National University of Singapore Department of Sociology SC6102 – Sociological Theory Semester I, 2012-2013 Day/time: Tuesdays 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm Venue: AS1 #02-12 Syed Farid Alatas, AS1#03-12, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences; tel: 65163837; fax: 67779579; <> COURSE DESCRIPTION Sociological theories help us to understand aspects of social reality that are not necessarily articulated in “common sense” accounts of our social lives. More critically oriented social theories tell us about the hidden forces, principles and interests which influence our lives and determine the development of society. This course looks at several theoretical perspectives which have raised critical points about the nature and development of modern society. These topics covered include alienation, colonialism, nihilism, and oppression. The course discusses the viewpoints of these theories on these phenomena. In addition, this module also critically discusses the discourses about these phenomena. COURSE REQUIREMENTS The course requirements are as follows: (i) completion of readings for the week prior to attending class; (ii) an essay of 6000 words in which you will attempt to deal with a theoretical or conceptual problem (70%) and (iii) a presentation of the week’s reading in class and class participation (30%). The essay may possibly be related to your thesis topic. The essay is due on 2nd November 2012. It is essential that all readings should be read before classes meet. Some of the readings can be found in Library E-Reserves, accessible via the IVLE. COURSE READINGS Most of the readings for this course consist of entire books. You would be expected to complete the readings in time for the discussions scheduled for those books and papers. All the readings have been placed in RBR or in E-reserves. The books have also been ordered and will be available at the NUS Co-op. COURSE OUTLINE INTRODUCTION The Themes of Sociological Theory 14 Aug 2012 The macro-micro and objective-subjective continua Substantive themes Methods Judgement George Ritzer, Sociology: A Multiple Paradigm Science, Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1980, ch. 1; 6. Syed Farid Alatas, Alternative Discourses in Asian Social Science: Responses to Eurocentrism, New Delhi, Thousand Oaks & London: Sage, 2006, ch. 2. THE CRITIQUE OF MODERNITY Alienation and Capitalism 21 Aug 2012 Marx Kafka Karl Marx, The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, New York: International Publishers, 1982, pp. 106-119. Franz Kafka, Metamorphosis [go to for e-text]. Rationalization and Capitalism 28 Aug 2012 The Protestant ethic and the origins of capitalism Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1958, Colonialism and Capitalism 4 Sept 2012 The sociology of colonial society Rizal and the enlightenment Religion and rationality Raul J. Bonoan, S.J. 1994. The Rizal-Pastells Correspondence: The Hiterto Unpublished Letters of José Rizal and Portions of Fr. Pablo Pastells’s Fourth Letter and Translation of the Correspondence, together with a Historical Background and Theological Critique, Manila: Ateneo de Manila Press, pp. 1-48; José Rizal. 1994. “The Second Letter of Rizal”, in Bonoan, The Rizal-Pastells Correspondence, pp. 136-146. José Rizal. 1963. “The Indolence of the Filipino”, in Rizal, Political and Historical Writings (1884-1890), Manila: National Historical Institute, pp. 111-139. Religion and Capitalism 11 Sept 2012 The prisons of modernity Emancipation Ali Shariati, Man and Islam, Houston: FILINC, 1981. Race and Capitalism 18 Sept 2012 Black nihilism Cornel West, Race Matters, Boston: Beacon Press, 1993. CRITIQUE OF THE DISCOURSE OF MODERNITY The Critique of Orientations 2 Oct 2012 Ideology and Utopia Karl Mannheim, Ideology and Utopia: An Introduction to the Sociology of Knowledge, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1936, parts I & II. The Critique of Colonial History 9 Oct 2012 Racism and the ideology of imperialism Syed Hussein Alatas, Thomas Stamford Raffles: Schemer or Reformer, Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1971. Culture and Imperialism 23 Oct 2012 Religion, culture and imperialism Resistance discourses Edward Said. 1993. Culture and Imperialism, London: Chatto & Windus, 1993, introduction, chaps.1, 3. [RBR] Oppression and Education 30 Oct 2012 Oppression and conscientization Paolo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, New York: Continuum. Religion and Colonialism 6 Nov 2012 Zionist Marxism Zionism and colonialism Biblical orientalism Maxime Rodinson. 1973. Israel: A Colonial-Settler State?, New York: Monad Press. [RBR] Shlomo Avineri. 1981. “Zionist Marxism”, in Avineri, The Making of Modern Zionism: Intellectual Origins of the Jewish State, New York: Basic Books, pp. 139-150. Religion and Ideology 13 Nov 2012 Christian Zionism Fuad Sha’ban. 2005. For Zion’s Sake: The Judeo-Christian Tradition in American Culture. London: Pluto Press. [RBR]