“Lighting Pathways, Nurturing Scholars” 2011-2012 SY Parent and Student Handbook Dr. Pedro A. Cartagena, Principal 200 N. Central Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21202 TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from the Principal Charter School Operators and Board of Directors Charter School Founders School Calendar Mission, Vision and Beliefs The Negro National Anthem General School Information Attendance Dress Code/Uniform Policy Early Dismissal Emergency Closing of School and Delayed Openings Field Trips Fire and Emergency Drills Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program Health Services Homework Honor Roll Criteria Inclement Weather Lockers Parent Newsletter Parent Involvement/Volunteer Policy Parent-Teacher Conferences Promotion and Retention SCHOLAR Program Guidelines Societies Student Discipline Policy and Code of Conduct for Adults Technology Policy Textbooks Visitors Website Parent Contact Form Volunteer Form Intervention Plan Forms Parent – Teacher Compact Acknowledgement of Receipt ~2~ 3 4 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 18 20 21 22 23 23 35 36 36 36 37 38 39 41 43 “Lighting Pathways, Nurturing Scholars” Principal’s Letter Dear Parents, Welcome to the Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars. This handbook has been produced to share the school’s mission, vision and beliefs. Please read the information enclosed in this handbook very carefully with your child so that both of you will know about very important information related to school rules, expectations, programs, policies and procedures. I will hold staff, students and parents to very high standards and expectations to ensure that students are challenged everyday to be the best they can be. I welcome and encourage you to play a role in the education of your child. Please visit the school as often as you can to participate in your child’s classroom or other parent activities. I look forward to meeting you and working with you to educate and build responsible citizens of our children. I am confident that this year your child will grow academically. Sincerely, Dr. Pedro A. Cartagena Dr. Pedro A. Cartagena, Principal ~3~ Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars (IHEAYS) Charter School Operators and Board of Directors IHEAYS Charter School Operators IHEAYS Board of Directors Charles W. Simmons, Ph.D. Donald Hutchins, BBA Marian Stanton, Ph.D. Marie J. Washington, Ph.D., MPH, MSW Charles W. Simmons, Ph.D. Marian Stanton, Ph.D. Donald Hutchins, BBA Maceo Hallman, MSW Marie J. Washington, Ph.D., MPH, MSW Bruce. C. Jennings, BFA Pedro Cartagena, Ed.D, Principal Lorenzo Bryant, Parent Liaison Nedrick Humphrey, Teacher Liaison Rebecca Ricks, PTA President Founding Members Sojourner-Douglass College East Baltimore Community Corporation Charles W. Simmons, Ph.D. Marian Stanton, Ph.D. James Gray, Ed.D. Ann Toler-Hilliard, Ed.D Joan T. Hammonds, MS Carolyn Echols, BA Donald Hutchins, BBA Alice Thomas, Ph.D. Shirley Evans, M.Ed. Doris W. Carroll, MS Marie J. Washington, Ph.D., MPH, MSW Bruce C. Jennings, BFA Cynthia J. Adams, BS Ralph Gilliam, BS Maceo Hallman, MSW ~4~ Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars Charter School 2011-2012 School Year Calendar AUGUST 2011 1 Operators Monthly Meeting – 3:00pm-6:00pm 29 School Open for Students 29 Open House * -- 5:30pm – 7:30pm SEPTEMBER 2011 5 Labor Day Holiday 7 Benchmark A Assessment 7, 14, 21, 28 Collaborative Team Meeting for Teachers 7 Principal’s Breakfast with Parents* -- 8:00am 12 Operators Monthly Meeting -- 3:00pm – 6:00pm 13 Primary Election Day -- Schools Closed 16 Back To School Night* – 5:30pm 21 School Advisory Council Meeting – 3:00pm 22 PTA & Family Engagement Event* – Reflections 2010/2011 School Year; Elections for 2011/2012 School Year -- 5:30pm – 7:00pm 27 Attendance Board Meeting – 8:30am OCTOBER 2011 3 Administrative Team Meeting – 9:00am 3 Operators Monthly Meeting -- 3:00pm – 5:30pm 3 IHEAYS Board Meeting* -- 5:30pm – 7:30pm 3 Administrative Team Meeting -- 9:00am 3 Leadership Team Meeting -- 3:00pm 3 First quarter progress report ends (24 days) 3-7 First quarter progress report window 5 Principal’s Breakfast with Parents* -- 8:00am 5, 12, 19, 26 Collaborative Team Meeting for Teachers 15 Submit School Performance Plan 15 Notify Parents of Students At-Risk 19 School Advisory Council Meeting -- 3:00pm 20 Professional Development for Teachers – Schools Closed for Students 21 QUEST Conference -- Schools Closed for Students 25 Attendance Board Meeting -- 8:30am 26 Benchmark B Assessment 28 PTA Fall Festival (PTA Membership Registration)* --- 5:30pm – 7:00pm NOVEMBER 2011 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Collaborative Team Meeting for Teachers 4 End of 1st Quarter (46 days for Students) 7 Administrative Team Meeting – 9:00am 7 Operators Monthly Meeting -- 3:00pm – 6:00pm 7 Administrative Team Meeting -- 9:00am 7 Leadership Team Meeting -- 3:00pm 7 Beginning of Second Quarter 7-11 1st Report Card Issue Window *-- Parents are urged to attend and support! ~5~ Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars Charter School 2011-2012 School Year Calendar NOVEMBER 2011 (CONT’D) 7 Principal’s Breakfast with Parents* -- 8:00am 8 General Election Day – Schools Closed 11 Submit Revised SPP 13-19 American Education Week 15 Notify Parents of Students At-Risk 16 PTA/Family Engagement Event – American Education Week* -- 5:30pm – 7:00pm 21 School Advisory Council Meeting – 3:00pm 24 -25 Thanksgiving Holiday – Schools Closed 28 Schools Reopen 29 Attendance Board Meeting -- 8:30am DECEMBER 2011 5 Operators Monthly Meeting -- 3:00pm – 5:30m 5 IHEAYS Board Meeting * -- 5:30pm – 7:30pm 5 Administrative Team Meeting – 9:00am 5 Administrative Team Meeting -- 9:00am 5 Leadership Team Meeting -- 3:00pm 5 Beginning of Second Quarter 7 Principal’s Breakfast with Parents* – 8:00am 7, 14, 21, 28 Collaborative Team Meeting for Teachers 13 Second quarter progress report ends (24 days) 13-16 Second quarter progress report window 14 First Early Release Day for Parent Teacher Conferences and Records Management 15 Notify Parents of Students At-Risk 21 School Advisory Council Meeting – 3:00pm 22 PTA Winter Program/Awards Ceremony* --- 5:30pm – 7:00pm 24-30 Winter Break -- Schools Closed JANUARY 2012 1 New Years Day -- Schools Closed 2 New Years Day Observed 2 Administrative Team Meeting – 9:00am 2 Operators Monthly Meeting -- 3:00pm – 6:00pm 2 Administrative Team Meeting -- 9:00am 2 Leadership Team Meeting -- 3:00pm 3 Schools Reopen 4 Principal’s Breakfast with Parents* – 8:00am 4, 11, 18, 25 Collaborative Team Meeting for Teachers 15 Notify Parents of Students At-Risk 16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – Schools Closed 18 School Advisory Council Meeting – 3:00pm 20 End of Quarter 2 23 Begin Third Quarter 23-25 2nd Quarter Report Card Issue Window *-- Parents are urged to attend and support! ~6~ Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars Charter School 2011-2012 School Year Calendar JANUARY 2012 (CONT’D) 24 Benchmark C Assessment 24 Attendance Board Meeting -- 8:30am 25 PTA Math Night* --- 5:30pm – 7:00pm 26-27 Professional Development for Teachers -- Schools Closed for Students February 2012 1 Principal’s Breakfast with Parents* – 8:00am 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Collaborative Team Meeting for Teachers 6 Operators Monthly Meeting -- 3:00pm – 5:30m 6 IHEAYS Board Meeting * -- 5:30pm – 7:30pm 6 Administrative Team Meeting – 9:00am 6 Administrative Team Meeting -- 9:00am 6 Leadership Team Meeting -- 3:00pm 10 PTA Sponsored Sweetheart Dance* 15 Notify Parents of Students At-Risk 15 School Advisory Council Meeting – 3:00pm 19 PTA Sponsored MSA & Stanford 10 Pep Rally* --- 5:30pm – 7:00pm 20 President’s Day Schools Closed 23 PTA Sponsored African American Culture Night* 28 Attendance Board Meeting -- 8:30am 28 Third quarter progress report ends (25 days) MARCH 2012 1-2 Third quarter progress report window 5 Administrative Team Meeting – 9:00am 5 Operators Monthly Meeting -- 3:00pm – 6:00pm 5 Administrative Team Meeting -- 9:00am 5 Leadership Team Meeting -- 3:00pm 7 Principal’s Breakfast with Parents* – 8:00am 0pm 7, 14, 21, 28 Collaborative Team Meeting for Teachers 12-21 MSA Reading & Math Assessments 15 Notify Parents of Students At-Risk 21 School Advisory Council Meeting – 3:00pm 22 PTA Science Night* 27 Attendance Board Meeting -- 8:30am 30 End of Quarter 3 (47 days) APRIL 2012 2-9 Spring Break -- Schools Closed 2 Operators Monthly Meeting -- 3:00pm – 5:30m 2 IHEAYS Board Meeting* -- 5:30pm – 7:30pm 2 Administrative Team Meeting – 9:00am 2 Leadership Team Meeting -- 3:00pm 4 Principal’s Breakfast with Parents* – 8:00am 0pm 4, 11, 18, 25 Collaborative Team Meeting for Teachers *-- Parents are urged to attend and support! ~7~ Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars Charter School 2011-2012 School Year Calendar APRIL 2012 (CONT’D) 10 Professional Development -- School Closed 10-13 3RD Report Card Issue Window 11 Schools reopen for Students 15 Notify Parents of Students At-Risk 24 Attendance Board Meeting -- 8:30am 26 PTA Literacy Night* MAY 2012 2 Principal’s Breakfast with Parents* – 8:00am 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Collaborative Team Meeting for Teachers 7 Operators Monthly Meeting -- 3:00pm – 5:30m 7 IHEAYS Board Meeting* -- 5:30pm – 7:30pm 7 Administrative Team Meeting – 9:00am 7 Leadership Team Meeting -- 3:00pm 10-11 Fourth quarter progress report window 10 Benchmark D Assessment 16 School Advisory Council Meeting – 3:00pm 16 Second Early Release Day for Parent/Teacher Conferences 19 PTA Sponsored MSA & Stanford 10 Pep Rally * -- 5:30pm – 7:00pm 22 Attendance Board Meeting -- 8:30am 24 PTA & Family Engagement Game Night* 28 Third quarter progress report ends (25 days) 28 Memorial Day --- Schools Closed JUNE 2012 1 PTA Sponsored Field Day* 4 Administrative Team Meeting – 9:00am 4 Operators Monthly Meeting -- 3:00pm – 6:00pm 4 Leadership Team Meeting -- 3:00pm 4-11 Closing Exercises 6 Principal’s Breakfast with Parents* – 8:00am 0pm 6, 12 Collaborative Team Meeting for Teachers 11 Last day of school if there is NO inclement weather 11 End of Fourth Quarter (43 days for students) 18 Written Notification to Parents of Retentions and Summer School Offerings 18-22 Report Card Issue Window *-- Parents are urged to attend and support! ~8~ THE MISSION The Mission of the Inner Harbor East Academy of Young Scholars is to provide a unique learning environment for K through grade 12 students that offer an ecological approach to student achievement. This approach embraces the student, teacher, family and community, and incorporates human as well as educational services. In addition to meeting the Baltimore City Public School System’s (BCPSS) Master Plan and the Maryland State Common Core Standards, students will be developed to become life-long independent learners to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. Fostering parental interaction, teacher and community involvement is the critical process to achieve the Academy’s mission. The Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars will follow an ecological approach to student academic achievement. The ecological approach is one which, in addition to students and teachers, family and community are also considered essential building blocks of a results oriented educational learning environment. Graphically illustrated, the ecological approach recognizes that student performance and educational outcomes are achieved in an environment influenced and shaped by all stakeholders. This approach will enhance, and exceed available educational options, aligning the charter school with this mission and the goals of the BCPSS Master Plan to achieve the mandates of the No Child Left Behind Act. VISION STATEMENT The Vision of Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars is to operate a unique Charter School which will continually be responsive to community needs, with particular emphasis on an ecological approach to the education of master students. We believe that: All students will learn and achieve Improving student achievement requires an effective teacher in every classroom Improving student achievement requires that families and communities be partners with the charter school Respecting the dignity and worth of every individual is critical to academic success Embracing the student’s culture motivates academic achievement Realizing each learner’s individual intellectual potential is paramount Having safe, trusting and respectful relationships and environments best serve learning ~9~ The Negro National Anthem “LIFT EVERY VOICE AND SING” Lift every voice and sing, till earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of liberty; Let our rejoicing rise, high as the listening skies, Let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, Let us march on till victory is won. Stony the road we trod, bitter the chast’ning rod, Felt in the days when hope unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat, have not our weary feet, Come to the place for which our fathers sighed; We have come, over a way that with tears has been watered, We have come, treading our path thro’ the blood of the slaughtered, Out from the gloomy past, till now we stand at last Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast. God of weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou who has brought us thus far on the way, Thou who has by thy night, led us into the light, Keep us forever I the path, we pray. Lest our feet stray from the places our God where we met Thee, Lest our hearts drunk with the wine of the world we forget Thee, Shadowed beneath Thy hand, may we forever stand, True to our God, true to our native land. ~ 10 ~ GENERAL INFORMATION AND PROCEDURES School Phone Numbers: Voice: 410-537-5890 Voice: 410537-5891 Fax: 410-537-5892 Breakfast Schedule: Breakfast meals are available to all students in the cafeteria from 7:15 - 7:45. Students must arrive on time to receive breakfast School Website: www.baltimorecityschools.org/329 Hours of Operation: Official school hours: 8:00- 5:30 Students’ typical day: 7:50- 2:50 Teachers’ typical day: 7:45- 3:00 Dinner Program: Dinner meals are available to all students in the cafeteria from 4:00 – 4:45pm Dismissal Times: 2:40 – Grades; Pre-K & K 2:50 – Grades; 1st through 8th grades Afterschool Program Homework and academic support is available after school until 5:30pm Routine Procedures Arrival Promptness to school is very important. For students eating breakfast, doors will open at 7:10 am. All others must wait until 7:50 am in the cafeteria or the auditorium and await teacher pick up. Students will not enter the Main Hallway until 7:50 am. The instructional day begins at 8:00am each morning. To avoid the interruption of academic learning parents are directed to sign in tardy students and allow their children to attend classes alone. If there is a need to confer with the teacher concerning an issue pertaining to their child, please use the time before 8:00am or set an appointment to conference with the teacher at the end of the day through the administrator office. Departure Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students will be dismissed out the exit doors at the end of the main hallway at 2:45pm each day. All other students will be dismissed at 2:50pm. Parents are requested to meet students outside, at the stated times, at the Blacktop Area located off the parking lot. Students who participate in the Afterschool/Dinner Program may be picked up (signed out) by an authorized adult in the cafeteria or selected classrooms. Phone requests for early dismissal will not be honored because of student security and safety. Students will not be relinquished to persons who are not listed on that student’s Personal Data Sheet for pick up. Only in cases of emergency, a note must be sent with the unauthorized pick-up person with acceptable identification. Only adults are permitted to pick up minor students. Exceptions must be approved only by the Administration. Assessment The teachers at the Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars use a variety of monitoring techniques to diagnose student needs and to assess student progress. The following are the major forms of assessment: ~ 11 ~ Ongoing informal observations of pupil Midterm progress reports Quizzes, unit, and theme test…. Approximately 30% Daily class work…. Approximately 15% Portfolio….Approximately 10% Presentations, projects, and book reports….Approximately 40% Homework….Approximately 5% Standardized Tests( Stanford 10 Grades 1&2; MSA for grades 3,4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) Communications How do we communicate with each other? The Inner Harbor East Academy has numerous mechanisms built into its structure to ensure that we communicate effectively. Backpacks and Friday Folders- Your child’s backpack is your first line of communication to and from the school. Newsletters, permission slips, memoranda on various subjects, notes from teachers and staff as well as all homework assignments are put in your child’s backpack DAILY. Please check the backpacks everyday. Stress to your child the importance of safely carrying messages to and from school. Folders will come home with samples of academic work and other important news. It is important that parents sign and return all folders to the school each day it is required. The Inner Harbor Newsletter is produced monthly during the school year and is sent home with students. In it, you will find calendar information, notice of upcoming meetings, agendas, summary of meeting minutes, features, updates and volunteer opportunities among other items. Bulletin Boards in the school provide general information and announcements, from the Administration, Teachers, Staff, the PTA, the Board of Directors and School Committees. Family members are encouraged to check all Bulletin Boards regularly. Parent Bulletin boards can be found in the hallway and outside the office. Check them all regularly. IHEAYS Website. GO to www.baltimorecityschools.org/329. . Personal Property We ask that children not bring extra money to school. Radios, toys, trading cards, collectibles or other such objects should also not be brought to school unless, given permission by their teacher. Items brought from home including school sweaters and uniforms, should be clearly marked so they can be easily identified. The school cannot assume responsibility for the loss or breakage of such items. A lost and found container will be placed in the office. Monthly, all unclaimed items will be given to charity. Change of Address Parents who change their address and/or telephone number at any time are required to notify the school. This change is registered in our office and enables us to contact you in the event of an emergency or for informational purposes. Two proofs of address are to be submitted to the office with every change of address. ~ 12 ~ ATTENDANCE To receive the maximum instructional benefit from the classrooms, the State of Maryland requires children to attend school regularly from age five to sixteen. We, at Inner Harbor East Academy, request parents to cooperate in carrying out this state regulation, which our school system must enforce. Death in immediate family, illness of the student, quarantine, court summons, violent storms (tornado weather or hurricanes), religious holidays, and a state of emergency are lawful absences. Documented Chip Program If your child is ill, with a temperature of 100+ degrees, or a communicable disease, the child must remain home. The names of sudents with unlawful absences and chronic cases will result in student being transferred to their home school (Chronic cases could also result in court action) The names of students with 2 unlawful absence or 2 tardy days in one marking period will be given a mandatory conference with the Administration. Names of students with more than 2 unlawful absences will be submitted to the office of truancy. Any student with 8 or more unlawful absences or tardiness for the entire year will be transferred to their zone school at the end of the school year. Students who were probationary because of attendance after the 2010-2011 school years will be monitored after the first 30 days of this school year. Students who were truant after this past school year will be monitored during the first marking term (45 days). At the end of these periods, students who remain truant (consistently tardy or absent without legal excuses) will be withdrawn and transferred to their zone designated schools. Illness The state requires that when a student is ill, the parent must write a note to the classroom teacher. The reason for the absence must be stated in this note. This will determine how the school will code the absence. Too many unlawful absences may result in legal complications for the parents. Also, the classroom teacher will determine if the student should be excused from completing homework assignments. It is at the discretion of the teacher as to how and when the homework should be made up. DRESS CODE/UNIFORM POLICY The Inner Harbor East Academy has a school uniform policy. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to send his/her child to school each day in his/her uniform. Research has shown that wearing school uniforms helps to promote school pride, self esteem and positive behavior as well as provides a venue for creating a safe school for all children. The school uniform for elementary students (grades pre-k - 5) is Khaki pants, skirts, or shorts worn with a SOLID light blue shirt. In grades 6, 7, 8, students are required to wear khaki pants, skirts, or shorts with the SOLID color shirt for their grade levels. Shirts can be a three-button polo shirt or a buttoned-down collar shirt. In the colder months, students can wear SOLID color sweaters or sweatshirts with the appropriate color for their grade level (Elementary students can wear NAVY BLUE sweaters or sweatshirts). For the 2011-2012 school year, the colors are as follows: Grade 6 – DARK GREEN shirts Grade 7 – MAROON shirts ~ 13 ~ Grade 8 – BLACK shirts Girls are expected to wear blue, black or brown shoes (or black or white tennis shoes) and boys are expected to wear black or brown shoes (or black or white tennis shoes). Boys must wear a belt on their pants. Uniform shorts can be worn in warm weather. Students who wear uniform shorts or skirts must wear them at the knee and not above. Room temperatures may vary during cold weather. For this purpose students may wear Navy blue cardigans or pull over sweaters ONLY with school uniforms. No hoods. When the school is involved in special activities/events, all parents will receive a letter in writing notifying you of the event and the type of apparel that can be worn. Uniforms are mandatory at The Inner Harbor East Academy. Students are not permitted to wear these items to school: Flip flops or sandals Printed, plaid striped, plaid or other patterned Or ornamented clothing Shoes without socks Pants with elastic cuffs Perfume Makeup Hooded items Scarves, headbands or hats (indoors) head coverings are permitted for religious or medical reasons only Colored t-shirts or under clothing that shows through the required blue uniform shirt tank tops Sweat pants or athletic wear except on days specified Patches, designs, frayed bottoms, holes or objects stuck on clothing Revealing clothing (see-through halter tops, tight clothing Unbuttoned shirts Jeans Super Kids and Herman Discount Store are two locations where uniforms can be purchased. EARLY DISMISSAL Students will not be allowed to leave the building unless the parent or another designated person (listed on the emergency card) signs the student out from the office. When the authorized person arrives, the office will notify the teacher to send the students to the office. Parents are to wait in the office until their child is brought to them. EMERGENCY CLOSING OF SCHOOL AND DELAYED OPEN INGS The Superintendent of our school recognizes that the emergency closing of schools may create problems for some parents; however, the health and safety of all school children remain priority. The dangers of walking or traveling on icy unsafe streets and in extreme heat are factors that impact on the decision to close schools. Once the decision is made to close schools or to delay the opening of schools, a public announcement is made on radio and television stations. This announcement will be made sometime after 6am. If school opening is delayed for two hours, school will open at 9:45am. No breakfast will be served on these days. If schools are ~ 14 ~ closed two and a half hours early, The Inner Harbor East Academy will close at 11:45am. Please adhere to these times. FIELD TRIPS Field trips are an integral part of the instructional program. The purpose of a field trip is to provide educational experiences related to a students’ study, which is beyond the immediate school environment. The instructional staff will plan field trips. Unless stated otherwise, families are responsible for all trips. Additionally, students may occasionally be asked to bring a bagged lunch along with them on the trip. Advance written notice of all field trips will be sent to parents at least four weeks prior to the trip. Parents must then sign a permission slip allowing their child to participate. If permission slips and money are not sent two weeks prior to the trip, your child may not be able to attend. Because the cost of the trip has been predetermined according to the population of the children attending, money is not refundable. Chaperones who accompany trips are expected to support the trip by paying the same amounts required of the students. FIRE AND EMERGENCY DRILLS As required by law, drills are held throughout the school year to enable students to know how to leave the building quickly and safely in case of a fire or other types of emergencies. Whenever a drill occurs, students will cooperate fully with the teacher or any other member of the staff. They have been instructed to have students do the following: 1. Walk quickly in an orderly double line( running creates unsafe conditions) 2. Remain quiet. (Remember Silent Passage). Talking prevents you and others from hearing needed instructions 3. If you are near an open window or door, close it quickly if possible 4. If you are the last to leave the room, close the door quickly if possible 5. Outside, stand in an orderly, quiet manner with your class at the designated area away from the building 6. When you are instructed to return to the building, do so in the manner in which you left. (Silent Passage and orderly manner) 7. If you are away from your class when an emergency alarm sounds, leave from the nearest exit. When outside, go to where your class has assembled. If this is not possible, report to the nearest staff member. Misconduct during a fire drill is considered a serious offense and can result in severe disciplinary action. GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION (GATE) We offer special enrichment programs in Math, Science, Language Arts, Music and Art through the Sojourner-Douglass College Gifted and Talented Institute. Nominations (from teachers, parents or students themselves) are accepted and evaluated twice during the school year for entry into the program in October and February. HEALTH SERVICES Through the cooperation of the Board of Education and Health Department, we have a nurse’s aid on duty daily. Students who become ill or injured will be sent to the health suite. The nurse will provide immediate care when students experience minor cuts or scratches. Parent will be notified in cases of more serious illness or injury ~ 15 ~ and will be requested to come pick their child up immediately. Students will only be released to an adult with picture identification and are listed on the Emergency Card. Parents are reminded that it is not always appropriate for their child to come home just because he/she has come to the Health Suite. This determination is up to the school officials after the child’s situation has been reviewed. In case of emergency, the procedures outlined on the students’ health Emergency Card will be followed. Therefore, it is essential that the school has two emergency contact numbers in case the parent cannot be reached. In the event of an emergency hospitalization, as per Baltimore City Ambulance Regulations, a student may be taken to the nearest hospital. If it is not an emergency, the student may be taken to a previously specified hospital provided the doctor of the hospital assures the ambulance crew that the necessary arrangements have been completed. Teachers will need to have a note from the physician if a child is unable to go outside for recess. Only students with notes will remain indoors on days when the weather permits outside activity. It is important that all our students receive a physical examination at least once a year. A healthy child is a happy child. A healthy child is also able to do his/her best work in the classroom. Medication At times, administration of medication in school is necessary. If your physician decides it is necessary for your child to have medication during the school day, written order must be forwarded to the school nurse along with medication. Please notify the school immediately of any physical problems requiring medication, especially asthma and allergies. Parents, not students should bring medication to school. Parents are requested to have a physician fill out the Maryland State School Medication Authorization Form (see Appendix #4) and bring this form to school along with the medication. The school nurse can not administer over the counter medication such as Aspirin, Tylenol, etc. HOMEWORK The purpose of homework at the Inner Harbor East Academy is to reinforce what is being taught in the classroom. Students are expected to complete all homework by the due date as assigned by the teacher. Homework may be assigned on a nightly or long- term project basis. Teachers are expected to tailor homework to the needs of each academic group. Children with learning difficulties or other special needs may have modifications made to their homework assignments. If your child is absent and you desire your child’s homework assignments, please contact 410-537-5890 Monday- Friday, 2:00pm - 3:00 pm. If parents have a concern or complain about appropriateness of assignments, including the length of time it takes to complete the homework, the parent should communicate with the teacher after the homework has been completed. It is important that homework assignments be completed, even when parents disagree with them, to support the authority of the teacher. If the parent and the teacher cannot agree on the appropriateness of the homework, the parent can appeal to the Principal or designee who will be the final decision-maker. HONOR ROLL CRITERIA “Supremely Excellent” Honor Roll • 90 or above average in both Language Arts and Mathematics • 80 or above in all other subjects (including resource classes) ~ 16 ~ “Super Excellent” Honor Roll • 85-89 or above average in Language Arts and Mathematics • 70 or above in all other subjects (including resource classes) “Excellent” Merit Roll • 80-84 or above average in both Language Arts and Mathematics • 70 or above in all other subjects (including resource classes) INCLEMENT WEATHER Students must be dressed appropriately at all times. Only uniform layers of clothing will be permitted to be worn during the school hours when severe conditions are 32 degrees or below outside. Outerwear will only be allowed before school and after dismissal. Inclement weather is an occurrence beyond your control. Therefore, it is important that parents are aware of weather conditions before sending their children to school. Students should be dressed appropriately on a daily basis. Breakfast is not served when school is delayed. One may refer to the following sources to view weather conditions and delays/cancellations. WBAL-Radio TV WMAR FOX 45 410.396.3100 City Hotline Announcements are made by 6:00am. The Inner Harbor East Academy follows the policy of the Baltimore City Public School Systems (BCPSS) for school closings due to inclement weather. On days when we are experiencing or anticipating the arrival of inclement weather, the BCPSS Chief Executive Officer will make one of the following decisions regarding the opening of schools for the day: Schools open and on schedule Schools open –two hours late Schools closed for the day The decision to close schools for the day, or to open school two hours late will be announced to the local radio and television stations by 6:00am. The decision to delay the opening of school by two hours may be followed by an announcement that schools are open for the day. This follow-up announcement will only be made when travel conditions have not improved and/ or are not expected to improve during the remainder of the school day. Any subsequent announcements to close schools following the initial announcement of a two-hour delay will be made to the local media by 8:00am. If it is necessary to close schools for the day, the regular school session, as well as all extended day and after school programs will be cancelled. If it is necessary to close schools early after school is in session, an announcement will be made to the news media by 10:00am. Summer-like weather may also force the closing of school. On days that call for unusually hot temperatures BCPSS may decide to end the school day prior to 2:50pm. If the temperature reaches 90 degrees by 11:00am, the Baltimore City Public Schools may close schools. A school closing of 2 hours early means The Inner Harbor East Academy will dismiss students at 11:30am. Please listen to your radio on very hot days. ~ 17 ~ LOCKERS Book bags must fit within your locker. All students in grades 6-8 will be assigned a locker. The school can provide combination locks or students can bring their own locks. Students are expected to know their locker combination numbers and should not share this information with anyone.. However, if students bring their own locks, they are required to provide the combination or a copy of the key to the Assistant Principal. This will eliminate the need to cut locks off of lockers when students forget combinations or lose keys. Students should make sure that their lockers are locked each time they are used, and should not give out their combinations to anyone except for the Assistant Principal. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. PARENT NEWSLETTER The Parent Newsletter informs parents of current school activities. It keeps parents abreast of our academic program and programs outside the school that are of special value and interest to the children. It is also a source of many valuable parenting tips. The newsletter is usually distributed monthly. Other newsletters can be expected throughout the month. They include grade level, School Performance Team (SPT); and PTA correspondence. It is the parents’ responsibility to read all correspondence from the school. Your participation in listed activities and events will support the school. If you have a question about anything you have read, do not hesitate to call the school. PARENT INVOLVEMENT/VOLUNTEER POLICY Philosophy Our parental involvement program is based on Joyce Epstein’s model. This framework suggests that a strong parental involvement program has parents participating in the following areas: Parenting Communication Volunteerism Learning at Home Decision Making Collaboration To this end, we strive to have parents working in various aspects of the school. Every research study conducted in the last 20 years has shown that parent involvement increases student achievement and self esteem. Research has also shown this to be true in large and small communities, from preschool through high school, in poor and affluent areas, in urban, rural and suburban communities. According to Ann Henderson, “Programs, designed with strong parent involvement produce students who perform better than otherwise identical programs that do not involve parents as thoroughly, or that do not involve them at all. Schools that relate well to their communities have student bodies that outperform other schools. Children whose parents help them at home and stay in touch with the schools score higher than children of similar aptitude and family background whose parents are not involved.” The IHEAYS believes that parent and community involvement is an essential component of the educational process for children. In an effort to promote student achievement, The IHEAYS will encourage, motivate and inspire parents, caregivers, community residents, businesses and educators to become actively involved in the education of our children. The purpose of the volunteer program is: To make the school fiscally viable by providing an academically and art enriched program. To empower parents by giving them a direct stake in the school’s success. ~ 18 ~ To provide an example to the students that they can have a direct, positive effect on institutions that affect their lives. The Basics The volunteer year begins in August and ends in May. Parent/families are required to complete at least fifty (50) hours of volunteering per year in services to the school. Each household is responsible for the completion of their volunteer hours. Extra hours cannot be “transferred” from one family to another. The fifty hours a year commitment is the equivalent of about 5 hours per month of the school year. The Inner Harbor East Academy Community will do whatever we can to assist you in completing your hours; however, the completion of these hours is your responsibility. If a medical or family situation emerges which will impact your ability to complete your hours, you must discuss this problem with the Volunteer Coordinator and Principal to determine if a waiver or other arrangements can be made to satisfy this requirement. Documentation of this hardship will be necessary. The Role of the Volunteer Coordinator The Volunteer Coordinator ensures the effective implementation of The Inner Harbor East Academy Volunteer Program by: Monitoring and coordinating volunteer opportunities for the school, Recruiting volunteers, Maintaining a current Volunteer Opportunity Log Maintaining accurate records on each family via the database including: o Each family’s registered volunteers o Each volunteer’s area of expertise o Where each volunteer would like to volunteer o The number of hours volunteered by each family Providing and posting up-to-date quarterly reporting of volunteer hours completed for all families, Providing training for volunteers as needed. Every attempt will be made by the Volunteer Coordinator to provide training related to Parent Involvement to interested volunteers. Training activities may take place at the school and/or information provided about training opportunities in the community. Parent Volunteer Procedures Each family will be responsible for identifying adult family member volunteers for their family and keep that list updated with the Volunteer Coordinator. Those not on the list will not be allowed to volunteer. This is for safety reasons. Volunteers must sign in the appropriate volunteer book listing their name, date and times, working as well as task(s) performed/completed. The staff member requesting the work must also sign off. Identification of Volunteer Opportunities ~ 19 ~ Volunteer opportunities are available primarily on-site (within the school building). Occasionally there are offsite opportunities and projects. However, these are limited and families cannot count on being provided with enough at-home volunteer opportunities to fulfill their 50 hour requirement. When a family makes the commitment to The Inner Harbor East Academy, they are committing to make time in their schedules to volunteer at this school. Volunteer opportunities are identified in several ways. Any member of the school Staff, the Board of Directors, or the PTA can identify volunteer opportunities and submit them to the Volunteer Coordinator. In addition, families who see an unmet need are encouraged to develop volunteer opportunities in conjunction with the Volunteer Coordinator, faculty, staff, PTA or Board representatives that support the mission of the school. The Volunteer Coordinator will notify volunteers of specific needs. In addition, volunteer opportunities will be posted on the Parent Involvement Program bulletin board and will be advertised at PTA meetings, hi fliers, in the newsletter and by Global Connect. Families are encouraged to communicate with the Volunteer Coordinator on a regular basis. Examples of Volunteer Opportunities (This is not an all inclusive list). Serving as a Class Parent Serving on a committee of the PTA or school Serve as the PTP Co-Chair or officer Volunteer in the classroom Volunteering on a field trip Volunteering for lunch or recess duty Working on the Newsletter Helping run a booth at the marketplace Doing research for teachers Painting Students in uniform Plant flowers Reading with/to students Making station activities Mentoring students Perfect attendance of students Cleaning school grounds Setting up art displays Working with “The Arts” Friends/Family Program Tutoring Chaperoning a field trip Planning/working for the fun day End of the year activity Homework assistance Reading/Math Tutoring Planning Marketplace or other fundraisers Locating and writing grants Coordinating Giant programs Fundraisers Watering hallway plants Conducting traffic before/after school Planning holiday class party Putting up bulletin boards Locating sponsorships Homework assistance Securing partnerships with Toys R Us, BJ’s, WalMart, etc. Change light bulbs Taking an active role in professional development Selling for our fundraisers Obtaining Community Partnerships PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES Conferences ~ 20 ~ Conferences are an excellent way of keeping you informed of the overall progress of your child. Throughout the year, you will be contacted by your child’s teacher to schedule a progress conference (Bi-Weekly progress reports and/ or report cards). Participation in a conference is very necessary for the overall success of the student. It would be most helpful if parents and teachers come to scheduled conferences with questions, concerns and strategies that could benefit the development of the child. The Baltimore City Public Schools system has scheduled parent-teacher conferences each marking period (these are half-day school days). IHEAYS’s new procedure is to release the teachers at 12:00pm so that they can return for 4:00pm to 7:00pm evening appointments. These new procedures provide a convenient time for the teachers to discuss the student’s progress with the parents, design and agree on an individualized written intervention plans, and schedule follow-through appointments with the students and their parents. Teachers will provide parent-teacher conference appointments for the entire year for each parent, submit written appointment schedule to the Principal prior to the second week of school for school year 2011-2012, and provide a parentsigned list of attendees to conferences (to be turned in at the end of the conference day not later than 7:30pm). Parent Meetings Inner Harbor East Academy For Young Scholars will have a minimum of three (3) mandatory parents meeting each year. Sample question to ask: What specific skills are my child’s strengths and weaknesses? What specific strategies can be used at home to support my child’s academics, behavior, etc? Are there any manipulatives or other materials that can support this effort? Conferences can be conducted in person, by phone or email. From time to time correspondence may be sent through the U.S. mail. Cumulative Folders Parents wishing to review the contents of their child’s cumulative folder should schedule a record review conference with the school’s administrator. Information included in the cumulative folder shall be kept confidential. No one other than school officials shall have access to the cumulative folder information unless by written parental permission. PROMOTION AND RETENTION We expect all students to be successful at the Inner Harbor East Academy. With the various strategies used in the classroom and parental support at home, students should perform well on a daily basis. In order to be promoted to the next grade students must…. Grades 1 and 2 *earn a passing grade of 60 or above in Language Arts and Mathematics Students must score at or above the 23rd percentile in Reading and Math on the Stanford 10 Achievement Test Grades 3-8 ~ 21 ~ *earn a passing grade of 60 or above in Language Arts and Mathematics. The MSA will be administered, but will not be used for promotion Students not performing at satisfactory levels by the second quarter will be screened by our SST (Student Support Team). All students considered for retention must agreement with the student, parent, teacher and administrator (this is the individualized intervention plan). There will be no social promotions at the Inner Harbor East Academy. If your child is retained and you disagree, first make an appointment with the Principal. If you still are not satisfied you may appeal in writing using the process stated in this handbook. 8th Grade Promotional Ceremony The IHEAYS hosts a special 8th Grade Promotional Ceremony at the conclusion of every school year. In order to participate in this special activity a student must: Have completed all requirements necessary for promotion from 8th grade to the 9th grade. Have had no long-term suspensions or expulsion during the course of the school year. Students who fail to meet these standards will not be permitted to participate in the IHEAYS promotional ceremony. Parents are able to request an appeal conference with the principal to discuss the circumstances involving any student who is not permitted to participate. SCHOLAR PROGRAM GUIDELINES Program Name: S. C. H O. L. A. R. (Successful! Courteous! Helpful! Orderly! Loyal! Accountable! Respectful!) Purpose: To implement a school-wide incentive and discipline program in order to improve the overall school climate by teaching and rewarding appropriate behavior, providing consistent consequences for inappropriate behaviors, and creating a peaceful and uniform environment to increase academic achievement. SCHOLAR Reward System • When staff see students being SUCCESSFUL, COURTEOUS, HELPFUL, ORDERLY, LOYAL, ACCOUNTABLE, OR RESPECTFUL the staff rewards students by giving out 1 SCHOLAR Ticket. Students can earn 1 or more SCHOLAR Tickets per class per day for being SUCCESSFUL, COURTEOUS, HELPFUL, ORDERLY, LOYAL, ACCOUNTABLE, OR RESPECTFUL. Students can also earn 1 SCHOLAR Ticket for showing SCHOLARLY behavior in each area of the school (i.e., cafeteria, hallway, bathroom, auditorium, etc.). Students can earn 1 SCHOLAR Ticket for going above and beyond (i.e., helping a peer, defusing conflict, being a positive example, etc.). Students can earn 1 SCHOLAR Ticket for receiving SCHOLAR Shout Outs from students and staff for SCHOLARLY behavior. • Only SCHOLAR Tickets signed or initialed by school staff will be redeemable. Calculating SCHOLAR Tickets: • It is the sole responsibility of the student to collect, keep, and redeem SCHOLAR Tickets as needed. • Teachers may decide to assist the younger students with managing their SCHOLAR Tickets. ~ 22 ~ • Middle School teachers will calculate class SCHOLAR Tickets daily and provide individual SCHOLAR Tickets to each student weekly. Redeeming SCHOLAR Tickets: • Students will be able to redeem his/her SCHOLAR Tickets for rewards at least once per month. • Students will redeem SCHOLAR Tickets to attend and/or participate in school-wide incentive field trips and activities. Criteria to Attend SCHOLAR Incentive Activities: In order to participate in the school wide activity schedule, the following criteria will apply: • Student has earned the amount of SCHOLAR Tickets s required to attend. • Student has no more than 1 administrative referral within the timeframe of the activity directly following. • Student has no more than 1 teacher or administrative detention within the timeframe of the activity directly following. • Student has no suspensions within the timeframe of the activity directly following. • Student has no conference letters within the timeframe of the activity directly following. Timeframe = the amount of days from one activity to the next activity (no longer than 1 month). Consequences for UN-SCHOLARLY Behavior IHEAYS School Discipline Policy provides consistent consequences for inappropriate behaviors as described below. SOCIETIES Opportunities are available for middle school boys and middle school girls who portray first-class citizenship traits to apply for admission and be inducted into the Frederick Douglass Society for boys and the Angela Davis Society for girls. These societies are designed to promote Black cultural character development, leadership and brotherly and sisterly friendships. SCHOOL DISCIPLINE POLICY AND CODE OF CONDUCT FOR ADULTS Violations of appropriate and responsible student conduct are divided into three categories. A descriptive example of a violation is given for each category, but is not limited to the description. Level I violations are immediately referred to as Local Time Out Notices. Levels II and III violations are immediately referred to the Principal along with an Office Referral (The lists below are not inclusive) Level I (Time Out and /or Code Alert Notice) Disruptive behavior in the classroom, hallway or restroom Talking too much, making unnecessary noises, distracting others, running, yelling Verbal Harassment Verbal attacks on students ,taunting of another student Damaging Property ~ 23 ~ Inflicting minor damage to school property and/ or property of others. (value of property less than $50.00 Repeated Dress Code Violation Each student is required to follow the Inner Harbor East Academy Dress Code everyday unless otherwise formally notified Consequences for noncompliance with the Dress Code Policy o The first time a student violates the Dress Code/he she will receive a letter for parent signature and the violation will be recorded in the students discipline file o Second time a student violates the Dress Code, a mandatory parent/child conference letter will be sent home. The student cannot return to school unless the conference is held. Cutting class, truancy or tardiness o Missing any class without a valid reason provided by the students’ guardian or a parent or staff member o A student may not leave a class, the building or school grounds without permission from the supervising adult Possession of Electronic Games o Video and other electronic games shall not be used during the school day o Show and Tell or other Teacher directed activities are excluded Level II Referral to Principal or Principal Designee with an Office Referral Possession of Electronic Devices Wearing or carrying electronic devices that are not medically prescribed or court ordered This includes beepers, cellular phones, and CD players. Damaging /Destroying School property or Property of others Destroying books, articles of clothing, automobiles, bikes, or other personal property This covers the impulsive infliction of minor damages to property Verbal Assault Verbally threatening to physically harm another person Cutting class, truancy or tardiness—Repeated Offense (2nd offense) Fighting Using violence, force, coercion or threat of violence to disrupt or obstruct the educational process and or cause bodily harm Verbal abuse, Ethnic Slurs, vulgar statements or gestures (including the distribution of obscene material) Directing vulgarity to another person verbally, electronically, by words, in written words, in photographs, in drawings or with obscene gestures. Misbehavior on Bus, School Transportation or Field Trip Experience Throwing objects, using vulgar language, fighting, insubordination and any actions of others that jeopardize the safety of others and do not uphold the high standards set at IHEAYS. Disorderly conduct ~ 24 ~ Incidents of disruptive behavior, which prevents the teacher from starting, continuing, completing an activity or lesson. Cheating/copying the work of another Plagiarizing or cheating on any homework, quizzes, test paper, project of report assigned by the teacher. Level III (Immediate Transfer to Zone School and Grounds for Expulsion) Assault on School Staff Any act intended to inflict harm, throwing objects, hitting, pushing, shoving, biting and or kicking. Possession of Drugs or Alcohol Possession, offering to sell, or claiming to sell illegal drugs, controlled substances, dangerous drugs, prescription drugs, intoxicating substances, alcohol or counterfeit drugs. Prescription and non prescription or over the counter medication must be kept and taken in the school office or nurse’s office, unless student is authorized by the Principal to do otherwise. Alcohol and Drug Use Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while on school property or at an activity sponsored by the school. Possession of weapon or explosives Possessing, handling, transmitting, concealing or using explosive devices (substances that can be such as rifles, guns, knives, brass knuckles, chains, pipes, nun chucks, or look-alikes). This includes using any object as a weapon with the intent or in any manner likely to cause injury to another person. Arson Willfully causing damage to property or harm any person or participating in the damaging of property or inflicting harm to another person by means of fire. False fire alarm or Bomb Threat Causing the alarm to be sounded, unless an emergency exists, or falsely communicating that a bomb is located in a building or on the premises of a Baltimore Public or Charter School or extra curricular event sponsored by the school. Vandalizing, damaging, defacing or destroying school property Premeditated and willful destruction of school property and or impairing the use of school property resulting in damages greater than $200. Violent behavior/assault/vicious fighting Being in physical combat with another where blows are being delivered and exchanged. A student may not physically attack or fight with another person, instigate, or initiate any fight. Extortion, coercion, blackmail and robbery ~ 25 ~ Taking of attempting to take another person’s property by force or threat of force expressed or implied. A student may not make another person do any actions against his/her will by force or threat of force, expressed of implied. Sexual Harassment Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature by a student that are sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that creates hostile education environment and limit another’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program of activity. Sexual misconduct Indecent exposure, unwanted sexual touching, grabbing, harassment, and or public masturbation. Sexual assault/rape Attacking or abusing another person. Trespassing Entering school property-either the building or campus-without permission when school is in session. This includes electronically accessing any computerized systems of the school without permission. Trespassing also includes returning to school without permission while under suspension, expulsion or removal or entering the premises of a public or charter school, without authorization form the person in charge. Note: By mandate of the Baltimore Public School System, all Level II and Level III violations, as well as all suspensions are recorded with the School System and become a part of the Student’s permanent file. Code of Conduct for Adults All adults associated with the IHEAYS, administrators, teachers, staff, parents, and volunteers, will serve as positive role models for the students. They will demonstrate excellent manners, use polite language, respect the opinions of others, and resolve problems in a peaceful manner. Adults who do not observe these tenets may be asked to withdraw their families from the school. Parents Discipline Students in School Sometimes parents may find the need to correct behavior they witness. Usually this means to politely re-direct students to a more appropriate behavior. At all times, the adult must remain calm and speak in a low tone of voice. Adults never swear, belittle, or lay an angry hand on a child. Always report the incident to the child’s teacher. Adults using inappropriate means of correcting children may be barred from the school’s premises or given more severe consequences. If you witness a child (ren) hitting, swearing, threatening, or engaging in other serious situations, the child (ren) involved must be brought to the office immediately. Please write your observation on an office referral and give it to the appropriate staff member. Final decisions regarding all disciplinary actions are the responsibility of the Principal/Designee. RESPONSIBILITIES ~ 26 ~ Student Rights and Responsibilities My Rights I have the right to be happy and to be treated with compassion in this school. This means no one will laugh at me or hurt my feelings. I have the right to be myself in this school. This means no one will treat me unfairly because of weight, gender, appearance, height, ancestry, disability, etc. I have the right to be safe in this school. This means no one will: hit me, kick me, push me, pinch me, threaten me, hurt me, etc. I have the right to expect my property to be safe in this school. I have the right to hear and be heard in this school. This means no one will: yell, scream, shout, make loud noises or otherwise disturb me. I have the right to show pride in my appearance. My Responsibilities I have the responsibility to treat others with compassion. This means I will not laugh at others, tease others, or hurt others’ feelings. I have the responsibility to respect others as individuals and not treat others unfairly because of weight, gender, appearance, height, ancestry, disability, etc. I have the responsibility to make the school safe by not: hitting, kicking, pushing, pinching, threatening or hurting anyone. I have the responsibility not to steal or destroy the property of others. I have the responsibility to help maintain a calm and quiet school. This means I will not yell, scream, shout, make loud noises, or otherwise disturb others. I have the responsibility to wear the appropriate uniform at all times. Parent and Teacher Rights and Responsibilities Parents Rights To be given a copy of the Discipline Policy. To contact teachers or Administration with questions regarding the policy. To expect that their child will be taught in a safe and respectful classroom. Teacher Rights To be treated with respect by parents and students To be able to teach without disruption from students Parents Responsibilities To teach children socially acceptable standards of behavior To teach children to be responsible for their actions. To support the school in sustaining a welcoming, caring and safe environment. Teacher Responsibilities To communicate classroom expectations/consequences to parents and students To demonstrate respect and care for students. To contact parents when students fail to meet expectations. To adhere to the Discipline Policy ~ 27 ~ K-2 Consequences for failure to adhere to responsibilities under student section: 1. 1st infraction: Verbal warning/time out 2. 2nd infraction: Student completes Discipline Referral Form 3. 3rd infraction: Conference with parents The following acts are considered unacceptable and will warrant the issuing of immediate suspension: 1) Weapons/Firearms 2) Tobacco/Alcohol/Substance Abuse 3) Truancy 4) The willful failure/refusal to follow any of the school rules may result in Inappropriate physical contact will result in an immediate parent/teacher conference. Dress Code Infractions 1st infraction: Call to parents to bring appropriate clothing to school. Used uniform store items will be used if clothes from home cannot be provided. 2nd infraction: Written warning issued. After a thorough investigation of the offense or action, the school reserves the right to move to a higher level consequence for repeated offenses or when actions warrant. Consequences will be more severe for not telling the truth or if caught being dishonest. Dishonesty will be addressed with additional consequences. ~ 28 ~ NOTE: Bullying is unfair and one-sided. It happens when someone keeps hurting, frightening, threatening, or leaving someone out on purpose. SAMPLE FORM K-2 Discipline Referral Form Student Grade Date______________ 1. *What rule did I break? 2. *What should I have done? 3. What will I do next time? _________ Behavior is considered bullying. Child’s Signature __________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature _________________________________________________ Teacher’s Signature ________________________________________________ #1 and #2 will be completed at school. #3 should be completed at home. Return slip on _______________________. Done with Kindergarten and 1st grade students with parents doing #3 at home. ~ 29 ~ Grades 3-8 Discipline Policy LEVEL ONE The following acts are considered unacceptable and will warrant the issuing of Verbal warning – Written warning – Detention: 1) *Dress code violations: 1st infraction: Call to parents to bring appropriate clothing to school. Used Uniform Store items will be used if clothes from home cannot be provided. 2nd infraction: Written warning issued. 2) In hall without a pass 3) Eating food outside lunchroom 4) Chewing gum, eating candy or mints and using cough drops. (Cough drops may be used as needed with written request from parents.) 5) Failure to deliver and/or return communication with parents 6) Assignment notebook not with student LEVEL TWO Detention is held after school for 45 minutes (may be 1 or 2 days depending on infraction). Detention days are Mondays and Thursdays. Student must report to detention room by 2:45 p.m. (gr. 6-8) or 3:15 (Gr. 3-5). Parent or adult authorized by parent on form must pick up student from detention. The following acts are considered unacceptable and will warrant the issuing of detention: 1) Vulgarity/Profanity 45 minutes 2) Disruptive behavior on school grounds 45 minutes (Classroom/hallways/bathrooms/playground/ lunchroom, etc.) 45 minutes 3) Failure to attend detention session 45 minutes 4) Inappropriate physical contact 45 minutes Consequences for repeated infractions from Level 1 & Level 2 infractions within one school year . With all infractions – Written notification to parents 1) 1st infraction: Detention time after school. 2) 2nd infraction: Detention time after school. 3) 3rd infraction: Detention time after school/Parent contacted by Principal. 4) 4th infraction: Detention time after school/Conference with Parents, Teacher, Principal, other school personnel involved (SST Referral). 5) 5th infraction: Detention time after school/Letter from Principal – warning of impending 1-day in-school suspension. 6) 6th infraction: Detention time after school/Conference held with Principal, Operators/1-day in-school suspension. 7) 7th infraction: Detention time after school/Letter from Principal – 2 day out-of school suspension. ~ 30 ~ 8) 8th infraction: May result in Student Expulsion. LEVEL THREE Behavior listed in the level three category will warrant the following disciplinary actions: First Offense: Immediate conference with parents Second Offense: In-school suspension (Completion of school work is required, but student will not receive a grade.) Third Offense: Out-of-school suspension (Completion of school work is required, but student will not receive a grade.) The following acts are considered unacceptable and will warrant level three disciplinary action: 1) Cheating: 90 minutes (2 days) 2) Insubordination towards school personnel: 90 minutes (2 days) 3) Stealing: 90 minutes (2 days) 4) Fighting/Unsafe behavior: 90 minutes (2 days) 5) Damaging/Defacing property: 90 minutes (2 days) 6) Vandalism: 90 minutes (2 days) 7) Forgery of parent signature(s): 90 minutes (2 days) 8) Harassment/Threatening behavior toward other students or school personnel: 90 minutes (2 day) 9) Violation of personal property: 90 minutes (2 day) LEVEL FOUR The following acts are considered unacceptable and will warrant the issuing of immediate suspension: 1) Weapons/Firearms 2) Tobacco/Alcohol/Substance Abuse 3) Truancy 4) The willful failure/refusal to follow any of the school rules may result in suspension. Inappropriate computer/Internet use: There is no warning issued. The first offense will result in loss of technology and Internet privileges for the balance of the school year. ATHLETICS First Detention: Athletes receive warning regarding loss of playing time. Second Detention: Athletes will miss the next scheduled game. Athletes must sit on the bench with the team, but are ineligible to play. They are expected to attend practices prior to mission the game. CO-CURRICULAR ~ 31 ~ First Detention: Students receive a warning regarding loss of participation. Second Detention: Students will not participate in the activity. Student Council officers may be asked to resign their position. They may serve as a classroom/grade level representative. Discipline consequences may be necessary for repeated tardiness. After accumulating ten tardy slips, students will be issued a detention. This will not count toward repeated infractions. After thorough investigation of the offense or action, the school reserves the right to move to higher level consequences for repeated offenses or when actions warrant. Consequences will be more severe for not telling the truth or if caught being dishonest. Dishonesty will be addressed with additional consequences. A written warning will be issued after a student receives three verbal warnings. A detention will be issued after a student receives three written warnings. This will be tracked on a semester basis. Students will begin each semester with a “clean slate.” Incentives for positive behavior may include: Gr. 3-8 - Excuse one verbal warning for each week a student does not have a discipline concern per semester. Students will receive “good behavior” certificates or honor cards. Gr. 6-8 - A free assignment certificate will be awarded for no disciplinary actions on a quarterly basis. ~ 32 ~ NOTE: Bullying is unfair and one-sided. It happens when someone keeps hurting, frightening, threatening, or leaving someone out on purpose. SAMPLE FORM Discipline Referral Form Student Name _______________________________ Grade ________ Date _______________ ___ Written Warning ___ Detention Issued By: _______________________________________________________________________ Reason: ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________ Behavior is considered bullying. Student’s Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature: ______________________________________________________________ If detention, to be served on: _________________________________in Room __________ STUDENT WILL BE PICKED UP AT _____ p.m. by __________________________________ Teacher’s Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Written warning and detention slips not returned with signature the day after being issued are subject to additional detention. ~ 33 ~ Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars Cafeteria Rules Act as if dining in a restaurant, jackets and hats off, use an inside voice. Follow the instructions of all supervisors. Treat all workers, supervisors and other students respectfully. Use “please” and “thank you”. Follow procedures for cafeteria seating, no moving chairs to other tables and no saving seats. Turn in your tray to appropriate window after disposing of garbage in the proper receptacles. Walk in the lunchroom. Clean your place-crumbs, wrappers, cartons and bags and push in your chair. No fighting, pushing, shoving, taking or giving “cuts”. No throwing food, popping bags or leaving messes on tables or floors. No food or beverages outside cafeteria area. Individuals must be excused by supervisor to leave cafeteria. If you forget your lunch ticket, go to the end of the line. Consequences: 1. Verbal warning 2. Time out/Move to a different table 3. Student sent to school office. Written contact to parent. 4. Removal from cafeteria. Conference with parents required prior to returning to cafeteria. Possible further disciplinary actions to follow conference. Inner Harbor East Academy Playground Rules Respect and obey playground supervisors. All activities are subject to their approval. Play safe games refraining from rough play, fighting, pushing, tripping, tackle football, throwing snow or objects which are harmful and/or disruptive. (Touch football played on grassy areas only.) No disrespectful or abusive language, inappropriate voice volume or screaming. No eating or drinking on the playground. Keep balls away from the windows and roofs. Stay off ice, mud and puddles. Stay away from the fences, south church parking lot, bushes, and behind the garage. Maximum of 2 children on tire swings. Dress for the weather. K-5 students must wear snow pants or snowsuits to play in the snow. All students (K-8) will wear boots when playing in the snow. Gr. 6-8 students are not permitted in the play equipment area. Supervisors need to be notified before a student retrieves a ball that has strayed from the playground area. Consequences: 1. Verbal warning (supervisor records each time) 2. Time out (stand by wall) 3. Parent note and written apology from student ~ 34 ~ 4. Student completes Discipline Referral Form and may lose recess time. Conference with parents required. Possible further disciplinary actions may follow conference. ADMINISTRATIVE TRACKING OF DISCIPLINE Teachers, cafeteria staff and paid playground supervisors will have access to discipline referral slips. All written warnings and detentions will use the same form to simplify the process All white and pink written warning or detentions slips go directly to the faculty administrator who will record the information. The white slip will be returned to the issuing teacher and the pink slip will be sent to the office. All yellow slips will be sent home with the student for parent signatures. Teachers must have slips to faculty administrator at the end of each school day. Homeroom teachers will receive a list of students who must return signed forms the next school day. They will remind students who have detentions of where the detention will be served. Homeroom teachers will notify the faculty administrator that the slip was signed and returned. Detention monitor will be given a list of names of students (who need to report for detention) and their grade/homeroom. Any grievance brought by a student or parent will be heard by the school administrator and issuing teacher for further discussion. Discipline plan will be reviewed by the Disciplinary Committee once each marking period. Discrepancies, non-clear items and additions will be discussed at this time with a report of these items made to the School Parent Advisory Committee, the ad-hoc Disciplinary Committee and School Board. TECHNOLOGY POLICY • Attempt to monitor or tamper with another user’s electronic communications, alter or delete another user’s files or software Student users shall: • Use telecommunications for educational purposes only. • Communicate with others in a respectful and courteous manner. • Obey copyright laws and intellectual property rights of others. • Maintain the privacy of personal name, phone number, address, password, and respect the same privacy of others. Student users shall not: • Post or transmit photographs or personal information about themselves and others without prior written consent from parent/legal guardian. • Bypass the school system’s filtering server. • Install personal software on computers. • Access or distribute abusive, harassing, obscene, offensive, profane, libelous, pornographic, threatening, sexually explicit, or illegal material. • Deliberately waste or overload computer resources, such as printing large quantities of a document from a workstation. without the explicit agreement of the owner. • Use telecommunications for commercial, purchasing, or illegal purposes. • Use telecommunication in any other manner that would violate school board disciplinary policies. ~ 35 ~ Penalties: Violation of the Technology Acceptable Use Policy may be a violation of the law, civil regulations, or Board Policy. Suspension of telecommunications privileges, school disciplinary action and/or legal action may result from infringement of this policy. TEXTBOOKS Responsibility for textbooks and Materials Textbooks are provided on a free loan basis. They are expensive and must be used for a number of years. Textbook contracts will be sent home at the beginning of the year. Parents are responsible for lost and or damaged books and materials for instruction. There will be a fee for lost and or damaged textbooks and materials (torn, water damages, written in, etc). Board of Education policy states that no pupil may be advanced to a higher grade unless the pupil, in addition to receiving a passing grade, returns textbooks and educational materials in satisfactory condition or reimburses the school for lost or damaged textbooks. We urge parents to help us as we attempt to teach our students responsibility in taking care of school property. Book covers are required for all hardback textbooks taken home. VISITORS Due to security, parents and visitors can enter the building through a secured door only. Please ring the doorbell located on the right of the door for admission into the school. Any parent or visitor must sign the visitor’s log and obtain a visitor’s pass from the main office. Any visitor not displaying a visitor’s pass will be asked to report to the office to obtain a pass. Parents are encouraged to visit and confer with teachers and administrators; however parents must make an appointment in advance to conference with teachers. After receiving a visitor’s pass and reporting to the main office, visitors will be directed to their conference or classroom visit. Teachers cannot be interrupted for conferences during instructional time or during times when they are supervising children. WEBSITE www.baltimorecityschools.org/329 Baltimore City Schools provide web sites for all of its schools and programs. Our new web site has unlimited potential to benefit our students, families and the greater community by allowing: IHEAYS to highlight what is unique about our school Teachers to build course pages, online student work, self-grading quizzes and many more features The central office to communicate with schools and staff Families and the community at large to get information more quickly and easily Baltimore City Schools central office will periodically post updates to school web sites. These may include information on the school budget, school profile, climate survey results, important links, relevant contact information and significant dates for the calendar events. Schools will also regularly update their sites with school-specific information. School web sites have a link to Parent Portal, a web-based tool that allows parents to engage in their students' learning online. On Parent Portal parents can view their students' profiles, grades, attendance, disciplinary information and curriculum. ~ 36 ~ Parent Contact Form Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars #329 Parent Contact Information Note: The Staff of the IHEAYS must have working and correct telephone numbers for parent(s)/ guardians Teacher/Grade: _______________________ Student: _________________________ Mother’s name”: __________________________ Email: __________________________ Address: __________________________ Home Phone: ______________________ Work Phone: ______________________ Cell Phone: _______________________ Father’s name: __________________________ Email: __________________________ Address: __________________________ Home Phone: ______________________ Work Phone: ______________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Emergency Contact Information: Name: __________________________ Telephone: ______________________ Name: __________________________ Telephone: __________________________ Does your child attend before-care or after-care? _________________ Does your child have any problems diagnosed by a doctor? __________________ Is your child allergic to any medication? __________________________ If yes explain: ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ~ 37 ~ Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars #329 Volunteer Form Month/Year: ___________________________ Volunteer Name: __________________________________ Student: __________________________________ Teacher/Grade: _____________________ Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total= Hours Staff Signature ~ 38 ~ Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars 200 N. Central Avenue Baltimore, MD 21202 Educator’s Signature: _______________________ School: Inner Harbor East Academy Student’s Name: _____________________________ Parent’s Name: ______________________ Administrator’s Signature: _______________________ Grade/Subject: ____ Date: _____ Review Meeting Date: _______________________ Area(s) of Focus Recommended Action Time/Date Responsible Person(s) Student’s Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ____________ Parent’s Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ____________ Teacher’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ____________ Principal’s Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ___________ ~ 39 ~ Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars For Improved Student Achievement __________________________ Principal’s Signature Reading Math Student’s Name: ___________________________ Grade: ______ Parent’s Signature: ______________________ Student’s Signature__________________________ Teacher: _________________________ Advisory: ______________________ Subject Area(s) _______________________________________ Next Review Date: _______ Achievement Goals: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Areas of Academic Need: Reading/Math/Language Arts __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Social/Emotional Behavior: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Strategies to be Implemented (i.e. AutoSkills, Failure Free Reading & LightSpan)Provide Evidence __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Assessment Instruments Used/Results (i.e. Histograms, Test, Software Programs: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ This form should be completed for any student who is failing in the area of Reading and or Math the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Advisory. To Be Placed In the Student’s Folder ~ 40 ~ “Lighting Pathways, Nurturing Scholars!” 2011-2012 Parent –Teacher Compact As a student, I will: Attend school daily and be prepared. Complete home and classwork assignments to the best of my ability. Know and obey school rules. Obey IHEAYS dress code Tell school staff about any dangerous and suspicious activities that occur on school grounds. Bring only those materials to school that are allowed. Be respectful to everyone inside and/or outside the school community Keep parents/guardians informed of school-related issues and materials provided by IHEAYS. Behave in a manner that will honor my history and culture. I will elevate myself, my community and humanity. As a Teacher, I will: Maintain a safe and orderly classroom. Be respectful and courteous to students, parents and guardians serving as a role model for students. Communicate policies, expectations and concerns; and respond to complaints in a timely manner. Keep parents/guardians informed of their child’s academic and behavioral progress. Provide a high- quality curriculum instruction. Provide an Afrocentric curriculum. Conduct parent –teacher conferences Provide students with homework daily and ensured that it is monitored. Provide necessary assistances and/or resources to parents so they may help their children with assignments. As a Parent and caring adult, I will: Be actively involved in my child’s education for example; attending parent –teacher conferences and PTA meetings. Follow the rules and regulations set by IHEAYS. Be respectful and courteous to staff, other parents, guardians, students, and the community while on school premises. Adhere to information from the staff about ways to improve my child’s behavioral, emotional and social progress. Support all school based activities. Make sure my child will attend school regularly and on time, and let the school know in writing when and why my child is absent. Work with the school staff and principal to address any academic and behavioral problems that my child maybe experiencing. Inform, in writing, the school staff about any concerns or complaints in a respectful and timely manner. Support IHEAYS by being a role model for my child, talking with my child about school culture and expected behavior. Read IHEAYS Parent-Student Handbook. Complete 50 hours of volunteer time per school year. As an administrator, I will: ~ 41 ~ Support parent involvement. Provide an environment that allows for positive communication between teachers, parents, staff and students. Maintain a safe and orderly school and address security concerns in a timely manner. Communicate policies expectations and concerns, in writing, and respond to complaints and/or concerns in a timely manner. Work to develop and maintain a school that is safe, orderly, and promotes student learning. Ensure teachers will regularly provide homework assignments that will reinforce classroom instruction. Support Afrocentric learning environment . Support an ecological model to enhance student achievement. Parents please sign below, have your child sign and return it to your child’s teacher. Parent/Caring Adult’s signature: Student’s Signature: Principal’s Signature: ~ 42 ~ Acknowledgement of Receipt: Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars Parent and Student Handbook Please sign one form for each IHEAYS student in your household and return it to school. (Note: Failure to sign this receipt form and return it to school does not relieve the student from the responsibility of conforming to the rules and standards set forth in this handbook). I have received a copy of the Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars 2011-2012 Parent and Student Handbook. Child’s Name (please print) Parent/Guardian Name (please print) Parent/Guardian Signature __________ Date ~ 43 ~ Acknowledgement of Receipt: Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars Parent and Student Handbook Please sign one form for each IHEAYS student in your household and return it to school. (Note: Failure to sign this receipt form and return it to school does not relieve the student from the responsibility of conforming to the rules and standards set forth in this handbook). I have received a copy of the Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars 2011-2012 Parent and Student Handbook. Child’s Name (please print) Parent/Guardian Name (please print) Parent/Guardian Signature __________ Date ~ 44 ~ Acknowledgement of Receipt: Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars Parent and Student Handbook Please sign one form for each IHEAYS student in your household and return it to school. (Note: Failure to sign this receipt form and return it to school does not relieve the student from the responsibility of conforming to the rules and standards set forth in this handbook). I have received a copy of the Inner Harbor East Academy for Young Scholars 2011-2012 Parent and Student Handbook. Child’s Name (please print) Parent/Guardian Name (please print) Parent/Guardian Signature __________ Date ~ 45 ~ ~ 46 ~