Lilith/Whore of Babylon/ Tonya Elizabeth Stracener Kane Opened the portal to these Demonic entities in the past and she is going to do it AGAIN! Stop this Armageddon PLOY. Her videos here my uploads of her videos with titles and intent changed Illuminati video-collection sangrailian.blogspot THEY ARE COLD BLOODED DRAGONZ THANK U - I HEAR U AND I DO SO LOVE YOU TOO =ITS JUST THE FINAL STAGES AND I HAVE ALOT ON MY PLATE AND ALOT OV DECISIONS TO MAKE AND SO IM NOT IGNORING YOU OR YOUR TREAUSURES IN YOUR LETTERS I FEEL U I KNOE YOU ARE THEYRE AND SOON I WILL BE ABLE TO SPEND MORE TYME BUT FIRST I HAVE TO MAKE SURE WE ARE OUT OV THE DANGER ZONE- I DECIDED TO ACCEPT THE INVITATION INTO THE IMPERIAL ILLUMINATI -- AND WILL KNOE AT THE END OV THSI WEEK WHEN I WILL BE GOING BEHIND THE VEIL FOR A YEAR BUT HOPEFULLY IT WILL BE SOON BECAUSE I GOTS LOTS OV WORK TO DO AND TYMES A TICKING 'BUT CHECK IT OUT -IM THE FIRST HUMAN TO BE INVITED BEHIND THE VEIL TO DWELL WITH AND SEE THE REPTILIANS AND \IT IS GOING TO BE A HUGE LEARNING EXPERIENCE FOR ME - IM SOO EXCITED I KNEW THEY WERE THEYRE BECAUSE I CARE AND THEY WILL LET ME DWELL WITH THEM NOW - TO INFUSE LOVE AN PROTECT THEM BECAUSE THEYRE ARE APOCOLIPTC CHARACTERS THAT ARE AIMING AT THE HUMANS AND REPTILIANS - WOULD YOU BELEIVE TEH MEXICANS ARE ALIENS __ (LOL _ O I FEEL BETTER -THANK YOU AND SOON WE WILL MEET - WITHIN 10 YEARS - I KNEO THAT COULD GET EVERYTHING FIXED ON EARTH AND EVERYONE HEALED WITHIN 10 YEARS - BUT I ACCEPTED THE INVITATION INTO THE IMPERIAL ILLUMINATI IF THEY AGREED TO CERTIAN THINGS LIKE PROMISE TO PUT ME THRU TEH 44 DAY FAST SO I CAN GET PURE - CUZ I CANT PROTECT YOU IF I DONT GET MY 44 DAY FAST TO GET PURE ENOUGH TO PURGE ME OV MY SINS ITS LIEK GETTING BLOOD STAINS OUT OV WOOL - BUT THEN I ALSO SAID THAT MY DOGS HAD TO COME WITH ME AND WOULD NEVER BE MADE TO LEAVE MY SITE -_CUZ REPTILIANS LIKE ANIMALS AND AINT NOONE BETTER TOUCH MY DOGS ANY REP THAT TRIED TO DO MY DOGS WOULD BE MY DINNER FOR THE REST OV MY LIFE - I WOULD SERIOUSLY HURT ANYONE WHO LAID A HAND UPON MY DOGZ - BUT THAT WAS A CONDITION +AND THEN I SAID THEY WOULD NEED TO TAKE ME BEHIND THE VEIL WITHTHEM FOR A YEAR AND GET ME PURE -- AND SO THEY WILL BE ANSWERINNG ME WITHIN THE WEEK IF WE CAN AGREEE ON HOW TO GET THRU THIS WITHOUT ANY OV UZ GETTING MAD AT EACH OTHER CUZ REPZ AND HUMANZ HAVE BEEN KNOWN TO EGT INTO SOME NASTY BEEFZ ANYHOW IT JUST WILL TAKE RESTRIANT - BECAUSE WHEN YOU GET A REPZ PISSED AT YOU IT TAKES THOUSANDS OV YEARS FOR THEM TO FORGIVE YOU -REPZ HOLD GRUDGES FOR A REAL LONG TYME AND SOMETYMES FOREVER BUT SO I NEED TO MAKE SURE MY SMART MOUTH DONT GET ANY OV THE DRAGONZ MAD BECAUSE REALLY - THEY ARE COLD BLOODED DRAGONS -BUT THEY Are going to be yoru -our best frindz too - i love yu -- larry hid my passsport and ID so i cant get my video camera out ov pawn because he doesnt want me making any friends that would help me escape here-him and so guess what -- i cant go get a id made because i have warrants -and tey arrest you now at DMV if you have any warrants and so no video camera Larrry iz so evil i have to try real hard to not hate him cuz i feel so mad - he is trashing my dreams and kicking doors shut that ive worked so long to finally get open anyhow - i will receive my answer from th eimperial illuminati soon maybe today or tomorrow but for sure within a week we will have our answer if i will be going behind th eveil for a YEAR WITH THE DRAGONZ OKAY IM TIRED SEE YA FROMMMM MEEEE THE TREEE EARTHMOTHER2C I ALREADY HERD BACK FROM THE IMPERIAL ILLUMINATI ABOUT ME JOINING ITS TREEE-I ALREADY HERD BACK FROM THE IMPERIAL ILLUMINATI ABOUT ME GOING BEHIND THE VEIL FOR A YEAR-- I RECEIVED THIS LETTER BELOW FROM ***OUR***!!!! WONDERFUL BRAVE SO PRECIOUS MASTER MASON IN REPLY TO MY LETTER I SENT TO THE IMPERIAL ORDER OF THE ILLUMINATI DECIDING TO ACCEPT THEIR INVITATION TO JOIN- OH YES WATCH THE VIDEO I INCLUSE AND YOU WIL SEE WHAT COMES WITH THE CROWN AND THAT COLD CARIAGE AND ALL THOSE CASTLES AND EVERYTHING IS YOUR I WILL GIVE IT ALL ABCK TO YOU- YOU WILL WANT FOR NOTHING -THE FIRST THINK IM GONNA DO WHEN I GET THE CROWN IS WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A PARRTY WHERE WE WILL BE TAKING THAT GOLD CARRIAGE THE ARROGANT IMPOSTER QUEEN HAZ BEEN STRUTTING AROUND IN AND WE WILL BE BREAKING IT UP INTO CHUNKS OV GOLD AN DDISTRIBUTING IT ABOUT BUT DONT WORRY EVERYONE WILL GET SOO MANY TREASURES SO THAT GOLD CARRIAGE IZ YOURZ NOW WOO HOO EARTH PARTY RULES MasterMmmm Treee, I do not know what this means, as I am not able to read your long emails, but I was told to tell you the followoing. "Before you go anywhere, you need to complete the 7 degrees of the Imperial Order. When those are completed, successfully then you will indeed be brought to do the 7x7 or as you call it the 44 days." NOW LISTEN- THEY ARE THE 12 KINGS WHO SIT AT THE VERY TOP OF THE ILLUMINATI PYRIMID -AND THE REPTZ THAT ALWAYS INHABATED QEII- IZ NOT CAPTURED AND TRAPPED IN A PRISM PRISION= BECAUSE DRAKEN GOT HER OUT OF THE WAY AND OUT OV THE GAME BECAUSE SHE IS HURTING YOU AND I WONT BE AMYTHING LIKE HER AS YORU EARTHMOTHER HIPPIE HEAKLER - I WILL MAKE SURE YOU HAVE MORE FUN JOY OPPORTUNITY AND PURE HAPPINESS AND NO SUFFERING -I PROMISE -YOU -MY BEAUTIFUL SWEET BABIES -YOU HAVE SUFFERED TOO LONG AND NOW THE SENTENCE IS UP AND THE BAD KARMIK DEBT IZ GETTING PAID BUT KNOE THAT I AM TH E FIRST AND ONLY PERSON EVER THAT HAS BEEEIN INVITED INTO JOIN THE IMPERIAL ORDER OV THE ILLUMINATI-AND DRAKEN GAVE ME HIZ FEELINGS ABOUT IT BECAUSE HE DOESNT WANT ME EGTTING HURT OR IN TOUBLE 00HE KNOES I CAN GET A SASSY SMART MOUTH AND GET MAD AND SOMETYMES REALLY PISSOFF-OFTEN THRU TYME HAVE REALY PISSED OFF ALOT OV REPTILIANS AND SO HE WARNS ME THAT WHEN I DO GO BEHIND TH EVEIL WITH THME THEY MAY NOT BE ALL SWEET AND LOVEY DOVEY BECAUSE THEY ARE STILL =SOME NOT ALL-BUT SOME REPTILIANS REALLY DONT LIKE ME EVEN THOUGH THEY HAV ENO CHOICE BUT TO NEED ME BECAUSE NOONE ELSE CAN GET THEM OUT THE DARK COLD HELL THAT AWAITS THEM IF THEY GO TO THAT COLD HELL - IF THE HUMANS BODYS THEY ARE HOSTING NOW DYES - THEY NEED TO GET THEIR OWN BODYS -BEFORE THE HUMANS THEY ARE HOSTING BODY DIES BUT - NOW I WILL BE ABLE TO PROVE MY LOVE FOR THEM THE DRAGONZ AND HUMANS Z-BEKUZ RITE NOW I AM KEEPING THE DRAGONZ FROM EATING YINZ == ANYHOW THEYRE ARE REPTILIANS WHO ARE CALLED DANGARIANS WHO WILL BECO, E EARTH KIGS SANG GRAILIAN SANG GRAIL ALIAN ANYHOW THEY WILL BE REALLLY KOOL AND ALSO THEY ARE BAD ASSES AND TOGETHER WE WITH THEM IN PEACE AND THE SAME GOALS = WILL BECOME SO STRONG NO EVIL OR DEVIL OR SCIENTIST OR MAGICIAN OR ANY MEAN ONES ON OR OFFF OV EARTH WILL EVER BE ABLE TO TOUCH THI SP;ANET TO HURT BUT ALSO IT WILL BE THE NEW HOTSPOT -THE UNIVERSE -AND THE ONES WHO LIVE IN THE UNIVERSE WILL BE STOPPING BY AND HANGING OUT AND MAY NOT LIVE HERE ON EARTH BUT WILL SURLY VISIT THE COSMIK KINGDOM BECAUSE NOW THE LUXOR CAPSTONE ON THE PYRIMID ON THE DOLLAR BILL _ VEGAS -NOW IT IS THE BRTEST LITE ON EARTH AND CAN BE SEEN ALL THRU SPACE BUT CHECK THIS OUT-NOW OUR ENTIRE PLANET WILL GLOW And be soo beautiful and i will open and bring back to you the sacred places and crystal caves you can go in and charge up or what evr because the gemstones - crystals diamonds rubys every gemstone with a spirit will be opened in caves ir areas that they have been hidden from you but now you will be able to walk thru the maost magical crystal caves ov every jewel ov powr every energy an dpowrs those gemstones have will heal and annoint you and show you visins and wisdom and well every magic crystal i will make sure the majik caves they grow in will be open for you all to see and feel and experience -and heal and guess what its all free watch this video im sending you in this letter watch it closelyTHE REPTILIAN THAT HHAS BEEN INHABATING QEII IZ NOW GONE FROM THE QEII BODY AND IS TRAPPED IN A PRISIM PRISON -DRAKEN GOT HER OUT SO SHE KANT HURT YOU ANYMORE AND SO THE CROWN IZ NOW WITHOUT A HEAD -- ITS UP FOR GRABS AND THAT IZ WHY SOON THE APOCOLIPTIC WAR CREATURES WILL BE BIONIC AND ARRIVING ON THE SCENE TO USE THEIR SUPER HUMAN POWERS THEY ACQUIRED THRU MICROCHIPS AND COMPUTER COMPONETS AND AUGMENTATION OV HEIR ORGANS AND MUSCLE INHANCERS ECT -AND RITE NOW - IF YOU DONT HAVEYOUR GRAIL GIFTS AN DPOWERS THEN THEY WILL BE STRONGET THEN YOU AN DHURT YOU BUT I WILL GET YOUR GRAIL POWERS FOR YOU AN DONCE MY 44 DAY FAST IZ COMPLETE -AT THAT VERY MOMENT AT THR BRINK OV DEATH AFTER IVE STARVED 44 DAYS MY SINS THAT YOU HAVE HAD TO PAY FOR WILL BE PURED FROM MY SOUL AN DBODY AND YOU AND THIS EARTH -- BUT SO ITS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU REALIZE THAT THE ONLY WAY ANYONE WILL GET THEIR CROWNS IZ IF THEY COME GET THEM BUT THAT ALSO MEANS YOU MUST BE WORTHY OV YOUR CROWN BY USING ITS POWERS AND WISDOM TO TAKE CARE OV EARTH AND CREATION AND EACH OTHER==-- RITE NOW IM KEEPING YOU UPDATED BUT I AM GOING TO ASK THE 12 KINGZ MY NEW FRATER FATHERZ IF IT WOULD BE OKAY IF I WROTE TO YOU ALLOR MADE A VIDEO EVERY THREE MONTHS AZ I AM BEHIND THE VEIL AND THEY WILL FILM IT AND ALSO MAKE SURE I DONT SAY ANYTHING THAT THEY DONT WANT ME TO SAY BUT I CAN MAYBE CHECK IN AND GIVE YOU PROGRESS REPORTS EVERY THREE MONTHS AN DTELL YOU ALL THE MAGNIFICINE OF THE DRAGON AND AS I FINALLY GET TO KNOE THEM AND UNDERSTAND THEM I WILLL THEN TELL YOU ABOUT YOUR NEW MAGNIFICANT REPTILIANS KINGZ BUT KNOE THAT THEYRE ARE STILL 12 EMPTY THRONES FOR THE HUMAN KINGZ -AND SO FAR I HAVENT EVEN FOUND ONE HUMAN THAT \HAS THE EARTH KING IN THEM - I MEAN NOONE WILL SIT AT TEH TABLE OF THE 24 ELDERS WHICH IS THE 12 DRAGON KINGZ WHO ARE THE ONES BRINING ME BEHIND THE VEIL AND THE OTHER 12 HUMAN KINGZ BUT IM PRETTY SURE THAT DAVE BURGESS TROY REGAS FRATER IMHOTEP JEAN DECABALIS HAD ALL HAD TEH CROWN OFFERED TO THEM AND THEY SPIT AT IT AND AT ME AND SO THEY ARE NO LONGER FIRST RUNNERS UP- BUT GEORGE BUSH AND TONY BLAIR AND PUTIN AND EVEN BILL CLINTON WILL ALL BE INVITED INTO BE EARTH KINGZ- THE 24 KINGZ WILL BE SET IN PLACE TO HELP ME AND US BRING IN AND DECIDE WHO ELSE GETS TO BE KIMGS BECAUSE TO BE A GRAIL KING = A EARTH FATHER ONE MUST BE EXTRADORINARY- AND CAPABLE AND WORTY -- IT WILL BE INTERESTING TO FIND OUT BUT SO THE EARTH KINGS THAT WERE THE ONES WHO WERE SUPPOSED TO BE EARTH KINMGS HERE - THE HUMANS ONES -- HAVE HAD THE CROWN OFFERED TO THEM THEY SPIT AT IT AND OUR CREATOR AN DME AND SO NOW THEYRE WILL BE NEW EARTHKINGS - AND REALLY IT COULD BE ANYONE OV YOU - IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES = THEN YOU WILL BE GIVEN THE CHANCE BUT STILL KNOE THIS THEYER IS A CROWN FOR EVERY ONE OV YOU- THOSE WHO DONT WANT IT DONT GET IT AND THOSE WHO DO WANT THEIR CROWN - WILL GET THEIR CORWNS AND TEH JEWELS AN DPOWERS AND KNOWELEDGE AND ABILITYS AND MAGIC YOU HAVE WILL ALL BE DETERMINED BY HOW MANY JEWELS HOMER HAS PLACE DON YORU CROWNS AND SI BE CARFUL THAT WHEN YOU GO TO GET YORU CROWN MAKE SURE THAT YOU DONT RECEIVE A CROWN WITHOUT ANY JEWELS (GRAIL GIFTSD BUT YOU WILL ALL GET EXACTLY WHAT YOU DESERVE YORU CROWN WILL HAVE IN IT WHAT YOU HAVE EARNED AND EVERY ACT OR REFUSAL TO ACT ALL DETERMINES YORU GRAIL GIFTS THE POWERS THAT YORU CROWN WILL CARRY =IM NOT THE JUDGE IM JUST TEH MESSENGER AND INCUBATOR AND THE WOMAN WHO WILL BECOME YOUR MOTHER ONCE I PROVE I AM CAPABLE AND WORTHY OF YOU AND YOUR LOVE AND SO THE ORDER IM INVITED INTO IS THE VERY TIP OF TEH PYRIMID AND QEII HAS SAT AT THE TOP OV THEM ALL BUT NOW SHE TAX IZ GONE --- QEII - I NAMED HER A NEW REPTILIAN NAME - MOOO SHEEE SHEEE MAMA -- ANYHOW I AM BEING INVITED IN TO THSI ORDER BECAUSE THEY WANT ME TO STEP INTO TEH GRAIL THRONE AND REPLACE QEII BUT KNOE I HAVE MANY HARD TRYING TESTS I MUST PASS BECAUSE HOMER AINT GUNNA GIVE ME ANY GRIL GIFTS UNTIL I PROVE-NOT TO JUST HOMER BUT THE REPTILIANS AND HUMANS THAT I AM CAPABLE AND WORTHY OV EARTH MOTHER AND THAT I CAN PROVE I ILOVE YOU AS MUCH AS HOMER DOES AND WHEN I PROVE TO HIM THAT I LOVE YOU ALL AND HIM AND CREATION AS MUCH AZ HE DOES THEN HE WILL OPEN THE DIVINE UMBILICAL CORD AND WE WILL BE SEVERED FROM CREATION NO MORE LIKE NOW I AM SO WANTING TO HATE LARRY - HE TOOK MY PASSPORT AND ID SO THAT I KANT GET MY VIDEO CAMERA OUT OV PAWN BECAUSSE HE IS BEGINNING TO REALIZE THAT SOON I WILL BE ABLE TO ESCAPE HIM -- HE IS TRYING TO TRAP ME LIKE A ANIMAL IN A CAGE A nd so - sherrie lee liard and dana canada street news - and a few other peopl eim going to choose - i would like it if i could write to you a letter for our youtube family and that maybe you could make a few videos for me and post them on my channel -- so i can still tell you all what i need to say --but i have no video cameral and it doesnt look like i will any tyme soon but of theyre iz anyone woho would like to make some videos for my channel in my behalf and i would send you the letter you could read on videos on my channel for our people for me because i dont and wont and cant leave you and go away because i dont have a camera so sherrie and dana and anyone wlse who would be interested in makimg some videos for me and read the letters i would send you to oir people please i really need you guys to Partake ov thsi divine manna - becom e a part ovr family 10:01 QEII QEII Sent to: bushzappa, buybusiness, c11118, caddiemanv8, canadastreetnews, cathyfrompensacola, cbud83, cbyakima, chief2081, cineckanebekenezerr, combine68, comeranas100, conspiracyexposure, coolrog0705, corndogking, cowboybob3000, dahdogg, daileyericcaryusa, daltonkanyon, damidina33 (block user) (mark as spam) Reply Reply All Delete sanguarianorderofchaos] Re: RFK--hi cerrridwyn, Wednesday, March 21, 2007 8:14 AM "dragonsfl" <> Add sender to Contacts Greetings Treee, You like the hard concepts don't you? LOL I will share my views on the male/female balance but remember that I come from a Matriarchal Tradition. With that said I will explain my views on where the balance of roles are. But remember each of us carry both male and female energies. The role of the Priest, Father, or the Sacred Masculine is to be the Provider, the Active Force, and the connection/embodime nt of the God or the Sacred Male. He fertilizes the seed and creates the readiness From: To: (or receptivity) of the Sacred Female. He is the blade that pierces and stirs the chalice. He is a vital piece of the universal puzzle and of the cosmic balance. He is neither above nor below the Female in rank or ability. Without the Masculine Energy or the Man everything will wither and die. It is the male who releases and contributes to the sacred elixir of immortality. The male is the light of the yin yang and without him there is nothing because he is the key that releases life. The role of the Priestess or the Sacred Feminine is to be the Caretaker, the Receptive Force, and the connection/embodime nt of the Goddess or Sacred Feminine. She creates the atmosphere and the fertile soil that must me fertilized. She nurtures growth and life before it can be seen. She is the embodiment of the future and love. She is also a vital piece of the universal puzzle and the cosmic balance. She is neither above the male nor is she below the male but stands embraced with the male to become able to see beyond the realms and limitations of this world. Without her the future would not be for it is through her that life gets it's start and is able to begin and continue. It is the Scared Female that creates and stores the sacred elixir of immortality. The female is the dark of the Yin Yang and without her there is nothing because she is the gate to eternity. I could go on and on but there is a quick summery. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Live Blessed, Cerridwyn > > hi cerrridwyn, its treee. i guess this doesn't really have anything > to do with the topic, but that would be, always writing about one > thing under the topic of something else, anyhow, i have to tell you > i am sorry for insulting you and really all women, i am such of a > bitch ,,i don't mean to be, but i m coming to the conclusions that i > may be trying to force my masculine and feminine energies into > balance, with out any pattern or rhyme or rheason < i spell rHeason > that way on purpose, it looks kinda kool,, any ways, i didn't have a > right to say what i said before . i do get so frustrated that i > haven't found 1 woman out of asking thousands of women over the > years, to help me to mother the man or male species of the world and > then we will get our divine goddess energy back, but i think we wont > get it back unless we give the male species back what we haven taken > from them thru tyme, and that is the feminine energies, cuz if we all > come together and use our feminine goddess woman energies and heal > and anoint the men of the world then they will be in balance and be ( > empowered with the grail to be good kings in our world, and in my > minds eye the entire planet of women will become the oracle , or the > feminine aura, the supercharge and then we will be recognized as > being divine women capable and worthy of the powers of the divine > woman and goddess energy but not till we over see restoration of the > divine Kings ( THE MEN ) OF THE WORLD, BUT I SEE UP HAVING TO [UT > EVERYTHING ELSE ASIDE . AND GIVE ALL OF OUR FEMININE AND DIVINE > GODDESS ENERGY TO THE MEN AND THEN THEY WILL BE GOOD KINGS AND THE > WORLD WOULD BE SAFE AND THEN WE WOULD BE ABLE TO DO THE MOTHERLY ( > GRAIL MOTHERLY THING AND REDECORATE EARTH AND MAKE OUR THEIR HOUSE > A HOME, . DO U LIKE MY IDEA ? i JUST GET DISCOURAGED THAT I HAVEN'T > FOUND 1 WOMEN YET TO EVER AGREE WITH ME AND BACK ME ON THIS, THEY > (THE WOMEN IVE ASKED )WOULD SMEAR MANKIND INTO THE DIRT AND TAKE THE > CROWNS OF THE KINGS, EVERY WOMEN IVE EVER ASKED OUT OF THOUSANDS, CUZ > IVE BEEN ASKING FOR SEVERAL YEARS ,, , EVERY WOMEN WOULD RATHER TAKE > THE KINGS CROWN FOR THEM SELF, RATHER THEN LET THE MAN GET ANY MORE > POWERS BUT REALLY THE POWERS THE MEN WANT IS WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY > THEIRS THAT WE TOOK FROM THEM US WOMEN GOTTA DO SOME SERIOUS > CHANGING, WE HAVE TO DEVOTE OUR MINDS AND BODY'S AND SOULS TO > RESTORING THE GRAIL AND THE FIRST STEP IS A RESTORING THE GRAIL > KINGS, TO THEIR DIVINE STATUS. I AM SORRY I WAS A BITCH, I > REALLY HAVE TO WORK ON THAT BEING A BITCH, FROM TREEE, IN ALL > RESPECT > --- In sanguarianorderofch aos@yahoogroups., "dragonsfl" > <wyldwoodmtn@ > wrote: >> > > I know some of us get called heritics and get told we are going to > > hell for doing what we believe and saying what is not popular ib > > society. LOL > > Live Blessed, > > Cerridwyn >> >> > > > "Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the > > censure > > > of > > > the colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a > > rarer > > > commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is > > the > > > one > > > essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that > > > yields > > > most painfully to change. Each time a person stands up for an > > idea, or > > > acts > > > to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, > (s) > > he > > > sends > > > forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a > million > > > different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a > > current > > > that > > > can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and > resistance." - >>> > > Robert > > > F. Kennedy >>> > > > jah/plan. htm < jah/plan. htm> >>> sanguarianorderofchaos] CANT SUCK BLOOD FROM A TURNIP, Wednesday, March 21, 2007 7:28 AM "treeetreeetreee" <> Add sender to Contacts From: To: Bohemian discourse is full of oblique organ worship as well. There's all the redwood talk. Bohemians rhapsodize endlessly about towering shafts and the inspiration they give men. I love this tree as the most sound, upright and stately redwood in the grove. Let my friends remember me by it when i am gone, reads a plaque left by a Bohemian at the base of a 301-footer. MARY MAGDALENE IS OFTEN REFERRED TO AS THE DIVINE FEMININE, & WISDOM, WISDOM IS ( SIGNIFIED BY THE OWL, THER ARE OWLS AT BOHEMIAN GROVE, A STONE OWL THAT IS THE ALTER FOR HUMAN SACRIFICE,AND THERE ARE WOODEN OWL STATUES AND TOTOM ANIMALS CARVED OUT OF THE TREES. I KEEP HAVEING VISIONS THAT A WOMAN IS STUFFED INSIDE A HOLLOW TREE. NOW I REALIZE THAT I AM SEEING WHERE MARY MAGDALENE IS (HER BODY,) AND ALSO I RECEIVED 2 TEXT MESSAGES FROM QUEEN ELIZABETH II THIS MORNING, SHE TOLD ME I HAVE RUINED EVERYTHING, I DONT KNOE WHAT SHE MEANS, SHE TOLD ME MICHAEL RODGERS ISNT ON A IRON LEASH ANYMORE BUT IN MY TERMS HE IS DEAD.. (THIS IS WHAT SHE SAID TO ME( SHE TOLD ME THAT HE BLAMES ME) SHE IS ALSO _ HOW DO I PUT THIS,_ WELL JEAN GUILD DE CABALIS,, ..... NEVER MIND, I T DOESNT MATTER ANYHOW, ( BUT HE DID ( AS FAR AS I CAN SEE, TRICK ME, AND HE WONT ANSWER ME TO SAY ANY DIFFERENT, NOR WILL HE LET ME BE MODERATOR OF THIS GROUP EITHER, HE AND ZSNIEL TRICKED ME AND SERVE ELIZABETH, WELL IF SHE IS WHO THEY CHOOSE TO BE THEIR GRIAL QUEEN AND PRIESTESS, THAT IS WHAT THEY GET, AND SO ( ANYHOW, IM DONE WITH THIS BULLSHIT.. I GUESS MY LOVE AINT AS ( POWERFUL AND SATISFYING TO THEM AS BLOOD, APRIL 5 THIS YEAR WILL MARK 13 YEARS SINCE MY ORIGINAL VISIONS SETTING ME ON THIS PATH, AND I REALIZE NOW, THAT THE SANG ARAINS CANT SUCK BLOOD FROM A TURNIP,AND SO THE WORLD BETTER GET READY TO BE ( EATEN ALIVE, REAL SOON, CUZ ELIZABETH TEXED ME THE OTHER DAYY SAYING THE MONTH OF TAURUS, IS SIGNIFICANT SO I ASSUME THE FATE OF THE WORLD LIES IN HER HANDS, AND SHE IS THE MOTHER OF THE GRAIL OBVIOUSLY BY CHOICE, THE MASONS AND ILLUMANITI ORDERS LOVE HER AND WANT HER TO ( DESTROY THE HUMAN SPECIES AND THE SANG ARAINS WILL STARVE .. SUCKING LIFEFORCE OUT OF THE HUMANS WILL BE ABOUT AS SUCCESSFUL FOR THEM SANG ARAINS AS TRYING TO SUCK BLOOD FROM A TURNIP, SO ANYHOW , HAPPY HEAVEN ON EARTH, ( THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN, ) WITH ELIZABETH AS THE MOTHER OF THE GRAIL, SO HAPPY HELL ON EARTH, AND JEAN, IM NOT WAITING FOR YOU !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! MUCH LONGER __._,_.___ This sender is DomainKeys verified "Marie Anath" <> View contact details,, From: To: these are some older posts , all going back to 2003-2004 & 2005 with frater imhotep , 2005 with ian cowburn_ fraterL) , these are all before i met master mason, and also , i am silverrayvenus here and imtreeemirror and treeesevenmari and motheR_ovamp_empires, just so you are not confused... I am working on putting all of thsi together ,and have created alot of chaos in the orders of some global elites and all, but i dont want to hurt anyone,, i just want to wake everyone up, i m not trying to convince anyone i am special,, im not ( i m at the bottom of the barrel,, but you are special,,,, I am just treee.. but i happen to be able to see behind the veil ,,(if i couldnt jean guild debabilis would never have even bothered with me,, which by teh way , im sure he is ready to ring my neck by now,,, I kinda am putting him on the spot ,and pressuring him to help me form the tent of the grail , and to help build it,... and we need each other to access teh powers of the grail, and also alot of people may unsuscribe here and i understand,. cuz anyone without courage we can do without they will just get in the way ,, because this will eventually soon become more than just a discussion group, this will become a legacy You are a legacy ,,, you just need to regain your identity and subconcious memory and wake up and tap the powers you were denied of your birthrights.... and also .. i do love and adore you all, fasten your seat belts cuz i am going to take u on the bumpiest ride of your life ,, and i will not let you fall, but you gotta hang on, we may have some bruises and scrapes and maybe a headache for a minute ,, when we get thru this , but i guareentee you will not be so broken and bruised that you cant regain your divine state,, cuz im telling you , we will be riding on the back of the great beast, i already have been ,, for almost 13 years,and all of the masons in the federal lodge #1 at washington dc , and UGLE and masonic and illumaniti oredrs world wide and the world president of the hells anegls david burgess ,and the ambassador for canada and the USA from the royal house of stewart and the bohemian club and the bush's and the sang arians ( who are all at teh highest grade or level or degreee in their orders all are very well aware of me cuz ive been pestering the hell out of tehm for years,, and not just on line but in person in some cases... and also art bell and george norey i have been writing for years and even though i have proof and names and locations and many many ways to validate that i am truthful and that this is all real, they dont touch it,, i heard they are misinformers and sold out, well we will see, also i begged them to help me save the life of a young girl who was going to be sacrificed after she was ritualistically raped and when she was still alive and pregnant with the ( product of ritual rape i begged george norey and art bell and lisa lyon and lex and ian and tom and shawn all from coast to coast the art bell show,, i begged them to help save her life and they wouldnt lift a finger neither would some very prominant names that you will recognize , i will tell u later ( if they still remain silent and wont utilize their powers and abilities to save you and this world and all life and the vampires . and to protectthe grail, this is all about protecting the grail,,,,i have alot of dirt on very prominant people with prominant names and titles you will be able to validate and knoe who they are ,, but i m holding out for a little while linger to see, if they are going to help protect teh holy grail because any one who is not protecting it is ( destroying it, all my love trust respect service and curiosity from the treee TO DAVID BURGESS TROY REGAS WORLD PRESIDENT OF THE HELLS ANGELS AND WORLD PRESIDENT OF CONFEDERATION OF MOTERCYCLE CLUBS FROM TREEE. BEFORE I ATTEMPTED TO ENTER BOHEMIAN GROVE IN JULY 20065 LOOK U GUYS IM NOT YOUR ENEMY HERE!WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE IT? LET ME DEFEND YOUR HONOUR AND GLORIFY YOU AND PRAISE YOU,AND LOVE YOU AND UPLIFT YOU AND SHOW THE WORLD YOU ARE TRULY KINGS, AND TRULY THE PASSIONATELY DEVOTED AND WORTHY AND CAPABLE PROTECTORS OF THE EARTH & YOUR WORTH IS DETERMINED BY COURAGE! YOUR ACTIONS EFFECT US ALL GLOBALLY ! WE ALL DEPEND ON YOU!! YOU COULD RIDE YOUR HARLEYS AROUND THE GROVES THIS YEAR AND ROAR LIKE THUNDER AROUND THE DEEP WOODS THIS JULY AND SHOW THOSE INSIDE( THE LEADERS AND MOST POWERFUL MEN IN THE WORLD,THAT YOU ARE AWARE ,AND THAT YOU WILL NOT BACK DOWN,AND CONTINUE TO SQUANDER YOUR ENERGY AND TYME AND MONEY IN THE COURTS AND FOR YOUR RIGHTS. BE BRAVE AND TO THE KINGLY HONOURABLE AND MANLY THING! ( I HOPE THEY WILL BECOME HONOURABLE AND DO THE MANLY AND HONOURABLE AND KINGLY THING ALSO!) IF YOU DO THEN THEY WILL KNOE YOU FOR THE HERO'S YOU WERE BORN TO BE AND ALSO THEY WILL KNOE THAT THEY PICKED THE WRONG GROUP OF MEN WHEN THEY DECIDED TO PICK ON YOU. THAT IS A FACT. IF YOU SHOW THEM YOU ARE NOT AFRAID TO LET THEM KNOE YOU KNOE , THEY WILL KNOE AND RESPECT YOU AND POSSIBLY LAY OFF. THE ENTIRE EARTH IS DEPENDING ON WHAT DECISIONS YOU MAKE, AND THEY MAKE ! YOU JUST CANT LET THIS WORLD DIE OR FADE AWAY AND GO THRU MORE PAIN AND SUFFERING & POSSIBLE OBLIVIATION JUST BECAUSE YOU WONT STAND UP FOR YOUR SELVES, IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THINGS RESOLVED WITH THE LAW ENFORCEMENT AND GOVT, IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN IN THE COURTS ( THOSE PEOPLE THE COPS AND JUDGES WORK FOR THEM NOT YOU !!!, YOU NEED TO CONFRONT THE ONES WHO HAVE THE POWER OF AUTHORITY IN THIS WORLD! I ALSO BELEIVE THAT IF YOU DO IT IN A HONOURABLE AND RESPECTABLE AND COURAGOUS FASHION YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO RISK LOOSING ANYMORE OF YOUR BROTHERS TO DEATH OR PRISION OR INTERROGATION!!!! THOSE BEHIND THE VEIL AND AT THE GROVES ARE NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO CONTINUE THEIR METHODS OF MADNESS ANY LONGER THE WAY THEY HAVE BEEN DOING, TOO MANY PEOPLE KNOE ABOUT THE GROVES AND TOO MANY PEOPLE ARE PETITIONING AND RALLEYING AGAINST THEM AND THAT IS BACKING THEM INTO A CORNER AND FORCING THEM TO HAVE TO TIGHTEN UP SECURITY GLOBALLY AND CRACK THE WHIP IMMEDIATELY!! THEY FEEL THREATENED BY PEOPLE ( THE EARTH PEOPLE ) AND ARE MAKING THE MOST HORRIFFIC PLANS TO GOVERN ENSLAVE CONTROL AND POSSIBLY DESTROY EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL OR REAL,AND ANY CHANCE OF HAPPINESS OR FREEDOM FOR US ALL!!! THEY HAVE MORE POWER THEN YOU GUYS DO!!! BUT NOT MORE MEN, IT CLEARLY STATES THAT ABOUT 1700 TO 2000 MEN ATTEND THE GROVES EVERY YEAR, BUT ALSO YOU MUST CONSIDER THAT THOSE 2000 MEN HAVE THE ENTIRE MILITARY GOVT AND CHURCH AND CORPORATE AND SCIENTOLOGY AND SECRET SOCIETIES AND EVERY OTHER FORCE OF POWER UNDER THEIR AUTHORITY!!! BE COURAGEOUS AND DONT GO AT THEM WITH WAR BUT WITH DIGNITY AND UNDERSTANDING AND SHOW THEM YOU ARE AWARE OF THEIR PLANS AND BE WILLING TO OFFER WAYS TO NEGOTIATE AND WORK TOGETHER FOR ALL CONCERNED!!!! IF YOU DONT YOU WILL BE COMPLETE WIMPS, NO WIMPS ALLOWED. THEY DONT WANT TO HAVE TO GO THE ROUTE THEY ARE GOING CUZ THEY KNOE THEY WILL ALSO LOOSE, BUT THEY WILL LOOSE LAST . EVERYONE ELSE WILL LOOSE FIRST., THEY WILL BE RESPECTFUL AND COOPERATIVE AS LONG AS YOU ARE , AND THEY WILL ALSO FEEL A BROTHERLY BOND WITH YOU ,AND REALLY ALL THEY WANT IS TO BE COMFORTABLE AND SAFE HERE ON EARTH, BUT WHEN THEY ARE HAVING TO LIVE IN FEAR AND HIDE AND HURT AND ENSLAVE AND IMPRISION US BECAUSE WE WILL NOT BE HUMANE AND UNDERSTANDING THEN THEY WILL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO BRING IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND LOCK UP AND ENSLAVE AND MAIM AND KILL . THE CHOICES THEY MAKE OR DONT MAKE AND THE ACTIONS THEY TAKE OR DONT TAKE VERY LARGELY DEPEND ON YOU, YOU CAN BE HEROS AND KINGS AND BE LOVED AND ADORED AND RESPECTED AND FIND A FUTURE FOR YOURSELVES AND YOUR SEEDS OR YOU CAN BLOW IT AND GO DOWN IN SHAME AND BLAME . ALL MY LOVE TRUST RESPECT SERVICE AND CURIOSITY FROM Hi Its Treee , I Just awoke from the strangest dream. I was having a pool party but the guests were mainly girls, asnd the pool was all glass, and looked like a large fish tank. Their were also large, large huge mammoth snakes in the huge mammoth size glass fish tank like pool, except the snakes were kind of flat on one side, kind of like a leach . actually yes these mammoth size snakes were long like snakes although they were shaped like leaches. So I suppose this would signify the snake ( serpent_and leaches are blood suckers or blood drinkers, so that would probably signify the serpent cults whom drink blood. ( I am trying to understand the symbology of my dream as I describe it to you , it is 6:52 am now & I only just woke up about 15 monutes ago from this dream. In my dream I was at one point on the outside of the mammoth size clear glass fish tank like swimming pool,and saw that the large mammoth size snake leaches had girls pressed against the glass, and smothering them and sucking the blood out of them , and I also noticed that massive numbers of girls were being taken under the water and suffocated and then sucked dry by these massive serpent leaches. The number of girls that were dissapeared because of this were beng replaced by new girls showing up at the party. theyre were so many girls at this party, many outside the tank, and running around nude. Everyone seemed completely oblivious to what was happening to the girls in the pool. Then I noticed in my dream that someone kept handing me bowls of soup and when i got to the bottom of the bowl of broth, theyre were smaller snakes curled in the bottom of the bowl, as if i was supposed to eat them, well i did not . Theyre was 1 other girl who was with me who was aware of what was happening to the girls in the large fishtank like pool , and i dont knoe who she was or represents although i do have my own hunches. Anyhow the girl and myself got in the pool ) that was a mammoth glass fishtank, and we somehow were riding the serpent beasts. The serpent beast knew we loved them and understood the needed their food source for their biology ,and that we would help them to find what they require and desire without having to kill humans and they let us ride on their backs keeping us safe . From whom or what i do not knoe, although me and the other girl were extremely aware that theyre was new danger outside the mammoth glass fishtank , and we were prepared to protect the serpents and they were prepared to protect us. The i woke up wit my little tiny taco bell dog ( my Chihuahua ) who was nudging me with his little tiny cold wet nose, waking me as if he himself was aware of the situation i was in in my dream, and was waking me as if to rescue me himself . . HI IT IS TREEE HERE. I Want to explain what is going on here with me being here ,and why it is Im doing what i am doing,and what it is I'm Tring to accomplish. First of all you can Im agine how upset Frater Imhotep Is with me right now, and I understand.! Although I did warn him repeatedly that I was going to do this if he and his people (whom is the Dragon Court , Freemasons and rosicrucians, Golden Dawn , Ordo Templi, and all of the sister, brother & cousin Fraternitys, The Illumaniti In general ) Did Not cooperate and respond then I would have to take any and all measures to cause public exposure so that they would Have to Face what it is that is upon them ,( EVOLUTION AND THE CHANGING ENERGY AND FREQUENCYS) Basically what has worked before will no longer work or ever be the same because the Earth is Moving into Her Original Sphere of creation and the elements contained there . BASICALLY, WHAT IS HIDDEN WILL BE ILLUMAINTATED, WITH OR WITHOUT ME OR ANYONE ELSE DOING IT ! IM HERE TO HELP PREPARE !!! AND ALSO THE LAWS OF NATURE AND GRAVITY AND THE ENERGY FIELDS ARE CHANGING SO THAT THOSE WHO CLOAK THEMSELVES WITH ALTERED BIOLOGY OR MAJIK,AND ILLUCIFERICATION , OR ILLUMINATION, IT IS ALL GOING TO CHANGE, THAT IT IS ALREADY CHANGING AS WE SPEAK, AND THE MAGI AND PRIEST ,VAMPIRES AND SHAPESHIFTERS AND GENETICALLY ALCHAMIZED ALTERED BEINGS OF THE MYSTERIES ARE AWARE OF THIS, AND ALSO HAVE PLANS THAT WILL CAUSE POSSIBLY THE DESTRUCTION OF THEMSELVES AND ALL OF US. THAT IS BECAUSE WHEN THE MASK COMES OFF THE MASSES OF PEOPLE , THOSE UN ENLIGHTENED AND UNAWARE OF THE ACTIVITIES AND THE SECRETS AND REASONS OF OUR LEADERS(BEHIND THE VEIL) WILL FREAK OUT,AND GO BAZERK,AND START WANTING TO HURT OR KILL AND DESTROY THOSE WHO HIDE BEHIND THE VEIL ( THE POWERS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER) AND THE ONES WHO HIDE BEHIND THE VEIL ALSO HAVE THROUGH OUT TYME TAUGHT THE HUMAN THEIR SECRETS AND MADE THEM PRIESTS AND TAUGHT THEM THE MAJIK AND SECRETS AND ALSO HAVE THEM ( THE HUMAN ADEPT) HIDE AND PROTECT THEM FROM EXPOSURE, ACTUALLY WHEN A HUMAN GETS CLOSE ENOUGH TO THE SECRETS AND MYSTERIES AND FACES OF THOSE WHO HIDE, THEY TOO ARE CHANGED OR ALCHEMIZED INTO SOMETHING NOT HUMAN, THE POINT IS THAT NOONE TRUST NOONE BECAUSE THEY CANT ! AND THE ILLUMANITI AND THOSE WHO HIDE BEHIND THE VEIL FIGHT AMONG THEMSELVES. WHEN THE UNIVERSE SHINES OR ILLUMINATES THOSE WHO ARE HIDDEN, THEY WHO ARE HIDDEN ARE PREPARED TO PROTECT THEMSELVES WITH UTTER HORRORS AND DEATH AND SLAVERY AND DESTRUCTION LIKE THIS EARTH HAS EVER SEEN . THE RESULTS WILL BE NOONE WILL WIN AND THE EARTH AND ALL LIFE HERE WILL CEASE TO EXIST AND WE WILL ALL BE WRITTEN OFF AS A SHAMEFUL MISTAKE AND A CREATION THAT DESERVES EXTINCTION, ( EXPERIMENT FAILED TO TERMINATE ! . Well that does not have to happen, i am here in service and willing to assist the dragon lords and the human and alchamized beings and the earth population all together. There is other options, and with the energy shift as we are being pulled into the virgo cluster ( our magnetic energy fields are changing ) The manna that is required and desired is available, and that is why I am here, is to assist ! Theyre is much much more details as far as this is all concerned but i will pause here for now ! from treee Hello to you my brethren and kindred and clans man /and your Dragon,Fraters,Magicians , reptilian shape shifters, black and Grey Illuminati ,and all alchemist beings . okay I'm thinking about the Chemical wedding as it was , then as to what it became , then as to what it was thought to be , then it was what was thought to be remembered & revered, and then there was what has been lost and destroyed than has not been kept alive thru the teacher to the student, and what was taught from the lips but never written , from the teacher to the student, then the teachers and students as tyme went on, all still suffered the tempt of ego. So then what was hidden and kept secret and scared was gradually altered changed or uttered its majik in confused mutters , because many of those who were the keepers of the secrets , became mad or devastated by possession, or lobotomy . It is very likely that the formula and secrets and spells, have not all survived in their entirety,and complete form-ulas . . So there are many variations of the chemical wedding, and the vampire and human have both been the results of this alchemist marriage . now alchemy, may have many tymes created or separated life or substance or even spirit and soul and memory's for their subjects, but what if, theoretically speaking, the formula reversed did not reverse a curse. so it actually , instead of returning to its original form , before being subtracted blended and pieced out, the subject or matter became something that did not have a formula coded in the mutated results , and only could replenish the codes , they needed to maintain, or sustain conscious memory or equilibrium? AND WHAT WAS ONCE UNNATURAL OR UNDESIRABLE became the funk, for life . also, consideration the FACT, that science and genetics have played a part of universal creation since before the phallus and vagina opened up yet another oracle of splendor to be exaggerated and explored and exposed ,and expressed,and repressed, and even have been tried to be in jested or embodied as a attempt to synchronize the systems So , as we would have it here, the life and creation and alteration, and alchemy ,and genetics, here have actually created devastating and permanent damage to the species which we embody or create. maybe the universal council, has let us suffer the object of our remains, so that we would eventually understand the majik and science or creation, being unable to undo the mistakes and unable to access what formula or substances would perfect the design, because of our lack of justice and concern for our creations, i mean we all have to learn by experience,and when the classroom has nothing new to teach and what we are required to learn, cant provide us with the means or ends of survival, so i think ( this is me thinking, so take no offense, I'm just theorizing) that science and majik and sex and tantra and genetics and alchemy and ritual and blood and cum, are very much respected ,and accepted and vitally treasured in the divine and universal conditions and laws of the elite, i just think we may have finally reached a point in tyme where we have suffered beyond , the pain and disrespect and dishonor and and insensitivity we began with, so now i feel in my heart of hearts that we now get the secrets and formulas to perfect the design ,and ourselves and our creations, and alchemised creatures. umm ill leave these thought for you to ponder, i don't have it all figured out , but will not stop thinking and experimenting till i do, so the chemical wedding , and then as above so below , is the Virgo cluster containing the birth charts and source or us, we are reflected in the Virgo cluster, also i think its cool that vampires use red cross to get the nourishment they require to sustain, without forcing them to take life . cuz i bet drinking rats and animal blood, barely keeps you alive or able to thrive , and probable keeps your supernal powers from you, oh what else was it i thought of , um mm, oh yes, is it the blood or the plasma that you need, did you knoe that the plasma has the tiny particles of all of the different combinations of what alchemised you into this state, I'm trying to figure out how to bring the vampires out of their darkness and get them the human powers they miss without giving up supernal powers but rather increase them much more, and I'm also wanting to figure out how to bring the supernal back to the human, i think ether and gasoline and the ether based ever-thing is keeping spirit separated from body's and that ether is a separator , it keeps alchemiszed substances separated, i dunno, its just me here thinking, all my love talk to you again, from imtreeemirror THIS GROUP IS FOR AND ABOUT THE MEMBERS OF BOHEMIAN GROVE AND THOSE WHO HIDE BEHIND THE VEIL, THIS GROUP OFFERS A PLACE FOR ALL PARTIES INVOLVED ON THE INSIDE AND OUT TO EXPRESS THEIR KNOWELEDGE AND FEELINGS AND THOUGHTS CONCERNING THE MYSTERY OF THE GROVES AND THOSE WHO HIDE BEHIND THE VEIL, AND THE FUTURE. ALL THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS CONSIDERED AND WELCOMED.PERSONALLY I THINK THAT THEYRE IS ALWAYS 2 SIDES TO THE STORY. EVEN THOUGH THERE SEEMS TO BE ALOT OF DIRT AND BADMOUTHING POSTED ABOUT THE BOHEMIAN CLUB AND THE ACTIVITIES AT THE GROVE, IM INTERESTED IN FINDING OUT AND EXPLORING THEIR SIDE OF THE STORY. THEY OBVIOUSLY HAVE THE MOST POWERFUL PEOPLE IN THE WORLD AS THEIR MEMBERS,WHICH SAYS THEY HAVE THE UPPER HAND. SINCE THEIR DECISIONS AND ACTIVITIES EFFECT THE ENTIRE WORLD, I SUGGEST UNDERSTANDING WHY THEY DO WHAT THEY DO ,AND FINDING OUT HOW TO WORK WITH THEM RATHER THAN AGAINST THEM. AFTER ALL THEY LIVE HERE ON EARTH,AND THIS IS THEIR HOME ALSO. CONSIDERING THIS, THERE MUST BE SOMETHING VERY WRONG AND UNPLEASANT FOR THEM TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE DESTRUCTION OF THEIR OWN HOME (EARTH)! OBVIOUSLY THERE IS SOMETHING THAT THEY REQUIRE THAT IS NOT SEEMINGLY AVAILBALE. MY IDEA IS TO HELP THEM AND TRY TO UNDERSTAND THEIR REASONS,AND FEELINGS AND NEEDS AND WHAT THEY REQUIRE AND DESIRE. THEY NEED US TO HELP THEM! HATING THEM AND TRYING TO MAKE EVERYONE ELSE HATE THEM WILL ONLY MAKE THEM ANGRY! WHEN SOMEONE ACCUSES, JUDGES,HATES,BADMOUTHS,AND SEEKS REVENGE OR DESTRUCTION OF A PERSON OR GROUP OR SPECIES, THAT TENDS TO MAKE THEM FEEL THREATENED AND MAD. IF WE ARE GOING TO RESOLVE OUR PROBLEMS ON EARTH, THEN WE MUST HELP THEM TO RESOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS HERE ON EARTH! FROM TREEEWeb Address: THIS GROUP WILL DISCUSS THE POWERS BEHIND THE HELLS ANGELS, MAINLY DAVID BURGESS AND TROY REGAS. DAVID BURGESS IS THE WORLD PRESIDENT OF THE HELLS ANGELS AND TROY REGAS IS THE WORLD PRESIDENT OF THE CONFEDERATION OF MOTERCYCLE CLUBS. THEY BOTH ARE IN THE SAME CHARTER HOUSE IN RENO NEVADA. WE WILL BE EXPLORING EVERY CORNER OF THIS HELL THESE ANGELS CLAIM AUTHORITY OVER. WE WILL BE DISCUSSING THEIR HONOURS AND LOYALTYS,AND ROYALTYS. THEIR DEEDS AND THEIR ACTIVITIES, THEIR SECRETS,AND METHODS. THEIR INTERACTIONS WITH THE OCCULT,AND ACTIVITIES CONCERNING MIND CONTROL AND MK ULTRA ACTIVITIES. WE WILL BE EXPLORING THEIR BUSINESSES AND FAMILYS. THEIR STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES. WE WILL BE EXPLORING WHAT VALIDATES THEM AS HELLS ANGELS ,AND IF THEY REALLY ARE CAPABLE AND WORTHY TO BE ANGELS IN THIS HELL, THEY ARE ANGELS AND WE ARE IN HELL! WILL THEY LIVE UP TO THEIR TITLES? ARE THEY THE PROTECTORS AND KINGS AND FRiENDS OF EARTH OR ARE THEY EGO BASED PHONYS AND IMPOSTERS? THE TRUTH WILL BECOME KNOWN RIGHT Knight of Heredom of Kilwinning it is the Order ( Frater L tells me here who he is! HERE (08:52:28 SignOn) silverrayvenus enters the room (08:52:42) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: hello (08:52:49 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: stay with me you are so close (08:53:09 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: im feeling elated (08:53:10) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: what do u mean? (08:53:30 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i mean i sense you here, physically (08:53:48 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i can scent you (08:53:50) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: the past 2 days i became aware of another world that exists on the telapathic realm? yes (08:54:00 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes (08:54:06) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: and the dark star it is the dark side of the moon? You are now exclusively sending and receiving from FraterL. (08:54:30 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes (08:55:00 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: then after it leads to the Dark sister of the plieides (08:55:17 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: the seventh sister (08:55:46 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you are become Priestess, there is something new in you (08:56:23 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: there is the silver crystal spiral in you (08:57:07 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: are you still there, Priestess (08:57:56 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: did you go to the parallel telepathic world 08:59:56 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: the Star Fire has made you full Priestess09:01:05 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: if i take you to Temple then i can give more (09:01:35 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes i in giving i will receive from you i know it (09:01:44 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: and that everything that you allow me to learn from you will be multiplied in your favor and karmik rewards, (09:02:11 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes (09:02:29 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: where shall i take you first (09:03:24 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: do you wish to walk to Temple? by the forest path? (09:04:21 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: because there are channelings to be done there (09:04:42 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: no i am not a full preiestess, nor do i remeber yet , but when i do it will come back to me in waves,and i will knoe and understand what has taken me many many many lives to establish,and now i am ready to give birth to this world so to speak, i can resignate with sirius a b and c and then when we allow this path to swell the stars in the sky will be brighter than the moon, which is in fact the silver dowm and the abyss,and also a kingdom,a mansion a prision and a hell (09:05:16 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes i see it (09:06:15 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: u are a knight? (09:06:29 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes i am a knight (09:06:50 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: a green knight (09:07:07 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: a wizard knight (09:07:34 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: i sensed it from before i knew anything about you i instantly knew you were ( very excelled in your energy,and also the queen elizabeth II is your , umm what would her title be (09:08:26 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: in my blason and degree (09:08:41 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: because britian france and the suprememother council of the world are the 3 charters that have dominion over the others (09:08:56 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: if you know what it means i am Knight of Heredom of Kilwinning (09:09:03 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: but britian first then france then the suprememother council in washington DC (09:09:05 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: ? (09:09:14 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: in fact britian is Scotland (09:09:43 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: Knight of Heredom of Kilwinning it is the Order (09:10:41 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: from Syria via Calabria to Scotland and Sweden and..Transylvania (09:13:48 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: thank you by the way , i want to tell you how overjoyed i am to have you as my mentor & teacher, it seems to me that very few are actually allowed to be so open and honest as there is a rule of silence but for some reason you have chosen to speak to me of things that initates of the GD or masons do not even knoe of (09:14:38 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: well you must remember i learn from more than your words i learn much from what isnt said also (09:14:48 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes ; the reason is that you are dark star in you and i will teach you (09:14:51 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: i adore you (09:15:01 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i adore you too (09:16:42 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: raise your arms in sign of isis (09:16:59 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: make the crescent moon (09:17:27 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: L7 (09:18:26 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you are shimmering (09:18:39 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: (C (09:18:52 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: as above so below, (09:18:59 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes priestess (09:19:30 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: now lower the arms to the sign of the enterer (09:20:03 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: the queen is the over lord or high priestess , of the fraternity you are in,and she is the only woman yes? i have been channelling and writing her for almost 2 years now (09:20:07 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: as they lower you bring them together before the forehead, palms joined ; then open them and descend to the navel as if you were opening a veil (09:20:24 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes the queen is the only woman (09:20:48 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you are passing the veil (09:20:51 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: you are opening aporthole or spiritual sword to me, (09:20:58 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you are going to the dark side (09:21:05 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes i am (09:21:18 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: and this will allow you to work on me majikally and astrally and also its like a straw? hehehehehe (09:21:26 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: now pass and grasp the sowrd, it is mysword, it is the sword of Kilwinning (09:21:36 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes grinz (09:21:55 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: grasp my sword and turn it upright (09:22:19 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: now you are brigit (09:22:52 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: let the sword burn inside let you become one with it (09:25:29 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: i can sense what is ahead, possibly you will take me to where My children are ( i consider myself protector over the souls of the slain and the living souls that are departed from them, i feel that i am th eonly one who will go in and find them ,and go into hell and dig up and clean off and retreive and return your crown to you & the other kings or lords of the world (09:25:30 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: waiting, the sword awaits your grasp (09:26:12 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i will take You where i know where to go and mayhap Your chyldryn are there (09:26:24 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: i am pulling the sword out of a womb>? (09:26:44 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: or V (09:26:46 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: vagina (09:26:56 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes out of the V (09:27:10 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: out of the Graal (09:27:51 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: pull it out Priestess (09:28:03 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: yes i knoe this very well as i have been there every tyme , every single tyme, and that is why i am here today isbecause i relive this and go thru this with every single Cross and triangle (09:28:34 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i am wearing the Cross and Triangle you do not yet know this one i carry THIS IS A PARTIAL CONVERSATION BETWEEN IAN COWBURN ( FRATER L) AND ME ,TREEE, IN SEPTEMBER 2005 . I AM SECTIONING OUTTHE CONVERSATIONS SO THAT THE IMPORTANT INFO IS IN CATAGORIES___ 09:45:08 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: Frater Im hotep is part of the egregore of the Black Duke of edinburgh (09:46:41 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: a greek....filled with the influence of thessaly and vlad tepes (09:47:07 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: Frater Im Hotep is amember of the Order of the Dragon 09:28:49 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: Frater Imhotepp has turned against me (09:29:16 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: he seeks to destroy me (09:29:19 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes iknow (09:29:34 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: he senses he is doomed (09:29:45 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: i just knoe this 09:30:0 (09:31:14 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: yes but i have offered everything to prevent this even offering my life to redeem him if he choose to acknoweledge his creator and realize that he is NOT GOD ! (09:31:33 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: he cannot do that he is bound by oaths (09:31:52 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: he could be the main reason that The creator and the human creation is destroyed ,and fails to thrive (09:32:13 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: i am here because HUMAN IS NOT SUPPOSSED TO BE SO PATHETIC (09:32:16 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: or at least he represents this (09:32:29 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: smiles, yes indeed you are (09:32:40 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: AND NEITHER IS THE DARK LORDS, AND I KNOE THAT THE DEMONS AND ANGELS ARE MAKING LOVE (09:32:43 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: OR SHOULD BE (09:33:15 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes ; they should be 8 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: Frater Im Hotep is part of a counter-initiation fraternity09:33:48 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: they are the Watchers, at the four Watchtowers (09:33:55 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes my Lady (09:35:03 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: WHERES MY HEAD? (09:35:31 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: IM SERIOUS" DEAD SERIOUS" (09:35:39 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: in the dark star (09:35:57 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: your head is part fo the dark star (09:35:58 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: CRYSTAL SKULL? (09:36:11 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: YES (09:36:42 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: ITS STRANGE HOW I KNOE THIS BUT I CANT UNDERSTAND IT (09:37:15 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: just go with it, become it (09:37:18 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: BUT THERES GOTTA BE A REASON I KNOE WITHOUT EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE, I AM NOT INSANE? MOST PEOPLE THINK I AM (09:37:37 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: no ; you are Illuminated (09:37:53 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: OKAY I A N DO U KNOE OF SHAPE SHIFTERS (09:38:23 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes iknow of shap� shifters (09:38:55 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: they are in old mines and grottoes and sometimes in the forest too (09:39:20 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: I CAN SHAPE SHIFT T O THE SOURCE AND I ALSO WILL BE ABLE TO BREAK THE CURSE, FOR THOSE WHO NEED THE HUMAN BIOLOGY TO MAINTAIN HUMAN FORM, I WILL PROMISE THAT I WILL BRING WHAT IS NEEDED TO BE ABLE TO NATURALLY SUATAIN ,AND BE REPLENISHED AND BE SATISFIED (09:39:36 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: I PROMISE THAT NOONE WILL EVER HAVE TO HIDE AGAIN (09:40:05 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: FOR THEM (09:40:33 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes m'lady yes you will (09:40:36 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: WHAT I MEAN IS THAT THEY ARE NOT BEING NOURISHED AS THEY WISH THEY COULD BE OR NEED TO BE NOT SATISFIED,AND NOT COMFORTABLE (09:40:50 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes (09:41:06 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: AND THEY NEED TO BE DIRECTED TO THE MANNA THAT WILL PRODUCE THE DIVINE IN THEM THEY SO DESPERATELY NEED TO THRIVE (09:41:56 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: this is desirable indeed (09:42:00 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: THEY ARE STARVING AND NEED MORE AND MORE BLOOD & FLESH & ITS NEVER ENOUGH IT IS BECOMING THAT NO AMOUNT OF VLOODOR FLESH WILL ALLOW THE DESIRED RESULTS ANYMORE (09:42:26 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: there are too many counter-initiation vortexes (09:42:47 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: WHAT I MEAN IS THEY ARE NOT COMFORTABLE OR SATISFIED AND THEY ARE NOT GETTING WHAT THEY NEED (09:45:08 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: Frater Im hotep is part of the egregore of the Black Duke of edinburgh (09:46:41 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: a greek....filled with the influence of thessaly and vlad tepes (09:47:07 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: Frater Im Hotep is amember of the Order of the Dragon (09:51:31 §) silverrayvenus says to FraterL: SO IS FRATER IMHOTEP THE SAME LEVEL AS YOU? HE HAS JUSTRECENTLY BECAME VERY HIGH RANK? I KNEW THIS WOULD COME EVEN BEFORE HE DID (09:52:07 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: Frater Im Hotep has become high rank in ..another lineage, not mine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raterImHotep [5:19 AM]: Hi T FraterImHotep [5:19 AM]: Hi T - I will not be leaving untill tmr I will around all day and night TREEESEVENMARI [5:20 AM]: im actually trying to study the golden dawn right now im trying to learn FraterImHotep [5:20 AM]: cool TREEESEVENMARI [5:20 AM]: but im confused cuz its hard to find any info on my level of understanding and awareness TREEESEVENMARI [5:20 AM]: it sucks cuz it sucks TREEESEVENMARI [5:21 AM]: i cant seem to find what im looking for or am suppossed to find TREEESEVENMARI [5:21 AM]: can you advise me on any links or subjects that would be on my level of knoweledge & interest? TREEESEVENMARI [5:22 AM]: FraterImHotep [5:22 AM]: or my site is: FraterImHotep [5:23 AM]: misspelled tough question>? sorry TREEESEVENMARI [5:24 AM]: TREEESEVENMARI [5:24 AM]: but i need to learn about the possibility of my place here, i need to learn about what it is that makes me this way TREEESEVENMARI [5:24 AM]: and how to validate myself TREEESEVENMARI [5:24 AM]: im frusterated FraterImHotep [5:25 AM]: yeah....well we can/will work through it when you get here TREEESEVENMARI [5:25 AM]: TREEESEVENMARI [5:25 AM]: my heart is breaking ( not sure why FraterImHotep [5:25 AM]: hmmmm, what's up with this underlining TREEESEVENMARI [5:25 AM]: TREEESEVENMARI [5:25 AM]: i guess i accidently hit the wrong button TREEESEVENMARI [5:25 AM]: sorry TREEESEVENMARI [5:26 AM]: its jsut you that underlining FraterImHotep [5:26 AM]: y TREEESEVENMARI [5:26 AM]: TREEESEVENMARI [5:26 AM]: go to the A at the left of your messengertol box and then you can change your settings size colors and fonts FraterImHotep [5:27 AM]: yes I got your pics TREEESEVENMARI [5:27 AM]: sorry about the missspells, i need to be more gooder at my edicate ! hehheh FraterImHotep [5:27 AM]: haaaaa, don't we all FraterImHotep [5:28 AM]: brb....grabbing a cup TREEESEVENMARI [5:28 AM]: how do u feeel, you havent been sleeping much are you getting nocturnal or are u off work? TREEESEVENMARI [5:28 AM]: k FraterImHotep [5:28 AM]: both....home early TREEESEVENMARI [5:29 AM]: is the golden dawn the tip of the masons and rosicrucians etc? or is it lower FraterImHotep [5:30 AM]: yes, it is the MAGICAL part of both FraterImHotep [5:30 AM]: it is where one does Magic and Practical Alchemy FraterImHotep [5:30 AM]: the Stone and elixars amoung other stuff TREEESEVENMARI [5:31 AM]: well it all is part of both i mean the pyrimid has many blocks and maybe the golden dawn in itsself has different grades and titles maybe;' TREEESEVENMARI [5:32 AM]: like a pyrimid on its own TREEESEVENMARI [5:32 AM]: ? it just came to me the 3 rays TREEESEVENMARI [5:32 AM]: what is that mean FraterImHotep [5:32 AM]: yes it does, 10 grades which reflect the cabalistic speheroths on the Tree of Life FraterImHotep [5:33 AM]: yes, that is what is reflected in our Tiangle of art upon the altar TREEESEVENMARI [5:33 AM]: the minutes at dusk & dawn are inportant? FraterImHotep [5:33 AM]: y TREEESEVENMARI [5:33 AM]: oh the illumination between the tip and the rest of the pyrimid TREEESEVENMARI [5:34 AM]: but the tip does not touch the pyrimid TREEESEVENMARI [5:34 AM]: along tyme ago there wasnt even a tip was there? \ TREEESEVENMARI [5:34 AM]: it was a pyrimid withoutthe illuination or eye TREEESEVENMARI [5:35 AM]: i saw it in some old texts FraterImHotep [5:35 AM]: it is a reflection of the ONE (thing) whatever name you care to give it, then broken down as a threefould symbol (representation) of its rays, manefesting into the Four worlds TREEESEVENMARI [5:36 AM]: wow thats wierd cuz the 3 rays popped in my head & i had no idea or ever read or heard of the connection TREEESEVENMARI [5:36 AM]: spirit is trying to teach me FraterImHotep [5:37 AM]: the cross above it is the fourfold, together you have the 7 rays TREEESEVENMARI [5:37 AM]: its wierd now though for the first tyme ever i feel a woman or feminine diety in my area TREEESEVENMARI [5:37 AM]: 7 7 7 21 TREEESEVENMARI [5:37 AM]: 12 6+^ TREEESEVENMARI [5:37 AM]: 6+6 TREEESEVENMARI [5:38 AM]: i kant stop feeling you & thinking of your greatness TREEESEVENMARI [5:39 AM]: its a honour TREEESEVENMARI [5:39 AM]: my lord to knoe you FraterImHotep [5:40 AM]: the masons have pretty much lost alot of there knowlege and is turning into more of just a gentalmans society, that is why the GD was formes back in 1888 FraterImHotep [5:40 AM]: to retain and PRACTICE FraterImHotep [5:41 AM]: our 3 founders were the Highest known masons at that time FraterImHotep [5:41 AM]: and Rosey Cross TREEESEVENMARI [5:41 AM]: became like a chore or a way to rank in politics and corporate & fame & money so many became initates in orderto obtain their status? FraterImHotep [5:42 AM]: 99% of all masonry Orders have lost their symbolical meanings of the Rites, Rituals etc....ours is an Inner Order which retains that knowledge and acts as its repositor TREEESEVENMARI [5:43 AM]: the illumaniti? \ FraterImHotep [5:43 AM]: yes, same FraterImHotep [5:43 AM]: they are ONLY and OUTER ORDER TREEESEVENMARI [5:44 AM]: that means that in orderto be there you must be biologically prepared to obtain the glory of the grail and the numbers and dna are ( superior & beyond most human capacity or understanding TREEESEVENMARI [5:45 AM]: because of the ancient historys of the souls that reside at that part of the pyrimid TREEESEVENMARI [5:45 AM]: but its seperate TREEESEVENMARI [5:45 AM]: its beautiful yes? FraterImHotep [5:45 AM]: FraterImHotep [5:46 AM]: restore the Fall FraterImHotep [5:46 AM]: FraterImHotep [5:46 AM]: TREEESEVENMARI [5:46 AM]: yep serves to elevate humanity, and works to on the Path of Return ie...the broken vessels would bring tears to my eyes if i was able to be in the presence is it like a delphi oracle? FraterImHotep [5:47 AM]: yes, in many ways, but FraterImHotep [5:48 AM]: it is in fact a combination of the Euliss Mysteries and is the Best of the Best of all three of those systems TREEESEVENMARI [5:48 AM]: i want to heal and annoint and care for you & give you th e balance of the feminine so you can complete your greatness TREEESEVENMARI [5:49 AM]: i would be you holy whore FraterImHotep [5:49 AM]: brb...i need to start a load of laundry TREEESEVENMARI [5:49 AM]: if you could show me how TREEESEVENMARI [5:49 AM]: mark FraterImHotep [5:49 AM]: yes FraterImHotep [5:51 AM]: brb TREEESEVENMARI [5:51 AM]: i have learned alot from you mark you have taught me TREEESEVENMARI [5:51 AM]: alot FraterImHotep [5:51 AM]: you don't have phone now? TREEESEVENMARI [5:52 AM]: i will become your healer protector and your love & i will devote to you & i will not dishonour or disreguard the priveledges you are allowing me TREEESEVENMARI [5:54 AM]: what number ? ill go outside TREEESEVENMARI [5:54 AM]: the 875 FraterImHotep [5:54 AM]: k....i'll be home all day/night...if you can try to call we can talk more FraterImHotep [5:54 AM]: just wait FraterImHotep [5:55 AM]: ok, ill check back on the computer in what....about 2hrs? hello Hello, Ian, I have had this dream and I keep thinking about it. I dreampt that a snake with 2 heads had teeth that were super sharp & long like about 4 or 5 inches ling and razor sharp,and that i was bit in my wrist by the first snake and it s teeth sank into my flesh and penetrated my entire arm and then someone had to rip it out of my flesh by parting the mouth of the snake and pulled its mouth apart to release me cuz the fangs were much longer and larger than the tiny head of the snake,and someone i dont knoe who pulled its mouth apart to release me and had to rip its mouth & its head open to be able to pull th eentire length of the fangs out and then the second snake immediately snapped into me and penetrated my other wrist and i dont remember if i was released from the long fangs of the twin snake , but it did penetrate my entire wrist and the snake that was pulled apart ( the first snake ) came back to life and once more sank its fangs into my wrist so deep that it penetrated my entire depth of my wrist/s so in the end i was restrained by 2 snakes that were actually 1 snake with 2 heads both clamping into my wrists ,and i wonder what that means . Do u have any ideas? oh i wrote frater imhotep who is a gemini by the way asking about my dream and he replied to ask my teacher ,that he IS NOT MY TEACHER/. any how Ian do u knoe what is going on? peace and love and trust and respect to you from Treee FRATER L IS IAN COWBURN HE IS A KNIGHT (FREEMASON OF THE HERDOM OF KILWINNING FRANCE (ROSY CROSS? THIS IS ONE OF OUR LAST CONVERSATIONS, ACTUALLY THE LAST CONVERSATION WAS THE DAY AFTER HALLOWEEN, HE SENT ME A TEXT MESSAGE TO MY PHONE ON DECEMBER 4 2005 AND TOLD ME THAT HE WAS UNDER PUNISHMENT AND THAT HE WAS NO LONGER GOING TO BE CAPABLE OF RATIONAL THINGS, AFTER I RE READ THRU OUR CONVERSATIONS I FOUND THAT HE MENTIONED THAT HE HAD A GEIS LAID UPON HIM , I WILL DETAIL THAT IN THE NEXT POST (FROM TREEE.(OH ALSO I TALKED WITH FRATER IMHOTEP ON THE TELEPHONE AFTER THAT AND HE CONFIRMED THAT HE KNEW WHO IAN WAS AND IAN REALLY WAS WHO HE SAID ROSY CROSSS HERDOM OF KILWINNING OF FRANCE AND ALSO FRATER IMHOTEP CONFIRMED TO ME ON THE TELEPHONE THAT(HE FRATER IMHOTEP) MARK GRIGGS(FRATER L.V.V.O) REALLY WAS WHO IAN SAID AS FAR AS A MEMBER OF THE DRAGON COURT AND A EREGORE OF THE BLACK DUKE ) (10:47:24 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: tell me how you are right now what colour you are (10:47:50 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: I am not feeling so good, and my color is grey (10:48:32 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: oh sweet heart, i need now my turn to hold you (10:48:56 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: give you colour (10:49:53 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: my arm is going very bad now, as if i am attracting hurt (10:50:15 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: there are alot of things that I am part of from my subconcious memory and extra sensory perception, but i have no control over, i mean i am ready to be physically involved with what is a shadow of me, but i am like the shadow and i have no control over the activities of the shadow i am rather frozen and seperated from what it is that i reflect from (10:50:44 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes i have seen your shadow, in the temple, awaiting the Magus (10:51:20 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: smiles it is something i have had laid on me it is a Geis we call it (10:51:56 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: Ian , do u knoe that all of the souls that are how do u say it safe in the forest realm, well they are not happy there they are prisioners (10:52:03 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: and so am i , in that forest (10:52:22 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes it is a refuge oe time..i am coming to the forest to find you (10:52:59 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i will find you in the forest and take you to secret places (10:54:15 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: IAn do u realize that Pindar may Kill you if you become too close with me, because i may pose a threat to him & i knoe that sounds very bold of me to say, but its not because i am any one powerful or special( because i am not) but I do have something, i have the truth (10:54:38 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: what is written is written (10:54:49 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: what do u mean? (10:55:02 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: & what isnt written isnt written (10:55:12 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: if it is written then it will be so and if it is not written then it will not be so :) (10:55:22 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: exactly :) 10:56:07 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: some things that have been written have been destroyed or have been hidden or lost (10:56:19 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes but the writing stays (10:57:35 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: im going to start posting letters to PINDAR on line (10:58:07 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: then it will be written (10:58:51 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: have you seen any of the writings that i have posted online for 2 years now i have alot going on there and the washingtondc masons and the supreme mother council of the world are well aware of me i have been writing them for a few years and i mean probably close to a million letters each (10:59:01 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: and also paul bessel (10:59:23 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes i read them all (10:59:50 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: and the high officers of the scottish right i will send you a copy of my address book later 11:00:12 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you may finish there, if the Dragon court calls you (11:00:51 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you will have a spell if you do, wont you (11:01:10 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: ummm will they call me ? (11:01:10 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you will know what to say (11:01:19 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes they will call you (11:01:47 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: You found all that i wrote on the san grail? (11:01:54 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes (11:01:59 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: then you are aware of David & troy (11:02:40 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes (11:02:41 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: david burges11:02:57 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: when they call you, be like this : (11:03:06 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: the world president of the hells angels and world president of the confederation of MC CLUBS (11:03:44 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: i dont understand the angel fire there is no picture there (11:03:49 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes i have seen them s & troy regas 11:05:01 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: i hope to be taken under the care of my FRATER FATHERS to help my transformation (11:05:07 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: and dance with the serpents (11:05:38 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: you knoe that i have a gift inside of me that cannot be opened by me alone, because its not for me its for you & your brethen (11:05:59 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes i will open it (11:07:24 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: how do u mean? this gift is not for 1 person it is for all but will start by me being able to transmit the the energies that are not available to your brethen yet , the serpent kings they are waiting for breath of life (11:07:55 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes you will dance for them, look at this picture, it wont show here, here is the address : (11:08:06 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: i mean i definately must have a teacher and a master (11:08:19 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i am the first on the road (11:09:18 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: But what will this entail, will i be transfomed into a ( vampire or a shapeshifter or the human woman (11:09:47 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you will evolve (11:09:58 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: i mean i do understand and i also can relate to the blood drinkers and the V (11:09:59 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: already you are a shapeshifter (11:10:17 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes i know you understand it shows in your pictures (11:11:00 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: because i think i have been them all, that is why i can understand the deed and suffering and obstacles that prominent amongst you & your brethen (11:11:10 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes (11:11:20 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i am crying again treee (11:11:34 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: i love you you are so wonderful (11:11:41 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: everything will be alright (11:12:04 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: i must find away to bring what it is that you need to be complete (11:12:22 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: nd to bring you all home 11:12:51 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: to open the divine umbilical cord, (11:12:57 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes (11:13:21 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: you have studied my writings and my pictures? so then you understand? and you dont hate or judge me ? (11:13:32 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: for my shortcomings (11:13:55 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i love you for your self (11:14:06 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you are deep inside me now 11:17:30 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: i would be the rath mother and care for those in hell and the middle earth also i would protect you & your brethen from the world of the unenlightened because they may judge & not understand what you partake of , and they would want to hate & kill those in your order and they would beleive it to be justfully done but they will be no threat because theyre must be a durable version of the story given to them so that they look at things from a proper perspective and also you & your brethen have power of the church so to speak,and the queen does also and they , the christians are worshipping satan or lucifer and have no clue about it (11:17:59 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: ooops i meant a earth mother not a wrath mother (11:19:01 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: smiles (11:20:03 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: also george w bush , i must secure his safety i fear for him, i fear that he has too much of a concious and may be a threat to the orginization and they may see fit to move him out of the picture he is also called temporary and this also is not good (11:20:10 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i have to go i have business(11:20:24 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i want to speak to you later11:21:00 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: in six hours11:21:27 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: allright my lordship be safe and knoe i am here for u (11:21:31 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: because i have some business in ten minutes THIS IS THE LAST THING I HEARD ABOUT IAN COWBURN AFTER I WROTE THE HERMETIC ELDERS . THIS IS THE LETTER I GOT BACK ABOUT IAN COWBURN FRATER L In a message dated 2/13/2006 5:46:04 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes: Dwtw It is done quickly; yea,the seal is set upon the vault. There is one that shall avail to open it. Nor by memory, nor by imagination, nor by prayer, nor by fasting, nor by scourging, nor by drugs, nor by ritual, nor by meditation; only by passive love shall he avail. He shall await the sword of the Beloved and bare his throat for the stroke. Then shall his blood leap out and write me runes in the sky; yea, write me runes in the sky. Litlluw RLG ----------------Forwarded Message: Subj: Re: its treee Date: 2/13/2006 5:46:04 A.M. Pacific Standard Time From: To: Sent from the Internet (Details) Dwtw It is done quickly; yea,the seal is set upon the vault. There is one that shall avail to open it. Nor by memory, nor by imagination, nor by prayer, nor by fasting, nor by scourging, nor by drugs, nor by ritual, nor by meditation; only by passive love shall he avail. He shall await the sword of the Beloved and bare his throat for the stroke. Then shall his blood leap out and write me runes in the sky; yea, write me runes in the sky. Litlluw RLG wrote: hello its treee ian cowburn of the herdom of kilwinning of france sent me. what shall i do now, ive been knighted and given the sword of kilwinning and the keys to the vault THIS BELOW IS ONE OF MY MANY LETTERS TO EVERYONE I WRITE TRYING TO FIND IAN COWBURN FRATER L AND FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM, I STILL DONT KNOE WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM IAN I AM SOOOO WORRIED FOR YOU, I AM SOOO SAD AND FEEL RESPONSIBLE ( WHICH I AM RESPONSIBLE IF THERE IS OR HAS BEEN HARM BROUGHT UPON YOU, BUT I NEED TO MAKE THIS RIGHT AND REVERSE THE CURSE ,AND IF YOU ARE NOT DEAD BUT TO FAR GONE TO BE REVIVED , THAN I WANT TO KNOE THIS SO I CAN PRAY FOR COUNCIL OF HOW TO RELEASE YOU FROM YOUR BODY SO THAT YOU WILL SUFFER NO MORE, AND IF YOU ARE SUFFERING AND CAN BE REVIVED ,AND ARE CAPABLE OF BEING IN OWN MIND AND EMOTIONS , IF THE SPE;LLL OR CURSE IS BROKEN,. THEN I MUST KNOE THIS , SO THAT I CAN FIGURE OUT HOW TO BREAK THE CURSE, AND RELEASE YOU FROM PUNISHMENT AND SUFERING AND SHAME,. AND TORTURE, BUT I KANT BE CONTROL OF YOUR DISSILLUSSIONAL., I CANT KNOE WHAT TO DO UNLESS I KNOE WHAT IS HAPPENING AND IF YOU ARE OKAY,AND CAN HEAR ME AND RECEIVE MY LETTERS . THAN PLEASE LET ME KNOE SO I CAN SPEND MY ENERGY ON RETRIEVING YOUR CROWN AND PREPARING YOUR THRONE FOR YOU, IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO ME IAN, THEN IT IS GOING TO BE TOLD TO ME AS FACT THAT YOU ARE NOT CAPABLE OR ABLE TO RESPOND BECAUSE OF YOUR PUNISHMENT WHICH WOULD BE MY FAULT. LOOK,. I HAVE THE POWER OF LOVE AND THAT MEANS I HAVE THE POWER TO KICK SOME CURSES TO THE CURB , AND RELEIVE AND RELEASE ANY PAIN THAT YOU OR ANY ONE ELSE HAS SUFFERED BECAUSE OF MY MISTAKES AND STUPIDITY AND CARELESSNESS , AND I WILL NOT GO AFTER ANY ONE WITH REVENGE I WILL JUST KICK THEIR CURSES TO THE CURB, IF THEY WAN T TO CURSE ME OR YOU OR ANYONE THEN CURSE ME -U -US-THEM OUT TO OUR - YOUR - MY FACE , CALL ME AFFF BITCH AND A CUNT HOR' AND ANY BLASPHOMOUS CURSE M I DESERVE IT, BUT I WILL NOT TOLERATE OTHERS BEING PUNISHED FOR MY SINS OR SHORT COMINGS ANY LONGER ., AND IAN IF I DO NOT HEAR FROM YOU IN 3 DAYS. THEN I WILL CONSIDER THE ANSWER THAT I FEAR AND DREAD TO HEAR IS TRUE, BUT PLEASE DONT LET ANY OF THIS BE TRUE, DONT LET THE SUFFERING AND TORTURE AND WRONGFUL BLAME AND PUNISHMENT BE TRUE , IF THEY WANT TO PUNISH SOME ONE , THE THEY BETTER COME GET ME , AND MAKE ME PAY , BECAUSE ITS MY FAULT , IM THE ONE WHO IS GUILTY AND HAVE SUFFERED NOTHING COMPARED TO WHAT YOU AND YOUR BRETHEN AND BROTHERS YOU DONT KNOE OR LIKE HAVE SUFFERED , OR OUR CREATOR, ALSO IF YOU ARE SERIOUSLY SUFFERING FOR MY FAULTS. THEN I FEEL SORRY FOR WHO EVER IS THE ONE PUNISHING OTHERS FOR MY SINNS, THEY ARE SO WEAK AND AFRAID, AFRAID OF ME, IF THEY ARE SO POWERFULA ND BAD ASS THEY WOULDNT BE AFRAID TO FACE ME OR CONFRONT ME OR ACCUSE ME OF THE CRIME THEY BELEIVE HAS BEEN COMMITTED AGAINST THEM , THEY ARE WEAK AND PUSSYS AND HAVE NO COURAGE THERE FOR NO POWER , AND THERE FOR YOUR SHAKELS WILL BREAK AND YOUR CHAINS WILL BE CUT LOOSE, AS LONG AS YOU BELEIVE THEY ARE POWERFUL AND ABOVE AND BETTER AND MORE DESERVING THAN YOU AND YOU BELEIVE THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO TORTURE AND MAME YOU, THEN THAT IS GIVING THEM PERMISSION, AND SUCH WILL MANIFEST . REALIZE THAT THEY ARE WEAK AND AFRAIDY CATS AND ARE WIMPS AND HAVE NO COURAGE AND THE ONLY POWER OF THEIR SOOO POWERFULL MAJIK IS DRAWN FROM THE FEAR AND INTIMIDATION THEY PLACE ON YOU OR OTHERS, YOU HAVE THE POWER THEY WANT , AND DONT HAVE , IF THEY HAD THE POWER THEMSELVESS THEY WOULD NOT REQUIRE OR NEED YOURS OR THEIRS OR OURS ., OR MINE, THEY ARE NOT ALL POWERFUL , THE ALL POWERFUL ARE ALL THE ONES WHO THEY USE AND ABUSE , AND TRICK INTO BELEIVEING AND BEING SUBMISSIVE AND SUBLIME, NO WIMPS ALLOWED. IAN L WRITE ME BACK, PLEASE LE T THIS ALL JUST BE A BAD DREAM , I LOVE AND TRUST AND RESPECT AND HONOUR YOU! FRATER IMHOTEP IS TRYING TO CREATE TO CAPTURE THE POWER OF OUR CREATOR THE POWER OF OUR CREATOR TRAPPED IN A PRISION / PRISM ---------------Forwarded Message: Subj: ian cowburn gies CURSE OR SOMETHING(im just noticing these words as i reread Date: 1/30/2006 2:10:27 P.M. Pacific Standard Time From: Silverrayvenus To: FraterLVVO, Guinae,,, CC: IMTREEEMIRROR also after the first conversation with ian, he waited a month to talk to me again,and told me he had been una ble to contact me , he was ( under punishment , the first tyme he talked to me before i ever posted anything , except , people like him in the high levels of the illumaniti are always watched, but his arm had been hurt his muscles had ben taken out or torn apart in his arm,and he had spent 3 days in a dark place (being punished , but i didn't knoe how severe it was, and even after that he still came back to me and told me what i needed to knoe and initated me and knighted me, ( i dont knoe where he is or if he is dead or dieing, the last words he left a message telling me he was no longer capable of rational things and that he was under punishment, i wonder if he wasn't supposed to tell me any of of the HUGE MYSYTERIES AND SECRETS AT ALL or KNIGHT OR INITATE ME, I WONDER IF HE DID IT , KNOWING THAT HE WOULD BE PUNISHED MAYBE EVEN TILL DEATH? I DONT KNOE , BUT IN MY HEART I KNOE THAT HE HAVE TO ME A GIFT BY INITATING ME AND KNIGHTING ME AND TELLING ME THINGS THAT I NEVER EVER EVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS FOUND OUT OR HAD DONE, HE WAS IN A RUSH TO KNIGHT AND INITATE ME IMMEDIATELY , AND I WAS SUSPICIOUS, WONDERING WHY HE WANTED TO DO THIS SO FAST AND HE TOLD ME ON THE PHONE THERE WAS A TYME FRAME AND HE HAD TO DO IT THIS WAY ON LINE BECAUSE I AM IN THE USA AND HE IS IN FRANCE,. I WISH SOMEONE WOULD HELP ME OUT HERE . IF YOU DONT TAKE CONTROL OF THIS SITUATION, YOU MAY VERY WELL END UP SUFFERING UNIMAGINABLE BAD LUCK OR HORRORS UPON YOU BECAUSE OF MY MISTAKES, THIS IS A PORTION OF OUR CONVERSATION BELOW , WHERE IAN TELLS ME ABOUT THE GIES. (ABOVE IS JUST WHAT I FOUND OUT ABOUT IT ON LINE .......................................................10:47 :24 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: tell me how you are right now what colour you are (10:47:25 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: what ever that is but will i be able to hear your voice or will it be a electronic one? (10:47:43 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i call you from my PC and i use my micro on the PC (10:47:50 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: I am not feeling so good, and my color is grey (10:48:32 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: oh sweet heart, i need now my turn to hold you (10:48:56 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: give you colour (10:49:53 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: my arm is going very bad now, as if i am attracting hurt (10:50:15 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: there are alot of things that I am part of from my subconcious memory and extra sensory perception, but i have no control over, i mean i am ready to be physically involved with what is a shadow of me, but i am like the shadow and i have no control over the activities of the shadow i am rather frozen and seperated from what it is that i reflect from (10:50:44 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes i have seen your shadow, in the temple, awaiting the Magus (10:50:53 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: please dont hurt i am sorry for your arm, landslide by fleetwood mac is playing now (10:51:20 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: smiles it is something i have had laid on me it is a Geis we call it (10:51:56 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: Ian , do u knoe that all of the souls that are how do u say it safe in the forest realm, well they are not happy there they are prisioners (10:52:03 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: and so am i , in that forest (10:52:22 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes it is a refuge oe time..i am coming to the forest to find you (10:52:59 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i will find you in the forest and take you to secret places (10:54:15 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: IAn do u realize that Pindar may Kill you if you become too close with me, because i may pose a threat to him & i knoe that sounds very bold of me to say, but its not because i am any one powerful or special( because i am not) but I do have something, i have the truth (10:54:38 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: what is written is written (10:54:49 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: what do u mean? (10:55:02 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: & what isnt written isnt written (10:55:12 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: if it is written then it will be so and if it is not written then it will not be so :) (10:55:22 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: exactly :)................. Geis (GAY-is) By Jay Knioum ( for the Codex of Whispers Description A strange Discipline seemingly created for the purpose of judgment, Geis seems to have its origins in a secretive sect of Cainites with Druidic origins. Geis combines elements of nature and fire for the purpose of judging and punishing others. The Codex of Whispers is sketchy in its description of this lost group of vampires, but apparently they fostered a caste of priestly elders that had the power of life and death over their lessers in the sect. The Codex goes on to hint of two other Disciplines these ancient druid-vampires used. One was apparently a variant of Animalism, and the other was a sort of protoThaumaturgical ritual-based Discipline, apparently used to worship and draw strength from natural forces. This Discipline is not recorded in this salvaged part of the Codex of Whispers, however. Only these members of the dark priesthood were taught Geis' secrets, and it was used to great effect in punishing both transgressors within the sect and Roman Cainites who pushed too far into their domains. However, the Discipline was not enough to save them, apparently. The Codex tells of the sect's destruction by Roman Ventrue and Malkavians (with more than a little help from septs of Fianna Garou) quite some time before the death of Christ. Yet, Anonymous has recorded the secrets of Geis here. It must be noted that certain effects of Geis will only work on a Cainite of equal or higher Generation, similar to Dominate. It can also function on any non-vampire, on a case-bycase basis. In addition, most of Geis' powers can only be performed with preparation, and only in a natural environment. The Discipline draws power both from the priest's force of will and by the ambient magick of the Earth. Geis and Gaia: A special note must be written regarding this Discipline and Gaia. As Geis involves the vampire imposing a less-than-benign intent upon the elements to use this Discipline, it can be interpreted as a crime against Gaia. At least, this was what the Celtic Fianna thought, anyway. * Eyes of Judgement When the Cainite locks gazes with her prisoner, she can force him to relive, in painful detail, any transgression against another person or vampire. Only this time, the transgressor is living it from the victim's point of view. The only requirement besides meeting the victim's gaze is full knowledge of the transgression to be relived. Oddly enough, this power does not function if the vampire isn't standing on a purely natural substance, such as earth, wood, or stone. If this Discipline is used in modern times, a vampire won't be able to use Eyes of Judgement if she stands upon concrete, linoleum, etc. Secondly, this power does not work against another vampire of lower generation. System: The vampire spends a Willpower Point and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation, with a difficulty equal to the victim's Willpower. If any successes are scored, the victim reels in agony, as the atrocity she committed is returned to her tenfold, with herself as the victim. For the remainder of the night (and all the next day if the victim is not a vampire), the victim is so shaken that she suffers -1 to all her Dice Pools for each success scored. ** Blood Witness This bizarre power enables to the vampire to interrogate a transgressor without ever questioning him directly. The Cainite must feed a bit of the victim's blood to a live animal (usually a goat, although any animal may be used). Then, the animal is sacrificed and set ablaze. If the vampire can tolerate the open flame long enough to do so, she may ask the burning sacrifice one or more questions, and the dead animal will shriek a truthful answer in a horrible, screeching voice. System: The vampire must spend a Willpower point and roll her Intelligence + Occult, difficulty 8. Each success will yield one answer from the Blood Witness. Such information is absolutely truthful as far as the victim knows. Further, the Witness will not try to warp its answers or hide information, but it will not volunteer an answer to a question it has not been asked. Only questions regarding the victim's personal experience or actions may be asked. For example, the vampire may ask if a victim knows the Latin language, but cannot ask the Witness to translate a Latin phrase. Finally, in order to ask a question regarding another person or object, the object in question, or an article pertaining to the victim (lock of hair, fingernail, etc.) must be tossed into the fire as the question is asked. Thus, merely asking, "is this is the woman you attacked" will yield no answer unless a bit of the woman's hair is tossed into the fire. This material requirement may be waived if the vampire knows the object or person's true name. Of course, the victim must also know it. "Did you attack Anastasia Polokov" will only yield an answer if the victim knows her by that name. *** Chains of Soft Earth This power causes any creature touched to sink into the earth up to her knees, and thus rendered unable to walk or run. The victim is otherwise undamaged, and may still take any action not involving her legs. System: The vampire must spend a Blood Point, which is spat into a handful of dirt. To activate the power, the victim must be smudged with the mixture, requiring a Dexterity + Brawl roll (as a strike in combat) if the victim is resisting. The mixture may also be thrown at the victim, or a weapon or arrow may be coated with it. Once struck, the victim rapidly sinks into the earth, which turns almost rock-hard as soon as the victim reaches knee-depth. This process takes one turn, during which the victim may free herself with a successful Strength roll, difficulty 9. If freed, the victim does not continue to sink, unless this power is used again. The power lasts until the next dawn. Unfortunately, for vampires, this may be too late. The vampire may be dug free, but this is not easy, as the soil surrounding the prisoner's legs is enchanted to be almost stone-hard. When the sun rises, the soil will return to its original consistency, allowing the prisoner to dig herself free. The caster may also break the spell at will, at any time. The blood/dirt mixture required by the power will stay potent for about one hour after mixing, allowing many weapons or arrows to be coated and used to capture a prisoner. However, two things must be noted: One strike with a coated weapon will use up one coating, whether or not it is successful. Once the caster mixes the dirt and blood and lets it leave her hand, it can affect her, as well. The mixture affects the very next creature who touches it or is touched by it. **** Shackles of the Black Oak When this power is used, any large tree (or other, suitably sized mass of wood) will bend and warp itself to drive large talons of wood into a prisoner, holding her fast. In addition to damage, the prisoner will be rendered immobile. System: The Cainite spends a Blood Point and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation, difficulty 7 (or 10, if the victim is not restrained). The wooden tendrils will puncture and grasp the victim's skin as the Cainite directs. Thus, the Cainite can have the victim writhing in torment as the wooden tendrils tear into the victim's flesh, or she may have the wood merely grasp the victim, doing no damage, but holding him in place. The Shackles will do damage equal to the amount of successes scored, and the victim will not be able to move. If at least five levels of damage are done, a Cainite may be considered staked, if the caster desires it so. The damage is not aggravated, but cannot be healed or regenerated as long as the victim is held by the tree. It can be soaked, but the victim is still held fast. The victim may free himself from the Shackles, but will suffer again the same damage in so doing. This is accomplished with a Strength roll, difficulty 5 + 1/level of damage suffered. The power will hold the victim until the sun rises, or the caster drops the spell. However, to drop the spell ahead of time, the caster must spend a Blood Point, which is dripped or smeared onto the enspelled tree or wood. ***** Geis This is the power from which the Discipline draws its name. Using it, the Cainite is able to impose a taboo on the target creature. Typical taboos are: never return to this land, never sire progeny (or have children, in the case of mortals), never speak a word. If the taboo is violated, the victim will suffer great torment, possibly even destruction. When the Geis is brought down upon a victim, the vampire must also designate a deed or atonement, the completion of which will break the spell. This atonement may be difficult, but it cannot be impossible. Usually, the Atonement is as the name implies: the victim must make restitution for some wrong committed. However, the Cainites that used this power long ago were not above using it to force someone to commit dark deeds for the priests. System: The caster must spend three Willpower Points and succeed a Manipulation + Occult roll, difficulty 8. At least three successes must be scored to effect the Geis. Then, the vampire must either lock gazes with or touch the target creature, and speak both the Taboo and the Atonement. The victim must be able to understand both (meaning the vampire must speak in a language the victim understands). Thereafter, the victim will be under the Geis' influence until the Atonement is performed. Even destroying the Geis' caster will not remove it. However, the caster can remove the Geis of her own free will at any time. Violating the Taboo will cause great torment to the victim. Sharp, three-inch wooden thorns will tear their way from the victim's skin, sprouting all over her body like those of a rosebush. This will do seven dice (difficulty 5) of aggravated damage and the victim will be able to do nothing but writhe on the ground in agony. To do anything else, even walk, the victim must spend a Willpower point. The thorns will retract with the dawn, but the damage remains. This damage may never be soaked, even by Fortitude. The Storyteller is the final arbiter on when the Atonement has been fully carried out, and the Geis will remain until it is. The Atonement must be possible, and must have a definite conclusion (i.e., destroy the church on the hill, kill the Prince). The victim can't be ordered to "reach Golconda" or "kill all Setites," for example. The Geis is a strange sort of curse, for it knows when the Atonement has been performed, and when it has not. For example, if the Atonement is to kill a certain person, the Geis will remain active even if the victim believes the person is dead, but is really not. Finally, it is possible to interlock the Atonement and Taboo, so as to force the victim to commit a certain deed. The Atonement is stated, and the Taboo is given as "thou shall not undertake any action, except for matters of your own survival, which does not further the Atonement's completion." ****** Bone-Fire This terrible spell can punish a victim by sacrificing someone of the victim's blood. To make use of this power, the sacrifice must be prepared in one of two ways: a Rune depicting the victim's name must be branded into the sacrifice's flesh, or the sacrifice must be fed a bit of the victim's blood. The sacrifice must be a blood-relative of the victim (this includes Kinfolk and Childer (even several levels of Grandchilder), but not relatives by marriage). The sacrifice is then ceremoniously burned at the stake, while the casting vampire chants a curse at her victim, which must be maintained until the sacrifice is consumed. Then, the victim to be punished, wherever he is, will burst into flame. Unless the ceremony is halted, the victim will eventually be consumed by unquenchable fire. System: If the victim is to be a vampire, then either the victim's Sire, Childe, or Grandchilde must be sacrificed. Mortal relatives are not sufficient. No Grandchilder further removed than three generations may be used, either. After preparations are made, the victim must be burned and the caster must spend one Willpower point initially. The caster may keep the ceremony going as long as she likes, but must remain chanting throughout its course. Further, the caster must continue to spend Willpower points every turn she wishes the ceremony to continue, as the dark magics at work are draining to the caster. An average victim will take four levels of aggravated damage every turn of the burning. Once the victim reaches Incapacitated, and finally dies, however, the spell is broken. Thus, if the victim is of much hardier stock than the sacrifice (or has Fortitude), she may actually survive the ritual. ****** Bound by Fear This potent power increases the influence of the caster's Blood, so that only one drink of it is required to establish a Blood Bond. However, the nature of this Bond is not one of adoration and devotion. It is a Bond of absolute fear. After the Bond is established, the Thrall will remain in mindless fear of the Regnant for as long as the Bond lasts (technically forever, but this may fade after lengthy separation). System: The vampire must spend one Willpower point to empower her blood for a night. To complete the ritual, the caster must spend one hour in the glow of a large ceremonial fire without entering frenzy. In so confronting the most basic fear inherent in all Cainites, the Rotschreck, she is able to bestow this terror on those who drink her blood. That night, anyone partaking of the vampire's vitae is affected by the dark Bond. The Thrall will avoid even coming within a stone's throw of the Regnant at all costs, and will have to spend Willpower to take any action against her, even indirectly. The Thrall will seek any means to escape from the Regnant, and will try to get as far as possible from her. The point of this power is not to create a servant, but to punish and exile a victim, as well as protect the Regnant from any revenge the victim may otherwise concoct. I GOT THIS OUT OF A ATORY USING THE WORD GIES...................................but I must prepare myself for any dark Geis upon me... and learn how to defend and defeat it. I believe I have built more and more awareness of my psychic abilities. Whether I have sufficient ability to identify and destroy Geis is open to question.... as is my sanity, talking about what seems rubbish. But I must look into every possibility, including strange ones like this. It is said that many cultures fear the mentally disturbed. There could be good reason, because the natural abilities of our subconscious are less questioned or corralled by someone whose reasoning is impaired. They can project wildly negative energies, even though they aren't aware they do this (on a mind level). I do not fear this Geis, or any other, should they exist.... because I know that there is good and bad, light and dark, yes and no. I merely need to learn how to combat such things. I believe I am perfectly capable of dealing with such things by correct inner knowledge and the help of the positive energies of the 'light' and Jesus. I say Jesus not as a dogmatic Christian, but as an acknowledger of what Jesus represents: the force of 'good' - of positive energies - of compassion and unselfish love. this is ian cowburn the knight of the herdom of kilwinning of france and me treee, in a conversation where i guess i am knighted , it was so simple but he tells me that he can do this because of the power of his grade . but now he is dissapeared and was under punishment . alot happens here and i still am confused as ian dissapeared after he was ritually punished , i fear it was because of what he did for me, since i first was contacted by him as soon as i came back from frater imhoteps (in north carolina) he was eager i mean very eager to knight me and initate me, and here he clearly says that i am initated into the black illumaniti and am a knight of qadash. and he gives me the sword and keys of kilwinning. ian really is who he tells me he is and so is frater imhotep , i have definately made sure that no phonys allowed,and that i wasnt just being lied to. it s all true. this is where he explains to me that george bush and queen elizabeth are the majik blood of whales and the grey illumaniti and that he is black illumaniti. it is very important that you read this all very carefully and slowly so that you dont miss anything, actually there was alot i missed or didnt grasp in our conversation until i reread it after ian was gone. im still so afraid for him , if anyone knoes his where abouts or that he is alright please let me knoe, all my love trust respect and curiosity and service from treee. ( also i promise that every thing i am telling you and showing you is all valid and true, i actually didnt want to have to go this route of publically exposing this that i have come to knoe and the people involved, its just that they will not cooperate in using their powers for good instead of evil, they have no desire to become kingly or honourable( except for ian ) any how i will be glad to answer any questions , and i swear that i will not lie , im not trying to cause trouble, its just that those who have the thrones and crowns, ( well they need to live up to and be worthy of those crowns, and thrones ,and if they will not become honourable and worthy and assist to dignifying this planet and protecting her integrity and honour then they will be exposed, im not doing anything except shining the spotlight , if those in the spotlight have their pants down to their ankles with their ass in the air and blood dripping from their fingers lips and genitals than thats on them , i am only shining the spotlight, what they are doing in the dark behind closed doors, is no longer gonna be allowed to be hidden, because what is happening behind their closed doors is hurting us all, god needs a wife and the earth needs a mother , from treee 13:32:07 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: speak (13:32:25 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: help (13:32:29 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: are you back with me You are now exclusively sending and receiving from FraterL. (13:32:40 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: taking your hand (13:33:03 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you are waiting for me by the candles in the white dress (13:33:48 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: now tell me what you wish to know (13:34:22 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: i have 2 black candles (13:34:34 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: light them (13:34:56 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i can see you so plainly (13:35:07 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: how would you initate me, i want to be initiated into the real kingdom where there are citizens like your brother's or brethen (13:35:26 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i will tell you ; first i make the silver circle (13:35:36 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: then i place the Watchers (13:35:43 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: then i open the Vault (13:35:59 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: then i initiate you ; i touch the V on your body (13:36:18 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: and i give you the Keys (13:36:29 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: with the sword (13:36:49 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: (13:37:00 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i touch you with my hand but i make you one of Us with the sword (13:37:01 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: how do you initiate me ? (13:37:19 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: by my power of the Grade i have (13:37:33 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i transfer to you, then we are linked ; i open you (13:37:48 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: light the candles (13:37:54 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: the sword how would it initate me? would it pierce my skin? (13:38:17 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: no it is by the flat of the blade you are made Knight also (13:38:25 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: you are talking of turning me into a real V (13:38:33 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes (13:38:33 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: yes 13:38:58 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i wish you to be of my Kind (13:39:56 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: are the candles lit now my Esquire to be knight 13:41:42 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: good, then stand and i shall initiate you 13:42:47 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i am in my black robe of the brethren (13:43:02 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: and making the silver circle 13:43:40 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: nods...see the circle..your form is shimmering, you are so powerful (13:43:59 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: the circle is made i will place the Watchers (13:44:37 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: the Four Grigori see them take their places on the Towers (13:44:54 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: how is your breathing now (13:45:12 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: yes go in i am ready (13:45:20 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: fine kinda rigid (13:45:25 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: good, now i take you to the Vault (13:45:36 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes it will be better in the Vault (13:45:58 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: come my Esquire I take you to be Knighted and Made as I am (13:46:14 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: the vault that is where souls are kept (13:46:30 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes the souls are here (13:46:50 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: come now, stand i the middle of the Vault (13:47:09 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: how do you see the Vault, my Lady (13:47:51 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: dark and there is a light that is a sphere (13:47:58 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: like smokey (13:48:02 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: look into the sphere (13:48:04 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: foggy sphere (13:48:06 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes (13:48:08 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: foggy (13:48:12 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: spiraling (13:48:37 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: make sign of Isis with arms raised in crescent moon (13:48:55 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: in front of the sphere (13:49:20 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: head back a little, body straight, arms rigid in the crescent (13:49:39 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i am going to give you the Touch now (13:49:50 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: yes I'm following you (13:49:53 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: on the V of your body (13:50:12 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: then i shall place the flat of the blade on you and give you the Keys (13:50:22 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: and you will be Made (13:50:40 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: so please keep the sign of Isis position as i Awaken the v of your body (13:50:59 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: passing so the sphere is between us (13:51:25 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you are in sign of Isis and I make sign of the Enter-er (13:51:40 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: passing the veil which is in the sphere (13:52:00 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: coming to bring you to Beyond the Veil (13:52:14 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: coming to Awaken the V ( (13:52:16 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: i am already there still (13:52:27 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: i have been there all along (13:53:29 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i am Making you now, feel my right hand cup each breast then cup your mound, without squeezing, just aking the form, from right breast to mound to left breast (13:53:59 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: that is where i am dead or sleeping why does this have to be sexual is this how you were knighted (13:54:01 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: just cupping them a slow half minute or so and gazing into your eyes (13:54:20 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: not sexual it is a power awakening of chakras (13:54:51 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: the V is made now, and i shall knight you with the sword (13:55:17 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: lifting it, to one shoulder then the other slowly 13:55:30 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: u are creating several cords between me & you so that you can tap in or work majik on me even when i am not there or aware ? (13:55:32 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: these are two other chakras, the force of the arms (13:55:57 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: the arm L (13:56:08 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: no i am creating these cords so we are bound to each other and react to each other and make the magiks together, we are a pair now (13:56:16 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: right the L is symbolic (13:56:38 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: if you wish we can make the blood bond also, exchange bloods and become one blood 13:56:56 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i shall give you the Keys (13:57:18 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes now you can invoke me whenever you wish we are bound together we are one magick 13:57:47 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you are one of the Brethren now (13:57:52 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: i will initiate into a coven or order but not to a person (13:58:10 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: it is a relation of teacher to student and when you are ready you will pass on (13:58:11 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: i mean you could do this to me, but i cant give you all of my energy (13:58:13 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: Ian (13:58:15 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: I'm sorry (13:58:33 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes i know i am not asking it like that, you are in the Order now (13:58:44 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: so then i wish for you to sit in the seat of Osiris (13:58:56 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: and because it is i who initiate you then it is special the chain we have (13:59:14 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes my Lady i will sit in the throne of Osiris (13:59:20 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: the slain Osiris is here on earth in a physical body but the source of this and the original creator is entombed (13:59:34 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: si i will need you to work with the energy of osiris (13:59:38 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes under the Ninth Vault of Enoch (13:59:54 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: that is where he is (14:00:01 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes my Lady now we are in new relation then i will do it (14:00:08 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: he is guiding me to release him (14:00:18 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: he is my father & creator (14:00:21 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: do you wish me to assume his form right now (14:00:23 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: of the human species (14:00:34 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes he is (14:01:01 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i have already assumed his form, once (14:01:07 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: i wish for you to open up your telepathy and allow him to channel and speak Thu you he has many sons but none have recognized or remembered him yet (14:01:14 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: you could be the first (14:01:24 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes my Lady i do it now 14:02:39 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: silence of the Vault, thousnds of years waiting for the Word (14:03:00 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i know the Word (14:03:09 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: aleijo Selia's kadamanecieo (14:03:28 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: jah eliajas (14:03:40 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: yes (14:03:47 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: you hear it like i do (14:03:54 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i am throned in the West (14:04:09 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: hearing the word like you do (14:04:47 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: the word will awaken the souls of the Vault (14:05:19 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: crossing the two wands over my breast 14:06:05 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: Isis be in you and the remaking of Osiris 14:06:53 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes Brigit is Lilith (14:07:19 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: aha i hear Lilith on the wind (14:07:28 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: Kali (14:07:39 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: she cometh (14:07:44 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: she is alive and well queen Elizabeth' (14:07:56 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: she brings Alice to us, yes (14:08:07 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: the old woman represents Mary of Scott's also (14:08:17 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: raising the wand in the right arm (14:08:26 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes she is the Widow (14:08:36 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: Alice always told me she is of the blood of elizabeth she has red blond hair, (14:08:46 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: she was turned vampiric as a small child (14:08:55 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes she is of that blood it is magick blood of wales 14:09:14 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: my chylde do what you have to now (14:09:28 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: George w bush is the true son of Selia's and the prince of whales 14:09:54 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: Grey Illuminati (14:09:58 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: i am sending her to the queen elizabeth II (14:10:06 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: good (14:10:08 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: to reunite her with the queen (14:10:16 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: she is the soul of Elizabeth (14:10:23 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: good, the bloods will reunite (14:10:45 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you are mighty in power now that you are knighted (14:10:47 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: no I'm mean she litterly is the queen Elizabeth before she was turned vampiric (14:11:04 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: she was turned (14:11:06 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes i understand you (14:11:11 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: has a woman ever been knighted ? 14:11:30 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes, many have, think of Joan of Arc (14:11:32 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: and she is possessed (14:11:51 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: the wand in my right hand is raised high now (14:11:53 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: and the entity within her immediately will require my death (14:12:09 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you have the sword (14:12:19 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: they are watching the watchers are their eyes (14:12:33 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: and the awakened V, make the chakras turn faster (14:12:48 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: the watchers are Mine (14:13:02 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: yes but you are in service of the queen (14:13:09 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: they are the Watchers of the Order (14:13:23 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes i am but the black Illuminati, not the Grey (14:13:26 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: you shape shift (14:13:42 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: no, i am Rosy Cross of Heredom (14:13:51 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: Ive never known of the black Illuminati (14:13:56 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: so yo (14:14:05 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: now you do, because you ARE one (14:14:17 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: did i sell my soul (14:14:36 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: no ; you joined the order, sense your soul, it is there epulsing inside you (14:14:51 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: the order of ? (14:14:54 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: even more powerful than before (14:15:01 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: it cant be that simple (14:15:07 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i will tell you ONE of its names (14:15:20 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: especially when no one knoes of me (14:15:35 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: come close, the NAMES are not to be spoken loudly (14:15:57 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you will find that what i have done will be known, the Vaults are skried (14:16:21 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you are close now and i give you the first name of the ORDER (14:16:39 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: hermes (14:17:00 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: nearly !!!!! Knight of Qadosh (14:17:19 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you saw the figure of the Qadosh and took it for Hermes (14:17:46 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you are close and you are fully initiated 14:17:52 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: babel ' (14:17:59 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: what doe that mean (14:18:06 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: YES : Nemrod is another (14:18:15 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: Nemrod built Babel (14:18:17 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: sin (14:18:32 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: yes ; Sin is the Moon of Nemrod (14:18:52 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you are flowing freely now (14:19:24 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: enoeKaph (14:19:25 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: you must skry the word Qadosh (14:19:44 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: enoch Keph (14:20:18 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: your pulsing is fast (14:20:31 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: ikadam (14:20:33 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: i ask a gift of you now (14:20:38 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: KA (14:20:58 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: I thirst terribly (14:21:00 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: Pindar ] (14:21:12 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: he is in my mind every day (14:21:17 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: Pindar....the laws (14:21:24 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: he makes the laws (14:21:37 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: when will i meet him 14:21:52 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: when we invoke him (14:22:17 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: i will allow a challenge i will be tested and if i fail i will offer myself up freely to do what ever he wishes (14:22:27 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: no he is real and alive (14:22:50 §) FraterL whispers to silverrayvenus: he is incarnated in a one (14:22:58 §) silverrayvenus whispers to FraterL: okay the i see now Resurrection The Eternal Life ( METHODS) ARE BEING TESTED and has been proven to be working. The resurrection Or Extension of the LIFE FORCE AMONGS THE DEAD ARE HIGHLY ACTIVE AND PRESENT HERE IN MODERN DAY SOCIETY AND ON (IN OR SOAKED IN THE ETHERIC REALM . A BEING , THEM/OR YOU ,WHOM IS ABLE TO BE CONCIOUS OR AWARE OF YOUR/THEIR OWN SINGLE IDENTITY THAN YOUR/THEIR SPARK OF SELF IS STILL ALIVE AND YOUR CELL MEMORY IN YOUR GENES AND DNA IS CO-HERENT. WHY IS IT THEN YOU ARE PROVEN TO BE living and concious and you are dead?!!!!! What is it about those of us/you who are living and appear to be alive although YOU are not AWARE AND NOT CONCIOUS THAT they/you ARE NOT DEAD!! We are NOT DEAD !!!!!!dead described below has been experimented but has it been done? This is The Topic me myself and I will research and document further as the path of the LABERINTH LINGERS ON. material on this page IS theory,WHICH CAN BE VALIDATED . HOW DO THEY/ THE HERMETIC ALCHEMIST make a Human truly immortal, WELL, THEY CHANGE THEM. THEY TURN THEM INTO SOMETHING NOT HUMAN! meaning even if one accidentally dies, he still could be brought back alive. Today's technology THINKS "cloning" is the answer, TODAYS HERMETIC MAGI AND ALCHEMISTS THINK MAJIK AND SORCERY AND ALCHEMY AND HUMAN SACRIFICE AND BLOOD BASED ELIXIRS DO THE TRICK! THEY BOTH WORK AND ARE BOTH BEING USED, ALTHOUGH IT APPEARS THEY DO NOT WORK TOGETHER BUT RATHER AGAINST EACH OTHER. Some people believe that there is no resurrection and that immortality is to be given to spirits in another world. But do remember it is clearly stated in the Bible (old testament) that God gave Nathan a dream that dry bones DEAD DRY BONES WILL RISE AND GO BACK TO THEIR FEET AND ARMS AND HANDS AND FLESH AND DANCE AMONTH THE LIVING ,AND ALL OF THE BONES WILL COME BACK TO LIFE WITH BODIES. ( They will one day be given back their flesh and breath. This indicates humans can one day be raised from the dead. Another verse in the bible says, "The trumpet shall sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible." AND I THINK IT IS SOME FREQUENCY MODULATOR OR SOUNDE DEVICE , OR TONE OR SOUND OR BUZZZING OR CLANGING IN PEOPLES EARS AND IN THEIR HEADS BECAUSE OF THE PRESSURE OF THE FREQUENCYS BEING TURNED UP SO HIGH THAT IT MAY /COULD /WOULD/DID CHARGE THE CELLS INTO TAKING ON A LIFE OF THEIR OWN, OR TO ACTIVATE A LIFE SEEDED PREVIOUSLY WITHING, THIS IS ME THEORIZING. ACTUALLY THIS ARTICLE IS ABOUT SOMETHING SIMILAR BUT DIFFERENT BUT IT SPARKED MY OWN THOUGHTS ABOUT THE SUBJECT ,SO THIS ARTICLE HERE IS ARTICLE WRITTEN BY Alex Chiu) BUT COMPLETELY REWRITTEN BY (ME) TREEE, AND ACTUALLY CHANGES THE ENTIRE ARTICLE ORIGINALLY SET , If people will all die and go to heaven where they become immortal, why raised the dead incorruptible? THATS A GOOD THOUGHT THERE. WHY DO WE HAVE TO ACCHEIVE THIS BY MEANS OF BEING MEAN ? Please think about that. Conclusion: Immortality is to be accomplished on earth. Resurrection technology IS available in NOW FOR the future. Bible is not a fairy tale. Bible is a JOURNAL & prophecy book THE PAST PRESENT AND the future of US HERE THEN NOW AND AHEAD , What ever has been prophesied SHALL BECOME TRUE BEFORE THE US IN THE FLESH , NOT JUST GHOSTS AND SPIRITS ! This article concerns The idea of Blood, or (Menstrum) & a very interesting and curious subject if i may say so myself. Blood, or (Menstrum) ""contains the most valuable endocrinal secretions, especially those of the pineal and pituitary glands. The brain's pineal gland in particular was directly associated with the Tree of Life, for this tiny gland was said to secrete the very essence of active longevity, called soma, or, as the Greeks called it, ambrosia"". Also , It has become well known to me through conversing and interacting with many alchemists, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Illumaniti, GD, and Dragon Court and other High Adepts in the fraternitys that make up the Illumaniti Kindred that their Alchemist,and magicians, and sorcerers are also very well versed and educated and privy to the many magical uses and powers available thru the menstrum, or star fire! Here is a slight portion of an article concerning alchemy and star fire (Menstrum). This is just the beginning of what will be shown here in this group, and many topics , subjects , and ideas here will be debatable and also unbeleivable, although, through out many, many years of research and physical, spiritual and verbal interaction with many of the Magicians, Alchemists, Fraters, and brethen, I have concluded That The Entire mystery is actually rolled up into a very Real ,provable, comprehensive, unbeleivable, but true and validatable conclusion. I WILL MAKE SURE THAT I REVEIL THE GATHERED INFO AND DATA TO THIS GROUP IN SECTIONS, GROUPING EACH SUBJECT INTO CATAGORYS AND TYME FRAMES, SO THAT THE READER IS ABLE TO GRASP WHAT WILL BE PRESENTED, AND ALSO BE ABLE TO VALIDTE THE INFO THAT I WILL BRING FORTH, CONCERNING THE ALCHEMIST AND WHAT HE/THEY DONT WANT ANY ONE ELSE TO KNOE UNTIL THE ALCHEMICAL PROJECT IS COMPLETE. BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN TO VISIT AND PERSONALLY INTERACT WITH THE MAIN ALCHEMIST OF THE ILLUMANITI, I AM PRIVY TO WHAT IS GOING ON BEHIND YOUR BACKS , THAT WILL EFFECT YOU ALL! THAT IS WHY I STARTED THIS GROUP.,.. SO THAT YOU WILL NOT BE IN THE DARK, BECAUSE IF YOU DONT KNOE WHAT THEY ARE DOING THAN YOU WILL HAVE NO WAY TO DEFEND YOURSELF WHEN THEIR ALCHEMICAL CREATION PROJECT COMES MANIFEST, AND IT IS AS WE SPEAK GROWING IN THEIR/HIS LABRATORIES. I WILL PROVIDE , TRUTH, VALIDATION, NAMES LOCATIONS, REFERENCE MATERIAL, POSTED OR RECORDED CONVERSATIONS, WITH THE ALCHEMISTS,AND MAGI OF THE ILLUMANITI,AND MANY OTHER FORMS OF VALIDATION, CONCERNING THIS .......ALCHEMICAL SUBJECT/S AND THEIR/HIS ALCHEMICAL MAGICAL CREATION. FROM TREEE. TO BE CONTINUED ___AUTHOR UNKNOWN FOR THE PORTION OF THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE . The blood extract in question was, in the first instance, not human but from the sacred Anunnaki lunar essence - that of Enki's sister Nin-khursag, the designated Lady of Life. It was defined as the most potent of all life-forces and was venerated as being 'Star Fire'. It was from the womb of Ninkhursag that the kingly line was born, and it was with her blood, the divine Star Fire, that the Dragon succession was supplementally fed. In ancient Egypt, Nin-khursag was called 'Isis', and by either name she was the ultimate Mother of the Messianic line, for hers was the matriarchal gene which constituted the 'Beginning', the 'Gene-Isis', or, as the Greeks identified it, the Genesis. It is worth reminding ourselves, then, that the biblical edict to abstain from blood came not from Enki the Wise but from Enlil-Jehovah - the God of Wrath who had instigated the Flood, had wrought havoc in Ur and Babylon, and had endeavoured to deceive Adam by saying that he would die if he ate from the Tree of Knowledge. This was not a god who liked people, and the Sumerian records are very clear in this regard. Hence, if he forbade the taking of blood, this was not likely to have been an edict for the benefit of Noah and his descendants - it was most probably to their detriment. In strict terms the original Star Fire was the lunar essence of the Goddess, but, even in an everyday mundane environment, menstruum contains the most valuable endocrinal secretions, especially those of the pineal and pituitary glands. The brain's pineal gland in particular was directly associated with the Tree of Life, for this tiny gland was said to secrete the very essence of active longevity, called soma, or, as the Greeks called it, ambrosia. In mystic circles, the menstrual 'flow-er' ('she who flows') has long been the designated 'flower' and is represented as a lily or a lotus. Indeed, the definition 'flow-er' is the very root of our modern word 'flower'. In ancient Sumer, the key females of the Dragon succession were all venerated as lilies, having such names as Lili, Luluwa, Lilith, Lilutu and Lillette. In pictorial representation, the Messianic Dragon bore little relation to the winged, fire-breathing beast of later Western mythology. It was, in essence, a large-jawed serpent with four legs, very much like a crocodile or a monitor. This was the sacred Messeh whose name was 'Draco'. Draco was a divine emblem of the Egyptian Pharaohs, a symbol of the Egyptian Therapeutate, of the Essenes at Qumran, and was the Bistea Neptunis (the sea serpent) of the descendant Merovingian Fisher-Kings in Europe. In the old Hebrew Bibles, all references to serpents are made by use of the word nahash (from the stem NHSH); but this usage does not relate to serpents in the way that we would know them - that is, as venomous snakes. It relates to serpents in their traditional capacity as bringers of wisdom and enlightenment, for the word nahash actually means 'to decipher' or 'to find out'. Serpents, in one form or another, were always associated with wisdom and healing, and the Trees of Life and Knowledge are customarily identified with serpents. Indeed, the insignia of many of today's medical associations is precisely this image of a serpent coiled around the Plant of Birth (Tree of Life) - a depiction shown in the clay reliefs of ancient Sumer to be Enki's personal emblem. Interestingly, though, another common emblem for medical relief organisations depicts two coiled serpents, spiralling around the winged caduceus of Hermes the magician. In these instances the true symbolism of the Star Fire ritual is conveyed, and this symbol can be traced back to the very origins of the alchemical mystery schools and gnostic institutions. The records explain that the central staff and entwined serpents represent the spinal cord and the sensory nervous system. The two uppermost wings signify the brain's lateral ventricular structures. Between these wings, above the spinal column, is shown the small central node of the pineal gland. The combination of the central pineal and its lateral wings has long been referred to as the 'Swan', and in Grail lore (as in some yogic circles) the Swan is emblematic of the fully enlightened being. This is the ultimate realm of consciousness achieved by the mediaeval Knights of the Swan, as epitomised by such chivalric figures as Perceval and Lohengrin. Most of you are probably quite familiar with the functions of the pineal and other glands of the endocrinal system. But for those who are perhaps not, the pineal is a very small gland, shaped like a pine cone and about the size of a grain of corn. It is centrally situated within the brain, although outside the ventricles and not forming a part of the brain-matter as such. The pineal gland was thought by the 17th-century French optical scientist René Descartes to be the seat of the soul - the point at which the mind and body are conjoined. The ancient Greeks considered it likewise, and in the 4th century BC Herophilus described the pineal as an organ which regulated the flow of thought. This gland has long intrigued anatomists because, while the rest of the brain is 'double', the pineal has no counterpart. In the days of ancient Sumer, the priests of Anu (the father of Enlil and Enki) perfected and elaborated a ramifying medical science of living substances, with menstrual Star Fire being an essential source component. In the first instance, this was pure Anunnaki lunar essence called 'Gold of the Gods', and it was fed only to the Kings and Queens of the Dragon succession. Later, however, in Egypt and Mediterranea, menstrual Star Fire was ritually collected from sacred virgin priestesses who were venerated as 'Scarlet Women'. Indeed, the very word 'ritual' stems from this practice, and from the word ritu - which defined the sacred ceremony of the 'Red Gold'. Endocrinal supplements are, of course, still used by today's organotherapy establishment, but their inherent secretions (such as melatonin and serotonin) are obtained from the dessicated glands of dead animals and they lack the truly important elements which exist only in live human glandular manufacture. Hello, its Treee, This article is very long and detailed,and also may appear at first to be focused around religion and such, but if you skim thru the article you will be able to intuitevly focus in on the points of reference that concern the Great Work and Alchemy, The Star Fire ( menstrum),and the dragon blood, ( Vampires) Alchemized , reptilian humaniods,and shapeshifters These are all interwoven throughout our entire history of Earth. Through Alchemy and the Great Work, The Egyption Mystery Schools, The Freemasons,Rosicrucians, and secret societys, and The keepers of the secrets and Masters of the Mystery this mystery greedily guard their methods, reasons, & elements of practice to themselves , which is deeply seeded being!!. in our roots and our origin of ( THE ALCHEMIST & THE MAGI ACTIVELY PRACTICES, TEACHES AND KEEPS ALIVE THIS MYSTERY , SIMPLY AS ENTICEMENT AND BAIT .INITATING PEOPLE INTO THEIR FRATERNITYS AND SECRET SOCIETIES AS ENERGY (FUEL FOR THEIR FLAME, (LAMP_) ! THEY ACTUALLY NEVER INTEND TO SHARE, WITH THE MAJORITY OF THE INITATES, THE TRUE SECRETS OR POWERS , AS IT IS THE STUDENT, INITATE, AND THE FOLLOWERS ENERGY AND SERVICE THAT KEEPS THE HERMITS (THE HIGH ADEPTS ,AND MAGI ,AND ELDERS HIDDEN BEHIND THE VEILS FLAME ALIVE AND GIVES THEM POWER OVER THE ENTIRE ENERGY PATTERNS ON ABOVE AND BELOW EARTH. IGNORANCE OF THE INITATE IS DRAWN OUT AND EVEN TAKES THEM FURTHER INTO CONFUSION AND FURTHER AWAY FROM THE PROMISED BUT NEVER RECEIVED SECRET, STIMULATED BY ILLUSION DECEPTION AND BRAINWASHING THE INITATES AND STUDENTS , SO AS TO INCREASE THE POWER OF THE FLAME BURNING ON THE HERMITS LAMP! ALSO IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT THE STAR FIRE IS REFERRED TO AS THE GOLD OF THE GODS ,AND RED GOLD, IM SURE THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SEE WHAT THE MEANING OF THE HERMETIC ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN IS REFLECTING FROM. ALSO NOTICE THAT HERMETIC PART OF THE GD IS REFLECTING THE HERMIT ON THE TAROT! THE HERMIT IS THE KEEPER OF SECRET WISDOM, AND IS ALWAYS HOODED AND ALONE IN THE NIGHT, DEPICTED HOLDING A LANTERN, SUGGESTING THAT THE HERMIT HOLDS SOMETHING SECRET AND SACRED AND POWERFUL, AND LUMINOUS , LIKE THE (ILLUMANITI). NOTICE THAT THE HERMIT IS NOT IN A PUBLIC PLACE SHARING HIS LIGHT, HE IS IN THE DARK ,AND ALONE , AND KEEPING THE LIGHT AND THE SECRETS ,AND POWERS EMBEDDED THERE FROM THE MASSES, ALSO SUGGESTING THAT WHEN ONE TRAVELS INTO THE DARK PLACES, AND SEEKS OUT THE HERMIT THEY MAY ACTUALLY COME CLOSE ENOUGH TO FIND HIM, STANDING IN THE DISTANT DARKNESS, SHINING HIS LIGHT, ALTHOUGH, THERE IS NO IMPLICATION IN THE TAROT THAT ANYONE ACTUALLY EVER DOES GET CLOSE ENOUGH TO THE HERMIT TO ACTUALLY TOUCH OR UNDERSTAND OR CARRY THE LAMP OF THIS LIGHT , OR TO BE ABLE TO ACTUALLY SEE, WHO AND WHAT ENTITY OR FACE IS HIDDEN BEHIND THE HERMITS LONG HOODED ROBES. IS HE HUMAN,? IS HE V? IS HE DEFORMED OR DISFIGURED BEYOND REPAIR,? OR IS HE JUST DIFFERENT? OR IS HE A HE AT ALL? THIS SUBJECT ACTUALLY HAS ME THINKING ON MANY OTHER LEVELS AND DIMENSIONS, SO I WILL PONDER THE IDEA AND DEEPER MEANING OF THE HERMIT ,AND WRITE , AND SHARE. IT IS VERY LIKELY THOUGH THAT THE HERMETIC ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN, OR THE HERMETIC TREMERE ( A FANTASY ROLL PLAYING VAMPIRE GAME, , ALL ARE REFLECTIONS DIPICTED FROM THE HERMIT CARD . ALL MY LOVE AND CURIOSITY , FROM THE TREEE.............................................. STAR FIRE The Gold of the Gods The true Grail bloodline originated with the Anunnaki gods in southern Sumeria at least 6,000 years ago and was sustained by ingestion of an alchemical Want to start your own business? Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business. treees letter from queen elizabeth II 1 12 2007 Wednesday, February 14, 2007 8:18 AM This sender is DomainKeys verified "Treee Tonia" <> View contact details From:,,, To: You have Not proved to us that there is nothing you will not do for the SANG ARIAN RACE of peoples so how do we trust you and how do we need you You have not proven that you can be trusted to keep our timehonoured secrets" or even taken any of the several rights of secrecy.You constantly are sendin Emails to peoples who are NOT OF OUR KIND, with information you have found out.devined or discovered about our groups.You send Emails about things which you know are private about others. You have not even shown that you are who you say you are ... Anybody can get lucky with suggestions and ideas about life, but that does not make him a friend.You have spent a long time trying to show the world what we desire to remain hidden.We have even provided the ability to use PARH and you have not even used such to prove yourself. You have even attempted to enter the grounds of The Grove and you were aware of this being forbidden. This Transgression alone is beyond our imagination. You have said, printed and cause to be said many things, which were adverse to myself, and now you want us want us to beleive you are a friend.This is not as easy as you might like us to beleive.. And Finally , as to the person who deleived your message, you will soon not be able to use him again for anything. He is obviously weak or pathetic--we have mo use for him in our lives any more. Fwd: Elizabeth Friday, February 9, 2007 1:07 AM From: "Treee Tonia" <> View contact details, "balancedimbalance" <> Fwd: Elizabeth.eml (109KB) To: Message contains attachments Note: forwarded message attached. Need Mail bonding? Go to the Yahoo! Mail Q&A for great tips from Yahoo! Answers users. Forwarded Message: Fwd: Elizabeth Fwd: Elizabeth Friday, February 9, 2007 12:09 AM From: "Treee Tonia" <> To:,,, "GrandImperial Council Scotland" <>, "GRAND MASONICLODGE SCOTLAND" <>, "kilwinning" <>, "kilwinning" <>, "kilwinning QUEENSLAND" <>... more Cc:,,, "DistrictGrandSecretary" <>,,,,,,,,,, "ELITE MASONS" <>, "ELITE MASONSUGLE" <>, "ELITE UGLE" <>, "ELITE UGLE" <>, "ELITE UGLE" <>, "kilwinning" <>, "kilwinning" <>, "kilwinning" <>, "kilwinning" <>, "kilwinning" <>, "kilwinning" <>, "kilwinning" <>,,,, "MASONS UGLE" <>... more Message contains attachments Elizabeth.eml (107KB) Note: forwarded message attached. Cheap Talk? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. It's here! Your new message! Get new email alerts with the free Yahoo! Toolbar. Forwarded Message: Elizabeth Elizabeth Friday, February 9, 2007 12:07 AM "Treee Tonia" <> From: "UNITED GRANDLODGE" <>, "OrangeFreeState Natal" <>,,,,,,,,, more To: Cc: "Michael Mason" <>, "ROYAL MASONS" <>,, "TheOrderTemple QUEENSLAND" <>, "NOBLE-ELITE ROYAL-FREEMASONS" <>, "UGLENOBILITY ROYALTY" <>, "ROYALGRANDLODGE SCOTLAND" <>, "WASHINGTON TEMPLE" <>, "transvaal" <>,, "Scotland UnitedKingdom" <>... more Message contains attachments Alterd_State[1].pdf (42KB) Elizabeth It is the Treee, First of all, I have had so many visions since i have been a little girl,and my way of perceiving things sometimes is colored with myth legend legacy prophecy and some tymes my creative imagination does seem a bit like I am living in a fairy tale. Well You should knoe about fairy tales, after all you are the queen and so many fairy tales come with queens and kings and royalty, and then there's mythology and the bible and prophecy and then the holy Grail, I want to tell you, i don't claim to be anyone special, and sometymes I have identified with Mary Magdalene and queen Mary and Isis and even eve. I sometimes speak as if things that cant be proved are fact, and I really don't knoe how to relate what it is that i am feeling except thru mythology, prophecy,and legend and legacy , and fairy tales I guess. It seems a bit immature for someone my age, i suppose, but this world the way it is is so unfamiliar to me and The people here on earth don't seem to have much in common with me or how i see things., I realized many years ago that the things that i was dreaming or having visions of and identifying with were the same things that the Freemasons and magical orders identified with and symbolized and related to , and seemed to understand. It just all seems to fit and make so much since and then it makes no since at all because these memories I have of past lives and these dreams and visions really are just that dreams and visions,and how can I knoe if I am remembering past lives or if I am just a dreamer> ? I don't knoe. I do knoe one thing , I have been disrespectful to you, and I am so sorry for that because I have no right to be mean to you or to badmouth you. You have never done anything to me, I am sorry. I am the one who is shameful. I am a nobody in this world and i am nothing and I have nothing. Actually I don't even have any close friends or family because they have all turned against me because they think I am evil or crazy or deranged because I believe in miracles and because I See the divine and the beautiful in things and people most of the world consider evil and bad. I don't knoe how to explain what i am trying to do because no-one hears me if i do. I only knoe that I love this world and I love Jesus and i love Osiris)(Homer , i call him homer for home, .and I also have had so many visions and hunches that i have found to be true. What i find that is true has created a story that I somehow identify with, and that is the Holy Grail . I knoe that you are the grail queen and i knoe that you are the earth mother > I have always said that god needs a wife and the earth needs a mother , and my lady . that would be You , Osiris before he was slain, I call him homer for home or king Leo , but he is my God, and father and creator, , now I knoe that my visions , weather they are literal or symbolic, i don't knoe ,.but the 7 spirits of Selia's who i see in ancient heaven as mermaids that held the 7 spirits and they were the created in the beginning of creation of the human species by Osiris who i call homer for home or king Leo,. he created them thru his own magic and science and genetics ,and from his sweat and tears of his labors . I just went to look up this (oneofmy visions kinda explaining what I'm talking about and it just came to me, who you are , like a clear breeze, I preyed and asked that i would be able to tell you what homer (Osiris) wanted me to tell you ,and i just went to look up the first vision I had concerning him which was about 7 years ago,and it came to me as clear as day who you are ...... i am also including something someone i never met who had a dream about me before he met me ,, its called altered state , and this will blend into my visions and the story,, right here i will show you my partial vision about Selia's and Osiris and Lucifer and eve and then after that i will pick up from there telling you the rest .. .........preface I have been asking GOD, since I can remember , To tell me the real truth about himself. On a personal level. I said to him, God you cannot be as mean as the bible makes you , I cannot believe that that is your true message because so many things in the Bible are about war, torture and sacrifice and suffering . Also there are many statements that contradict themselves. And I prayed and asked and begged and stomped my feet and yelled and cried,and even tried to bribe him , throughout my life, These prayers have went on since I was about 6 years old. Well, after not getting an answer I was satisfied with , I decided to ask Jesus,and I still was not feeling that I was getting the right answers. Any how it did not take long to receive my answer, I was actually seven when I really began to develop a personal relationship . I have been able to see and hear and communicate with spirits since I was about 3 . Although It was very difficult to keep a peaceful feeling in my heart because My family and my friends , began to give me a complex, because it is not godly or natural to communicate with spirits,and I knew I was because the accuracy of the information that I received , was valid and true for the most part. Well , my family told me I was doing the devils work , by communicating with spirits and told me that this was doing the work of and with the devil, so it did not take long for my interactions to become almost completely in communications with demons of various sorts. Well I was pretty frightened because I was just a little girl ,and the brain washing that my mom did to me made me believe that i was somehow evil and bad,and I knew I wasn't because I have always been a very loving and caring and friendly person, but that did not stop me from feelingthatthere was something very wrong with me,and I was tormented and frightened by these demons for the longest tyme. There was always still that little bit of divine interaction that came through, though and I always kept Jesus close to my heart and in my prayers, anyhow, I am working on an auto biography about me. But this story here is not to tell you about me, its what I was told , by Who I believe is GOD. The real God , The one that does not punish curse you and your offspring . This is a vision I received when I was 30 years old. Just listen to the story that was given to me and then ponder the ideas and tell me what you think if you want, or just keep the ideas to your self . But know that after I was 12 I stopped being afraid of the demons and Jesus told me to turn them into something funny instead of frightening images. He told me that this was how he used to deal with demons, was by animating them, So when I feel or see a demon, I turn him into the Tasmanian devil in my mynd,and then i imagine that i have a huge blow up plastic base ball bat ,and i imagine or visualize I am bopping the taz on top of the head with it and watch him bounce around. Its not a violent thought , notice the base ball bat is rubber or plastic, and it does not hurt the demon in my visions it just bounces him around. Well this i s how I got a little control over my demons and since then they cannot hurt or scare me /.... so , I realize now that I can communicate and see and hear divine angelic beings and demons, so I'm working on getting control over my visions and communications...This is the story I believe that I received from the real GOD who I like to call HOMER ,because to be with him is to finally be home........ Okay here it goes... God told me that He had received a certain level of accomplishment in his evolution, a very very long tyme ago, This point of evolution that God had reached was accomplished after him living many life tymes and experiencing many situations and tests. Actually , he tells me that this is the point of evolution that we will be going into , if we can survive with our souls. And by doing this we will be able to keep our identifies in tact. So after thousands of physical incarnations of different planes and dimensions , he Had finally reached a point where He had his masculine and feminine polarities and duality's ,in harmony and balance with each other. Also he has mastered majik and science, He was the master magician ,and numerologist,and scientist ,and healer,and mathematician, also he had achieved the knowledge of science and genetics and mastery over the elements and forces of the ethereal and the physical worlds. Now that he had graduated into being a master of all trades ,and he had impressed the Elohim, who I will call the universal council, or grand masters , now that-he had pleased them and earned their respect and acknowledgment, he was given the gift of being able to create life and use his abilities to design and create anything that he wanted. The universe is huge,and god told me that there are many different places and aspects of experiences and experiments , going on simultaneously through out the universe.. He told me that he is not the only god . He told me that he is the god or father over this creation , because this is/was his creation, and that he is One of many who had achieved the right to create, Well he had been given a place to do this behind the sun somewhere. This is the place that would be the cosmic king-dome, or heaven as many would refer it to. I call it Home. So any how , he has a great love and respect for the mermaids and when he created his planet and his home land he brought with him the mermaids,and also they sang alot and their beautiful voices would send out the frequency to create a fertile atmosphere to allow for for color, sound and life into his his first creations were those that decorated his planet , and that was beautiful flowers and butterflies and mountains of gold and silver and the most beautiful blue waters to allow the world of the mermaids to blend with his, He had the most extraordinary creations, like , what we See here on earth, all of the different trees and flowers,and plants,and butterflies, I'm not sure that they're were alot of insects, but he also created cats and dogs,and elephants,He liked to cruise riding on the e back s of the easy going elephants . Now he was a scientist and magician and he could change the atmosphere if it suited him. Now he wanted to create some thing more personal, life, he wanted to create , a people in his image, As he was a person,a MAN. That was one big question i had and never believed till i received my vision, That yes God is a man. So He decided to create in his image and he created the 12 original tribes, now he did not have sex with the mermaids , they were his love .all of them and they were all females and he adored them , as they did him., So he went into his laboratory and he used the DNA out of his 12 chakaras , and 12 is what is needed to function a s a complete entity with identity ,and also the complete balance of masculine and feminine energies . So he created a man and a woman out of each chakara, . so there was a king and queen or a god and goddess for each one of the 12 different tribes that he created out of his own chakras. So If you think about it a life form created from the crown chakara and the genitals and the solar plexus, etc. would turn out quite different, they would look different and develop different and even speak different languages. God decided to make 12 planets circling his planet and this would be where each of the 12 would grow and develop and reside. Each one having their own planet. And he did good, He thought this was amazing, his heart went out to his creations .. Now remember , there was no sex yet., so each one of the nationalities had a special link to one of homers chakaras . Also , they developed in their personalities and their belief systems according to the particular chakara that they were made from.So they also were lucky enough to have a creator who loved and honored them and kept nothing from them, Now they were made physical ,and they each had 7 chakars functioning inside them. Homer had 12.. He loved his creation and watched them grow and develop , and also the cosmic kingdom had all of the majik that science spirituality and technology could create, they could visit each other on each others planets through advanced forms of transportation,and they has ships and shuttles and also they were telepathic so they could communicate this way also. There was love and respect and no one had hate or malice in their hearts Also when they would visit each others planets , they also had their own planets that they returned to to live to further develop their species each one was different and the tree's and plants and flowers and animals of various kinds were also created by the individual tribes . These tribes would relate to the 12 signs in the zodiac,and that why there are special plants and trees and flowers and elements and colors etc . that corresponded each tribe,or sign and each planet. All still formatted in modern astrology today. So now there was no death because this level of evolution had made it possible for homer to keep his identity's in tact with out having to go through a series of incarnations. Death and Resurrection. So to live for a million years was not a big deal, because the soul never dies,.. So he loved his creations and he especially loved rainbows because these were the light that came from the spirit of divinity of the 7 physical chakaras that functioned inside of the 12 tribes. So Being made in gods image was what the 12 tribes were . they multiplied their off spring off of the 7 chakara s they had functioning ,and there is 7 ..a most magical number..,it cannot be reduced or multiplied between 1 and 10 and it stands alone so therefor 7 is 0 and infinity at the same tyme. This heaven also had no problem with disease or illness because the plants and flowers here , were huge, and they had the most sweet intoxicating smell, the entire atmosphere was filled with the sweet aromas of the var-ring flowers which produced healing an d enlightenment just from being breathed in by the cit-zens of heaven . So NOW Homer (GOD) decided after a while that he wanted to create something else. Some one that he could live with on HIS HOME PLANET. So he decided that he would go back into his laboratory and take the masculine and feminine aspect of his entity and create a man and a woman. The man would have 100% male energy , and would have the entire aspect of the male entity ,and the female would be all feminine, So then he created Lucifer and Eve. Now remember, these two were created without a mother, So Lucifer was all masculine energy , he was created as a partner or a friend to homer and Eva was created more like a child , a daughter. So Lucifer was completely 5 senses. He had the master qualities of sight, sound , smell , taste and touch. He was a genius with science and mathematics and formulas and also he had the entire blueprint of creation. He was all man. And Eva was more of an angelic emotional being , she was not so dense in matter and she could float and move with the wind, she was 100 % emotions and extra sensory perception. Now Lucifer did not have the emotions , of the others because he was created purely physical, of course from the moment of creation he began to develop, feelings and emotions,but it would take a very very long tyme for him too have the balance with the feminine energy, just as eve was not created physical,and it would take a long tyme for her to develop the masculine energies into her persona. So now this planet was much more lively now,and god used to love having mental debates with Lucifer on science and mathematics ,and also realized that Lucifer won 7 out of 10 because he was in fact , as intelligent a s all living computer. So was god but god had emotions and he did not know what the outcome would be with his creation of the 2 , He was just experimenting and experiencing, and he realized that Lucifer was all knowledge , logic and intellect,and also had to constantly satisfy his 5 senses in order to thrive ,because he was very very slowly growing the nerves and the receptors for feeling s intuition and emotions..Lucifer and homer would debate and test the wits and intelligence of each other, but sometimes god wished Lucifer would not be so serious, because it was not that serious, Like when Lucifer won a debate , homer would laugh a big hearty laugh and Lucifer would just stare at him blankly,and god would sigh and think to himself , wow, its almost like he is not even human. Because God was a divine human..and So The other planets and tribes would come to see and meet the new additions to the family ,and found it puzzling to them, because Lucifer did not smile or laugh or enjoy the colors and cosmic roller coasters that flew from one planet to the next ,and they found it nearly impossible to understand this Man, So the other people of the 12 planets would come visit, and Eva , since she was 100% of the female aspect of god she also has all 12 chakaras inside her like her father, so Homer and Eva were the only ones with 12.. although she was functioning with five. until she became more physical , then the other 7 would allow her to become a flesh being rather than just a spirit. She was able to materialize herself through interaction with the other citizens of heaven just as Lucifer was every day developing emotions and feelings were growing inside of him. Now Eva was glorified and brought gifts and was the queen of heaven or the mother of the other tribes even though she was created much much later than the 12 tribes. Now Homer was brought gifts and honored and glorified, because he was the father the creator the god over the tribes and Eva was glorified and fussed over too, Now I see that Enoch was the entity that was created from homers crown chakara, so he was the most like god and also had all the memories of god inside him. Now Lucifer was beginning to develop new feelings of emotions and he noticed that he was ignored and not glorified and fussed over by the people, he was left out, and his first feelings were of jealousy and felling rejected by the people so he developed the first feelings of jealousy and hate, He wanted to be worshiped and brought gifts and glorified and no one did this to him, so he soon realized that because of the emotional qualities in humans , they were easily manipulated and tricked into doing his will .. So also realized that the more that he could get eve to indulge in excess's in the physical senses , especially sex , that the more physical and less angelic she became,. to be continued...Homer Lucifer and Eve part one.. Okay now there is much much more detail and the story is much longer than this this is just the partial beginning , and like i said , even the story above is just a outline of the vision, it has much much more detail , but to make a long story short , eve and Lucifer betrayed Osiris ( homer and they also took his formulas for creation and eve became vein and lustful and also helped Lucifer slay the 7 mermaids who were homers brides with the 7 spirits , and the reptilian part of the mermaids were used by Lucifer to genetically create the sanguarians, who were created from the reptilian part of the mermaids but not the woman part, and so they were without their own ability to hold their own divinity or energy because they were without the woman of the mermaid and without Osiris because when Lucifer and eve left , Osiris utterly became comatose and when he created Lucifer and eve he held nothing back ,from them , it never occurred to him that this horrible thing would happen, and so when they left the cosmic kingdom , heaven , it kinda killed Osiris. and Lucifer and eve were the ones who caused the divinity of our Creator to be severed from the human and reptilian race,and she became vein and caught up in money and power and she let her womb be used to create life , and offspring , without her love and she let them go into laboratories and let them be fed to the sanguarians as food and she didn't care, also , before all hell broke loose in heaven , the mermaids had wanted a son a child so bad ,and their biology would permit this, so the 7 mermaids of Selia's lent the 7 spirits to eve , and eve became a surrogate mother for the mermaids,and the child was a boy and eve and Lucifer took the son ,of Sela's with them after they slayed the mermaids,and killed homer and heaven , the son , was ( well my visions tell me George w bush has the 7 spirits of Selia's and was the son of the 7 mermaids and eve . but the son and the 7 spirits of Selia's were used in genetics,and spliced and diced ,and created the sanguarians , and so you Elizabeth would be Selia's, Gods wife , but the part of Selia's that was woman , and the mother was in the son the child that eve carried for the mermaids,, who i knoe is gwb/. and the part of the 7 mermaids , that created the sanguarians -recreated a woman with the reptilian DNA but not the human or the woman, , If this sounds insane and you cant identify with what i am saying, then lets just say this is all a dream cuz really , in reality it is a dream and visions that i am telling you, weather it is reality or symbolic, i don't knoe, But in the dream, I was eve ., the original sin,and the monster who allowed all of this to happen, so a few minutes ago it came to me that in this dream you YOU ARE GODS WIFE (OSIRIS) AND YOU ARE THE MOTHER OF HEAVEN AND YOU ARE THE MOTHER OF THE SANGUARIANS AND YOU AND EVE ARE THE MOTHERS OF THE SON WHO IN MY DREAM IS REPRESENTED AS GEORGE W BUSH,, WOW, I AM ALMOST BREATHLESS, I NOW FEEL THAT MY DREAM ALL MAKES SINCE AND IT IS NOT YOU WHO IS THE EVIL ONE, IT IS ME , YOU ARE THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN AND HELL AND EARTH AND GODS WIFE / ELIZABETH, PLEASE KNOE I AM NOT INSANE , I AM A BIT DRAMATIC AND HAVE A VERY CURIOUS WAY OF SEEING THINGS BUT I AM IN TOUCH WITH REALITY , AND PARDON ME FOR TRYING TO WEAR ROSE COLORED GLASSES M BUT THIS REALITY SUCKS FOR US ALL, SO AS IT IS NOW, MY DREAM MAKES ME THE ONE WHO TOOK THE LIVES AND THE SON FROM THE 7 MERMAIDS AND SO IN MY DREAMS I WILL BRING BACK TO LIFE THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN , THE BRIDE OF GOD, I HOPE I DIDN'T UPSET YOU, ELIZABETH, IAM SO MUCH IN YOUR SERVICE AND YOUR DEBT , YOU ARE THE BRIDE OF GOD ,, THAT'S WHY YOU ARE THE GRAIL QUEEN , YOU TRULY ARE THE GRAIL QUEEN MY LADY , I LOVE YOU SO , GOD NEEDS A WIFE & THE EARTH NEEDS A MOTHER!!!!!! THE DEVIL NEEDS A (LOVING WIFE & LOVING MOTHER, ACTUALLY THE DEVIL JUST NEEDS LOVE!!! ,THE DEVIL IS EVIL & MEAN BECAUSE HE IS HATED & HURTING. DON'T LOVE WHAT HE DOES. JUST LOVE HIM BECAUSE HE WILL NEVER KNOE HOW TO LOVE OR EVEN KNOE OR UNDERSTAND WHAT LOVE IS, UNLESS HE HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPERIENCE LOVE, HIMSELF.. !!! I'M WILLING TO TRY LOVE . ARE YOU? [ No Subject ] Thursday, February 8, 2007 12:38 PM This sender is DomainKeys verified "TREEE" <> Add sender to Contacts From: To: Okay here it goes... God told me that He had received a certain level of accomplishment in his evolution, a very very long tyme ago, This point of evolution that God had reached was accomplished after him living many life tymes and experiencing many situations and tests. Actually , he tells me that this is the point of evolution that we will be going into , if we can survive with our souls. And by doing this we will be able to keep our identifies in tact. So after thousands of physical incarnations of different planes and dimensions , he Had finally reached a point where He had his masculine and feminine polarities and duality's ,in harmony and balance with each other. Also he has mastered majik and science, He was the master magician ,and numerologist,and scientist ,and healer,and mathematician, also he had achieved the knowledge of science and genetics and mastery over the elements and forces of the ethereal and the physical worlds. Now that he had graduated into being a master of all trades ,and he had impressed the Elohim, who I will call the universal council, or grand masters , now that-he had pleased them and earned their respect and acknowledgment, he was given the gift of being able to create life and use his abilities to design and create anything that he wanted. The universe is huge,and god told me that there are many different places and aspects of experiences and experiments , going on simultaneously through out the universe.. He told me that he is not the only god . He told me that he is the god or father over this creation , because this is/was his creation, and that he is One of many who had achieved the right to create, Well he had been given a place to do this behind the sun somewhere. This is the place that would be the cosmic king-dome, or heaven as many would refer it to. I call it Home. So any how , he has a great love and respect for the mermaids and when he created his planet and his home land he brought with him the mermaids,and also they sang alot and their beautiful voices would send out the frequency to create a fertile atmosphere to allow for for color, sound and life into his his first creations were those that decorated his planet , and that was beautiful flowers and butterflies and mountains of gold and silver and the most beautiful blue waters to allow the world of the mermaids to blend with his, He had the most extraordinary creations, like , what we See here on earth, all of the different trees and flowers,and plants,and butterflies, I'm not sure that they're were alot of insects, but he also created cats and dogs,and elephants,He liked to cruise riding on the e back s of the easy going elephants . Now he was a scientist and magician and he could change the atmosphere if it suited him. Now he wanted to create some thing more personal, life, he wanted to create , a people in his image, As he was a person,a MAN. That was one big question i had and never believed till i received my vision, That yes God is a man. So He decided to create in his image and he created the 12 original tribes, now he did not have sex with the mermaids , they were his love .all of them and they were all females and he adored them , as they did him., So he went into his laboratory and he used the DNA out of his 12 chakaras , and 12 is what is needed to function a s a complete entity with identity ,and also the complete balance of masculine and feminine energies . So he created a man and a woman out of each chakara, . so there was a king and queen or a god and goddess for each one of the 12 different tribes that he created out of his own chakras. So If you think about it a life form created from the crown chakara and the genitals and the solar plexus, etc. would turn out quite different, they would look different and develop different and even speak different languages. God decided to make 12 planets circling his planet and this would be where each of the 12 would grow and develop and reside. Each one having their own planet. And he did good, He thought this was amazing, his heart went out to his creations .. Now remember , there was no sex yet., so each one of the nationalities had a special link to one of homers chakaras . Also , they developed in their personalities and their belief systems according to the particular chakara that they were made from.So they also were lucky enough to have a creator who loved and honored them and kept nothing from them, Now they were made physical ,and they each had 7 chakars functioning inside them. Homer had 12.. He loved his creation and watched them grow and develop , and also the cosmic kingdom had all of the majik that science spirituality and technology could create, they could visit each other on each others planets through advanced forms of transportation,and they has ships and shuttles and also they were telepathic so they could communicate this way also. There was love and respect and no one had hate or malice in their hearts Also when they would visit each others planets , they also had their own planets that they returned to to live to further develop their species each one was different and the tree's and plants and flowers and animals of various kinds were also created by the individual tribes . These tribes would relate to the 12 signs in the zodiac,and that why there are special plants and trees and flowers and elements and colors etc . that corresponded each tribe,or sign and each planet. All still formatted in modern astrology today. So now there was no death because this level of evolution had made it possible for homer to keep his identity's in tact with out having to go through a series of incarnations. Death and Resurrection. So to live for a million years was not a big deal, because the soul never dies,.. So he loved his creations and he especially loved rainbows because these were the light that came from the spirit of divinity of the 7 physical chakaras that functioned inside of the 12 tribes. So Being made in gods image was what the 12 tribes were . they multiplied their off spring off of the 7 chakara s they had functioning ,and there is 7 ..a most magical number..,it cannot be reduced or multiplied between 1 and 10 and it stands alone so therefor 7 is 0 and infinity at the same tyme. This heaven also had no problem with disease or illness because the plants and flowers here , were huge, and they had the most sweet intoxicating smell, the entire atmosphere was filled with the sweet aromas of the var-ring flowers which produced healing an d enlightenment just from being breathed in by the cit-zens of heaven . So NOW Homer (GOD) decided after a while that he wanted to create something else. Some one that he could live with on HIS HOME PLANET. So he decided that he would go back into his laboratory and take the masculine and feminine aspect of his entity and create a man and a woman. The man would have 100% male energy , and would have the entire aspect of the male entity ,and the female would be all feminine, So then he created Lucifer and Eve. Now remember, these two were created without a mother, So Lucifer was all masculine energy , he was created as a partner or a friend to homer and Eva was created more like a child , a daughter. So Lucifer was completely 5 senses. He had the master qualities of sight, sound , smell , taste and touch. He was a genius with science and mathematics and formulas and also he had the entire blueprint of creation. He was all man. And Eva was more of an angelic emotional being , she was not so dense in matter and she could float and move with the wind, she was 100 % emotions and extra sensory perception. Now Lucifer did not have the emotions , of the others because he was created purely physical, of course from the moment of creation he began to develop, feelings and emotions,but it would take a very very long tyme for him too have the balance with the feminine energy, just as eve was not created physical,and it would take a long tyme for her to develop the masculine energies into her persona. So now this planet was much more lively now,and god used to love having mental debates with Lucifer on science and mathematics ,and also realized that Lucifer won 7 out of 10 because he was in fact , as intelligent a s all living computer. So was god but god had emotions and he did not know what the outcome would be with his creation of the 2 , He was just experimenting and experiencing, and he realized that Lucifer was all knowledge , logic and intellect,and also had to constantly satisfy his 5 senses in order to thrive ,because he was very very slowly growing the nerves and the receptors for feeling s intuition and emotions..Lucifer and homer would debate and test the wits and intelligence of each other, but sometimes god wished Lucifer would not be so serious, because it was not that serious, Like when Lucifer won a debate , homer would laugh a big hearty laugh and Lucifer would just stare at him blankly,and god would sigh and think to himself , wow, its almost like he is not even human. Because God was a divine human..and So The other planets and tribes would come to see and meet the new additions to the family ,and found it puzzling to them, because Lucifer did not smile or laugh or enjoy the colors and cosmic roller coasters that flew from one planet to the next ,and they found it nearly impossible to understand this Man, So the other people of the 12 planets would come visit, and Eva , since she was 100% of the female aspect of god she also has all 12 chakaras inside her like her father, so Homer and Eva were the only ones with 12.. although she was functioning with five. until she became more physical , then the other 7 would allow her to become a flesh being rather than just a spirit. She was able to materialize herself through interaction with the other citizens of heaven just as Lucifer was every day developing emotions and feelings were growing inside of him. Now Eva was glorified and brought gifts and was the queen of heaven or the mother of the other tribes even though she was created much much later than the 12 tribes. Now Homer was brought gifts and honored and glorified, because he was the father the creator the god over the tribes and Eva was glorified and fussed over too, Now I see that Enoch was the entity that was created from homers crown chakara, so he was the most like god and also had all the memories of god inside him. Now Lucifer was beginning to develop new feelings of emotions and he noticed that he was ignored and not glorified and fussed over by the people, he was left out, and his first feelings were of jealousy and felling rejected by the people so he developed the first feelings of jealousy and hate, He wanted to be worshiped and brought gifts and glorified and no one did this to him, so he soon realized that because of the emotional qualities in humans , they were easily manipulated and tricked into doing his will .. So also realized that the more that he could get eve to indulge in excess's in the physical senses , especially sex , that the more physical and less angelic she became,. to be continued...Homer Lucifer and Eve part one.. .........preface I have been asking GOD, since I can remember , To tell me the real truth about himself. On a personal level. I said to him, God you cannot be as mean as the bible makes you , I cannot believe that that is your true message because so many things in the Bible are about war, torture and sacrifice and suffering . Also there are many statements that contradict themselves. And I prayed and asked and begged and stomped my feet and yelled and cried,and even tried to bribe him , throughout my life, These prayers have went on since I was about 6 years old. Well, after not getting an answer I was satisfied with , I decided to ask Jesus,and I still was not feeling that I was getting the right answers. Any how it did not take long to receive my answer, I was actually seven when I really began to develop a personal relationship . I have been able to see and hear and communicate with spirits since I was about 3 . Although It was very difficult to keep a peaceful feeling in my heart because My family and my friends , began to give me a complex, because it is not godly or natural to communicate with spirits,and I knew I was because the accuracy of the information that I received , was valid and true for the most part. Well , my family told me I was doing the devils work , by communicating with spirits and told me that this was doing the work of and with the devil, so it did not take long for my interactions to become almost completely in communications with demons of various sorts. Well I was pretty frightened because I was just a little girl ,and the brain washing that my mom did to me made me believe that i was somehow evil and bad,and I knew I wasn't because I have always been a very loving and caring and friendly person, but that did not stop me from feelingthatthere was something very wrong with me,and I was tormented and frightened by these demons for the longest tyme. There was always still that little bit of divine interaction that came through, though and I always kept Jesus close to my heart and in my prayers, anyhow, I am working on an auto biography about me. But this story here is not to tell you about me, its what I was told , by Who I believe is GOD. The real God , The one that does not punish curse you and your offspring . This is a vision I received when I was 30 years old. Just listen to the story that was given to me and then ponder the ideas and tell me what you think if you want, or just keep the ideas to your self . But know that after I was 12 I stopped being afraid of the demons and Jesus told me to turn them into something funny instead of frightening images. He told me that this was how he used to deal with demons, was by animating them, So when I feel or see a demon, I turn him into the Tasmanian devil in my mynd,and then i imagine that i have a huge blow up plastic base ball bat ,and i imagine or visualize I am bopping the taz on top of the head with it and watch him bounce around. Its not a violent thought , notice the base ball bat is rubber or plastic, and it does not hurt the demon in my visions it just bounces him around. Well this i s how I got a little control over my demons and since then they cannot hurt or scare me /.... so , I realize now that I can communicate and see and hear divine angelic beings and demons, so I'm working on getting control over my visions and communications...This is the story I believe that I received from the real GOD who I like to call HOMER ,because to be with him is to finally be home........ Freemasons are famous for the quote from the Latin. ORDO AB CHAO. Saturday, August 25, 2007 5:52 AM "Treee Tonia" <> View contact details,,,,, CATALOG@CHOPRA.COM, AMANDA@CHOPRA.COM, ASKDEEPAK@CHOPRA.COM From: To: i treee wrote this and below i will include some things from jean decabalis and zsniel and some older stuff back a few years ago fraom frater imhotep and i will just put it all on this email so i dont overload your email box, . well i guess its too late for that, so i will try to compact several things in one email and send to you that way instead of forwarding everything, actually, im tired and will send letters from frater imhotep to me over the past 5 years and some from ian cowburn of france , frater L who was litterly killed because of info he gave me ... i still have so much vital stuff to show u and i dont have alot left but i need to get it for you before my email accounts remeining get shut down on me or deleted, i recently within the past month have been locked out of my ( and and so if you knoe any hackers maybe you can get into these email accounts i had , much very important info and proof is in there , see almost everything is being deleted and erased as tyme gooes on . also a few years ago i had thousands of links on the web that you could read what i had written and what was written to me by adepts and magi and global elites but now you cant find anything, im serious, im being deleted as i go and what i write and learn is all almost gone or erased, so its vital that we can salvage what is still left and salvagable ,, i love you and will give you a break for the day until i wake andi will send more , i wrote this below ordo ab chao Freemasons are famous for the quote from the Latin. ORDO AB CHAO. The Normal law of error in individuals stands out in the minds of society as an experience a broadcast and a cheap temporary ego based thrill. The Normal law of error stands in the entire expierence of mankindand & is one of the broadest generalizations of natural philosophy & psychology. It has served as a guiding instrument in researches in the physical and social sciences and in medicine, majik, ,metaphysics, agriculture, and engineering etc......The law of Error is a indispensable tool for the analysis and interpretation of the basic data obtained by observing and experimenting . Chaos and error actually allows us to see order and pattern in the random, erratic and unpredictable and unorganized chaos of the situations that we observe. It turns out that an eerie type of chaos can lurk just behind a facade of order and yet even deeper inside the chaos lurks an even eeier type of order. Chaos and error are highly mathamatical in origin. Chaos is the basic science of our world and of character creation & identity stimulation .. Chaos and error is the basic foundation for self discovery in ourselves and each other. Chaos allows us to feel emotions, frustrations, critical assesment and then revelation. The Dramatic and the poetic, the symbolic and the thurgic magical manifestations are all forms of creative chaos and soul urge that brings us here together to face the REVELATIONS...... All of which we have together suffered and survived to prepare us for this opportunity. The Apocoliptic Beast ( THE MAGICAL ORDERS ) have given us the dicipline and the experience and the magical tools and true wisdom of the unity within the Order Of Chaos. } Now the Revelations are possible. So let the games begin ..... Get your own web address. Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business. zsniel wrote this in a group i created but pindar had me kick and lock out everyone so noone can join anymore and also i havent written in the group since pindar had me kick everone out Hi Johnnie and All Treee wasen't kicked out of the SSH by Jean she was kicked out by me she was kicked out of the Guild by Jean. The reason I removed her from the SSH was because she did not want to learn or be part of the group only to suck people into her own world. It has NOTHING to do with the Queen. The SSH is preparing for Battle if Treee continuse to attack the Magister and the SSH it will be WAR. Zsniel SSH Chief and Commander Re: [THESOUNDOFSILENCE] Re: hi its treee, im sorry i have ben sick this past week and havent worked on t I have never attacked magister or you or anyone i have never threatened the queen or anyone, and I don't know where you get your ideas that i am attacking magister ( jean de cabalis) because I have only ( looked up to you guys and tried to help you increase your powers and get your grail crowns, and so as far as the SSH group you are right i did not do the work nor am i interested in being a vampire-satanist and sucking the life out of the human race, ( My intentions are not war they are peace, so Don't worry about me ever being a threat to you or jean or the queen or anyone, because eveil consumes its self like the snake with its tail in its mouth, and so i thought that you and jean were ( potential grail kings, and I suppose you are not ,, What i find sad and comical at the same tyme is that you guys call your selves vampires but you have no energy and you call your selves black magicians and you have no magical powers except to astral project and suck the life out of life as vampires, your magical powers are ( as much as you will ever get by worshiping the impostor grail queen because she has no powers of the grail to offer any of you, and so as far as the Illuminati fraternity's being wizards and magicians, I see NO MAGICAL POWER OR NECESSITY. ALL THE POWERS YOU HAVE IS THE PERMISSION FROM YOUR HIGH PRIESTESS QUEEN ELIZABETH II TO DESTROY AND HURT AND KILL AND SACRIFICE AND EAT AND TORTURE THE HUMAN RACE AND TO BE A INFECTION AND A DISEASE TO THIS WORLD, ANYHOW I WILL NOT BE WAGING ANY WAR AGAINST YOU OR EVEN TRYING TO EXPOSE YOU AND YOUR ( OTHER ( WHAT EVER YOU GUYS ARE , BECAUSE EVEIL DESTROYS ITS SELF, NOW I CONSIDER THIS LETTER YOU POSTED AS THREAT TO ME ESPECIALLY SINCE I NEVER ATTACKED MAGISTER (JEAN DE CABALIS) OR YOU ( I WILL SIMPLY WE SPENDING MY TYME EMPOWERING MYSELF AND THOSE WHO GATHER UNDER MY TENT AND BRINGING THE DIVINE AND EVOLVED GRAIL POWERS TO EARTH AND THOSE WHO ARE ( UNDER MY TENT, I STILL HAVE TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO TAP THE DIVINE UMBILICAL CORD BUT MY VISIONS ARE VERY CLEAR AND STRONG NOW AND I AM RECEIVING MASSIVE VISIONS AND INSTRUCTION AND NAMES AND ,MAPS AND CODES AND FORMULAS ETC, SO ANYHOW I LOVE THIS WORLD AND I WILL BE SPENDING MY TYME AND ENERGY ON HEALING AND SAVING AND TEACHING AND EMPOWERING AND BRINGING EARTH BACK TO ITS DIVINE STATE, IT IS TOO BAD THAT YOU AND JEAN HAVE MADE ME A ENEMY WHEN I HAVE BEEN NOTHING BUT A FRIEND TO YOU ENCOURAGING YOU AND TRYING TO HELP YOU BECOME TRUE MAGICIANS WITH REAL POWERS, SO AS FAR AS SAYING I ATTACKED MAGISTER IS A LIE A STRAIT OUT LIE, I THINK YOU MUST BE TRYING TO GAIN CREDIT AND PLEASE YOUR IMPOSTOR GRAIL QUEEN WHO ALSO HAS NO MAGICAL GRAIL POWERS , SHE IS JUST NOT A GOOD OR THE REAL EARTH MOTHER AND THE WORLD WILL SEE THIS FOR THEMSELVES, ALSO I WAS TOLD BY MICHAEL RODGERS ) MASTER MASON ) MEMBER OF BOHEMIAN GROVE WHERE TO FIND THE REMAINS OF THE DEAD AND SACRIFICED BABIES AND WOMEN AND MEN AND CHILDREN ,AND HE ALSO GAVE ME INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR QUEEN ELIZABETH ( BEING THE ONE WHO ( ASSIGNS THESE MURDERS ) AND SACRIFICES AND PARTICIPATES ACTUALLY THIS JULY SHE AND THE OTHER S WILL BE IN BOHEMIAN GROVE DOING THE HUMAN SACRIFICES AGAIN ,AND ANYHOW IT IS COMICAL TO ME THAT YOU AND YOUR ( ILLUMINATI VAMPIRE ORDER WOULD WAGE WAR AGAINST ME < WHO IS 1 PERSON AND A GIRL , WHO BELONGS TO NO MAGICAL ORDERS, AND AS FAR AS BEING IN YOUR SSH ORDER ITS NOT EVEN A REAL ORDER THERE ARE NO INITIATIONS OR TESTS OR ANYTHING YOU GUYS JUST LET PEOPLE IN WHO YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW, YOU LET ME IN AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNEO ANYTHING ABOUT IT ALL I KNOW IS THAT YOU GUYS ARE TEACHING ALEISTER CROWLEY WORKS AND MAGIC AND HAVE NO TRUE ( MAGICAL ESSENCE IN YOUR ORDER OR EVEN INITIATIONS TO GET IN IT IS JUST YOU GUYS TRYING TO GET AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN UNDER ELIZABETH AND TO GET THEIR SOUL , I HAVE THE LETTERS YOU SENT ME WHEN YOU ( WANTED ME TO CREATE THE TEMPLE OF CAIN FOR THE NEWLY AWAKENED VAMPIRES, AND ANYHOW ZSNIEL YOU MAY BE TRYING TO IMPRESS YOUR QUEEN ELIZABETH BY ( WRITING ME AND ACTING LIKE YOU ARE ALL BAD AND POWERFUL AND ( REALLY ALL YOU ARE DOING IS PROVING YOU ARE HER PUPPET, AND I NEVER ATTACKED YOU OR JEAN AND NEVER WILL , ACTUALLY I HAVE NO TYME FOR YOU ANYHOW BECAUSE YOU THRIVE ON HATE AND I THRIVE ON LOVE . SO ANYHOW IF YOU AND JEAN EVER DECIDE TO GET TIRED OF BEING MAGICIANS WITH NO MAGICAL POWERS AND GET TIRED OF SERVING A IMPOSTOR GRAIL QUEEN WITH NOTHING TO OFFER YOU BUT SLAVERY LOOK ME UP , I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU GUYS AND HOPE THAT YOU DO STAY FOR MY EARTH PARTY , IT WONT BE LONG NOW, AND ALSO IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO ME AT ALL YOU AND JEAN AND ELIZABETH WILL BE PRIME SUSPECTS, ANY HOW PEACE AND LOVE AND GOOD LUCK , ITS TOO BAD THAT YOU HAVE NO MAGICAL POWERS , WIZARDS AND BLACK MAGICIANS WITH NO MAGICAL POWERS AND VAMPIRES WITH NOT ANY ENERGY YOU SPEND ALL YOUR ENERGY TO GET ENERGY , AND THE ENERGY YOU GET LACKS LIFE FORCE , I FEEL REALLY EMBARRASSED AN SORRY FOR YOU GUYS , ITS A SHAME , ANYHOW I DO HAVE A TEAR IN MY EYE AND THE TEAR I CRY IS FOR YOU , ALL LOVE TO YOU AND YOUR BRETHREN FROM THE TREEE, PS THE LIGHT WILL ALWAYS BE ON WHEN YOU GUYS GET READY TO COME HOME AND zsniel <> wrote: Hi Johnnie and All Treee wasen't kicked out of the SSH by Jean she was kicked out by me she was kicked out of the Guild by Jean. The reason I removed her from the SSH was because she did not want to learn or be part of the group only to suck people into her own world. It has NOTHING to do with the Queen. The SSH is preparing for Battle if Treee continuse to attack the Magister and the SSH it will be WAR. Zsniel SSH Chief and Commander Re: ZSNIEL -I don't need your protection I have no queen and there is MORE than one grail. Nothing is going to happen I don't know why you continue with this hole gail, Queen Elizabeth thing its all lies why do you waste your time with it. Zsniel -- In, "lunar_mare_eee" <lunar_mare_eee@...> wrote: > > ZSNIEL YOU ARE IN MY GROUP WHICH MEANS THAT YOU ARE UNDER MY TENT AND > THERE FOR i WILL PROTECT YOU AND SHARE ALL THAT I EARN AND LEARN WITH > YOU AND i DO MEAN THAT .. i ALWAYS LOVED YOU AND TRULY LOOKED UP TO YOU > ARE A MENTOR AND TEACHER AND GUIDE AND FRIEND ,, AND SO I'M NOT SURE WHY > YOU ARE HERE WHEN IT APPEARS THAT YOU HATE ME BUT I DON'T HATE YOU AND I > TRULY WOULD LOVE IT FOR YOU TO BE A LEGEND AND HERO AND A GRAIL > KING-EARTH FATHER AND RECEIVE YOUR GRAIL THRONE AND CROWN AND THE > DIVINE BIRTHRIGHTS OF THE DIVINE HUMAN,, THE WORLD IS SMALL BUT LARGE AT > THE SAME TYME SO THEIR WILL BE MANY _ BUT FEW WHO ACTUALLY ARE > APPOINTED GRAIL KINGS AND JURISDICTION OVER TERRITORY'S OF EARTH TO > LOOK AFTER AND REBUILD AND PROTECT AND ( PROVIDE THE DIVINE PROTECTION > AND PLENTY OF THE GRAIL TO YOUR PEOPLE WHO WILL LIVE IN THE LAND OR > KINGDOM YOU WOULD BE APPOINTED GRAIL POWERS AND BE MADE A GRAIL KING > OVER.. AND SO ALL POSITIONS AVAILABLE ,I AM NOT THE ONE WHO HAS THE > POWERS OF THE GRAIL (YET BUT I DO KNOW AND HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN THAT I > WILL BE ENTRUSTED WITH THE CARE AND RESPONSIBILITY AND PROTECTION OF > THIS WORLD IF I PROVE THAT I AM WORTHY AND CAPABLE AND PROVE THAT MY > LOVE IS ( UNCONDITIONAL AND ( PURE.. i HAVE PASSED MANY TESTS THRU TY > ME I KNOE I HAVE MORE TO GO BUT SEE, i DO KNOE THIS , I LOVE THIS > WORLD AND I HAVE DEVOTED MY ENTIRE MIND BODY SOUL SPIRIT AND LIFE TO > PROTECTING THIS WORLD AND ALL WHO LIVE HERE AND TO RESTORE THE GRAIL AND > CHANGE THIS SCUM BALL IN SPACE INTO A GALACTIC JEWEL, A PLANET WHERE > OTHER LIFEFORMS FROM OTHER PLANETS WILL WANT TO COME VISIT AND HANG > OUT WITH , AND A PLACE THAT WILL BE LIKE HOMER-OSIRIS'S COSMIC KINGDOM > ( HEAVEN __ AND A PLACE THAT THE GODS OF THE GRAIL WILL BE PROUD OF AND > LOOK AT OUR PLANET WITH PRIDE AND JOY AND HAPPINESS, AND SEE US AS ONE > OF THE MOST AWESOME AND SUCCESSFUL CREATIONS .. WE WILL BE GIFTED > WITH THEIR PROTECTION AND COUNCIL AND ( RESOURCES BUT NOT A MINUTE > BEFORE WE THE EARTH PROVE THAT WE ARE WORTHY OF THAT BECAUSE THEY LOOK > AT THE EARTH AND THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE HERE HUMAN OR NOT , AS WEAK AND > PATHETIC AND UNDESIRABLE AND UN DIVINE AND UNWORTHY , THEY SEE US AS ( > A ALMOST FAILED EXPERIMENT , THEY WILL LET US DESTROY OUR EARTH HOME > IF WE DO NOT PROVE THAT WE DESERVE OUR EARTH HOME AND LOVE IT AND WILL > AND DO TAKE GOOD GOOD CARE OF IT AND THEY WILL NOT COME AND HELP US > WHO LIVE ON IN OR ABOVE OR UNDER EARTH , IF WE DO NOT PROTECT AND CARE > FOR AND HELP AND LOVE EACH OTHER SO WE HAVE NO DIVINE ASSISTANCE NOW > BECAUSE NOON ON THIS EARTH HAS PROVED WORTHY OF THAT, THEY ARE PEOPLE > WHO LOVE THIS WORLD BUT NOT ENOUGH , AND i HAVE BEEN TOLD SINCE MY > VISION ON MAUNDAY THURSDAY BEFORE EASTER IN 1994 THAT I WILL BE > ENTRUSTED WITH THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE EARTH AND ALL WHO LIVE HERE > .. AND WILL BE ENTRUSTED WITH THE POWERS OF THE GRAIL AND DIRECT > COMMUNICATION WITH THE GODS OF THE GRAIL , AND WILL BE GIVEN THE > POWERS TO HEAL AND POWERS THE SAME AS JESUS AND THEN WHEN I PROVE THAT > I AM WORTHY AND CAPABLE OF THAT THEY PROMISED ME THAT I WILL RECEIVE > EVEN MORE POWERS ( THE POWERS THAT WERE GIVEN TO OSIRIS ( OUR CREATOR > BEFORE HE WAS SLAIN, I WAS TOLD THAT I WILL NOT EVER BE GIVEN EVEN A > TASTE OF THIS DIVINE GIFT IF I DO NOT PROVE THAT I AM COMPLETELY > WORTHY AND CAPABLE , AND THEY TOLD ME THEY WILL MAKE SURE I AM CAPABLE > , BUT I HAVE TO FIRST PROVE WORTHY AND THESE TESTS I HAVE BEEN GOING > THRU AND HAVE NOT EVER RESORTED TO VIOLENCE OR HATE .. AND I STILL > DO AND ALWAYS WILL LOVE THOSE WHO HATE ME, AND I NEVER FANTASIZE ABOUT > REVENGE OR HARM OR HURT OR SUFFERING TO ANYONE, I HAVE PROVED THAT MY > FAITH IS POTENT AND STRONG AND IT IS GETTING STRONGER NOW THAT ( YOU > AND JEAN AND ELIZABETH HAVE ALLOWED ME THE ( OPPORTUNITY TO PASS > CRUCIAL DIVINE TESTS) BUT I DO NOT BECOME AFRAID AND BACK DOWN TO > THE DEMONS AND DEVIL BECAUSE I LOVE THEM , AND I WANT TO HELP THEM I > HAVE ALSO PROVED THAT I CANNOT BE POSSESSED AND I HAVE ALSO BEEN ( > BIOLOGICALLY ALTERED BY MASTER MASONS ( MICHAEL RODGERS ) BOHEMIAN > CLUB ( VAMPIRES UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF QUEEN ELIZABETH II AND STILL > HAVE NOT BECOME DEMONIC , AND VAMPIRE, I HAVE BEEN USED IN SATANIC > RITUAL AND WAS DRUGGED AND HAD HERMETIC ALCHEMY DONE ON ME ( BY > FRATER IMHOTEP MORE THAN ONCE AND ( I HAVE LEARNED THAT I AM THE ONLY > PERSON EVER WHO HAS UNDERWENT THIS PROCEDURE AND ABLE TO STILL BE IN > CONTROL OF MY OWN MIND AND BODY , I ALSO HAVE HAD SO MANY > OPPORTUNITIES TO HATE THOSE WHO HATE ME, AND I HAVE GOTTEN MAD AND DID > SOME NAME CALLING AND EXPOSING BUT NEVER ONCE THREATENED ANYONE OR > WISHED OR ATTEMPTED TO HARM OR HURT ANYONE I HAVE BEEN LEFT ALONE WITH > NO SUPPORT FROM FRIENDS AND FAMILY OR SOCIETY TO HELP ME TO PROTECT > THEM AND THE WORLD AND ALL LIFE , AND I HAVE BEEN HATED ( BY ALMOST > EVERYONE,REJECTED CAST OUT BY MY FAMILY AND SOCIETY, I HAVE BEEN MADE > FUN OF AND ALSO HAVE NOT ALLOT OF EDUCATION ACTUALLY AT THIRD GRADE I > STOPPED DOING ANY HOME WORK AND NEVER EVER DID ANY HOME WORK AFTER THAT > AND THEY PASSED ME ANYHOW TO 11 THE GRADE WITHOUT EVER DOING HOME WORK > MISSING 50 TO 70 SCHOOL DAYS A YEAR,, AND ANYHOW I WAS SO TELEPATHIC AND > CLAIRVOYANT AND COULD SEE AND HEAR AND TALK TO SPIRITS DEMONS AND > ANGELS AND WAS ESP AND HAD VISIONS AND COULD SEE AURAS, AND ANYHOW I > WAS VERY DIFFERENT THAN ANYONE AT ALL ANYWHERE , MY MOM AND FAMILY > HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AFRAID OF ME AND TOLD ME I WAS DOING THE DEVILS WORK > AND WAS EVIL SINCE I WAS A SMALL CHILD BECAUSE OF MY ( ABILITY TO SEE > INTO OTHER DIMENSIONS AND SEE BEHIND THE VEIL AND COMMUNICATE WITH > SPIRITS AND HAVE ESP AND VISIONS , MY MOM USED TO ALWAYS SLAP ME IN > THE MOUTH MANY TYMES BECAUSE I WOULD LOOK AT HER AND SHE WOULD SMACK > MY LITTLE MOUTH ( AND SAY DON'T LOOK AT HER WITH THOSE EYES.. SO MY > EYES AND LOOKING AT HER MADE HER SERIOUSLY UNCOMFORTABLE AND AFRAID . > I WAS POSSESSED WHEN I WAS 11 AND 12 YEARS OLD AND MISSED ALMOST 2 > YEARS OF SCHOOL, I USED TO HAVE THESE ATTACKS AND MY STOMACH WOULD BLOW > UP LIKE I WAS 9 MONTHS PREGNANT AND THEN I WOULD FALL DOWN IN PAIN AND > COULDN'T MOVE AND WALK AND WOULD BE DOUBLED OVER AS I EXPELLED THESE > ENORMOUS AND UNNATURAL AMOUNTS OF AIR AND ( I WAS PHYSICALLY > ATTACKED BY DEMONS and the attacks would last about 15 minutes > ttto a half hhhour , and i realize NOW that ii ii was spewing > out and vomiting out and expelling massive demons ,, and after ii > was done with my attacks , i would be free of the demonic > possession for about a day , never longer ,, and then there were > these sounds when i went to sleep that were talking to me in these ( > demonic voices and also there was chanting and heavy breathing and my > mom and my family searched my room from corner to corner and searched > the vents too because when i would wake up in the night screaming my > mom came in and she could also hear them clear as day , she tried to > record this , and tried about 4 or 5 different tape recorders and > the tape recorders worked in every room in the house except my room,. > in my room when Mommy tried to record the sound the tape recorder > would make these horrible loud screeching noises that pierced your > ears so bad it hurt , and so i was taken to be exorcised by catholic > priests and another religion priest and had to wear a cross dipped > in holy water but nothing worked ... then Jesus finally was able to > get thru all the clatter and chatting and chanting and screaming and > babbling of the thousands of demons i had living inside my body , and > i was sick with these demonic attacks for 2 years and about a average > of 4 tymes a week i had these attacks where i would double over in > pain and exp-ell this air in me and these noises came out of me that > were terrifying , and now i kneo i was spewing out demons and I'm not > sure how they kept getting back inside me but demons and voices > always told me i was the mother of the human race and the bride of > Satan . and i was a little girl and i remember becoming afraid , and > very exhausted because the physical possession showed me these > things that i would dream and see that were terrifying to me, and > so Jesus finally came thru and told me to call him Jesse and that he > was the rod of Jessee what ever that meant and told me i was the > daughter of god or his father, and i though well so is everyone ,and > he told me,no , he is creator of the human race and that i was his > daughter and that the rest of the women were his grand daughters , > ,and even now i receive this info in my visions and dreams and even > waking hours , but still i guess symbolically i may be , i don't > kneo i can tell you i am no one chosen or special , actually i am > nothing and have nothing ... .. and so Jesus came thru my visions > ,and told me {{{{{{ I have been able to see and hear > and communicate with spirits since I was about 3 . Although It was > very difficult to keep a peaceful feeling in my heart because My > family and my friends , began to give me a complex, because it is not > godly or natural to communicate with spirits,and I knew I was because > the accuracy of the information that I received , was valid and true > for the most part. Well , my family told me I was doing the devils > work , by communicating with spirits and told me that this was doing > the work of and with the devil, so it did not take long for my > interactions to become almost completely in communications with > demons of various sorts. Well I was pretty frightened because I was > just a little girl ,and the brain washing that my mom did to me made > me believe that i was somehow evil and bad,and I knew I wasn't because > I have always been a very loving and caring and friendly person, but > that did not stop me from feelingthatthere was something very wrong > with me,and I was tormented and frightened by these demons for the > longest tyme. There was always still that little bit of divine > interaction that came through, though and I always kept Jesus close But > know that after I > was 12 I stopped being afraid of the demons and Jesus told me to turn > them into something funny instead of frightening images. He told me > that this was how he used to deal with demons, was by animating them, > So when I feel or see a demon, I turn him into the Tasmanian devil in > my mynd,and then i imagine that i have a huge blow up plastic base > ball bat ,and i imagine or visualize I am bopping the taz on top of > the head with it and watch him bounce around. Its not a violent > thought , notice the base ball bat is rubber or plastic, and it does > not hurt the demon in my visions it just bounces him around. Well > this i s how I got a little control over my demons and since then > they cannot hurt or scare me }}}}}}anyhow as i was saying I have been > thru non stop tests that have allowed me every opportunity to become > evil and to become a mean and hateful person i have had every > opportunity to not love anyone or this world.. I have had many ( tymes > when i litterly walked into situations that would cause me certain > death or harm and have walked away every tyme, i have over come > possession and i also am still here dedicating my entire every thing > my entire being to you and this world and to do the will of god and to > ( do what i believe asked me to do and gave me the information i > would need and was preparing me for this tyme now, this is what my > visions tell me, but still even though i believe in Jesus and love > and the world and everyone else i cant find it in my self to totally > believe anything until i can prove it, i have faith in Jesus but i > jknoe that demons can ( trick people and impersonate angels and > who ever they want and also i know that i have a ability to receive > visions and communications from the divine and angelic realm ,and also > the demons in the thurgic realm, so i do and always have had one foot > in both worlds, and also i have to be real careful not to become > disillusioned or begin to name myself as some chosen person or > divine being, i mean come on , i ain't gonna say or think i am > Mary Magdalene . i will say that i do dream her dreams and > sometimes remember her and at tymes am able to see thru her eyes when > Jesus was here ., and i do feel that i am either descended from Mary > Magdalene and Jesus , or else i am able to draw off of her here > memory's and thoughts and personality at tymes maybe because i love > Jesus and this world so much but as far as litterly believing or > claiming to be Mary Magdalene and the daughter of Osiris and the bride > of Lucifer and the sister of Satan , i will not, i Will tell you my > visions tell me this but i also think its possible that my visions > show me this so that i will be able to draw off of the different > energies of the goddess and woman and whore ,and saint and sinner so > that i will be able to understand both worlds and be able to heal > and help and love and understand hell and those who dwell there( which > hell is inhibited by the members and magi of the Illuminati vampire > and Satan orders , which is all of them no matter what name you give > them ,and anyhow, so i am here because my visions guide me and i > am here because my heart beats for you and this world and all life , i > am here because i love you and this world and our creator and Jesus and > all the plants and animals and sang arains and reptiles and birds and > fish and ( i even think i like bug's , i know i like some insects > but some insects like maggot's and flies and cockroaches ,well i > really cant say i have ever felt any love for a fly or a maggot, i > guess i could look at a cockroach and See a little personality in the > face and also they have endured this world and survived everything but > flies and maggot's and certain bugs and germs that carry disease > and filth and infection and ( bad germs , well i think that i > don't have a right to kill them or kast them out of tehworld , after > all they are alive and i didn't create them or breath the breath or > life into them so i have no right to ( deprive them of life but i do > think that when we tap the powers of the grail and begin vibrating on > a higher frequency that certain things that are lower vibrations > and undivine and unevolved and those that are evil or lack the > ability to access the gifts of the grail or refuse them and are evil > and love it, i think that they wont be able to survive and sustain > themselves or manifest in the higher frequency's & vibrations that > the grail gifts will charge in us who accept and embody the gifts of > the grail ... and also must love this world and life and our creator > and each other . so i guess i just received my answer right there as i > was asking it, ( so now i kneo that ( thank god we don't have to live > withmaggotts and flies and evil people and cockroaches when we begin > vibrating in the higher frequency's and dimensions . actually i just > received more understanding telling me that , there is and will be for > a while ( some of us who will be vibrating on the higher grail > frequency's and have the divine and evolved supernal powers and > abilities right here on earth in this life and will also be at the > same tyme the ones who are vibrating on lower frequency's and have > no marriage with the gods of the grail and have no grail gifts , and > so there will be flies and maggot's and evil people ,, along with those > of us who are found worthy by the gods of grail and have the gifts of > the grail ,, so those of us who prove worthy offer gifts of the holy > grail , will only be given to those who are completely dedicated to > the protection of the world and all life and each other and must be > full of love and mercy ..those who are going to receive the gifts of the > grail must be willing to go thru many tests and trials , that will ( > each one passed successfully) will give that person (human or not ) a > new jewel to place on their grail crown, and the jewels will each mean > individual powers ,and so for every thing done from the heart in any > and all acts of kindness and love will bring new grail gifts and powers > ( (jewels to place on your Grail crowns, and many tests will happen > that will challenge the temptation of evil and hate and lust and > arrogance and superficial ego and i kneo this i haven't passed all my > tests yes but i have realized that i have many cool and unique > jewels that i have earned to be placed on my grail crown . and i > don't know when i actually will be ( officially accepted by the grail > gods and my application for earth mother is approved) but i do kneo this > , i will get the job , for one thing as far as i kneo i am the only > one applying for the job as earth mother and for to i don't think anyone > else has applied in complete devotion and sincerity for the actual > position as earth mother // although when i am accepted by the divine > gods of the grail ( which is Jesus and god ( Osiris and the divine > unicorn ) i don't know what the divine unicorn means it just came out > but i get the feeling that it ( the unicorn is a animal that lives > on the higher dimensions of those who have made marriage with the grail > .. and Osiris's creators and tribe and parents before he created the > humans . and anyhow i am kind of channelizing a little here , because > i myself have no power or authority to make these decisions myself , > or to decide who gets what i am not god and i am not your judge , i > am though a ( medium or a bridge or a speaker , for the grail God's > and i m being let know that my ability to clearly hear them an > interpret their messages and my visions and dreams will keep > increasing from now on and now i am being let kneo that if i can hang > to the love and connection i have for this world and all living things > and my love and respect i have for the gods of the grail , that i will > now increase my perceptions and wisdom , and ability to hear and > understand them , and what they are telling me to tell you, but i > must tell you this right now and listen carefully, do not ever ever ever > believe anything i say , unless your heart belief's it, your head will > surely argue with me and your heart i kneo mine does , but you will > kneo what is true ,, you will feel it when its the truth and if you > cant feel it or discern or believe some things, that just keep the > ideas on the shelf , and the things that are real and true will reveal > to you and allot may not fit in or make since till later . but > still , never believe any one about anything until you yourself ( make > sure it is true after proper inspection and investigation about what > you are ever told,and i also do error and i know that i have a ways to > go before i am completely clear on my visions but i will always tell > you about things i am sure of and things I'm not sure of and things > i am confused about, what ever the case , i am simply a messenger and > am not the source of the vision I have and i am not source of the > grail powers, i just am someone who loves you and this world and our > creator and Jesus and all life and i am someone who is willing to take > responsibility for the safety and care and protection and divine > declaration of RE STORATION OF THE WORLD. AND SO , I HOPE THAT YOU > DON'T MISUNDERSTAND AND THINK I AM TRYING TO BE ( SOMEONE I'M NOT ,., > I AM JUST TREEE, AND I USE THE NAME TREEE BECAUSE TO ME IT IS SIGNING > EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR DIVINE AND REAL NAMES . AND SO THAN YOU WILL > NEVER BE LOST OR FORGOTTEN, SO UNTIL I FIGURE OUT WHO I REALLY AM OR > WAS , I DON'T HAVE A NAME , BUT TREEE IS ALL OF YOUR NAMES SO THAT > YOU WILL NEVER BE LOST OR FORGOTTEN, AND SO , I MAY HAVE NOT WRITTEN > THIS LETTER IN PERFECT , BUT I AM NOT PERFECT , I COULD USE A CLASS IN > CLASS, TOO,, AND THERE ARE MANY SKILLS I HAVE ( THAT ARE NOT VERY > GOOD YET I AM KINDA CLUMSY IN MOST EVERYTHING THING I DO , I > WEEBLE AND I WOBBLE BUT I DON'T FALL DOWN, AND SO I AM HERE TO TELL > YOU AND SHOW YOU ( NOT THAT I AM SPECIAL OR CHOSEN BUT THAT YOU ARE > SPECIAL AND CHOSEN, AND I KNEO THAT BECAUSE I WILL NEVER EVER EVER ( > STOP LOVING YOU AND THIS WORLD AND ALL LIFEFORMS AND BECAUSE NO MATTER > HOW MUCH EVIL ANYONE OF YOU HAVE DONE , I WILL NEVER HATE YOU OR > JUDGE YOU OR DENY YOU MY LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP, I WILL NEVER BE > TEMPTED TO RESORT TO VIOLENCE OR HATE OR REVENGE AGAINST ANYONE OR ANY > LIVING CREATURE , I ALSO REALLY NEED TO THINK ABOUT THE ( MEAT I > EAT , AND REALIZE THAT AS I EVOLVE AND BECOME MORE ( SANGRAILAIN ) > MY BODY WILL NATURALLY REPEL ANYTHING THAT IS NOT ( GOOD FOR IT LIKE > CIGARETTES AND ( THE MEAT OF THE ANIMALS BLED, actually I THINK > THAT THERE IS THE TECHNOLOGY THAT CAN CREATE ANY TYPE OF MEAT OR > STAKE OR ANYTHING TO TASTE EXACTLY LIKE STEAK AND MEAT , FROM > SOYBEANS AND , OTHER STUFF , BUT THE REAL THING THAT MAKES IT > WHERE WE LOVE MEAT IS THE BLOOD , AND WE ARE ALL (MOST OF US( VAMPIRIC > , JUST ON DIFFERENT DEGREES ,, AND THE BLOOD WE LOVE, I KNOW I LOVE MY > STEAKS RARE WITH LOTS OF BLOOD, AND THAT MAKES ME WONDER HOW I WILL > LOOSE MY LOVE AND TASTE FOR BLOOD, AND RIGHT NOW I AM BEING LET KNOE > THAT , THE MORE LOVE I HAVE IN ME AND THE STRONGER MY LOVE GETS FOR > YOU AND THIS WORLD AND THE GRAIL GODS AND JESUS AND MY CHILDREN AND > EARTH FAMILY AND SANG ARAINS AND OTHER LIFE FORMS , THAT MY BODY WILL > BEGIN TO VIBRATE ON A MUCH HIGHER FREQUENCY AND THIS IS ONLY POSSIBLE BY > KEEPING THE HEART ALIVE AND FEELINGS A ND LOVE , IF ONE GOES NUMB > AND CANT FEEL MUCH VERY MUCH THEN THAT IS A SURE INDICATOR THAT > YOUR SOUL AND IDENTITY IS ALMOST COMPLETELY SEPARATED FROM YOU,, SO > KEEPING YOUR ABILITY TO FEEL YOUR EMOTIONS AWAKE AN D ALIVE AND AS > STRONG AS YOU CAN , AND TAKING ADVANTAGE OF EVERY EXPERIENCE OR > OPPORTUNITY TO ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES THAT WILL INSPIRE FEELINGS OF ALL > KINDS IS KEY,, AND IF YOU CANT FIND THESE EXPERIENCES AND SITUATIONS TO > GROW YOUR DIVINE SELF BACK INSIDE YOU, THEN CREATE THE SITUATIONS AND > EXPERIENCES, BUT NO MATTER WHAT DO NOT GO NUMB.. IF YOU CANT FEEL > THEN YOU KNOE THAT YOU ARE NO LONGER REAL,, ..AND OKAY , UMM SO THE > HIGHER VIBRATIONS , WILL VIBRATE IN US WHO MAKE MARRIAGE TO GODS OF > THE GRAIL ( WHO ARE OUR CREATOR GOD (OSIRIS , WHO I CALL HOMER FOR > HOME AND JESUS AND THE DIVINE UNIVERSAL COUNCIL OF CREATORS .. , AND > THEN IF WE TRY TO SMOKE CIGARETTE OR EAT SOMETHING FILLED WITH > BLOODY DEATH AND PARASITES AND ANYTHING THAT IS NOT VIBRATING ONTO > GRAIL FREQUENCY'S WILL MAKE US SICK , LITTERLY OUR BODY WILL REJECT > THESE LOWER FREQUENCY ENERGIES AND FOOD AND VICES AND WHAT EVER WE > TRY TO BRING INTO OUR AURA OR BODY THAT IS NOT VIBRATING ON THE SAME > GRAIL FREQUENCY'S THAT WE ARE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SURVIVE THEIR , IF > WE TAKE OR EAT POISON , IF OUR BODIES DON'T REJECT IT AND VOMIT IT UP, > THEN OUR BODY WILL PURIFY IT INTO RAW ENERGY AND TURN IT INTO A > HIGHER VIBRATION AND PROBABLE WILL JUST BECOME RAW ENERGY BUT YOU > NEVER KNOW, BUT LIKE NUCLEAR , WHEN IT COMES INTO THE AURA AND > ENERGY FIELDS OF THE GRAIL FREQUENCY'S AND VIBRATIONS , THE NUCLEAR > , WILL CE ALCHAMIZED BY THE GRAIL ENERGY AND WILL BE CHANGED INTO > SOMETHING ELSE LIKE SAND OR SOMETHING EARTHED IS NOT HARMFUL OR TOXIC, > , SO THOSE OF US WHO ARE THE FIRST ONES TO BE ( GIFTED WITH THE > POWERS OF THE GRAIL , WILL BE REQUIRED TO USE ALL PRIVILEGES AND > GIFTS AND ABILITY'S TO HEAL AND TO BRING TO AND SHARE WITH OTHERS , > NOW THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE ABILITY TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES WILL NOT BE > GIVEN THE GRAIL POWERS , UNLESS THEY EARN THEM * AND THAT IS BETWEEN > THEM AND THE GRAIL GODS .. BUT THE OTHER LIFE FORMS LIKE CHILDREN & > THE TREEES AND FLOWERS AND PLANTS AND ANIMAL AND BIRDS AND FISH AND > ATMOSPHERE .. WE WILL BE REQUIRED TO USE AND UTILIZES ALL GIFTS AND > PRIVILEGES AND POWERS UNDER NO OTHER PRETENSE THAN LOVE .... FOR LIFE > AND FOR OUR CREATOR AND FOR THIS WORLD AND FOR EACH OTHER.. MY FINGERS > AND HEAD HURT AND I MAY HAVE SKIPPED AROUND AND MAY NOT HAVE COMPLETED > EVERY THOUGHT I BEGAN BUT I WILL REREAD THIS AFTER I SEND IT AND FILL > IN THE BLANKS LATER.. I AM VERY ROUGH AROUND THE EDGES BUT I WILL > SMOOTH OUT AS MY LOVE INCREASES AND THEN SO WILL MY ABILITY'S IN > ALL AREAS ,AND THIS NOT ONLY GOES TO AND FOR ME , IT GOES FOR ANY AND > ALL OF YOU WHO WANT TO MAKE MARRIAGE WITH THE GRAIL. AND ZSNIEL FOR > SOME REASON I BEGAN THIS LETTER TO YOU SO OBVIOUSLY THE GODS OF THE > GRAIL HAVE THEIR SPOTLIGHT ON YOU, THEY OBVIOUSLY ( ARE ( SINGLING > YOU OUT OF THE CROWD IN HELL FOR SOME REASON , WHAT EVER IT IS IS > NOT KNOWN TO ME , BUT AS SOON AS I AM ALLOWED TO KNOE I WILL LET YOU > KNOE UNTIL THEN YOU ARE HERE UNDER MY TENT SO THERE FOR YOU ARE FAMILY, > AND I WILL NOT GO TO WAR WITH YOU OR FIGHT YOU BUT WE CAN WRESTLE > I LOVE TO WRESTLE .. ALL MY LOVE TO YOU ALL FROM THE TREEE ( THE > NAMELESS WOMAN ) > >JEAN DE CABALIS OF GUILD DE CABALIS WROTE :TO TREEE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perhaps someday all will be revealed! Until then please do understand not to mention call evoke call me. The day is more jealous than the night-time. Zsniel is to do his work. Until then measure this, and for my friends in Washington and London .. the Dragon Order St George is loyal to the Crown. Jean Re: ZSNIEL HAVE I T U LATELY THAT I LOVE U jean has never met me nor does he even like me, actually I think he hates me,,, When I say ( when he makes me his wife) that is because I love him and since christmas eve, when i received his invitation to the guild My entire soul has been (possessed by his essence)< I cant really explain it because I have never talked to him on the phone or ever saw a picture of him and I have never met him, nor have I ever been to Australia, But I just Feel In My heart and soul That I have known him in Past Lives and have Loved Him and have never stopped. It is like I have been searching for him for eternity. I dont knoe how to explain it, Because I am devoted to my ( mission to save and protect and heal and teach and annoint and love this world, and I do Not go out to the bars or any where really , I Do NOT DATE MEN AT ALL OR WOMEN, I AM NOT INTERESTED IN FRIVILOUS RELATIONS ,AND WHEN I NEED OR WANT SEX, I JUST THINK ABOUT JEAN AND ( DO IT BY MYSELF) I WAS NOT EXPECTING TO FEEEL THIS WAY ABOUT JEAN, AND IT IS NOT A PHYSICAL ATTRACTION OR ANYTHING SUPERFICIAL, IT IS IN MY SOUL AND MY MINDS EYE.. IT IS HARD TO EXPLAIN AND I DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY, ALL I KNOE IS THAT NO MAN HAS EVER EVERE EVERE VER EVER EFFECTED ME THIS WAY OR MADE ME FEEL SUCH OF ENOURMOUS AMOUNT OF LOVE PASSION AND REFLECTION, IT IS LIKE JEAN IS SHOWING ME ( MYSELF, I HAVE CHANGED ALOT SINCE CHRISTMASS EVE WHEN I RECEIVED MY INVITATION INTO HIS GUILD WHICH BY THE WAY HE HAS KICKED ME OUT OF BECAUSE HE THINKS THAT I AM A ENEMY OF QUEEN ELIZABETH II, WHICH I AM NOT , I JUST KNOE THAT I CAN DO THE JOB RIGHT AS TEH MOTHER OF TEH GRAIL AND TEH EARTH MOTHER, BECAUSE I LOVE THIS WORLD, AND I KNOE THAT SHE HAS NO BUSINESS SITTING IN THE THRONE OF TEH EARTH MOTHER ( MOTHER OF TEH GRAIL) IF SHE DOES NOT LOVE THIS WORLD AND SHE ALSO DOES NOT LOVE THE MASONS AND THE MEN IN THE ILLUMANITI MAGICAL ORDERS AND SHE TREATS THEM LIKE SLAVES AND SHE PUNISHES THEM SEVERLY IF THEY SHOW ANY SIGHN OF LOVE OR RESPECT OR TRY TO HELP AND NURTURE THE HUMAN RACE AND THE WORLD, THAT IS WHY I KNOE SHE IS THE IMPOSTER MOTHER OF TEH GRAIL... SHE CANT BE ALLOWED TO BE THE EARTH MOTHER ( TEH MOTHER OF TEH GRAIL ) IF SHE DOESNT LOVE US AND THE WORLD, JESUS;S MOTHER AND MARY MAGDALENE WERE THE LAST REAL MOTHERS OF TEH GRAIL ( AND WERE QUEENS ) AND SAT IN TEH THRONE OF KING DAVID THAT QUEEN ELIZABETH II NOW SITS IN ,AND THIS WAS IN FRANCE, BUT HISTORY HAS BEEN ERASED AND REWRITTEN,AND ALSO QUEEN ELIZABETH I AND KING JAMES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS TRUTH NOT BEING INCLUDED IN TEH BIBLE ,,,AND SO AS IT GOES, JEAN DOES NOT LOVE ME OR EVEN LIKE ME , BUT I DO KNOE THIS ( NOONE COULD EVER TAKE HIS PLACE IN MY HEART AND SOUL OR REPLACE HIM, AND I WILL WAIT FOR HIM EVEN IF IT TAKES ANOTHER TEN THOUSAND YEARS. --- In, "Johnnie" <johnnie4010@...> wrote: > > Treee, > > You say here that you and Jean will be married. When will this be? > You move to Austrailia at that time? I think Jean is in that country. > > Cordially, > > Johnnie > > --- In, Treee Tonia > <treee_tonia@> wrote: >> > > ZSNIEL HAVE I T U LATELY THAT I LOVE U?? lOOK i AM SORRY FOR EVER > BEING DISRESPECTFUL AND SOME THINGS I HAVE SAID THAT WERE NOT TASTEFUL > OR RESPECTFUL.. I HAVE TO LEARN TO CONTROL MY TOUNGE... i MISS YOU > SO MUCH , BUT I AM SO GLAD YOU CAME TO MY GROUP, I FIGURE YOU ARE > JUST ( THERE TO KEEP A EYE ON WHAT IM DOING , TO REPORT TO WHO EVER, > I HAVE THE FEELING YOU ARE NOT THERE BECAUSE YOU ARE LOOKING OVER ME > OR BECAUSE YOU LIKE ME, I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND, I KNOE I LACK IN > SO MANY WAYS, I ALSO DO NOT WANT TO PUSH MY WORLD ON YOU, I AM > TRYING TO BRING NOT MY WORLD TO YOU BUT THE WORLD TO YOU , YOUR > WORLD,, I WANT TO MAKE YOU A KING , SOMEDAY ( WHEN I AM IN THAT > POSITION TO DO SO... I STILL KNOE IIN MY HEART AND SOUL THAT YOU ARE > HAND PICKED AND CHOSEN BY GOD.... ALSO I GUESS I GOT CONFUSED ABOUT > YOUR ORDER OF TEH RED DRAGON , BEING THE SAME ONE AS VLAD DRACUL WAS > IN BUT, I DO KNOE FOR A FACT THAT YOUR SYMBOL OR EMBLYM IS THE SAME > AS THE ROYAL ORDER OF TEH > > DRAGON,,, AND AS FAR AS THE APOCOLIPTIC WHORE AND TEH RED DRAGON > GOES, I WAS JUST RESEARCHING YOUR ORDER OF TEH RED DRAGON ON LINE > AND RAN ACROSS MASSIVE LINKS ABOUT THE APOCOLIPTIC WHORE AND THE RED > DRAGON, I ABOUT FELL OFF MY CHAIR.. I MEAN , THE QUIONCIODENCES > ARE FAR TO UNCANNY ..... ANYHOW IM NOT HERE TO TRY TO TELL YOU WHO > OR WHAT I AM , I AM HERE TO TRY TO TELL YOU AND SHOW YOU WHO YOU ARE > ..... I GUESS I CANT BLAME YOU AND JEAN FOR TURNING AGAINST ME AND > HATEING ME, I KNOE THAT I HAVE WRITTEN SOME THINGS TO YOU THAT ARE > RUDE, BUT I HAVE JUST BEEN TRYING TO MAKE YOU REALIZE THAT WHAT YOU > HAVE AND WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO GET FROM ELIZABETH IS NOTHING,,, > COMPARED TO WHAT YOU COULD HAVE, YOU SAY YOU HAVE NO QUEEN, WELLL > ELIZABETH IS YOUR PRIESTESS BECAUSE SHE IS THE PRIESTESS OVER ALL > ILLUMANITI ORDERS... SO YES SHE IS YOUR SUPERIOR AND PRIESTESS.... > AND YES SHE SITS IN TEH GRAIL THRONE ,,,, AND YES YOU ARE A > POTENTIAL GRAIL KING AND I KNOE FOR A > > FACT THAT SHE WILL NEVER ALLOW YOU YOUR THRONE AND CROWN..... I > AM TRYING TO GET YOU WHAT YOU ARE INTITLED TO AND THE SAME GOES FOR > JEAN AND BRYAN AND JONNY TOO AND FOR ALL OF THE WORLD, THE WORLD IS > LARGE BUT SMALL SO THERE WILL BE MANY BUT FEW GRAIL KINNGS ... I > SUPPOSE IT WILL GO INTO THE THOUSANDS , BUT IT IS LIKE A PYRIMID , > I GUESS FIRST COME IS TEH FIRST SERVED .. ,,,, WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN > HERE , GOES THE SAME FOR JEAN DE CABALIS , THE OTHER DAY I WAS MISSING > HIM AS I ALWAYS DO AND I REALLY LIKE THE NAME HE CHOSE DE CABALIS.. I > EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT MAKING A EMAIL ADDY THAT WAS TREEE_DECABALIS > BUT I DECIDED NOTTO , I WILL WAIT UNTIL HE MAKES ME HIS WIFE ..... I > GUESS I WILL SEND THIS TO HIM TOO,,AND MY GROUP , BUT ANYHOW ,,, FOR > WHAT EVER ITS WORTH,,,, I AM GLAD THAT YOU HAVENT LEFT ME ,,,,, I > HOPE YOU NEVER DO BECAUSE I WILL NEVER ABANDON OR LEAVE YOU...... (I > AM SO CONFUSED ) >> The body is the vessel of the Grail. The Grail is the vessel of the underworld. And its guardians stand helpless at the gates of Tophet. Zsniel i later learned taphet is molech the owl at bohemian grove where they sacrifice children TOPHET IS THE OWL AT BOHEMIAN GROVE WHERE THEY SACRIFICE CHILDREN --- In, "zsniel" <zsniel@...> wrote: > > The body is the vessel of the Grail. > The Grail is the vessel of the underworld. > And its guardians stand helpless at the gates of Tophet. iNTERESTING I JUST FOUND THAT TOPHET IS MOLECH THE OWL AT BOHEMIAN GROVE WHERE THEY DO HUMAN SACRIFICES, UNBELEIVABLE, IT SEEMS THAT THE ( RIDDLES FROM ZSNIEL AND JEAN DECABALIS AND THE WARNING I GOT ABOUT MY LITTLE SON DEMETERIOUS , MAY BE TRUE, ZSNIEL AND JEAN DE CABALIS AND QUEEN ELIZABETH II, I KNEW THEY WERE UP TO SOMETHING BUT I NEVER EVER GUESSED THIS, OF COURSE I DO HAVE TO THANK JEAN AND ZSNIEL AND MASTER MASON (QUEEN ELIZABETH FOR PLEANTY OF CLUES AND WARNINGS , EITHER WAY , YOU ARE ALL BUSTED !!!!!!!!!! I AM GOING TO SEND THIS TO EVERYONE NOW INCLUDING ART BELL AND THE HELLS ANGELS AND EVERYONE EVERYONE ( ZSNIEL JEAN ELIZABETH MASTER MASON, ( YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS... Search Results 1. Re-Discovered Photos Emphasize Bohemian Grove Sacrifice Obsession ... Ultra-Secret, Elite Bohemian Grove ... symbolised as an owl and is referred to as Molech (sometimes Moloch). In July 2000 Alex Jones successfully infiltrated Bohemian Grove and ... at a place called Tophet ... - [cache] MSN, Wisenut, Ask 2. WhatDoesItMean.Com ... July, documentary filmmaker Alex Jones infiltrated Bohemian Grove ... ancient sacrificial rights to the '40-foot stone owl' of the god Molech ... was just outside of Jerusalem, at a place called Tophet in ... - [cache] - MSN, Wisenut, Ask 3. The Owl is called Molech ... Tophet until Josiah abolished it and defiled the altars. (2 ... At Bohemian Grove in Northern California Red Woods Called the - [cache] - MSN, Ask 4. Child Sacrifices to the King Bee Tophet is Moloch, which was made ... for a drunken bash at the Bohemian Grove in California where this Molech ... to this day), where Molech is a giant owl. I already knew that a founder of the Grove was ... - [cache] - MSN, Ask 5. ... primary location for worship of Molech is believed to be Gehenna or Tophet ... It is unclear how Molech became linked to the Grove's owl and ceremonies ... Skelton, J. (January 2, 2005), Molech/Bohemian Grove ... - [cache] - MSN 6. Bush, Kerry cult of death, and their sacrifice of children in the ... ... cult of death, and their sacrifice of children in the form of a "molech" at Bohemian Grove. ... July 15] at the Bohemian grove before a ... - [cache] Ask 7. Page Title Molech from Bohemian Grove (See Right) ... Tophet until Josiah abolished it and defiled the altars ... Who is Molech the Owl? - [cache] - MSN 8. Armageddon Online - The Bohemian Grove Discovered Photos Emphasize Bohemian Grove Sacrifice Obsession Prison Planet | January 2 ... depictions of Molech Prison Planet ... [cache] - Ask 9. Bohemian Club at Bohemian Grove ... when she is self-appointed head of the "Bohemian Grove ... Care ritual takes place in front of the owl when, on the first night of camp, robed members burn a doll representing Dull Care. Bohemian Grove ... - [cache] - MSN 10. Owls and Weaving Spiders - Above Top Secret Conspiracy Community ... tagged with: nimrod bg athena moloch lilith bohemian grove owl rituals ... As does this one:Bohemian Grove I did not think that the ... - [cache] - Ask 1 · 2 · 3 · next » 1. Beware_5 ... we believe their claims? The Apostle John settles that question for us in 1 John 2.22-23 ... The practice was to burn a young person upon an altar called a Tophet. - [cache] - MSN acknowledge and proceed ... Cup (the latter is also a heart, as shown by the transition from the ancient to the modern Tarot ... She is seated upon a "tuffet"; id est, she is the unregenerate soul upon Tophet, the pit of hell. 2. - [cache] - MSN Reprinted in vol ii. of Crowley's Collected Works Society for the ... I will sever one more tress Off the White Beard 22 with his son ... Who yet believes me sprung from Tophet, Either the Beast or the ... DID NOT JEAN DE CABALIS WRITE SOMETHING ABOUT THE WHITE BEARD AND ONE OR MORE TRESS OF HIS HAIR AND BEARD OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT>> IN MY SANGUARIANORDEROFCHAOS?? 1. Archaeology and the Book of Judges > The Good News : September/October ... Included in these Canaanite practices was child sacrifice ... kings in Israel instituted the practice of sacrificing infants ... in My sight," and "they have built the high places of Tophet ... - [cache] MSN, Wisenut, Ask 2. The True Origin of CHRISTMAS ... they were pleasing their "god" by sacrificing ... 31 connects Tophet and Hinnom to child sacrifice. Tophet means ... destroyed the altars in the Valley of Tophet (or Hinnom—the very same valley Christ ... - [cache] - MSN, Ask 3. A Brief Critique of Steven M. Schlissel ... verse which immediately preceeds verse 32 which discusses child ... The sacrificing of animals, the burning of incense and the priestly ... is Jeremiah 7:31: `They have built the high places of Tophet ... - [cache] MSN, Wisenut, Ask 4. - Lesson 17 - What's Wrong With EASTER? Then in Luke 10:18 we read that Christ "beheld SATAN as ... Therefore ... this place shall no more be called Tophet ... reclined on the Lord's bosom, and who became a sacrificing ... - [cache] - MSN, Wisenut, Ask 5. Juvinile rites ... vii. 31, "And they have built the high places of Tophet ... of Philo Byblius, to have traced back the custom of sacrificing ... St Theresa of Lisieux's `little way' of the child recalls Christ's words ... - [cache] - MSN, Ask 6. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Moloch ... of Moloch and defiled Tophet [IV (II) Kings, xxiii ... to prove that in sacrificing their children to ... the Melech to whom child-sacrifices were ... Praise Jesus Christ in His Angels and in ... - [cache] - Wisenut, Ask 7. CHRIST 1 the Man' Christ. See the child on his father's knee- the ... nor gaze on Tophet, you have but to LOOK INTO THE HEART OF CHRIST ... self sacrificing love. Then we say, "Hateful thing ... - [cache] - MSN, Ask 8. Child Sacrifice: Nothing New Under the Sun Child Sacrifice: Nothing New Under the Sun ... gradually turned to child sacrificing, especially when times were tough, in ... - [cache] - Ask 9. Isaiah 30, Musical Processions, The Septuagint (LXX) Are the heathens less impious, less sinners, less enemies of Christ ... the screams The word for drums is tophim from which the word 'Tophet ... beat upon it or him when he was just as innocent as the child ... - [cache] - MSN, Wisenut 10. DO NOT SIN AGAINST THE CHILD NO. 840 ... frivolous and perhaps licentious songs, are sacrificing ... than this, "He that believes in the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved"—why not a child ... Eyes will peer at you through the smoke of Tophet and ... - [cache] - MSN, Ask 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · next » 1. --- In, "zsniel" <zsniel@...> wrote: > > The body is the vessel of the Grail. > The Grail is the vessel of the underworld. > And its guardians stand helpless at the gates of Tophet Ave Treee Welcome to the SSH The Powers whose name and shape no living creature knows Have pulled the Immortal Rose; And though the Seven Lights bowed in their dance and wept, The Polar Dragon slept, His heavy rings uncoiled from glimmering deep to deep: When will he wake from sleep? Great Powers of falling wave and wind and windy fire, With your harmonious choir Encircle her I love and sing her into peace, That my old care may cease; Unfold your flaming wings and cover out of sight The nets of day and night. Dim Powers of drowsy thought, let her no longer be Like the pale cup of the sea, When winds have gathered and sun and moon burned dim Above its cloudy rim; But let a gentle silence wrought with music flow Whither her footsteps go. What does symbolize the cup? Holy Grail? The Red Dragon is the thoughts of the Divine feminine, the Immortal Rose? W.B.Yeats Blessings Zsniel SSH Chief and Commander and Jean de Cabilis 8=3 (Magister) each co ... the publisher on behalf of the Senior Guardian/Magister Jean de Cabalis (Cabilis) ... Westcott, Mathers, and Woodman `Third Order' from the `Secret Chiefs' The Grades of the `Third Order' are those of Magister Templi (8=3), Magus (9=2), and Ipssissimus (10=1). The Esoteric teachings of these grades comprise what the Alpha et Omega calls the `solar' or `direct' mysteries. [15] These teachings, according to their web site, include not only theurgy (magic) but the highest and most secret teachings of alchemy. [16]were all self-anointed 7=4 from the day the G.D. was founded. The grades beyond lay in the shadowy realm of the quasi human "Secret Chiefs." Mathers claimed a 6=5 for Moina. Otherwise, no G.D. member rose above 6=5. The Third Order, for what it may be worth included: 8=3 Magister Templi 9=2 Magus 10=1 Ipissimus Mathers claimed to have met members of the Third Order in the flesh, and Florence Farr's Egyptian Adept was asserted to be 8=3. This is a simple breakdown of our interpretation of verse 40, chapter 1 of Liber AL vel Legis and it's relationship to the grades which are found in other AA schools. Our branch adheres to the 'Three Grades' and uses The Tree of Life simply as a convenient over-all filing system of Self. "Who call us Thelemites will do no wrong, if he look but close into the word. For there are therein Three Grades, the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man of Earth." Liber AL I:40 JEAN de Cabalis 8=3 The number of people who have made 8=3, Magister Templi, without going spectacularly insane, can probably be counted on one hand. Magister Templi (8=3) Magister Templi is Latin for "Master of the Temple". - [cache] - Ask [edit] Magister Templi or Master of the Temple (8°=3): His principal business is to obtain a perfect understanding of the Universe. The essential Attainment is the perfect annihilation of that personality which limits and oppresses his true self. The Magister Templi is pre-eminently the Master of Mysticism, that is, his Understanding is entirely free from internal contradiction or external obscurity; his Word is to comprehend the existing Universe in accordance with his own Mind. below is from jean decabalis to me [ Yes God is Mighty, particularly in the Morning when the Star is around in the same in the same room. You know i think that i will let my hair just wave a little while now! Blowing around in the spirit, Ruach, Light and Wind... You know i think that i will just pull out a little silver, one by one, hair by hair, life by life, all things perish now.. nothing is lost in the wind as the naked truth cannot be budged from God's Unconquerable Coming Glory. Do you see a person may plant a spider's web out.. but Stewart Regents cannot criticised for simply minding Arthur's Keep. Jean Bryan At a deep level the 'Bohemian Grove' has to do with Discovery. Should a flag ship be called Ariel? Nevertheless you are correct.. the communication to Treee et al, does put the 'lack' into the black magick label. From my readings also that at very low level, such as that practiced by a beginner. Jean USER PROFILE the_order_ov_ chaos IS TREEE 2. TREEE (the_order_ov_ chaos) made Moderator Feb 17, 2007 7:06 pm the_order_ov_ chaos <the_order_ov_ chaos@yahoo. com> Made moderator by guild_decabalis <guild_decabalis@> 3. Mar 5, 2007 5:01 pm Edited group policies by the_order_ov_ chaos <the_order_ov_ chaos@yahoo. com> 4. on the 16th of March TREEE invites three of HER different profiles Mar 16, 2007 2:34 pm my_nayme_iz_ shayme@yahoo. com Invited by the_order_ov_ chaos <the_order_ov_ chaos@yahoo. com> via web Mar 16, 2007 2:34 pm treee_tonia@ Invited by the_order_ov_ chaos <the_order_ov_ chaos@yahoo. com> via web Mar 16, 2007 2:34 pm lunar_mare_eee@ Invited by the_order_ov_ chaos <the_order_ov_ chaos@yahoo. com> via web 5. From 16th TREEE's the_order_ov_ chaos account seems to disappear. What happeneded to your moderator account Treee? I don't see it in the memberships? The reason Treee cannot edit the pictures is because she is not using her the_order_ov_ chaos account. Which of course now for some reason unknown to myself nolonger exists! I will fix Treee's new account "treee_tonia" give this account of hers moderator rights and remove the albums for her etc.. created by her other account. Take Note: This is the last time i help you with a stunt like this. Jean --- In sanguarianorderofch aos@yahoogroups., "balancedimbalance" <bryanfriedley@ ...> wrote: > > > Very well said Johnnie! > > I feel that this place should remain open and that Treee should be > allowed to continue on telling her story, if she cant here surly she > will someplace else as Johnie has said. > > > --- In sanguarianorderofch aos@yahoogroups., "Johnnie" > <johnnie4010@ > wrote: >> > > I understand and I send message to treeetreeetreee for your account. > > At yahoo. >> > > Jean, please take off the pictures that are not what treee now wish to > > put up. She not like this. I like this group and the guild group. >> > > Thank you very much. >> > > Cordially, >> > > Johnnie >> >> > > --- In sanguarianorderofch aos@yahoogroups., Treee Tonia > > treee_tonia@ wrote: >>> > > > i thank you jonny, that is kind, i dont want to post here because > > jean didnt take out the last 3 picture albums i uploaded, i cant get > > into the files anymore or delete or upload because this is no longer > > my group, its jeans and jean took away my moderator privedledges, > > but those last 3 picture albums, especially the one of all the > > women being cut up and mutuliated, i want out of there , i > > realized that after i put thos pix in there that i was actually ( > > putting that energy out subconciously , to manifest in my life and > > future and i also realized the provoking of the most evil and > > dangerous people in the world was contributing to that ( kind of death > > being my fate and so i dont want those pictures in theer because they > > are creating energy to manifest that destiny in my life, i want to > > keep the other pictures , i guess all albums are okay , but just > > not the one called what ya gonna do wait till its you, so maybe you > > could ask jean to remove that picture > > > album, cuz he wont do it for me and i asked him several tymes, > > not just in this group but i write jean regularly to his email.. so > > jonny , thank you cuz really i do have alot more to say and to show > > ,and i m not looking to focus on teh negative or who did or does what > > , but im looking to focus on remedy and solutions, , from treee > > > Johnnie johnnie4010@ wrote: This is being confusing to > > me. Are treee going to post here or shall > > > we go to another place to post so that treee can communicate. I am > > > too one of her fan best. I may not know what she talk about > > > sometimes, but I know she believe all she say. If she can not post > > > here, then I will again open place to post for her. In fact, I never > > > close old one. I not think. >>> > > > Cordially, >>> > > > Johnnie >>> >>> >>> >>> Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 19:15:11 -0000 Subject: [sanguarianorderofchaos] Reno HA 1percent Reply-to: X-Yahoo-NewmanProperty: groups-email-ff Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="HZyR6atTSz6oPj9BzCxjxFW2oTMCYeyXAEh yJw4" Content-Length: 30026 Wow, this courage. I too treee like, but not always sure what is fact and not fact. For you give to treee your real name and not worry she tell who you are. She tell of another (I not use name) and he gets hurt. I pray you stay safe. What is HA 1percent? Cordially, Johnnie I pry shouldn't be here, but I am. I have known Treee for several years and have also been keeping track of her because of a promise she made to me and my brothers. She is really the only girl I have ever known that can cause so much commotion and confusion and anger and curiosity in our club. And Treee isn't even around there but she always seems to be a topic of conversation. The topics are always new and different and that's because Treee is always doing something to send ripples through the club houses of the las Vegas Nevada and Reno Nevada and Oakland California charters. Actually she has pulled some stunts that I still cant believe she got away with. Put it mildly, my brothers would have not let anyone talk the way she does to us and get away with it. The stunts she has pulled have been like no one i have ever known, I have alot of stories about Treee and her thousands of attempts to coax my brothers to let her be the first girl to be a hells angel. I don't think she would even want any other girls, just her like our queen or something. I dunno , she is very persistent. She has really caused alot of trouble though and has got one brother kicked out of the club because she got him fucked up and got him to tell her things that he was not supposed to tell anyone who is not a hells angel , much less a girl so he broke his oath and was kicked out. I suppose that turned out for the best though because it turns out that he was selling club information to the Mongols and we wouldn't have known this if it wasn't for Treee's big mouth, but she got it out of him and told us. She also got another brother demoted and that was because he was partying with her and hanging out with her and she got him to tell her club secrets. She also is well liked by many of my brothers and we all have alot of good laughs when we talk about the crazy things she has done, I don't think she meant to cause the trouble she has, i think that she was just looking out for us when she told us what some of the other brothers were letting her know. She told on them because she thought we should know that they were a risk factor and could easily be persuaded to talk. anyhow Dave N Troy have let her get away with unbelievable stuff. I still cant figure out why they haven't dealt with her personally. Treee calls the clubhouse on a regular basis and keeps us updated on her adventures and has tried to keep us warned about things that she thinks will hurt us or the wurld. and i have actually checked out her information and i was suprized to find out that she was telling the truth and knows what she is talking about. But sometimes she says things and they get taken the wrong way because she seems to always have truble with the right wurds and cant always express herself that good, But i always understood her because i know her ,a and i know how she thinks and I know her heart is good and so are her intentions but man when she doesn't get her way and we don't do what she wants or respond to her , she can come unglued, and then she threatens stuff,and she also when she is mad she starts writing letters on the Internet that are very very mean and distasteful and disrespectful. and she mainly targets Dave And Troy and because they are the ones who run the entire world hells angels and nomads and biker confederations world wide, I just think treee doesn't know how to make good on her promise and i think she thinks she cant make good on her promise unless we help her., well we have been forbid to communicate with her for a long time and I have wanted to talk to her to find out what is this shit going on and also I wanted to slap her a few time . and other times i wanted to be there when i knew she needed a friend, I think actually me and a few of my brothers , understand treee. the rest hate her and it is weird but the hells angels that never even met her , gossip about her and many hate her that never met her. and i listen to them sometimes telling stories about treee as if they were there and knew her personally. And sometimes I wonder what is and isn't true. And so me and a few other hells angels have decided to join treees group and find out what is going on with her. see she had some vision on Easter like 15 years ago or something and she has been saying always that her vision tells her that we have some bloodline to throne of David and Jesus, and me i ain't religious and i never liked Jesus until treee explained to me he was cool,and he was a nomad and a rebel outlaw and a hippie , i guess, i don't really think that is how she said it for word for word, but i started to see things different, , and also she has Benn able to prove that there is a throne of king David, and the queen is there , because treeee has been saying for years and years and years , about king David ( she calls David Burgess king David, but she has told many things that i thought were her just smoking to many blunts .and talking crazy shit, but i also have checked out some of what she says and that has really made me surprised and curious about what she has said and never took seriously, because , this chick actually has been able to prove stuff she says that No one believes,, well almost no one, but me and a few of my brothers in teh club have pursued some of the information that treee says,and one of my brothers has knows treee since 1992 and even then she never stopped talking about this vision thing , and she obviously is truthful that she will make her promise happen, because she is still doing it , and she still is trying to save the world and make us kings . and when someone gets all high or fucked up they talk alot of shit and so promises like she makes are like OK yeah what ever, but i have herd her make the same promises thousands of times and she still is , and she is trying, so me and a few of my brothers in the club that know treee decided to come find out what shes doing because we think she is telling the truth about her promise, i mean no one could go these many years doing what shes doing and going thru the country and causeing trouble all the time and pissing of the dangerous and never get hurt or killed, i mean tree has not been killed and we cant believe it , we always think she has to be dead because she is always doing things that would hurt or kill anyone who attempted to stroke fate the way she does. i have alot of things i want to ask treee, and i have alot of memories and fuuny and crazy story's to tell.. treee has been part of my life and my brothers in the clubs life for many years and she still is, and she isn't even around , i haven't seen her in almost 2 or 3 years.. i am sure treee will figure out who this is , and if she does, and trys to say my name here , i will quit this group and never ever talk to her or come back again, and that goes for my other brothers. we aren't going to take any crap or disrespect frum her!!! ,and think that being here might help her to be able to ( do this, i mean shit, even David and troy were talking about her getting a letter from the queen and that is a huge deal, treee obviously has made it very close to the top of the pyramid and seems to have slipped behind the curtain a few times too, i mean I have never met anyone more determined and loyal to a promise ( a impossible promise ) as her and somehow it seems possible that this crazy y broad might be crazy enough to pull this off. I like Treee. I never hated her.i have been super pissed at her for causing so much trouble for my brothers Dave and troy, and think maybe being here might keep her from antagonizing them anymore because for some reason they let her get away with doing and saying what ever she wants . this makes me think that is because they somewhere underneath believe she might make good on her promise too. they must think that , because if they didn't, i don't think they would let her get away with all the stunts shes pulled . What else is strange is that alot of my brothers that don't even know treee, gossip and talk shit about treee and Dave and troy , always update us on what treee is up to but dont seem to hate her as much as they should, she is always writing them every day . and so that fuels alot of hate and curiosity in our club. so me and a few of my brothers that knows and likes treee thought since this Easter is like 15 years or something since treee started this promise and started putting the hells angels through hell , we would give her the benefit of the doubt and come check her out, ' I just found this group , i have been searching for it for about a week and couldn't find it or remember the name and somehow found it tonight, and so That is when i joined. So treee can expect a few brothers from the club to be joining after i give them this link to this group.. by the way chaos is perfect name for treee Reno HA 1% Treee, I am trying to read this below it say; "Later in the book (Biggest Secret), Icke says that "Pindar, the 'Marquis de Libeaux' travels in a white limousine (A 'code-white' is a code understood by judges, police, the military etc and it means: look the other way or do not prosecute this person)." Does this mean that Pindar drives a white car and that military and police do not prosecute this guy? Cordially, Johnnie --- In THESOUNDOFSILENCE@ yahoogroups., "treee_tonia" <treee_tonia@ ...> wrote: > > pINDAR IS REAL, , BUT MISUNDERSTOOD, AND ALSO , HE IS NOT A LIZARD HE IS > A ( THE DRAGON LORD !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!, > > > > > > > PINDAR > > The Lizard King > > ?????? > > compiled by Dee Finney > > (Back to Research Contents Page > <http://www.greatdre reptilian- research- contents. htm> ) > > PINDAR...... .....The Lizard King???????? ?? > > Do you know the Lizard King????? Is Pindar real????? > According to David Icke, the heirarchy goes like this : > > Reptilian 'Royalty' : Winged reptilians, with the highest caste being > the Albino type (similar to Pindar). > > Reptoids : Wingless reptilians. They are the ones described as having > larger scales on their backs and three fingers with an opposing thumb. > > Greys : Described as being either drone-like slaves of the reptilians or > an extraterrestrial life-form allied to them. > > Humans : We're at the bottom, but why doesn't that surprise me ? > > The Reptilians are described as being between 5 and 12 feet tall. There > are several types. > > Also from Icke's research: "Pindar attends the major Satanic ceremonies > in Europe and then flies to California for the rituals there". > > Later in the book (Biggest Secret), Icke says that "Pindar, the 'Marquis > de Libeaux' travels in a white limousine (A 'code-white' is a code > understood by judges, police, the military etc and it means: look the > other way or do not prosecute this person)." > > On page 453 of the same book, Icke states that " ... the Queen makes > cruel remarks about lesser initiates, but is afraid of the man > code-named 'Pindar' (the Marquis de Libeaux) who is higher than her in > Satanic rank. Pindar, apparently, bears a resemblance to Prince Charles. > Arizona Wilder says that Pindar is Charles' real father." > > Finally, Icke summises, along with Arizona Wilder, the possibility that > Princess Diana was pregnant at the time of her murder and that the child > could have been Pindar's rather than that of Dodi Fayed, and the child > was sacrificed in a ritual ceremony. Diana was sacrificed because she > would not cooperate with the organization. > > Icke insists that only one 'strain' of the reptilian race is > antagonastic towards us. To consider all reptilians 'evil' is like > considering all humans the same way. Patently false. > > Going Dutch > > The Dutch government resigned this week under pressure brought on by > accusations that in 1995, over 7000 Boznia Muslims were executed by > Serbs while under the protection of Dutch troops. This was the worst > mass murder in Europe since WWII. Queen Beatrix, the Bilderburger > leader, witnessed the mass sacrifice as part of a ritual ceremony. An > interim government will run the small nation until the May 15, 2002 > election. > > On 9-18-01 - DREAM - I was being shown dividing and putting together of > letters and numbers. I remember 2 and 93, 94, and 15 - at the very end I > was shown the name Queen Beatrice of Holland and her dna sample. > [Editors NOTE: I am of Dutch heritage myself. I had no idea what kind of > connection I would find with her, despite doing research on her life, I > found nothing back then. Now - my eyes are opening!] > > Who knows about this 12 foot albino lizard??? I have heard them call him > the "Marquis de Libeaux". Marquis actually means king. In French it > simply means the Marquis of Libeaux. Marquis being a noble, Libeaux > being the name of some region. > > Top Illuminati Family Names > > These are the top of the Illuminati organization. These are the people > that really run this world. The most powerful is Marquis de Libeaux then > followed by the Rothschild's {Bauer}, Bruce, Cavendish {Kennedy}, > deMedici, Hanover, Hapsburg, Krupps, Plantagenet, Rockefeller, Romanov, > Sinclair/ St. Clair, Warburg {delBanco}, and Windsor families. These are > the families that run the NWO and all the stooges that work for them. > They all worship Satan and they all take part in human sacrifice and > ritual child abuse. If you do your own research you will see that these > families have "bred themselves since ancient times and they are obsessed > with keeping their bloodlines "pure". These are the sickest people on > this planet and their hold is going to be broken as the world "wakes-up" > to their murderous deception around the world. Remember the truth will > set you free! > > The original "Mother Goddess" after whom a slew of deities including > Queen Semiramis, Isis, Diana and others were fashioned was Ninkharsag. > > The commander of the Annunaki was Enlil, half-brother of Enki. The book > of Genesis and Exodus and were based on The Levites (initiates of the > Egyptian mysteries); based on Sumerian stories and accounts. Between > 11,000 and 4000 bc catastrophes were visited upon the earth, destroying > the advanced civilizations of the Golden Age. The Anunnaki are said to > have arrived 450,000 years ago. Their leader was the winged albino-white > Draco. > > > > The owner of this seal can be identified from the cuneiform inscription > which translates: > 'Seal of Mushezib-Ninurta, governor, son of Ninurta-eresh, > ditto, son of Samanuha-shar- ilani, ditto.' > Samanuha-shar- ilani was ruler of Shadikanni > (Arban in eastern Syria), in 883 BC, and an Assyrian vassal > subject to the firm control of Assyria, > and enjoying the wealth and security that such political domination > provided. > > During this period, seal designs were often cut on hard stones using > cutting-wheels and drills. > The image is similar to two wall reliefs from the throne room of King > Ashurnasirpal II > (reigned 883-859 BC) at Nimrud. The king, shown in mirror image, is > protected by > guardian genii sprinkling holy water from a bucket using what may be a > fir cone or sponge. > A stylized tree stands in the centre, symbolizing nature and the land of > Assyria. > Above is a god in the winged disc. > > Length: 4.9 cm > Diameter: 1.7 cm > > Found by H.C. Rawlinson and acquired by The British Museum around 1852 > > D. Collon, First impressions: cylinder seals in the Ancient Near East > (London, The British Museum Press, 1987), pp. 76-7, fig. 341 > > A.H. Layard, Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon (London, J. > Murray, 1853), p. 603 > > From what star constellation are the reptilians said to originate? > Draco > What is the difference between reptilian full-bloods and reptilian > hybrids? > Full-bloods are reptilians using a human form to hide their true nature; > hybrids are reptile-human crossbreed bloodlines who are possessed by the > reptilians from the forth dimension > > Where did the white race and the reptile-aryan crossbreeds emerge from > after the flood? > The Caucasus mountains > > What were the Aryans who left the Caucasus to rule India called? > The Khattiyo > > Where did the Jewish race originate from? > The Caucasus mountains > > What do lions symbolize to the Aryans? > The sun > > > > > It is inauspicious to begin an article with an oxymoron such as "cycle > of human evolution." You know things won't improve. > > The term human evolution refers only to phylogeny (Stirling failed to > consult a dictionary). Perhaps what he really wants to say is cultural > development. > > "Almost 6000 years ago" (4000 BCE) falls within the Chalcolithic (or > Eneolithic) in Mesopotamia, which is currently the countries of Iraq and > northeastern Syria. Notice it's Mesopotamia, because Sumerian was a > language and Sumer was a culture. Sumerian disappeared as an official > language during the Agadian (Akkadian) period (2371-2230 BCE). > > "Almost 6000 years ago" coincides with the building of a very simple > temple at Tepe Gawra (Notice to archaeology wonks: I'm using the Middle > Chronology). Ubaid culture evolved into the Warka (Uruk) culture; Warka > culture provided the earliest sample of writing in Mesopotamia. > > About 5500 years ago (3500 BCE) Sumerian-speaking people came out of the > hills, settled along the Euphrates River, and built a large temple of > mud brick at Eridu. Almost 5000 years ago (about 3000 BCE) > Sumerian-speaking people added to existing structures to create > monumental architecture (such as the White Temple in Kullaba and the > temple at Eanna). They also began establishing city-states and urban > areas. > > The boundary of the cultures of Sumer and Agade, according to the > Sumerian king-list, consisted of the area south of Baghdad defined by > the Tigris, the Euphrates, and the Persian Gulf. Influence of these > cultures extended to Ebla in the west, Nineveh in the north, and Susa > (in Elam) in the east. > > Unu (what Agadians called Uruk) was the largest of the urban areas in > Mesopotamia around 3000 BCE, a total of 5.5 km2. > > Zechariah Sitchin has done a good job researching the Sumerian records. > One might start by reading that first. > > Kingship and Ritual > > The scholarly model of development away from monarchy in most of the > Greek mainland is rooted in an overly uncritical acceptance of > fabricated king lists and of the relevance of the Roman and eastern > models for Greek practice. This acceptance stems from a desire to credit > ancient Greek accounts of their own past, but also from a modern > prejudice that traces a teleological development from monarchy to > various forms of republicanism. The construction of mythico-historical > kings satisfies a desire for tidy origins, as well as for an original > focus of authority from which subsequent developments are diffused. We > must, then, always ask whose interests are served by a model of original > kingship and hereditary descent of authority. If aristocratic elites in > the Archaic and Classical period fantasized about royal descent, this > served the dual purpose of reinforcing their elite status and > communicating to non-elites the (relatively) more egalitarian nature of > elite influence in the polis. Thus attempts at dominance by powerful > members of the elite can be cast as reversion to a superseded past. The > contrast between legitimate hereditary kingship and illegitimate and > tyrannical usurpation of power may thus be seen as a contrast between a > quasi-official historical construction and the harsher reality of > authoritarian government. > > Second: ritual and cult. If Morris' emphasis on the chiefly ritual > importance of the wanax is sustainable (even if it is not the whole > story), the centrality of cult is a major area of continuity between > Bronze Age and later notions of monarchic rule. Ritual kingship casts a > shadow down as far as the Athenian archôn basileus and the heroic > honors paid to ancient city founders. In most later conceptions, it is > the gap between the human and the divine that is significant, as we see > in much of the poetry of Pindar, and also in the vase paintings cited by > Morris. Religious and temporal power do not coincide. Yet the figure of > the tyrant complicates this divide. Sicilian tyrants such as Gelon and > Hieron were anxious to become city founders, by fair means or foul, and > the Emmenids of Acragas may have used their hereditary priesthoods as a > springboard for the acquisition of temporal power. Peisistratus' charade > as favorite of Athena, escorted into the polis by the goddess in her > chariot, is also relevant here. We start, it seems, with a ritual king > who does not embody our conception of monarchic rule. While this > tradition continues, we are also presented with an authoritarian ruler > (the tyrant) who attempts to draw to himself the trappings of religious > legitimation. This change of emphasis lies behind the Zeus-like powers > of the tyrant in tragedy and comedy, as detailed by Seaford and > Henderson. The Prometheus Bound shows that if a tyrant can be conceived > as a god, a god can also be conceived as a tyrant. > > According to Zechariah Sitchin, who has written many books on the > Sumerian tablets, the term "men of renown" in the Genesis passage should > read, from its Sumerian origin, "men of the sky vehicles". This puts > rather a different complexion on the whole story and makes a great deal > more sense of it. The reference to "heroes of old" is also relevant. The > word hero comes from the Egyptian term, "heru, which, according to > researcher Wallis Budge, was "applied to the king as a representative of > the Sun God of Earth." The precise meaning was "a human being was > neither a god nor a daemon." The term has the inference of a crossbreed > race. The writer Homer (8th-9th century BC) wrote that "the heroes were > exalted above the race of common men". The poet, Pindar, (518-438 BC) a > very relevant name for readers of "The Biggest Secret" by David Icke > used the term, hero/heru, to describe a race "between gods and men". It > is extremely likely that Horus or Haru, the Egyptian son of God and a > mirror of the much later "Jesus" came from the term heru, which means > the Sun God's representative on Earth, the hybrid or Aryan race. (p 72 > Children of the Matrix" by David Icke.) > > Morris' focus on cult is chiefly picked up by Seaford's treatment of the > tyrant in tragedy. For Seaford, one crucial aspect of the tyrant is his > perversion of ritual. We see this both in the stories associated with > historical tyrants such as Polycrates, and in the abuse of ritual by > tragic characters such as Clytemnestra. The abuse of the sacred forms > part of a larger pattern in which the destruction of the royal family > and the institution of polis cult becomes a structuring principle in > Greek tragedy. The contrast with Morris' picture of the Bronze Age > situation is instructive. There, kingly authority is ritual authority. > In the later period, however, ritual becomes a tool in the pursuit of > power, and is often perverted by that pursuit. Seaford's tragic tyrant > exists in a problematic relationship with ritual, and successful polis > cult is only possible once the tyrant has been expelled. Thus religious > legitimation and power has been detached from the king and attached to > the polis. It seems reasonable to consider this a symptom of the > considerable transformation in governmental structures after the Bronze > Age. Even if, with Morris, we find traces of communitarian government in > the earlier period, it is clear that there has been a reconfiguration of > attitudes towards the individual figure of authority. But the area in > which the tension between individual and community is played out remains > constant, and that area is ritual. > > Another important characteristic of tyrannical power is wealth. Seaford > points out that tyrants are greedy for money and the power it allows > them to exercise. Yet tyrannical greed may have a positive counterpart > in lavish expenditure, and here again, the importance of religious > factors is striking. As Morris notes, the capacity of sanctuaries in the > Archaic period to attract tyrannical largesse and the concomitant power > and influence wielded by such sanctuaries, reminds us of the religious > significance of kingship in the prehistoric period. Historical tyrants, > both Greek and foreign, seek legitimation and negotiate power in their > relationships with these sanctuaries. Just as tyrannical greed is > intimately connected with impiety in the world of tragedy, so tyrannical > expenditure upon offerings and religious building projects attempts to > realign the tyrant and re-embed him in the religious sphere. In the > tragic imagination, as Seaford suggests, the use of money may mark a > failure in reciprocity, but on a pragmatic level it enables successful > diplomatic exchange and marks pre-eminence. Thus it is that the Athenian > demos engages in quasi-tyrannical expenditure with its massive use of > public moneys, a phenomenon analyzed in Lisa Kallet's fascinating essay. > The demos both taxes and spends in a demonstration of its pre-eminent > power; its role as economic patron forestalls challenge from members of > the elite, who do not have the resources to match it. The symbiotic > relationship of tyranny, wealth, and expenditure (studied by Kallet and > Seaford), taken together with the implication of the king or tyrant in > religious concerns (as we see in the essays of Morris and Seaford), goes > far to explain the extraordinary magnificence of the fifth-century > building program on the Athenian acropolis. While Kallet rightly sees > this as an instance of public patronage, it is significant that this > patronage, to use Morris' words, marks "the convergence of polis and > shrine." > > The third area where Morris' treatment of kingship is significant for > this volume as a whole is that of regional geographic variation. This > concern manifests itself in the remaining essays in two ways. It emerges > as an awareness that we can best understand Athenian developments in > light of a broader Greek context. Thus we note that robust forms of > kingship established themselves chiefly on the margins of the Greek > world, while the communitarian model had greater force in the heartland. > Nevertheless, a network of economic, military, and diplomatic > relationships ensured lively exchanges between widely varying > constitutions. My own essay explores the notion of "constitutional > slide" as a function of the close proximity of differing forms of > government. The richness of constitutional variation allows both Plato > and Isocrates to criticize democratic tyranny and construct political > structures based on ethics rather than on the number of people in whom > power was vested. Regional variation mandates an awareness of multiple > audiences and permits the development of "amphibolic" readings of texts > as diverse as Isocrates' Panathenaicus and the funerary monument of > Dexileos, the object of an unsettling analysis by Josiah Ober. Ober > rightly points out that tyranny in the Classical period was a concern to > poleis other than Athens. Our tendency towards Athenocentrism often > predisposes us to ignore this wider context, but to do so is to ignore > an important area of cultural exchange. Tyranny could remain a concern > in Athens because the Athenians had frequent contacts with kings and > tyrants in a politically unstable world. But it was an exportable > concern, as Ober's investigation of the Erythrae decree concerning > repairs to the statue of a tyrannicide shows. Athens liked to export > democracy to the subject cities of its empire, but its hatred of > tyranny, and the concomitant iconography of resistance to tyranny was > just as real an export. > > MORE <http://www.utexas. edu/utpress/ excerpts/ exmorpou. html> > > In the Bible.. after the deception, God says that from then on, the > serpent would have no legs and crawl around on his belly? Doesn't this > imply that at the time the serpent DID have legs.. kind of like a > reptoid? > Genesis 3:15 "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and > between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise they head, and thou shalt > bruise his heel." > Is there a race of reptoids co-existing with us? Is there a secret > group, running the world who worship a reptoid? Is it just one of MANY > reptoids? Is it the leader of the reptoids? Is it a completely different > being, separate from those reptoids? Do those reptoids even exist? Are > the reptoid race nothing more than Mankind's perceived evils personified > into a form which is the personification of evil in the Bible? Is it the > Bible which makes them Reptoid and not, say.. arachnid? > > So would Eden be real? Not in the literal sense, but an actual place > that man was banished from because of these reptoids? > Pindar...... .the lizard king > > It is said that the garden of Edan was not on this planet and that we > have been planted and the reptoid were our jailers? > On the subject of Reptoids and such, are any of you familiar with the > statuettes from the Jarmo excavation? Reptilian people doing ordinary > things, nursing babies, etc....and they also made them of regular > people, so, combined with the ordinary activities they are depicted > doing, not likely to be idols or anything of the sort.... > Some basic info here: > > http://www.anthro. mankato.msus. edu/archaeology/ sites/middle_ east/jarmosi\ > te.html > <http://www.anthro. mankato.msus. edu/archaeology/ sites/middle_ east/jarmos\ > ite.html> > > It's 7000 BC actually, and in probably largely destroyed by > now > The stories about reptilian visitors extend from India, to Mexico, to > China, back to North America, and Russia, and even many parts of Africa > and South America. > There are a lot of links to Jarmo and these lizard people and many other > early cultures of the with similar traditions. The Jarmo statuettes are > the closest thing to hard evidence. It goes without saying, in a world > full of skeptics, any bits of hard evidence are priceless. > If you want to know more about Pindar or these Reptilians go to David > Icke's website http://www.davidick <http://www.davidick> > > David Icke's Biggest Secret book has a photo of this statue.. This one > is also from Iraq, but from the Ubaid area. It appears to be a reptilian > suckling one of its offspring. The Ubaid period was from 5500 - 4000 > B.C. > > A reptile statue found in graves of the Ubaid people who lived in what > is now Iraq up to around 4,000 BC. This culture predates the Venus > cataclysm which probably forced the surving reptilians underground or > into another dimension. > > http://www.mnsu. edu/emuseum/ archaeology/ sites/middle_ east/alubaid. html > <http://www.mnsu. edu/emuseum/ archaeology/ sites/middle_ east/alubaid. html> > > > > > > > As for Pindar, Icke translates the name as meaning Penis of the dragon > and states that the (Pindar) is also known as the Marquis of Libeaux. At > the time he was writing the book, Icke had little else to say about this > particular reptilian other than stating that he is above the Windsors in > the Brotherhood heirarchy. > > Jarmo > [Jarmo] Jarmo is an archeological site located in northern Iraq on the > foothills of the Zagros Mountains. For a long time it was known as the > oldest known agricultural community in the world, dating back to 7000 > BC. It is also one of the oldest Neolithic village sites to be > excavated. It was first found in 1940's by the Iraqi Directorate of > Antiquities, which later recommended the site to Robert Braidwood of the > Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. He had been asking > about ancient villages in the Middle East for a study he was conducting. > Under the Oriental Institute, Braidwood excavated the site at different > times from March 1948 until June of 1955. He wanted to find out more > about the origin of food production. The Jarmo archeological site was > one of the first means of documentation for the way of life of > civilization' s first farmers and herders. > > [Jarmo Houses] There were approximately 100 to 150 people who lived in > the village. Twenty permanent mud-walled houses, with stone foundations, > tauf walls, and reed bedding, housed the residents of Jarmo. The people > reaped their grain with stone sickles, stored their food in stone bowls, > and possessed domesticated goats, sheep, and dogs. They also grew emmer > and einkorn wheat, barley, and lentils. In addition to their > agriculture, they also foraged for wild plants such as the field pea, > acorns, pistachio nuts, and wild wheat. The later levels of settlement > contained evidence of domesticated pigs and clay pottery. Since many of > their tools were made of obsidian from beds 300 miles away, a primitive > form of commerce must have existed. Bone tools, especially awls, were > abundant from the site. Carefully made bone spoons and beads were also > found. > > Braidwood said, after he was unable to excavate the site any further due > to political reasons, that Jarmo as a settlement was an social and > economical example for future Mesopotamian cultures that would arise > around 4000 BC. It was also the first site in the Near East in which > interdisciplinary field archeology was used to discover the origins of > food production. > > Images courtesy of http://www.maxpages .com/ribbentrop/ Jarmo_Iraq > <http://www.maxpages .com/ribbentrop/ Jarmo_Iraq> > > References: > > Laure, Gerald A., Old Testament Life and Literature > http://www.infidels .org/library/ modern/gerald_ larue/otll/ chap6.html > <http://www.infidels .org/library/ modern/gerald_ larue/otll/ chap6.html> > 1968 > > The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archeology in the Near East > http://www.maxpages .com/ribbentrop/ Jarmo_Iraq 1997 > > > This account is based on notes that I took from the 3 hour video. This > video was made by David Ike and Bridge of Love publications > com/exec/ obidos/tg/ detail/-/ B000068TUE/ 1048874394- 993\ > 9902?v=glance > < com/exec/ obidos/tg/ detail/-/ B000068TUE/ 1048874394- 99\ > 39902?v=glance> > > > It is called 'Revelations of a Mother Goddess' [a title given to this > lady - one of 3 in the world] and also accompanies David Icke's detailed > exposition of this subject called 'THE BIGGEST SECRET' > > According to the Mothers of Darkness, the satanic cult based in Brussels > who train and educate the MK child slaves as they are 'born to the > blood' - the Aryan bloodline is Alien to this planet - they were a Race > fleeing the Reptiles and got here 4000BC - then started mixing with the > locals. Red hair, Blonde hair, blue eyes they may have been of great > stature as recent excavations of the 8 foot tall Firbolg Knights in Eire > suggest. > > Then, the Reptilian species - who have according to Giza plain > mathematics have come from the Serpens star cluster [serpens caput and > serpens cauda both of 7 stars] arrived in 2000BC and as record would > have it - infiltrated the Human race and its social structure and began > the hybridisation experimentation. One of which was the foundation of > the Merovingian Dynasty [born out of half man and half 'fish']. > > There are 13 bloodlines from this kind of stock, and all of them have to > a greater or lesser degree the capacity to play host to the Shape > Changer Reptiles. The known shape shifting in human mythology goes back > to North Africa, Tibet, Maya, Rome [called versae pellis effect]. > > The Reptile species is apparently on a loser because it had been brought > into being in a very tenuous way. > > Its mission is to bring its ancestors [thought of as daemons] out of an > abyss from which they cannot escape [Cthulu mythos etc] and seek to open > up a gate or portal Yog Sothoth to enable them to do so. For this, they > need lots of pure aryans. > > The occult ritual and ceremony [satanic/druidic etc] they perform on > Aryan sacrifices serves several purposes. > > Because the Reptiles allegedly cannot call up their lost mates from the > abyss, they need the magical/spiritual properties of the Aryans to do > the ceremony for them. They turn up - after ritual has been rigourously > followed, and give their special team of shape changers in this > dimension encouragement to carry on looking for the way to go with the > escape of the 'demons' from their abyss. Various MK-slaves are there, > some get eaten some get 'orgied' - flesh and blood is devoured > especially that of the sacrifice - a female whose combination of blood; > preferred menstrual [thats why satanic/druidic ritual goes with the full > moon] - and with the secretion from the pineal gland stimulated by > intense fear, the sacrifice drives the Reptiles wild with carnage. > > The pineal gland or third eye in human terms is an alien piece of > biochemistry in the human race - as any biochemistry text book will tell > of its reptilian biochemistry - so it leads us to wonder whether or not > the Aryan Race was a phase 2 hybrid created by the Shape Changing > reptiles so that they could colonise this sector of the '3' dimensional > cosmos. > > Reptiles could do with a pineal gland - because they want its mystical > powers, but it looks like they have been unable to integrate this organ > into their own being - as it gives access to dimensions of incredible > energy and spiritual purity that would be a bit off-putting to a species > hell bent on slaughter. The Reptiles are trying to bring through the > 'Old Ones' in fact as characterised by HP Lovecraft in 'the Dunwich > Horror'. > > They have a hypnotic gaze which fixes the victim - in a trance of terror > - which promotes secretion of the pineal gland - at that point, they > cannot hold human form any longer and shape shift in anticipation of > supper. They have a pecking order at bloodfest ceremonies, and seem to > need more and more blood these days as the planetary food supply is > deteriorating in quality. [must be the additives etc] > > They have therefore capitalised on every Druidic and Magical date to try > to get as much use out of the effect of the lunar cycle on female > menstrual blood. They call this aspect of the menstrual blood Starfire, > and indeed, one of the people in the UK Arizona Wilder 'fingers' as a > Shape Shifter called lawrence Gardiner has written an article about > 'Starfire and menstrual blood' in Nexus magazine. he is also behind the > 'Order of the Dragon' an attempt to assemble and register the pure > bloodstock of the UK in London. > > A list of other people Arizona Wilder says that she has seen shapeshift > into Reptiles at these rituals; > > USA: Bush and 2 sons, Albright, Kissinger, Reagan and Nancy, J > Rockefeller, Ford, Carter and LB Johnson. EUROPE: Queen Mum, Queen Liz > II, Princess Margaret, Charles, Tony Blair, and prince Philip, Zecharia > Sitchin, Laurence Gardiner. > > The big International and Interstellar leader she says is a chap called > the Marquis de Libero - aka Pindar [phallus of the Dragon] who provides > superior seed to impregnate the specially bred Aryan and Bloodline > Children with - including - Princess Diana - who brought forth Prince > William - Pindar's son. > > In the underground vaults of his castle in the Alsace Region of France, > green glowing flourescent rocks turn stored menstrual blood black to be > used at that special ritual - whilst in the great heat, clutches of > Reptile Eggs incubate. > > The Queen Mother is second to Pindar/Libero and she is carried on a rich > ornate chair before she changes into something much bigger and stronger. > At the ceremonies, voluminous robes of red or purple richly decorated > with gold, sewn jewels, and embroidered 'fleur de lis' are worn, not any > human clothes for these would tear during the shift. > > All the British House apparently have jewel encrusted goblets to drink > the blood from the symbolic female 'grail' and a symbolic dagger to give > it a bit of a stir. Arizona Wilder then went on to describe the > appearance of the British Royal family when they have underwent the > shape shift. > > The Queen mum is 8 feet tall, with a snout, and fangs. All have a long > tongue with hair-like protrusions - with claws for hands and feet. They > have scales and these seem to disappear into one another, this, more > pronounced on the back. Some have vestigial wings, all have a tail > usually kept curled which is whipped about when agitated. > > The Queen Mum has a beige belly and more darkly speckled and mottled > brown from the head and spine. The body has protrusions running down the > spine. The eyes are large and round, protruding, varying in colour from > beige to yellow to yellow green - with a black vertical slit for a pupil > - the eyes can be hooded. Charles apparently has two large protrusions > just above where his human ears are. > > The Queen [Liz II] is much darker, all over much more homogenous in > marking, where the colours gradually and smoothly change to the head, > tail and back. > > Arizona Wilder says that the princess Diana death was a ritual public > sacrifice to usher in the Age of Horus [Egyptian magical tradition > rebirth of the dead god Osiris]. Because the magicians like to mirror > dates, the dark goddess Hecate's number is 13, which was why the 31st > August was chosen. (The mirror effect of numbers) > > It was a mirror of a Isis, Osiris, Horus ritual because 3 people died > and the unborn baby Diana was carrying was the very special 3 months > old. Apparently Baron Rothschild had to be in the tunnel at the 13th > pillar where the accident happened to take the soul of Diana - and > indeed an ambulance did arrive on the scene a minute after the crash. > The driver Henri Paul was Mind Controlled and trained for the crash. > Bits of Diana were then eaten by the hierarchy. Arizona Wilder has said > that some Spencers were there at these Rituals, but that Diana would not > attend - and that symptoms of Bulemia and Anorexia were mind control > techniques used on her. > > Wilder also said that the smell of Diana's periods would have caused > Charles to shape shift - especially whilst sleeping because the Reptiles > cannot retain their human form without concentration. > > Arizona Wilder came across as sincere with this disturbing account and > spoke of the hideous abuse to which herself and her children had been > subject. . > > Andrew Hennessey > Transformation Studies Group > Edinburgh Scotland > > Pindar called Sirius "the shape-shifting dog of the Great Goddess." > Chinese astronomers knew it as the Celestial Jackal (Lang) that > legendary figures used for target practice (with the constellation Hu or > Hushi, "bow"). > > SEE: EARLY ASTRONOMY <http://www.qi- Fringe/fringe5. html> > > BLOODLINES OF THE ILLUMINATI > > Who really controls world events from behind-the-scene? Years of > extensive research and investigation have gone into this massively > documented work. In this 624 page, large format book, Fritz Springmeier > discloses mind-boggling facts and never before revealed truths about the > top Illuminati dynasties. Discover the amazing role these bloodlines > have played—and are now wielding—in human history, with family > names such as > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ astor.htm> The Astor > Bloodline <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ astor.htm> > > The Bundy Bloodline > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ bundy.htm> > > The Collins Bloodline > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ collins.htm> > > The DuPont Bloodline > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ dupont.htm> > > The Freeman Bloodline > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ freeman.htm> > > The Kennedy Bloodline > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ kennedy.htm> > > The Li Bloodline <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ li.htm> > > The Onassis Bloodline > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ onassis.htm> > > The Reynolds bloodline > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ reynolds. htm> > > The Rockefeller Bloodline > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ rockefeller. htm> > > The Rothschild Bloodline > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ rothschild. htm> > > The Russell Bloodline > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ russell.htm> > > The Van Duyn Bloodline > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ duyn.htm> > > Merovingian <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ merovingian. htm> > (European Royal Families) > > Interconnected families: > > The Disney Bloodline > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ disney.htm> > > The Krupp Bloodline > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ krupp.htm> > > The McDonald Bloodlin > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ mcdonald. htm> e > <http://www.thewatch bloodlines/ mcdonald. htm> > > You'll also learn of the secretive, Chinese Li family, which > operates with impunity in the U.S.A. and around the world. Along the way > you'll find out why President John F. Kennedy and actress Grace > Kelly were killed; who created the United Nations; who controls the two > major U.S. political parties; how the Rothschilds invented and control > modern-day Israel; who secretly founded false religions such as the > Jehovah's Witnesses; and much, much more. A literal encyclopedia of > rare, unbelievable information! > > FROM: CABAL OF CABALA <http://www.greatdre l/cabal.htm> > > -DAVID ICKE tells in CHILDREN OF THE MATRIX, of his first startling > contact with "shape-shifters" early 1998... > > Page 229 > > early 1998 when I was traveling around the United a > period of about 15 days I met 12 separate people in different locations, > and from very contrasting walks of life, who told me the same basic > story of seeing a "human" change into a reptilian form before their > eyes. The people who told me these accounts included two television > interviewers who saw their guest, a supporter of the New World Order > agenda, shape-shift during a live interview. Afterwards one said he had > been shocked to see the man's face turn reptilian and the other equally > shocked, said she had seen his hands take on a reptilian look. > > Page 230 > > In Minneapolis, a gifted psychic lady told me she sees people in power, > like Henry Kissinger, George Bush, and Hillary Clinton, turn into > reptilians all the time. > > Page 241 > > SHAPE-shifting queens > > Arizona Wilder (a recovered mind control sex slave, like Cathy O'Brien, > of Trance Formation of America book) told me how she had conducted > sacrificial rituals involving the British royal family, Tony Blair, and > famous American Illuminati names like George Bush, Bill and Hillary > Clinton, Henry Kissinger and many others. > > The highest operative she knew in the Illuminati, she said was a guy > calling himself the Marquis de Libeaux ("of the water"). His codename > was Pindar, which she says means "penis of the dragon". Arizona told me > how the Queen and Queen Mother regularly sacrifice babies and adults at > many ritual centres, including Castle in Balmoral, Scotland, where they > were staying at the time Diana was ritually murdered in Paris. > > The royal family involved in human sacrifice was fantastic enough, but > here again came the constantly repeated theme. She described how, during > the rituals, these people shape-shift into reptiles. Diane Gould, head > of the US Organization, Mothers Against Ritual Abuse, also confirms this > theme. In a telephone conversation about ritual abuse, Diane asked me if > I could explain why many of her clients reported that participants in > their rituals had turned into reptiles. People might want to dismiss all > this, but they should know that, while they close their eyes and their > minds, children are being sacrificed all over the world this very day by > the reptilian bloodlines --- many thousands of them on the main ritual > dates. Arizona talked about some of her experiences with Queen Mother: > > "The Queen Mother was cold, cold, cold, a nasty person. None of her > cohorts even trusted her. They have names an altar (mind-control > programme) after her. They call it the Black Queen. I have seen her > sacrifice people. I remember her pushing a knife into someone's rectum > the night the two boys were sacrificed. One was 13 and the others 18. > You need to forget that the Queen Mother appears to be a frail woman. > When she shape-shifts into a reptilian, she becomes very tall and > strong. Some of them are so strong they can rip out a heart and they all > grow by several feet when they shape-shift (This is what the lady said > who saw Edward Heath, among endless others.)" > > Of the Queen, Arizona said: > > "I have seen her sacrifice people and eat their flesh and drink their > blood. One time she got so excited with blood-lust that she didn't cut > the victim's throat from the left to the right in the normal ritual. She > just went crazy, stabbing and ripping at the flesh after she > shape-shifted into a reptilian. When she shape-shifts, she has a long > reptile face, almost like a beak and she is an off-white colour. (This > fits many descriptions of the gods and the "bird gods" of ancient Egypt > and elsewhere.) The Queen Mother looks basically the same, but there are > differences. She (the Queen) also has bumps on her head and her eyes are > very frightening. She's very aggressive.. ." > > "...I have seen (Prince Charles) shape-shift into a reptilian and do all > of the things the Queen does. I have seen him sacrifice children. There > is a lot of rivalry between them for who gets to eat eat what part of > the body and who gets to absorb the victim's last breath and steal their > soul. I have seen Andrew participate and I have seen Prince Phillip and > Charles sister (Anne) at the rituals, but they didn't participate when I > was there. When Andrew shape-shifts, he looks more like one of the > lizards. The royals are some of the worst. Ok, as far as enjoying the > killing, enjoying the sacrifice, and eating the flesh, they are some of > the worst of all of them. They don't care if you see it. Who are you > going to tell, who is going to believe you? They feel that it is their > birthright and they love it. They love it." > > PAGE 136--137 gives a long list of VERY prominent world leaders and > people from all walks of life--that are documented Illuminati figures > and many of them shape-shifters. The names of some of these will surely > ASTOUND you.... > > Obtain THE BIGGEST SECRET, and CHILDREN OF THE MATRIX from Global Light > Network at: 1-888-236-2108, or browse our website at: > < light-network. com/> > > Here's the quote by David Icke... > > "THE WINDSOR-BUSH BLOODLINE > Bush~Windsor~ Piso Bloodline > > The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the British royal family, and the ruling > political and economic families of the US and the rest of the world come > from these SAME bloodlines. This is why the so called Eastern > Establishment families of the United States interbreed with each other > as obsessively as the European royal and "noble" families have always > done. And similar families across the world. It is not because of > snobbery, it is to hold as best they can a genetic structure - the > reptilian-mammalian DNA combination which allows them to "shape-shift" . > > You will also see references on the site to "shape-shifting" , the > phenomena in which witnesses have reported seeing people (most often > those in positions of power), transform before their eyes, from a human > form to a reptilian one and then back again. You will find much about > this in The Biggest Secret and Credo Mutwa confirms exactly the same > experience in black Africa. Once again, ancient and modern accounts > support each other. The ancient gods of the Indus Valley, the Nagas, > were said to have been able to take either human or reptilian form. > > Former US president, George Bush, incidentally, is mentioned more than > any other person in my experience in relation to shape-shifting. This is > why his son is being brought through in the 2000 presidential election. > > Presidents are not EL-ected by ballot,they are SEL-ected by blood". > > > On Fri, 7 May 1999 - spirit@... writes: IUFO Mailing List > Cathy O'Brien and Mark Philips new book (Trance Formation of America) > and their experiences, if factual, may represent one of the more > important "leaks" from inside the mind-control empire. Interestingly, > Cathy's revelations as a former high-level mind control slave form an > important part of the evidentiary basis for David Icke's insights into a > reptoid-masonic power structure in "The Biggest Secret." A friend of > mine from the UK loaned me her copy of Icke's book. > > She's observed his work for several years in England, and tells me he > was a respected sportscaster there. It was only after he exposed the > Satanic-ritual murder and abuse rings surrounding the Windsors (Queen > Elizabeth, Prince Philip, the Queen Mother, and others of the NWO) that > his was attacked through disinformation in the controlled press - using > apparently the tactic that Icke thought himself the messiah. > > One significance of Cathy O'Brien's revelations as a high-order mind > control slave servicing an Elite (READ "Reptoid controlled) network is > the co-ordination of the MKULTRA (k for "kontrolle") slave programme > with global Masonic and Satanic ritual murder and abuse networks. If > Cathy's accounts are factual, the following may be a > socio-political- pathological reality: > > 1. Satanic ritual murder and sex abuse may be as a power-source and > >controlling practice with key operatives in a global mind-control > network. As a "Presidential Model", Cathy claims to have officiated at > ritual infanticide, blood-drinking, and sexual abuse ceremonies in which > the following key operatives took part: > > David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger (Global consigliere) George Bush, > William Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Sen Robert Byrd (Kathy's controller), > Sen. Arlen Specter, Al Gore, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, the > Queen Mother (a Den Mother), Madeleine Albright (US Den Mother), > Prince Charles, Prime Minister Tony Blair et al. > > The top Reptoid seems to be code-named "Pindar". > > 2. "The Most Dangerous Game" is a variation on ritualistic murder played > by US Presidents. George Bush and William Clinton have played this > together. Target mind control slaves are let go in a secured wilderness, > and the Presidents hunt them with telescopic rifles. Alternatively, mind > control slaves are ordered to jump from a helicopter in flight by the > Commander in Chief. (George Bush allegedly did this, by Cathy's > account.) > > 3. Key state social services and adoption agencies, and some Roman > Catholic adoption agencies have served as farms to supply the necessary > babies for the infanticide rituals. Facilities such as Disneyland are > used to target "lost children" to feed the child ritual murder machine. > Breeding facilities with single mothers exist to further supply the > infanticide trade. > > 4. Secret facilities on military bases in Nevada hold infants in cages, > subjecting them to gross and unspeakable abuse, according to mind > control practices, to create a supply of dissociative mind control > slaves. > > 5. Ruling class resorts such as Bohemian Grove in California hold > Satanic ritual murder, blood-drinking and abuse rituals as an integral > part of their retreats. Organizations like Bohemian Grove are part of > the Reptoid-initiate farm system of the global mind control network. > > 6. What we know in secular and vernacular terms as NWO is at a deeper > level a malevolent world-religion, based on Satanic-Baal- Masonic > principles, operating on a long-term time horizon. Modern NWO objectives > are being carried out using the MKULTRA methodologies, implemented > through a network of co-opted and/or initiated elites. > > According to Cathy, the "K" in M"K"ULTRA was actually code-named > Kontrolle, German for control, as a code-salutation to Josef Mengele, > head Nazi mind-controller who was slipped out of Germany at then end of > the war, along with Nazi elite. He stayed in the US mainly, under cover > and directing US mind control operations, including MKULTRA. He died in > 1990 in the US. The US mind control empire was actually established by > the Nazi mind control apparatus being shipped here wholesale after the > war. Cathy reports having met Mengele a number of times in the US. > Apparently she or other mind control slaves also met Adolf Hitler here > in the US. He was allegedly slipped out of Germany as part of Operation > Paperclip. > > I have read creditable research by expert pathologists who examined the > dental records of the alleged corpse found in the bunker, and it was by > the forensic evidence not Hitler. So the very real possibility exists > that Hitler and the entire Nazi inner core were in the US, carrying on > the Agenda while we were growing up, studying, working, raising > families, and watching the US distintegrate from the inside. > > The next Bilderberger meeting is scheduled for June, 1999 in Portugal. > The resort where it is to be held is to be cleared for the 48 hours > preceding the meeting, and guests fly in without visas. The formal > agenda is "Globalization. " The Reptoids face a double bind. On the one > hand they perceive they have achieved many of the structural elements > for the secular NWO scheme. On the other, many of the facts of the > Reptoid inner core and plans are now surfacing publicly. Major universe > forces seem to be inflicting boomerangs (Photon Belt). What will come > out of this meeting must be decoded from the public announcements. There > are many facets, obviously, to understanding this complex Reptoid > pehnomenon that has been covertly trying to move for global control over > thousands of years. This mind control empire facet is but one facet and > not the whole game. The good side is that this information is now in the > open, and that higher forces within the Universe - including the Photon > Belt, are at work. Obviously, there is much more to know. > > FROM: > http://www.beyond- the-illusion. com/files/ New-Files/ 990531/mkultraRe ptoid\ > MindControlmachine. txt > <http://www.beyond- the-illusion. com/files/ New-Files/ 990531/mkultraRe ptoi\ > dMindControlmachine .txt> > > > FROM Dan Winter: http://www.zayra. de/soulcom/ invasion/ > <http://www.zayra. de/soulcom/ invasion/> > The Illuminati Hierarchy > The leader of the Earths Illuminati is called the "Pindar". The Pindar > is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always > male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for "Pinnacle of the > Draco", also known as the "Penis of the Dragon". Symbolically, this > represents the top of power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, > invasion, and fear. The holder of this rank reports to the purebred > Reptilian leader in the inner Earth. > > Recently, there are reports that the Marquis de Libeaux is the Pindar, > but this is disinformation. The true current Pindar is the head of the > Rothschild family, as has been for several hundred years. He is based in > Germany near Frankfurt. In the late 1970s, he oversaw the sister project > to Montauk, called M.A.L.D.A. is an anagram for Montauk-Alsace- Lorraine > Dimensional Activation. This project was located near the city of > Strasbourg, France, historically once part of Germany. > > Interestingly, there is a winery on the east end of Long Island, not far > from Montauk Point, called Pindar Vineyards. This wine is growing in > popularity, gaining international accolades. This fits nicely into the > plan, as this area will be a part of the capital district of the > Earth/United Nations in the Empire State! Red wine is symbolic of the > blood ingested by the Reptilians. The wine can become sanctified as it > did in the Roman Catholic Church, a patsy for the Reptilians. In the > Catholic Church, wine replaced the blood in ceremony. > > The Illuminati here on Earth have established a pyramid structure of > control identical to the system that exists in the Draco Empire. The > pyramid with the Reptilian eye, located on the American one-dollar bill, > is symbolic of this control structure. The eye is the cap on the > pyramid, thus explaining why the original surface of the Great Pyramid > in Egypt was capped in solid gold. > > The Pindar is represented by the gold cap on the pyramid. The next > layer, or "eye", on the pyramid represents the 13 ruling families. They > are as follows: > > 1. Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) - Pindar 2. Bruce 3. Cavendish > (Kennedy) 4. De Medici 5. Hanover 6. Hapsburg 7. Krupp > 8. Plantagenet 9. Rockefeller 10. Romanov 11. Sinclair (St. > Clair) 12. Warburg (del Banco) 13. Windsor (Saxe-Coburg- Gothe) > > Each of the 13 ruling families is given an area of the Earth and/or a > particular function to fulfill on the Earth. These particular functions > include global finances, military technology/developm ent, mind-control, > religion, and media. > > Each of the 13 ruling families has a council of 13 as well. The number, > 13, has great significance to them. They know that there are 12 types of > energies that pass through the 10 aspects of God-Mind. The totality of > the 12 energies equals a 13th energy. This is considered the most > powerful knowledge. > > They also know that there are really 13 Zodiac signs, not the commonly > acknowledged 12. They have kept the 13th hidden for centuries because it > is the sign of the Dragon. They keep the qualities and traits of this > sign secret to avoid giving away clues to the Reptilian mind-pattern. > > The next layer is the second-in-command families who do the support work > for the Pindar and 13 ruling families. While all of the 13 ruling family > members are shape-shifters, all members of the 300 supporting families > are not. They do, however, all have a high percentage of Reptilian DNA. > > They are known as the "Committee of 300".These families include such > notable names as Agnelli, Balliol, Beale, Bell, Bouvier, Bush, Cameron, > Campbell, Carnegie, Carrington, Coolidge, Delano, Douglas, Ford, > Gardner, Graham, Hamilton, Harriman, Heinz, Kuhn, Lindsay, Loeb, Mellon, > Montgomery, Morgan, Norman, Oppenheimer, Rhodes, Roosevelt, Russell, > Savoy, Schiff, Seton, Spencer, Stewart/Stuart, Taft, and Wilson. There > are many others. > > The Committee of 300 use many well-known institutions to accomplish > their goals, including the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderburgers, > Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Royal Institute for International > Affairs, Mafia, CIA, NSA, Mossad, Secret Service, International Monetary > Fund, Federal Reserve, Internal Revenue Service, and Interpol, to name a > few. All of these are private organizations or corporations set up as > public service devices, but this is far from the truth. > > The Illuminati structure also creates artificial countries to further > their goals. Examples of these are the United States, Switzerland, > Kuwait, the Soviet Union, Panama, Israel, Italy, Yugoslavia, the United > Kingdom, most of Black Africa, all of the Arab countries, and all of > Central and South America. These nations were created to amass wealth > for the ruling families and their supporters, to hide or keep their > wealth, and to create unstable conditions necessary to start wars or > increase military budgets. > > Switzerland was created as a neutral banking centre so that Illuminati > families would have a safe place to keep their funds without fear of > destruction from wars and prying eyes. > > The United States was established with 13 colonies, one for each of the > Illuminati families. The original flag had 13 stars, and still has 13 > stripes. The eagle, the symbol of the United States, holds 13 arrows in > its talons. The United States is actually a corporate asset of the > Virginia Company that was established in 1604 in England with direct > involvement of the Rothschilds. The finances of the Rothschilds were > necessary to fund the exploration and exploitation of the North American > continent. > > The assets of the Virginia Company, including the United States, are > owned by the Holy Roman Empire via the Vatican. This occurred in 1213 > when King James gave all English assets to the Reptilian Pope. > Executorship remains with the British royal family, but actual ownership > lies with the Roman Catholic Church. > > The United States of America is not named after Amerigo Verspucci, as > you learned in school. The Illuminati would never name a continent, > actually two continents, after an Italian mapmaker. The name is actually > a combination of words. "Am" is the Hebrew word for "people". "Ame" is > also the command form of the Spanish/Latin verb "to love". "Eri" or > "ari" is a Hebrew term for "lion". "Rica" is the feminine form of the > Spanish word for "rich". "Ka" is the ancient Egyptian word for soul, or > spirit force within a body. > > There are two layers of meanings. The Ancient Hebrew/Egyptian translates > to say, "the people of the lion with spirit force". Hence, the pyramid > and all-seeing eye on the one-dollar bill. The Latinized version > translates to say, "love riches", in a feminized/physical reality way. > This gives an idea of what they had in mind. > > Take this a step further, and one sees the mixture of the feminine > Latin/eagle ideas with the masculine Hebrew/lion ideas. The symbolic > statement of America is that it is a combination of Lemuria and > Atlantis; a blend of the human/Lyrae with Reptilian/Draco. Perhaps the > anagram LSD, an Illuminati created drug, has a hidden meaning as well: > > Lyrae-Sirius- Draco! The combination of these three civilizations would > produce the most powerful, technological Empire ever known! > > In 1776, the creation of the United States as an independent nation > coincided with the declaration into public existence of the official > Illuminati organization by member Adam Weishaupt, in Bavaria. Publicly, > Mr. Weishaupt appeared to be determined to create an organization > comprised of the European elite that would uplift mankind. > > Of course, this was part of an Illuminati global ceremony. The creation > for the United States and the Illuminati global ceremony. The creation > of the United States and the Illuminati organization were artificial > beginnings for public consumption. The United States was the device to > be used to bring the Illuminati into public acceptance. Current > Illuminati members believe that Adam Weishaupt was a look-alike for > George Washington, and it is actually Weishaupts image that appears on > the one-dollar bill. > > George Washington was a wealthy slave and plantation owner. He is known > to have raped some of his female slaves and used some of the male slaves > in ritualistic ceremony. There are many people of the Black race who can > literally trace their genetics to the founding fathers. George > Washington also ordered the building of the Montauk Lighthouse in 1796. > This lighthouse included an underground area for supply storage in case > of a British coastline invasion. If he had only known what that area > would become - or did he? > > The 13 ruling Illuminati families constantly vie for control amongst > themselves. During this time period, the Spanish, British, and French > Illuminati all fought to win control over North and South America. The > Rothschilds kept these Illuminati factions in line by sending Hessian > troops to monitor the situation. The leaders enjoyed these war games, > pitting one against the other to see who would win. The hundreds of > thousands of lives lost were meaningless to them. > > The Manifest Destiny of the United States was created to expand the > territory of the Aryans at the expense of the native populations. As > always, the Illuminati seek to destroy native peoples and their > cultures. This is an attempt to destroy their knowledge of God-Mind, as > well as the possibility that the natives will impart this information on > to others. Especially important is their need to eliminate native > cultures with ancient knowledge of Atlantis and Lyrae. > > The natives that gave them the most problem were the Cherokee Indians > because this tribe retained most of their Atlantean knowledge, even > accessing the Bear/Bigfoot frequency for information. For this reason, > these people were uprooted from their homeland in the southern > Appalachian Mountains, and forcibly marched to Oklahoma on what is now > known as The Trail of Tears. Many died along the way. Only a remnant > remained in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia. In the north, the > vast Iroquois/ Mohawk nation was disbanded. The Montauk, direct > descendents of the Atlanteans who call their leader Pharaoh, were > systematically eliminated. > > The Rothschilds were aggressively involved with the slave trade from > Africa, importing slaves to North and South America as well as the > Caribbean. They were very careful not to import Blacks from the eastern > areas of Ethiopia or Sudan where the descendents of Solomon were > located, instead concentrating on western and central Africa for the > slave populations. These areas had the pure mixture of Annunnakki and > simian genetics, and the programming desirable for the Illuminati > agenda. > > The Rothschilds decided that splitting the United States colonies would > double their profits. So they politically created, and financially > supported, the Civil War. The Civil War was actually a global ceremonial > ritual to bring slavery to its next level. This war allowed the North to > win, and publicly abolish slavery. The best slaves are the ones who do > not realize that they are slaves. This alleviates rebellion and > resistance. This was the status immediately following the Civil War. > Blacks in the South are still slaves. There is still segregation, even > in the North. The Illuminati still consider Blacks to be second or third > class citizens. Only now the slavery is subtle and masked. > > Since the Civil War, there have been other staged wars that entrenched > the trend toward globalization. The Spanish-American War of 1898-1899 > acquired more land for the American Illuminati, placing a greater > portion of the Earth's surface under American jurisdiction. World War I > was designed to change the map of Europe as well as test germ and > chemical warfare technology for future use. This coincided with the > worldwide influenza outbreak designed to reduce the global population, > making control easier. World War I also laid the foundation for the > German role in the next war. > > World War II was a test of the final globalization and extermination > projects. It was also designed to test mind-control machinations; to > test the use of fluoride which deadens brain activity and slows > resistance to authority; to experiment with slave labor camps and study > the development of resistance; and to teach the masses to spy and report > on one another. > > World War II brought three primary goals of the Illuminati to fruition. > The first was that hidden Illuminati symbolisms were brought to public > attention from the underground strongholds in Tibet and Egypt, such as > the Swastika and the ankh. The second was the creation of the State of > Israel as a foundation for the New World Religion. The last was the > creation of nuclear weapons as part of the Illuminati global ceremony. > > During World War II, the Germans helped to perfect "sex-slaves" as a > means of transmitting information amongst the elite. Sex-slaves can be > either male or female, who are sexually programmed using Wilhelm Reich > procedures, which are illegal in the United States, but used by the > Illuminati and government. > > These sex-slaves deliver messages and keep programmed sleepers in line. > The sex-slave is downloaded with a message or function through various > sexual acts and drugs, which can only be released by repeating the same > sexual act with the target, or person, to be activated. They are trained > to know their target's trigger words and trigger events to activate, > delete, or change programming. > > In recent years, several women have come forward claiming to be the > sex-slaves of globally recognized political figures. Many were used as > information couriers between high-level male Illuminati. Usually, > lookalikes of the political figures are used in the incipient > programming as a focal point for the sex-slave. The slave is put through > a desensitizing process, so there is no pleasure in the sexual act; it > is merely a duty to be performed. Many times the slave becomes sexually > promiscuous, repeatedly having sex with people who look like the > intended target. It is a sad life. > > By the end of World War II, one of the three major Illuminati global > rituals was accomplished. This was the nuclear explosion that took place > in 1945 at the 33rd parallel as a test for the nuclear attack on Japan. > This explosion was symbolic, representing the simultaneous creation and > destruction of matter and energy. The year was symbolic as well. In > numerology, 1 + 9 = 10, representing the 10 aspects of God-Mind. The > number 10 further breaks down to 1 + 0 = 1, representing a new > beginning. Continuing, 4 + 5 = 9, representing the end of a cycle. > Symbolically, the entire event represented the end of a cycle to prepare > for a new beginning using the new creation of God-Mind out of > destruction. > > Additionally, a cylinder containing material still not explained by the > government was trucked into the nuclear explosion testing. This cylinder > was made from pure steel and allegedly was the same physical dimensions > as the Kabala describes for the creation of Golems. Kabala is ancient > Hebrew metaphysics that has been a staple for the Illuminati for > millennia. Golems are artificial beings that are used as a slave force. > It is highly probable that this was a symbolic ritual for the creation > of the society of Golems. > > World War II also allowed the European/American Illuminati to destroy > the Japanese Illuminati desires of global domination. The Japanese royal > family, represented by Emperor Hirohito, have always been ostracized as > non-legitimate by the ruling 13 families. The Japanese claim to be > direct descendents of Lemurian purebred Reptilians. > > The European/American Illuminati claim that the Japanese Illuminati are > descendents from a lower species in the Draco hierarchy. This lower > species is considered a worker class without any political clout or > influence. The European/American Illuminati also claim that East Indians > are a lower species in the Draco hierarchy. The 13 ruling families > consider light skin and hair to be an elite characteristic. > > On January 17, 1994, Japan sent a seismic event to California. Exactly > one year later on January 17, 1995, the city of Kobe, Japan was > seismically destroyed. Kobe was the home of the Japanese electromagnetic > weaponry centres. The European/American Illuminati will not tolerate > thorns in their sides. The destruction of Japan and its royal family > will continue in the coming months. > > Every year, the Illuminati hold meetings to plan the events of the > coming year to accomplish their main objective formulated millennia ago > of global control and domination. In the 1850s, they pinpointed their > target date for complete domination with an agenda called Plan 2000. > This has since been revised to 2003. The fiasco election of George W. > Bush Jr. to office is a key sign that they are on target. The public > lesson of the United States presidential "election" of 2000 is that the > citizens do not vote for anyone! Even the Illuminati are now finding it > increasingly difficult to conceal their plans. > > > THEOSOPHY, Vol. 52, No. 2, December, 1963 > (Pages 43-50; Size: 22K) > THE TIMELESS KABIRI(1) > <http://www.greatdre pindar.htm# 1bottom> > FROM the very day when the first mystic found the means of communication > between this world and the worlds of the invisible host, between the > sphere of matter and that of pure spirit, he concluded that to abandon > this mysterious science to the profanation of the rabble was to lose it. > The Kabiri or the Kabirim [the name is Phoenician] were Deities and very > mysterious gods with the ancient nations, including the Israelites, and > were held in the highest veneration at Thebes, in Lemnos, Phrygia, > Macedonia, and especially at Samothrace. They were mystery gods, no > profane having the right to name or speak of them. Herodotus makes of > them Fire-gods and points to Vulcan as their father. The Kabiri presided > over the Mysteries, and their real number has never been revealed, their > occult meaning being very sacred. > The Kabiri were also Assyrian gods. In Hebrew the name means "the mighty > ones," Gibborim. In Samothrace, an island famous and renowned for its > Mysteries all over the world -- perhaps the oldest ever established in > our present race -- they were the Samothraces. The latter are considered > identical with the Kabiri, Dioscuri and Corybantes. The names of the > Samothraces were mystical, denoting Pluto, Ceres or Proserpine, Bacchus > and Æsculapius, or Hermes. At one time all the deities connected with > fire, whether they were divine, infernal or volcanic, were called > Kabirian. With the Christians, however, they are now devils, although > the modern Archangels are the direct transformation of these same > Kabiri. > Those who know anything of the Samothracian mysteries will remember that > the generic name of the Kabiri was the "Holy Fires," which created on > seven localities of the island of Electria (or Samothrace) the "Kabir > born of the Holy Lemnos" (the island sacred to Vulcan). According to > Pindar, this Kabir, whose name was Adamas, was, in the traditions of > Lemnos, the type of the primitive man born from the bosom of the Earth. > He was the archetype of the first males in the order of generation, and > was one of the seven autochthonous ancestors or progenitors of mankind. > A Mystery, imparted to but very few initiates, was enacted once every > seven years during the Mysteries, and the records of it are found > self-imprinted on the leaves of the Thibetan sacred tree, the mysterious > Kounboum, in the Lamasery of the holy adepts. In the shoreless ocean of > space radiates the central, spiritual, and invisible sun. The universe > is his body, spirit, and soul; and after this ideal model are framed all > "things." These three emanations are the three lives, the three degrees > of the gnostic Pleroma, the three "Kabalistic Faces," for the ANCIENT of > the ancient, the holy of the aged, the great En-Soph, "has a form and > then he has no form." The invisible "assumed a form when he called the > universe into existence," says the Sohar, the Book of Splendor. The > first light is His Soul, the Infinite, Boundless, and Immortal breath; > under the efflux of which the universe heaves its mighty bosom, infusing > intelligent life throughout creation. The second emanation condenses > cometary matter and produces form within the cosmic circle; sets the > countless worlds floating in the electric space, and infuses the > unintelligent, blind life-principle into every form. The third produces > the whole universe of physical matter; and as it keeps gradually > receding from the Central Divine Light its brightness wanes and it > becomes DARKNESS and the BAD -- pure matter, the "gross purgations of > the celestial fire" of the Hermetists. > When the Central Invisible, the "highest and greatest Creative POWER," > saw the efforts of the divine Scintilla [Over-Soul], unwilling to be > dragged lower down into the degradation of matter, to liberate itself, > he permitted it to shoot out from itself a monad, over which, attached > to it as by the finest thread, the Divine Scintilla had to watch during > its ceaseless peregrinations from one form to another. Thus the monad > was shot down into the first form of matter and became encased in a > stone; then, in course of time, through the combined efforts of living > fire and living water, both of which shone their reflection upon the > stone, the monad crept out of its prison to sunlight as a lichen. From > change to change it went higher and higher; the monad, with every new > transformation borrowing more of the radiance of its parent, Scintilla > (Soul), which approached it nearer at every transmigration. For "the > First Cause had willed it to proceed in this order"; and destined it to > creep on higher until the physical form became once more the Adam of > dust, shaped in the image of the Adam Kadmon (Pitris). > Before undergoing its last earthly transformation, the external covering > of the monad, from the moment of its conception as an embryo, passes in > turn, once more, through the phases of the several kingdoms. In its > fluidic prison it assumes a vague resemblance at various periods of the > gestation to plant, reptile, bird, and animal, until it becomes a human > embryo. At the birth of the future man, the monad, radiating with all > the glory of its immortal parent [Dhyani-Buddha] which watches it from > the seventh sphere, becomes senseless. It loses all recollection of the > past, and returns to consciousness but gradually, when the instinct of > childhood gives way to reason and intelligence. After the separation > between the life-principle (astral spirit) and the body takes place, the > liberated soul -- Monad, exultingly rejoins the mother and father spirit > [i.e., the Fire-Kabiri] , the radiant Augoeides, and the two, merged into > one, forever form, with a glory proportioned to the spiritual purity of > the past earth-life, the Adam who has completed the circle of necessity, > and is freed from the last vestige of his physical encasement. > Henceforth, growing more and more radiant at each step of his upward > progress, he mounts the shining path that ends at the point from which > he started around the Grand Cycle. > If one studies comparative Theogony, it is easy to find that the secret > of these "Fires" was taught in the Mysteries of every ancient people, > pre-eminently in Samothrace. There is not the smallest doubt that the > Kabiri, the most arcane of all the ancient deities, gods and men, great > deities and Titans, are identical with the Kumaras and Rudras headed by > Kartikeya [Mars, personifying the powers of the LOGOS] -- a Kumara also. > This is quite evident even exoterically; and these Hindu deities were, > like the Kabiri, the personified sacred Fires of the most occult powers > of Nature. The several branches of the Aryan Race, the Asiatic and the > European, the Hindu and the Greek, did their best to conceal their true > nature, if not their importance. As in the case of the Kumaras, the > number of the Kabiri is uncertain. Some say that they were three or four > only; others say seven. Thus, while in Samothrace and the oldest > Egyptian temples they were the great Cosmic Gods (the seven and the > forty-nine Sacred Fires), in the Grecian fanes their rites became mostly > phallic, therefore to the profane, obscene. In the latter case they were > three and four, or seven -- the male and female principles -- (the crux > ansata), this division showing why some classical writers held that they > were only 3, while others named 4. And these were, the Kabiri Axieros > (in his female aspect, Demeter); Axio-Kersa (Persephone) ; Axiokersos > (Pluto or Hades); and Kadmos or Kadmilos (Hermes -- not the ithyphallic > Hermes mentioned by Herodotus ... but "he of the sacred legend," > explained only during the Samothracian mysteries). They may very well > stand for the alter-egos of the four Kumaras, Sanat-Kumara, Sananda, > Sanaka, and Sanatana. The former deities, whose reputed father was > Vulcan, were often confounded with the Dioscuri, Corybantes, Anaces, > etc., just as the Kumara, whose reputed father is Brahmâ (or rather, > the "Flame of his Wrath") ... were confounded with the Asuras, the > Rudras, and the Pitris, for the simple reason that they are all one -> i.e., correlative Forces and Fires. > The Kabirim, the "mighty ones," are identical with our primeval > Dhyan-Chohans, with the incorporeal and corporeal Pitris, and with all > the rulers and instructors of the primeval races, which are referred to > as the Gods and Kings of the divine Dynasties. It matters little whether > it is Isis, or Ceres -- the "Kabiria" -- or again the Kabiri. Every > nation has either the seven and ten Rishi-Manus and Prajapatis; the > seven and ten Ki-y; or ten and seven Amshaspends (six exoterically, if > Ormazd, their chief and Logos, is excluded); ten and seven Chaldean > Anedots, ten and seven Sephiroth, etc., etc. One and all have been > derived from the primitive Dhyan-Chohans of the Esoteric doctrine, or > the "Builders" of the Stanzas. From Manu, Thot-Hermes, Oannes Dagon, and > Edris-Enoch, down to Plato and Panadores, all tell us of seven divine > Dynasties, of seven Lemurian and seven Atlantean divisions of the earth; > of the seven primitive and dual gods who descend from their celestial > abode and reign on Earth, teaching mankind Astronomy, Architecture, and > all the other sciences that have come down to us. > These Beings appear first as "gods" and Creators; then they merge in > nascent man, to finally emerge as "divine-Kings and Rulers." But this > fact has been gradually forgotten. As Bosuage shows, the Egyptians > themselves confessed that science flourished in their country only since > Isis-Osiris, whom they continue to adore as gods, "though they had > become Princes in human form." And he adds of Osiris-Isis (the divine > androgyne): "It is said that this Prince (Isis-Osiris) built cities in > Egypt, stopped the overflowing of the Nile; invented agriculture, the > use of the vine, music, astronomy, and geometry." > It is the Kabiri who are credited with having revealed, by producing > corn or wheat, the great boon of agriculture. What Isis-Osiris, the once > living Kabiria, has done in Egypt, that Ceres is said to have done in > Sicily; they all belong to one class. To them, the Kabiri or Titans, is > ascribed the invention of letters (the Devanagari, or the alphabet and > language of the gods), of laws and legislature, of architecture, as of > the various modes of magic, so-called; and of the medical use of plants. > Hermes, Orpheus, Cadmus, Asclepius, all those demi-gods and heroes, to > whom is ascribed the revelation of sciences to men, and in whom Bryant, > Faber, Bishop Cumberland, and so many other Christian writers, too > zealous for the plain truth, would force posterity to see only pagan > copies of one and sole prototype, named Noah -- are all generic names. > As to the Jewish Noah, no Occultist would ever think of dispossessing > him of his prerogatives, if he is claimed to be an Atlantean; for this > would simply show that the Israelites repeated the story of > Vaivasvata-Manu, Xisuthrus, and so many others, and that they only > changed the name, to do which they had the same right as any other > nation or tribe. What we object to is the literal acceptation of > Biblical chronology, as it is absurd, and in accord with neither > geological data nor reason. Moreover, if Noah was an Atlantean, then he > was a Titan, a giant, as Faber shows; and if a giant, then why is he not > shown as such in Genesis? The Titans and Kabirs have been invariably > made out by the theologians and some pious symbologists as indissolubly > connected with the grotesque personage called devil, and every proof to > the contrary has been hitherto as invariably rejected and ignored; > therefore, the Occultist must neglect nothing which may tend to defeat > this conspiracy of slander. > Neither the Chaldean nor the Biblical deluge (the stories of the > Babylonian Xisuthrus and Noah) is based on the universal or even on the > Atlantean deluges, recorded in the Indian allegory of Vaivasvata-Manu. > They are all the exoteric allegories based on the esoteric mysteries of > Samothrace. If the older Chaldees knew the esoteric truth of Samothrace > in the Puranic legends, the other nations were aware only of the > Samothracian mystery, and allegorized it. They adapted it to their > astronomical and anthropological, or rather phallic, notions. Samothrace > is known historically to have been famous in antiquity for a deluge, > which submerged the country and reached the top of the highest > mountains; an event which happened before the age of the Argonauts. It > was overflowed very suddenly by the waters of the Euxine, regarded up to > that time as a lake. If, while coupling with this the fact that > Samothrace was colonized by the Phoenicians, and before them by the > mysterious Pelasgians who came from the East, one remembers also the > identity of the mystery gods of the Phoenicians, Chaldeans, and > Israelites, it will be easy to discover whence came also the confused > account of the Noachian deluge. > Thus it is very important to prevent fanatics from monopolising all the > facts in history and legend, and from fathering their distortions of > truth, history, and legend upon one man. Noah, is either a myth along > with the others or one whose legend was built upon the Kabirian or > Titanic tradition, as taught in Samothrace. He has, therefore, no claim > to be monopolised by either Jew or Christian. If, as Faber tried to > demonstrate at such cost of learning and research, Noah is an Atlantean, > and a Titan, and his family are Kabiri or pious Titans, etc., then > biblical chronology falls by its own weight, and along with it all the > patriarchs -- the antediluvian and pre-Atlantean Titans. As now > discovered and proven, Cain is Mars, the god of power and generation. > Tubal-Cain is a Kabir, "an instructor of every artificer in brass and > iron"; or, if this will please better, he is one with Hephaestos or > Vulcan -- Vul-cain, the greatest god also with the later Egyptians, and > the greatest Kabir. The god of time was Chium in Egypt, or Saturn, or > Seth, and Chium is the same as Cain. Jabal is taken from the Kabiri -> instructors in agriculture, "such as have cattle," and Jubal is "the > father of those who handle the harp," he, or they who fabricated the > harp for Kronos and the trident for Poseidon. > The history or "fables" about the mysterious Telchines, fables echoing > each and all the archaic events of our esoteric teachings, furnish us > with a key to the origin of Cain's genealogy; they give the reason why > the Roman Catholic Church identifies "the accursed blood" of Cain and > Ham with Sorcery, and makes it responsible for the Deluge. Were not the > Telchines, it is argued, the mysterious iron-workers of Rhodes; they who > were the first to raise statues to the gods, furnish them with weapons, > and men with magic arts? And is it not they who were destroyed by a > deluge at the command of Zeus, as the Cainites were by that of Jehovah? > The Telchines are simply the Kabiri and the Titans, in another form. > They are the Atlanteans also. "Like Lemnos and Samothrace," says > Decharme, "Rhodes, the birthplace of the Telchines, is an island of > volcanic formation." The island of Rhodes emerged suddenly out of the > seas, after having been previously engulfed by the Ocean, say the > traditions. Like Samothrace it is connected in the memory of men with > the Flood legends. > The Kabiri are in truth "the great, beneficent and powerful Gods," as > Cassius Hermone calls them. At Thebes, the Kabirim Kore and Demeter had > a sanctuary, and at Memphis, the Kabiri had a temple so sacred that > none, excepting the priests, were suffered to enter their holy > precincts. During the Samothracian Mysteries, "after the distribution of > pure Fire a new life began." This was the "new birth" that is alluded to > by Jesus in his nocturnal conversation with Nicodemus. "Initiated into > the most blessed of all the Mysteries, being ourselves pure ... we > become just and holy with wisdom." "He breathed on them and saith unto > them, 'Take of Holy Pneuma'." And this simple act of will-power was > sufficient to impart vaticination in its nobler and more perfect form if > both the initiator and the initiated were worthy of it. To deride this > gift, even in its present aspect, "as the corrupt offspring and > lingering remains of an ignorant age of superstition, would be as > unphilosophical as it is wrong," as remarked by a 19th century minister. > "To remove the veil which hides our vision from the future, has been > attempted in all ages of the world." > The fact that, astronomically, the Titans-Kabirim were also the > generators and regulators of the seasons, and cosmically the great > Volcanic Energies, the gods presiding over all the metals and > terrestrial works, does not prevent them from being, in their original > divine characters, the beneficent Entities who, symbolized in > Prometheus, brought light to the world, and endowed humanity with > intellect and reason. They are pre-eminently in every theogony, > especially in the Hindu, the sacred Divine FIRES, 3, 7, or 49, according > as the allegory demands it. They were universally worshipped, and their > origin is lost in the night of time. Yet whether propitiated in Phrygia, > Phoenicia, the Troad, Thrace, Egypt, Lemnos or Sicily, their cult was > always connected with fire; their temples ever built in the most > volcanic localities, and in exoteric worship they belonged to Chthonian > Divinities. Therefore Christianity has made of them infernal gods. Nor > must it be lost sight of that the Kabiri were of both sexes, as also > terrestrial, celestial and kosmic. While in their later capacity of the > Rulers of sidereal and terrestrial powers, a purely geological > phenomenon was symbolized in the persons of those rulers, they were > also, in the beginning of times, the rulers of mankind. When incarnated > as Kings of the "divine Dynasties," they gave the first impulse to > civilizations, and directed the mind with which they had endued men to > the invention and perfection of all the arts and sciences. Thus the > Kabiri are said to have appeared as the benefactors of men, and as such > they lived for ages in the memory of nations. > They had other names in the "sacred language," known but to the > hierophants and priests; and "it was not lawful to mention them." We > find them pronounced, albeit slightly disfigured, as known in that same > sacred language -- by the populations of Siam, Thibet, and India. And on > the walls of the Cambodian Nagkon-Wat are to be found at this day > several repetitions of the Kabirian gods of Samothrace. This may have > escaped the notice of archaeologists, but upon stricter inspection they > will be found there, as well as the reputed father of the Kabiri -> Vulcan, with his bolts and implements, having near him a king with a > sceptre in his hand, which is the counterpart of that of Cheronaea, or > the "scepter of Agamemnon," so-called, said to have been presented to > him by the lame god of Lemnos. In another place we find Vulcan, > recognizable by his hammer and pincers, but under the shape of a monkey, > as usually represented by the Egyptians. It is easy to see that the > excavators of Ellora, the builders of the old Pagodas, the architects of > Copan and of the ruins of Central America, those of Nagkon-Wat, and > those of the Egyptian remains were, if not of the same race, at least of > the same religion -- the one taught in the oldest Mysteries. And if, as > sometimes thought, Nagkon-Wat is essentially a Buddhist temple, how > comes it to have on its walls basso relievos of completely an Assyrian > character and Kabirian gods which, though universally worshipped as the > most ancient of the Asiatic mystery-gods, had already been abandoned 200 > years B.C., and the Samothracian mysteries themselves completely > altered? > > FROM: > http://www.wisdomwo al/ListOfCollate dArticles/ TheTimeless\ > Kabiri.html > <http://www.wisdomwo al/ListOfCollate dArticles/ TheTimeles\ > sKabiri.html> > > NOTE.--Collated from the writings of H. P. Blavatsky. > > Pindar > held pantheons to be immoral II 764 ----- Hymn to Jupiter > Kabir Adamas first man II 3 ----- Hymn to Minerva > Minerva on Jupiter's right hand I 401 ----- Nemean Odes > Castor & Pollux II 122, 123 > Gods & men of common origin II 270 ----- Olympian Odes > Pherecydes [Pherenicus? ] on Hyperboreans II 775 ----- Pythian Odes > Aetna a celestial pillar II 763 > "Happy," says Pindar, who passed through the august mysteries of > Eleusis, "is he who has beheld them, and descends beneath the hollow > earth. He knows the end, he knows the divine origin of life." As, in > Pantanjali's system of Yoga, the pupil goes gradually onward and upward, > from the state of animal man, through the stages of self-mastery and > psychic development, until he flowers into the true Yogi and unites his > consciousness with the infinite, so in all the mystical schools of > Greece, Rome, Egypt, and other trans-Himalayan countries, he had to pass > through a like education. > > [[Vol. 2, Page]] 118 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. > > "The early Second (Root) Race were the Fathers of the 'Sweat-born' ; the > later Second (Root) Race were 'Sweat-born' themselves." > This passage from the Commentary refers to the work of evolution from > the beginning of a Race to its close. The "Sons of Yoga," or the > primitive astral race, had seven stages of evolution racially, or > collectively; as every individual Being in it had, and has now. It is > not Shakespeare only who divided the ages of man into a series of seven, > but Nature herself. Thus the first sub-races of the Second Race were > born at first by the process described on the law of analogy; while the > last began gradually, pari passu with the evolution of the human body, > to be formed otherwise. The process of reproduction had seven stages > also in each Race, each covering aeons of time. What physiologist or > biologist could tell whether the present mode of generation, with all > its phases of gestation, is older than half a million, or at most one > million of years, since their cycle of observation began hardly half a > century ago. > Primeval human hermaphrodites are a fact in Nature well known to the > ancients, and form one of Darwin's greatest perplexities. Yet there is > certainly no impossibility, but, on the contrary, a great probability > that hermaphroditism existed in the evolution of the early races; while > on the grounds of analogy, and on that of the existence of one universal > law in physical evolution, acting indifferently in the construction of > plant, animal, and man, it must be so. The mistaken theories of > mono-genesis, and the descent of man from the mammals instead of the > reverse, are fatal to the completeness of evolution as taught in modern > schools on Darwinian lines, and they will have to be abandoned in view > of the insuperable difficulties which they encounter. Occult tradition > -- if the terms Science and Knowledge are denied in this particular to > antiquity -- can alone reconcile the inconsistencies and fill the gap. > "If thou wilt know the invisible, open thine eye wide on the visible," > says a Talmudic axiom. > In the "Descent of Man"* occurs the following passage; which shows how > near Darwin came to the acceptance of this ancient teaching. > "It has been known that in the vertebrate kingdom one sex bears > rudiments of various accessory parts appertaining to the reproductive > system, which properly belong to the opposite sex. . . . Some remote > progenitor of the whole vertebrate kingdom appears to have been > hermaphrodite or androgynous* * . . . But here we encounter a singular > difficulty. In the mammalian class the males possess rudiments of a > uterus with the adjacent passages in the Vesiculae prostaticae; they > bear also rudiments of mammae, and some male marsupials have traces of a > marsupial sac. Other analogous facts could be added. Are we then to > suppose that some extremely ancient mammal continued androgynous after > it had acquired the chief distinctions of its class, and therefore after > it had diverged from the lower classes of the vertebrate kingdom? This > seems very improbable,* ** for we have to look to fishes, the lowest of > all the classes, to find any still existent androgynous forms." > Mr. Darwin is evidently strongly disinclined to adopt the hypothesis > which the facts so forcibly suggest, viz., that of a primeval > androgynous > ** And why not all the progenitive first Races, human as well as animal; > and why one "remote progenitor"? > *** Obviously so, on the lines of Evolutionism, which traces the > mammalia to some amphibian ancestor. > stem from which the mammalia sprang. His explanation runs: -- "The fact > that various accessory organs proper to each sex, are found in a > rudimentary condition in the opposite sex may be explained by such > organs having been gradually acquired by the one sex and then > transmitted in a more or less imperfect condition to the other." He > instances the case of "spurs, plumes, and brilliant colours, acquired > for battle or for ornament by male birds" and only partially inherited > by their female descendants. In the problem to be dealt with, however, > the need of a more satisfactory explanation is evident, the facts being > of so much more prominent and important a character than the mere > superficial details with which they are compared by Darwin. Why not > candidly admit the argument in favour of the hermaphroditism which > characterises the old fauna? Occultism proposes a solution which > embraces the facts in a most comprehensive and simple manner. These > relics of a prior androgyne stock must be placed in the same category as > the pineal gland, and other organs as mysterious, which afford us silent > testimony as to the reality of functions which have long since become > atrophied in the course of animal and human progress, but which once > played a signal part in the general economy of primeval life. > The occult doctrine, anyhow, can be advantageously compared with that of > the most liberal men of science, who have theorised upon the origin of > the first man. > Long before Darwin, Naudin, who gave the name of Blastema to that which > the Darwinists call protoplasm, put forward a theory half occult and > half scientifico- materialistic. He made Adam, the a-sexual, spring > suddenly from the clay, as it is called in the Bible, the Blastema of > Science. "It is from this larval form of mankind that the evolutive > force effected the completion of species. For the accomplishment of this > great phenomenon, Adam had to pass through a phase of immobility and > unconsciousness, very analogous to the nymphal state of animals > undergoing metamorphosis, " explains Naudin. For the eminent botanist, > Adam was not one man, however, but mankind, "which remained concealed > within a temporary organism . . . . distinct from all others and never > contracting alliance with any of these." He shows the differentiation of > sexes accomplished by "a process of germination similar to that of > Medusae and Ascidians." Mankind, thus constituted physiologically, > "would retain a sufficient evolutive force for the rapid production of > the various great human races." > De Quatrefages criticises this position in the "Human Species." It is > unscientific, he says, or, properly speaking, Naudin's ideas "do not > form a scientific theory," inasmuch as primordial Blastema is connected > in his theory with the First Cause, which is credited with having made > potentially in the Blastema all past, present, and future beings, and > thus of having in reality created these beings en masse; moreover, > Naudin does not even consider the secondary Causes, or their action in > this evolution of the organic world. Science, which is only occupied > with Secondary Causes, has thus "nothing to say to the theory of Naudin" > (p. 125). > Nor will it have any more to say to the occult teachings, which are to > some extent approached by Naudin. For if we but see in his "primordial > Blastema" the Dhyan-Chohanic essence, the Chhaya or double of the > Pitris, which contains within itself the potentiality of all forms, we > are quite in accord. But there are two real and vital differences > between our teachings. M. Naudin declares that evolution has progressed > by sudden leaps and bounds, instead of extending slowly over millions of > years; and his primordial Blastema is endowed only with blind instincts > -- a kind of unconscious First Cause in the manifested Kosmos -- which > is an absurdity. Whereas it is our Dhyan Chohanic essence -- the > causality of the primal cause which creates physical man -- which is the > living, active and potential matter, pregnant per se with that animal > consciousness of a superior kind, such as is found in the ant and the > beaver, which produces the long series of physiological > differentiations. Apart from this his "ancient and general process of > creation" from proto-organisms is as occult as any theory of Paracelsus > or Khunrath could be. > Moreover, the Kabalistic works are full of the proof of this. The Zohar, > for instance, says that every type in the visible has its prototype in > the invisible Universe. "All that which is in the lower (our) world is > found in the upper. The Lower and the Upper act and react upon each > other." (Zohar, fol. 186.) Vide infra, Part II., "Esoteric Tenets > corroborated in every Scripture." > 20. THEIR FATHERS WERE THE SELF-BORN. THE SELF-BORN, THE CHHAYA FROM THE > BRILLIANT BODIES OF THE LORDS, THE FATHERS, THE SONS OF TWILIGHT (a). > (a) The "shadows," or Chhayas, are called the sons of the "self-born," > as the latter name is applied to all the gods and Beings born through > the WILL, whether of Deity or Adept. The Homunculi of Paracelsus would, > perhaps, be also given this name, though the latter process is on a far > more material plane. The name "Sons of Twilight" shows that the > "Self-born" progenitors of our doctrine are identical with the Pitris of > the Brahmanical system, as the title is a reference to their mode of > birth, these Pitris being stated to have issued from Brahma's "body of > twilight." (See the Puranas.) > 21. WHEN THE RACE BECAME OLD, THE OLD WATERS MIXED WITH THE FRESHER > WATERS (a); WHEN THE DROPS BECAME TURBID, THEY VANISHED AND DISAPPEARED, > IN THE NEW STREAM, IN THE HOT STREAM OF LIFE. THE OUTER OF THE FIRST > BECAME THE INNER OF THE SECOND. (b). THE OLD WING BECAME THE SHADOW, AND > THE SHADOW OF THE WING (c). > (a) The old (primitive) Race merged in the second race, and became one > with it. > (b) This is the mysterious process of transformation and evolution of > mankind. The material of the first forms -- shadowy, ethereal, and > negative -- was drawn or absorbed into, and thus became the complement > of the forms of the Second Race. The Commentary explains this by saying > that, as the First Race was simply composed of the astral shadows of the > creative progenitors, having of course neither astral nor physical > bodies of their own -- this Race never died. Its "men" melted gradually > away, becoming absorbed in the bodies of their own "sweat-born" progeny, > more solid than their own. The old form vanished and was absorbed by, > disappeared in, the new form, more human and physical. There was no > death in those days of a period more blissful than the Golden Age; but > the first, or parent material was used for the formation of the new > being, to form the body and even the inner or lower principles or bodies > of the progeny. > (c) When the shadow retires, i.e. when the astral body becomes covered > with more solid flesh, man develops a physical body. The "wing," or the > ethereal form that produced its shadow and image, became the shadow of > the astral body and its own progeny. The expression is queer but > original. > As there may be no occasion to refer to this mystery later, it is as > well to point out at once the dual meaning contained in the Greek myth > bearing upon this particular phase of evolution. It is found in the > several variants of the allegory of Leda and her two sons Castor and > Pollux, which variants have each a special meaning. Thus in Book XI. of > the Odyssey, Leda is spoken of as the spouse of Tyndarus, who gave birth > by her husband "to two sons of valiant heart" -- Castor and Pollux. > Jupiter endows them with a marvellous gift and privilege. They are > semi-immortal; they live and die, each in turn, and every alternate day; > [[eteremeroi* ]]. As the Tyndaridae, the twin brothers are an > astronomical symbol, and stand for Day and Night; their two wives, > Phoebe and Hilasira, the daughters of Apollo or the Sun, personifying > the Dawn and the Twilight.** Again, in the allegory where Zeus is shown > as the father of the two heroes -- born from the egg to which Leda gives > birth -- the myth is entirely theogonical. It relates to that group of > cosmic allegories in which the world is described as born from an egg. > For Leda assumes in it the shape of a white swan when uniting herself to > the Divine Swan.*** Leda is the mythical bird, then, to which, in the > traditions of various peoples of the Aryan race, are attributed various > ornithological forms of birds which all lay golden eggs.**** In the > Kalevala (the Epic Poem of Finland), the beauteous daughter of the > Ether, "the Water Mother," creates the world in conjunction with a > "Duck" (another form of the Swan or Goose, Kalahansa), who lays six > golden eggs, and the seventh, "an egg of iron," in her lap. But the > variant of the Leda allegory which has a direct reference to mystic man > is found in Pindar***** only, with a slighter reference to it in the > Homeric hymns.****** Castor and Pollux are in it no longer the Dioscuri > (of Apollodorus III. 10, 7); but become the highly significant symbol of > the dual man, the Mortal and the Immortal. Not only this, but as will > now be seen, they are also the symbol of the Third Race, and its > transformation from the animal man into a god-man with only an animal > body. > Pindar shows Leda uniting herself in the same night to her husband and > also to the father of the gods -- Zeus. Thus Castor is the son of the > Mortal, Pollux the progeny of the Immortal. In the allegory made up for > the occasion, it is said that in a riot of vengeance against the > Apherides*** **** Pollux kills Lynceus -- "of all mortals he whose sight > is the most penetrating" -- but Castor is wounded by Idas, "he who sees > and knows." Zeus puts an end to the fight by hurling his thunderbolt and > killing the last two combatants. Pollux finds his brother dying.****** ** > In his despair he calls upon Zeus to slay him also. "Thou canst not die > altogether," answers the master of the Gods; "thou art of a divine > race." But he gives him the choice: Pollux will either remain immortal, > living eternally in Olympus; or, if he would share his brother's fate in > all things, he must pass half his existence underground, and the other > half in the golden heavenly abodes. This semi-immortality, which is also > to be shared by Castor, is accepted by Pollux.* And thus the twin > brothers live alternately, one during the day, and the other during the > night.** > Is this a poetical fiction only? An allegory, one of those "solar myth" > interpretations, higher than which no modern Orientalist seems able to > soar? Indeed, it is much more. Here we have an allusion to the > "Egg-born," Third Race; the first half of which is mortal, i.e., > unconscious in its personality, and having nothing within itself to > survive***; and the latter half of which becomes immortal in its > individuality, by reason of its fifth principle being called to life by > the informing gods, and thus connecting the Monad with this Earth. This > is Pollux; while Castor represents the personal, mortal man, an animal > of not even a superior kind, when unlinked from the divine > individuality. "Twins" truly; yet divorced by death forever, unless > Pollux, moved by the voice of twinship, bestows on his less favoured > mortal brother a share of his own divine nature, thus associating him > with his own immortality. > > > Princess Diana's Death > > > > Her grave, on the "Round Oval", on the island in the lake. > > A path with 36 oak-trees, marking each year of her life, is leading to > the "Round Oval". Originally the family-animals were buried on this > island, including Diana´s favorite cat Marmalade. The oak and > limetrees on the island are planted by the family, also by Diana > herself. White Rambling roses are planted all over. At the end of the > island stands an urn from Portland stone. Four black swans are swimming > in the lake, symbolizing sentinels guarding Diana's grave. In a dream > Charles Spencer saw this vision. In the water there are several water > lilies. White roses and lilies were Diana's favorite flowers. > > > > See Other Photos <http://www.meijsen. net/diana/ htmls/althorp. htm> > > See: Princess Diana's Walk > <http://www.suite101 .com/article. cfm/food_ travel_UK/ 94763> > > Such is the occult meaning of the metaphysical aspect of the allegory. > The widely spread modern interpretation of it -- so celebrated in > antiquity, Plutarch tells us,**** as symbolical of brotherly devotion -> namely, that it was an image borrowed from the spectacle of Nature -- is > weak and inadequate to explain the secret meaning. Besides the fact that > the Moon, with the Greeks, was feminine in exoteric mythology, and could > therefore hardly be regarded as Castor -- and at the same time be > identified with Diana -- ancient symbologists who held the Sun, the King > of all sidereal orbs, as the visible image of the highest deity, would > not have personified it by Pollux, a demi-god only. > > **** Castor's tomb was shown in Sparta, in days of old, says Pausanias > (III., 13, 1); and Plutarch says that he was called at Argos the > demi-mortal or demi-hero [[mizarchagetas] ]. (See Plutarch, Quaestiones > Graecae, 23.) > **** The Monad is impersonal and a god per se, albeit unconscious on > this plane. For, divorced from its third (often called fifth) principle, > Manas, which is the horizontal line of the first manifested triangle or > trinity, it can have no consciousness or perception of things on this > earthly plane. "The highest sees through the eye of the lowest" in the > manifested world; Purusha (Spirit) remains blind without the help of > Prakrit (matter) in the material spheres; and so does Atma-Buddhi > without Manas. > If from Greek mythology we pass to the Mosaic allegories and symbolism, > we shall find a still more striking corroboration of the same tenet > under another form. Unable to trace in Genesis the "Egg-born," we shall > still find there unmistakably the androgynes, and the first three races > of the Secret Doctrine hidden under most ingenious symbology in the > first four chapters of Genesis. > THE DIVINE HERMAPHRODITE. > An impenetrable veil of secrecy was thrown over the occult and religious > mysteries taught, after the submersion of the last remnant of the > Atlantean race, some 12,000 years ago, lest they should be shared by the > unworthy, and so desecrated. Of these sciences several have now become > exoteric -- such as Astronomy, for instance, in its purely mathematical > and physical aspect. Hence their dogmas and tenets, being all symbolised > and left to the sole guardianship of parable and allegory, have been > forgotten, and their meaning has become perverted. Nevertheless, one > finds the hermaphrodite in the scriptures and traditions of almost every > nation; and why such unanimous agreement if the statement is only a > fiction? > It is this secrecy which led the Fifth Race to the establishment, or > rather the re-establishment of the religious mysteries, in which ancient > truths might be taught to the coming generations under the veil of > allegory and symbolism. Behold the imperishable witness to the evolution > of the human races from the divine, and especially from the androgynous > Race -- the Egyptian Sphinx, that riddle of the Ages! Divine wisdom > incarnating on earth, and forced to taste of the bitter fruit of > personal experience of pain and suffering, generated under the shade of > the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil -- a secret first known only > to the Elohim, the SELF-INITIATED, "higher gods" -- on earth only.* > In the Book of Enoch we have Adam,** the first divine androgyne, Moon, > conceived as twins . . . The Sun, the immortal and powerful being that > disappears every evening from the horizon and descends under the Earth, > as though he would make room for the fraternal orb which comes to life > with night, is Pollux, who sacrifices himself for Castor; Castor, who, > inferior to his brother, owes to him his immortality: for the Moon, says > Theophrastus, is only another, but feebler Sun." (De Ventis 17. See > Decharme, p. 655.) > Adam (Kadmon) is, like Brahma and Mars, the symbol of the generative > and creative power typifying Water and Earth -- an alchemical secret. > "It takes Earth and Water to create a human soul," said Moses. Mars is > the Hindu Mangala, the planet Mars, identical with Kartikeya, the > "War-God," born of Gharma-ja (Siva's sweat) and of the Earth. He is > Lokita, the red, like Brahma also and Adam. The Hindu Mars is, like > Adam, born from no woman and mother. With the Egyptians, Mars was the > primeval generative Principle, and so are Brahma, in exoteric teaching, > and Adam, in the Kabala. > > See also: THE ORPHIC THEOGENY > <http://myweb. cableone. net/subru/ Orphic.html> > > > > DIONYSUS > > by T. Apiryon > Copyright © 1995, 1999 Ordo Templi Orientis. All rights reserved. > > Also known as Bacchus, Iacchus, Bassareus, Trietenicus and Liber. > Thracian god of ecstasy, terror, guilt and atonement, death and > resurrection, vegetation, trees, wine, madness, and drama. Crowley > thought Dionysus was "probably an ecstatic from the East," and one of > the principle models for the syncretic legend of Christ. Herodotus > places the birth of Dionysus (i.e., his appearance in Greece) at c. 1600 > b.c.e. See Krishna, Chapter 71 of Liber Aleph, Part III of The Heart of > the Master, Chapter 7 of The Book of Lies, and The Book of Thoth, II:0. > Both Dionysus and his father Zeus are closely associated with the > earlier Phrygian deity named Sabazios. > > In the Orphic theogony (which differs substantially from the more > well-known cosmogony of Homer and Hesiod), Dionysus appears successively > in three forms: Phanês-Dionysus, the bisexual god of Light, burst > from the silver egg of the cosmos (the so-called Orphic Egg is sometimes > depicted as an egg girt with a serpent) at the beginning of time. > Phanês was also known by the names of Protogonos, Ericapaeus, Eros > and Mêtis ( a name previously applied to the Titaness who presided > over the planet Mercury). Alone, Phanês created a daughter, Nyx > (Night), with whom he begot Gê or Gaia (Earth) and Ouranos or Uranus > (Heaven). These begot the Fates, the Centimani, the Cyclôpes (who > built the world), and the Titans, with their leader Cronus (Saturn). In > the revolt of the Titans against Uranus, Cronus became ruler of the > World, and begat the gods. The leader of the gods, Zeus, wrested > rulership of the world from Cronus by eucharistically swallowing his > great-grandfather Phanes (Metis), assimilating his power. Zeus then took > the form of a serpent and begot the second Dionysus, Dionysus-Zagreus, > the Horned Child, upon his daughter Persephonê. > > Zeus bequeathed rulership of the world and the underworld upon his son > while he was still a child, even setting him upon the great throne and > letting him hold the lightening-bolt scepter. This aroused the envy of > the Titans and of his wife, Hêra. Hêra bribed the guards whom Zeus > had entrusted to protect the child (the Kourêtes), and distracted the > child with toys and a looking glass. While Zagreus was beholding his own > face in the looking glass, the Titans, ceremonially smeared with white > gypsum, entered and attacked him, tearing him to pieces and devouring > him. Enraged, Zeus destroyed the Titans with his thunderbolt, and from > their ashes, commingled with those of Dionysus-Zagreus, arose the human > race. Humans are therefore of a dual nature: the Dionysian divine nature > imprisoned in the Titanic material nature. > > Athena, goddess of Wisdom, had witnessed the murder of DionysusZagreus > and had even managed to save his heart from the rage of the Titans. She > brought it, still beating, to her father Zeus. Zeus consumed the heart, > as he had previously consumed the Serpent-entwined Egg of Light of his > great-grandfather Phanês. He then came to Semelê, daughter of > Cadmus (Semelê was the Thracian word for "Earth") and begot upon her > the third Dionysus, known as Dionysus-Lyseus or Bakkhos, or simply as > Dionysus. [Another version of the legend has Athena preserving the heart > of Zagreus within a small figure she fashioned from the gypsum of the > Titans, into which she breathed life.] Dionysus was born on the winter > solstice in a cavern in Mount Nusa (one theory of the origin of the name > Dionysus derives the name from words meaning "God of Nusa"). Having been > born twice, once as Zagreus and once as Lyseus, Dionysus is known as > Dithyrambos, the "twice-born. " > > Hêra, always jealous of her mate's numerous lovers and their > children, disguised herself as Semelê's maidservant and convinced > Semelê that she deserved to behold Zeus in his true splendor. The > next time she saw him, Semelê tricked Zeus into swearing to grant her > a wish; which was, of course, that he reveal his true form to her. He > reluctantly complied, and she was instantly burned to ashes by the > intolerable glory of his manifestation. > > Zeus placed Dionysus in the care of the Nysaean Nymphs, who nurtured him > through his childhood, and for which they were rewarded by Zeus by being > placed among the stars as the Hyades. [Another version of the legend > states that Zeus hid the child within his own thigh until the child had > attained puberty; an alternative theory of the origin of the name > Dionysus derives the name from Dios-nusos, "the nurseling of Zeus".] > > When fully grown, Dionysus discovered the methods of culturing the vine > and extracting and fermenting its juice; but Hêra, ever jealous, > struck him with madness and caused him to aimlessly wander the earth. > Walking one day on the shore on an island in the Greek Archipelago, he > was abducted by Tyrrhenian pirates, who mistook him for the son of a > rich king and expected a heavy ransom. They carried him aboard their > ship and attempted to bind him with ropes; but the knots untied > themselves and the ropes fell to the deck. The sea around the ship > turned to wine, and a vine began to grow up the mast. The god assumed > the form of a lion or panther, and the pirates, in terror, leapt > overboard and were transformed into dolphins. > > In Phrygia, he was cured of his madness by the Great Mother Goddess, his > grandmother Rhea (also known as Cybelê, Bona Dea and Magna Mater), > who initiated him into her mysteries. He then set out to teach > viticulture and to establish his cult among the peoples of the world. > > He marched through Syria, Lebanon, Caucasian Iberia (modern Georgia), > India, Egypt and Libya accompanied by a retinue of his votaries, dancing > ecstatically and shouting the mystic word "euoi" (Latinized as the > familiar "evoe"). His votaries included the female maenads or > bacchantes, tattooed, clad in fox-skins and playing frame-drums or > cymbals; the male satyrs, clad in panther-skins and bearing thyrsi (a > thyrsus was a rod tipped with a pine cone, with streamers of ivy); and > Silenus, his fat, aged, drunken companion and keeper, riding on an ass. > Despite his slovenly appearance and his perpetual drunkenness, Silenus > possessed immense knowledge and wisdom, and was greatly respected by the > votaries of Dionysus. > > The worship of Dionysus was savage and ecstatic, his votaries > participated in orgia in which live animals (usually a spotted fawn, a > goat, an ox or a bull) were torn apart and devoured raw. It was believed > that the god entered the worshippers and possessed them through this > Eucharist of living flesh, called the Omophagia. Animal skins and masks > were worn, and a bull-roarer (rhombus) was used to simulate the > thundering of Zeus. > > As Dionysus and his retinue traveled the world spreading his cult, those > who accepted him were rewarded with ecstasy. Those who opposed him were > stricken with madness, and brought down by the hideous results of their > own deranged atrocities. After establishing his cult across the known > world, he returned to Greece, bringing his orgiastic Phrygian rites with > him. He was not well received. Pentheus, king of Thebes, had him > arrested, tried, scourged and thrown into prison. For this, Dionysus > drove all the women of Thebes mad, including Agave, Pentheus's mother. > They became maenads, and went out into the hills to conduct their > Dionysian orgies. Pentheus imprudently followed them. Agave and her > companions detected the spy, and in wild rage they fell upon him and > tore him to pieces. Thus was Hellas converted to the religion of > Dionysus; and Dionysus moved on. > > On the island of Naxos, Dionysus discovered a girl weeping on the rocks. > It was Ariadnê, the daughter of the Cretan king Minos, who had just > been abandoned by Thêsêus. Dionysus fell in love with her; they > wedded, and had many children. > > Dionysus crowned his exploits by descending into the Underworld to > recover his mother, Semelê. He took her to Olympus where she was ever > after worshipped as Thyonê. > > Many scholars believe that the Greek dramatic tradition ultimately > originated in the ecstatic rites of Dionysus. The dramatic tradition is > known to have originated in the Hellenic Mystery Schools, and the first > of these schools was that of the Orphic Mysteries, which incorporated > civilized, allegorical versions of the Dionysian rites into their > system. > > The ram, the dolphin, the serpent, the tiger, the lion, the lynx, the > panther, the ox, the goat and the ass are sacred to Dionysus; and his > symbols were the phallus, the bull and the thyrsus. According to > Forlong, the Greek letters I.H.S. were carved over his shrine. > > References: > > Crowley, Aleister; The Book of Lies [1913], Samuel Weiser, NY 1978 > Crowley, Aleister; The Book of Thoth [1944], Samuel Weiser, NY 1969/74 > Crowley, Aleister; The Heart of the Master [Ordo Templi Orientis, 1938], > New Falcon Publications, Scottsdale, Arizona 1992 > Crowley, Aleister; The Gospel According to Saint Bernard Shaw [1916], > Stellar Visions, San Francisco 1986 > Crowley, Aleister; Liber Aleph vel CXI, The Book of Wisdom or Folly > [Thelema Publishing, 1962], Samuel Weiser, York Beach, Maine 1991 > Forlong, J.G.R.; Faiths of Man, a Cyclopaedia of Religions [Bernard > Quaritch, 1906], University Books, NY 1964 > Frazer, James G.; The Golden Bough; the Roots of Religion and Folklore > [1890], Avenel Books, NY 1981 > Gaster, Theodor H.; The New Golden Bough, a New Abridgement of the > Classic Work by Sir James George Frazer; Mentor Books, NY 1959 > Graves, Robert; The Greek Myths, Volume I, George Braziller, NY 1959 > Guirand, F.; "Greek Mythology" in The New Larousse Encyclopedia of > Mythology. Hamlyn, NY 1959/1968 > Harrison, Jane Ellen; Themis; a Study of the Social Origins of Greek > Religion [1912/1927], University Books, NY 1962 > Herodotus; The Histories [c. 430 b.c.e.], transl. by Aubrey de > S‚lincourt [1954]; revised, with an introduction and notes by A.R. > Burn; Penguin, London 1972 > Mead, G.R.S.; The Orphic Pantheon, The Alexandrian Press, Edmonds, > Washington 1984 > Ovid; Metamorphoses, translated by Rolfe Humphries, Indiana University > Press, Bloomington 1955/1973 > Puhvel, Jaan; Comparative Mythology, Johns Hopkins University Press, > Baltimore 1987 > Robinson, Herbert Spencer and Knox Wilson; The Encyclopedia of Myths and > Legends of All Nations, Kaye & Ward, London 1962 > Wili, Walter; "The Orphic Mysteries and the Greek Spirit" [1944] in The > Mysteries, Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, Bollingen Series XXX.2, > edited by Joseph Campbell, Princeton/Bollingen , Princeton NJ 1955/1978 > Zimmerman, J.E.; Dictionary of Classical Mythology, Harper & Row, NY > 1964 > > 8/23/99 > > Originally published in Red Flame No. 2 -- Mystery of Mystery: A Primer > of Thelemic Ecclesiastical Gnosticism by Tau Apiryon and Helena; > Berkeley, CA 1995 e.v. Pandemonium and Silence at Corinth > Article by Richard and Catherine Clark Kroeger > > Although we may idealize the early church, most of us would not have > enjoyed a visit to a worship service at Corinth. The impression which > one was most likely to receive was that of chaos and delirious insanity: > > So if the whole congregation is assembled and all are using the 'strange > tongues' of ecstasy, and some uninstructed persons or unbelievers should > enter, will they not think you are mad? (1Corinthians 14:23, NEB) > > Greeks considered madness an important aspect of worship. Women in > particular responded to Bacchus (also known as Dionysus), the god of > madness; 'him of the orgiastic cry, exciter of women, Dionysus, > glorified with mad honors'. (Plutarch, Moralia 671c Ancient Corinth > was a center of Dionysiac worship, and Pausinius, world traveler of the > second century of our era gives this description: > > In the market-place, for most of the temples are there, is the Ephesian > Artemis, and there are two wooden statues of Dionysus, gilt except the > faces, which are painted with red paint, one they call Lysian Dionysus > and the other Dionysus the Reveler. The tradition about these statues I > will record. Pentheus, they say, when he outraged dionysus, among other > acts of reckless daring actually at last went to mount Cithaeron to spy > on the women, and climbed up into a tree to see what they were doing; > and when they detected him, they forthwith dragged him down, and tore > him limb from limb. And afterwards, so they say at Corinth, the Pythian > priestess told them to discover that tree and pay it divine honors. And > that is why these statues are made of that very wood. (Description of > Greece, II.ii; tr. A.R. Shilleto) > > There was in Corinth, then, a significant monument memorializing the > savagery of female Bacchus worshippers. Nor was such a feminine > ferocity confined to Pentheus alone. Women under the inspiration of > Bacchus were said to have torn Orpheus limb from limb; and Alexander the > Great was supposed to have incorporated a group of these maenads (mad > women) into his army in his attempt to conquer India. There was also a > tradition that women during the course of the worship tore apart young > animals and ate them raw, warm and bleeding, thereby receiving within > themselves the life of the god. In a 1976 address to the Mystery > Religions Division of the Society of Biblical Literature, Ross Kraemer > argued that there is evidence that women participated in a second level > of initiation in Bacchic worship that was not available to men. Among > Dionysiac worshippers, writes Livy in his History of Rome, 'the majority > are women' (XXXIX.xv) > > While women were famed for their wildness in the Bacchic cult and in > certain other mystery cults, other aspects of their worship were more > traditional. Of special importance to the study of the situation Paul > addresses is the concept of clamor, noisy outbursts of religious > pandemonium. Strabo (first century) explains how popular writers > describe the phenomenon: > > They represent them, one and all, as a kind of inspired people and as > subject to Bacchic frenzy, and, in the guise of minister, as inspiring > terror at the celebration of the sacred rites by means of war-dances > accompanied by uproar and noise and cymbals and drums and also by flute > and outcry . . . (Georg., X, 3:7) > > The 'sounding gong and tinkling cymbal' used in such worship are > mentioned in a derogatory sense in 1 Corinthians 13:1; but the religious > outcry itself is dealt with more directly. It is essential that we > understand that much of the shouting involved in the rite was the > specific function of women. Euripides describes the advent of Dionysiac > religion to Thebes thus: 'This city, first in Hellas, now shrills and > echoes to my women's cries, their ecstasy of joy' (Bacchae, 11, 20-24) > The word used here for 'cry' is olulugia, defined by the Etymologicum > Magnum as 'the sound which women make to exult in worship' and by E.R. > Dodds as 'the women's ritual cry of triumph or thanksgiving' . Pausanias > tells of 'the mountain they say was called Eva from the Bacchic cry > 'Evoe' which Dionysus and his attendant women first uttered there' > (Descr. of Greece, IV, xxxi) Menander also demonstrates women's role in > worship: 'We were offering sacrifice five times a day, and seven serving > women were beating cymbals around us while the rest of the women pitched > high the chant (olulugia)' (Fragment 326). Women were expected, then, > to provide certain types of sound-effects; and some of these effects > seem to have been limited to feminine ministrants. > > Apart from savagery and shouting, ancient writers usually describe > worshipers of Dionysus as engaging in dancing, drinking, sexual > promiscuity, varying degrees of undress, and other forms of excessive > behavior. It was only in frenzy that one could hold communion with the > god, or - in ecstasy so great that the soul seemed to leave the body > to become one with him. > > There are significant indications that the old pagan religion still > exerted a powerful influence on the recent converts at Corinth. They > were uncomfortable over meat that had been offered to idols (8:1-13), > and they had to be reminded not to attend sacrificial meals in pagan > temples (10:20, 21) As in Bacchic feasts, there was drunkenness at the > Lord's Supper and ecstatic madness at the worship services. A > surprising description comes from the pen of the neo-Platonist > Iamblichus as he explains the mystery cults, the popular religions of > the day, for Dionysus was not the only god who inspired frenzy: > > It is necessary to investigate the causes of the divine frenzy > (madness). These are illuminations that come down from the gods, the > inspirations that are imparted from them, and the absolute authority > from them, which not only encompasses all things in us but banishes > entirely away the notions and activities which are peculiarly our own. > The frenzy causes words to be let fall that are not uttered with the > understanding of those who speak them; but it is declared, on the > contrary, that they are sounded with a frenzied mouth, the speakers > being all of them subservient and entirely controlled by the energy of a > dominant intelligence. All enthusiasm is of such a character, and is > brought to perfection from causes of such a kind. (The Egyptian > Mysteries, tr. Alexander Wilder. pp. 119f.) > > Too often we regard speaking in tongues as a purely Christian > phenomenon, but it was known in the ancient ecstatic religions; and > Aristophanes in Frogs mentions 'the tongue of Bacchos' (357). While a > heathen might babble without consciousness of what he was saying, there > is no indication that speaking a known language without prior > instruction was practiced outside of a Christian context. On the Day of > Pentecost, such languages were part of the kerygmatic proclamation of > the gospel. (Acts 2:4-11) > > In 1 Corinthians it is clear that the gift of ecstatic language is a > gift of the Holy Spirit (12:10). Yet it is also clear that the > situation described in 1Corinthians 14 lacked the control of the Spirit, > and that other, disruptive, elements were present. It is obvious that > there could be little sharing, because too many were trying to talk at > once; and much of what was being said required an interpreter to make it > meaningful. Paul insists that only two or three may talk in tongues at > any one meeting, and that they must have an interpreter. He who lacks > an interpreter must keep silence (vs. 28). It is more desirable to > build up the church through prophecy, and two or three may take turns > prophesying. The person who holds the floor must keep silence (vs. 30) > if someone else has a new revelation to share. The prophets must > control themselves and respond to the group (vs. 32). For God is not > the Lord of confused tumult (as was Bacchus) but rather of peace (vs. > 33). When the Corinthians had been 'carried away' (12:1f) in the cult > of 'dumb idols' they had felt themselves powerless to resist their force > and fury, but Paul's message here is one of self-control under the > influence of the Holy Spirit. If everyone feels impelled to speak at > once, it is not the work of God, 'who would have all things done > decently and in order (vs. 40) > > It is in this context of self-control that women are asked to subdue > themselves within the bounds of propriety (vs. 35). Although the > translations are rarely the same, the same Greek verb is used in both > verses 32 and 35. Hupotasso, meaning to arrange or place under, is in > the middle voice, indicating that the person does this to him or > herself. The concept of self-control is brought out in most > translations of verse 32. > > It is for prophets to control prophetic inspiration, for the God who > inspires them is not a God of disorder but of peace. > > New English Bible > > For the spirits of speakers (in tongues) are under their control (and > subject to being silenced as may be necessary). For He (Who is the > source of their prophesying) is not a God of confusion and disorder but > of peace and order. As (is the practice) in all the churches of the > saints (God's people). > > Amplified New Testament > > > The spirits of prophets are under their own control. > > Weymouth > > Prophets can always control their prophetic spirits since God is not a > God of disorder but of peace. > > Jerusalem Bible > > The spirit of a true preacher is under that preacher's control, for God > is not a God of disorder but of harmony, as is plain in all the > churches. > > J.B. Phillips > > The gift of speaking God's message should be under the speaker's > control. > > Good News for Modern Man > > The spirits of prophets are subject to the prophets. > > Revised Standard Version > > Remember that a person who has a message from God has the power to stop > himself or wait his turn. > > Living Bible > > When the subject is so clearly self-control, how can the same verb be > translated so differently in the very same passage when it applies to > women? Quite literally, verse 35 reads, 'Let them [women] control > themselves, as the law also says.' As women's behavior tended to be far > wilder than that of men, such legislation had been enacted in both Greek > and Roman society. According to Plutarch's Lives, Solon, in conjunction > with Epimenides (an expert in ecstatic religion), had established laws > aimed at curbing the cultic excesses of women. There was a special > effort to restrain women at nocturnal orgies with men - conditions which > must have seemed to an unbeliever not unlike those prevailing in the > Corinthian worship service. Cicero wrote in his Laws: > > Well, then, let us return to our laws, in which it is most diligently > ordained that the clear daylight should be the safeguard of female > virtue in the eyes of the multitude; and that they should only be > initiated in the mysteries of Ceres, according to the Roman custom. > > In reference to this topic, we have an extraordinary instance of the > severity of our ancestors in the public prosecution and punishment of > the Bacchanals by the senate, supported by the consular armies. And > this severity of the Roman government is not singular, since Diagonadas > of Thebes, in the middle of Greece, suppressed all nocturnal mysteries > by a perpetual prohibition. (II, xv; tr. C.D. Yange) > > Before the Roman senate passed stringent legislation limiting Bacchic > participation, matters were explained by the consul: > > In the first place, then, women form the great majority, and this was > the source of all the mischief. Then there are males, the very > counterparts of the women, committing and submitting to foulest > uncleanness, frantic and frenzied, driven out of their senses by > sleepless nights, by wine, by nocturnal shouting and uproar (Livy, > XXXIX, xv; tr. in David Balch's 1974 Yale PhD thesis Let Wives be > Submissive) > > Phintys reported that the law of the city forbade any woman to > participate in the orgies of the Great Mother (Stobaeus, IV, 23.61), in > an attempt to control improprieties. While biblical scholars have > vainly searched for such a law in Jewish tradition, there is > considerable evidence that every legal effort was made to control > ecstatic feminine behavior in Greco-Roman society. There is even more > evidence that such efforts sometimes failed. It can be seen, however, > that it was important to the early church that the behavior of their > women should be above reproach and within the bounds of the law, for the > charge of Bacchic behavior was hurled at the Christians by unbelievers > (Origen, Contra Celsum, viii) > > We turn next to a consideration of silence and speech as it is enjoined > in 1 Corinthians 14:34. We have already noted that one who speaks with > tongues but has no interpreter is asked to keep silence, as is the > prophet when someone else desires to speak. It is not a complete > prohibition for these individuals to share their gifts, but rather an > instruction so that all may understand and all may profit. Only one > person at a time is to share his revelation and only if it can be made > meaningful to the congregation. > > The second important emphasis in the chapter is on meaning. Paul > himself would rather speak five comprehensible words than thousands > which could not be understood (vs. 19). He asks that those elements > which are disruptive or meaningless be silenced. In this was we may > understand his dictum: > > The women should keep silence in the churches. For they are not > permitted to speak (Greek: lalein) (1 Corinthians 14:34, RSV) > > It cannot mean that women are not to speak at all, for they have been > given permission to pray and prophesy in 11:5 - provided they observe > due decorum. Nor can the directive be a prohibition against speaking in > tongues (14:39). Some other type of disruption must thus be under > discussion. > > It may help us to understand that the Greek word lelein refers primarily > to utterance rather than to meaningful conversation. The term is used > repeatedly in chapter 14 to describe speaking in tongues. Phrynichus, > the ancient dictionarian, defined the term as 'to talk nonsense'. The > word is used of gossip, prattling, babbling, animal sounds, and musical > instruments. During the classical period, it usually was employed in a > contemptuous sense. Debrunner, writing in the Kittle-Friedrich > Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, states 'Lalein can also be > used quite objectively of speech when there is reference to sound rather > than than meaning. 'To what kind of utterance can St. Paul refer? > There were many types of vocalization in ecstatic rites. > > They have been heard to utter (different voices of equal strength, or > with great diversity and inequality) in tones that alternated with > silence; and again in other cases harmonious crescendo or dimenuendo of > tone, and in still other cases other kinds of utterance. (Iamblichus, On > the Mysteries, III, 4-6) > > We have already mentioned heathen rituals in which frenzied shouting was > expected from women and considered a necessary ingredient of the > worship. Rogers translates this hymn from Aristophanes' Lysistrata: > > Call upon Bacchus, afire with his Maenades [mad women]; > Call upon Zeus in the lightning arrayed; Call on his queen, ever > blessed, adorable; > Call on the holy, infallible Witnesses, > Call them to witness the peace and the harmony, > This which divine Aphrodite has made. > Allala! Lalla! Lallala! Lallala! > Whoop for victory, Lallalalae! > Evoi! Evoi! Lallala, Lallala! > Evae! Evae! Lallalalae. > > The word lelein is fundamentally an onomatopoetic one, meaning, as > Thayer's Lexicon puts it, to go 'la-la'. The Greeks shouted 'alala' > both in worship and in war, and personified Alala as a deity (Pindar, > Fr. 208 [78]; Plutarch 2.3496). It was this same repetitive and > meaningless syllabification in pagan prayers which Jesus described: 'for > they think they shall be heard for their much speaking' (Matthew 6:7) > > New patterns of Christian worship appear to have been more difficult for > women to adopt than men, as they had not known the dignified rite of > Apollo or Zeus. For the most part, their religious expression had been > accompanied by extravagances of every sort. We may quote Iamblichus > again: > > We affirm, accordingly, not only that the shoutings and choric songs are > sacred to the gods, each and all of them, as being peculiarly their own, > but likewise that there is a kindred relationship between them in their > proper order . . . and the peculiar usages of Sabazian worship make > ready for the Bacchic enthusiasm, the purifying of souls, and > deliverances from old incriminations, their respective inspirations are, > accordingly, different in every important particular. > > Thou seemest to think that those who are enrapt by the Mother of the > gods are males, for thou callest them, accordingly, 'Metrizontes' yet > that is not true, for the 'Metrizontesae' are chiefly women (op cit., > pp. 121-123 > > Such women must learn that they were purified not through shouting but > through the blood of Christ and through the washing of the water of the > Word. > > It was important that the service of worship become meaningful. Women > were encouraged to question their husbands at home, since the women had > usually been denied an opportunity for education while the men > participated vigorously in all manner of theological and philosophical > debates. The questions should be asked at home so that the conversation > would not disrupt the service. Neither was a woman to gossip or chatter > with the other women during the service - surely a great temptation, for > Greek women were closely confined to their homes. (On the rare > occasions when they were allowed to leave, they were liable to kick over > all the traces) 'For it is awful for a woman to gossip in church' > perhaps we should also add 'or on the sidewalk in front of the church or > on the telephone'. And does not the same apply to men? 'For in Jesus > Christ there is neither . . . male nor female' (Galatians 3:28) > > More information on gender and the Bible can be found at > http://www.cbeinter national. org <http://cbeinternati> > > > http://intelligentc hristian. ium_and_silence_ at_corinth. h\ > tm > <http://intelligentc hristian. ium_and_silence_ at_corinth. \ > htm> > AN OCCULT SACRIFICE. > When it came, it was ferocious, it was certain.and it was cruelly > appropriate. Whilst Britain slept, a black car named 'grace' slammed > into the 13th pillar of the Pont d'Alma tunnel in Paris. The young > Virgin Moon Goddess, the wannabee Mother Goddess died on the sun's day, > Sunday 31st August 1997, with the sun in Virgo, the virgin. This was 27 > days, a moon cycle, after the Queen Mother's 97th birthday. > Alma - Hebrew: unmarried woman. Diana was unmarried when she died. > Al-mah - Persian: the unmated Moon goddess. > The elements were all there, the sun, moon, virgin and blackness, the > numerology, a black steed and a white steed (cars). The black car, a > Mercedes, meaning grace (god's favour -moon) carried her into the tunnel > (moon symbol symbollically as well as by name) to meet the white Fiat > Uno (Fiat-order, Uno - number 1. So an order from the top - a royal > command?), which vanished in to thin air -or into the back of a truck. > A year and a day passed between the Full Moon of Diana and Charles' > divorce (28th August 1996, divorce No. 5,029 > <http://www.cnn. com/WORLD/ 9608/28/royal. divorce/decree/> -both the date > and the number add to 16 ) and her death in the tunnel. (The Full Moon > shone into the 29th -the ominous 29th) The notion of a year and a day is > a measure of time with significant magical, often ominous implications. > It derives from the motions of the moon - surprise, surprise. There are > 13 moons of 28 days in a lunar calendar. 13 days waxing, 1 day full, 13 > days waning, 1 day dark. So a lunar year has 364 days, one more day is > added to equal the number of days in a solar year. The day of the > divorce was a Full Moon (17:52) > > [http://www.greatdre dianavirgin. jpg] Diana wearing > her Virgin Cola jumper > In days of yore the New Year began in March. August 31st sits precisely > at the middle point of the year. From March 2nd. until August 30th > inclusive there are 182 days. August 31st being the soltary (sun) > middle day, with a further 182 days from September 1st until February > 28th. This matches up with the Lunar calendar; 182 + 182 being 364, the > length of a lunar calendar. In ancient Rome, March 1st is/was an ancient > feast day called the Matronalia, a day of protection for women, children > and the family. Why begin on the 2nd March? Remember this is a dark > agenda. The 2nd March at 09:37 was the beginning of the Crone Moon, > Moon of the Dark Mother, Black Isis, Kali, Hecate, the Morrigan and all > the other aliases for the old Serpent Queen, El. Dark spells and evil > agendas were set that night. > The signature of the instigator is there for all to see. This was a > sacrifice by a Moon Goddess of a Moon Goddess. The sacrifice occurred in > a tunnel called moon, in a place where the moon cannot shine- it is > dark, a dark moon. The Moon has three occult phases, Virgin (New to > first quarter), Mother (Full) and Crone (last quarter to dark). At the > time the Virgin Moon was Diana, The Mother was Queen Elizabeth II and > the Crone or old Woman Moon was The Queen Mother. It's all death and > rebirth stuff in reverse, where the old is reborn through taking the > energies of the new. > Diana was sacrificed; it's one of the few things I am certain of. I am > certain too that missing children are used to perform the same function. > BY THE NUMBERS AND 666 > The Queen Mother was born on the 4th. Her full birth date adds to 4. Her > full name adds to 22/4. 13th (as in pillar) adds to 4. 31st (as in > sacrificial date) adds to 4. This was 4 years before her death at the > age of 101 (Diana has a value of 29/ 11), approximately 4 months before > her 102nd birthday (adds to 3. Diana's middle name, Frances is worth 3.) > Diana's full name adds to 22/4 the same as the Queen Mother's. She > accepted Prince Albert's proposal on January 13, 1923 (13 adds to 4). > Her husband Albert was a 4. She was a member of the Royal Household for > 13 years (4) before she became Queen. 2nd March 1997, the night black > magic was summoned was a 4-day. The 182 days either side of August 31st > total 11 each. Together they total 4. No doubt there are oodles more 4's > in her life. > Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother expired at the end of the15th month of > the new millennium, at 15 minutes past the 15th hour, which is 666. It > was Saturday (Saturn's Day - Satan), the 6th day. The actual date was > 3003 2002 (30/03/2002. It was a 55/1 (sun) and an 11/2 (moon) day > (Diana died in a Mercedes 600 in a 660 foot long tunnel again 666. > Official claims say that Diana died at 4.a.m Paris Time in a hospital). > "(Queen Elizabeth) is the most dangerous woman in Europe." Adolph > Hitler. > In days of yore the New Year began in March. August 31st sits precisely > at the middle point of the year. From March 2nd. until August 30th > inclusive there are 182 days. August 31st being the soltary (sun) > middle day, with a further 182 days from September 1st until February > 28th. This matches up with the Lunar calendar; 182 + 182 being 364, the > length of a lunar calendar. In ancient Rome, March 1st is/was an ancient > feast day called the Matronalia, a day of protection for women, children > and the family. Why begin on the 2nd March? Remember this is a dark > agenda. The 2nd March at 09:37 was the beginning of the Crone Moon, > Moon of the Dark Mother, Black Isis, Kali, Hecate, the Morrigan and all > the other aliases for the old Serpent Queen, El. Dark spells and evil > agendas were set that night. > The signature of the instigator is there for all to see. This was a > sacrifice by a Moon Goddess of a Moon Goddess. The sacrifice occurred in > a tunnel called moon, in a place where the moon cannot shine- it is > dark, a dark moon. The Moon has three occult phases, Virgin (New to > first quarter), Mother (Full) and Crone (last quarter to dark). At the > time the Virgin Moon was Diana, The Mother was Queen Elizabeth II and > the Crone or old Woman Moon was The Queen Mother. It's all death and > rebirth stuff in reverse, where the old is reborn through taking the > energies of the new. > Diana was sacrificed; it's one of the few things I am certain of. I am > certain too that missing children are used to perform the same function. > (note <http://www.greatdre pindar.htm# anchor_16687> ) > FROM: http://ellisctaylor .homestead. com/QM.html# anchor_16687 > <http://ellisctaylor .homestead. com/QM.html# anchor_16687> > > A Nostradamus quatrain, C2, Q28, along with dream-visions and > "coincidences" seem to suggest that recent events surrounding the death > of Princess Diana are related: > > "The last son of the man with the Prophet's name > Will bring Diana to her day of rest. > At a distance they wander in frenetic grief > Delivering a great people from ruin." > > Dodi Fayed's father is self-made billionaire Mohamed Al-Fayed! > > Maureen B. Roberts, PhD, had a great visionary experience at the time of > Diana's death. It is now on-line at: > > The Diana Myth - From Fairytale Princess to Grail Queen, > by Maureen Roberts, Ph.D. > > In Maureen's experience, Diana corresponds to The Queen of Hearts of the > Arthurian Tarot Deck, who is The Grail Queen. > > FROM: http://www.greatdre htm > <http://www.greatdre htm> Also see: > http://www.greatdre .htm > <http://www.greatdre .htm> > Philip K Dick writes: > > But still, we must realize that the universe although kind to us in its > entirety (it must like and accept us, or we would not be here; as > Abraham Maslow says, "otherwise nature would have executed us long ago") > does contain grinning evil masks which loom out of the fog of confusion > at us, and it may slay us for its own gain. > > We must be careful, however, of confusing a mask, any mask, with the > reality beneath. Think of the war-mask which Pericles placed over his > features: you would behold a frozen visage, the grimness of war, without > compassion -- no genuine human face or person to whom you could appeal. > And this was of course the intention. Suppose you did not even realize > it was a mask; suppose you believed, as Pericles approached you in the > fog and half-darkness of early morning, that this was his authentic > countenance. Now, this is almost exactly how I described Palmer Eldritch > in my novel about him: so much like the war-masks of the Attic Greeks > that the resemblance cannot be accidental. Is, then, the hollow eyeslot, > the mechanical metal arm and hand, the stainless steel teeth, which are > the dread stigmata of evil -- is this not, this which I myself first saw > in the overhead sky at noon one day back in 1963, a description, a > vision, of a war-mask and metal armor, a god of battle? The God of Wrath > who was angry with me. But under the anger, under the metal and helmet, > there is, as with Pericles, the face of a man. A kind and loving man. > > My theme for years in my writing has been, "The devil has a metal face." > Perhaps this should be amended now. What I glimpsed and then wrote about > was in fact not a face; it was a mask over a face. And the true face is > the reverse of the mask. Of course it would be. You do not place fierce > cold metal over fierce cold metal. You place it over soft flesh, as the > harmless moth adorns itself artfully to terrorize others with ocelli. > This is a defensive measure, and if it works, the predator returns to > his lair grumbling, "I saw the most frightening creature in the sky -> wild grimaces and flappings, stingers and poisons." His kin are > impressed. The magic works. > > I had supposed that only bad people wore frightening masks, but you can > see now that I fell for the magic of the mask, its dreadful frightening > magic, its illusion. I brought the deception and fled. I wish know to > apologize for preaching that deception to you as something genuine: I've > had you all sitting around the campfire with our eyes wide with alarm as > I tell tales of the hideous monsters I encountered; my voyage of > discovery ended in terrifying visions which I dutifully carried home > with me as I fled back to safety. Safety from what? From something > which, when the need was gone for concealment, smiled and revealed its > harmlessness. > > Now I do not intend to abandon my dichotomy between what I call "human" > and what I call "android," the latter being a cruel and cheap mockery of > the former for base ends. But I had been going on surface appearances; > to distinguish the categories more cunning is required. For if a gentle, > harmless life conceals itself behind a frightening war-mask, then it is > likely that behind gentle and loving masks there can conceal itself a > vicious slayer of men's souls. In neither case can we go on surface > appearance; we must penetrate to the heart of each, to the heart of the > subject. > > Probably everything in the universe serves a good end -- I mean, serves > the universe's goals. But intrinsic portions or subsystems can be takers > of life. We must deal with them as such, without reference to their role > in the total structure. > > The Sepher Yezirah, a Cabbalist text, "The Book of Creation," which is > almost 2,000 years old, tells us: "God has also set the one over agaist > the other; the good against the evil, and the evil against the good; the > good proceeds from the good, and the evil from the evil; the good > purifies the bad, and the bad the good; the good is preserved for the > good, and the evil for the bad ones." > > Underlying the two game-players there is God, who is neither and both. > The effect of the game is that both players become purified. Thus, the > ancient Hebrew monotheism, so superior to our own view. We are creatures > in a game with our affinities and aversions predetermined for us -- not > by blind chance but by patient, foresighted engramming systems which we > dimly see. Were we to see them clearly, we would abolish the game. > Evidently that would not serve anyone's interests. We must trust these > tropisms, and anyhow we have no choice -- not until the tropisms lift. > And under certain circumstances they can and do. And at that point, much > is clear which previously was occluded from us, intentionally. > > What we must realize is that this deception, this obscuring of things as > if under a veil -- the veil of Maya, as it has been called -- this is > not an end in itself, as if the universe is somehow perverse and likes > to foil us per se; what we must accept, once we realize that a veil > (called by the Greeks dokos) lies between us and reality, is that this > veil serves a benign purpose. Parmenides, the pre-Socratic philosopher, > is historically credited with being the first person in the West > systematically to work out proof that the world cannot be as we see it, > that dokos, the veil, exists. We see very much the same notion expressed > by St. Paul when he speaks about our seeing "as if by the reflection on > the bottom of a polished metal pan." He is referring to the familiar > notion of Plato's, that we see only images of reality, and probably > these images are inaccurate and imperfect and not to be relied on. I > wish to add that Paul was probably saying one thing more than Plato in > the celebrated metaphor of the cave: Paul was saying that we may well be > seeing the universe backwards. > > The extraordinary thrust of this thought just simply cannot be taken in, > even if we intellectually grasp it. "To see the universe backwards?" > What would that mean? Well, let me give you one possibility: that we > experience time backwards; or more precisely, that our inner subjective > category of experience of time (in the sense which Kant spoke of, a way > by which we arrange experience), our time experience is orthogonal to > the flow of time itself -- at right angles. There are two times: the > time which is our experience or perception or construct of ontological > matrix, an extensiveness into another area -- this is real, but the > outer time-flow of the universe moves in a different direction. Both are > real, but by experiencing time as we do, orthogonally to its actual > direction, we get a totally wrong idea of the sequence of events, of > causality, of what is past and what is future, where the universe is > going. > > FROM: Philip K Dick > <http://www.antiqill glor_004/ manandroid. htm> > > DREAMS ABOUT THE TRIPLE MALE TRINITY > <http://www.greatdre htm> > ... or Great Unite - and a number of other things, my sense is that the > "Y" represents > the "goddess" with three ... Kali Yantra > http://www.greatdre jpg. ... > www.greatdreams. com/drmpns. htm > > DREAMS ABOUT THE TRIPLE GODDESSES > <http://www.greatdre htm> > ... The one on the top was "Roseanne (she called herself a 'domestic > goddess') on > her comedy show. ... . > www.greatdreams. com/drmgds. htm > > THE SYMBOLISM AND SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUMBER NINE > <http://www.greatdre nine.htm> > ... It is to be noticed, by the way, that 1+6+5+6 = 18, which is twice > 9, while > 4+3+2=9: 9 being a number traditionally associated with the Goddess > Mother of the ... > www.greatdreams. com/nine/ nine.htm > > SIRIUS - THE DOG STAR - THE LOST AND MISSING STAR > <http://www.greatdre htm> > ... pointed to the star Sirius, circa 2450 BC Sirius was associated with > the Egyptian > goddess Isis and ... NOTE: See this page: > http://www.greatdre htm. ... > www.greatdreams. com/dogstar. htm > > DNA - PAST AND FUTURE <http://www.greatdre past_future. htm> > ... The most notable characteristics of this period are the "sitting > goddess figurines" > indicating a goddess-worshipping culture and the distinctive colored ... > www.greatdreams. com/dna_past_ future.htm > > THE SACRED BIRDS <http://www.greatdre sacred-birds. htm> > ... 1. O ye gods, if the pigeon, dispatched as the messenger of Nirriti > (the goddess > of destruction) , hath come here seeking (us out), we shall sing his > praises ... > www.greatdreams. com/alex/ sacred-birds. htm - 101k - Cached > <http://64.233. 161.104/search? q=cache:xtImpfGx GvgJ:www. greatdreams. com/a\ > lex/sacred-birds. htm++site: www.greatdreams. com+greatdreams. com+goddess& h\ > l=en&ie=UTF- 8> - Similar pages > < com/search? hl=en&lr= &ie=UTF-8& q=related: www.greatdrea\ > sacred-birds. htm> > DREAM OF 33 <http://www.greatdre htm> > ... The faithful representative on earth, the good lady, the goddess > Isis searched for > her brother who was also her husband until she found that the coffin had > ... > www.greatdreams. com/33drm. htm > > The 7 Sisters of the Pleiades - THE BIG DIPPER > <http://www.greatdre /7sisters. htm> > ... Other versions made them the attendants of Artemis, goddess of > wildlife and of hunting, > who were pursued by the giant hunter Orion, but were rescued by the ... > www.greatdreams. com/pleiades/ 7sisters. htm > > CHANTING <http://www.greatdre .htm> > ... texts. Chants of modern witches and Neo-pagans consist names of the > Goddess > and Horned God plus names of other pagan deities. The ... > www.greatdreams. com/chanting. htm > > THE EARTHY TRIGON <http://www.greatdre trigon.htm> > ... She chanted a sweet song to the God/Goddess Shimeekah. ... > 15.The Triple Goddess (many mythologies) represent Maiden, Mother, and > Crone. ... > www.greatdreams. com/earthy_ trigon.htm - 12k - Cached > <http://64.233. 161.104/search? q=cache:Zdya2nyZ kIcJ:www. greatdreams. com/e\ > arthy_trigon. htm++site: www.greatdreams. com+greatdreams. com+goddess& hl=en\ > &ie=UTF-8> - Similar pages > < com/search? hl=en&lr= &ie=UTF-8& q=related: www.greatdrea\ > trigon.htm> > AWAKENING TO THE CHANGES <http://www.greatdre htm> ... > They say it was once a Pagan place of worship to the goddess Diana. .... > www.greatdreams. com/aware. htmPrincess Diana's Life, Death, and > Conspiracy Theory Links <http://www.greatdre .htm> > updated 10-24-03. 1961 - 1997. "Your candle's burned out long before > your legend ever will" . > www.greatdreams. com/princess. htmOsiris, Egyptian god of the underworld > and of vegetation <http://www.greatdre htm> ... See > also information on the religious item known as the Djed. > The goddess was typically portrayed as a woman who wears on her head a > vase of water . ... > www.greatdreams. com/osiris. htm > DREAMS AND ARTICLES ABOUT ROYALTY, PRINCE WILLIAM, PRINCESS DIANA ... > <http://www.greatdre royalty.htm> > ... They say it was once a Pagan place of worship to the goddess ... > http://www.greatdre ams. > com/show11.htm DEES DREAMS AND VISIONS - JFK, JR. PLANE CRASH. ... > www.greatdreams. com/royalty/ royalty.htm > > The American Tragedy: A Symbolic Event, Part One > <http://www.greatdre 9_11_01/Amertrag .htm> > ... http://www.greatdre 9_11_01/Amertrag .htm The American > Tragedy: A Symbolic ... > later called the 'Great Keyhole' as 'The Earth Goddess' by researcher > ... > www.greatdreams. com/Events/ 9_11_01/Amertrag .htm > > The American Tragedy: A Symbolic Event, Manifest Revelation > <http://www.greatdre 9_11_01/Amtrgrev .htm> > ... The location was used in ancient times as a place of worship of the > moon goddess > Diana, the ... Princess Diana of Wales > http://www.greatdre .htm. ... > www.greatdreams. com/Events/ 9_11_01/Amtrgrev .htm > > The American Tragedy: A Symbolic Event, Part Two > <http://www.greatdre 9_11_01/Amertrg2 .htm> > ... The giant bird waiting must be the female aspect, Mother Goddess. > ... I would think > the mother was a Mother Goddess figure, but I'm not sure. ... > www.greatdreams. com/Events/ 9_11_01/Amertrg2 .htm > > DEATHWALKING WITH DIANA <http://www.greatdre html> > ... following several Dreams of Diana - of the connection between her > and the Grail > Queen, and by the later intuition of Diana and the reawoken Goddess in > general ... > www.greatdreams. com/diana. html > > DREAMS, VISIONS, PROPHECY AND COINCIDENCES ABOUT PRINCESS DIANA > <http://www.greatdre htm> > ... Diana is the Roman goddess Artemis. She is the moon goddess and twin > of Apollo. ... They > say it was once a Pagan place of worship to the goddess Diana. ... > www.greatdreams. com/dianpro. htm > > DREAM OF THE BEAUTIFUL MAN AND THE TRAP > <http://www.greatdre htm> > ... Sumerian myths. The Egyptian Goddess Isis, who is sometimes depicted > as > a mermaid, is also linked with the star Sirius. The Nommos ... > www.greatdreams. com/et.htm - 40k - Cached > <http://64.233. 161.104/search? q=cache:DDOPB- hV8UkJ:www. greatdreams. com/e\ > t.htm++site: www.greatdreams. com+greatdreams. com+goddess& hl=en&ie= UTF-8> > - Similar pages > < com/search? hl=en&lr= &ie=UTF-8& q=related: www.greatdrea\ >> > DONUT (DOUGHNUT) SHAPED CLOUDS - THE DREAM AND THE REALITY > <http://www.greatdre htm> > ... FROM: http://www.greatdre htm. ... in other ancient > civilizations -> Babylonia's Oannes, Acadia's Ea, Sumer's Enki, and > Egypt's goddess Isis. ... > www.greatdreams. com/donut. htm > > DREAMS OF SKY EVENTS <http://www.greatdre htm> > ... Other Goddess Mother figures may also represent Her, such as, The > Divine Sophia, > Isis, Ishtar, Sakti, and ... See: > http://www.greatdre schldays. htm. ... > www.greatdreams. com/sky.htm > > DREAMS AND VISIONS OF THE HOLY GRAIL AND THE SECOND COMING OF ... > <http://www.greatdre htm> > ... The anticipated return of the 'bridegroom' and reunion with the > Mother Goddess is > the mystery hidden behind the "Wedding at Cana" of the Gnostic Fourth > Gospel ... > www.greatdreams. com/holygrl. htm > > THE REPTILIANS - WHO ARE THEY REALLY? > <http://www.greatdre reps.htm> > updated 4-18-04 THE REPTILIANS. WHO ARE THEY REALLY? . > kesara. > "Drawing by Kesara as described by Pamela Stonebrooke" . ... > www.greatdreams. com/reptlan/ reps.htm > > THE SYMBOLISM OF UFOS/ET EVENTS > <http://www.greatdre ufosym.htm> > ... Mother Goddess myths seem to have this idea. "The Keys of Enoch", > tells of a > light-being that appeared to scientist JJ Hurtak in the early 1970's. > ... > www.greatdreams. com/joeufo/ ufosym.htm > > 'SARAH' - A DREAM WITHIN A DREAM <http://www.greatdre htm> > ... themselves. The numbers coded by gematria in her name indicate that > Mary > Magdalene was the "Goddess" among early Christians. They ... > www.greatdreams. com/sarah. htm > > TESTIMONY TO TRUTH <http://www.greatdre testimony. htm> > ... eating. In Egypt to eat of the tree of ASHERAH was to eat the flesh > of the > mother goddess and to gain knowledge of the tree of life. ... > www.greatdreams. com/sacred/ testimony. htm > > THREE DREAMS AND A BABY <http://www.greatdre htm> > ... Horus personified the rising Sun according to ancient Egyptian > mythology. Horus > was the son of Osiris, the god of air and earth and the goddess Isis. > ... > www.greatdreams. com/3baby. htm > > TRICK OR TREATING - WHAT IT REALLY IS > <http://www.greatdre htm> > ... The Egyptians revered the cat as an aspect of the goddess, Bast, and > they mummified > cats with all the ritual, pomp and circumstance that befitted such regal > ... > www.greatdreams. com/tricks. htm > > DREAMS: WHAT'S GOING ON? <http://www.greatdre htm> > ... 4-13-99 - DREAM - This was a lucid dream which lasted all night. The > one name I > remember from the page was Hecate who is the goddess of the underworld. > ... > www.greatdreams. com/whtson. htm > > > > (Back to Research Contents Page > <http://www.greatdre reptilian- research- contents. htm> ) > > DREAMS OF THE GREAT EARTHCHANGES - MAIN INDEX > <http://www.greatdre> > pINDAR IS REAL, , BUT MISUNDERSTOOD, AND ALSO , HE IS NOT A LIZARD HE IS A ( THE DRAGON LORD !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!, PINDAR The Lizard King ?????? compiled by Dee Finney (Back to Research Contents Page) PINDAR...... .....The Lizard King???????? ?? Do you know the Lizard King????? Is Pindar real????? According to David Icke, the heirarchy goes like this : Reptilian 'Royalty' : Winged reptilians, with the highest caste being the Albino type (similar to Pindar). Reptoids : Wingless reptilians. They are the ones described as having larger scales on their backs and three fingers with an opposing thumb. Greys : Described as being either drone-like slaves of the reptilians or an extraterrestrial life-form allied to them. Humans : We're at the bottom, but why doesn't that surprise me ? The Reptilians are described as being between 5 and 12 feet tall. There are several types. Also from Icke's research: "Pindar attends the major Satanic ceremonies in Europe and then flies to California for the rituals there". Later in the book (Biggest Secret), Icke says that "Pindar, the 'Marquis de Libeaux' travels in a white limousine (A 'code-white' is a code understood by judges, police, the military etc and it means: look the other way or do not prosecute this person)." On page 453 of the same book, Icke states that " ... the Queen makes cruel remarks about lesser initiates, but is afraid of the man code-named 'Pindar' (the Marquis de Libeaux) who is higher than her in Satanic rank. Pindar, apparently, bears a resemblance to Prince Charles. Arizona Wilder says that Pindar is Charles' real father." Finally, Icke summises, along with Arizona Wilder, the possibility that Princess Diana was pregnant at the time of her murder and that the child could have been Pindar's rather than that of Dodi Fayed, and the child was sacrificed in a ritual ceremony. Diana was sacrificed because she would not cooperate with the organization. Icke insists that only one 'strain' of the reptilian race is antagonastic towards us. To consider all reptilians 'evil' is like considering all humans the same way. Patently false. Going Dutch The Dutch government resigned this week under pressure brought on by accusations that in 1995, over 7000 Boznia Muslims were executed by Serbs while under the protection of Dutch troops. This was the worst mass murder in Europe since WWII. Queen Beatrix, the Bilderburger leader, witnessed the mass sacrifice as part of a ritual ceremony. An interim government will run the small nation until the May 15, 2002 election. On 9-18-01 - DREAM - I was being shown dividing and putting together of letters and numbers. I remember 2 and 93, 94, and 15 - at the very end I was shown the name Queen Beatrice of Holland and her dna sample. [Editors NOTE: I am of Dutch heritage myself. I had no idea what kind of connection I would find with her, despite doing research on her life, I found nothing back then. Now - my eyes are opening!] Who knows about this 12 foot albino lizard??? I have heard them call him the "Marquis de Libeaux". Marquis actually means king. In French it simply means the Marquis of Libeaux. Marquis being a noble, Libeaux being the name of some region. Top Illuminati Family Names These are the top of the Illuminati organization. These are the people that really run this world. The most powerful is Marquis de Libeaux then followed by the Rothschild's {Bauer}, Bruce, Cavendish {Kennedy}, deMedici, Hanover, Hapsburg, Krupps, Plantagenet, Rockefeller, Romanov, Sinclair/ St. Clair, Warburg {delBanco}, and Windsor families. These are the families that run the NWO and all the stooges that work for them. They all worship Satan and they all take part in human sacrifice and ritual child abuse. If you do your own research you will see that these families have "bred themselves since ancient times and they are obsessed with keeping their bloodlines "pure". These are the sickest people on this planet and their hold is going to be broken as the world "wakes-up" to their murderous deception around the world. Remember the truth will set you free! The original "Mother Goddess" after whom a slew of deities including Queen Semiramis, Isis, Diana and others were fashioned was Ninkharsag. The commander of the Annunaki was Enlil, half-brother of Enki. The book of Genesis and Exodus and were based on The Levites (initiates of the Egyptian mysteries); based on Sumerian stories and accounts. Between 11,000 and 4000 bc catastrophes were visited upon the earth, destroying the advanced civilizations of the Golden Age. The Anunnaki are said to have arrived 450,000 years ago. Their leader was the winged albino-white Draco. The owner of this seal can be identified from the cuneiform inscription which translates: 'Seal of Mushezib-Ninurta, governor, son of Ninurta-eresh, ditto, son of Samanuha-shar- ilani, ditto.' Samanuha-shar- ilani was ruler of Shadikanni (Arban in eastern Syria), in 883 BC, and an Assyrian vassal subject to the firm control of Assyria, and enjoying the wealth and security that such political domination provided. During this period, seal designs were often cut on hard stones using cutting-wheels and drills. The image is similar to two wall reliefs from the throne room of King Ashurnasirpal II (reigned 883-859 BC) at Nimrud. The king, shown in mirror image, is protected by guardian genii sprinkling holy water from a bucket using what may be a fir cone or sponge. A stylized tree stands in the centre, symbolizing nature and the land of Assyria. Above is a god in the winged disc. Length: 4.9 cm Diameter: 1.7 cm Found by H.C. Rawlinson and acquired by The British Museum around 1852 D. Collon, First impressions: cylinder seals in the Ancient Near East (London, The British Museum Press, 1987), pp. 76-7, fig. 341 A.H. Layard, Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon (London, J. Murray, 1853), p. 603 From what star constellation are the reptilians said to originate? Draco What is the difference between reptilian full-bloods and reptilian hybrids? Full-bloods are reptilians using a human form to hide their true nature; hybrids are reptile-human crossbreed bloodlines who are possessed by the reptilians from the forth dimension Where did the white race and the reptile-aryan crossbreeds emerge from after the flood? The Caucasus mountains What were the Aryans who left the Caucasus to rule India called? The Khattiyo Where did the Jewish race originate from? The Caucasus mountains What do lions symbolize to the Aryans? The sun It is inauspicious to begin an article with an oxymoron such as "cycle of human evolution." You know things won't improve. The term human evolution refers only to phylogeny (Stirling failed to consult a dictionary). Perhaps what he really wants to say is cultural development. "Almost 6000 years ago" (4000 BCE) falls within the Chalcolithic (or Eneolithic) in Mesopotamia, which is currently the countries of Iraq and northeastern Syria. Notice it's Mesopotamia, because Sumerian was a language and Sumer was a culture. Sumerian disappeared as an official language during the Agadian (Akkadian) period (2371-2230 BCE). "Almost 6000 years ago" coincides with the building of a very simple temple at Tepe Gawra (Notice to archaeology wonks: I'm using the Middle Chronology). Ubaid culture evolved into the Warka (Uruk) culture; Warka culture provided the earliest sample of writing in Mesopotamia. About 5500 years ago (3500 BCE) Sumerian-speaking people came out of the hills, settled along the Euphrates River, and built a large temple of mud brick at Eridu. Almost 5000 years ago (about 3000 BCE) Sumerian-speaking people added to existing structures to create monumental architecture (such as the White Temple in Kullaba and the temple at Eanna). They also began establishing city-states and urban areas. The boundary of the cultures of Sumer and Agade, according to the Sumerian king-list, consisted of the area south of Baghdad defined by the Tigris, the Euphrates, and the Persian Gulf. Influence of these cultures extended to Ebla in the west, Nineveh in the north, and Susa (in Elam) in the east. Unu (what Agadians called Uruk) was the largest of the urban areas in Mesopotamia around 3000 BCE, a total of 5.5 km2. Zechariah Sitchin has done a good job researching the Sumerian records. One might start by reading that first. Kingship and Ritual The scholarly model of development away from monarchy in most of the Greek mainland is rooted in an overly uncritical acceptance of fabricated king lists and of the relevance of the Roman and eastern models for Greek practice. This acceptance stems from a desire to credit ancient Greek accounts of their own past, but also from a modern prejudice that traces a teleological development from monarchy to various forms of republicanism. The construction of mythico-historical kings satisfies a desire for tidy origins, as well as for an original focus of authority from which subsequent developments are diffused. We must, then, always ask whose interests are served by a model of original kingship and hereditary descent of authority. If aristocratic elites in the Archaic and Classical period fantasized about royal descent, this served the dual purpose of reinforcing their elite status and communicating to non-elites the (relatively) more egalitarian nature of elite influence in the polis. Thus attempts at dominance by powerful members of the elite can be cast as reversion to a superseded past. The contrast between legitimate hereditary kingship and illegitimate and tyrannical usurpation of power may thus be seen as a contrast between a quasi-official historical construction and the harsher reality of authoritarian government. Second: ritual and cult. If Morris' emphasis on the chiefly ritual importance of the wanax is sustainable (even if it is not the whole story), the centrality of cult is a major area of continuity between Bronze Age and later notions of monarchic rule. Ritual kingship casts a shadow down as far as the Athenian archôn basileus and the heroic honors paid to ancient city founders. In most later conceptions, it is the gap between the human and the divine that is significant, as we see in much of the poetry of Pindar, and also in the vase paintings cited by Morris. Religious and temporal power do not coincide. Yet the figure of the tyrant complicates this divide. Sicilian tyrants such as Gelon and Hieron were anxious to become city founders, by fair means or foul, and the Emmenids of Acragas may have used their hereditary priesthoods as a springboard for the acquisition of temporal power. Peisistratus' charade as favorite of Athena, escorted into the polis by the goddess in her chariot, is also relevant here. We start, it seems, with a ritual king who does not embody our conception of monarchic rule. While this tradition continues, we are also presented with an authoritarian ruler (the tyrant) who attempts to draw to himself the trappings of religious legitimation. This change of emphasis lies behind the Zeus-like powers of the tyrant in tragedy and comedy, as detailed by Seaford and Henderson. The Prometheus Bound shows that if a tyrant can be conceived as a god, a god can also be conceived as a tyrant. According to Zechariah Sitchin, who has written many books on the Sumerian tablets, the term "men of renown" in the Genesis passage should read, from its Sumerian origin, "men of the sky vehicles". This puts rather a different complexion on the whole story and makes a great deal more sense of it. The reference to "heroes of old" is also relevant. The word hero comes from the Egyptian term, "heru, which, according to researcher Wallis Budge, was "applied to the king as a representative of the Sun God of Earth." The precise meaning was "a human being was neither a god nor a daemon." The term has the inference of a crossbreed race. The writer Homer (8th-9th century BC) wrote that "the heroes were exalted above the race of common men". The poet, Pindar, (518-438 BC) a very relevant name for readers of "The Biggest Secret" by David Icke - used the term, hero/heru, to describe a race "between gods and men". It is extremely likely that Horus or Haru, the Egyptian son of God and a mirror of the much later "Jesus" came from the term heru, which means the Sun God's representative on Earth, the hybrid or Aryan race. (p 72 - Children of the Matrix" by David Icke.) Morris' focus on cult is chiefly picked up by Seaford's treatment of the tyrant in tragedy. For Seaford, one crucial aspect of the tyrant is his perversion of ritual. We see this both in the stories associated with historical tyrants such as Polycrates, and in the abuse of ritual by tragic characters such as Clytemnestra. The abuse of the sacred forms part of a larger pattern in which the destruction of the royal family and the institution of polis cult becomes a structuring principle in Greek tragedy. The contrast with Morris' picture of the Bronze Age situation is instructive. There, kingly authority is ritual authority. In the later period, however, ritual becomes a tool in the pursuit of power, and is often perverted by that pursuit. Seaford's tragic tyrant exists in a problematic relationship with ritual, and successful polis cult is only possible once the tyrant has been expelled. Thus religious legitimation and power has been detached from the king and attached to the polis. It seems reasonable to consider this a symptom of the considerable transformation in governmental structures after the Bronze Age. Even if, with Morris, we find traces of communitarian government in the earlier period, it is clear that there has been a reconfiguration of attitudes towards the individual figure of authority. But the area in which the tension between individual and community is played out remains constant, and that area is ritual. Another important characteristic of tyrannical power is wealth. Seaford points out that tyrants are greedy for money and the power it allows them to exercise. Yet tyrannical greed may have a positive counterpart in lavish expenditure, and here again, the importance of religious factors is striking. As Morris notes, the capacity of sanctuaries in the Archaic period to attract tyrannical largesse and the concomitant power and influence wielded by such sanctuaries, reminds us of the religious significance of kingship in the prehistoric period. Historical tyrants, both Greek and foreign, seek legitimation and negotiate power in their relationships with these sanctuaries. Just as tyrannical greed is intimately connected with impiety in the world of tragedy, so tyrannical expenditure upon offerings and religious building projects attempts to realign the tyrant and re-embed him in the religious sphere. In the tragic imagination, as Seaford suggests, the use of money may mark a failure in reciprocity, but on a pragmatic level it enables successful diplomatic exchange and marks pre-eminence. Thus it is that the Athenian demos engages in quasi-tyrannical expenditure with its massive use of public moneys, a phenomenon analyzed in Lisa Kallet's fascinating essay. The demos both taxes and spends in a demonstration of its pre-eminent power; its role as economic patron forestalls challenge from members of the elite, who do not have the resources to match it. The symbiotic relationship of tyranny, wealth, and expenditure (studied by Kallet and Seaford), taken together with the implication of the king or tyrant in religious concerns (as we see in the essays of Morris and Seaford), goes far to explain the extraordinary magnificence of the fifth-century building program on the Athenian acropolis. While Kallet rightly sees this as an instance of public patronage, it is significant that this patronage, to use Morris' words, marks "the convergence of polis and shrine." The third area where Morris' treatment of kingship is significant for this volume as a whole is that of regional geographic variation. This concern manifests itself in the remaining essays in two ways. It emerges as an awareness that we can best understand Athenian developments in light of a broader Greek context. Thus we note that robust forms of kingship established themselves chiefly on the margins of the Greek world, while the communitarian model had greater force in the heartland. Nevertheless, a network of economic, military, and diplomatic relationships ensured lively exchanges between widely varying constitutions. My own essay explores the notion of "constitutional slide" as a function of the close proximity of differing forms of government. The richness of constitutional variation allows both Plato and Isocrates to criticize democratic tyranny and construct political structures based on ethics rather than on the number of people in whom power was vested. Regional variation mandates an awareness of multiple audiences and permits the development of "amphibolic" readings of texts as diverse as Isocrates' Panathenaicus and the funerary monument of Dexileos, the object of an unsettling analysis by Josiah Ober. Ober rightly points out that tyranny in the Classical period was a concern to poleis other than Athens. Our tendency towards Athenocentrism often predisposes us to ignore this wider context, but to do so is to ignore an important area of cultural exchange. Tyranny could remain a concern in Athens because the Athenians had frequent contacts with kings and tyrants in a politically unstable world. But it was an exportable concern, as Ober's investigation of the Erythrae decree concerning repairs to the statue of a tyrannicide shows. Athens liked to export democracy to the subject cities of its empire, but its hatred of tyranny, and the concomitant iconography of resistance to tyranny was just as real an export. MORE In the Bible.. after the deception, God says that from then on, the serpent would have no legs and crawl around on his belly? Doesn't this imply that at the time the serpent DID have legs.. kind of like a reptoid? Genesis 3:15 "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise they head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." Is there a race of reptoids co-existing with us? Is there a secret group, running the world who worship a reptoid? Is it just one of MANY reptoids? Is it the leader of the reptoids? Is it a completely different being, separate from those reptoids? Do those reptoids even exist? Are the reptoid race nothing more than Mankind's perceived evils personified into a form which is the personification of evil in the Bible? Is it the Bible which makes them Reptoid and not, say.. arachnid? So would Eden be real? Not in the literal sense, but an actual place that man was banished from because of these reptoids? Pindar...... .the lizard king It is said that the garden of Edan was not on this planet and that we have been planted and the reptoid were our jailers? On the subject of Reptoids and such, are any of you familiar with the statuettes from the Jarmo excavation? Reptilian people doing ordinary things, nursing babies, etc....and they also made them of regular people, so, combined with the ordinary activities they are depicted doing, not likely to be idols or anything of the sort.... Some basic info here: http://www.anthro. mankato.msus. edu/archaeology/ sites/middle_ east/jarmosite. html It's 7000 BC actually, and in probably largely destroyed by now The stories about reptilian visitors extend from India, to Mexico, to China, back to North America, and Russia, and even many parts of Africa and South America. There are a lot of links to Jarmo and these lizard people and many other early cultures of the with similar traditions. The Jarmo statuettes are the closest thing to hard evidence. It goes without saying, in a world full of skeptics, any bits of hard evidence are priceless. If you want to know more about Pindar or these Reptilians go to David Icke's website http://www.davidick David Icke's Biggest Secret book has a photo of this statue.. This one is also from Iraq, but from the Ubaid area. It appears to be a reptilian suckling one of its offspring. The Ubaid period was from 5500 - 4000 B.C. A reptile statue found in graves of the Ubaid people who lived in what is now Iraq up to around 4,000 BC. This culture predates the Venus cataclysm which probably forced the surving reptilians underground or into another dimension. http://www.mnsu. edu/emuseum/ archaeology/ sites/middle_ east/alubaid. html As for Pindar, Icke translates the name as meaning Penis of the dragon and states that the (Pindar) is also known as the Marquis of Libeaux. At the time he was writing the book, Icke had little else to say about this particular reptilian other than stating that he is above the Windsors in the Brotherhood heirarchy. Jarmo Jarmo is an archeological site located in northern Iraq on the foothills of the Zagros Mountains. For a long time it was known as the oldest known agricultural community in the world, dating back to 7000 BC. It is also one of the oldest Neolithic village sites to be excavated. It was first found in 1940's by the Iraqi Directorate of Antiquities, which later recommended the site to Robert Braidwood of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. He had been asking about ancient villages in the Middle East for a study he was conducting. Under the Oriental Institute, Braidwood excavated the site at different times from March 1948 until June of 1955. He wanted to find out more about the origin of food production. The Jarmo archeological site was one of the first means of documentation for the way of life of civilization' s first farmers and herders. There were approximately 100 to 150 people who lived in the village. Twenty permanent mud-walled houses, with stone foundations, tauf walls, and reed bedding, housed the residents of Jarmo. The people reaped their grain with stone sickles, stored their food in stone bowls, and possessed domesticated goats, sheep, and dogs. They also grew emmer and einkorn wheat, barley, and lentils. In addition to their agriculture, they also foraged for wild plants such as the field pea, acorns, pistachio nuts, and wild wheat. The later levels of settlement contained evidence of domesticated pigs and clay pottery. Since many of their tools were made of obsidian from beds 300 miles away, a primitive form of commerce must have existed. Bone tools, especially awls, were abundant from the site. Carefully made bone spoons and beads were also found. Braidwood said, after he was unable to excavate the site any further due to political reasons, that Jarmo as a settlement was an social and economical example for future Mesopotamian cultures that would arise around 4000 BC. It was also the first site in the Near East in which interdisciplinary field archeology was used to discover the origins of food production. Images courtesy of http://www.maxpages .com/ribbentrop/ Jarmo_Iraq References: Laure, Gerald A., Old Testament Life and Literature http://www.infidels .org/library/ modern/gerald_ larue/otll/ chap6.html 1968 The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archeology in the Near East http://www.maxpages .com/ribbentrop/ Jarmo_Iraq 1997 This account is based on notes that I took from the 3 hour video. This video was made by David Ike and Bridge of Love publications com/exec/ obidos/tg/ detail/-/ B000068TUE/ 104-88743949939902?v= glance It is called 'Revelations of a Mother Goddess' [a title given to this lady - one of 3 in the world] and also accompanies David Icke's detailed exposition of this subject called 'THE BIGGEST SECRET' According to the Mothers of Darkness, the satanic cult based in Brussels who train and educate the MK child slaves as they are 'born to the blood' - the Aryan bloodline is Alien to this planet - they were a Race fleeing the Reptiles and got here 4000BC - then started mixing with the locals. Red hair, Blonde hair, blue eyes they may have been of great stature as recent excavations of the 8 foot tall Firbolg Knights in Eire suggest. Then, the Reptilian species - who have according to Giza plain mathematics have come from the Serpens star cluster [serpens caput and serpens cauda both of 7 stars] arrived in 2000BC and as record would have it - infiltrated the Human race and its social structure and began the hybridisation experimentation. One of which was the foundation of the Merovingian Dynasty [born out of half man and half 'fish']. There are 13 bloodlines from this kind of stock, and all of them have to a greater or lesser degree the capacity to play host to the Shape Changer Reptiles. The known shape shifting in human mythology goes back to North Africa, Tibet, Maya, Rome [called versae pellis effect]. The Reptile species is apparently on a loser because it had been brought into being in a very tenuous way. Its mission is to bring its ancestors [thought of as daemons] out of an abyss from which they cannot escape [Cthulu mythos etc] and seek to open up a gate or portal Yog Sothoth to enable them to do so. For this, they need lots of pure aryans. The occult ritual and ceremony [satanic/druidic etc] they perform on Aryan sacrifices serves several purposes. Because the Reptiles allegedly cannot call up their lost mates from the abyss, they need the magical/spiritual properties of the Aryans to do the ceremony for them. They turn up after ritual has been rigourously followed, and give their special team of shape changers in this dimension encouragement to carry on looking for the way to go with the escape of the 'demons' from their abyss. Various MK-slaves are there, some get eaten some get 'orgied' - flesh and blood is devoured especially that of the sacrifice - a female whose combination of blood; preferred menstrual [thats why satanic/druidic ritual goes with the full moon] - and with the secretion from the pineal gland stimulated by intense fear, the sacrifice drives the Reptiles wild with carnage. The pineal gland or third eye in human terms is an alien piece of biochemistry in the human race - as any biochemistry text book will tell of its reptilian biochemistry - so it leads us to wonder whether or not the Aryan Race was a phase 2 hybrid created by the Shape Changing reptiles so that they could colonise this sector of the '3' dimensional cosmos. Reptiles could do with a pineal gland - because they want its mystical powers, but it looks like they have been unable to integrate this organ into their own being - as it gives access to dimensions of incredible energy and spiritual purity that would be a bit offputting to a species hell bent on slaughter. The Reptiles are trying to bring through the 'Old Ones' in fact as characterised by HP Lovecraft in 'the Dunwich Horror'. They have a hypnotic gaze which fixes the victim - in a trance of terror - which promotes secretion of the pineal gland - at that point, they cannot hold human form any longer and shape shift in anticipation of supper. They have a pecking order at bloodfest ceremonies, and seem to need more and more blood these days as the planetary food supply is deteriorating in quality. [must be the additives etc] They have therefore capitalised on every Druidic and Magical date to try to get as much use out of the effect of the lunar cycle on female menstrual blood. They call this aspect of the menstrual blood Starfire, and indeed, one of the people in the UK Arizona Wilder 'fingers' as a Shape Shifter called lawrence Gardiner has written an article about 'Starfire and menstrual blood' in Nexus magazine. he is also behind the 'Order of the Dragon' an attempt to assemble and register the pure bloodstock of the UK in London. A list of other people Arizona Wilder says that she has seen shapeshift into Reptiles at these rituals; USA: Bush and 2 sons, Albright, Kissinger, Reagan and Nancy, J Rockefeller, Ford, Carter and LB Johnson. EUROPE: Queen Mum, Queen Liz II, Princess Margaret, Charles, Tony Blair, and prince Philip, Zecharia Sitchin, Laurence Gardiner. The big International and Interstellar leader she says is a chap called the Marquis de Libero - aka Pindar [phallus of the Dragon] who provides superior seed to impregnate the specially bred Aryan and Bloodline Children with - including - Princess Diana - who brought forth Prince William - Pindar's son. In the underground vaults of his castle in the Alsace Region of France, green glowing flourescent rocks turn stored menstrual blood black to be used at that special ritual whilst in the great heat, clutches of Reptile Eggs incubate. The Queen Mother is second to Pindar/Libero and she is carried on a rich ornate chair before she changes into something much bigger and stronger. At the ceremonies, voluminous robes of red or purple richly decorated with gold, sewn jewels, and embroidered 'fleur de lis' are worn, not any human clothes for these would tear during the shift. All the British House apparently have jewel encrusted goblets to drink the blood from the symbolic female 'grail' and a symbolic dagger to give it a bit of a stir. Arizona Wilder then went on to describe the appearance of the British Royal family when they have underwent the shape shift. The Queen mum is 8 feet tall, with a snout, and fangs. All have a long tongue with hairlike protrusions - with claws for hands and feet. They have scales and these seem to disappear into one another, this, more pronounced on the back. Some have vestigial wings, all have a tail usually kept curled which is whipped about when agitated. The Queen Mum has a beige belly and more darkly speckled and mottled brown from the head and spine. The body has protrusions running down the spine. The eyes are large and round, protruding, varying in colour from beige to yellow to yellow green - with a black vertical slit for a pupil - the eyes can be hooded. Charles apparently has two large protrusions just above where his human ears are. The Queen [Liz II] is much darker, all over much more homogenous in marking, where the colours gradually and smoothly change to the head, tail and back. Arizona Wilder says that the princess Diana death was a ritual public sacrifice to usher in the Age of Horus [Egyptian magical tradition - rebirth of the dead god Osiris]. Because the magicians like to mirror dates, the dark goddess Hecate's number is 13, which was why the 31st August was chosen. (The mirror effect of numbers) It was a mirror of a Isis, Osiris, Horus ritual because 3 people died and the unborn baby Diana was carrying was the very special 3 months old. Apparently Baron Rothschild had to be in the tunnel at the 13th pillar where the accident happened to take the soul of Diana - and indeed an ambulance did arrive on the scene a minute after the crash. The driver Henri Paul was Mind Controlled and trained for the crash. Bits of Diana were then eaten by the hierarchy. Arizona Wilder has said that some Spencers were there at these Rituals, but that Diana would not attend - and that symptoms of Bulemia and Anorexia were mind control techniques used on her. Wilder also said that the smell of Diana's periods would have caused Charles to shape shift - especially whilst sleeping because the Reptiles cannot retain their human form without concentration. Arizona Wilder came across as sincere with this disturbing account and spoke of the hideous abuse to which herself and her children had been subject. . Andrew Hennessey Transformation Studies Group Edinburgh Scotland Pindar called Sirius "the shape-shifting dog of the Great Goddess." Chinese astronomers knew it as the Celestial Jackal (Lang) that legendary figures used for target practice (with the constellation Hu or Hushi, "bow"). SEE: EARLY ASTRONOMY BLOODLINES OF THE ILLUMINATI Who really controls world events from behind-the-scene? Years of extensive research and investigation have gone into this massively documented work. In this 624 page, large format book, Fritz Springmeier discloses mind-boggling facts and never before revealed truths about the top Illuminati dynasties. Discover the amazing role these bloodlines have played—and are now wielding—in human history, with family names such as The Astor Bloodline The Bundy Bloodline The Collins Bloodline The DuPont Bloodline The Freeman Bloodline The Kennedy Bloodline The Li Bloodline The Onassis Bloodline The Reynolds bloodline The Rockefeller Bloodline The Rothschild Bloodline The Russell Bloodline The Van Duyn Bloodline Merovingian (European Royal Families) Interconnected families: The Disney Bloodline The Krupp Bloodline The McDonald Bloodline You'll also learn of the secretive, Chinese Li family, which operates with impunity in the U.S.A. and around the world. Along the way you'll find out why President John F. Kennedy and actress Grace Kelly were killed; who created the United Nations; who controls the two major U.S. political parties; how the Rothschilds invented and control modern-day Israel; who secretly founded false religions such as the Jehovah's Witnesses; and much, much more. A literal encyclopedia of rare, unbelievable information! FROM: CABAL OF CABALA -DAVID ICKE tells in CHILDREN OF THE MATRIX, of his first startling contact with "shape-shifters" early 1998... Page 229 early 1998 when I was traveling around the United a period of about 15 days I met 12 separate people in different locations, and from very contrasting walks of life, who told me the same basic story of seeing a "human" change into a reptilian form before their eyes. The people who told me these accounts included two television interviewers who saw their guest, a supporter of the New World Order agenda, shapeshift during a live interview. Afterwards one said he had been shocked to see the man's face turn reptilian and the other equally shocked, said she had seen his hands take on a reptilian look. Page 230 In Minneapolis, a gifted psychic lady told me she sees people in power, like Henry Kissinger, George Bush, and Hillary Clinton, turn into reptilians all the time. Page 241 SHAPE-shifting queens Arizona Wilder (a recovered mind control sex slave, like Cathy O'Brien, of Trance Formation of America book) told me how she had conducted sacrificial rituals involving the British royal family, Tony Blair, and famous American Illuminati names like George Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger and many others. The highest operative she knew in the Illuminati, she said was a guy calling himself the Marquis de Libeaux ("of the water"). His codename was Pindar, which she says means "penis of the dragon". Arizona told me how the Queen and Queen Mother regularly sacrifice babies and adults at many ritual centres, including Castle in Balmoral, Scotland, where they were staying at the time Diana was ritually murdered in Paris. The royal family involved in human sacrifice was fantastic enough, but here again came the constantly repeated theme. She described how, during the rituals, these people shapeshift into reptiles. Diane Gould, head of the US Organization, Mothers Against Ritual Abuse, also confirms this theme. In a telephone conversation about ritual abuse, Diane asked me if I could explain why many of her clients reported that participants in their rituals had turned into reptiles. People might want to dismiss all this, but they should know that, while they close their eyes and their minds, children are being sacrificed all over the world this very day by the reptilian bloodlines --- many thousands of them on the main ritual dates. Arizona talked about some of her experiences with Queen Mother: "The Queen Mother was cold, cold, cold, a nasty person. None of her cohorts even trusted her. They have names an altar (mind-control programme) after her. They call it the Black Queen. I have seen her sacrifice people. I remember her pushing a knife into someone's rectum the night the two boys were sacrificed. One was 13 and the others 18. You need to forget that the Queen Mother appears to be a frail woman. When she shapeshifts into a reptilian, she becomes very tall and strong. Some of them are so strong they can rip out a heart and they all grow by several feet when they shape-shift (This is what the lady said who saw Edward Heath, among endless others.)" Of the Queen, Arizona said: "I have seen her sacrifice people and eat their flesh and drink their blood. One time she got so excited with blood-lust that she didn't cut the victim's throat from the left to the right in the normal ritual. She just went crazy, stabbing and ripping at the flesh after she shape-shifted into a reptilian. When she shape-shifts, she has a long reptile face, almost like a beak and she is an off-white colour. (This fits many descriptions of the gods and the "bird gods" of ancient Egypt and elsewhere.) The Queen Mother looks basically the same, but there are differences. She (the Queen) also has bumps on her head and her eyes are very frightening. She's very aggressive.. ." "...I have seen (Prince Charles) shape-shift into a reptilian and do all of the things the Queen does. I have seen him sacrifice children. There is a lot of rivalry between them for who gets to eat eat what part of the body and who gets to absorb the victim's last breath and steal their soul. I have seen Andrew participate and I have seen Prince Phillip and Charles sister (Anne) at the rituals, but they didn't participate when I was there. When Andrew shape-shifts, he looks more like one of the lizards. The royals are some of the worst. Ok, as far as enjoying the killing, enjoying the sacrifice, and eating the flesh, they are some of the worst of all of them. They don't care if you see it. Who are you going to tell, who is going to believe you? They feel that it is their birthright and they love it. They love it." PAGE 136--137 gives a long list of VERY prominent world leaders and people from all walks of life--that are documented Illuminati figures and many of them shape-shifters. The names of some of these will surely ASTOUND you.... Obtain THE BIGGEST SECRET, and CHILDREN OF THE MATRIX from Global Light Network at: 1-888-236-2108, or browse our website at: Here's the quote by David Icke... "THE WINDSOR-BUSH BLOODLINE Bush~Windsor~ Piso Bloodline The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the British royal family, and the ruling political and economic families of the US and the rest of the world come from these SAME bloodlines. This is why the so called Eastern Establishment families of the United States interbreed with each other as obsessively as the European royal and "noble" families have always done. And similar families across the world. It is not because of snobbery, it is to hold as best they can a genetic structure - the reptilian-mammalian DNA combination which allows them to "shape-shift" . You will also see references on the site to "shape-shifting" , the phenomena in which witnesses have reported seeing people (most often those in positions of power), transform before their eyes, from a human form to a reptilian one and then back again. You will find much about this in The Biggest Secret and Credo Mutwa confirms exactly the same experience in black Africa. Once again, ancient and modern accounts support each other. The ancient gods of the Indus Valley, the Nagas, were said to have been able to take either human or reptilian form. Former US president, George Bush, incidentally, is mentioned more than any other person in my experience in relation to shape-shifting. This is why his son is being brought through in the 2000 presidential election. Presidents are not EL-ected by ballot,they are SEL-ected by blood". On Fri, 7 May 1999 - spirit@canada. com writes: IUFO Mailing List Cathy O'Brien and Mark Philips new book (Trance Formation of America) and their experiences, if factual, may represent one of the more important "leaks" from inside the mind-control empire. Interestingly, Cathy's revelations as a former high-level mind control slave form an important part of the evidentiary basis for David Icke's insights into a reptoid-masonic power structure in "The Biggest Secret." A friend of mine from the UK loaned me her copy of Icke's book. She's observed his work for several years in England, and tells me he was a respected sportscaster there. It was only after he exposed the Satanic-ritual murder and abuse rings surrounding the Windsors (Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, the Queen Mother, and others of the NWO) that his was attacked through disinformation in the controlled press - using apparently the tactic that Icke thought himself the messiah. One significance of Cathy O'Brien's revelations as a high-order mind control slave servicing an Elite (READ "Reptoid controlled) network is the co-ordination of the MKULTRA (k for "kontrolle") slave programme with global Masonic and Satanic ritual murder and abuse networks. If Cathy's accounts are factual, the following may be a socio-political- pathological reality: 1. Satanic ritual murder and sex abuse may be as a power-source and >controlling practice with key operatives in a global mind-control network. As a "Presidential Model", Cathy claims to have officiated at ritual infanticide, blood-drinking, and sexual abuse ceremonies in which the following key operatives took part: David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger (Global consigliere) George Bush, William Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Sen Robert Byrd (Kathy's controller), Sen. Arlen Specter, Al Gore, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, the Queen Mother (a Den Mother), Madeleine Albright (US Den Mother), Prince Charles, Prime Minister Tony Blair et al. The top Reptoid seems to be code-named "Pindar". 2. "The Most Dangerous Game" is a variation on ritualistic murder played by US Presidents. George Bush and William Clinton have played this together. Target mind control slaves are let go in a secured wilderness, and the Presidents hunt them with telescopic rifles. Alternatively, mind control slaves are ordered to jump from a helicopter in flight by the Commander in Chief. (George Bush allegedly did this, by Cathy's account.) 3. Key state social services and adoption agencies, and some Roman Catholic adoption agencies have served as farms to supply the necessary babies for the infanticide rituals. Facilities such as Disneyland are used to target "lost children" to feed the child ritual murder machine. Breeding facilities with single mothers exist to further supply the infanticide trade. 4. Secret facilities on military bases in Nevada hold infants in cages, subjecting them to gross and unspeakable abuse, according to mind control practices, to create a supply of dissociative mind control slaves. 5. Ruling class resorts such as Bohemian Grove in California hold Satanic ritual murder, blood-drinking and abuse rituals as an integral part of their retreats. Organizations like Bohemian Grove are part of the Reptoid-initiate farm system of the global mind control network. 6. What we know in secular and vernacular terms as NWO is at a deeper level a malevolent world-religion, based on Satanic-Baal- Masonic principles, operating on a long-term time horizon. Modern NWO objectives are being carried out using the MKULTRA methodologies, implemented through a network of co-opted and/or initiated elites. According to Cathy, the "K" in M"K"ULTRA was actually code-named Kontrolle, German for control, as a code-salutation to Josef Mengele, head Nazi mind-controller who was slipped out of Germany at then end of the war, along with Nazi elite. He stayed in the US mainly, under cover and directing US mind control operations, including MKULTRA. He died in 1990 in the US. The US mind control empire was actually established by the Nazi mind control apparatus being shipped here wholesale after the war. Cathy reports having met Mengele a number of times in the US. Apparently she or other mind control slaves also met Adolf Hitler here in the US. He was allegedly slipped out of Germany as part of Operation Paperclip. I have read creditable research by expert pathologists who examined the dental records of the alleged corpse found in the bunker, and it was by the forensic evidence not Hitler. So the very real possibility exists that Hitler and the entire Nazi inner core were in the US, carrying on the Agenda while we were growing up, studying, working, raising families, and watching the US distintegrate from the inside. The next Bilderberger meeting is scheduled for June, 1999 in Portugal. The resort where it is to be held is to be cleared for the 48 hours preceding the meeting, and guests fly in without visas. The formal agenda is "Globalization. " The Reptoids face a double bind. On the one hand they perceive they have achieved many of the structural elements for the secular NWO scheme. On the other, many of the facts of the Reptoid inner core and plans are now surfacing publicly. Major universe forces seem to be inflicting boomerangs (Photon Belt). What will come out of this meeting must be decoded from the public announcements. There are many facets, obviously, to understanding this complex Reptoid pehnomenon that has been covertly trying to move for global control over thousands of years. This mind control empire facet is but one facet and not the whole game. The good side is that this information is now in the open, and that higher forces within the Universe - including the Photon Belt, are at work. Obviously, there is much more to know. FROM: http://www.beyond- the-illusion. com/files/ New-Files/ 990531/mkultraRe ptoidMindControl machine.txt FROM Dan Winter: http://www.zayra. de/soulcom/ invasion/ The Illuminati Hierarchy The leader of the Earths Illuminati is called the "Pindar". The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for "Pinnacle of the Draco", also known as the "Penis of the Dragon". Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion, and fear. The holder of this rank reports to the purebred Reptilian leader in the inner Earth. Recently, there are reports that the Marquis de Libeaux is the Pindar, but this is disinformation. The true current Pindar is the head of the Rothschild family, as has been for several hundred years. He is based in Germany near Frankfurt. In the late 1970s, he oversaw the sister project to Montauk, called M.A.L.D.A. is an anagram for MontaukAlsace- Lorraine Dimensional Activation. This project was located near the city of Strasbourg, France, historically once part of Germany. Interestingly, there is a winery on the east end of Long Island, not far from Montauk Point, called Pindar Vineyards. This wine is growing in popularity, gaining international accolades. This fits nicely into the plan, as this area will be a part of the capital district of the Earth/United Nations in the Empire State! Red wine is symbolic of the blood ingested by the Reptilians. The wine can become sanctified as it did in the Roman Catholic Church, a patsy for the Reptilians. In the Catholic Church, wine replaced the blood in ceremony. The Illuminati here on Earth have established a pyramid structure of control identical to the system that exists in the Draco Empire. The pyramid with the Reptilian eye, located on the American one-dollar bill, is symbolic of this control structure. The eye is the cap on the pyramid, thus explaining why the original surface of the Great Pyramid in Egypt was capped in solid gold. The Pindar is represented by the gold cap on the pyramid. The next layer, or "eye", on the pyramid represents the 13 ruling families. They are as follows: 1. Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) - Pindar 2. Bruce 3. Cavendish (Kennedy) 4. De Medici 5. Hanover 6. Hapsburg 7. Krupp 8. Plantagenet 9. Rockefeller 10. Romanov 11. Sinclair (St. Clair) 12. Warburg (del Banco) 13. Windsor (Saxe-Coburg- Gothe) Each of the 13 ruling families is given an area of the Earth and/or a particular function to fulfill on the Earth. These particular functions include global finances, military technology/developm ent, mind-control, religion, and media. Each of the 13 ruling families has a council of 13 as well. The number, 13, has great significance to them. They know that there are 12 types of energies that pass through the 10 aspects of God-Mind. The totality of the 12 energies equals a 13th energy. This is considered the most powerful knowledge. They also know that there are really 13 Zodiac signs, not the commonly acknowledged 12. They have kept the 13th hidden for centuries because it is the sign of the Dragon. They keep the qualities and traits of this sign secret to avoid giving away clues to the Reptilian mind-pattern. The next layer is the second-in-command families who do the support work for the Pindar and 13 ruling families. While all of the 13 ruling family members are shapeshifters, all members of the 300 supporting families are not. They do, however, all have a high percentage of Reptilian DNA. They are known as the "Committee of 300".These families include such notable names as Agnelli, Balliol, Beale, Bell, Bouvier, Bush, Cameron, Campbell, Carnegie, Carrington, Coolidge, Delano, Douglas, Ford, Gardner, Graham, Hamilton, Harriman, Heinz, Kuhn, Lindsay, Loeb, Mellon, Montgomery, Morgan, Norman, Oppenheimer, Rhodes, Roosevelt, Russell, Savoy, Schiff, Seton, Spencer, Stewart/Stuart, Taft, and Wilson. There are many others. The Committee of 300 use many well-known institutions to accomplish their goals, including the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderburgers, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Mafia, CIA, NSA, Mossad, Secret Service, International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve, Internal Revenue Service, and Interpol, to name a few. All of these are private organizations or corporations set up as public service devices, but this is far from the truth. The Illuminati structure also creates artificial countries to further their goals. Examples of these are the United States, Switzerland, Kuwait, the Soviet Union, Panama, Israel, Italy, Yugoslavia, the United Kingdom, most of Black Africa, all of the Arab countries, and all of Central and South America. These nations were created to amass wealth for the ruling families and their supporters, to hide or keep their wealth, and to create unstable conditions necessary to start wars or increase military budgets. Switzerland was created as a neutral banking centre so that Illuminati families would have a safe place to keep their funds without fear of destruction from wars and prying eyes. The United States was established with 13 colonies, one for each of the Illuminati families. The original flag had 13 stars, and still has 13 stripes. The eagle, the symbol of the United States, holds 13 arrows in its talons. The United States is actually a corporate asset of the Virginia Company that was established in 1604 in England with direct involvement of the Rothschilds. The finances of the Rothschilds were necessary to fund the exploration and exploitation of the North American continent. The assets of the Virginia Company, including the United States, are owned by the Holy Roman Empire via the Vatican. This occurred in 1213 when King James gave all English assets to the Reptilian Pope. Executorship remains with the British royal family, but actual ownership lies with the Roman Catholic Church. The United States of America is not named after Amerigo Verspucci, as you learned in school. The Illuminati would never name a continent, actually two continents, after an Italian mapmaker. The name is actually a combination of words. "Am" is the Hebrew word for "people". "Ame" is also the command form of the Spanish/Latin verb "to love". "Eri" or "ari" is a Hebrew term for "lion". "Rica" is the feminine form of the Spanish word for "rich". "Ka" is the ancient Egyptian word for soul, or spirit force within a body. There are two layers of meanings. The Ancient Hebrew/Egyptian translates to say, "the people of the lion with spirit force". Hence, the pyramid and all-seeing eye on the onedollar bill. The Latinized version translates to say, "love riches", in a feminized/physical reality way. This gives an idea of what they had in mind. Take this a step further, and one sees the mixture of the feminine Latin/eagle ideas with the masculine Hebrew/lion ideas. The symbolic statement of America is that it is a combination of Lemuria and Atlantis; a blend of the human/Lyrae with Reptilian/Draco. Perhaps the anagram LSD, an Illuminati created drug, has a hidden meaning as well: Lyrae-Sirius- Draco! The combination of these three civilizations would produce the most powerful, technological Empire ever known! In 1776, the creation of the United States as an independent nation coincided with the declaration into public existence of the official Illuminati organization by member Adam Weishaupt, in Bavaria. Publicly, Mr. Weishaupt appeared to be determined to create an organization comprised of the European elite that would uplift mankind. Of course, this was part of an Illuminati global ceremony. The creation for the United States and the Illuminati global ceremony. The creation of the United States and the Illuminati organization were artificial beginnings for public consumption. The United States was the device to be used to bring the Illuminati into public acceptance. Current Illuminati members believe that Adam Weishaupt was a look-alike for George Washington, and it is actually Weishaupts image that appears on the one-dollar bill. George Washington was a wealthy slave and plantation owner. He is known to have raped some of his female slaves and used some of the male slaves in ritualistic ceremony. There are many people of the Black race who can literally trace their genetics to the founding fathers. George Washington also ordered the building of the Montauk Lighthouse in 1796. This lighthouse included an underground area for supply storage in case of a British coastline invasion. If he had only known what that area would become or did he? The 13 ruling Illuminati families constantly vie for control amongst themselves. During this time period, the Spanish, British, and French Illuminati all fought to win control over North and South America. The Rothschilds kept these Illuminati factions in line by sending Hessian troops to monitor the situation. The leaders enjoyed these war games, pitting one against the other to see who would win. The hundreds of thousands of lives lost were meaningless to them. The Manifest Destiny of the United States was created to expand the territory of the Aryans at the expense of the native populations. As always, the Illuminati seek to destroy native peoples and their cultures. This is an attempt to destroy their knowledge of GodMind, as well as the possibility that the natives will impart this information on to others. Especially important is their need to eliminate native cultures with ancient knowledge of Atlantis and Lyrae. The natives that gave them the most problem were the Cherokee Indians because this tribe retained most of their Atlantean knowledge, even accessing the Bear/Bigfoot frequency for information. For this reason, these people were uprooted from their homeland in the southern Appalachian Mountains, and forcibly marched to Oklahoma on what is now known as The Trail of Tears. Many died along the way. Only a remnant remained in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia. In the north, the vast Iroquois/ Mohawk nation was disbanded. The Montauk, direct descendents of the Atlanteans who call their leader Pharaoh, were systematically eliminated. The Rothschilds were aggressively involved with the slave trade from Africa, importing slaves to North and South America as well as the Caribbean. They were very careful not to import Blacks from the eastern areas of Ethiopia or Sudan where the descendents of Solomon were located, instead concentrating on western and central Africa for the slave populations. These areas had the pure mixture of Annunnakki and simian genetics, and the programming desirable for the Illuminati agenda. The Rothschilds decided that splitting the United States colonies would double their profits. So they politically created, and financially supported, the Civil War. The Civil War was actually a global ceremonial ritual to bring slavery to its next level. This war allowed the North to win, and publicly abolish slavery. The best slaves are the ones who do not realize that they are slaves. This alleviates rebellion and resistance. This was the status immediately following the Civil War. Blacks in the South are still slaves. There is still segregation, even in the North. The Illuminati still consider Blacks to be second or third class citizens. Only now the slavery is subtle and masked. Since the Civil War, there have been other staged wars that entrenched the trend toward globalization. The Spanish-American War of 1898-1899 acquired more land for the American Illuminati, placing a greater portion of the Earth's surface under American jurisdiction. World War I was designed to change the map of Europe as well as test germ and chemical warfare technology for future use. This coincided with the worldwide influenza outbreak designed to reduce the global population, making control easier. World War I also laid the foundation for the German role in the next war. World War II was a test of the final globalization and extermination projects. It was also designed to test mind-control machinations; to test the use of fluoride which deadens brain activity and slows resistance to authority; to experiment with slave labor camps and study the development of resistance; and to teach the masses to spy and report on one another. World War II brought three primary goals of the Illuminati to fruition. The first was that hidden Illuminati symbolisms were brought to public attention from the underground strongholds in Tibet and Egypt, such as the Swastika and the ankh. The second was the creation of the State of Israel as a foundation for the New World Religion. The last was the creation of nuclear weapons as part of the Illuminati global ceremony. During World War II, the Germans helped to perfect "sex-slaves" as a means of transmitting information amongst the elite. Sex-slaves can be either male or female, who are sexually programmed using Wilhelm Reich procedures, which are illegal in the United States, but used by the Illuminati and government. These sex-slaves deliver messages and keep programmed sleepers in line. The sex-slave is downloaded with a message or function through various sexual acts and drugs, which can only be released by repeating the same sexual act with the target, or person, to be activated. They are trained to know their target's trigger words and trigger events to activate, delete, or change programming. In recent years, several women have come forward claiming to be the sex-slaves of globally recognized political figures. Many were used as information couriers between high-level male Illuminati. Usually, lookalikes of the political figures are used in the incipient programming as a focal point for the sex-slave. The slave is put through a desensitizing process, so there is no pleasure in the sexual act; it is merely a duty to be performed. Many times the slave becomes sexually promiscuous, repeatedly having sex with people who look like the intended target. It is a sad life. By the end of World War II, one of the three major Illuminati global rituals was accomplished. This was the nuclear explosion that took place in 1945 at the 33rd parallel as a test for the nuclear attack on Japan. This explosion was symbolic, representing the simultaneous creation and destruction of matter and energy. The year was symbolic as well. In numerology, 1 + 9 = 10, representing the 10 aspects of God-Mind. The number 10 further breaks down to 1 + 0 = 1, representing a new beginning. Continuing, 4 + 5 = 9, representing the end of a cycle. Symbolically, the entire event represented the end of a cycle to prepare for a new beginning using the new creation of God-Mind out of destruction. Additionally, a cylinder containing material still not explained by the government was trucked into the nuclear explosion testing. This cylinder was made from pure steel and allegedly was the same physical dimensions as the Kabala describes for the creation of Golems. Kabala is ancient Hebrew metaphysics that has been a staple for the Illuminati for millennia. Golems are artificial beings that are used as a slave force. It is highly probable that this was a symbolic ritual for the creation of the society of Golems. World War II also allowed the European/American Illuminati to destroy the Japanese Illuminati desires of global domination. The Japanese royal family, represented by Emperor Hirohito, have always been ostracized as non-legitimate by the ruling 13 families. The Japanese claim to be direct descendents of Lemurian purebred Reptilians. The European/American Illuminati claim that the Japanese Illuminati are descendents from a lower species in the Draco hierarchy. This lower species is considered a worker class without any political clout or influence. The European/American Illuminati also claim that East Indians are a lower species in the Draco hierarchy. The 13 ruling families consider light skin and hair to be an elite characteristic. On January 17, 1994, Japan sent a seismic event to California. Exactly one year later on January 17, 1995, the city of Kobe, Japan was seismically destroyed. Kobe was the home of the Japanese electromagnetic weaponry centres. The European/American Illuminati will not tolerate thorns in their sides. The destruction of Japan and its royal family will continue in the coming months. Every year, the Illuminati hold meetings to plan the events of the coming year to accomplish their main objective formulated millennia ago of global control and domination. In the 1850s, they pinpointed their target date for complete domination with an agenda called Plan 2000. This has since been revised to 2003. The fiasco election of George W. Bush Jr. to office is a key sign that they are on target. The public lesson of the United States presidential "election" of 2000 is that the citizens do not vote for anyone! Even the Illuminati are now finding it increasingly difficult to conceal their plans. THEOSOPHY, Vol. 52, No. 2, December, 1963 (Pages 43-50; Size: 22K) THE TIMELESS KABIRI(1) FROM the very day when the first mystic found the means of communication between this world and the worlds of the invisible host, between the sphere of matter and that of pure spirit, he concluded that to abandon this mysterious science to the profanation of the rabble was to lose it. The Kabiri or the Kabirim [the name is Phoenician] were Deities and very mysterious gods with the ancient nations, including the Israelites, and were held in the highest veneration at Thebes, in Lemnos, Phrygia, Macedonia, and especially at Samothrace. They were mystery gods, no profane having the right to name or speak of them. Herodotus makes of them Fire-gods and points to Vulcan as their father. The Kabiri presided over the Mysteries, and their real number has never been revealed, their occult meaning being very sacred. The Kabiri were also Assyrian gods. In Hebrew the name means "the mighty ones," Gibborim. In Samothrace, an island famous and renowned for its Mysteries all over the world -- perhaps the oldest ever established in our present race -- they were the Samothraces. The latter are considered identical with the Kabiri, Dioscuri and Corybantes. The names of the Samothraces were mystical, denoting Pluto, Ceres or Proserpine, Bacchus and Æsculapius, or Hermes. At one time all the deities connected with fire, whether they were divine, infernal or volcanic, were called Kabirian. With the Christians, however, they are now devils, although the modern Archangels are the direct transformation of these same Kabiri. Those who know anything of the Samothracian mysteries will remember that the generic name of the Kabiri was the "Holy Fires," which created on seven localities of the island of Electria (or Samothrace) the "Kabir born of the Holy Lemnos" (the island sacred to Vulcan). According to Pindar, this Kabir, whose name was Adamas, was, in the traditions of Lemnos, the type of the primitive man born from the bosom of the Earth. He was the archetype of the first males in the order of generation, and was one of the seven autochthonous ancestors or progenitors of mankind. A Mystery, imparted to but very few initiates, was enacted once every seven years during the Mysteries, and the records of it are found self-imprinted on the leaves of the Thibetan sacred tree, the mysterious Kounboum, in the Lamasery of the holy adepts. In the shoreless ocean of space radiates the central, spiritual, and invisible sun. The universe is his body, spirit, and soul; and after this ideal model are framed all "things." These three emanations are the three lives, the three degrees of the gnostic Pleroma, the three "Kabalistic Faces," for the ANCIENT of the ancient, the holy of the aged, the great EnSoph, "has a form and then he has no form." The invisible "assumed a form when he called the universe into existence," says the Sohar, the Book of Splendor. The first light is His Soul, the Infinite, Boundless, and Immortal breath; under the efflux of which the universe heaves its mighty bosom, infusing intelligent life throughout creation. The second emanation condenses cometary matter and produces form within the cosmic circle; sets the countless worlds floating in the electric space, and infuses the unintelligent, blind life-principle into every form. The third produces the whole universe of physical matter; and as it keeps gradually receding from the Central Divine Light its brightness wanes and it becomes DARKNESS and the BAD -- pure matter, the "gross purgations of the celestial fire" of the Hermetists. When the Central Invisible, the "highest and greatest Creative POWER," saw the efforts of the divine Scintilla [Over-Soul], unwilling to be dragged lower down into the degradation of matter, to liberate itself, he permitted it to shoot out from itself a monad, over which, attached to it as by the finest thread, the Divine Scintilla had to watch during its ceaseless peregrinations from one form to another. Thus the monad was shot down into the first form of matter and became encased in a stone; then, in course of time, through the combined efforts of living fire and living water, both of which shone their reflection upon the stone, the monad crept out of its prison to sunlight as a lichen. From change to change it went higher and higher; the monad, with every new transformation borrowing more of the radiance of its parent, Scintilla (Soul), which approached it nearer at every transmigration. For "the First Cause had willed it to proceed in this order"; and destined it to creep on higher until the physical form became once more the Adam of dust, shaped in the image of the Adam Kadmon (Pitris). Before undergoing its last earthly transformation, the external covering of the monad, from the moment of its conception as an embryo, passes in turn, once more, through the phases of the several kingdoms. In its fluidic prison it assumes a vague resemblance at various periods of the gestation to plant, reptile, bird, and animal, until it becomes a human embryo. At the birth of the future man, the monad, radiating with all the glory of its immortal parent [Dhyani-Buddha] which watches it from the seventh sphere, becomes senseless. It loses all recollection of the past, and returns to consciousness but gradually, when the instinct of childhood gives way to reason and intelligence. After the separation between the life-principle (astral spirit) and the body takes place, the liberated soul -Monad, exultingly rejoins the mother and father spirit [i.e., the Fire-Kabiri] , the radiant Augoeides, and the two, merged into one, forever form, with a glory proportioned to the spiritual purity of the past earth-life, the Adam who has completed the circle of necessity, and is freed from the last vestige of his physical encasement. Henceforth, growing more and more radiant at each step of his upward progress, he mounts the shining path that ends at the point from which he started around the Grand Cycle. If one studies comparative Theogony, it is easy to find that the secret of these "Fires" was taught in the Mysteries of every ancient people, pre-eminently in Samothrace. There is not the smallest doubt that the Kabiri, the most arcane of all the ancient deities, gods and men, great deities and Titans, are identical with the Kumaras and Rudras headed by Kartikeya [Mars, personifying the powers of the LOGOS] -- a Kumara also. This is quite evident even exoterically; and these Hindu deities were, like the Kabiri, the personified sacred Fires of the most occult powers of Nature. The several branches of the Aryan Race, the Asiatic and the European, the Hindu and the Greek, did their best to conceal their true nature, if not their importance. As in the case of the Kumaras, the number of the Kabiri is uncertain. Some say that they were three or four only; others say seven. Thus, while in Samothrace and the oldest Egyptian temples they were the great Cosmic Gods (the seven and the forty-nine Sacred Fires), in the Grecian fanes their rites became mostly phallic, therefore to the profane, obscene. In the latter case they were three and four, or seven -- the male and female principles -- (the crux ansata), this division showing why some classical writers held that they were only 3, while others named 4. And these were, the Kabiri Axieros (in his female aspect, Demeter); Axio-Kersa (Persephone) ; Axiokersos (Pluto or Hades); and Kadmos or Kadmilos (Hermes -- not the ithyphallic Hermes mentioned by Herodotus ... but "he of the sacred legend," explained only during the Samothracian mysteries). They may very well stand for the alter-egos of the four Kumaras, Sanat-Kumara, Sananda, Sanaka, and Sanatana. The former deities, whose reputed father was Vulcan, were often confounded with the Dioscuri, Corybantes, Anaces, etc., just as the Kumara, whose reputed father is Brahmâ (or rather, the "Flame of his Wrath") ... were confounded with the Asuras, the Rudras, and the Pitris, for the simple reason that they are all one -- i.e., correlative Forces and Fires. The Kabirim, the "mighty ones," are identical with our primeval Dhyan-Chohans, with the incorporeal and corporeal Pitris, and with all the rulers and instructors of the primeval races, which are referred to as the Gods and Kings of the divine Dynasties. It matters little whether it is Isis, or Ceres -- the "Kabiria" -- or again the Kabiri. Every nation has either the seven and ten Rishi-Manus and Prajapatis; the seven and ten Ki-y; or ten and seven Amshaspends (six exoterically, if Ormazd, their chief and Logos, is excluded); ten and seven Chaldean Anedots, ten and seven Sephiroth, etc., etc. One and all have been derived from the primitive Dhyan-Chohans of the Esoteric doctrine, or the "Builders" of the Stanzas. From Manu, Thot-Hermes, Oannes Dagon, and Edris-Enoch, down to Plato and Panadores, all tell us of seven divine Dynasties, of seven Lemurian and seven Atlantean divisions of the earth; of the seven primitive and dual gods who descend from their celestial abode and reign on Earth, teaching mankind Astronomy, Architecture, and all the other sciences that have come down to us. These Beings appear first as "gods" and Creators; then they merge in nascent man, to finally emerge as "divine-Kings and Rulers." But this fact has been gradually forgotten. As Bosuage shows, the Egyptians themselves confessed that science flourished in their country only since Isis-Osiris, whom they continue to adore as gods, "though they had become Princes in human form." And he adds of Osiris-Isis (the divine androgyne): "It is said that this Prince (Isis-Osiris) built cities in Egypt, stopped the overflowing of the Nile; invented agriculture, the use of the vine, music, astronomy, and geometry." It is the Kabiri who are credited with having revealed, by producing corn or wheat, the great boon of agriculture. What Isis-Osiris, the once living Kabiria, has done in Egypt, that Ceres is said to have done in Sicily; they all belong to one class. To them, the Kabiri or Titans, is ascribed the invention of letters (the Devanagari, or the alphabet and language of the gods), of laws and legislature, of architecture, as of the various modes of magic, so-called; and of the medical use of plants. Hermes, Orpheus, Cadmus, Asclepius, all those demi-gods and heroes, to whom is ascribed the revelation of sciences to men, and in whom Bryant, Faber, Bishop Cumberland, and so many other Christian writers, too zealous for the plain truth, would force posterity to see only pagan copies of one and sole prototype, named Noah -- are all generic names. As to the Jewish Noah, no Occultist would ever think of dispossessing him of his prerogatives, if he is claimed to be an Atlantean; for this would simply show that the Israelites repeated the story of Vaivasvata-Manu, Xisuthrus, and so many others, and that they only changed the name, to do which they had the same right as any other nation or tribe. What we object to is the literal acceptation of Biblical chronology, as it is absurd, and in accord with neither geological data nor reason. Moreover, if Noah was an Atlantean, then he was a Titan, a giant, as Faber shows; and if a giant, then why is he not shown as such in Genesis? The Titans and Kabirs have been invariably made out by the theologians and some pious symbologists as indissolubly connected with the grotesque personage called devil, and every proof to the contrary has been hitherto as invariably rejected and ignored; therefore, the Occultist must neglect nothing which may tend to defeat this conspiracy of slander. Neither the Chaldean nor the Biblical deluge (the stories of the Babylonian Xisuthrus and Noah) is based on the universal or even on the Atlantean deluges, recorded in the Indian allegory of Vaivasvata-Manu. They are all the exoteric allegories based on the esoteric mysteries of Samothrace. If the older Chaldees knew the esoteric truth of Samothrace in the Puranic legends, the other nations were aware only of the Samothracian mystery, and allegorized it. They adapted it to their astronomical and anthropological, or rather phallic, notions. Samothrace is known historically to have been famous in antiquity for a deluge, which submerged the country and reached the top of the highest mountains; an event which happened before the age of the Argonauts. It was overflowed very suddenly by the waters of the Euxine, regarded up to that time as a lake. If, while coupling with this the fact that Samothrace was colonized by the Phoenicians, and before them by the mysterious Pelasgians who came from the East, one remembers also the identity of the mystery gods of the Phoenicians, Chaldeans, and Israelites, it will be easy to discover whence came also the confused account of the Noachian deluge. Thus it is very important to prevent fanatics from monopolising all the facts in history and legend, and from fathering their distortions of truth, history, and legend upon one man. Noah, is either a myth along with the others or one whose legend was built upon the Kabirian or Titanic tradition, as taught in Samothrace. He has, therefore, no claim to be monopolised by either Jew or Christian. If, as Faber tried to demonstrate at such cost of learning and research, Noah is an Atlantean, and a Titan, and his family are Kabiri or pious Titans, etc., then biblical chronology falls by its own weight, and along with it all the patriarchs -- the antediluvian and pre-Atlantean Titans. As now discovered and proven, Cain is Mars, the god of power and generation. Tubal-Cain is a Kabir, "an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron"; or, if this will please better, he is one with Hephaestos or Vulcan -- Vul-cain, the greatest god also with the later Egyptians, and the greatest Kabir. The god of time was Chium in Egypt, or Saturn, or Seth, and Chium is the same as Cain. Jabal is taken from the Kabiri -- instructors in agriculture, "such as have cattle," and Jubal is "the father of those who handle the harp," he, or they who fabricated the harp for Kronos and the trident for Poseidon. The history or "fables" about the mysterious Telchines, fables echoing each and all the archaic events of our esoteric teachings, furnish us with a key to the origin of Cain's genealogy; they give the reason why the Roman Catholic Church identifies "the accursed blood" of Cain and Ham with Sorcery, and makes it responsible for the Deluge. Were not the Telchines, it is argued, the mysterious iron-workers of Rhodes; they who were the first to raise statues to the gods, furnish them with weapons, and men with magic arts? And is it not they who were destroyed by a deluge at the command of Zeus, as the Cainites were by that of Jehovah? The Telchines are simply the Kabiri and the Titans, in another form. They are the Atlanteans also. "Like Lemnos and Samothrace," says Decharme, "Rhodes, the birthplace of the Telchines, is an island of volcanic formation." The island of Rhodes emerged suddenly out of the seas, after having been previously engulfed by the Ocean, say the traditions. Like Samothrace it is connected in the memory of men with the Flood legends. The Kabiri are in truth "the great, beneficent and powerful Gods," as Cassius Hermone calls them. At Thebes, the Kabirim Kore and Demeter had a sanctuary, and at Memphis, the Kabiri had a temple so sacred that none, excepting the priests, were suffered to enter their holy precincts. During the Samothracian Mysteries, "after the distribution of pure Fire a new life began." This was the "new birth" that is alluded to by Jesus in his nocturnal conversation with Nicodemus. "Initiated into the most blessed of all the Mysteries, being ourselves pure ... we become just and holy with wisdom." "He breathed on them and saith unto them, 'Take of Holy Pneuma'." And this simple act of will-power was sufficient to impart vaticination in its nobler and more perfect form if both the initiator and the initiated were worthy of it. To deride this gift, even in its present aspect, "as the corrupt offspring and lingering remains of an ignorant age of superstition, would be as unphilosophical as it is wrong," as remarked by a 19th century minister. "To remove the veil which hides our vision from the future, has been attempted in all ages of the world." The fact that, astronomically, the Titans-Kabirim were also the generators and regulators of the seasons, and cosmically the great Volcanic Energies, the gods presiding over all the metals and terrestrial works, does not prevent them from being, in their original divine characters, the beneficent Entities who, symbolized in Prometheus, brought light to the world, and endowed humanity with intellect and reason. They are pre-eminently in every theogony, especially in the Hindu, the sacred Divine FIRES, 3, 7, or 49, according as the allegory demands it. They were universally worshipped, and their origin is lost in the night of time. Yet whether propitiated in Phrygia, Phoenicia, the Troad, Thrace, Egypt, Lemnos or Sicily, their cult was always connected with fire; their temples ever built in the most volcanic localities, and in exoteric worship they belonged to Chthonian Divinities. Therefore Christianity has made of them infernal gods. Nor must it be lost sight of that the Kabiri were of both sexes, as also terrestrial, celestial and kosmic. While in their later capacity of the Rulers of sidereal and terrestrial powers, a purely geological phenomenon was symbolized in the persons of those rulers, they were also, in the beginning of times, the rulers of mankind. When incarnated as Kings of the "divine Dynasties," they gave the first impulse to civilizations, and directed the mind with which they had endued men to the invention and perfection of all the arts and sciences. Thus the Kabiri are said to have appeared as the benefactors of men, and as such they lived for ages in the memory of nations. They had other names in the "sacred language," known but to the hierophants and priests; and "it was not lawful to mention them." We find them pronounced, albeit slightly disfigured, as known in that same sacred language -- by the populations of Siam, Thibet, and India. And on the walls of the Cambodian Nagkon-Wat are to be found at this day several repetitions of the Kabirian gods of Samothrace. This may have escaped the notice of archaeologists, but upon stricter inspection they will be found there, as well as the reputed father of the Kabiri -- Vulcan, with his bolts and implements, having near him a king with a sceptre in his hand, which is the counterpart of that of Cheronaea, or the "scepter of Agamemnon," so-called, said to have been presented to him by the lame god of Lemnos. In another place we find Vulcan, recognizable by his hammer and pincers, but under the shape of a monkey, as usually represented by the Egyptians. It is easy to see that the excavators of Ellora, the builders of the old Pagodas, the architects of Copan and of the ruins of Central America, those of Nagkon-Wat, and those of the Egyptian remains were, if not of the same race, at least of the same religion -- the one taught in the oldest Mysteries. And if, as sometimes thought, Nagkon-Wat is essentially a Buddhist temple, how comes it to have on its walls basso relievos of completely an Assyrian character and Kabirian gods which, though universally worshipped as the most ancient of the Asiatic mystery-gods, had already been abandoned 200 years B.C., and the Samothracian mysteries themselves completely altered? FROM: http://www.wisdomwo al/ListOfCollate dArticles/ TheTimelessKabir i.html NOTE.--Collated from the writings of H. P. Blavatsky. Pindar held pantheons to be immoral II 764 ----- Hymn to Jupiter Kabir Adamas first man II 3 ----- Hymn to Minerva Minerva on Jupiter's right hand I 401 ----- Nemean Odes Castor & Pollux II 122, 123 Gods & men of common origin II 270 ----- Olympian Odes Pherecydes [Pherenicus? ] on Hyperboreans II 775 ----- Pythian Odes Aetna a celestial pillar II 763 "Happy," says Pindar, who passed through the august mysteries of Eleusis, "is he who has beheld them, and descends beneath the hollow earth. He knows the end, he knows the divine origin of life." As, in Pantanjali's system of Yoga, the pupil goes gradually onward and upward, from the state of animal man, through the stages of self-mastery and psychic development, until he flowers into the true Yogi and unites his consciousness with the infinite, so in all the mystical schools of Greece, Rome, Egypt, and other transHimalayan countries, he had to pass through a like education. [[Vol. 2, Page]] 118 THE SECRET DOCTRINE. "The early Second (Root) Race were the Fathers of the 'Sweat-born'; the later Second (Root) Race were 'Sweat-born' themselves." This passage from the Commentary refers to the work of evolution from the beginning of a Race to its close. The "Sons of Yoga," or the primitive astral race, had seven stages of evolution racially, or collectively; as every individual Being in it had, and has now. It is not Shakespeare only who divided the ages of man into a series of seven, but Nature herself. Thus the first sub-races of the Second Race were born at first by the process described on the law of analogy; while the last began gradually, pari passu with the evolution of the human body, to be formed otherwise. The process of reproduction had seven stages also in each Race, each covering aeons of time. What physiologist or biologist could tell whether the present mode of generation, with all its phases of gestation, is older than half a million, or at most one million of years, since their cycle of observation began hardly half a century ago. Primeval human hermaphrodites are a fact in Nature well known to the ancients, and form one of Darwin's greatest perplexities. Yet there is certainly no impossibility, but, on the contrary, a great probability that hermaphroditism existed in the evolution of the early races; while on the grounds of analogy, and on that of the existence of one universal law in physical evolution, acting indifferently in the construction of plant, animal, and man, it must be so. The mistaken theories of mono-genesis, and the descent of man from the mammals instead of the reverse, are fatal to the completeness of evolution as taught in modern schools on Darwinian lines, and they will have to be abandoned in view of the insuperable difficulties which they encounter. Occult tradition -- if the terms Science and Knowledge are denied in this particular to antiquity -- can alone reconcile the inconsistencies and fill the gap. "If thou wilt know the invisible, open thine eye wide on the visible," says a Talmudic axiom. In the "Descent of Man"* occurs the following passage; which shows how near Darwin came to the acceptance of this ancient teaching. "It has been known that in the vertebrate kingdom one sex bears rudiments of various accessory parts appertaining to the reproductive system, which properly belong to the opposite sex. . . . Some remote progenitor of the whole vertebrate kingdom appears to have been hermaphrodite or androgynous* * . . . But here we encounter a singular difficulty. In the mammalian class the males possess rudiments of a uterus with the adjacent passages in the Vesiculae prostaticae; they bear also rudiments of mammae, and some male marsupials have traces of a marsupial sac. Other analogous facts could be added. Are we then to suppose that some extremely ancient mammal continued androgynous after it had acquired the chief distinctions of its class, and therefore after it had diverged from the lower classes of the vertebrate kingdom? This seems very improbable,* ** for we have to look to fishes, the lowest of all the classes, to find any still existent androgynous forms." Mr. Darwin is evidently strongly disinclined to adopt the hypothesis which the facts so forcibly suggest, viz., that of a primeval androgynous ** And why not all the progenitive first Races, human as well as animal; and why one "remote progenitor"? *** Obviously so, on the lines of Evolutionism, which traces the mammalia to some amphibian ancestor. stem from which the mammalia sprang. His explanation runs: -- "The fact that various accessory organs proper to each sex, are found in a rudimentary condition in the opposite sex may be explained by such organs having been gradually acquired by the one sex and then transmitted in a more or less imperfect condition to the other." He instances the case of "spurs, plumes, and brilliant colours, acquired for battle or for ornament by male birds" and only partially inherited by their female descendants. In the problem to be dealt with, however, the need of a more satisfactory explanation is evident, the facts being of so much more prominent and important a character than the mere superficial details with which they are compared by Darwin. Why not candidly admit the argument in favour of the hermaphroditism which characterises the old fauna? Occultism proposes a solution which embraces the facts in a most comprehensive and simple manner. These relics of a prior androgyne stock must be placed in the same category as the pineal gland, and other organs as mysterious, which afford us silent testimony as to the reality of functions which have long since become atrophied in the course of animal and human progress, but which once played a signal part in the general economy of primeval life. The occult doctrine, anyhow, can be advantageously compared with that of the most liberal men of science, who have theorised upon the origin of the first man. Long before Darwin, Naudin, who gave the name of Blastema to that which the Darwinists call protoplasm, put forward a theory half occult and half scientificomaterialistic. He made Adam, the a-sexual, spring suddenly from the clay, as it is called in the Bible, the Blastema of Science. "It is from this larval form of mankind that the evolutive force effected the completion of species. For the accomplishment of this great phenomenon, Adam had to pass through a phase of immobility and unconsciousness, very analogous to the nymphal state of animals undergoing metamorphosis, " explains Naudin. For the eminent botanist, Adam was not one man, however, but mankind, "which remained concealed within a temporary organism . . . . distinct from all others and never contracting alliance with any of these." He shows the differentiation of sexes accomplished by "a process of germination similar to that of Medusae and Ascidians." Mankind, thus constituted physiologically, "would retain a sufficient evolutive force for the rapid production of the various great human races." De Quatrefages criticises this position in the "Human Species." It is unscientific, he says, or, properly speaking, Naudin's ideas "do not form a scientific theory," inasmuch as primordial Blastema is connected in his theory with the First Cause, which is credited with having made potentially in the Blastema all past, present, and future beings, and thus of having in reality created these beings en masse; moreover, Naudin does not even consider the secondary Causes, or their action in this evolution of the organic world. Science, which is only occupied with Secondary Causes, has thus "nothing to say to the theory of Naudin" (p. 125). Nor will it have any more to say to the occult teachings, which are to some extent approached by Naudin. For if we but see in his "primordial Blastema" the DhyanChohanic essence, the Chhaya or double of the Pitris, which contains within itself the potentiality of all forms, we are quite in accord. But there are two real and vital differences between our teachings. M. Naudin declares that evolution has progressed by sudden leaps and bounds, instead of extending slowly over millions of years; and his primordial Blastema is endowed only with blind instincts -- a kind of unconscious First Cause in the manifested Kosmos -- which is an absurdity. Whereas it is our Dhyan Chohanic essence -- the causality of the primal cause which creates physical man -which is the living, active and potential matter, pregnant per se with that animal consciousness of a superior kind, such as is found in the ant and the beaver, which produces the long series of physiological differentiations. Apart from this his "ancient and general process of creation" from proto-organisms is as occult as any theory of Paracelsus or Khunrath could be. Moreover, the Kabalistic works are full of the proof of this. The Zohar, for instance, says that every type in the visible has its prototype in the invisible Universe. "All that which is in the lower (our) world is found in the upper. The Lower and the Upper act and react upon each other." (Zohar, fol. 186.) Vide infra, Part II., "Esoteric Tenets corroborated in every Scripture." 20. THEIR FATHERS WERE THE SELF-BORN. THE SELF-BORN, THE CHHAYA FROM THE BRILLIANT BODIES OF THE LORDS, THE FATHERS, THE SONS OF TWILIGHT (a). (a) The "shadows," or Chhayas, are called the sons of the "self-born," as the latter name is applied to all the gods and Beings born through the WILL, whether of Deity or Adept. The Homunculi of Paracelsus would, perhaps, be also given this name, though the latter process is on a far more material plane. The name "Sons of Twilight" shows that the "Self-born" progenitors of our doctrine are identical with the Pitris of the Brahmanical system, as the title is a reference to their mode of birth, these Pitris being stated to have issued from Brahma's "body of twilight." (See the Puranas.) 21. WHEN THE RACE BECAME OLD, THE OLD WATERS MIXED WITH THE FRESHER WATERS (a); WHEN THE DROPS BECAME TURBID, THEY VANISHED AND DISAPPEARED, IN THE NEW STREAM, IN THE HOT STREAM OF LIFE. THE OUTER OF THE FIRST BECAME THE INNER OF THE SECOND. (b). THE OLD WING BECAME THE SHADOW, AND THE SHADOW OF THE WING (c). (a) The old (primitive) Race merged in the second race, and became one with it. (b) This is the mysterious process of transformation and evolution of mankind. The material of the first forms -- shadowy, ethereal, and negative -- was drawn or absorbed into, and thus became the complement of the forms of the Second Race. The Commentary explains this by saying that, as the First Race was simply composed of the astral shadows of the creative progenitors, having of course neither astral nor physical bodies of their own -- this Race never died. Its "men" melted gradually away, becoming absorbed in the bodies of their own "sweat-born" progeny, more solid than their own. The old form vanished and was absorbed by, disappeared in, the new form, more human and physical. There was no death in those days of a period more blissful than the Golden Age; but the first, or parent material was used for the formation of the new being, to form the body and even the inner or lower principles or bodies of the progeny. (c) When the shadow retires, i.e. when the astral body becomes covered with more solid flesh, man develops a physical body. The "wing," or the ethereal form that produced its shadow and image, became the shadow of the astral body and its own progeny. The expression is queer but original. As there may be no occasion to refer to this mystery later, it is as well to point out at once the dual meaning contained in the Greek myth bearing upon this particular phase of evolution. It is found in the several variants of the allegory of Leda and her two sons Castor and Pollux, which variants have each a special meaning. Thus in Book XI. of the Odyssey, Leda is spoken of as the spouse of Tyndarus, who gave birth by her husband "to two sons of valiant heart" -- Castor and Pollux. Jupiter endows them with a marvellous gift and privilege. They are semi-immortal; they live and die, each in turn, and every alternate day; [[eteremeroi*]]. As the Tyndaridae, the twin brothers are an astronomical symbol, and stand for Day and Night; their two wives, Phoebe and Hilasira, the daughters of Apollo or the Sun, personifying the Dawn and the Twilight.** Again, in the allegory where Zeus is shown as the father of the two heroes -- born from the egg to which Leda gives birth -- the myth is entirely theogonical. It relates to that group of cosmic allegories in which the world is described as born from an egg. For Leda assumes in it the shape of a white swan when uniting herself to the Divine Swan.*** Leda is the mythical bird, then, to which, in the traditions of various peoples of the Aryan race, are attributed various ornithological forms of birds which all lay golden eggs.**** In the Kalevala (the Epic Poem of Finland), the beauteous daughter of the Ether, "the Water Mother," creates the world in conjunction with a "Duck" (another form of the Swan or Goose, Kalahansa), who lays six golden eggs, and the seventh, "an egg of iron," in her lap. But the variant of the Leda allegory which has a direct reference to mystic man is found in Pindar***** only, with a slighter reference to it in the Homeric hymns.****** Castor and Pollux are in it no longer the Dioscuri (of Apollodorus III. 10, 7); but become the highly significant symbol of the dual man, the Mortal and the Immortal. Not only this, but as will now be seen, they are also the symbol of the Third Race, and its transformation from the animal man into a god-man with only an animal body. Pindar shows Leda uniting herself in the same night to her husband and also to the father of the gods -- Zeus. Thus Castor is the son of the Mortal, Pollux the progeny of the Immortal. In the allegory made up for the occasion, it is said that in a riot of vengeance against the Apherides*** **** Pollux kills Lynceus -- "of all mortals he whose sight is the most penetrating" -- but Castor is wounded by Idas, "he who sees and knows." Zeus puts an end to the fight by hurling his thunderbolt and killing the last two combatants. Pollux finds his brother dying.****** ** In his despair he calls upon Zeus to slay him also. "Thou canst not die altogether," answers the master of the Gods; "thou art of a divine race." But he gives him the choice: Pollux will either remain immortal, living eternally in Olympus; or, if he would share his brother's fate in all things, he must pass half his existence underground, and the other half in the golden heavenly abodes. This semi-immortality, which is also to be shared by Castor, is accepted by Pollux.* And thus the twin brothers live alternately, one during the day, and the other during the night.** Is this a poetical fiction only? An allegory, one of those "solar myth" interpretations, higher than which no modern Orientalist seems able to soar? Indeed, it is much more. Here we have an allusion to the "Egg-born," Third Race; the first half of which is mortal, i.e., unconscious in its personality, and having nothing within itself to survive***; and the latter half of which becomes immortal in its individuality, by reason of its fifth principle being called to life by the informing gods, and thus connecting the Monad with this Earth. This is Pollux; while Castor represents the personal, mortal man, an animal of not even a superior kind, when unlinked from the divine individuality. "Twins" truly; yet divorced by death forever, unless Pollux, moved by the voice of twinship, bestows on his less favoured mortal brother a share of his own divine nature, thus associating him with his own immortality. Princess Diana's Death Her grave, on the "Round Oval", on the island in the lake. A path with 36 oak-trees, marking each year of her life, is leading to the "Round Oval". Originally the family-animals were buried on this island, including Diana´s favorite cat Marmalade. The oak and limetrees on the island are planted by the family, also by Diana herself. White Rambling roses are planted all over. At the end of the island stands an urn from Portland stone. Four black swans are swimming in the lake, symbolizing sentinels guarding Diana's grave. In a dream Charles Spencer saw this vision. In the water there are several water lilies. White roses and lilies were Diana's favorite flowers. See Other Photos See: Princess Diana's Walk Such is the occult meaning of the metaphysical aspect of the allegory. The widely spread modern interpretation of it -- so celebrated in antiquity, Plutarch tells us,**** as symbolical of brotherly devotion -- namely, that it was an image borrowed from the spectacle of Nature -- is weak and inadequate to explain the secret meaning. Besides the fact that the Moon, with the Greeks, was feminine in exoteric mythology, and could therefore hardly be regarded as Castor -- and at the same time be identified with Diana -ancient symbologists who held the Sun, the King of all sidereal orbs, as the visible image of the highest deity, would not have personified it by Pollux, a demi-god only. **** Castor's tomb was shown in Sparta, in days of old, says Pausanias (III., 13, 1); and Plutarch says that he was called at Argos the demi-mortal or demi-hero [[mizarchagetas]]. (See Plutarch, Quaestiones Graecae, 23.) **** The Monad is impersonal and a god per se, albeit unconscious on this plane. For, divorced from its third (often called fifth) principle, Manas, which is the horizontal line of the first manifested triangle or trinity, it can have no consciousness or perception of things on this earthly plane. "The highest sees through the eye of the lowest" in the manifested world; Purusha (Spirit) remains blind without the help of Prakrit (matter) in the material spheres; and so does Atma-Buddhi without Manas. If from Greek mythology we pass to the Mosaic allegories and symbolism, we shall find a still more striking corroboration of the same tenet under another form. Unable to trace in Genesis the "Egg-born," we shall still find there unmistakably the androgynes, and the first three races of the Secret Doctrine hidden under most ingenious symbology in the first four chapters of Genesis. THE DIVINE HERMAPHRODITE. An impenetrable veil of secrecy was thrown over the occult and religious mysteries taught, after the submersion of the last remnant of the Atlantean race, some 12,000 years ago, lest they should be shared by the unworthy, and so desecrated. Of these sciences several have now become exoteric -- such as Astronomy, for instance, in its purely mathematical and physical aspect. Hence their dogmas and tenets, being all symbolised and left to the sole guardianship of parable and allegory, have been forgotten, and their meaning has become perverted. Nevertheless, one finds the hermaphrodite in the scriptures and traditions of almost every nation; and why such unanimous agreement if the statement is only a fiction? It is this secrecy which led the Fifth Race to the establishment, or rather the reestablishment of the religious mysteries, in which ancient truths might be taught to the coming generations under the veil of allegory and symbolism. Behold the imperishable witness to the evolution of the human races from the divine, and especially from the androgynous Race -- the Egyptian Sphinx, that riddle of the Ages! Divine wisdom incarnating on earth, and forced to taste of the bitter fruit of personal experience of pain and suffering, generated under the shade of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil -a secret first known only to the Elohim, the SELF-INITIATED, "higher gods" -- on earth only.* In the Book of Enoch we have Adam,** the first divine androgyne, Moon, conceived as twins . . . The Sun, the immortal and powerful being that disappears every evening from the horizon and descends under the Earth, as though he would make room for the fraternal orb which comes to life with night, is Pollux, who sacrifices himself for Castor; Castor, who, inferior to his brother, owes to him his immortality: for the Moon, says Theophrastus, is only another, but feebler Sun." (De Ventis 17. See Decharme, p. 655.) Adam (Kadmon) is, like Brahma and Mars, the symbol of the generative and creative power typifying Water and Earth -- an alchemical secret. "It takes Earth and Water to create a human soul," said Moses. Mars is the Hindu Mangala, the planet Mars, identical with Kartikeya, the "War-God," born of Gharma-ja (Siva's sweat) and of the Earth. He is Lokita, the red, like Brahma also and Adam. The Hindu Mars is, like Adam, born from no woman and mother. With the Egyptians, Mars was the primeval generative Principle, and so are Brahma, in exoteric teaching, and Adam, in the Kabala. See also: THE ORPHIC THEOGENY DIONYSUS by T. Apiryon Copyright © 1995, 1999 Ordo Templi Orientis. All rights reserved. Also known as Bacchus, Iacchus, Bassareus, Trietenicus and Liber. Thracian god of ecstasy, terror, guilt and atonement, death and resurrection, vegetation, trees, wine, madness, and drama. Crowley thought Dionysus was "probably an ecstatic from the East," and one of the principle models for the syncretic legend of Christ. Herodotus places the birth of Dionysus (i.e., his appearance in Greece) at c. 1600 b.c.e. See Krishna, Chapter 71 of Liber Aleph, Part III of The Heart of the Master, Chapter 7 of The Book of Lies, and The Book of Thoth, II:0. Both Dionysus and his father Zeus are closely associated with the earlier Phrygian deity named Sabazios. In the Orphic theogony (which differs substantially from the more well-known cosmogony of Homer and Hesiod), Dionysus appears successively in three forms: Phanês-Dionysus, the bisexual god of Light, burst from the silver egg of the cosmos (the so-called Orphic Egg is sometimes depicted as an egg girt with a serpent) at the beginning of time. Phanês was also known by the names of Protogonos, Ericapaeus, Eros and Mêtis ( a name previously applied to the Titaness who presided over the planet Mercury). Alone, Phanês created a daughter, Nyx (Night), with whom he begot Gê or Gaia (Earth) and Ouranos or Uranus (Heaven). These begot the Fates, the Centimani, the Cyclôpes (who built the world), and the Titans, with their leader Cronus (Saturn). In the revolt of the Titans against Uranus, Cronus became ruler of the World, and begat the gods. The leader of the gods, Zeus, wrested rulership of the world from Cronus by eucharistically swallowing his great-grandfather Phanes (Metis), assimilating his power. Zeus then took the form of a serpent and begot the second Dionysus, Dionysus-Zagreus, the Horned Child, upon his daughter Persephonê. Zeus bequeathed rulership of the world and the underworld upon his son while he was still a child, even setting him upon the great throne and letting him hold the lighteningbolt scepter. This aroused the envy of the Titans and of his wife, Hêra. Hêra bribed the guards whom Zeus had entrusted to protect the child (the Kourêtes), and distracted the child with toys and a looking glass. While Zagreus was beholding his own face in the looking glass, the Titans, ceremonially smeared with white gypsum, entered and attacked him, tearing him to pieces and devouring him. Enraged, Zeus destroyed the Titans with his thunderbolt, and from their ashes, commingled with those of Dionysus-Zagreus, arose the human race. Humans are therefore of a dual nature: the Dionysian divine nature imprisoned in the Titanic material nature. Athena, goddess of Wisdom, had witnessed the murder of Dionysus-Zagreus and had even managed to save his heart from the rage of the Titans. She brought it, still beating, to her father Zeus. Zeus consumed the heart, as he had previously consumed the Serpententwined Egg of Light of his great-grandfather Phanês. He then came to Semelê, daughter of Cadmus (Semelê was the Thracian word for "Earth") and begot upon her the third Dionysus, known as Dionysus-Lyseus or Bakkhos, or simply as Dionysus. [Another version of the legend has Athena preserving the heart of Zagreus within a small figure she fashioned from the gypsum of the Titans, into which she breathed life.] Dionysus was born on the winter solstice in a cavern in Mount Nusa (one theory of the origin of the name Dionysus derives the name from words meaning "God of Nusa"). Having been born twice, once as Zagreus and once as Lyseus, Dionysus is known as Dithyrambos, the "twice-born. " Hêra, always jealous of her mate's numerous lovers and their children, disguised herself as Semelê's maidservant and convinced Semelê that she deserved to behold Zeus in his true splendor. The next time she saw him, Semelê tricked Zeus into swearing to grant her a wish; which was, of course, that he reveal his true form to her. He reluctantly complied, and she was instantly burned to ashes by the intolerable glory of his manifestation. Zeus placed Dionysus in the care of the Nysaean Nymphs, who nurtured him through his childhood, and for which they were rewarded by Zeus by being placed among the stars as the Hyades. [Another version of the legend states that Zeus hid the child within his own thigh until the child had attained puberty; an alternative theory of the origin of the name Dionysus derives the name from Dios-nusos, "the nurseling of Zeus".] When fully grown, Dionysus discovered the methods of culturing the vine and extracting and fermenting its juice; but Hêra, ever jealous, struck him with madness and caused him to aimlessly wander the earth. Walking one day on the shore on an island in the Greek Archipelago, he was abducted by Tyrrhenian pirates, who mistook him for the son of a rich king and expected a heavy ransom. They carried him aboard their ship and attempted to bind him with ropes; but the knots untied themselves and the ropes fell to the deck. The sea around the ship turned to wine, and a vine began to grow up the mast. The god assumed the form of a lion or panther, and the pirates, in terror, leapt overboard and were transformed into dolphins. In Phrygia, he was cured of his madness by the Great Mother Goddess, his grandmother Rhea (also known as Cybelê, Bona Dea and Magna Mater), who initiated him into her mysteries. He then set out to teach viticulture and to establish his cult among the peoples of the world. He marched through Syria, Lebanon, Caucasian Iberia (modern Georgia), India, Egypt and Libya accompanied by a retinue of his votaries, dancing ecstatically and shouting the mystic word "euoi" (Latinized as the familiar "evoe"). His votaries included the female maenads or bacchantes, tattooed, clad in fox-skins and playing frame-drums or cymbals; the male satyrs, clad in panther-skins and bearing thyrsi (a thyrsus was a rod tipped with a pine cone, with streamers of ivy); and Silenus, his fat, aged, drunken companion and keeper, riding on an ass. Despite his slovenly appearance and his perpetual drunkenness, Silenus possessed immense knowledge and wisdom, and was greatly respected by the votaries of Dionysus. The worship of Dionysus was savage and ecstatic, his votaries participated in orgia in which live animals (usually a spotted fawn, a goat, an ox or a bull) were torn apart and devoured raw. It was believed that the god entered the worshippers and possessed them through this Eucharist of living flesh, called the Omophagia. Animal skins and masks were worn, and a bull-roarer (rhombus) was used to simulate the thundering of Zeus. As Dionysus and his retinue traveled the world spreading his cult, those who accepted him were rewarded with ecstasy. Those who opposed him were stricken with madness, and brought down by the hideous results of their own deranged atrocities. After establishing his cult across the known world, he returned to Greece, bringing his orgiastic Phrygian rites with him. He was not well received. Pentheus, king of Thebes, had him arrested, tried, scourged and thrown into prison. For this, Dionysus drove all the women of Thebes mad, including Agave, Pentheus's mother. They became maenads, and went out into the hills to conduct their Dionysian orgies. Pentheus imprudently followed them. Agave and her companions detected the spy, and in wild rage they fell upon him and tore him to pieces. Thus was Hellas converted to the religion of Dionysus; and Dionysus moved on. On the island of Naxos, Dionysus discovered a girl weeping on the rocks. It was Ariadnê, the daughter of the Cretan king Minos, who had just been abandoned by Thêsêus. Dionysus fell in love with her; they wedded, and had many children. Dionysus crowned his exploits by descending into the Underworld to recover his mother, Semelê. He took her to Olympus where she was ever after worshipped as Thyonê. Many scholars believe that the Greek dramatic tradition ultimately originated in the ecstatic rites of Dionysus. The dramatic tradition is known to have originated in the Hellenic Mystery Schools, and the first of these schools was that of the Orphic Mysteries, which incorporated civilized, allegorical versions of the Dionysian rites into their system. The ram, the dolphin, the serpent, the tiger, the lion, the lynx, the panther, the ox, the goat and the ass are sacred to Dionysus; and his symbols were the phallus, the bull and the thyrsus. According to Forlong, the Greek letters I.H.S. were carved over his shrine. References: Crowley, Aleister; The Book of Lies [1913], Samuel Weiser, NY 1978 Crowley, Aleister; The Book of Thoth [1944], Samuel Weiser, NY 1969/74 Crowley, Aleister; The Heart of the Master [Ordo Templi Orientis, 1938], New Falcon Publications, Scottsdale, Arizona 1992 Crowley, Aleister; The Gospel According to Saint Bernard Shaw [1916], Stellar Visions, San Francisco 1986 Crowley, Aleister; Liber Aleph vel CXI, The Book of Wisdom or Folly [Thelema Publishing, 1962], Samuel Weiser, York Beach, Maine 1991 Forlong, J.G.R.; Faiths of Man, a Cyclopaedia of Religions [Bernard Quaritch, 1906], University Books, NY 1964 Frazer, James G.; The Golden Bough; the Roots of Religion and Folklore [1890], Avenel Books, NY 1981 Gaster, Theodor H.; The New Golden Bough, a New Abridgement of the Classic Work by Sir James George Frazer; Mentor Books, NY 1959 Graves, Robert; The Greek Myths, Volume I, George Braziller, NY 1959 Guirand, F.; "Greek Mythology" in The New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology. Hamlyn, NY 1959/1968 Harrison, Jane Ellen; Themis; a Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion [1912/1927], University Books, NY 1962 Herodotus; The Histories [c. 430 b.c.e.], transl. by Aubrey de S‚lincourt [1954]; revised, with an introduction and notes by A.R. Burn; Penguin, London 1972 Mead, G.R.S.; The Orphic Pantheon, The Alexandrian Press, Edmonds, Washington 1984 Ovid; Metamorphoses, translated by Rolfe Humphries, Indiana University Press, Bloomington 1955/1973 Puhvel, Jaan; Comparative Mythology, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 1987 Robinson, Herbert Spencer and Knox Wilson; The Encyclopedia of Myths and Legends of All Nations, Kaye & Ward, London 1962 Wili, Walter; "The Orphic Mysteries and the Greek Spirit" [1944] in The Mysteries, Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, Bollingen Series XXX.2, edited by Joseph Campbell, Princeton/Bollingen , Princeton NJ 1955/1978 Zimmerman, J.E.; Dictionary of Classical Mythology, Harper & Row, NY 1964 8/23/99 Originally published in Red Flame No. 2 -- Mystery of Mystery: A Primer of Thelemic Ecclesiastical Gnosticism by Tau Apiryon and Helena; Berkeley, CA 1995 e.v. Pandemonium and Silence at Corinth Article by Richard and Catherine Clark Kroeger Although we may idealize the early church, most of us would not have enjoyed a visit to a worship service at Corinth. The impression which one was most likely to receive was that of chaos and delirious insanity: So if the whole congregation is assembled and all are using the 'strange tongues' of ecstasy, and some uninstructed persons or unbelievers should enter, will they not think you are mad? (1Corinthians 14:23, NEB) Greeks considered madness an important aspect of worship. Women in particular responded to Bacchus (also known as Dionysus), the god of madness; 'him of the orgiastic cry, exciter of women, Dionysus, glorified with mad honors'. (Plutarch, Moralia 671c Ancient Corinth was a center of Dionysiac worship, and Pausinius, world traveler of the second century of our era gives this description: In the market-place, for most of the temples are there, is the Ephesian Artemis, and there are two wooden statues of Dionysus, gilt except the faces, which are painted with red paint, one they call Lysian Dionysus and the other Dionysus the Reveler. The tradition about these statues I will record. Pentheus, they say, when he outraged dionysus, among other acts of reckless daring actually at last went to mount Cithaeron to spy on the women, and climbed up into a tree to see what they were doing; and when they detected him, they forthwith dragged him down, and tore him limb from limb. And afterwards, so they say at Corinth, the Pythian priestess told them to discover that tree and pay it divine honors. And that is why these statues are made of that very wood. (Description of Greece, II.ii; tr. A.R. Shilleto) There was in Corinth, then, a significant monument memorializing the savagery of female Bacchus worshippers. Nor was such a feminine ferocity confined to Pentheus alone. Women under the inspiration of Bacchus were said to have torn Orpheus limb from limb; and Alexander the Great was supposed to have incorporated a group of these maenads (mad women) into his army in his attempt to conquer India. There was also a tradition that women during the course of the worship tore apart young animals and ate them raw, warm and bleeding, thereby receiving within themselves the life of the god. In a 1976 address to the Mystery Religions Division of the Society of Biblical Literature, Ross Kraemer argued that there is evidence that women participated in a second level of initiation in Bacchic worship that was not available to men. Among Dionysiac worshippers, writes Livy in his History of Rome, 'the majority are women' (XXXIX.xv) While women were famed for their wildness in the Bacchic cult and in certain other mystery cults, other aspects of their worship were more traditional. Of special importance to the study of the situation Paul addresses is the concept of clamor, noisy outbursts of religious pandemonium. Strabo (first century) explains how popular writers describe the phenomenon: They represent them, one and all, as a kind of inspired people and as subject to Bacchic frenzy, and, in the guise of minister, as inspiring terror at the celebration of the sacred rites by means of war-dances accompanied by uproar and noise and cymbals and drums and also by flute and outcry . . . (Georg., X, 3:7) The 'sounding gong and tinkling cymbal' used in such worship are mentioned in a derogatory sense in 1 Corinthians 13:1; but the religious outcry itself is dealt with more directly. It is essential that we understand that much of the shouting involved in the rite was the specific function of women. Euripides describes the advent of Dionysiac religion to Thebes thus: 'This city, first in Hellas, now shrills and echoes to my women's cries, their ecstasy of joy' (Bacchae, 11, 20-24) The word used here for 'cry' is olulugia, defined by the Etymologicum Magnum as 'the sound which women make to exult in worship' and by E.R. Dodds as 'the women's ritual cry of triumph or thanksgiving' . Pausanias tells of 'the mountain they say was called Eva from the Bacchic cry 'Evoe' which Dionysus and his attendant women first uttered there' (Descr. of Greece, IV, xxxi) Menander also demonstrates women's role in worship: 'We were offering sacrifice five times a day, and seven serving women were beating cymbals around us while the rest of the women pitched high the chant (olulugia)' (Fragment 326). Women were expected, then, to provide certain types of sound-effects; and some of these effects seem to have been limited to feminine ministrants. Apart from savagery and shouting, ancient writers usually describe worshipers of Dionysus as engaging in dancing, drinking, sexual promiscuity, varying degrees of undress, and other forms of excessive behavior. It was only in frenzy that one could hold communion with the god, or - in ecstasy so great that the soul seemed to leave the body to become one with him. There are significant indications that the old pagan religion still exerted a powerful influence on the recent converts at Corinth. They were uncomfortable over meat that had been offered to idols (8:1-13), and they had to be reminded not to attend sacrificial meals in pagan temples (10:20, 21) As in Bacchic feasts, there was drunkenness at the Lord's Supper and ecstatic madness at the worship services. A surprising description comes from the pen of the neo-Platonist Iamblichus as he explains the mystery cults, the popular religions of the day, for Dionysus was not the only god who inspired frenzy: It is necessary to investigate the causes of the divine frenzy (madness). These are illuminations that come down from the gods, the inspirations that are imparted from them, and the absolute authority from them, which not only encompasses all things in us but banishes entirely away the notions and activities which are peculiarly our own. The frenzy causes words to be let fall that are not uttered with the understanding of those who speak them; but it is declared, on the contrary, that they are sounded with a frenzied mouth, the speakers being all of them subservient and entirely controlled by the energy of a dominant intelligence. All enthusiasm is of such a character, and is brought to perfection from causes of such a kind. (The Egyptian Mysteries, tr. Alexander Wilder. pp. 119f.) Too often we regard speaking in tongues as a purely Christian phenomenon, but it was known in the ancient ecstatic religions; and Aristophanes in Frogs mentions 'the tongue of Bacchos' (357). While a heathen might babble without consciousness of what he was saying, there is no indication that speaking a known language without prior instruction was practiced outside of a Christian context. On the Day of Pentecost, such languages were part of the kerygmatic proclamation of the gospel. (Acts 2:4-11) In 1 Corinthians it is clear that the gift of ecstatic language is a gift of the Holy Spirit (12:10). Yet it is also clear that the situation described in 1Corinthians 14 lacked the control of the Spirit, and that other, disruptive, elements were present. It is obvious that there could be little sharing, because too many were trying to talk at once; and much of what was being said required an interpreter to make it meaningful. Paul insists that only two or three may talk in tongues at any one meeting, and that they must have an interpreter. He who lacks an interpreter must keep silence (vs. 28). It is more desirable to build up the church through prophecy, and two or three may take turns prophesying. The person who holds the floor must keep silence (vs. 30) if someone else has a new revelation to share. The prophets must control themselves and respond to the group (vs. 32). For God is not the Lord of confused tumult (as was Bacchus) but rather of peace (vs. 33). When the Corinthians had been 'carried away' (12:1f) in the cult of 'dumb idols' they had felt themselves powerless to resist their force and fury, but Paul's message here is one of self-control under the influence of the Holy Spirit. If everyone feels impelled to speak at once, it is not the work of God, 'who would have all things done decently and in order (vs. 40) It is in this context of self-control that women are asked to subdue themselves within the bounds of propriety (vs. 35). Although the translations are rarely the same, the same Greek verb is used in both verses 32 and 35. Hupotasso, meaning to arrange or place under, is in the middle voice, indicating that the person does this to him or herself. The concept of self-control is brought out in most translations of verse 32. It is for prophets to control prophetic inspiration, for the God who inspires them is not a God of disorder but of peace. New English Bible For the spirits of speakers (in tongues) are under their control (and subject to being silenced as may be necessary). For He (Who is the source of their prophesying) is not a God of confusion and disorder but of peace and order. As (is the practice) in all the churches of the saints (God's people). Amplified New Testament The spirits of prophets are under their own control. Weymouth Prophets can always control their prophetic spirits since God is not a God of disorder but of peace. Jerusalem Bible The spirit of a true preacher is under that preacher's control, for God is not a God of disorder but of harmony, as is plain in all the churches. J.B. Phillips The gift of speaking God's message should be under the speaker's control. Good News for Modern Man The spirits of prophets are subject to the prophets. Revised Standard Version Remember that a person who has a message from God has the power to stop himself or wait his turn. Living Bible When the subject is so clearly self-control, how can the same verb be translated so differently in the very same passage when it applies to women? Quite literally, verse 35 reads, 'Let them [women] control themselves, as the law also says.' As women's behavior tended to be far wilder than that of men, such legislation had been enacted in both Greek and Roman society. According to Plutarch's Lives, Solon, in conjunction with Epimenides (an expert in ecstatic religion), had established laws aimed at curbing the cultic excesses of women. There was a special effort to restrain women at nocturnal orgies with men - conditions which must have seemed to an unbeliever not unlike those prevailing in the Corinthian worship service. Cicero wrote in his Laws: Well, then, let us return to our laws, in which it is most diligently ordained that the clear daylight should be the safeguard of female virtue in the eyes of the multitude; and that they should only be initiated in the mysteries of Ceres, according to the Roman custom. In reference to this topic, we have an extraordinary instance of the severity of our ancestors in the public prosecution and punishment of the Bacchanals by the senate, supported by the consular armies. And this severity of the Roman government is not singular, since Diagonadas of Thebes, in the middle of Greece, suppressed all nocturnal mysteries by a perpetual prohibition. (II, xv; tr. C.D. Yange) Before the Roman senate passed stringent legislation limiting Bacchic participation, matters were explained by the consul: In the first place, then, women form the great majority, and this was the source of all the mischief. Then there are males, the very counterparts of the women, committing and submitting to foulest uncleanness, frantic and frenzied, driven out of their senses by sleepless nights, by wine, by nocturnal shouting and uproar (Livy, XXXIX, xv; tr. in David Balch's 1974 Yale PhD thesis Let Wives be Submissive) Phintys reported that the law of the city forbade any woman to participate in the orgies of the Great Mother (Stobaeus, IV, 23.61), in an attempt to control improprieties. While biblical scholars have vainly searched for such a law in Jewish tradition, there is considerable evidence that every legal effort was made to control ecstatic feminine behavior in Greco-Roman society. There is even more evidence that such efforts sometimes failed. It can be seen, however, that it was important to the early church that the behavior of their women should be above reproach and within the bounds of the law, for the charge of Bacchic behavior was hurled at the Christians by unbelievers (Origen, Contra Celsum, viii) We turn next to a consideration of silence and speech as it is enjoined in 1 Corinthians 14:34. We have already noted that one who speaks with tongues but has no interpreter is asked to keep silence, as is the prophet when someone else desires to speak. It is not a complete prohibition for these individuals to share their gifts, but rather an instruction so that all may understand and all may profit. Only one person at a time is to share his revelation and only if it can be made meaningful to the congregation. The second important emphasis in the chapter is on meaning. Paul himself would rather speak five comprehensible words than thousands which could not be understood (vs. 19). He asks that those elements which are disruptive or meaningless be silenced. In this was we may understand his dictum: The women should keep silence in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak (Greek: lalein) (1 Corinthians 14:34, RSV) It cannot mean that women are not to speak at all, for they have been given permission to pray and prophesy in 11:5 - provided they observe due decorum. Nor can the directive be a prohibition against speaking in tongues (14:39). Some other type of disruption must thus be under discussion. It may help us to understand that the Greek word lelein refers primarily to utterance rather than to meaningful conversation. The term is used repeatedly in chapter 14 to describe speaking in tongues. Phrynichus, the ancient dictionarian, defined the term as 'to talk nonsense'. The word is used of gossip, prattling, babbling, animal sounds, and musical instruments. During the classical period, it usually was employed in a contemptuous sense. Debrunner, writing in the Kittle-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, states 'Lalein can also be used quite objectively of speech when there is reference to sound rather than than meaning. 'To what kind of utterance can St. Paul refer? There were many types of vocalization in ecstatic rites. They have been heard to utter (different voices of equal strength, or with great diversity and inequality) in tones that alternated with silence; and again in other cases harmonious crescendo or dimenuendo of tone, and in still other cases other kinds of utterance. (Iamblichus, On the Mysteries, III, 4-6) We have already mentioned heathen rituals in which frenzied shouting was expected from women and considered a necessary ingredient of the worship. Rogers translates this hymn from Aristophanes' Lysistrata: Call upon Bacchus, afire with his Maenades [mad women]; Call upon Zeus in the lightning arrayed; Call on his queen, ever blessed, adorable; Call on the holy, infallible Witnesses, Call them to witness the peace and the harmony, This which divine Aphrodite has made. Allala! Lalla! Lallala! Lallala! Whoop for victory, Lallalalae! Evoi! Evoi! Lallala, Lallala! Evae! Evae! Lallalalae. The word lelein is fundamentally an onomatopoetic one, meaning, as Thayer's Lexicon puts it, to go 'la-la'. The Greeks shouted 'alala' both in worship and in war, and personified Alala as a deity (Pindar, Fr. 208 [78]; Plutarch 2.3496). It was this same repetitive and meaningless syllabification in pagan prayers which Jesus described: 'for they think they shall be heard for their much speaking' (Matthew 6:7) New patterns of Christian worship appear to have been more difficult for women to adopt than men, as they had not known the dignified rite of Apollo or Zeus. For the most part, their religious expression had been accompanied by extravagances of every sort. We may quote Iamblichus again: We affirm, accordingly, not only that the shoutings and choric songs are sacred to the gods, each and all of them, as being peculiarly their own, but likewise that there is a kindred relationship between them in their proper order . . . and the peculiar usages of Sabazian worship make ready for the Bacchic enthusiasm, the purifying of souls, and deliverances from old incriminations, their respective inspirations are, accordingly, different in every important particular. Thou seemest to think that those who are enrapt by the Mother of the gods are males, for thou callest them, accordingly, 'Metrizontes' yet that is not true, for the 'Metrizontesae' are chiefly women (op cit., pp. 121-123 Such women must learn that they were purified not through shouting but through the blood of Christ and through the washing of the water of the Word. It was important that the service of worship become meaningful. Women were encouraged to question their husbands at home, since the women had usually been denied an opportunity for education while the men participated vigorously in all manner of theological and philosophical debates. The questions should be asked at home so that the conversation would not disrupt the service. Neither was a woman to gossip or chatter with the other women during the service - surely a great temptation, for Greek women were closely confined to their homes. (On the rare occasions when they were allowed to leave, they were liable to kick over all the traces) 'For it is awful for a woman to gossip in church' - perhaps we should also add 'or on the sidewalk in front of the church or on the telephone'. And does not the same apply to men? 'For in Jesus Christ there is neither . . . male nor female' (Galatians 3:28) More information on gender and the Bible can be found at http://www.cbeinter national. org http://intelligentc hristian. ium_and_silence_ at_corinth. htm AN OCCULT SACRIFICE. When it came, it was ferocious, it was certain.and it was cruelly appropriate. Whilst Britain slept, a black car named 'grace' slammed into the 13th pillar of the Pont d'Alma tunnel in Paris. The young Virgin Moon Goddess, the wannabee Mother Goddess died on the sun's day, Sunday 31st August 1997, with the sun in Virgo, the virgin. This was 27 days, a moon cycle, after the Queen Mother's 97th birthday. Alma - Hebrew: unmarried woman. Diana was unmarried when she died. Al-mah - Persian: the unmated Moon goddess. The elements were all there, the sun, moon, virgin and blackness, the numerology, a black steed and a white steed (cars). The black car, a Mercedes, meaning grace (god's favour -moon) carried her into the tunnel (moon symbol symbollically as well as by name) to meet the white Fiat Uno (Fiat-order, Uno number 1. So an order from the top - a royal command?), which vanished in to thin air -or into the back of a truck. A year and a day passed between the Full Moon of Diana and Charles' divorce (28th August 1996, divorce No. 5,029 -both the date and the number add to 16 ) and her death in the tunnel. (The Full Moon shone into the 29th -the ominous 29th) The notion of a year and a day is a measure of time with significant magical, often ominous implications. It derives from the motions of the moon surprise, surprise. There are 13 moons of 28 days in a lunar calendar. 13 days waxing, 1 day full, 13 days waning, 1 day dark. So a lunar year has 364 days, one more day is added to equal the number of days in a solar year. The day of the divorce was a Full Moon (17:52) Diana wearing her Virgin Cola jumper In days of yore the New Year began in March. August 31st sits precisely at the middle point of the year. From March 2nd. until August 30th inclusive there are 182 days. August 31st being the soltary (sun) middle day, with a further 182 days from September 1st until February 28th. This matches up with the Lunar calendar; 182 + 182 being 364, the length of a lunar calendar. In ancient Rome, March 1st is/was an ancient feast day called the Matronalia, a day of protection for women, children and the family. Why begin on the 2nd March? Remember this is a dark agenda. The 2nd March at 09:37 was the beginning of the Crone Moon, Moon of the Dark Mother, Black Isis, Kali, Hecate, the Morrigan and all the other aliases for the old Serpent Queen, El. Dark spells and evil agendas were set that night. The signature of the instigator is there for all to see. This was a sacrifice by a Moon Goddess of a Moon Goddess. The sacrifice occurred in a tunnel called moon, in a place where the moon cannot shine- it is dark, a dark moon. The Moon has three occult phases, Virgin (New to first quarter), Mother (Full) and Crone (last quarter to dark). At the time the Virgin Moon was Diana, The Mother was Queen Elizabeth II and the Crone or old Woman Moon was The Queen Mother. It's all death and rebirth stuff in reverse, where the old is reborn through taking the energies of the new. Diana was sacrificed; it's one of the few things I am certain of. I am certain too that missing children are used to perform the same function. BY THE NUMBERS AND 666 The Queen Mother was born on the 4th. Her full birth date adds to 4. Her full name adds to 22/4. 13th (as in pillar) adds to 4. 31st (as in sacrificial date) adds to 4. This was 4 years before her death at the age of 101 (Diana has a value of 29/ 11), approximately 4 months before her 102nd birthday (adds to 3. Diana's middle name, Frances is worth 3.) Diana's full name adds to 22/4 the same as the Queen Mother's. She accepted Prince Albert's proposal on January 13, 1923 (13 adds to 4). Her husband Albert was a 4. She was a member of the Royal Household for 13 years (4) before she became Queen. 2nd March 1997, the night black magic was summoned was a 4-day. The 182 days either side of August 31st total 11 each. Together they total 4. No doubt there are oodles more 4's in her life. Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother expired at the end of the15th month of the new millennium, at 15 minutes past the 15th hour, which is 666. It was Saturday (Saturn's Day - Satan), the 6th day. The actual date was 3003 2002 (30/03/2002. It was a 55/1 (sun) and an 11/2 (moon) day (Diana died in a Mercedes 600 in a 660 foot long tunnel again 666. Official claims say that Diana died at 4.a.m Paris Time in a hospital). "(Queen Elizabeth) is the most dangerous woman in Europe." Adolph Hitler. In days of yore the New Year began in March. August 31st sits precisely at the middle point of the year. From March 2nd. until August 30th inclusive there are 182 days. August 31st being the soltary (sun) middle day, with a further 182 days from September 1st until February 28th. This matches up with the Lunar calendar; 182 + 182 being 364, the length of a lunar calendar. In ancient Rome, March 1st is/was an ancient feast day called the Matronalia, a day of protection for women, children and the family. Why begin on the 2nd March? Remember this is a dark agenda. The 2nd March at 09:37 was the beginning of the Crone Moon, Moon of the Dark Mother, Black Isis, Kali, Hecate, the Morrigan and all the other aliases for the old Serpent Queen, El. Dark spells and evil agendas were set that night. The signature of the instigator is there for all to see. This was a sacrifice by a Moon Goddess of a Moon Goddess. The sacrifice occurred in a tunnel called moon, in a place where the moon cannot shine- it is dark, a dark moon. The Moon has three occult phases, Virgin (New to first quarter), Mother (Full) and Crone (last quarter to dark). At the time the Virgin Moon was Diana, The Mother was Queen Elizabeth II and the Crone or old Woman Moon was The Queen Mother. It's all death and rebirth stuff in reverse, where the old is reborn through taking the energies of the new. Diana was sacrificed; it's one of the few things I am certain of. I am certain too that missing children are used to perform the same function. (note) FROM: http://ellisctaylor .homestead. com/QM.html# anchor_16687 A Nostradamus quatrain, C2, Q28, along with dream-visions and "coincidences" seem to suggest that recent events surrounding the death of Princess Diana are related: "The last son of the man with the Prophet's name Will bring Diana to her day of rest. At a distance they wander in frenetic grief Delivering a great people from ruin." Dodi Fayed's father is self-made billionaire Mohamed Al-Fayed! Maureen B. Roberts, PhD, had a great visionary experience at the time of Diana's death. It is now on-line at: The Diana Myth - From Fairytale Princess to Grail Queen, by Maureen Roberts, Ph.D. In Maureen's experience, Diana corresponds to The Queen of Hearts of the Arthurian Tarot Deck, who is The Grail Queen. FROM: http://www.greatdre htm Also see: http://www.greatdre .htm Philip K Dick writes: But still, we must realize that the universe although kind to us in its entirety (it must like and accept us, or we would not be here; as Abraham Maslow says, "otherwise nature would have executed us long ago") does contain grinning evil masks which loom out of the fog of confusion at us, and it may slay us for its own gain. We must be careful, however, of confusing a mask, any mask, with the reality beneath. Think of the war-mask which Pericles placed over his features: you would behold a frozen visage, the grimness of war, without compassion -- no genuine human face or person to whom you could appeal. And this was of course the intention. Suppose you did not even realize it was a mask; suppose you believed, as Pericles approached you in the fog and half-darkness of early morning, that this was his authentic countenance. Now, this is almost exactly how I described Palmer Eldritch in my novel about him: so much like the war-masks of the Attic Greeks that the resemblance cannot be accidental. Is, then, the hollow eyeslot, the mechanical metal arm and hand, the stainless steel teeth, which are the dread stigmata of evil -- is this not, this which I myself first saw in the overhead sky at noon one day back in 1963, a description, a vision, of a war-mask and metal armor, a god of battle? The God of Wrath who was angry with me. But under the anger, under the metal and helmet, there is, as with Pericles, the face of a man. A kind and loving man. My theme for years in my writing has been, "The devil has a metal face." Perhaps this should be amended now. What I glimpsed and then wrote about was in fact not a face; it was a mask over a face. And the true face is the reverse of the mask. Of course it would be. You do not place fierce cold metal over fierce cold metal. You place it over soft flesh, as the harmless moth adorns itself artfully to terrorize others with ocelli. This is a defensive measure, and if it works, the predator returns to his lair grumbling, "I saw the most frightening creature in the sky -- wild grimaces and flappings, stingers and poisons." His kin are impressed. The magic works. I had supposed that only bad people wore frightening masks, but you can see now that I fell for the magic of the mask, its dreadful frightening magic, its illusion. I brought the deception and fled. I wish know to apologize for preaching that deception to you as something genuine: I've had you all sitting around the campfire with our eyes wide with alarm as I tell tales of the hideous monsters I encountered; my voyage of discovery ended in terrifying visions which I dutifully carried home with me as I fled back to safety. Safety from what? From something which, when the need was gone for concealment, smiled and revealed its harmlessness. Now I do not intend to abandon my dichotomy between what I call "human" and what I call "android," the latter being a cruel and cheap mockery of the former for base ends. But I had been going on surface appearances; to distinguish the categories more cunning is required. For if a gentle, harmless life conceals itself behind a frightening war-mask, then it is likely that behind gentle and loving masks there can conceal itself a vicious slayer of men's souls. In neither case can we go on surface appearance; we must penetrate to the heart of each, to the heart of the subject. Probably everything in the universe serves a good end -- I mean, serves the universe's goals. But intrinsic portions or subsystems can be takers of life. We must deal with them as such, without reference to their role in the total structure. The Sepher Yezirah, a Cabbalist text, "The Book of Creation," which is almost 2,000 years old, tells us: "God has also set the one over agaist the other; the good against the evil, and the evil against the good; the good proceeds from the good, and the evil from the evil; the good purifies the bad, and the bad the good; the good is preserved for the good, and the evil for the bad ones." Underlying the two game-players there is God, who is neither and both. The effect of the game is that both players become purified. Thus, the ancient Hebrew monotheism, so superior to our own view. We are creatures in a game with our affinities and aversions predetermined for us -- not by blind chance but by patient, foresighted engramming systems which we dimly see. Were we to see them clearly, we would abolish the game. Evidently that would not serve anyone's interests. We must trust these tropisms, and anyhow we have no choice -- not until the tropisms lift. And under certain circumstances they can and do. And at that point, much is clear which previously was occluded from us, intentionally. What we must realize is that this deception, this obscuring of things as if under a veil -the veil of Maya, as it has been called -- this is not an end in itself, as if the universe is somehow perverse and likes to foil us per se; what we must accept, once we realize that a veil (called by the Greeks dokos) lies between us and reality, is that this veil serves a benign purpose. Parmenides, the pre-Socratic philosopher, is historically credited with being the first person in the West systematically to work out proof that the world cannot be as we see it, that dokos, the veil, exists. We see very much the same notion expressed by St. Paul when he speaks about our seeing "as if by the reflection on the bottom of a polished metal pan." He is referring to the familiar notion of Plato's, that we see only images of reality, and probably these images are inaccurate and imperfect and not to be relied on. I wish to add that Paul was probably saying one thing more than Plato in the celebrated metaphor of the cave: Paul was saying that we may well be seeing the universe backwards. The extraordinary thrust of this thought just simply cannot be taken in, even if we intellectually grasp it. "To see the universe backwards?" What would that mean? Well, let me give you one possibility: that we experience time backwards; or more precisely, that our inner subjective category of experience of time (in the sense which Kant spoke of, a way by which we arrange experience), our time experience is orthogonal to the flow of time itself -- at right angles. There are two times: the time which is our experience or perception or construct of ontological matrix, an extensiveness into another area -- this is real, but the outer time-flow of the universe moves in a different direction. Both are real, but by experiencing time as we do, orthogonally to its actual direction, we get a totally wrong idea of the sequence of events, of causality, of what is past and what is future, where the universe is going. FROM: Philip K Dick DREAMS ABOUT THE TRIPLE MALE TRINITY ... or Great Unite - and a number of other things, my sense is that the "Y" represents the "goddess" with three ... Kali Yantra ... www.greatdreams. com/drmpns. htm DREAMS ABOUT THE TRIPLE GODDESSES ... The one on the top was "Roseanne (she called herself a 'domestic goddess') on her comedy show. ... . www.greatdreams. com/drmgds. htm THE SYMBOLISM AND SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUMBER NINE ... It is to be noticed, by the way, that 1+6+5+6 = 18, which is twice 9, while 4+3+2=9: 9 being a number traditionally associated with the Goddess Mother of the ... www.greatdreams. com/nine/ nine.htm SIRIUS - THE DOG STAR - THE LOST AND MISSING STAR ... pointed to the star Sirius, circa 2450 BC Sirius was associated with the Egyptian goddess Isis and ... NOTE: See this page: ... www.greatdreams. com/dogstar. htm DNA - PAST AND FUTURE ... The most notable characteristics of this period are the "sitting goddess figurines" indicating a goddess-worshipping culture and the distinctive colored ... www.greatdreams. com/dna_past_ future.htm THE SACRED BIRDS ... 1. O ye gods, if the pigeon, dispatched as the messenger of Nirriti (the goddess of destruction) , hath come here seeking (us out), we shall sing his praises ... www.greatdreams. com/alex/ sacred-birds. htm - 101k - Cached - Similar pages DREAM OF 33 ... The faithful representative on earth, the good lady, the goddess Isis searched for her brother who was also her husband until she found that the coffin had ... www.greatdreams. com/33drm. htm The 7 Sisters of the Pleiades - THE BIG DIPPER ... Other versions made them the attendants of Artemis, goddess of wildlife and of hunting, who were pursued by the giant hunter Orion, but were rescued by the ... www.greatdreams. com/pleiades/ 7sisters. htm CHANTING ... texts. Chants of modern witches and Neo-pagans consist names of the Goddess and Horned God plus names of other pagan deities. The ... www.greatdreams. com/chanting. htm THE EARTHY TRIGON ... She chanted a sweet song to the God/Goddess Shimeekah. ... 15.The Triple Goddess (many mythologies) represent Maiden, Mother, and Crone. ... www.greatdreams. com/earthy_ trigon.htm - 12k - Cached - Similar pages AWAKENING TO THE CHANGES ... They say it was once a Pagan place of worship to the goddess Diana. .... www.greatdreams. com/aware. htm Princess Diana's Life, Death, and Conspiracy Theory Links updated 10-24-03. 1961 - 1997. "Your candle's burned out long before your legend ever will" . www.greatdreams. com/princess. htm Osiris, Egyptian god of the underworld and of vegetation ... See also information on the religious item known as the Djed. The goddess was typically portrayed as a woman who wears on her head a vase of water . ... www.greatdreams. com/osiris. htm DREAMS AND ARTICLES ABOUT ROYALTY, PRINCE WILLIAM, PRINCESS DIANA ... ... They say it was once a Pagan place of worship to the goddess ... http://www.greatdreams. com/show11.htm DEES DREAMS AND VISIONS - JFK, JR. PLANE CRASH. ... www.greatdreams. com/royalty/ royalty.htm The American Tragedy: A Symbolic Event, Part One ... 01/Amertrag. htm The American Tragedy: A Symbolic ... later called the 'Great Keyhole' as 'The Earth Goddess' by researcher ... www.greatdreams. com/Events/ 9_11_01/Amertrag .htm The American Tragedy: A Symbolic Event, Manifest Revelation ... The location was used in ancient times as a place of worship of the moon goddess Diana, the ... Princess Diana of Wales ... www.greatdreams. com/Events/ 9_11_01/Amtrgrev .htm The American Tragedy: A Symbolic Event, Part Two ... The giant bird waiting must be the female aspect, Mother Goddess. ... I would think the mother was a Mother Goddess figure, but I'm not sure. ... www.greatdreams. com/Events/ 9_11_01/Amertrg2 .htm DEATHWALKING WITH DIANA ... following several Dreams of Diana - of the connection between her and the Grail Queen, and by the later intuition of Diana and the reawoken Goddess in general ... www.greatdreams. com/diana. html DREAMS, VISIONS, PROPHECY AND COINCIDENCES ABOUT PRINCESS DIANA ... Diana is the Roman goddess Artemis. She is the moon goddess and twin of Apollo. ... They say it was once a Pagan place of worship to the goddess Diana. ... www.greatdreams. com/dianpro. htm DREAM OF THE BEAUTIFUL MAN AND THE TRAP ... Sumerian myths. The Egyptian Goddess Isis, who is sometimes depicted as a mermaid, is also linked with the star Sirius. The Nommos ... www.greatdreams. com/et.htm - 40k - Cached - Similar pages DONUT (DOUGHNUT) SHAPED CLOUDS - THE DREAM AND THE REALITY ... FROM: ... in other ancient civilizations -Babylonia's Oannes, Acadia's Ea, Sumer's Enki, and Egypt's goddess Isis. ... www.greatdreams. com/donut. htm DREAMS OF SKY EVENTS ... Other Goddess Mother figures may also represent Her, such as, The Divine Sophia, Isis, Ishtar, Sakti, and ... See: htm. ... www.greatdreams. com/sky.htm DREAMS AND VISIONS OF THE HOLY GRAIL AND THE SECOND COMING OF ... ... The anticipated return of the 'bridegroom' and reunion with the Mother Goddess is the mystery hidden behind the "Wedding at Cana" of the Gnostic Fourth Gospel ... www.greatdreams. com/holygrl. htm THE REPTILIANS - WHO ARE THEY REALLY? updated 4-18-04 THE REPTILIANS. WHO ARE THEY REALLY? . kesara. "Drawing by Kesara as described by Pamela Stonebrooke" . ... www.greatdreams. com/reptlan/ reps.htm THE SYMBOLISM OF UFOS/ET EVENTS ... Mother Goddess myths seem to have this idea. "The Keys of Enoch", tells of a light-being that appeared to scientist JJ Hurtak in the early 1970's. ... www.greatdreams. com/joeufo/ ufosym.htm 'SARAH' - A DREAM WITHIN A DREAM ... themselves. The numbers coded by gematria in her name indicate that Mary Magdalene was the "Goddess" among early Christians. They ... www.greatdreams. com/sarah. htm TESTIMONY TO TRUTH ... eating. In Egypt to eat of the tree of ASHERAH was to eat the flesh of the mother goddess and to gain knowledge of the tree of life. ... www.greatdreams. com/sacred/ testimony. htm THREE DREAMS AND A BABY ... Horus personified the rising Sun according to ancient Egyptian mythology. Horus was the son of Osiris, the god of air and earth and the goddess Isis. ... www.greatdreams. com/3baby. htm TRICK OR TREATING - WHAT IT REALLY IS ... The Egyptians revered the cat as an aspect of the goddess, Bast, and they mummified cats with all the ritual, pomp and circumstance that befitted such regal ... www.greatdreams. com/tricks. htm DREAMS: WHAT'S GOING ON? ... 4-13-99 - DREAM - This was a lucid dream which lasted all night. The one name I remember from the page was Hecate who is the goddess of the underworld. ... www.greatdreams. com/whtson. htm (Back to Research Contents Page) DREAMS OF THE GREAT EARTHCHANGES - MAIN INDEX Re: ITS TREEE Friday, April 6, 2007 6:25 PM "Treee Tonia" <> View contact details "Johnnie" <> From: To: that is kind of funny really because you thought he was jean ,,, there must be some divine connection to us all, i love you all Johnnie <> wrote: Treee Tonia, First, I read post by Bryan, and he accuse me of being the Zsniel. I not do anything that make him think I bad. I only tell you to not trust anyone, not even Bryan or ME. Bryan tell you to to trust me, but trust Bryan. I now wonder if he bad man. I not know, but he worry me. My oldest saved Sang Group posting is next thing you read. I not know if this is early enough, but it has older stuff in it, you may find. You will see this is "Digest 11" which I think mean 11th digest of day. Good luck finding in this what you look for. Cordially, Johnnie Messages In This Digest (11 Messages) 1.1. Re: nonlinear equations From: the_order_ov_chaos 1.2. Re: nonlinear equations From: dark333rider 2.1. Re: "May she defend our laws" From: balancedimbalance 2.2. Re: "May she defend our laws" From: the_order_ov_chaos 3. for jean guilddecabilis & zsniel... why arent you guys challenging m From: the_order_ov_chaos 4. MATER MASON ( 1## THE BEGINNING OF OUR FRIENDSHIP From: the_order_ov_chaos 5. LETTERS FROM MASTER MASON TO TREEE OF BOHEMIAN GROVE #2 From: the_order_ov_chaos 6. TO TREEE FROM MASTER MASON #3 From: the_order_ov_chaos 7. TO TREEE FROM MASTER MASON PART 4 From: the_order_ov_chaos 8. queen elizabeth II wrote that master mason ( michael rodgers is weak From: the_order_ov_chaos 9. MaJisT^rerrrrrrrrrr JEAN From: the_order_ov_chaos View All Topics | Create New Topic Messages 1.1. Re: nonlinear equations Posted by: "the_order_ov_chaos" the_order_ov_chaos Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:19 am (EST) jean, i am totally clueless to what you just said.... im not school smart, i receive my understanding of numbers in a spiritual ethereal sense , and i do apologize for being so simple minded, but what does that mean? --- In sanguarianorderofch aos@yahoogroups., "dark333rider" <guild_decabalis@ ...> wrote: > > Surprised.. Err OK go ahead.. > > Don't forget to start with the Cat, is it there or not! > > good luck! > Jean > > --- In > sanguarianorderofch aos@yahoogroups., "the_order_ov_ chaos" > <the_order_ov_ chaos@> wrote: >> > > -> > actually that is something i am really good at, the numbers is what > has > > helped me to put my visions together and figure out the 666 and the > > 777 and the 21 and the 12 and the 333 and the 1111 and 22 . > > actually i have somne very detailed chnnells on the subject but i > will > > save that for a later tyme right now there are serious problems > with > > master mason, ( michael rodgeres// He is at Bohemian Grove right > now > > and goiing they severe rituial punishment , because of being my > > frioend and not ( doing what elizabeth sent him to do which was > > hypnotize me and tap my brain and erase my memory,, i will write > about > > this is a new post but i just returned from talking with his > secretary > > who is either a rainbow girl; or jobes daughters,, i cant remember > but > > her huisband is a shriner though, and i will do this complete in >a > > new post now, so in about a half hour my letter concerning > master > > mason ,, and that EVIL B QUEEN ELIZXABETH II AND WHAT SHE IS > DOING > > TO HIM RIGHT NOW ,,,, !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!IM SO MAD I COULD SPIT > NAILS > > FROM TREEE >> > > FROM TREE,, >> >> >> > > - In sanguarianorderofch aos@yahoogroups., "dark333rider" > > <guild_decabalis@ > wrote: >>> > > > Just a note: this is not the time and place to discuss nonlinear > > > equations. 11:11 >>> >> > Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (6) 1.2. Re: nonlinear equations Posted by: "dark333rider" dark333rider Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:33 pm (EST) It was a clue to "Schroedinger' s Cat" it is well known. Have you read it. Anyway I had considered 11:11 in the context of chaos magick and non-linear equations. I apologise for my mistake.. you and the poster are probably talking about something else. Oh does the Cat think it is there! You will understand what i mean when/if you read the book. --- In sanguarianorderofch aos@yahoogroups., "the_order_ov_ chaos" <the_order_ov_ chaos@... > wrote: > > jean, i am totally clueless to what you just said.... im not school > smart, i receive my understanding of numbers in a spiritual ethereal > sense , and i do apologize for being so simple minded, but what does > that mean? > > > > > --- In sanguarianorderofch aos@yahoogroups., "dark333rider" > <guild_decabalis@ > wrote: >> > > Surprised.. Err OK go ahead.. >> > > Don't forget to start with the Cat, is it there or not! >> > > good luck! > > Jean >> > > --- In > > sanguarianorderofch aos@yahoogroups., "the_order_ov_ chaos" > > <the_order_ov_ chaos@> wrote: >>> > > > -> > > actually that is something i am really good at, the numbers is > what > > has > > > helped me to put my visions together and figure out the 666 and > the > > > 777 and the 21 and the 12 and the 333 and the 1111 and > 22 . > > > actually i have somne very detailed chnnells on the subject but i > > will > > > save that for a later tyme right now there are serious problems > > with > > > master mason, ( michael rodgeres// He is at Bohemian Grove right > > now > > > and goiing they severe rituial punishment , because of being my > > > frioend and not ( doing what elizabeth sent him to do which was > > > hypnotize me and tap my brain and erase my memory,, i will write > > about > > > this is a new post but i just returned from talking with his > > secretary > > > who is either a rainbow girl; or jobes daughters,, i cant > remember > > but > > > her huisband is a shriner though, and i will do this complete > in >>a > > > new post now, so in about a half hour my letter concerning > > master > > > mason ,, and that EVIL B QUEEN ELIZXABETH II AND WHAT SHE IS > > DOING > > > TO HIM RIGHT NOW ,,,, !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!IM SO MAD I COULD SPIT > > NAILS > > > FROM TREEE >>> > > > FROM TREE,, >>> >>> >>> > > > - In sanguarianorderofch aos@yahoogroups., "dark333rider" > > > <guild_decabalis@ > wrote: >>>> > > > > Just a note: this is not the time and place to discuss > nonlinear > > > > equations. 11:11 >>>> >>> >> > Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (6) 2.1. Re: "May she defend our laws" Posted by: "balancedimbalance" balancedimbalance Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:19 am (EST) Treee, I can give you a brief overview of the story (below) but I feel that this movie:- http://www.truth. fi/stonemov. htm <http://www.truth. fi/stonemov. htm> , will explain it better than I can. It has to do with QE2 being of the House of King David, and rejecting what it means to be "Gods Queen" while still wanting to take all of the perks. ************ The Stone of Destiny (Gaelic "Lia-Fail") is the Stone that Jacob slept on when he had the Dream of "Jacobs Ladder", and The Bible records this as having been in Luz, or Bethel. When Jacob awoke the next morning he annointed this Stone with Oil and Blessed it, and made it an Altar for Worship of The High God. This Stone was then kept in Jacobs family and has been used as the Coronation Stone for every Monarch of Israel. It is recorded as having been present at the Coronation of Solomon. Beth-El means "The House of God" and Lia-Fail is made of Bethel Sandstone. When, in the 6th century B.C., Babylonian invaders seiged Jerusalem, Jeremiah The Bible Prophet was commissioned to take all of the Holy relics of the Davidic Monarchy and take them into hiding so as to protect them from the invading armies. The King of Judea at the time, Zedikiah, was slain by Nebuchadnezzar along with all of his male heirs, so it would seem that the Davidic Monarchy had been struck from existence. However, Zedikiah had female children, and all of these were living with Jeremiah in (Tanis) Egypt (called Kemit) after the fall of Jerusalem, when Jeremiah was "Given The Word" to leave Tanis via ship, and (along with the female survivors of the House of King David/Judah, and "The Stone of Destiny", Jacobs Pillar Stone, and The Ark of The Covenant amoung other things) to head for a "land that is very far off". Of the Three surviving female heirs to King Davids Throne (Throne of Israel) two were not willing to leave the "flesh pots"/city-life of Egypt, and as a result were killed there. However just ONE of the three, Teia (or Tamara) Tephi, went with Jeremiah, and once they had landed in Ancient Ireland, she was wed to the ArdRi (High King) of Ireland, who like herself was also descended from Ancient Israel's Tribe of Judah, but from the 'lower' House Zarah, whereas she was from the "High House" of Pharez. When in Ireland, and after having married the ArdRi, Tamara was inaugerated at the Hill of Tara as Queen, upon The Lia Fail/Stone of Destiny as all of her predecessors had been. When the Line of King David went to Scottland, The Stone went to Scottland with it, and there Kings of Israel (now Kings of Scottland) were crowned sitting upon this Bethel sandstone. When the Davidic Monarchy came to England, The Stone followed, and every single English Monarch (which is descended from King Davids unbroken line of Royalty, making them not only the English Monarchs but also the Davidic Monarchs) has been crowned sitting upon this Stone of Destiny. The StoryLine that goes with The Stone is that (and in all reality IT IS) it is "The Stone that The Builders Rejected" which is naturally the "Head CornerStone" and that when Christ comes to Rule on The Throne of David, upon His Second Coming (as it is His Birthright to do so), that the Monarchy would present Christ with "The Stone" and ipso facto All of The Kingdom. This is Part and Parcel of the Davidic Monarchies claim to Royalty they are only bench-warming Gods Throne on Earth for Him, and keeping it safe. However on December 25th, 1950, "The Stone of Destiny" was stolen from the English Monarchy!!!! It was stolen by Scottish Nationalists Iam Hamilton and friends, and when they returned "The Stone" it was an obvious FAKE!!! This fake stone, made from Scottish sandstone and not Beth-El SandStone as the Lia Fail is, is the stone that QE2 was crowned sitting upon. And since it is not THE Stone of Destiny (which thing gives the Davidic Monarchy its Authority) that QE2 was crowned sitting upon, but a forgery, it ipso facto makes QE2 NOT the "Crown Queen". In the Book of Revelation, Jesus+Christ tells us that He returns to mankind as "A Theif in The Night" and when Christ inspired Hamilton and friends to steal Christs Birth-Right Stone/Throne away from the British we can all be sure that He made good on that promise! So The Stone was a Testimony to the Unbroken Liniage of Kings and Queens going back from England to Scottland to Ireland with Teia, to Jerusalem, all of the way back to Kings David and Solomon, and then all of the way back to Jacob founder of the (True) Israelite Peoples. In reality The Stone is The Throne of Israel its self. Before the Stone was "Stolen" (Liberated) from the Monarchy (who were by this time largely corrupted by riches and power over the people) it was named by the Royal Survayors to be THE most valuable irreplacable thing in all of the kingdom. Since it has been taken from QE2 we can know that she is not "Gods Elect Queen", and that The Stone has been taken from her is proof of that Christ is very close to the lives and affaris of mankind. http://www.truth. fi/stonemov. htm <http://www.truth. fi/stonemov. htm> --- In sanguarianorderofch aos@yahoogroups., "the_order_ov_ chaos" <the_order_ov_ chaos@... > wrote: > > > PLEASE FORGIVE ME, I DONT THINK I KNOE ABOUT THE STONE OF DESTINY ( > YET,)) WILL YOU PLEASE BE SO KIND AS TO ENLIGHTEN ME BRYAN,, THANKS > FROM, TREEE Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (4) 2.2. Re: "May she defend our laws" Posted by: "the_order_ov_chaos" the_order_ov_chaos Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:52 pm (EST) -right on bryan, thank you??/ i will certainly check out the movie , maybe i can download it off of limewire pro or share ware.. peace and love from treee -- In sanguarianorderofch aos@yahoogroups., "balancedimbalance" <bryanfriedley@ ...> wrote: > > > Treee, > > I can give you a brief overview of the story (below) but I feel that > this movie:- http://www.truth. fi/stonemov. htm > <http://www.truth. fi/stonemov. htm> , will explain it better than I can. > > It has to do with QE2 being of the House of King David, and rejecting > what it means to be "Gods Queen" while still wanting to take all of the > perks. > > ************ > > The Stone of Destiny (Gaelic "Lia-Fail") is the Stone that Jacob slept > on when he had the Dream of "Jacobs Ladder", and The Bible records this > as having been in Luz, or Bethel. > > When Jacob awoke the next morning he annointed this Stone with Oil and > Blessed it, and made it an Altar for Worship of The High God. > > This Stone was then kept in Jacobs family and has been used as the > Coronation Stone for every Monarch of Israel. It is recorded as having > been present at the Coronation of Solomon. > > Beth-El means "The House of God" and Lia-Fail is made of Bethel > Sandstone. > > When, in the 6th century B.C., Babylonian invaders seiged Jerusalem, > Jeremiah The Bible Prophet was commissioned to take all of the Holy > relics of the Davidic Monarchy and take them into hiding so as to > protect them from the invading armies. > > The King of Judea at the time, Zedikiah, was slain by Nebuchadnezzar > along with all of his male heirs, so it would seem that the Davidic > Monarchy had been struck from existence. > > However, Zedikiah had female children, and all of these were living with > Jeremiah in (Tanis) Egypt (called Kemit) after the fall of Jerusalem, > when Jeremiah was "Given The Word" to leave Tanis via ship, and (along > with the female survivors of the House of King David/Judah, and "The > Stone of Destiny", Jacobs Pillar Stone, and The Ark of The Covenant > amoung other things) to head for a "land that is very far off". > > Of the Three surviving female heirs to King Davids Throne (Throne of > Israel) two were not willing to leave the "flesh pots"/city-life of > Egypt, and as a result were killed there. > > However just ONE of the three, Teia (or Tamara) Tephi, went with > Jeremiah, and once they had landed in Ancient Ireland, she was wed to > the ArdRi (High King) of Ireland, who like herself was also descended > from Ancient Israel's Tribe of Judah, but from the 'lower' House Zarah, > whereas she was from the "High House" of Pharez. > > When in Ireland, and after having married the ArdRi, Tamara was > inaugerated at the Hill of Tara as Queen, upon The Lia Fail/Stone of > Destiny as all of her predecessors had been. > > When the Line of King David went to Scottland, The Stone went to > Scottland with it, and there Kings of Israel (now Kings of Scottland) > were crowned sitting upon this Bethel sandstone. > > When the Davidic Monarchy came to England, The Stone followed, and every > single English Monarch (which is descended from King Davids unbroken > line of Royalty, making them not only the English Monarchs but also the > Davidic Monarchs) has been crowned sitting upon this Stone of Destiny. > > The StoryLine that goes with The Stone is that (and in all reality IT > IS) it is "The Stone that The Builders Rejected" which is naturally the > "Head CornerStone" and that when Christ comes to Rule on The Throne of > David, upon His Second Coming (as it is His Birthright to do so), that > the Monarchy would present Christ with "The Stone" and ipso facto All of > The Kingdom. > > This is Part and Parcel of the Davidic Monarchies claim to Royalty > they are only bench-warming Gods Throne on Earth for Him, and keeping it > safe. > > However on December 25th, 1950, "The Stone of Destiny" was stolen from > the English Monarchy!!!! > > It was stolen by Scottish Nationalists Iam Hamilton and friends, and > when they returned "The Stone" it was an obvious FAKE!!! > > This fake stone, made from Scottish sandstone and not Beth-El SandStone > as the Lia Fail is, is the stone that QE2 was crowned sitting upon. > > And since it is not THE Stone of Destiny (which thing gives the Davidic > Monarchy its Authority) that QE2 was crowned sitting upon, but a > forgery, it ipso facto makes QE2 NOT the "Crown Queen". > > In the Book of Revelation, Jesus+Christ tells us that He returns to > mankind as "A Theif in The Night" and when Christ inspired Hamilton and > friends to steal Christs Birth-Right Stone/Throne away from the British > we can all be sure that He made good on that promise! > > So The Stone was a Testimony to the Unbroken Liniage of Kings and Queens > going back from England to Scottland to Ireland with Teia, to Jerusalem, > all of the way back to Kings David and Solomon, and then all of the way > back to Jacob founder of the (True) Israelite Peoples. > > In reality The Stone is The Throne of Israel its self. > > Before the Stone was "Stolen" (Liberated) from the Monarchy (who were by > this time largely corrupted by riches and power over the people) it was > named by the Royal Survayors to be THE most valuable irreplacable thing > in all of the kingdom. > > Since it has been taken from QE2 we can know that she is not "Gods Elect > Queen", and that The Stone has been taken from her is proof of that > Christ is very close to the lives and affaris of mankind. > > http://www.truth. fi/stonemov. htm <http://www.truth. fi/stonemov. htm> > > > --- In sanguarianorderofch aos@yahoogroups., "the_order_ov_ chaos" > <the_order_ov_ chaos@> wrote: >> >> > > PLEASE FORGIVE ME, I DONT THINK I KNOE ABOUT THE STONE OF DESTINY ( > > YET,)) WILL YOU PLEASE BE SO KIND AS TO ENLIGHTEN ME BRYAN,, THANKS > > FROM, TREEE > Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (4) 3. for jean guilddecabilis & zsniel... why arent you guys challenging m Posted by: "the_order_ov_chaos" the_order_ov_chaos Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:38 am (EST) for jean guilddecabilis & zsniel... why arent you guys challenging me Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 4. MATER MASON ( 1## THE BEGINNING OF OUR FRIENDSHIP Posted by: "the_order_ov_chaos" the_order_ov_chaos Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:51 pm (EST) September 22 2006, to Treee From Michael Rodgers ( Master Mason, Las Vegas Nevada--p.s. he is not using the masternlord@ gamil <http://us.f623. com/ym/Compose? To=masternlord@ gamil> anymore.. Elizabeth II has been ritualistically torturing and punishing him and now he will not be mt friend anymore- he is a member of bohemian grove and the hillbillys camp, the same one as george w bush and queen elizabeth II and princecharles and arnold schawartzeneger & dick cheney and tony blair etc... he is alo in the royal order of teh scottish rite of freemasonary and the royal jesters , UGLE and many many more pedigrees.. he is also a SNAG ARIAN , HE IS THE ONE WHO TURNED HIS EYES FLOURESCENT PINK .. HE & ALL FULL BLOODED SANG ARIANS WHICH MAKE UP 3% OF TEH EARTHS POPULATION PHYSICALLY TAKE A HUMANS BODY AND TEHN WHEN THE BODY DIES, THEY TAKE ANOTHER HUMAN BODY AND PUCH TEH HUMAN SOUL OUT.. THEY ALSO HAVE A CONCIOUS STREAM OF MEMORY AS THEY CHANGE BODYS ,MASTER MASON WAS THEER WHEN JESUS WAS CRUCIFIED AND REMEMBERS AND REMEMBERS SETH AND MARY MAGDALENE ECT ... r- if you knew what kind of horrible painful and unhumane things that happens to vampires for punishment by their clan , you will knoe it is the most horrible ,, sometymes the scourge and dagger and master mason told me he already had a geis laid upon him ,like ian cowburn (frater L had before he was ritualistically tortured and killed... Michael rodgers (master mason is already being ritualistically tortured at bohemian grove for 2 days to 10 days at a tyme at bopemain grove ,then allowed to return for a few days then he has to go back so i dont knoe how long this ritual punishment is going to go on, but he has told me that he doesnt think he will live and i will include everything , even about the alchamized twins and everything.. i am not doing thios to hurt anyone, obviously everyone in the orginization that helps me to restore the holy grail is horribly tortured,and also many other things.. so How much worse can it get , i m going to go ahead and put the full storey out here much is unbeleivable but i swear by teh river styx everything is true and what i post here has not beeen altered in any way and is exactly what was said to me,, there is no tyme for games,,, and teh masons and teh illumaniti orders and teh Sang arians need to realize they are slaves and will never be treated with any respect or receive the power of the holy grail from elizabeth II she is the omposter grail queen and she has only as much poer as you men give her.. I do not want to be in power or control, heck no, i want to heal,and i want to return the thrones and crowns to all who have been denied, and also ( reinstate the THE GRAIL KINGS THE TRUE GRAIL KINGS AND TO RESTORE THE HOLY GRAIL TO ITS DIVINITY AN DPLACE IT IN TEH RIGHT HANDS, , RESTORE THE GRAIL FAMILY,,,, I DONT WANT OR NEED A CROWN OR THRONE,, I WILL DIE TRYING TO MAKE SURE YOU GET YOURS BACK THOUGH,,, LOVE TREEE.. OKAY GET PREPARED CUZ THIS STOREY IS GOING TO MAKE YOUR HEAD SPIN ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - September 22 2006, to Treee From Michael Rodgers ( Master Mason, Las Vegas Nevada-- Three things... First, a private email address... NOT to be given out to ANYONE. To be used by you and only you for direct communication to me... Not to be used on any mailing list where others will see our communications. .. Give this to nobody! MasterNLord@ GMail.Com <http://us.f586. com/ym/Compose? To=MasterNLord@ GMail.Com> Second, I find spelling trivial, so that matters not, however, all caps should be used only for emphasis...not for the entire message... Third, please use paragrahs to order your thoughts... Now... I have been asked to be in communication with you... so please use the above email and we will communicate. We shall see if we may meet in person as well... Yours, MasterMmmm ----------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ----- SEPTEMBER 22 2006 , TO TREEE FROM MICHAEL RODGERS _MASTER MASON----------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---- sweetone, From here we can explore a bit more... But before we do, I will trust you to let you knoe, I am indeed a Master Mason... The M's in my other handle serve as a ranking of sorts... but suffice it to be knoen that it is indeed I who have been asked to interrogate you. You seem to knoe much more than u should... if we soon get to a point where I feel there is trust, then it would become time to hypnotize you and learn what secrets you do have... MasterMmmm, you may call me "my Lord" or "Master and Lord" ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------SEPTEMBER 24 2006 TO TREEE FROM MICHAEL RODGERS (MASTER MASON) ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - We am impressed by your level of understanding. You are correct, you are not communicating with a devil or demon, but with the true God of our life. It must be that you have some insight, similar to a third eye... I say this in a good way... Please note, that the 'Bible' is a book, put together from various writings or 'books' written by others who are knowledgeable. .. At the time of its compilation, there were many 'books' considered.. . some of which should have been included in the compilation we now call the 'Bible'. In any case, I would like to hear more about your life... What was your first vision? Yes, I am interested in you, for there may be a way to get some much needed information out of you mind and body. What was your last vision? By vision, I include verbal, oral and visual and mental... so, please tell me... Yours, MasterMmmm ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ SEPTEMBER 25 2006 TO TREEE FROM MICHALE RODGERS ( MASTER MASON ) ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ lifes sweet treee, I am sorry but there were no photos I could view at the site given... maybe it just doesnt wish to work for me, but check the site and see if you can view them... As to the Bo... Yes, I know you were there... took care of the dogs there as well... did you not? The more I read, the more I feel that you would make a good canidate for interogation as well as hypnosis... You are correct, this could take longer than a few hours... But if it is going to be done, it also must be completed within the period from this Friday thru the following two weeks... After that, it would be too late... In case the decision is favorable, what is your abilities during this time period? I read your first email and the resending of it with corrections. .. I am not so much interested in typos.. .they happen to the best of us... Paragraphs are nice though as it helps my long over used eyes... Lord and Master ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ SEPTEMBER 25 2006 TO TREEE FROM MICHAEL RODGERS (MASTER MASON) sweet tonya, Do not fear sending me too much... I am a fast reader and comprehend all so far... Some of it is so near to the mark that I am shocked. There are but a handfull of people with some of the information you have communicated. .. I think you should send me all you can, as I need it all to evaluate the situation... before we meet... Also, if you care to witness a Masonic Memorial Service for a Mason, you may attend one tomorrow at 11 am at the funeral home on South Eastern at Robindale... I believe it is Palm... Sit in the back... do not speak... but observe and be observed... should you decide to attend... Yours M and L On 9/25/06, tonya kane <lunar_mare_eee@ <http://us.f586. com/ym/Compose? To=lunar_ mare_eee@> > wrote: MARY THE QUEEN OF SCOTTS WAS THE HEIR TO THE THRONE OF DAVID & WHEN SHE WAS EXECUTED BY HER COUSIN , ELIZABETH I WHO WAS ALSO HER HALF SISTER ELIZABETH I BECAME THE QUEEN AND THE HEIR TO THE THRONE OF DAVID, NOW I DONT KNOE IF YOU REALIZE THAT THE THRONE OF DAVID ( IN THE BIBLE ) WAS GIVEN THE POWER OVER THE MILITARY & CHURCH & GOVERNMENT WORLDWIDE & THIS IS THE THRONE OF DAVID, ALTHOUGH DAVID ( KIND DAVID ACTUALLY HAD THE POWERS TO BEGIN WITH AND WAS TRICKED OUT OF IT AND THATS WHY SOLOMAN WAS THE ONE WHO WAS TO BUILD SOLOMANS TEMPLE, ALSO QUEEN MARY OF SCOTTS WAS BEHEADED FOR THE THRONE OF DAVID & JESUS WAS CRUCIFIED FOR THE THRONE OF DAVID . JESUS MOTHER WAS IN FACT THE QUEEN AND MARY MAGDALENE WAS ALSO , THE QUEEN . THAT IS WHY JESUS WAS CALLED THE SON OF DAVID, HE WAS THE HEIR TO THE THRONE, WHICH THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY MOTHER WHERE AT THE TYME OF JESUS , THE ( THRONE OF DAVID ) WAS A TEMLE OF THE HOLY MOTHER & THEY WORSHIPPED ISIS & THEY ALSO HAD ALOT OF SEX RITUALS. AND SUCH BUT DIDNT HAVE TORTURE CHAMBERS AND WERE ( LITTERLY THE EARTH MOTHER & FATHER ON EARTH , WELL THAT ALL CHANGED. , SEE AT THAT TYME HEROD & OILOT & CEASAR ALL HAD TO HAVE PERMISSION & ANNOINTING FROM THE HOLY MOTHER ( THE QUEEN TO HAVE THE RIGHT & POWER TO RULE THEY HATED THAT . . THE FREEMASONS AND THE ILLUMANITI & THE ROYAL FAMILY & JESUS & MARY MAGDALENE ARE SO MUCH A PART OF EACH OTHER & THE RITUALS . ALSO THE QUEEN ELIZABETH II IS THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH & HER MAIN CHURCH IS THE CHURCH OF SAINT MARY MAGDALENE, ALSO THE DEAST OF MARY MAGDALENE IS JULY 21 AND IS ( LITTERLY ( THE FEAST OF MARY MAGDALENE ) U KNOE WHAT I MEAN ,AND THIS RITUAL HAPPENS AT BOHEMIAN GROVE ON JULY 21 AND ON JULY 23 IS WHEN SIRIUS RISES WITH TEH SUN & EARTH & IS CELEBRATED AT BOHEMAIN GROVE, ALSO I DONT KNOE IF U KNOE THIS OR NOT BUT VLAD DRACUL & VLAD TEPES WERE MAMBERS OF THE ORDER OF THE DRAGON & MARRIED INTO THE ROYAL FAMILY , THE SUPREME MOTHER COUNCIL OF THE WORLD IN WASHINGTON DC IS CALLED THE MYSTERY OF SIRIUS, REMEMBER THAT I HATE JUDGE OR BLAME NOONE , I AM JUST TRYING TO FIND SOMETHING WE CALL ALL LIVE WITH & HOMER - OSIRIS TELLS ME THAT HE SENT ME HERE TO LOVE EVERYONE & BRING THE TRUTH ,ALTHOUGH I A CONSTANTLY THWARTED , GOD NEEDS A WIFE & THE EARTH NEEEDS A MOTHER ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- -------SEPTEMBER 25 2006 TO TREEE FROM MICHAEL RODGERS ( MASTER MASON sweet one... Yes, I have learned much about u and about what you have been doing over the past few years... and I do know that there are many who would consider you a pain, but there are a select few who also believe that this is worthy of checking out... At least you have friends in high places, friends you have never met on the physical plane... Have you the ability to put your entire body and mind in my control, for the period needed, should this come to pass? I can see it taking much of a week... and being quite physical and mental test for both of us... How much do you know about tantra? Your, Master and Lord ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ----- TO TREEE FROM MICHAEL RODGERS (MASTER MASON) sweet lil'one, I am up for only a moment but wanted to let you know the name of the person having the funeral service... It is Dr. Henry Drexler... The item below on the Grand Master who passed away shows you that we all must go sometime.. There we lost a great one... Your, Lord and Master ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- - TO TREEE FROM MICHAEL RODGERS MASTER MASON SEPTEMBER 25 2006 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- -- sweetone, :) Yes, that is when Bo meets.. .and as to sirius... Very well researched.. . How did you pick up on that... Your, Lord and Master On 9/25/06, tonya kane <lunar_mare_eee@ <http://us.f586. com/ym/Compose? To=lunar_ mare_eee@> > wrote: no , that is when sirius rise on july 23 , and thats why i sent that memorial to you, that was in july in Nevada , and also that is when the bohemian grove gatherings are ( in july and celebrate sirius , I didnt knoe whos funeral it was today , i was just showing you a mason who died on july 23 when sirius rises,and that was the last mason who passed away that i ( was aware of & mourned ? i am nocturnal & usually go to bed around 10 or 11 am, but i will stay up & attend the funeral ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- ------TO TREEE FROM MASTER MASON SEPTEMBER 25 2006 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- - sweet treee, I understand about being nocturnal... if I could be, I would, but alas, in my life there are too many things I must get done to be a true nocturnal person... Instead, I hit the bed at about 1 am, and do my best thinking. I usually nod off at about 2 am... Of course, it all depends on how much I must work thru in my mind's eye.... I am always being surprised on your extent of knowledge... in a good way... The reason that you are allowed to attend this funeral is for another to see you ability to follow directions. The funeral is open to Masons and friends of the deceased... You have in recent months lost a friend who was a Mason, and maybe this is the time for you to bid him farewell quietly... Your, Lord and Master Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 5. LETTERS FROM MASTER MASON TO TREEE OF BOHEMIAN GROVE #2 Posted by: "the_order_ov_chaos" the_order_ov_chaos Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:53 pm (EST) TO TREEE FROM MASTER MASON SEPTEMBER 2006 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - The HOGD was founded by members of the Freemasons, so yes, I did know that... I also know OD and K used such symbols as well... I look forward to hearing what you have to say on the red cross as well as the funeral... You did well there... I hope it was insightful, at least as much as that could be, under the circumstances. .. Your L and M On 9/25/06, tonya kane <lunar_mare_eee@ <http://us.f586. com/ym/Compose? To=lunar_ mare_eee@> > wrote: I just returned from the funeral of your brethen, you knoe red cross, is a big deal with the masons and the HOGD & THE ORDER OF THE DRAGON , & KILWINNING, ITS A BLOOD THING, NOONE WOULD EVER GUESS, WHAT RED CROSS REALLY IS USED FOR, ANYHOW I WILL SPEAK ON THAT LATER, AND THE FUNERAL. RIGHT NOW I WANT TO SHOW YOU A FEW THINGS , AND MY VISIONS HAVE LED ME TO FIND THIS INFO, I DIDNT JUST FIND IT , I WAS TOLD TO FIND IT IN MY VISIONS, PRESIDENT BUSH SIGNED EXECUTIVE ORDERS SUSPEND HABEAS CORPUS JANUARY 13. ACTUALLY WHEN EXECUTIVE ORDERS SUSPEND HABEAS CORPUS THAT ALLOWS THE MILKITARY ON THE STREETS, AND ALSO IF A NATIONAL DISASTER IS DECLARED , WHICH EVERY STATE IN THE USA HAS HAD A STATE OF EMERGENCY DECLARED AND THAT LASTS FOR A MINIMUM OF 6 MONTHS,AND SO THE ENTIRE USA IS UNDER NATIONAL EMERGENCY THIS GIVES THE EXECUTIVE POWERS OF OUR GOVT & PRESIDENT TO FEMA, FEMA IS ALSO MT WEATHER A PARALELLE UNDERGROUND GOVERNMENT, AS ABOVE SO BELOW, BUT ACTUALLY WHAT IS UNDERGROUND IS WHAT SOLOMANS TEMPLE ACTUALLY IS ( A RESTING PLACE FOR THE LORD & HIS PEOPLE ( REPTILAIN OR DRACONIAN, AND SOLOMANS TEMPLE WAS IN RELITY THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE UNDERWORLD , WHICH ACTUALLY MANIFEST HELL IN A PHYSICAL PLACE UNDREGROUND, From Capitol Hill Blue The Rant Bush could seize absolute control of U.S. government By DOUG THOMPSON Publisher, Capitol Hill Blue Jan 13, 2006, 07:42 President George W. Bush has signed executive orders giving him sole authority to impose martial law, suspend habeas corpus and ignore the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits deployment of U.S. troops on American streets. This would give him absolute dictatorial power over the government with no checks and balances. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- TO TREEE FROM MASTER MASON SEPTEMBER 2006 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - If you can put your trip off for a week... I would like to meet for dinner somewhere on Friday... my current timeline gives me an open window from Sunday through the following Thursday, and I have been given the rights to use my abilities to help you see the light... However, before we actually work on this, you will need to go through the Order's secrecy rite... That entails more than a simple oath... are you prepared to do as commanded, anything which you are commanded? If so, then I believe we can open you up wide through hypnosis... and stantra... but it is totally up to you... We can talk more in person on Friday.... should you so desire... Your L and M ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- I listened... and we shall see if we can find your inner peace through hypnosis and a few other techniques.. . It is my hope and desire to help you get to where you need to be... to learn what you need to learn... and to feel what you must feel... To clarify what I said in my email below... I have been given an actual window of the this Friday, through the 14th to accomplish what is necessary... After that, I exit the picture, at least for a short while... I believe it is possible to accomplish this... As to your wish for me to say something for you to publish, this bothers the powers to no end... To do so would be to abort everything. You will find when we go through the ritual for privacy... (that is what I call it, but it has another name)... that it is serious, and it is a step by step process that will take the better part of 3 hours. It is a process that bonds ourselves together as one... Re-reading this last paragraph, it almost looks like I am talking about sex, but it is not... there is some nudity involved, but not for the express purpose of sex... it is just an ancient custom... I hope this does not bother you, but you will understand, and Friday, if you ask, I can explain it a little better... Yours... ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - TO TREEE FROM MASTER MASON (MICHAEL RODGERS SEPTEMBER 2006 ----------- -I understand, and would be proud to be called your Father and Frater... But know this... I am but a Master and a member of the true inner organization. .. asked to communicate with you and if possible to see how your needs can be forfilled as well as help the organization. .. It is a dangerous path to follow, but the connection I feel makes me believe that you are worthy and well qualified... duly and truely prepared... We shall see... Your... ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- -------- TO TREEE FROM MASTER MASON SEPTEMBER 2006 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --- Good to hear... I understand you may be asleep until Wednesday... I will be at a meeting in another State on Wednesday... Back late Wednesday Night... we can set a time and plce to meet for dinner... Questions I must ask ahead of time: Are you alergic to anything? Anything at all? Do you have any debilitating problems? Are you still using Meth? Do you have any other drug limitations? How many hours in a row have you stayed awake in recent months? Do you have any fears or phobias? What is your worst nightmare about? What is your greatest fantasy about? During our meeting to do the secrecy rite, there will be many question to which you must answer truthfully. Many you will not find relevent, but they are... Always answer my questions truthfully.. . In many cases I know the answers already, but in a few, I do not, and need to know... I look forward to seeing your reply to this... Your Lord and Master Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 6. TO TREEE FROM MASTER MASON #3 Posted by: "the_order_ov_chaos" the_order_ov_chaos Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:13 pm (EST) to treee from master mason september 2006 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - I listened... and we shall see if we can find your inner peace through hypnosis and a few other techniques.. . It is my hope and desire to help you get to where you need to be... to learn what you need to learn... and to feel what you must feel... To clarify what I said in my email below... I have been given an actual window of the this Friday, through the 14th to accomplish what is necessary... After that, I exit the picture, at least for a short while... I believe it is possible to accomplish this... As to your wish for me to say something for you to publish, this bothers the powers to no end... To do so would be to abort everything. You will find when we go through the ritual for privacy... (that is what I call it, but it has another name)... that it is serious, and it is a step by step process that will take the better part of 3 hours. It is a process that bonds ourselves together as one... Re-reading this last paragraph, it almost looks like I am talking about sex, but it is not... there is some nudity involved, but not for the express purpose of sex... it is just an ancient custom... I hope this does not bother you, but you will understand, and Friday, if you ask, I can explain it a little better... Yours... ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ----- TO TREEE FROM MICHAEL RODGERS SEPTEMBER 2006 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ------sweet one, I was not implying that your meth use was the cause, nor source of your visions... Just the opposit, it can hinder them if they are real, and as you have found out, such is the case... Your bootcamp will be total... and if you like, we can start now, via here... (if you are awake)... Go to your messenger and IM me if you see me there... Your Lord and Master ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - Michael Mason <masternlord@ <http://us.f586. com/ym/Compose? To=masternlord@> > wrote: Good to hear... I understand you may be asleep until Wednesday... I will be at a meeting in another State on Wednesday... Back late Wednesday Night... we can set a time and plce to meet for dinner... Questions I must ask ahead of time: Are you alergic to anything? no Anything at all? no Do you have any debilitating problems? no Are you still using Meth?well, yes, i have cut down to what used to be a 100 $ habbitt a day for years and years , and now my habbitt is about 10 $ a day , which isnt much, its about a line. But i put it in my coffee & drink it, it sucks because when i dont do it, i get so hungry & can eat and eat and eat & never get full & my cravaings are usually for sugar or greasy foods, talking to other people who use , they say the same exact thing girl or boy, I also have a hard tyme getting energy , and i knoe alot of it is because of my diet & my feelings of hoplessness & guilt, thats why i have been begging for a regiment , esoterik boot camp, cuz i am certain , with structure & strict dicipline, are essential, like a regiment, telling me what yyme to get up what tyme to go to sleep, what tyme to study what to eat, ( a strict diet & exercize regiment) like certain healty foods and herbs,and meditation , etc. I have to tell u that my visions quest and my original vision in 1994 is not because of drugs, actually when i had my vision i couldnt find any meth or pot for over 2 weeks,and i wasnt drinking alchol or any type of drugs at all, so my vision was completely ( natural ) and not induced by any drugs, and also like i said it wasnt just when i had my inital vision that i was ( not under the influence , but over two weeks prior to that, if i would have been using when my inital vision happened i would not have taken it so seriously or even been able to beleive it, But it was a natural state, and also the things that my visions have told me have turned out to be unbeleivable, unbeleivable & true, I give credit to my ( divine protection & also my love , keeping me sane, because when i start to get dissillussioned or my imagination get s the best of me, which at tymes it has, then i realize it within a day or two , & let the dissillussion go, but what is real and that always stays , I dont get paranoid or have any phobias, and also when i have visions or hunches, i always find a way to validate what is coming thru, although alot of tymes i cant validate what comes thru , and then i have tried to forget it if i cant validate it, although certain things , i just cant forget or let go , even if i tried. i have at tymes tried to just forget everything and try to focus on myself and live a normal life & ( act & thnk like everyone else in the mundane world ( of the unenlightened ) which is almost everyone , who is unenlightened, ) but i cant , the vision quest wont let me stop, and i cant ever , even for a tiny micro second, waking or sleeping ever forget or stop thinking about ( this, and it consumes my entire being. also i want you to knoe that i dont do this because of drugs and my visions and extra sensory perceptions are not from drugs, i have had them since i have been 3 years, old, and to tell u the truth , its the meth and cigarettes , that have tapered my extra sensory abilities down to almost nothing, my esp seems to be gone and my acuracy is ( bad, where as before my accuracy was 80 - 100 % always, and my ability to communicate with my ( guardian angels ) not the holy guardian angel ) but my angels who i think were-are the pleiadians, is gone, i am pretty much functioning now on my memory , but i have forgotton so much of what i have been shown, thats why i have begged for you & your brethen , to help me get these visions and messages and memories out of me before i end up loosing and destroying them completely, i am entirely willing and ready to change my behavior and bad habbitts , and actually i am willing to be recreated, i also beleive that once my faith and hope is rekindled_ which you have helped spark( thank YOU) but once i am ( metaphorically speaking(plugged in or sucking on the right nipple, ( or in my zone, ) and i finally knoe i am not alone and hopeless and completely insane , then i will natrally and quickly fall into sinc , and my transformation would be quick and swift, its just that i have no teacher or guide or team or friends or family ,and so , i ( use) . but i knoe that , like i said , once my transformation begins ,and i am under ( a strict and supervised regiment of diet, exercize, meditation tyme study tyme, ritual tyme etc, then i will take to my new behavior patterns and ways liek a fish to water ., if you have any questions , i will answer all , completely 7 honestly, iam ashamed of myself , big tyme & im sorry that i am showing up in teh state im in , although , if we can get me back inside of me, the possibilitys are endless ... my wish is not for money or ego or crowns, or thrones , or self proclaimed glory , or status, or ego based glory, my wish is to heal and transform , you & your brethen & earth & her citizens,and all plants and animal and all life to their divine state, my happiness and reward will be when i see you & your brethen & the earth , returned to your divine state & when you are returned your divine thrones and crowns & are capable & worthy of being good kings and protectors of earth, So as far as the drugs go, i dont get paranoid or dissillussioned, , it basically just keeps me from eating everything under the sun & sleeping my life away , , the meth has prevented me from being able to love as much as i love & feel as deeply as i feel. ( hopefully now this can change, Just knoe my motives are to heal transform , protect , & love Do you have any other drug limitations? No How many hours in a row have you stayed awake in recent months? i used to stay up for 3 days at a tyme & sleep for 2 & repeat this cycle for years but that was years ago now, i stay up 24 hours to 2 days , but usually 24 hours , i havent worked in over a year and so my Budget has been small & so my habbitt is about 50 To 100 $ a week , and i dont always stay up 24 hours to 2 days., because my tolerance is high , so i can do it alot of tymes & still sleep, Do you have any fears or phobias?none , if i have ever been afraid of anything , it has been that noone will come to my earth party, danger excites me & if i do run across a fear , i face it, put it this way , the devil hides from me cuz im always chasing him & dead on his ass. ( giggles ) im being a smart ass) . My fears are that i may never get the opportunity to heal and help ,. and also when someone is sick or hurting i am afraid because i havent the power to heal or help or stop the suffering , 7 years ago, i had a tumor that grew on my right breast for a period ov over 3 years, then i started learning about raiki ,and magnetic and healing stones,a nd i was able to dissolve my tumor in amatter of hours & my mom had a lump the size of a grape growing on her throat , & i put my hands on her throat & it went away in 10 minutes, she freaked out & told me that i was doing the work of the devil , i can say that my faith was ( unstoppable then & i beleived inmyself then , now i dont and my faith has dwindled & i think that may have alot to do with why my powers have went away What is your worst nightmare about? well, gees ive had nightmirrors since i can remember and quite regularly , but they have always been me astro projecting to ( the cross & triangle ritual,and to the dungeons and basements and places where ( humans and hybrids and animals are being tortured or hurt or beaten or hurt or in terror or being prepared for sacrifice, so basically i alway ( weather i want to or not, (ever since i can remember ) have astro projected to be there with anyone who is sufering, even you & your brethen , and actually all people & not people ) in your darkest hour when you are hurting or afraid . I am there, it pains me, but these nightmirrors are in reality me astroprojecting to be with ( all who have suffered or died by the sword. this actually is good and i wouldnt change it, what i mean is that if thsi didnt happen then i wouldnt be so aware , and i woulnt be able to heal, if i didnt knoe the hurt, i only will allow my suffering to stop when your-their suffering stops, What is your greatest fantasy about?making it (the fantasy ) a reality During our meeting to do the secrecy rite, there will be many question to which you must answer truthfully. Many you will not find relevent, but they are... Always answer my questions truthfully.. . In many cases I know the answers already, but in a few, I do not, and need to know... I look forward to seeing your reply to this... Your Lord and Master ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --- TO TREEE FROM MICHAEL RODGERS SEPTEMBER 2006 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- sweetone.... Each time after waking... I command you to describe your dreams in an email to your lord... giving the details you can.... and what you make of them... Yours ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- -------- -TO TREEE FROM MASTER MASON SEPTEMBER 2006 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- -- Those numbers are simply orders that I am representive to... nothing important... As to astroprojection. .. yes, I do... but I meant during our first Rite... but when I think about it... you will be blind most of the time during that session... however, what I said is that I will be referring to a small code book to read a cypher... a code... to make sure of the exact procedure... this may give slight delays in the procedings.. . I also know how to astroproject. .. but that is a different topic... and no one we will be working on in the few days we have available.. I could not sleep, so am up for a bit... headed off to bed again now... yours On 9/27/06, tonya kane <lunar_mare_eee@ <http://us.f586. com/ym/Compose? To=lunar_ mare_eee@> > wrote: hello, i was wondering, what these numbers mean by your names thethe 41 57? also i was wondering what you meant when you told me that over the next couple of days i will see you take out a note book & recire ciphers so i knoe you are doing everything ( by the book? I just wondered how i will see you ? do u astro project or knoe how to use remote viewing ? W. Grand Trustee - Michael L. Rodgers (41,57) <http://us.f586. com/ym/Compose? To=MasterMmmm@ Gmail.Com> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 7. TO TREEE FROM MASTER MASON PART 4 Posted by: "the_order_ov_chaos" the_order_ov_chaos Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:28 pm (EST) TO TREEE FROM MASTER MASON SEPTEMBER 2006 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - I understand my sweetone.... I just know that you do a bit of research on the various orders and such, and so, I did not want you to look too deap into that item... thinking it came from times-gone-by. As to your educational level... I believe I would put it much higher than 3rd grade.. You may not realize it, but you have the potential to be among the brightest lights treding upon this earth... Now we must unlock it from the deapths of your being... Yours ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - --TO TREEE FROM MASTER MASON THE LAST DAYS OF SEPTEMBER 2006 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ----- Tomorrow... Friday... Come prepared for a few nights of being lost, before being found... a few days of darkness before seeing the light... a few nights of feeling for that which cannot be felt, and a few days of listening for that which makes no sound... 5:38 PM be at Carluccio's Tivoli Gardens 1775 East Tropicana Avenue, Las Vegas, NV We shall begin in earnest from that point forward... In public, you may refer to me as Father... upon meeting, you shall hug your Father and whisper to him... "My mind and body are yours to do with as you see fit" You will know me from two things... I will be a large, tall, blond/grey haired man arriving alone at that time.... and I will first see you outside the location. So arrive early and stand outside the doors... I will first acknowledge you by calling you hon... Leave your effects in your vehicle... we will have dinner, and I shall answer questions quietly at that time... Before you leave for the Gardens, you are to check your email. There you will find any last minute instructions. .. My assumption is that you will leave the West side of Las Vegas about one hour prior to this time... so the final instructions shall come before that... Any questions you have for me now, I shall answer, if you are available... Now, regarding the email below... Yes, I realized the implication of Scull and Bones imediately.. . and assure you will not be locked in a coffin for any period of time at all... but there will indeed be several spirtual cleansings and attonements, deaths and rebirths.. You shall indeed, in a sense be born again to me... my baby... to learn and to serve...however you will not be properly called "A Mason"... for that is not what we are going to be doing... Masonry is but an order... and important order, but just an order. However to be brought into the inner light of the organization is much more rare than you might even imagine. Somewhere you asked if others knew of what we would be doing. Yes, indeed... but I did not request, nor get my request approved through any local 'chapter or charter'. It cums from outside of this State, in more ways than one. If you asked me how many knew of this, I could only guess... I know 12 have to know... I would assume that each of them would have informed their number 2... so my guess would have been 24... 2 from within this state and that includes myself... I have no fear that what we do is not approved... on the contrary... it is... Below you state that you may be overstepping your bounds, and this is true.... You will be required to listen to your teacher, your lord, your Master, your Father and when you do not follow closely what he says, you indeed would be treated as any unrully child... by a loving Father. Spankings are just one more way of learning, are they not? After the period of time I have to work with you... you would not be cast off, never to be seen again... that is if all goes well... There is so much we can use of u, that it would be a waste of many long hours of my time to do so... instead, after that, we would give you assignments to do... our email would continue... we would be meeting a few times a year after that... but not necessarily with the intensity of this meeting... You will find that many of the rituals, not just with Masonry, but with many orders are quite simular... I will explain why that is in person... Your Lord and Master On 9/28/06, tonya kane <lunar_mare_eee@ <http://us.f586. com/ym/Compose? To=lunar_ mare_eee@> > wrote: Yes, i was thinking that i truly wouldnt be comfortable being locked in a coffin for 3 days. although am fervently aware of the ( necessity of spiritual cleansing and attonement , and the 3 day death & rebirth , and I was thinking, if you should wish or will me to be blindfolded and locked in a empty closet for 3 days , without food or water or light or sound , or companionship, or anything to do except , to be alone with myself and in darkness, remember & realize how much i do love & apppreciate the light, and becoe grateful & aware of how much i take for granted , and also without light or sound or touch , or taste, i would be forced , to go within,and be able to hear the deep sounds and musical symphony of my own soul, and this ( being denied the 5 senses for 3 days , would force me into the recesses of my mind , ,and i would not be distracted by the light sight & sound and activities of the outside world, it would be like being dead, in a way . and entombed, and a death & rebirth or sorts & when my blindfold was removed 3 days later I would be born again, and the majik & beauty & power and divinity of the simple things i take for granted & dont appreciate or see or understand in their purest and most magical and divine form like the sun & being able to see & touch & taste & hear , and the world would be beautiful & new to me again, and when i was allowed to eat or drink again, i would never ( disrespect or take for granted my food & water again,and also would never be wasteful or gluttonous , because of the 3 dark nights of the soul , i can also tell u this would be a ( uncomfortable & fearful state of being, and would wonder if anyone would come to let me out 3 days later ,and this would form a bond or trust between me & you & the masonic brotherhood, i would be born again in a sense, to you , not from my mothers womb, but i would be born into the masonic brotherhood & would become your-their daughter & would have a new family . and i knoe that i am pushing it and possibly overstepping my boundries, mentioning this, as i do realize that for a woman to be allowed to be initated into the masonic fraternity , rather than the soriority like teh rainbow girlss or jobs daughters , or the mothers of darkness, ( is a very rare occassion & only happens once in great while ( and only under extremly special circumstances, i am not sure but from what i understand . the last woman initated into the masonic brotherhood, fraternity was well over 150 -200 years ago, ( at least in the usa. although i am certainly aware that elizabeth II is a mason and ranks higher than any male mason except for pindar . and is the grand paitroness or high priestess, I am not looking to try to take aaanyones place or to threaten her ( status in any way, actually, she is the earth mother ,, & the earth doesnt even knoe that their earth mother is the queen, she has a great responsibility & it pains me that she isnt recognized and loved and adored and accepted , or known as the earth mother, I wish to help her in any way i can, i do not need or desire a crown or throne , or power or money or status or ego based glory, my crown, is one simply made of the leaves from the trees. my desire is to heal ,and annnoint & impower & transform . so that the queen and kings of the earth, like yourself , have the true powers of the grail, so as to be able and capable of maintaining obtaining & sustaining your thrones and crowns, i do not wish for a title, ( It does not even matter to me if noone on in above or below earth ever knoes my name or sees my face or knoes who it is that protects and cares and heals them > , all i care about is that it gets done, earthneeds mother god needs a wife , earthmother2b ? also i was thinking for you to take 2 weeks and i take the secrecy oath & participate in your masonic rituals, then ( surly after 2 weeks, ) i cant see, being ( kast back out to the unenlightened & uninitated world. I mean these acts and rituals and spells would form a bond , and i would be part of you & your fraternity forever ? Unless of course, shoul i ( at some tyme during the course of 2 weeks, not comply with what i was told or accept the rights of passage and willingly go thru & ameful . than i wo experience all that is expected of me, then i would be led out by the rope around my neck & kast back out into the unenlightened world., if i would not or could not ( succeed and complete each test and task and order , expected & bestowed upon me, or if i should complain and try to escape or avoid certain parts of teh ritual tha twould be fearful or painful or shuld be led out by the rope around my neck, but i knoe that i would not complain, or walk away or t ry to escape or avoid the necessary acts and labors etc expected of me, , I willingly accept these things that i would endure. because i deeply understand and appreciate that meanings and reasons behind them , so . i will Not fail or dissapoint you & brethen, i am willing and ready if you & your brethen should allow me the chance to prove it and to be born again as your-their daughter . and then you could groom me and create me ( you would be the creators of the OTHER ANCIENT EARTH MOTHER . FROM THE PAIL BUT SHADY TREEE tonya kane < lunar_mare_eee@ <http://us.f586. com/ym/Compose? To=lunar_ mare_eee@> > wrote: OOOPS I MEANT I SHALL NOT BRING OR WEAR ANY METALLIC ITEMS ,AS THE STONES IN SOLOMANS TEMPLE, THERE WAS NO SOUND OF ANY AX HAMMER OR METAL TOOL tonya kane <lunar_mare_eee@ <http://us.f586. com/ym/Compose? To=lunar_ mare_eee@> > wrote: My Lord. I think I am beginning to understand that you and your brethen ( fraternity (orginization, Is making a (Extreme Exception ) By allowing me To Be Present in Any Type Of Masonic Ritual? I also am Deeply aware of the (seriousness of the Oaths of Silence & such & I also , now that i am pondering the situation at hand , am fervently aware of the Concioquence of breaking that Oath . I also agree not to write engrave chizzel, chalk, prink, stain, or carve , or paste , or stamp, any of the things I see or hear , concerning the freemasons , or anything that i see or hear or witness , or partake of under the holy temple of soloman , and when in communication with one of my brethen (fraternity , i will conceal all of the secrets of the mason in masonary ,, and the token of my promise to conceal all of the secrets of the mason in masonary is a grip and if i should ask him to give me the name of the grip, i would be told told by my superior , that he did not receive it, so therefor he will not impart, then i would ask , how would you dispose of it then ? his answer would be to letter or halve it . letter it & begin A B O Z.. BOAZ , IS THE NAME OF THE GRIP , SHOULD I BE SO PRIVELEDGAGED AND HONOURED AND WORTHY TO RECEIVE IT . AS I AM BLIND AND POOR , AND SEEK REFUGE UNDER THE SHELTER OF KING SOLOMANS TEMPLE, I SHALL BRING OR WEAR ANY METALLIC ITEMS ,AS THE STONES IN SOLOMANS TEMPLE, THERE WAS NO SOUND OF ANY AX HAMMER OR METAL TOOL, I ALSO AM PREPARED TO ( DWELL IN DARKNESS . AND I WILL NOT BE NAKED OR CLOTHED, OR BAREFOOT OR SHOD, IT IS THE INTERNAL , NOT THE EXTERNAL THAT DOES QUALIFY ME THE HONOUR OF THE MASONIC INITATION, I WILL KNOCK. WILL THE DOOR BE OPENED, I ALSO ACCEPT THE SWORD ., AS IT PIERCES MY CHEST , AS A SYMBOL & REMINDER , OF THE ( CONCIOQUENCE OF BETRAYING MY OATH OF SILENCE & DISRESPECTING OR DISHONOURING THE MASONIC BROTHERHOODS SECRETS . . I WILL COMPLY & HUMBLE MYSELF AS I AM HOODWINKED AND A CABLE BOUT MY NECK, AND SOLOMANS TEMPLE HAS GUARDS TO THE SOUTH WEST & EAST TO PREVENT ANY ONE FROM PASSING OR REPASSING UNLESS DULY QUALIFIED. ,AS I AM IN DARKNESS I CAN NOT SEE ANY DANGERS THAT MAY ARRISE, AND THERE ARE SEVERAL OBSTRUCTIONS , REMINDING ME THAT I SHALL NOT PASS LEST DULY QUALIFIED & DULY & TRULY PREPARED , , THE OATHS & PROMISE I MAKE OF SILENCE & SERVICE TO MY BRETHEN ARE NOT TEMPORARY OR CONDITIONAL, THEY ARE PERMANENT AND EVERLASTING , ( AS I WOULD NEVER SPEAK AGAIN AS IF I SUFFERED MY TOUNGE TORN FROM MY MOUTH , SO MOTE IT BE., FROM ( THE FAIR BUT SHADY tREEE TO TREEE FROM MASTER MASON SEPTEMBER 2006 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- -- sweetone, you stated " i hope I am not pushing tooo much & i am not sure if these questions are disrespectful or inapproperate . " you know that questioning me is indeed disrespectful and inapproperate. .. and you shall be punished for such.... You will not be yelled at if you run rampent, but you will indeed be punished, in a loving way... I answered these question in my immediately prior email, so I shall not be going thru this again... Just note that with the boundries of Nevada one other knows for sure... Within the organization 12 others know for sure and probably 24... is my guess... As to the 'rules', and you making them up as we go along... the rules are not made up by you, nor me... they are just the rules... and note that ASKING the question is not a reason for being punished... thinking such is.... But this does not mean that you are not to ask the questions... . you are commanded to ask any and all questions which come to your mind... And as to the punishment, I am sure that it is not going to be difficult to take... it is more symbolic and in ways enjoyable... for you will be learning to move to a differnet plane of conciousness. .. Have you been giving yourself an orgasm before sleeping? I have not seen you writing about this as commanded yet? Your Lord and Master ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- - Yes, I believe that would be a fair statement... Neither of those are children's orders, however, I also have responsibility over one of them as well... No, you were not overstepping your bounds here in asking these questions... There are questions you may ask, which I may give an accurate but obscure answer to... for those you will understand that is the best I am allowed to do... Others I would go into detail with you... so, again, you are commanded to voice any and all questions... it is not the asking of a question which will illict the punishment. Yes, I know of those letters, and had you been under my care at that time, it would have been punishable.. . Partly it is because of your persistance that has brought me to light with you... but I expect you to no longer do such letters.... As to big balls, indeed, you have had such... and you will get your chance to show me you know your Lord and Masters are bigger... physically and mentally... Yours On 9/27/06, tonya kane <lunar_mare_eee@ <http://us.f586. com/ym/Compose? To=lunar_ mare_eee@> > wrote: oh u mean that those numbers are lower level or lower ranking orders or fraternity's that you have responsibility to keep a eye on and over see, are any of them children's ( societies like dilemmas or the awanas or the boy or girl scouts , or the cub scouts or the brownies. or the blue lodge masons, am i over stepping my boundaries asking ? if i do , please let me knoe,, cuz i don't really knoe any rules or what i can & cant do as far as your brethren and organizations go , because they have pretty much let me get away with what ever i wanted and they ignored me but didn't yell at me or stand up to me , except frater imhotep, he has told me when i do what is not acceptable, but a few years ago, i wrote letters in the master masons names and included their masonic email addresses & i wrote letters in their names and letters in David Burgess & troy regas's names & had them writing each other and making friends and making agreements to work together to save the world, and then i sent them all to the masons and HA's names i signed and to each other , and then when i did this i immediately wrote the men who's names i forged , to letters i signed in their names . and no one , i mean no one yelled at me . or said a word, except David Burgess ( the world president of the hells angels wrote me back & said TREEE, WHAT IS THIS ? AND TH ATS ALL HE SAID, NO ONE GOT MAD AT ME , I ONLY DID THAT ONE TYME , FORGE LETTERS WITH PEOPLES NAMES,. AND THIS WAS IN 2004, BUT LIKE I SAID I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING TO PROVOKE , THE MASONS AND HA AND GD & ROSICRUCIAN' S AND DRAGONS AND BILDERBERGERS , AND POLITICIANS AND MEMBERS OF THE WHITE HOUSE, & MASONIC LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS ETC, I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING ( JUST TO GET THEM TO ( GIVE ME ESOTERIC BOOT CAMP & OR DO SOMETHING ( HUGE TO PROVOKE THE ( REVELATIONS , APOCALYPSE, I KNOE THAT SO FAR I HAVE BIGGER BALLS , THAN ANY ONE I KNOE , EXCEPT YOU OF COURSE, BECAUSE I KNOE IT TAKES BALLS THE SIZE OF THE GODS, TO TAKE ON THE TASK & RESPONSIBILITY OF ME & ALL THAT THAT IMPLIES, ANYHOW, ALL MY LOVE TRUST RESPECT SERVICE & CURIOSITY TO U MY LORD . MY FRATER FATHER Michael Mason <masternlord@ <http://us.f586. com/ym/Compose? To=masternlord@> > wrote: Those numbers are simply orders that I am representive to... nothing important... As to astroprojection. .. yes, I do... but I meant during our first Rite... but when I think about it... you will be blind most of the time during that session... however, what I said is that I will be referring to a small code book to read a cypher... a code... to make sure of the exact procedure... this may give slight delays in the procedings.. . I also know how to astroproject. .. but that is a different topic... and no one we will be working on in the few days we have available.. I could not sleep, so am up for a bit... headed off to bed again now... yours ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ --------- ------ TO TREEE FROM MICHAEL RODGERS (MASTER MASON (THE END OF SEPTEMBER ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -\ ------------ - -Lets see my sweetone.... to tackle this question before going thru the first Rite... I will have to hold you to your mental knowledge of secrecy rites in general... and you are so held... at this point... There are many orders in the world... Masons, GD, RC.... so many that I could not sit and type all of them if I were to sit for another hour... but you have heard of many of them... NOT referring to the three above... the Organization encompasses many orders which on the outside and to most of the participants look like they are independent of each other, with little or no relationship. .. You will find your feelings are mostly correct, when and if you are truly in touch with them... Yours Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 8. queen elizabeth II wrote that master mason ( michael rodgers is weak Posted by: "the_order_ov_chaos" the_order_ov_chaos Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:09 pm (EST) queen elizabeth II wrote that master mason ( michael rodgers is weak and pathetic in the letter she had him give to me, and you knoe , WHY SHE THINKS THAT HE IS WEAK AND PATHETIC . BECAUSE HE BOWS DOWN TO HER AND IS AFRAID OF HER.AND SHE THINKS ALL OF THE FREEMASONS AND TEH MEN IN TEH ILLUMANITI ORDERS ( ACTUALLY SHE THINKS ALL MEN ( EVEN HER OWN SON PRINCE CHARLES AND HER HUSBAND THE BLACK DUKE ARE WEAK AND PATHETIC... SHE THINKS HER HUSBAND IS WEAK AND PATHETIC AND SHE DOESNT EVEN RESPECT HIM ENOUGH TO MAKE HIM THE KING, WHEN SHE HAS THE POWER TO DO SUCH... SHE THINKS THE MASONS ARE WEAK AND PATHETIC THE WAY THEY WEAR APRONS AND EXPOSE THEIR PENIS,, AND SHE THINKS ALL FREEMASONS ARE PUPPETTS AND TREATS THEM AS SUCH.... AND ALSO MOST DONT KNOE SHE IS THEIR PRIESTESS, BUT SHE IS AND SHE IS THE ONE WHO MAKES ALL OF THE RULES,, NOW YOU DONT NEED TO BE PUNISHED OR TORTURED OR SHAMED OR DEGRADED OR BEATEN OR WHIPPED TO INCREASE MAGICAL POWERS, BUT SHE INCREASES HER BLOOD THIRST AND PERVERSIONS AND ENERGIES AND POWERS BY THE UNHUMAN ACTS THAT YOU ALL DO TO OTHERS AND TO EACH OTHER.... I GUAREENTEE YOU , ASLL FREEMASONS AND ALL MEN IN TEH ILLUMANITI PYRIMID, SHE THINKS YOU ARE ALL WEAK AND PATHETIC, AND YOU WILL ALL BE TREATED AS SUCH EVEN MORE NOW THAN BEFORE,,, AND DO YOU THINK WHEN A EVIL WOMAN LIKE THAT THINKS YOU ARE WEAK AND PATHETIC AND SLAVES?? WHAT DO YOU THINK SHE HAS PLANNED FOR YOUR FUTURES ?? THE POWER OF TEH GRAIL nO , SHE WONT EVEN GIVE HER HUSBAND A CROWN WHAT MAKES ANY OF YOU THINK SHE WILL GIVE YOUR TO YOU,, CUZ YOU DO HAVE CROWNS ITS JUST THAT SHES GOTT THEM ALL STUFFED UP HER NASTLY OLD CUNT .. SO ANYHOW,, I AM ( NOTHING AND IO HAVE NOTHING AND I HAVE MADE ALOT OF MISTAKES, ABUT I WILL TELL YOU WHAT , I HAVE THE TRUE POWER OF LOVE AND NOONE WILL LOVE YOU LIKE I DO , I WILL MAKE SURE YOU ARE RETURNED YOUR THRONES AND CROWNS AND BIRTHRIGHTS ,AND THE MILK WILL FLOW,,,, IT IS ULTIMATELY YOUR DECISION, AS IT STANDS RIGHT NOW,, IF THINGS DONT CHANGE AND THE GRAIL IS NOT RESTORED , THEN NEITHER WILL YOU BE OR YOUR ENERGIES OR YOUR BODYS ,, IM TELLING YOU THIS,, KEEP YOUR QUEEN ELIZABETH II AND NO MAN WILL EVER BE TREATED AS A MAN WITH RESPECT AND KING WILL DIE .. AND MARK MY WORDS ON THIS, ALL YOU MASONS HAVE TO DO IS SAY FUCK YOU BITCH AND WALK AWAY, DONT YOU REALIZE THAT YOUR POWERS ARE IN EACH OTHER ,.,WHEN YOU WALK AWAY FROM HER AND HER AGHAST RULES, SHE WILL BE ( ..... AS WEAK AND PATHETIC AS SHE BELEIVES YOU ALL ARE , WALK AWAY FROM HER THE POWER IS IN YOU GUYS,, YOU DONTHAVE TO BOW DOWN TO HER ANY MORE // BUT IF YOU CHOOSE TO STAY AND BE HER GUTLESS SLAVES AND WEAR APRONS , THEN YOU ARE WEAK AND PATHETIC AND DESERVE WHAT SHE WILL GIVE YOU, AND THAT IS CASTURATION Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 9. MaJisT^rerrrrrrrrrr JEAN Posted by: "the_order_ov_chaos" the_order_ov_chaos Sat Feb 24, 2007 7:58 pm (EST) MaJisT^rerrrrrrrrrr JEAN Do U remember when around Christmas and before and when every thing was going down with George w bush and when i had my visions about Elizabeth going into the white house as a visit but was planning to make a ( controlled accident happen to George to get him out of the white house so he would be mamed or blind or something so he couldn't finish out his term, and then 3 days later m,aster mason told me George was in a fema safe house underground bunker and that he had replacements and then about the sunglasses , etc, You may have not even read any of them and thought they were rubbish.. hell you may still think that, but anyhow , when i wrote in the guild about what master mason telling me the northern and southern Antient ( .... you know that they were meating at the white house for the first tyme ever,,,, anyhow that was when master masons ritual punish mant had already started and he has went 4 tymes that i know of and he has t6o sat 3 days to 7 to 10 days at a tyme and he hasn't been allowed to stay home more than 3 to 5 days at a tyme before he has to go back for a not-her torture session at bohemian grove ,,, and anyhow, i was so upset and crying and begged him to let me go and take the punishment and i want Ted too so bad i told him they can sacrifice me , and i will gladly (* As this moment go and let be done to release him from his unjust sentence by that SLITCH Q UEENIE .. And so he begged me to write him a letter saying that i wasn't hypnotized because its true i didn't take the secrecy oaths but still got to put on the robe that was flown by the us air force and spend 3 days just channeling and asking question so master mason didn't really tell me too much he just validated stuff that i was picking up, and if he tried to lie to me i could easily easily look at him and knew it and he finally kinda started being protective for me, and i called him frater father and told him he was my father and he began to feel very protective and fatherly over me,, and now he is going thru hell cuz that bitch Elizabeth II is making a example out of him to keep the Freemasons and sang arians from coming to help me restore the grail and she is scaring the fuck out of them ,, and anyhow master mason asked me to get rid of the information and posts , and i thought he was going to be killed which eventually these ritual tortures will break him down and break him down until he is so fucking humble and broken and tortured and wounded and one tyme i m going to write about in detail what is done for punishment ,, but i don't kneo , alot ,,, i kneo some but i don't usually dwell on those things cuz it hard enough to keep myself from getting so mad and i cant turn to hate no matter what , no matter how mad i get and how hurt i am , i cannot resort to hate cuz the love , when proved pure as pure can be divinely pure and unconditional love ,, only then will i be worthy of that ,,, anyhow i deleted a shit load of the letters from master mason,, and i kneo i pretty much kept you informed every step of the way , since Christmas... .when i received a invitation . to your kingdom , so what i am getting at is please please please ( if you still have those ````letters ,, then i could really use them to Be able to put the complete story together up till now,,., and I'm also going to put the story with frater l (Ian cow burn and frater imhotep in order from beginning to now ,and I'm going to tell all ,, plus theirs David and troy and the hells angels and also Ive been in and tried to enter the groves 2 years in a row but got half way thru last tyme,,., and also my trip to great Britain.// ./// and so so so much more I'm trying to put together ,, but master masons and the true step by step story has huge gaps cuz he asked me to delete the messages if i cared about him at all,,, and i did a whole bunch not all and i have to look thru my 20million other email accounts to see if i stored any there ,,,.but if you have those that i sent you can you please for the sake of YOUR CROWN, SEND THEM BACK TO ME,,,, LOVE TREEE Treee Tonia <> wrote: JONNY SWEETIE PLEASE , I HOPE THAT YOU STILLL HAVE THE POSTS FROM WHEN JEAN FIRST OPENED THE SANGUARIANORDEROFCHAOS , I NEED TO GET BECK THE POSTS THAT WERE TO ME FROM ZSNIEL TELLING ME TO OPEN THE OUSE OF CAIN AND THEER WERE 2 OR 2 OR 4 POSTS THAT WERE TO ME FROM ZSNIEL BUT T THEN HE TOLD ME THAT I HAD TO DELETE THEM BEFORE HE WOULD JOIN MY SANGUARIANORDEROFCHAOS GROUP SO I DID AND MY THE_ORDER_OV_CHAOS@YAHOO.COM WAS SHUT DOWN ON ME I THINK JEAN DID IT CUZ I HAD GIVEN HIM MY PASSWORD ANY HOW I NEED THOSE POSTS AND ALL POSTS FROM ZSNIEL OR JEAN , DO YOU STILL HAVE THEM ? PLEASE CHECK AND IF YOU DO ,,, WOULD YOU SEND THEM TO ME OR JUST GO AHEAD AND POST THEM , THANK YOU, I DO LOVE YOU SO FROM TREEE Re: Thomas (Twin) Thursday, February 8, 2007 11:37 AM "Treee Tonia" <> View contact details "Bryan" <> From: To: jesus was called the son of david because he was the heir to the throne of king david and was killed for the throne just like queen mary was killed for the throne, queen elizabeth II is the head of teh freemasons, and she also is the grail queen, and all of her resources are suppossed to be used to mother and protect teh earth, not to glorify themselves and horde the riches,alma mari , jesus mother was the queen and in france and so was mary magdalene and jesus that is teh mystery of the holy grail, and this is mary magdalene is such of a huge part of the freemasons. these titles that she is is not all of them, she has these powers because she sits in the throne of king david , Your continued donations keep Wikipedia running!