June 2011-2012 Review Package SEE WEBSITE FOR MORE

June 2011-2012 Review Package
1. Which best describes the European view of the Potlatch?
2. Describe the terms used to identify Canada’s first people?
3. Describe the theories of how North America was first populated?
4. Account for the large native settlements along the west coast of Canada.
5. After the arrival of the French in the early 1600’s, they established an alliance with the
6. The three (3) phases (in order) of European and Aboriginal relations are:
7. Brutal assaults on the aboriginal people were justified because the aboriginals were seen as
8. The initial years of the fur trade impacted native society in several ways. Which of the following is NOT
9. What did the Huron call the French missionaries?
10. Why did the Huron accept the missionaries into their society?
11. The ______________ people made first contact with North American natives around 1000 AD, 500
years before Columbus.
12. The Oka incident in the summer of 1990 began over what issue?
13. Around 1150 AD, fishermen of northern Spain fished the Grand Banks off the coast of Newfoundland.
These people are called_____________________
14. In which year was Canada created (Confederation)?
15. When an aboriginal person surrenders their claim to Indian land and Indian rights this is called
16. The Treaty of ______________ ended the Seven Years War.
17. Define terre nullius
18. Why were the missionaries so eager to convert the natives of North America?
19. In which year did the Metis’ rebellion in Batoche, Saskatchewan occur?
20. It is often said that Canada has three “founding peoples.” Identify Canada’s three founding peoples.
21. Who are the Loyalists?
22. After Louis Riel negotiated Manitoba into Confederation, the Metis received several benefits. Describe
what they were to receive.
23. In 1860, the Canadian government became very concerned about the vacant land in western Canada.
What did their concern center around?
24. What Act passed in 1774 reversed the previous Royal Proclamation and guaranteed cultural rights for
the French?
25. Why was Canada considered a “poor man’s country”?
26. In Which year did Great Britain abolished slavery?
27. What caused a temporary boom in the Canadian economy during the mid 1920’s?
28. In order to attract settlers to southern Manitoba the Canadian government offered…?
29. Why did Quebec, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland decline an invitation to attend meetings in
Philadelphia and join the US Revolution?
30. What were the causes of migration to Canada?
31. Indentured labor means that a person
32. The Underground Railway was
33. The term les filles du roi describes what kind of people?
34. Why did New France have difficulty increasing its population?
35. Why were the Loyalists strongly anti-American?
36. What do Louis Papineau and Joseph Howe both have in common?
37. Who is Clifford Sifton?
38. Which Ukrainians were instrumental in promoting immigration to Canada?
39. Who oppose inland expansion of New France for fear of war with the English?
40. During the 17 and 18th centuries, the economic function of the colonies was to supply the mother
country with raw materials and the colony was to provide a market for these goods. This system is
41. There was a large demand in Europe for North American fish. What created this demand?
42. What did Pierre Radisson and Médard Chouart Grossilier discover?
43. The 3-cornered trade operation involving Europe, North America and the Caribbean was referred to as
44. The name of the landholding system in New France is
45. A tithe is
46. With the arrival of immigrants to Upper Canada, they find the power of the colony centered in a small,
tight-fisted elite or clique. This group is called
47. In Upper and Lower Canada, how was the Executive Council chosen?
48. What is the name of Howe’s demands for political reform?
49. What crippled the rebellion in Lower Canada?
50. Why was there political deadlock in Lower Canada?
51. Identify the 3 components of John A. Macdonald’s National Policy.
52. Which of the following groups of natives DID NOT live in western Canada?
53. For the Plains people, the greatest impact on native culture was
54. The fraction of natives that died in the western interior as the result of European diseases was
55. In the movie, Black Robe, the Aboriginal people had a different view of the afterworld. What did the
Natives want to receive in the Black Robe’s Paradise?
56. Why did the Cypress Hills Massacre occur?
57. What severely limited the amount of land a farmer could cultivate?
58. During World War I, the government helped the Canadian farmer increase grain production by
59. Groups of men coming to the west to help with the western harvest were called
60. Why is the year 1776 important to the Americans?
61. The creation of Manitoba, as the 5th province in Canada, angered Ontario because
62. The first European to penetrate deep into western Canada was____________________________
63. How did the HBC’s method of fur trading differ from that of the French?
64. Cumberland House is significant because
65. What were the Chinese traders willing to pay for sea otter skins?
66. “Fur-trade settlement pattern” refers to
67. In return for sea otter pelts, what did the west coast natives receive from the European traders?
68. The Canadian Plains Indians referred to the horse as__________________________
69. The North West Company was formed by
70. The _________________ were recruited to work as laborers for the NWC.
71. HBC’s answer to the birch bark canoe was the________________________________
72. There were several exploration achievements of NWC employees. Who were the major contributors?
73. The North American headquarters of the HBC was located at
74. The Pemmican Proclamation
75. A monopoly refers to
76. The Metis trader who was put on trial for illegal trading was
77. After the merger of the HBC and the NWC, ______________ became governor of the HBC territory.
78. The man who lead the Métis at the Battle of Seven Oaks was_____________________________
79. Prior to the 1850’s, Eastern Canada perceived the western territory as
80. What commodity caused BC’s first economic boom?
81. _____________ finally convinced Central Canada that the west was a “vast fertile belt” of land well
suited in soil and climate to agriculture settlement?
82. The view of Dr. Christian Schultz and the Canadian Party, with regard to western Canada, was
83. Describe the terms of the Manitoba Act of 1870?
84. BC considered joining the United States because
85. The condition in the west that prompted the creation of the North West Mounted Police was
86. The Mennonites left Russia and came to western Canada because
87. In what year did Alberta and Saskatchewan become part of Canada?
88. The first export of Manitoba grain to Ontario in 1876 occurred because
89. Why did the Europeans first stumble on the Americas?
90. What is the historical significance of the Royal Proclamation?
91. What was the response from the Catholic Church regarding the Patriotes?
92. What was “the Great Hemorrhage”?
93. The leader of the Urban Reform Movement in the early 1900s was…
94. What happened on May 15, 1919?
95. How did industrialization affect the artisan class of workers in Canada?
96. What was the major election issue of 1917?
97. According to Mercantilist Theory, why was a colony important to the mother country?
98. The Acadians refused to swear allegiance to Britain in the mid-1750’s because
99. The War Measures Act was first created
100. In 1970, Quebec was faced with a series of terrorist acts by a group dedicated to an independent
Quebec in a conflict that became known as