Confirmation Essay – Third Year Students

Confirmation Essay – Third Year Students
What does this mean?
This essay must be typed, double spaced and saved as a word .doc or .txt
DO NOT USE THE INTERNET to cut/paste answers, etc.
Format: the question typed out and the answer below it.
First Draft due: April 25th Email document to
1. What is your favorite Old Testament prophet? Is your favorite prophet a
Major or Minor one?
2. What is your favorite New Testament Gospel? Explain
3. What is the connection between Luke and Acts?
1. Interview Sharon Puglise – Learn her history at Messiah, discover how do
we pick our hymns – describe the process?
2. What is the meaning behind the “Passing of the Peace”?
3. How many worship settings are available in the Hymnal? Why? Which
ones have we used in church this Fall and Spring?
4. Explain the order of Worship…why do we do what we do, when we do it in
worship? (hint: the Sunday Service Bulletin is very helpful)
Word & Sacrament
1. What is a Sacrament?
a. Based on your definition, why do we only have two?
b. What does Luther say (hint: Small Catechism)?
2. Explain your understanding of Baptism and Holy Communion. What does
Luther say? Hint: refer to you Small Catechism.
3. What are some other names for Holy Communion, explain their meaning.
Must include at least 4. (Hint: Mrs. Pilch & Mr. Richter know this answer).
1. Interview Karen Astrom – learn her church history, discover the meaning of
2. Interview Kathy Antonitis – learn her church history, her many roles on
church council. What are offering envelopes all about? Why tithe?
3. Explain the ways you will contribute your time and talent to this congregation
once you are confirmed.
4. Interview Ed Chin – learn his church history – and….
Created by Pastor Nardi
Created on 7/13/2009 8:51:00 PM
Updated on 03/03/168:56 AM
Confirmation Essay – Third Year Students
What does this mean?
describe what happens at a church council meeting
what is the agenda, new business, old business, etc.
Who, how can you be elected to council.
How many people are on council?
Who are the officers? How are they elected?
Who are the committee members? How are they chosen?
What are their committee
What do these committees do?
What does it mean? Confirmation, Confession & Call
1. What is Confirmation? What does it mean? (hint: also known as
“Affirmation of Faith”)
2. What happened on the day of Pentecost (not according to the internet)?
3. Why is being confirmed on the day of Pentecost so significant?
4. Why is being confirmed important to you, to your family, to the church?
5. What are your parents, step-parents, grandparents, sibling’s memories of
being confirmed?
6. Define “Justification by Grace”? What does it mean? What does Luther
say? (hint: looking for what was discussed in class & found in your
workbook Lutheran Life.)
Banner Making – with April Chin. Early May Activity.
Created by Pastor Nardi
Created on 7/13/2009 8:51:00 PM
Updated on 03/03/168:56 AM