Controlling number of Decimal Places Displayed

Controlling number of decimal places displayed
Controlling number of
Decimal Places
The Post processor controls the number of significant figures a value is output to the
NC code with. To alter this setting open Manufacturing – Post Process… ensure
that the post processor you wish to use is selected and press Edit…
This will open X Build, open CNC-Info and select Words-1… here you will find the
controls that determine the number of decimal places under the columns titled
INCH FORMAT and METRIC FORMAT (Note: if your post only allows output to be
in either metric or imperial only that column will be available to edit, the other will
be greyed out). The number before the decimal point indicates how many significant
figures will be used if the number is greater than 1 while the number after the
decimal point is how many decimal places will be output to the NC code.
For example the feed rate defaults to 3.1 in inch format and for a set feed rate of
14.38 inches per minute the feed rate in the NC code is given as 14.4. If the feed
rate format is altered to 3.3 (allowing 3 numbers after the decimal point) then
14.377 is output as 14.377 in the NC code.
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