NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Shell Lake High School 271 Highway 63 S. Shell Lake, WI 54871 Student Activity Information Form Note: Completion of this form does not guarantee selection. Name: Application Deadline: Thursday April 30, by 3:30 pm. Candidate No. __________ Page 2 Directions 1. This form must be typed. 2. Complete all sections. Do not be modest. You may include paid work positions. If you need more spaces, use additional pages. All information you provide will be used by the faculty council to assist in the selection process. 3. Note that signatures and explanations are required for certain areas. Co-Curricular Activities List all activities in which you have participated during high school. Include clubs, teams, musical groups, etc., and major accomplishments in each. (NOTE: Detail the accomplishment in each activity.) Co-Curricular Activities Activity 9 10 11 12 Accomplishments Candidate No. __________ Page 3 Leadership Positions List all elected or appointed leadership positions held in school, community, or work activities. Only those positions in which you were directly responsible for directing or motivating others should be included. For example: Student Council member, class or club officer, committee chairperson, team captain, newspaper editor, work area manager, or community leader. Leadership Positions Activity 9 10 11 12 Position Candidate No. ____________ Page 4 Community and Service Activities List community activities and the approximate number of hours involved in each activity. These should be activities outside the school in which you participated for the betterment of your community. Use activities performed through church groups, club sponsored outside the school, Boy or Girl Scouts, Chamber of Commerce activities, volunteer hours at a nursing home, etc. You may include paid work positions. (NOTE: An advisor or leader in charge of each activity must sign.) Community Activities Activity 9 10 11 12 No. of Hours Signature Candidate No.__________ Page 5 Recognition and Awards List any special recognition or awards that have been bestowed upon you. Do not attach certificates, etc.: simply list the area of recognition or award. Activity 9 10 11 12 Position Candidate No. ___________ Page 6 Essay In 250 words or less, typed on a separate sheet of paper, describe why it is important that you be awarded the honor of membership in the National Honor Society and how membership in the Society will benefit you. In the essay, address the four components of membership (i.e., scholarship, leadership, service, and character.) (NOTE: Content and mechanics of the essay will also be evaluated.) National Honor Society Character Information (attached form) The form on the following page must be completed by three individuals and returned by Thursday, April 30, 2015. Fill out the top portion of the form and then hand the form to one person in each of the following categories. You must select one person from each category. You cannot select two persons from one category and skip another. Academic teacher (Core curriculum areas such as English, Math, Social studies, Science) Vocational teacher (vocational subject, music, non-core) Coach / Advisor National Honor Society Character Information* Student Name: ________________________ Date: ________________________ Teacher Name: ________________________ Subject: ______________________ Directions: Each faculty member should complete this rating scale, sign it, and return it in a sealed envelope to the National Honor Society Advisor. Check only one rating for each quality. Superior 5 Above Average 4 Average 3 Below Average 2 Poor 1 Respect for self and others Responsibility in tasks undertaken; and for own actions Trustworthiness when given information or duties Fairness in dealings with others, like or unlike self. Caring demonstrated in interactions with others, and for others Citizenship demonstrated through appropriate school and community behaviors. Column Totals Grand Total: ________ ________________________________________________ (Teacher Signature) ____________________________ (Date) Please return this confidential form to Mrs. Behilng no later than Thursday April 30, 2015. Based upon “Six Pillars of Character”, NHS Handbook National Honor Society Character Information* Student Name: ________________________ Date: ________________________ Teacher Name: ________________________ Subject: ______________________ Directions: Each faculty member should complete this rating scale, sign it, and return it in a sealed envelope to the National Honor Society Advisor. Check only one rating for each quality. Superior 5 Above Average 4 Average 3 Below Average 2 Poor 1 Respect for self and others Responsibility in tasks undertaken; and for own actions Trustworthiness when given information or duties Fairness in dealings with others, like or unlike self. Caring demonstrated in interactions with others, and for others Citizenship demonstrated through appropriate school and community behaviors. Column Totals Grand Total: ________ ________________________________________________ (Teacher Signature) ____________________________ (Date) Please return this confidential form to Mrs. Behilng no later than Thursday April 30, 2015. * Based upon “Six Pillars of Character”, NHS Handbook National Honor Society Character Information* Student Name: ________________________ Date: ________________________ Teacher Name: ________________________ Subject: ______________________ Directions: Each faculty member should complete this rating scale, sign it, and return it in a sealed envelope to the National Honor Society Advisor. Check only one rating for each quality. Superior 5 Above Average 4 Average 3 Below Average 2 Poor 1 Respect for self and others Responsibility in tasks undertaken; and for own actions Trustworthiness when given information or duties Fairness in dealings with others, like or unlike self. Caring demonstrated in interactions with others, and for others Citizenship demonstrated through appropriate school and community behaviors. Column Totals Grand Total: ________ ________________________________________________ (Teacher Signature) ____________________________ (Date) Please return this confidential form to Mrs. Behilng no later than Thursday April 30, 2015. * Based upon “Six Pillars of Character”, NHS Handbook