Speech - Informative

Speech 205
Mr. Sanders
The Informative Speech
For this assignment, you will prepare a 5-7 minute speech with the specific purpose of helping your
audience understand a topic.
For this speech, you will research a topic of your choice. This is basically like a research paper, except
you are presenting the information orally instead of in written form. You will still have to research the
topic and gather sources and data. You will also have to create a bibliography of the sources you will use.
Your speech should meet the following criteria:
1. Use a minimum of 3 legitimate, reputable sources (for example: no Wikipedia). In your past
speeches, you probably relied solely on personal knowledge and experience. This method alone
will no longer be acceptable. You MUST have at least 3 sources in your bibliography, and you may
only cite the sources you will mention in your speech. This means if you started with 6 sources,
but only refer to 3 in your speech, you will only put 3 in your bibliography.
2. You will mention your sources in your speech- this is called “oral footnote” or “oral citation.” For
example, According to Bob Smith in The State Journal Register on October 1st, 2011, “ADHD is a
life-long disorder.” However, he goes on to state that…. ”blah blah blah”.
3. Have a visual aid for your presentation- this could include a power point, keynote, or poster. If
you have any other ideas, please check with me first!!
4. Conform to the time limit; points will be deducted every 15 seconds under or over the time limit.
The best way to avoid this is to practice at home and time your speech. Aim for 6 minutes.
5. Turn in your topic approval and typed rough draft outline on the due dates listed.
6. Speak extemporaneously using notes on note cards. Do not read directly from note cards or visual
Acceptable Sources include:
 Books (nonfiction)
 Periodicals (nonfiction magazines and scholarly journals) that can be found in print or online
 Newspapers found in print or online
 Online articles from reputable sites- please show them to me to gain approval
 Brochures and pamphlets
 Newsletters
 Reference books (dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedia, etc.)
 Fiction books
Timeline/Due Dates:
Library days / Computer days: October 25th, October 27th, and October 28th
Topic Approval Sheet due: October 20th – Top 5 ideas / October 23rd = Permanent topic and last day
to change topics
Typed Rough Draft Outline due: October 31st (at the top of the hour)
Typed Rough draft bibliography due: October 31st (at the top of the hour)
Final Outline/Bibliography due: November 2nd (at the top of the hour)
Topic Approval Form
Your Name:
Speech topic or Title (be sure it is not persuasive!):
General Purpose: To inform (DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ELSE HERE)
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about…
Central Idea (this would be like a thesis statement for your speech- you are informing about ______________
because ___________):
Here is where you will find out if your topic is approved, or if we need to further discuss your topic:
Topic Approved ______________________________________
See me __________________________________________________
The Outline
The outline for your informative speech will be the same format as your Demonstration Speech, EXCEPT,
whereas last time you listed the items you used off to the side, this time you will list the source you will
mention off to the side… There is an example of a good outline in this packet.
Also, refer to the outline sheet you received for your Demonstration speech if you forgot the format.
Bibliography Format
You will use MLA format to create your bibliography- remember also, that with a speech, your
bibliography comes immediately after your outline, not on a separate page. Please refer to the MLA
handout before you start your bibliography.
Stu Dent
Informative Speech
October 7, 2011
3rd Hour
Eating Healthy with a Busy Lifestyle
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about eating healthy while on the run
Central Idea: A healthy lifestyle is still doable if you make wise choices.
I. Introduction
A. Attention getter: pictures of healthy food
B. Thesis: Therefore, it is imperative that we learn about… because…
C. Reason to listen: learn more about taking care of your health
D. Preview: So today I will first talk about… 2nd… Before finally….
II. Body
A. Pack your lunch
1. Healthier
2. Less expensive
3. Many options
a. pre-cooked, pre-cut
b. fruit cups
c. veggies
4. Prepare in advance
5. Quick meals
a. Lean Cuisine
b. Healthy Choice
B. Eating in Restaurants
1. Healthier choices available
a. Salads
b. Baked or grilled entres
c. Low-carb options
2. Healthier restaurants available
a. Subway
b. Sweet Tomatoes
C. Keep healthy snacks accessible
1. Fruit
2. Yogurt smoothies
3. Water
*mention Mayer
*mention Brown
*mention Carter
III. Conclusion
A. In conclusion, there are many options available. Today we talked about 1st… 2nd… and finally…
B. So remember, making the choice doesn’t have to be hard. Eat healthy, eat smart, eat well.
Brown, Alexandra. "The Rise of the New Restaurant." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 12.6
(2009): 48-62. Print.
Carter, L., and Margaret Shaffer. “A Quick Fix.” Good Housekeeping Mar. 2006: 143-48. Print.
Mayer, Sarah. Creating a Healthy Lifestyle. New York: Harper, 2008.
Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________ Informative Speech
Title of Speech: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Body Structure
Visual Aid
Speaker credibility
Nonverbal physical delivery
Verbal/vocal delivery
Conformity to assignment
Grading Criteria (rated 1-10 per category)
E- excellent (no flaws at all)
M- meets criteria
B- below expectations
0- not present
E M B 0 Attention Getting Device (AGD)
E M B 0 Thesis Statement (Claim + Reason)
E M B 0 Reason to Listen
E M B 0 Preview/Summary
E M B 0 appropriate organizational pattern
E M B 0 clear and logical
E M B 0 followed outline
E M B 0 transitions between topics
E M B 0 main points clearly stated
E M B 0 main points clearly explained
E M B 0 main points supported by accurate research
E M B 0 oral citations met (at least 3)
E M B 0 necessary and appropriate
E M B 0 presented skillfully
E M B 0 well designed (color, size, etc.)
E M B 0 professional (neatness, spelling, etc.)
E M B 0 audience can see (view not blocked)
E M B 0 knowledgeable
E M B 0 dressed appropriately
E M B 0 enthusiasm for the topic
E M B 0 confident
E M B 0 honest/ethical
E M B 0 eye contact
E M B 0 posture
E M B 0 avoided distracting mannerisms
E M B 0 facial expressions
E M B 0 gestures
E M B 0 vocal enthusiasm
E M B 0 rate/fluency (avoided dead air)
E M B 0 volume
E M B 0 avoided offensive language
E M B 0 avoided fillers (um, uh, like, yeah, etc. )
E M B 0 clarity
E M B 0 correct grammar and word usage
E M B 0 Review Statement
E M B 0 Clincher statement
E M B 0 ending and departure (avoid “that’s it,” etc.)
E M B 0 appropriate length
E M B 0 outline complete with all parts present
E M B 0 format correct
E M B 0 bibliography requirements met (at least 3)
E M B 0 time limit met (5-7 minutes)
E M B 0 topic approved
E M B 0 spoke extemporaneously
E M B 0 source requirements met (at least 3)
Score (out of 100 points possible)
Late? Gum? Speaking or being distracting during other speeches?
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
0-59 F