Journal Questions for Dead Man Walking This film is based on a true story that follows the last days of Matthew Poncelet, who was given the death sentence for his part in the murder of two innocent teenagers, and Sister Helen Prejean, who acted as Matthew’s spiritual advisor in this time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Was it a good thing that Matt Poncelet was to be killed for these murders? Explain. Would you like to see Canada adopt the death sentence? Explain. Should there ever be exceptions for using the death penalty in certain cases? Explain. What characteristics does Helen have that enables her to have the strength to stay with Matthew? Helen Prejean believes that when a person asks for God’s forgiveness, even a murderer, he or she will receive it. Explain your thoughts on this issue. Describe your reaction to the last ten minutes of the film, as we watch Matthew Poncelet die at the hands of the State authorities. What is the purpose of the director showing Helen and Mr. Delacroix praying together in church at the very end of the film?