7/22/2013 SET OF INTEGERS MODULO n 1.4.1Definition. Let and 0 beintegers.Theset ofallintegerswhichhavethesameremainderas whendividedby iscalledthecongruenceclassofa modulo ,andisdenotedby ,where Section 1.4 ∈ ≡ mod Integers Modulo n Thecollectionofallcongruenceclassesmodulo is calledthesetofintegersmodulo ,andisdenotedby . Anelementof iscalledarepresentativeofthe congruenceclass. ADDITION AN MULTIPLICATION OF CONGRUENCE CLASSES 1.4.2Proposition. Let beapositiveinteger, andlet , beanyintegers.Thentheaddition andmultiplicationofcongruenceclassesare well‐defined: , , , in ,thefollowinglawshold. Associativity ⋅ If , then . ∈ and 0 , iscalledtheadditiveinverse of ⋅ ARITHMETIC WITH CONGRUENCES Foranyelements ADDITIVE INVERSE ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ A DIVISOR OF ZERO 1.4.3Definition. If belongsto ,and ⋅ 0 forsomenonzerocongruence class ,then iscalledadivisorofzero. Commutativity ⋅ Distributivity Identities ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 0 ⋅ 1 AdditiveInverses 0 1 7/22/2013 MULTIPLICATIVE INVERSES 1.4.4Definition. If belongsto ,and ⋅ 1 ,then iscalleda multiplicativeinverse of andisdenoted by . isaninvertible Inthiscase,wesaythat elementof ,or isaunit of . A COROLLARY (1) Thenumber isprime. hasnodivisorsofzeroexcept 0 . (3) Everynonzeroelementof multiplicativeinverse. hasa A FORMULA FOR THE EULER ‐FUNCTION 1 1 1 ⋯ 1 (a) Thecongruenceclass hasa multiplicativeinversein ifandonlyif gcd , 1. (b) Anynonzeroelementof eitherhasa multiplicativeinverseorisadivisorof zero. 1 1.4.7Definition. Let beapositiveinteger. Thenumberofpositiveintegerslessthanor equalto whicharerelativelyprimetop willbedenotedby .Thisfunctionis calledEuler’s ‐function,orthetotient function. THE SET OF UNITS 1.4.8Proposition. Iftheprimefactorization of is ⋯ ,where 0 for 1 ,then 1 1.4.5Proposition. Let beapositiveinteger. EULER’S ‐FUNCTION 1.4.6Corollary. Thefollowingconditionson themodulus 0 areequivalent. (2) DIVISORS OF ZERO AND MULTIPLICATIVE INVERSES . 1.4.9Definition. Thesetofunitsof ,the congruenceclasses suchthatgcd , 1,willbedenotedby . 1.4.10Proposition. Theset ofunitsof isclosedundermultiplication. 2 7/22/2013 EULER’S THEOREM 1.4.11Theorem(Euler). Ifgcd then ≡ 1 mod . , FERMAT’S LITTLE THEOREM 1, ThefollowingcorollaryofEuler’sTheoremis knownas“Fermat’sLittleTheorem.” 1.4.12Corollary(Fermat). If isaprime number,thenforanyinteger wehave ≡ mod . 3