Should a voucher system be used to introduce choice and

Should a voucher system be used
We should make punishments
to introduce choice and competition
between schools?
for corruption and bribery
A voucher system is an alternative method of
funding education. Instead of tax revenue being
distributed to state-run schools, parents are issued
directly with vouchers, which can be spent on
education in any school, either privately or publicly
run. Now systems of voucher funding are in place in
several American states and European municipalities.
But is that worthy to run this kind of educational
system? These are such arguments to keep this
system going.
Corruption is operationally defined as the misuse
of entrusted power for private gain. Facilitation
payments, where a bribe is paid to receive
preferential treatment for something that the
receiver is required to do by law. Corruption affects
people's lives in a multitude of ways. In the worst
cases, corruption costs people’s lives. In countless
other cases, it costs their freedom, health, or money.
It is becoming an international problem due to
increasing level of globalization and international
trade. So, how do you think about this corruption
and bribery problem? Let’s take a look.
State-educational provision is failing, despite
increasing investment in it. Children are locked into
bad schools, particularly in inner-city and underprivileged areas. Parents must be given the
opportunity to escape from bad state education
systems if educational standards are to improve.
Bad schools must be allowed to close and good
schools expand. There is no point pumping money
into fundamentally unsound schools.
Evidence that education can be provided more
efficiently by the private sector than the State-run
schools, because State-run schools are more
expensive per head than private equivalents.
Without incentives, schools will not improve.
That’s been proven. Vouchers introduce market
forces into the education system. Schools have to
attract pupils in order to attract funds and are thus
forced to provide attractive and effective services as
the result.
Vouchers not only encourage efficiency, they
also promote innovation and specialization. As
schools work to attract particular kinds of pupils,
variety and choice within the education system is
By having such points above, it is necessary to
expand our educational system to have this voucher
system run.
more strict
In every society there will be those who try to
"beat the system" and if the society has moral or
political vulnerabilities, there will be more of them.
Bribery cannot be justified because it is a serious
crime, which undermines the principles of
democracy and leads to economic harm as well as
social tension by keeping the poorest. Many officials
practice corruption to recoup the cost of buying
their position, which perpetuates corruption and
puts their interests ahead of those of society.
International standards on prosecution of
companies who bribe foreign officials may
encourage positive changes in national legislation as
well, thus eliminating legal flaws to combat
corruption. At this point, the national problem about
the law will be helped by international law standards.
In different cultures the lines between the
acceptable and unacceptable are drawn differently.
However, there are limits in all societies, beyond
which an action becomes corrupt and unacceptable.
The abuse of power for private gain and the
siphoning off of public or common resources to
private pockets should be illegal and unacceptable in
all cultures and societies.
Realizing that both corruption and bribery have
the bad impact to our society, so it is important to
strict the regulation against those things, acts
through the law enforcement. Supposed the
government is responsible for heading this way.
Sir_Danoe for SMAK IPEKA Sunter
In my subjective opinion teachers should not
smoke at school. Well at least, there are several
reasons why I strongly disagree if teachers do
smoking at school.
Firstly, ‘No Smoking’ regulation applied for
students will not be effective at all. People say that
teachers are as models. Therefore, they should give
good examples for their students, especially in
behavior. Moreover, Indonesian people belong to a
society who have paternalistic behavior pattern.
Indonesian youngsters always imitate what older
people do. So it useless is prohibiting students from
smoking at school while their teachers satisfactorily
inhale their favorite cigarette smoke.
Secondly, smoking makes classrooms and school
environment dirty. Most of teachers who smoke
carelessly throw away the cigarette ashes and ends
everywhere. They scatter on the table, on the floor,
in the glasses, on pots, and at the school yard. This
makes the school environment messy and
uncomfortable place to study.
Thirdly, passive smokers become the victims of
active smokers. Smoke coming out from cigarettes
can dangerously affect the people around. Teachers
should bear in mind that their students inhale
poisonous smoke while they enjoy the taste of their
cigarettes. As a matter of fact, people who do not
smoke become victims of smokers at school.
Lastly, smoking makes nasty smell. For smokers
cigarettes they love have nice smell. In fact,
cigarettes end left by their colleagues who smoke. In
classroom students have to fan cigarette smoke to
get rid of the annoying smell.
Considering for the moral/ethic, healthy, and
environmental reasons, I believe that teachers must
not always smoke at school.
Sir_Danoe for SMAK IPEKA Sunter
15A Sentosa Street
Kota Banyan
What does the writing intend to?
8 May 2008
2. What is the issue raised by the writer?
The Zoo Director
Roamingham Zoo
1 Wild Street
Freetown 30780
3. What is the writer’s argument that animals
should be free to run in the wild and not be kept
in zoos?
Dear Sir,
I am concerned about the animals kept in the zoos.
I think all the zoos in the world should be shut down
because they are a terrible place for animals to live in.
Animals should be free to run in the wild and not
4. What does the writer think about elephants and
penguins which live in enclosures with concrete
5. What physical effect do animals that live in
enclosure get?
be kept in zoos. It is very disturbing to see animals
crammed up inside cages too small for them. The
enclosures are not very exciting either. They do not
6. What is the writer’s point of view about animals
which are given food?
like the place where the animals come from or can be
comfortable in. for instance; animals like tigers,
elephants and penguins live in enclosures or cages with
7. What is the writer’s recommendation on the
closure of zoos?
concrete floors.
Animals get bored in their enclosures or cages as
they have nothing to do. They are so distressed; they
walk up and down the same path or round and round
inside cages day after day looking dreadfully sad.
Animals in captivity cannot behave as they would
in the wild. It is unnatural for wild animals to have
food given to them. Animals kept in zoos are deprived
of their natural behavior of chasing other animals for
Some animals are in danger of becoming extinct.
As zoo animals are not living in their natural
environment, many of them have difficulty in
reproduction. Even when their young are born, they
do not always survive. This causes an even greater risk
of some animals of becoming extinct.
I believe you wouldn’t want your family to be
locked in a cage for the rest of their lives. Therefore,
please do something about the zoo animals – set the
animals free!
Yours Faithfully,
Yvonne Lee
Fill in the blanks with suitable connectors!
I think there is too much homework for the
students to cope with nowadays. As they saying
goes “all work no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
It is important that we have a well balanced
school life. We must have time to study, to play, and
to relax. It is unfair that we are loaded with too much
homework (1) _______________ it is equally
important for us to set aside sufficient time for
relaxing. I do agree it is important to have homework
like English and Math, (2) _______________ for other
homework like research, I do not think it is essential.
In my opinion, I don’t agree that every student
should have the same amount of work (3)
__________ they are in the same class. (4)
____________, homework should be given in
accordance with their academic capabilities. (5)
_____________, I do think that the amount of
homework should increase when the students reach
universities. (6) ______________, I appeal to the
Sir_Danoe for SMAK IPEKA Sunter
authority’s concern to reconsider reviewing the
policy on homework for students who are still below
the tertiary education level.
During the school holiday, kids on skateboards
are seen everywhere. They can be found at shopping
malls, busy roads (4) _______________ car parks.
They create a lot of nuisance in the public areas.
(5) ______________, I recommend that, for the
safety purpose, skateboard should be banned.
Complete the passage by using your own words!
Fill in the blanks with suitable connectors!
Most people think that cooking meals, for family,
is a woman’s job. Man sits around, enjoying or (1)
_____________ himself at home, while woman slogs
in the kitchen.
Good music should give some advantages for
people. For example, the music of Mozart can
Yet my family is (2) _______________. Both my
increase someone intelligence or pop music can
parents are good cooks. On weekdays my father is
reassure someone’s feeling. However, it is different
busy with his office work but on every Sunday or
with the rock music.
holiday, he makes effort to cook for the family and
also does the house (3) _______________ for my
mother. He will do the (4) _______________ from
Many controversies have sprung around this kind
of music. Those who can not tolerate with rock
planning, shopping, cooking to washing.
On that day, my mother is (5) _______________
to enter the kitchen and my father will prepare all
the three meals each (6) ________________ of
music consider it as a negative influence on young
There are those who do not approve of the way
rockers dress and behave. Some go further and
various tasty dishes.
I think every boy should learn the art of cooking
accuse rock of Satanism. For example, Ozzy
and (7) _______________ keeping. In this way, man
Osbourne, a famous rock star, often bit the head off
and woman can (8) _______________ share works in
small animals and drank their blood on stage. Many
the family.
people considered such acts affiliated with Satanism.
There are also occasions where teens commit
suicide after going to such a concert or listening to
the music. Such cases strengthened the conviction of
many people that rock music, such as heavy metal,
underground music is truly a bad influence.
Fill in the blanks with suitable connectors!
In my opinion, skating is a very dangerous sport
(1) _____________ because kids on skateboard never
watch where they are going. When they skate on the
road, they don’t bother the oncoming traffic and (2)
I feel that we must concern with our young
entertainment promoters not to invite rockers or
give rock concerts, for rocks concerts usually present
wild impacts on young generation.
______________, the skaters are never concern
about the safety of the pedestrians. Sometimes
pedestrians are knocked down by reckless skaters.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
Sir_Danoe for SMAK IPEKA Sunter
Assignment for Composition
Some people think that a hacker is a bad guy,
but some think he is not.
So, how do you think about this issue?
2. Some people say that it is okay for students
use mobile phone at school, some say it is
So, how do you think about this issue?
Example for the lay out:
I think it is (good/no good) for students to __________
My reasons are as follows.
Firstly, ___________
Secondly, ______________
Finally, ______________
Thus, I strongly recommend that _____________
Sir_Danoe for SMAK IPEKA Sunter