Persuasive Research Essay PRACTICE For many, a zoo is a source

Persuasive Research Essay PRACTICE
For many, a zoo is a source of family entertainment and fond memories of discovery. Supporters
claim that zoos advance conservation efforts and enhance knowledge and learning; still, others
counter that zoos are little more than animal prisons where innocent creatures are abused and
exploited. These two opposing views lead to the question: “Should animals be kept in zoos?”
ASSIGNMENT: Using the sources provided, create a persuasive paragraph that responds to the
assertion, “It is beneficial to keep animals in zoos.” Provide a specific claim that clearly shows
your position.
– Include a specific claim/thesis
– Cite at least 2 sources (2 quotes minimum)
– Create a unique argument and discussion based on the sources; your argument should be the
most significant part of the paragraph. Do not merely paraphrase the evidence.
– Include rhetorical strategies (counterargument, etc.)
– Full MLA formatting, including works cited page
– Assignment due at end of class on Jan. 13th to
1. Read/annotate the articles (originally found online), considering significant quotes
to reinforce and develop argument; answer the questions that follow each source.
2. Plan/develop your discussions/argument (back of this page)
– Outline the argument, using the sources as the framework
3. Create your claim (thesis) – write on assignment paper
4. In Word, create the MLA formatting, with an appropriate heading (use
documentation guide)
5. Type claim
6. Type paragraph, using planning and sources
– For internal citations, for now mark with paragraph number only ( 4);
formatting will be edited in step 8
– Include rhetorical strategies and insightful, persuasive discussions
based on the sources (do not paraphrase them)
– Steps 1-6 must be finished by the beginning of class on Jan. 13th/14th
7. Create works cited page, using documentation guide
8. Format internal citations, using documentation guide
9. Revise/edit paragraph, review MLA formatting for accuracy
10. Turn in (due on Jan 13th (A) Jan 14th (B) in class)
Formatting a persuasive research paragraph (Example)
CONTEXT: information that leads into the evidence - provides background, or context, that would help
the reader understand the evidence (sources) the writer is getting ready to provide
EVIDENCE: in the form of a quotation of a source, paraphrasing, etc. Evidence must be cited from the
source accurately.
According to _________________________________________, “_______________________
First word of citation and page or par. #
DISCUSSION: Analysis, discussion, and persuasive elements: how does this evidence prove the
thesis (claim)? This discussion could be in the form of a counterargument.
EVIDENCE: in the form of a quotation of a source, paraphrasing, etc. Evidence must be cited from the
source accurately.
According to _________________________________________, “_______________________
First word of citation and page or par. #
DISCUSSION Analysis, discussion, and persuasive elements: how does this evidence prove the thesis
(claim)? This discussion could be in the form of a counterargument.
The New Zoo - Rene S. Ebersole
Audubon Magazine
– Underline the most significant lines of this source.
– What is this source’s position?
– What is this source’s main argument?
– How could this source be used for the pro side of - “Should animals be kept in zoos?” Consider
counterarguments as well.
– How could this source be used for the con side of -“Should animals be kept in zoos?” Consider
counterarguments as well.
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
The following excerpt is part of the response from PETA to the question: “Should animals be
kept in zoos?”
Opposing Views Beta
– Underline the most significant lines of this source.
– What is this source’s position?
– What is this source’s main argument?
– How could this source be used for the pro side of - “Should animals be kept in zoos?” Consider
counterarguments as well.
– How could this source be used for the con side of -“Should animals be kept in zoos?” Consider
counterarguments as well.
Is it ethical to keep animals in zoos? - Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association
The following excerpt is from an article in an American Veterinary Medical Association journal
which interviews Dr. Michael Hutchins, executive director/CEO of The Wildlife Society, about
the ethicality of zoos.
– Underline the most significant lines of this source.
– What is this source’s position?
– What is this source’s main argument?
– How could this source be used for the pro side of - “Should animals be kept in zoos?” Consider
counterarguments as well.
– How could this source be used for the con side of -“Should animals be kept in zoos?” Consider
counterarguments as well.