present