Teacher Taylor: Algebra EXPLORER Team Homework WEEK Monday Tuesday 1. New Seating 1. Warm-up Questions Arrangement 2. Homework 2. Review BR 59-63, Questions 65 3. BR 79 together (p. 3. HW: pages 255-256 256-257) BR 72, 74-77 No Homework OF November 30th – December 4th Wednesday Thursday 1. BR 80, 81 together 1. Homework (p. 257) Questions 2. In small groups: BR 2. BR 90, 91 (with 82, 83 (p. 257) group, individual papers) 3. HW: page 258 BR 84-88 3. HW: finish BR 91; add BR 92, 94, 95 (pages 259-260) 1. New Seating Arrangement 2. Starter Problems 3. Chapter 10 Notes (page 3-5) 4. HW: pages 513-514 #8-13, 18 1. Starter Problems 2. Homework Questions 3. Triangle Constructions 4. No Homework 1. Starter Problems 2. Continue triangle construction activity 3. HW: page 6 in Chapter 10 note taking packet (Quadrilateral Properties) 1. Starter Problems 2. Discuss quadrilateral properties (p. 6 in packet) 3. Notes: p. 7-8 4. Finish triangle constructions 5. HW: pages 518-519 #1-20all 1. Review HW 2. Starter Problem Quiz 3. Triangle Construction wrap-up No Homework Bellwork: Journal Personal, descriptive symbol. Grammar/Read and Feed Schedule Unit expectations. HW: Personal Symbol due Tues. Bellwork: D.O.L. Abduction ch. 1 Parts of Speech notes HW: None Bellwork: D.O.L Abduction ch. 2 Nouns HW: Nouns practice Bellwork: Journal Abduction ch. 3 & 4 Pronouns HW: Pronoun Practice Bellwork: D.O.L. Abduction ch. 5 Nouns & Pronouns Review HW: None Newspaper. Begin descriptive essay. Prewriting + intro paragraph. No HW. Newspaper. Grammar (53) all Ch. 6: Read example of descriptive essay. Poetry intro. Read various poems. Newspaper Grammar (55) all POETRY UNIT: Define ballad and couplet. Newspaper Grammar (57) all POETRY UNIT: Define elegy and epic. Newspaper POETRY UNIT: Define lyric, ode, and sonnet. Group write conclusion to essay DUE TODAY: descriptive essay Friday 1. 15 minute work period 2. In-depth HW review 3. HW: BR 98-103 (pages 261-262) **Unit 7 Exam Monday/Tuesday COMMENTS: Taylor: Pre-Algebra COMMENTS: Roszczyk: L. Arts COMMENTS: McCracken: Read & Write Group Write: body EXPLORER Team Homework WEEK OF November 30th – December 4th HW (54) all. Draft paragraph. body paragraph/s HW (58) all. Finish HW: (56) all descriptive essay. COMMENTS: Teacher Smith: Social Studies Monday 1. Taxation without representation in class activity 2. Left Side Activity in notebooks Tuesday 1. Road to the Revolution (taxation worksheet in notebook) 2. Writs of Assistance Wednesday 1. Colonial response to taxation 2. The political spectrum Thursday 1. CSI: Boston Massacre 2. Investigating historical sources – what REALLY happened at the Boston Massacre? Friday 1. Boston Massacre continued 2. Concluding – what really happened at the Boston Massacre? Was justice served? HW: None HW: Complete taxation worksheet (in notebook) HW: None HW: None HW: Complete Boston Massacre worksheet, if not finished in class! Per: 1, 7, 8 L.o.L. Gene Basics Per: 1,7,8 Period 1, 7, 8: Friday: Meiosis 1: Notes and drawings Meiosis 2 Notes and Drawings Period 1 has LoL vocab quiz Friday Practice with genetic probability Period 2 and 5 Per: 2 & 5 Need to Know: Research log and L.o.l COMMENTS: Genetics: Introduction Inventory of traits Nyffeler: Science HW: Bar Graph of % frequencies due tomorrow Entry document: Feast or Famine No HW HW: Finish Meiosis pictures and word drawings on the L.o.L Due Friday Period 2 & 5 EXPLORER Team Homework WEEK OF November 30th – December 4th L.o.L review/ Meiosis check COMMENTS: