Sequim School District No. 323 “All Students Will Experience Success” 503 North Sequim Avenue, Sequim, WA 98382 Telephone: (360) 582-3260, FAX: (360) 683-6303, February 6, 2012 - 5 PM Superintendent Search Workshop President Sarah Bedinger opened the Superintendent Search Workshop at 5:15pm, with all board members present with the exception of Director Bev Horan, who was previously excused. Rich Parker, from the search firm McPherson & Jacobson, opened the workshop by going over the comments that had been received during the stakeholder workshops and online via the survey monkey. The discussion then turned to the next phase of the search whereby the semi-finalists will be chosen. Board members were given digital copies of all the applications submitted and they will be choosing their own short lists to present at the February 21st closed session workshop, as well as their choice of potential questions for the semi-finalists. President Sarah Bedinger adjourned the workshop at 7:55pm with a five minute recess before the commencement of the Regular Meeting. 7PM - Regular Board Meeting with Hearing President Sarah Bedinger opened the Regular Meeting at 7:00 pm noting the excused absence of Director Bev Horan, and all Student Board Representatives present. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted. PRESENT Sarah Bedinger, President Virginia O’Neil, Vice President John Bridge, Director Walter Johnson, Director Lorah Steichen, Student Board Representative Mollie Smith, Student Board Representative Bill Bentley, Superintendent Marilyn Walsh, Secretary Cathie Osborne, Citizen Patsene Dashiell, District Office Spencer Dee Marcy, Citizen Charles Wehr, Citizen David Updike, SEA Jack Walsh, Citizen Brian Lewis, District Office Patra Boots, Haller Elementary PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING the POSSIBLE ISSUANCE OF NON-VOTED DEBT President Sarah Bedinger opened the Public Hearing at 7:03pm in order to hear public comment on the proposed plan for the issuance of non-voted debt. Superintendent Bentley explained the purpose of the non-voted debt would be for the purpose of renovating the 1979 addition of the Community School and renovation of space for other district operated programs. Business Manager Brian Lewis showed that fuel cost savings alone that will be gained by the closure of the Community School would cover the majority of the payment on the debt. President Sarah Bedinger asked for any comments or questions from the audience. There being none, John Bridge moved to close the public hearing at 7:10pm. Vice President Virginia O’Neil seconded; vote taken; motion carried. Board Meeting Minutes February 6, 2012 1 of 4 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice President Virginia O’Neil moved to approve the minutes from the January 23, 2011 Regular Board Meeting and Student Learning Workshop and the February 1, 2012 Special Board Meeting as presented. Director John Bridge seconded; vote taken; motion carried. CHANGES/ADDITIONS AND APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA (REF. POLICY 1420) Director Walter Johnson moved to approve the agenda as printed. Director John Bridge seconded; vote taken; motion carried. BOARD COMMUNICATION AND OTHER ITEMS Director Walter Johnson reminded everyone of the upcoming Variety Show Saturday, February 11 at 2pm in the High School auditorium, to benefit Sequim Education Foundation. Discussion followed. Director John Bridge was contacted by a community member about putting up a sign and naming the field in honor of the community member that made it possible for the school district to acquire the field. The school district has Policy #6970 – Naming Facilities, that will be reviewed at the upcoming Policy Committee meeting scheduled for February 13 and reported on at the next board meeting regarding this request. Vice President Virginia O’Neil had received comments thanking the board for the extra help at Haller Elementary. Virginia was also asked why Administration Meetings are held while school is in session instead of outside school hours. Superintendent Bentley explained that this issue was looked at each year and it has been determined that the twice-monthly meetings seem to be held in the most advantageous time slot, for right now. Virginia also asked about students having their infants on campus with them, what the parameters were. Superintendent Bentley asked if she would talk to him further about the issue and then they could go back to the board with an answer. President Sarah Bedinger thanked SEA President David Updike, and all the teachers for the many ways they honored the board during Board Appreciation month. Sarah spoke for all when she said how much the board appreciated their many gestures of appreciation. Discussion followed. STUDENT BOARD REPRESENTATIVE COMMUNICATION & STUDENT RECOGNITION Student Board Representative Lorah Steichen reported that finals had just ended and the new semester started today. The photography class sent five students to a regional competition in Aberdeen where they did quite well for it being their first time. Student Board Representative Mollie Smith reported that Greywolf Elementary is having their Math Night and Spaghetti Feed on Thursday, February 9 and Helen Haller Elementary is having their Family Fun Night on Friday, February 10. PUBLIC COMMENTS - This time is set aside for receiving both written and oral communication from those in attendance who wish to speak on items not included on the agenda. (Ref. Policy 1430, 4220 and 4220P). There were no public comments at this time. CONSENT AGENDA – REQUEST BOARD APPROVAL: Any item may be moved to New Business with a motion from any Board member. a. General Fund Vouchers No. 175545 thru No. 175565 in the total amount of $38,770.26; and No. 175566 thru No. 175566 in the total amount of $953.62 and No. 175567 thru No. 175663 in the total amount of $94,064.67. b. ASB Fund Vouchers No. 9002 thru No. 9002 in the total amount of $ 361.73 and No. 9003 thru No. 9016 in the total amount of $26, 723.50. Board Meeting Minutes February 6, 2012 2 of 4 c. d. e. f. Payroll for the month of January, 2012 in the total amount of $1,603,503.81. Personnel - Employment with the District will be conditional upon the district’s receipt of a criminal conviction history record that is clear of any convictions, adjudications, protective orders, final decisions, or criminal charges in accordance with Washington State law and conditional upon receipt of a sexual Misconduct Disclosure Form from prior Washington State employer(s), where employment was in a school setting, indicating that no sexual, verbal or physical misconduct materials were found in the records of such employer(s) pursuant to RCW 28A.400 and WAC 180-87-080. 1) Recommend Valorie Thornock, Receptionist, for classified part-time Payroll Clerk position, effective upon the hiring of an additional part-time receptionist, as presented. 2) Offer Rick Miko full-time certificated Middle School Math/LAP position for the 20112012 school year, as presented. Approve Jazz Band out-of-state travel to Moscow, Idaho for the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival February 24 & 25, 2012 as presented. Accept cash donation in the amount of $33,926.26 from the estate of Charlotte M. Kirby to be used for scholarships in the donor’s name, as presented. Vice President Virginia O’Neil moved to accept the Consent Agenda items ‘a’ thru ‘f’ as presented. Director Walter Johnson seconded; vote taken; motion carried. Attention was drawn to item ‘f’, a generous donation received by the high school for scholarships. Discussion followed. REPORTS None at this time. SUPERINTENDENT REPORT/DISCUSSION Superintendent Bentley commended our Representatives Kevin Van De Wege and Steve Tharinger for taking the time to talk one-on-one with Bev Horan, Lorah Steichen, Mollie Smith and himself at the Legislative Conference held January 29-30. Student Board Representatives Lorah and Mollie noted that it was exciting to have the opportunity to have their voices heard regarding the issues. The legislature has a number of bills that they are considering, but so far there are no clear answers as to which options may be taken. The McCleary decision has had an impact on several of the choices they could have chosen. Discussion followed. Recently school had to close for four days due to snow. The calendar had three snow days built in. Superintendent Bentley shared that after much discussion, it appeared that the best time to make up that day would be at the end of the year, in spite of the fact that great care always goes into making sure that the last day of school does not fall on a Monday. Any additional snow days we might have this school year would make that less of an issue. There is a Facilities Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 8. Agenda items for that meeting include Summer Projects and discussion about potential classroom configurations for OPA at the Community School. There is a Finance Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 9. Topics for discussion will include financial projections and budget decision criteria. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Vice President Virginia O’Neil moved to adopt Resolution No. 03-2011/2012 regarding issuance of non-voted debt. Director John Bridge seconded; vote taken; motion carried. Board Meeting Minutes February 6, 2012 3 of 4 NEW BUSINESS Director John Bridge moved to adopt Resolution No. 04-2011/2012 Asset Preservation System (APS). Director Walter Johnson seconded; vote taken; motion carried. FOR YOUR INFORMATION a. PDC Filing for Board members is open online. Due April 15th b. Enrollment report taken February 1, 2012 as presented. c. Upcoming Board Meetings, etc. o Feb. 21 – 5 pm Executive Session Superintendent Search/7 pm Regular Board Meeting Note: Changed from Monday, Feb. 20 to Tuesday, Feb. 21 due to President’s Day Holiday o March 7 – Regular Board Meeting 7pm Note: changed from Monday, March 5 to Wednesday, March 7 due to scheduling conflicts o March 10 – All Day Special Executive Session to conduct Semi-Finalist Interviews with 7pm Special Meeting to follow to announce the selection of 2-3 superintendent Finalist candidates. o March 19th, , 20th and 21st – Finalists for Superintendent Search visit the district for the entire day ending with a final interview with the Board and a Community Forum. d. Building Reports as presented. e. Upcoming Events of Interest as presented f. Art work courtesy of Helen Haller Elementary EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:10pm Director Walter Johnson moved to recess to Executive Session for approximately one hour, as per RCW42.30.110(g), to review the performance of public employees. Vice President Virginia O’Neil seconded; vote taken; motion carried. At 9:10pm Director John Bridge checked the hallway and foyer for any audience members and found none. At 9:15pm Director Walter Johnson moved to extend the Executive Session for approximately 30 minutes to 9:45pm. Vice President Virginia O’Neil seconded; vote taken; motion carried. At 9:45pm Director John Bridge checked the hallway and foyer for any audience members and found none. At 9:50 Director John Bridge moved to extend the Executive Session for an additional 15 minutes. Vice President Virginia O’Neil seconded; vote taken; motion carried. At 9:53pm Vice President Virginia O’Neil moved to adjourn the Executive Session and return to Regular Session with no action being taken. Director John Bridge seconded; vote taken; motion carried. ADJOURNMENT At 9:54pm Director Walter Johnson moved to adjourn the Regular Session. Vice President Virginia O’Neil seconded; vote taken; motion carried. Sarah Bedinger, Board President Bill Bentley, Superintendent John Bridge, Director Board Meeting Minutes February 6, 2012 4 of 4