Decimals Estimating and Rounding To round a decimal: 1. Locate the digit in the place value being rounded and circle it. 2. Reference the digit to the right. • If it is less than 5, keep the circled digit and discard all the digits to the right. • If it is greater than 5, increase the circled digit by 1 and discard all the digits to the right. Example 1 Round 36.52 to the nearest tenth. Explanation Step 1: Locate the digit being rounded and circle it. 3 6. 5 2 Step 2: Reference the digit to the right. 3 6. 5 2 Step 3: Since 2 is less than 5, keep the circled digit and discard all the digits to the right. Result: 36.5 Example 2 Round 45.48 to the nearest tenth. Explanation Step 1: Locate the digit being rounded and circle it. 4 5. 4 8 Step 2: Reference the digit to the right. 4 5. 4 8 Step 3: Since 8 is greater than 5, increase the circled digit by 1 and discard all the digits to the right. Result: 45.5 Example 3 Round 18.496 to the nearest hundredths. 1 Explanation Step 1: Locate the digit being rounded and circle it. 1 8. 4 9 6 Step 2: Reference the digit to the right. 1 8. 4 9 6 Step 3: Since 6 is greater than 5, increase the circled digit by 1 and discard all the digits to the right. Since 9 + 1 = 10, we need to carry 1 to the tenth place. Result: 18.50 (Note: Do not remove the zero here since it is a place holder for hundredths.) Example 4 (1) Round each decimal to the nearest thousandth and then calculate. 8.5123 – 3.2568 ≈ (2) Calculate and round the result to the nearest thousandth: 8.5123 – 3.2568 ≈ (3) Are the results from step 1 and 2 the same? Explanation (1) Round each decimal to the nearest thousandth. 8.5123 ≈ 8.512 3.2568 ≈ 3.257 Calculate: 8.512 – 3.257 = 5.255 (2) Calculate: 8.5123 – 3.2568 = 5.2555 Round the result to the nearest thousandth. 5.2555 ≈ 5.256 From this example, we know that the result could be different when we round and calculate OR calculate first and round later. (3) Since 5.255 ≠ 5.256, they are not the same. 2 PingMax LLC. All rights reserved.