MODEL : 47NLR ORDERING INFORMATION M-SYSTEM USE ONLY ➠ ➠ ➠ ➠ ➠ ➠ ➠ ➠ PLEASE FILL IN THIS SECTION Model Job No. Company Ser No. Name Sales Approved by (Sales office) Issued by (Sales office) Approved by (Factory) Set by (Factory) P/O No. Specify the items you want to change. Default setting will be used if not specified. DEFAULT shows values in case of nothing specified. ■ INITIAL SETTING ITEM AVAILABLE RANGE Temperature Unit Temperature Unit Decimal Point Position SET VALUE □:C C: °C Specify the value F: °F among shown left. Decimal Point Position decimal point Specify the value C:°C □:d on Factory Internal check □ Checked □:F □:doFF doFF:No display after the DEFAULT VALUE d on: One decimal place □ Checked among shown left. d on:One decimal place Note 1: ‘don’ setting is not available for temperature unit of °F. ■ ALARM POINT SETTING ITEM SET VALUE □ Dual alarm Alarm Points DEFAULT VALUE □ Dual alarm □ No-alarm Factory Internal check □ Checked ■ ALARM SETPOINT SETTING (When alarm setpoint is set to 2 points) ITEM L Alarm Setpoint H Alarm Setpoint AVAILABLE RANGE -9999 – 9999 (When L setpoint is none, specify “– “.) -9999 – 9999 (When H setpoint is none, specify “– “.) Specify the value within the range. DEFAULT VALUE Specify the value within the range. Factory Internal check 30.0 * Decimal point position: No display after the decimal point: Unit 1°C or 1°F One decimal place: Unit 0.1°C * Decimal point position: No display after the decimal point: Unit 1°C or 1°F One decimal place: Unit 0.1°C M-System Co., Ltd. SET VALUE □ Checked 70.0 □ Checked 47NLR ORDERING INFORMATION ESU-9565 Rev.1 P1/2 ■ BRIGHTNESS SETTING ITEM SET VALUE Brightness DEFAULT VALUE Factory Internal check C3: Brightness level 3 □ C1: Brightness level 1 (dark) (medium) □ C2: Brightness level 2 □ Checked □ C3: Brightness level 3 (medium) □ C4: Brightness level 4 □ C5: Brightness level 5 (bright) ■ ENGINEERING UNIT INDICATION ITEM Unit Sticker Label AVAILABLE RANGE DC, AC, mV, V, kV, µA, mA, A, kA, mW, W, kW, var, kvar, Mvar, VA, Hz, Ω, kΩ, MΩ, cm, mm, m, m/sec, mm/min, 2 cm/min, m/min, m/h, m/s , inch, ℓ, ℓ/s, ℓ/min, ℓ/h, 3 3 3 3 m ,m /sec, m /min, m /h, 3 2 Nm /h, N·m, N/m , g, kg, kg/h,N, kN, Pa, kPa, MPa, t, t/h, °C, °F, %RH, J, Kj,MJ,rpm,sec,min,pH,%,ppm Select one if necessary. SET VALUE DEFAULT VALUE none Factory Internal check □ Checked *Location of the sticker label M-System Co., Ltd. 47NLR ORDERING INFORMATION ESU-9565 Rev.1 P2/2