Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451
“Part One: The Hearth and the Salamander”
1. Fahrenheit
5. subconscious
2. hearth
6. refracted
3. dimensions
7. tallow
4. parlor
Reading p. 1-11
1. The second paragraph describes the burning of a house containing books. What
image does this create for the reader? What might this symbolism foreshadow?
2. What is the significance of Montag seeing his reflection in Clarisse’s eyes?
3. Clarisse causes Montag to recall a childhood memory in which a wish is
embedded. What is the significance of the memory and the wish?
4. What two observations does Clarisse make about Montag’s conversational
5. What things do the McClellans do to be classified as peculiar?
6. What final question does Clarisse ask Montag on the night of their first
7. When Montag enters his home, he stares at the blank wall but in memory sees
Clarisse. What extended simile describes how he sees her?
What is significant about the comparison?
8. Find two further similes Montag uses to describe Clarisse.
Do the similes serve any purpose other than to characterize Clarisse?
1. melancholy
2. olfactory
3. ballistics
4. trajectory
Journal: Based on the vocabulary words, write a sentence predicting what content this
section of the novel will contain.
Reading: p. 12- top of 28
1. Describe the bedroom Montag enters.
Whom does this setting characterize?
2. At this point of realization, what happens to the smile on Montag’s face?
What is Montag’s answer to Clarisse’s question?
3. What event occurs that night which provides Montag with an impression of the
state of society?
What is the impression?
4. In contrast, what does Montag next hear and long for?
5. Describe the new idea for the parlor walls about which Mildred is so excited.
6. What test of love does Clarisse give Montag, and how does he respond to it?
7. Describe Clarisse’s personality.
8. What observations does Clarisse make about how Montag differs from other
9. Describe the mechanical hound.
Homework: Write 3 questions you have about the book up to this point (separate piece
of paper).
1. antisocial
5. centrifuge
9. bestial
2. sheath
6. cacophony
3. odious
7. titillation
4. abyss
8. tactile
Reading: p. 28-40
1. What does antisocial mean in the society of Fahrenheit 451?
To whom is this term applied?
2. What does Clarisse say people talk about?
3. During the card game at the fire station, what question does Montag ask?
What does is contribute to the plot?
4. What is the significance of the refrain repeated by the woman whose house was
What did it mean?
What is its effect on Montag?
Reading pg. 40-68
1. What does Montag think his feelings would be if his wife were to die?
2. What are Montag’s comments about the people in the walls?
3. What does Montag think about the old woman and all the books he has destroyed?
4. Summarize Beatty’s explanation of how the need for firemen arose…
Additional Notes:
 List hints of the time period
How does the process of burning books evolve and what problems do books
cause (What is he also saying, ‘really’ saying?)
Writing Assignment:
Double spaced
Write an essay analyzing why part one is titled “The Hearth and the Salamander.”
Fahrenheit 451: “The Sieve and the Sand”
1. subside
4. suffused
2. cadenced
5. sieve
3. monologue
6. dentifrice
Journal: How do you think the rest of the world perceives the American culture? Do
you agree with this perception? Why or why not?
Reading: pg. 71-middle of 80
Study Questions:
1. In the beginning of “Part Two: The Sieve and the Sand,” Montag remembers
Clarisse. What does he say about her?
2. Why is Mildred worried about being caught with the books?
What does this tell you about her character?
3. In Fahrenheit 451 the underdeveloped nations hate the United Sates, and war is a
way of life so natural that it is scarcely noted. Predict what international relations
and war will be like in the future.
4. What is the meaning of the title of Part Two?
5. What is the importance of the dentifrice commercial?
a. What is being contrasted?
b. Why?
c. Does the commercial exemplify some aspect of society?
Homework: Montag decides he needs a teacher. Why are teachers a necessary
profession in society? (Be honest).
Fahrenheit 451: “The Sieve and the Sand”
Day 2:
Journal: “Don’t judge other cultures entirely from our standards.” Do you agree with
this statement? Why or why not? (3-5 sentences).
1. receptacle
2. infinite
3. profusion
4. skepticism
5. insidious
Reading: p. 93-110
Study Questions:
1. Why does Montag go and see Faber?
2. What does Faber tell Montag about the books?
3. What are the three things Faber says are missing from society?
a. Explain how each is missing from the society of Fahrenheit 451.
4. How does Faber define the job of the firemen?
a. How does this differ from the Beatty’s definition?
5. Explain Faber’s statement: “Montag, go home…Why waste your final hours
racing about your cage denying you’re a squirrel.
6. Describe the device Faber provides for Montag to help him with Captain Beatty.
7. Faber considers himself a coward. What do you think?
Homework: Make a list of the 10 things Montag realizes about himself and his society.
Fahrenheit 451: Part Two: The Sand and The Sieve
Day 3:
1. manifested
4. oracle
2. verbiage
5. tyranny
3. rebut
Journal Entry: Write about a book or poem that has made you stop and reflect about
the piece’s themes or messages. Why was this specific work influential to you?
Reading: pg. 93-110
Study Questions:
1. Describe the parlor women, their views, and their concerns.
2. Why does Montag take a book into the parlor?
3. “Dover Beach” is a literary allusion that is central to one of the book’s themes
Once the Sea of Faith has retreated, what is left?
What things in Fahrenheit 451 are representative of the lifeless waters that have
replaced the Sea of Faith?
4. How do the women react after the reading of the poem?
5. How does their reaction support Beatty’s explanation as to why literature of
power had to be destroyed?
Writing Assignment:
1. Write a poem about one of the characters in Fahrenheit 451.
-OR2. Write a diary entry as one of the books characters. Be sure to include the
character’s personal feelings, thoughts, and concerns.
Fahrenheit 451 Part 3: Burning Bright
Day 1:
1. valise
5. penance
2. literateur
6. excursions
3. bole
4. anesthetized
7. phosphorescent
Reading: pg. 113-130
Study Questions:
1. What is Mildred’s man concern as she runs out of the house?
2. What does Beatty say is the real beauty about fire?
3. What feelings does Montag have about burning his house?
4. While Montag is in flight from the scene of Beatty’s murder, what thought occurs
to him about Beatty?
1. What crimes does Montag commit?
a. How do these actions propel the story?
b. How do these actions change Montag’s life and character?
2. Montag’s Perception
As Montag, brainstorm ways of impressing upon the society the seriousness of the
state of society and how the worth of literature could better the world.
Fahrenheit 451 Part 3: The Sand and The Sieve
Day 2:
1. ricocheted
4. guild
2. séance
5. asbestos
3. juggernaut
Reading: pg. 131-145
Study Questions:
1. How does Montag explain how so very much could have happened in just one
2. After a short time of floating on the river, Montag knows why he must never burn
again. Explain his revelation.
3. Fully describe Montag’s impressions of the land across the river.
Predict how the novel will end. Support your prediction with specific evidence from
the novel.
Fahrenheit 451 Part 3: Burning Bright
Day 3:
1. scapegoat
4. status quo
2. pendants
5. desolation
3. convolutions
Reading: pg. 145-165
Study Questions:
1. Summarize Granger’s explanation of their overall plan for changing society.
2. When Montag complains about being unable to remember Mildred, what
explanation does Granger give?
3. What is Granger’s philosophy of life, taught to him by his grandfather and handed
on to Montag?
4. Describe the effects of the war as Montag imagines them.
5. Granger compares society to the Phoenix. In what ways are the two alike?
6. What does Granger say will be the first thing they will build? Explain.
7. What is the promise at the end of the novel?
Final Discussion Questions
1. How does Beatty achieve verisimilitude in Fahrenheit 451?
2. What do each of the following symbolize in the novel?
a. books
b. fire
c. mechanical hound
d. parlor walls
e. mirrors
f. Phoenix
g. the sand and the sieve
3. Explain the theme of Fahrenheit 451.
4. List technologies in the novel and describe their use.
a. From the list, identify which technologies are now possible?
b. Describe how they are presently used in today’s society.
c. Compare and contrast the author’s predictions with the actual use of these
d. To what extent has present society resolved the ethical issues of the