R+J Act 1 notes Student-2.doc

Romeo & Juliet: Act 1 Information
For each question, find literary supports and use the APE model to respond.
-“From ancient grudge break new mutiny” – an old grudge will resurface and destroy lives
-“A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life” – to be crossed by the stars is to not have fate
on your side (never “meant to be”)
“Which, but their children’s end, nought remove” – Even after their death, the feud
Scene 1
Key quotes and ideas
 (I:I:7) “A dog of the house of Montague moves me”– though a play on a sexual joke, it
indicates what they think of the Montague family
 (I:I:41) “Do you bite your thumb at us, Sir”– An offensive gesture towards the other family
 (I:I:66-67) “What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues,
and thee.”– Tybalt is a hot-headed character. He establishes his character and his position on
the Montagues.
1. Describe the characters of Tybalt, Benvolio, and Romeo.
2. What are some possible topics for the theme of the play? List 5.
3. What is wrong with Romeo? Find 2 lines the support your idea.
Other Information
Scene 2
Key quotes and ideas
 Paris is asking Old Capulet when he can marry his daughter. Old Capulet says that she is too
young and that he would have to consult with her before making a decision.
 (I:II:55-56) “Not mad, but bound more than a madman is; Shut up in prison, kept without my
food”– Romeo is feeling love sick. He is depressed about his situation with Rosaline.
 (I:II:85-87) - Benvolio suggests that the go so Romeo can see Rosaline and make a decision
about whether or not he likes her.
1. Why does the serviceman ask Romeo and Benvolio to read the letter?
2. How does the topic of “love” play a role in this scene?
3. What does Romeo think of Benvolio’s plan?
Other Information
Scene 3
Key quotes and ideas
 (I:III:10) – After Lady Capulet asks the nurse to get Juliet, she requests that she stay to hear
their talk. This suggests that the mother-daughter relationship is weak.
 (I:III:58) “It is an honour that I dream not of”– Juliet does not care much about marriage at
this point. This is ironic because of how her feelings change as the play progresses.
1. How does Juliet’s age play a role in this decision?
2. What does Juliet agree to do?
3. Describe the characters of Juliet, the Nurse, and Lady Capulet.
4. What is an archetype?
Other Information
Scene 4
Key quotes and ideas
(I:IV:13) “With nimble shoes, I have a soul of lead”– Romeo is still love sick and depressed
(I:IV:50-97) – Mercutio is mocking Romeo and his dream.
(I:IV:173) “This, by his voice, should be a Montague. Fetch me my rapier, boy.– Tybalt
hates the Montagues and demonstrates his aggression towards them.
(I:IV:215-235) – Romeo is falling in love with Juliet. Shortly after, Romeo discovers that
she is a Capulet, which disappoints him greatly.
1. Find 2 lines of evidence that demonstrate Romeo’s protest to going to the dance. Why is this
2. Describe 2 conflicts (story element) that are occurring right now. How will they affect the plot?
3. “My grave is like to be my wedding bed” (I:IV:259). What does Juliet mean literally? What could
this foreshadow?
Other Information