Planner #4: The Power of Words Social Studies SS.5.05C Identify the accomplishments of individuals and groups such as Jane Addams, Susan B. Anthony, Dwight Eisenhower, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Cesar Chavez, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Colin Powell, the Tuskegee Airmen, and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team who have made contributions to society in the areas of civil rights, women’s rights, military actions, and politics. SS.5.13A (duplicate) Compare how people in different parts of the United States earn a living, past and present. SS.5.13B (duplicate) Identify and explain how geographic factors have influenced the location of economic activities in the United States. SS.5.13C (duplicate) Analyze the effects of immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of the United States. SS.5.13D Describe the impact of mass production, specialization, and division of labor on the economic growth of the United States. SS.5.13E Explain the impact of American ideas about progress and equality of opportunity on the economic development and growth of the United States. SS.5.22C Summarize the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, and religious groups to our national identity. SS.5.23A (duplicate) Identify the accomplishments of notable individuals in the fields of science and technology, including Benjamin Franklin, Eli Whitney, John Deere, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, George Washington Carver, the Wright Brothers, and Neil Armstrong. SS.5.24A (duplicate) Differentiate between, locate, and use valid primary and secondary sources such as computer software; interviews; biographies; oral, print, and visual material; documents; and artifacts to acquire information about the United States. SS.5.24B (duplicate) Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions. SS.5.24D (duplicate) Identify different points of view about an issue, topic, or current event. SS.5.24E Identify the historical context of an event. SS.5.25A (duplicate) Use social studies terminology correctly. SS.5.25B (duplicate) Incorporate main and supporting ideas in verbal and written communication. SS.5.25C (duplicate) Express ideas orally based on research and experiences. SS.5.25D (duplicate) Create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines, and bibliographies. SS.5.25E (duplicate) Use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation. Planner #4: The Power of Words Science Math Ⓢ MATH.5.13C (duplicate) Graph a given set of data using an appropriate graphical representation such as a picture or line graph. MATH.5.14A (duplicate) Identify the mathematics in everyday situations. ELA ELA.5.1A (duplicate) Read aloud grade-level stories with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension. ELA.5.2D Identify and explain the meaning of common idioms, adages, and other sayings. ⓈELA.5.3C Explain the effect of a historical event or movement on the theme of a work of literature. ⓈELA.5.7A (duplicate) Identify the literary language and devices used in biographies and autobiographies, including how authors present major events in a person's life. ⓇELA.5.8A Evaluate the impact of sensory details, imagery, and figurative language in literary text. ⓈELA.5.10A (duplicate) Draw conclusions from the information presented by an author and evaluate how well the author's purpose was achieved. ⓇELA.5.11C (duplicate) Analyze how the organizational pattern of a text (e.g., causeand-effect, compare-and-contrast, sequential order, logical order, classification schemes) influences the relationships among the ideas. ⓈELA.5.12A Identify the author's viewpoint or position and explain the basic relationships among ideas (e.g., parallelism, comparison, causality) in the argument. ⓈELA.5.12B Recognize exaggerated, contradictory, or misleading statements in text. ⓈELA.5.13B (duplicate) Interpret factual or quantitative information presented in maps, charts, illustrations, graphs, timelines, tables, and diagrams. ELA.5.14A (duplicate) Explain how messages conveyed in various forms of media are presented differently (e.g., documentaries, online information, televised news). ⓈELA.5.14C (duplicate) Identify the point-of-view of media presentations. ELA.5.15A (duplicate) Plan a first draft by selecting a genre appropriate for conveying the intended meaning to an audience, determining appropriate topics through a range of strategies (e.g., discussion, background reading, personal interests, interviews), and developing a thesis or controlling idea. ELA.5.15B (duplicate) Develop drafts by choosing an appropriate organizational strategy (e.g., sequence of events, cause-effect, compare-contrast) and building on ideas to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing. Planner #4: The Power of Words ELA.5.15C (duplicate) Revise drafts to clarify meaning, enhance style, include simple and compound sentences, and improve transitions by adding, deleting, combining, and rearranging sentences or larger units of text after rethinking how well questions of purpose, audience, and genre have been addressed. ELA.5.15D (duplicate) Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling using a teacher or student-developed rubric ELA.5.15E (duplicate) Revise final draft in response to feedback from peers and teacher and publish written work for appropriate audiences. ELA.5.21A.i Use conventions of capitalization including abbreviations. ELA.5.21A.ii Use conventions of capitalization including initials and acronyms. ELA.5.21A.iii Use conventions of capitalization including the names of organizations. ELA.5.21B.i Recognize and use punctuation marks including commas in compound sentences. ELA.5.21B.ii Recognize and use punctuation marks including proper punctuation and spacing for quotations. ELA.5.21C Use proper mechanics including italics and underlining for titles and emphasis. ELA.5.27A Listen to and interpret a speaker's messages (both verbal and nonverbal) and ask questions to clarify the speaker's purpose or perspective. ELA.5.27C Determine both main and supporting ideas in the speaker's message. ELA.5.28A (duplicate) Give organized presentations employing eye contact, speaking rate, volume, enunciation, natural gestures, and conventions of language to communicate ideas effectively. ELA.5.29A (duplicate) Participate in student-led discussions by eliciting and considering suggestions from other group members and by identifying points of agreement and disagreement.