This is me will help you support me in hospital. Guidance notes to help you to complete This is me This is me is intended to provide hospital professionals with information about you or the person you support as an individual. This will enhance the care and support given while the person is in an unfamiliar environment or hospital. It is not a medical document. This is me is about you or the person you support at the time the document is completed and will need to be updated as necessary. It is yours or the person that provides you with support who has responsibility to make sure all information is accurate and up to date prior to going into an unfamiliar place or hospital. Things you must know about me My name, date of birth, address and telephone number Full name and name I prefer to be known by. Contact person/ the person who knows me best It may be a spouse, relative, friend or carer etc. How to communicate with me How do I usually communicate, e.g. verbally, using gestures, pointing or a mixture of both? Can I read and write, does writing things down help? How do I indicate pain, discomfort, thirst or hunger? Include anything that may help staff identify my needs. My support needs and who gives me the most support Name of agency and contact details, how many calls a day and what is provided. Do I need 24 hour support are family involved and what support do they provide. Allergies Know allergies e.g. latex, plasters, types of medication, certain foods etc Heart/breathing problems e.g. known conditions or important information e.g. asthma, pacemaker fitted, person gets out of breath walking up the stairs etc Risk of choking, dysphagia (eating, drinking and swallowing) Recommendations or any guidelines produced by speech and language therapist to try to prevent choking/ aspiration. Alert there is a potential for V.1 March 2011 review March 2013 CSm/LD subgroup 1 problems in this section but in the Amber section put what is required e.g. needs food in puree texture, needs thickened fluids to custard consistence. Gp details, other services/professionals involved with me e.g. names and contact details of Community Learning Disability Nurse, Community Psychiatric Nurse, Consultant psychiatrist, Occupational therapist, and advocate etc. Spiritual needs detail the person’s spiritual needs and preferences What makes me anxious, upset or worries me? Anything that may upset me or cause anxiety such as personal worries, e.g. money, family concerns, or being apart from a loved one, fear of gender specific carers or physical needs, e.g. being in pain, constipated, thirsty or hungry. Environmental needs, noise, unfamiliar environment, I don’t like the dark. How do I show this? What do I say? What does my facial expression or body language look like etc? What helps me when I feel like this? What usually reassures me, e.g. comforting words, music or TV? Do I like company and someone sitting and talking with me or prefer quiet time alone? Who could be contacted to help and if so when? Please use the notes section at the back of This is me if you need extra space for this section. Current medication please list medication by name, dose, route and how many times a day the medication is taken. It is important to keep this information accurate. You may need to bring in repeat prescription or administration sheets which will have the most resent information. How I take medication e.g. crushed tablets, injections, syrup. Do I take medication on food? If person knows and prefers medication this way or it has been decided this is in the person’s best interest. Medical/social history and treatment plan Medical history e.g. diagnosis, previous admission/surgery Social/ My life so far: Place of birth, education, work history, day service, travel, etc. Medical Interventions how to take my blood, blood pressure give injections etc. What will be the best way to make me less anxious and have a positive outcome with the intervention? Things important to me How you know I am in pain how does the person express pain e.g. facial expression, vocal signs, skin colour, body posture etc V.1 March 2011 review March 2013 CSm/LD subgroup 2 Moving around Posture in bed, walking aids, transfers, hoisting. Am I fully mobile or do I need help? Do I need a walking aid? Is my mobility affected by surfaces? Can I use stairs? Can I stand unaided from sitting position? Do I need handrails? Do I need a special chair or cushion, or do my feet need raising to make me comfortable? How many staff do I need to transfer? Do I need reassurance/ preparation prior to hoisting? Personal Care Normal routines, preferences and usual level of assistance required in the bath or, shower or other. Do I prefer a male or female carer? What are my preferences for continence aids used, soaps, cosmetics, shaving, teeth cleaning and dentures? Seeing/hearing Can I hear well or do I need a hearing aid? How is it best to approach me? Is the use of touch appropriate? Do I need eye contact to establish communication? Do I wear glasses or need any other vision aids? How I eat and How do I drink Do I need assistance to eat or drink? Can I use cutlery or do I prefer finger foods? Do I need adapted aids such as cutlery or crockery to eat and drink? Does food need to be cut into pieces? Do I wear dentures to eat or do I have swallowing difficulties? What texture of food is required to help, soft or liquidised? Do I require thickened fluids? List likes, dislikes (not everyone like hot/ cold drinks) and any special dietary requirements including vegetarianism, religious or cultural needs. Include information about my appetite and whether I need help to choose food off a menu. How I keep safe Do I need bed rails? Support with Challenging behaviour, things people need to be aware of to keep me safe How I use the toilet Does the person need prompting? Does the person need support? What continence aids does the person use etc? Sleeping Usual sleep patterns/ times and bedtime routines. Do I like a light left on and do I find it difficult to find the toilet at night? Position in bed, any special mattress, pillow, do I need a regular change of position? My likes and Dislikes What makes me happy? Things that are important to me, what I like to do, what I dislike Notes Please add in here any important information that you were not able to put in the document i.e. a person may have lots of anxieties and there may not be enough space in the previous section. Please indicate in that section you have put further information in the notes section. Please put in topics of conversation that triggers interest and are good items to use for staff to build up rapport or use as part of a distraction strategy. V.1 March 2011 review March 2013 CSm/LD subgroup 3