SUBJECT: SCIENCE CHAPTER ONE GRADE LEVEL: 5 What makes up stuff Standards (The important stuff to remember.) 5PS1.b: Students know all matter is made from . ,which may combine to form 5PS1.c: Students know metals have properties in common, such as high electrical and conductivity. Some metals such as (Al), (Fe), (Ni), (Cu), as steel and (Ag) and gold ( ) are elements; others such , are composed of a combination of elemental metals. 5PS1.d: Students know that each element is made of one kind of elements are organized in the periodic table by their 5PS1.f: Students know differences in chemical and are used to mixtures and identify compounds. and that the properties. properties of substances 5PS1.h: Students know living organisms and most materials are composed of just a elements. 5PS1.i: Students know the common properties of (NaCl). such as Vocabulary Element: . Physical Property: . Chemical Property: . Atom: . Number: PAGE 1 OF 5 Atomic . SAVE THESE NOTES IN YOUR BINDER SUBJECT: SCIENCE CHAPTER ONE GRADE LEVEL: 5 Molecule: . Compound: . Solution: . Lesson One: What are Properties of Matter 1. Elements: The building blocks of matter. • In all the world there are more than kinds of elements • 96% of the mass of the human body consists of: and . , • 60% of the human body is made up of: 2. , . Physical Properties of Matter. • Physical properties are those that can be without changing a material • Color, hardness, freezing point, boiling point 3. Chemical Properties of Matter • Chemical properties tells how the substance forms new substances when it mixes with something else. • Flammability, rust Lesson Two: What Makes up Matter 1. Atoms and Elements • Atom: The part of an element that has the same properties of the element. • They are too small to be • Need a • Consist of • The number of 2. . microscope. parts: Protons, . in the atoms nucleus determine its number. Molecules • If two or more atoms combine they form 3. , and . Elements and the Periodic table • Elements are arranged in a table PAGE 2 OF 5 SAVE THESE NOTES IN YOUR BINDER SUBJECT: SCIENCE CHAPTER ONE GRADE LEVEL: 5 • They are organized in rows & columns • The are ordered based on the elements number. • The columns are based on the elements properties. • The columns (families) on the right are called 4. at room temperature and are . Classifying Elements • An elements set of protons, properties. • Metals: good into sheets and give the element its of heat and electricity, can be made into wires and hammered • Nonmetals: , poor conductors of cannot be hammered into sheets or made into and and . • Metalloids have properties of both. 5. Information on the Periodic Table • Atomic number, Name, Chemical symbol • An elements location on the table allows predictions of its properties. 6. Groups & Periods • The table has a total of columns. • The elements in group 1 combine easily with • The elements in groups 18 . react with other elements. • Rows of the table are also called 7. . Metals and Their Properties • Malleable: To be or without breaking. • Ductile: Able to be . • Examples of pure metals: gold, . 8. , , , Combining Metals • Mixing different elements produce . • Done to combine useful properties. • Examples: Brass and . Lesson Three: What are Compounds 1. Properties of Compounds PAGE 3 OF 5 SAVE THESE NOTES IN YOUR BINDER SUBJECT: SCIENCE CHAPTER ONE GRADE LEVEL: 5 • Compound: Matter made of a combination of • Properties of compounds are contain. or more elements. from the properties of the • Example: Carbon + Hydrogen + Oxygen = . • Formula shows the how many of each • Not all 2. they are in the compound. are compounds. The Same Element in Different Compounds • An element can be present in more than one compound. • Compounds are important to the human body. • Example: H2O which makes up about 3. Salts • Most are made up of a and a • All salts form 4. % of the human body. , that arrange themselves in a pattern. Forming Salts • Salts form when chemicals called and • Example: Hydrochloric Acid and 5. . react. Hydroxide combine to form salt & water. Properties of Salt • Form brittle crystals and have high • They points. in water. Lesson Four: How Can We Separate Mixtures 1. Mixtures • Different materials are together but are not chemically combined. • Example: Trail mix • The amounts of each part of a mixture are not always 2. Separating Mixtures • Knowing the different separate them. 3. . properties of the parts of a mixture can be used to Solutions • Solutions are a type of mixture in which a substance is . • Example: Making lemonade (Powdered) • The substance that PAGE 4 OF 5 is called the solute. SAVE THESE NOTES IN YOUR BINDER SUBJECT: SCIENCE CHAPTER ONE • Water is the • Solubility is another PAGE 5 OF 5 GRADE LEVEL: 5 in many solutions. property of a substance. SAVE THESE NOTES IN YOUR BINDER