Chapter 15: Genetic Engineering Big Idea: Science as a way of Knowing How and why do scientists manipulate DNA in living cells? Chapter 15.1 Selective Breeding How do humans take advantage of naturally occurring variation among organisms? Objectives: o o Explain the purpose of selective breeding Explain how people increase genetic variation Chapter 15.2 Recombinant DNA How do scientists study and work with specific genes? Objectives: o o o Explain how scientists manipulate DNA Describe the importance of recombinant DNA Define transgenic and describe the usefulness of some transgenic organisms to humans Chapter 15.3 Applications of Genetic Engineering How do humans use genetic engineering? Objectives: o o o Describe the benefits of genetic engineering as they relate to agriculture and industry Explain how recombinant DNA technology can improve human health Summarize the process of DNA fingerprinting and explain its uses Chapter 15.4 Ethics and Impacts of Biotechnology What are some of the ethical issues raised by genetic engineering? Objectives: o o o Describe some of the issues that relate to biotechnology Identify some of the pros and cons of genetically modified food. Describe some of the ethical issues relating to biotechnology