Participatory Budgeting Blog.dox.doc

Participatory Budgeting (PB)
A participatory budgeting is a process of democratic deliberation and decision-making, and a type of participatory
democracy, in which ordinary people decide how to allocate part of a municipal or public budget. Participatory
budgeting allows citizens to identify, discuss, and prioritize public spending projects, and gives them the power to
make real decisions about how money is spent.
Participatory budgeting generally involves several basic steps:
Community members identify spending priorities and select budget delegates
Budget delegates develop specific spending proposals, with help from experts
Community members vote on which proposals to fund
The city or institution implements the top proposals
The participative budget’s aim is to involve citizens in the assets of a municipality discussion and decision on the
allocation of the municipal budget.
How does a PB work?
1) At the beginning of mandate, the College determines for each district a first budget available for three years.
2) In each districts the concerned citizens determine 4 priorities by order of urgency. Technicians present at
their meetings are available to answer technical aspects.
3) An Advisory Council composed of one representative by districtcentralizes priorities and prepares a concrete
proposal based on the available budget. At this Council, the municipality associations are also present.
4) After this process, the budget is set for a three-year period during the first year.Citizens continue to meet by
district to monitor the implementation of the triennial budget.
5) At mid-term, the College determines the second budget available for three years.
6) In each districts the concerned citizens determine 4 priorities by order of urgency. Technicians present at
their meetings are available to answer technical aspects.
7) An Advisory Council composed of one representative by districtcentralizes priorities and prepares a concrete
proposal, based on the available budget.At this Council, the municipality associations are also present.
8) At the end of this process, the budget is determined for a new three-year period.
Criteria to be observed in order to achieve a decision:
Redirecting public resources to the poorest.
Create new relationships between the political power and the citizens.
Invent a new political culture.
Accentuate the sense of citizenship.
To be valid, a decision must meet these 4 criteria.
Levels of PB:
1) The local micro level, organized in small groups, by building, street by street. The inhabitants share their
specific problems and their wishes and give them a priority order. They designate their representatives to
the next level.
2) The 2nd level, where we find more important areas (neighborhoods) and themes (associations). This is
where the demands of level 1 are analyzed and where we determine the overall priorities for the sector and
for the theme. The Forum sector delegates and thematic forum delegates are designated as last step of this
level, which designates the representative persons at the municipality council of PB.
3) The council includes the representatives PB aforesaid, the members of the College and municipal utilities.
The council meets frequently to oversee the process and ensure dialogue with the municipal administration.