Literary Terms and Definitions for The Old Man and the Sea


Literary Terms and Definitions for The Old Man and the Sea

Aristotelian Tragedy - The disaster which comes to those who represent and who symbolize those flaws and shortcomings which are universal in lesser form. The greater the person, the more acute their tragedy. The bigger they are the harder they fall.

Allegory - A story in verse or prose with a double meaning: a primary or surface meaning and a secondary or under-the-surface meaning.

Allusion - Usually an implicit reference, perhaps to another work of literature or art, to a person or event. It is often a kind of appeal to the reader to share some experience with the writer.

Conflict - The tension in a situation between characters, or the actual opposition of characters.

Dynamic Character – A character who changes throughout the course of the story.

Mood - A feeling, emotional state, or disposition of mind--especially the predominating atmosphere or tone of a literary work. Most pieces of literature have a prevailing mood, but shifts in this prevailing mood may function as a counterpoint, provide comic relief, or echo the changing events in the plot; often used synonymously with atmosphere and ambiance.

Motif – Any recurring element that has symbolic significance. It could be a thing, place or statement.

Novella - A fictional narrative of indeterminate length; it is often used to distinguish a

Long short-story from a short-story and a short novel from a full-dress novel.

Omniscient Viewpoint - The author moves from character to character, place to place, and episode to episode with complete freedom, giving himself access to his character’s thoughts and feelings whenever he chooses and providing information whenever he wishes.

Parable - A short and simple story related to fable and allegory, which points a moral.

Tone - The reflection of a writer’s attitude, manner, mood and moral outlook in his work; even perhaps the way he personally pervades the work.

Tragic Hero - a literary character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw that, combined with fate and external forces, brings on a tragedy
