Pearl Prynne JFK Assassination compat.doc

Central Intelligence Agency
Office of the Director
Subject: Pearl Prynne and The Assassination of JFK
In this most recent investigation, my agents and I have
begun to follow Pearl’s trail and linked it to a tragedy that
befell the nation one decade ago: The Assassination of President
John F. Kennedy.
Exactly one month ago I was struck with horror as I
uncovered a piece of information that never should have been
uncovered. In the files of a sub sectional department of the
C.I.A, I discovered a document that, if in the hands of the
media, would warp the nation. In this file was a pack of
corresponding letters between two people: The Director of the
department as well as a mysteriously named “P.P.”The letters
made it clear that P.P. was a hit man for hire and the target,
which was the most astounding aspect of the whole thing, was
President Kennedy.
Who was this shadowy P.P.? That was the question I began to
pursue a month ago. I began to look inward for this answer. I
blew the dust off of my family tree as well as records about my
family’s past. I am descended from the bastard child of a
certain Pearl Prynne (whose initials are P.P.). To any other
person this would seem like a coincidence… to an extraordinary
mind like mine, not a chance. I began to connect the dots. Pearl
Prynne, in my family records, besides for being labeled “whore
of the utmost degree” by her townspeople, was labeled a witch.
There are various proofs of her use of witchcraft. It is rumored
that Pearl, at the age of 33, outright stopped aging. She
outlived her son, her grandchildren, and even her great
grandchildren. Then, she mysteriously vanished. From the year
1700 onward there ceased to be records of her. But, in 1912
there was a ticket sale on the Titanic to a certain Pearl
Prynne. After centuries, she was returning home to America. My
father told me that when he was twelve, Pearl actually came and
visited his family. Many C.I.A. records show that Pearl,
throughout the 20th century, has been causing trouble all over
the country.
This brings me back to the assassination of Kennedy. I
began to look deeper into the involvement of P.P. and that
fateful day. Records show that P.P. was successful and that she
(yes, the document does reveal that P.P. is a woman which
further supports my theory of it being Pearl) was the one that
did indeed shoot Kennedy. The Kennedy Assassination was an
inside job.
My research does not end there. Upon checking the records
of yet another sub sectional department, I found a document
concerning a certain L.H.O. Whoever L.H.O. was, he had been
working for the C.I.A. for a number of years as an undercover
agent. As it turns out, this sub sectional department found out
about the other department’s plan to kill Kennedy. This is where
L.H.O. came in. He was hired to protect Kennedy and keep watch
over the President with a sniper on the Grassy Knoll. Then came
my revelation, L.H.O. was Lee Harvey Oswald. Lee Harvey Oswald
was there that day on the grassy knoll not to kill John F.
Kennedy, but to protect him!
A few days ago I considered dropping this case because of
the ramifications it would have if ever revealed to the country.
But, I did want to serve justice and P.P. had to be punished.
Still, there was no substantial proof that P.P. was truly Pearl
Prynne. That was until I found a picture of Pearl at the scene
of the crime. After comparing this picture with one taken by my
father when Pearl visited them in 1915, I was astonished to see
it was an exact match. (The photo of her at the site of the
assassination is attached to this file. Pearl is clearly circled
in red.) P.P. was Pearl Prynne and I had proof of it! I have now
made it my sworn duty to hunt down Pearl and deliver justice.
The search for Pearl Prynne will continue. I will find her. She
cannot hide from Winston Prynne. There are no family discounts
in the Central Intelligence Agency.
Winston Prynne
C.I.A. Director