The Crusades Essay - Pacific Collegiate School

The Crusades Essay
1. Evaluate the validity of this statement: “The only true victims of the Crusades
were the Jews.”
2. Evaluate the validity of this statement: “For the Europeans to call the Muslims
‘barbarians’ is ironic, for it was the Europeans who were the true barbarians.”
3. Evaluate the validity of this statement: “The Crusades were fought more for
political and economic reasons than religious ones.”
The paper must be at least five paragraphs long. There should be at least three
body paragraphs and introduction and a conclusion.
The paper should be written in MLA format.
In this essay, you will be required to use and quote multiple primary sources.
You may also use quotes from secondary sources, such as a textbook or other
reference material. However, any sources that you use must be pre-approved by
Mrs. Friend.
While you are not required to fill out the essay outline, please review the essay
outline to determine all of the required parts of the essay.
You are required to address other perspectives in this essay, either in a separate
paragraph, and/or throughout the essay.
You are required to imbed quotes from primary sources and give the historical
context of the quotes that you are using.
You are required to address the bias and perspective of your sources.