english 102

English 102 Spring 2008
Class Schedule
Instructor: Larry Walker
Jan 07, Mon- Introduction
09, Wed-Discuss The Holiday Season, Elements of fiction;
Chapters 1 and 2 Text
11, Fri-Chapter 3, 5 in Text
Discuss The Holiday Season
14, Mon-Chapter 9, 10 in Text, “Sleepy Time Gal, Happy Endings, Mislaid Plans”
Discuss The Holiday Season,
16, Wed-Chapter 21 in Text, “Greasy Lake” p. 648
Discuss “The Man Who Went Out For Cigarettes,” Assign Essay, due 1-23
18, Fri-Chapter 12 in Text
“Kansas,” “A Rose for Emily”
21, Mon-No School
23, Wed-Chapter 13 in Text, “A&P,” “Gryphon”
Essay Due on “The Man Who Went Out For Cigarettes”
25, Fri-Chapter 14 in Text, “The Storm”
Assign “Birdland”
28, Mon-Chapter 14, “The Chrysanthemums” Assign essay-Comparison/Contrast
600 words “The Storm, The Chrysanthemums” Due Feb 4
Discuss “Birdland”
30, Wed-Chapter 14 in Text, “I Stand Here Ironing”
Assign “Smash and Grab”
Feb 01, Fri- Discuss “Smash and Grab”
04, Mon-Chapters 14, 15- Essay due-Comparison/Contrast
“Battle Royal”
06, Wed-Chapter 14-15, “Big Black Good Man”
08, Fri-Chapters 15, “The Cask of Amontillado”
11, Mon-Chapter 16 “Barn Burning”
13, Wed- Discuss “Dogfight” by Michael Knight
15, Fri- Attend Michael Knight reading
18, Mon-No School
20, Wed-Chapter 16, “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”
22, Fri- Chapter 16, “The Things They Carried”
25, Mon- Chapter 17, “The Lottery”
27, Wed- Chapter 18, “A Worn Path”
29, Fri- Chapter 18, “Doe Season”
Mar 03, Mon-“Red Convertible,” p 702, “Teenage Wasteland” p 799
05, Wed-Short Fiction Quiz
07, Fri-Introduction to Poetry, Chapters 22, 23
10, Mon- Chapters 24, 25 “My Last Duchess-Nice Car, Camille-Porphyria’s LoverBallad of Birmingham”
12, Wed-Chapters 25, 26
Selected Works
14, Fri-Chapter 27 Selected Works, Assign poem to write-“Who Am I” Due 3-24
17-21, Mon-Fri, Spring Break
24, Mon-Chapter 28 Selected works
26, Wed-Chapters 29-33 Selected works, Assign 400 word critical analysis essay
“Child’s Grave, Hale County Alabama” Due 3-28
28, Fri-Chapter 34 Selected works, Essay due
31, Mon-Poetry Quiz
Apr 02, Wed- Assign research topics, 1200 word research paper, due April 21
04, Fri-Chapters 6, 7
MLA documentation
07, Mon-Library to research paper
09, Wed-Introduction to Drama
11, Fri-I Dream Before I Take the Stand
14, Mon, 16, Wed-A Doll House
18, Fri, Mon 21-Death of a Salesman,
Research paper due Mon 21
23, Wed, 25, Fri-The Glass Menagerie
28, Mon-Drama final
30-06, Finals