A. Srikantha Phani1 Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK e-mail: skpa2@eng.cam.ac.uk S. Adhikari Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Bristol, Queens Building, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK e-mail: s.adhikari@bristol.ac.uk 1 Rayleigh Quotient and Dissipative Systems Rayleigh quotients in the context of linear, nonconservative vibrating systems with viscous and nonviscous dissipative forces are studied in this paper. Of particular interest is the stationarity property of Rayleigh-like quotients for dissipative systems. Stationarity properties are examined based on the perturbation theory. It is shown that Rayleigh quotients with stationary properties exist for systems with proportional viscous and nonviscous damping forces. It is also shown that the stationarity property of Rayleigh quotients in the case of nonproportional damping (viscous and nonviscous) is conditional upon the diagonal dominance of the modal damping matrix. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.2910898兴 Introduction 2 In his classical treatise on the theory of sound 关1兴, Rayleigh has introduced the notion of a quotient of two quadratics representing the potential and kinetic energies of a vibrating system. Since then, Rayleigh quotient has been widely applied in the analysis of many vibrating systems and their associated linear algebraic eigenvalue problems. Rayleigh quotient provides a variational approach to estimate the eigenvalues of an algebraic, generalized eigenvalue problem, as in the case of determining the natural frequencies of a vibrating system. Numerical methods to solve eigenvalue problems such as the shifted inverse power method rely on the properties of Rayleigh quotients for speedier convergence 关2兴. Thus, the practical utility of the Rayleigh quotient is wide ranging. Traditionally, and in many textbooks on vibration analysis 关3,4兴 and linear algebra 关2,5兴, a Rayleigh quotient is defined as a ratio of two quadratics. In the case of a generalized eigenvalue problem involving two real and symmetric matrices A and B, the Rayleigh quotient is defined as follows: R共u兲 = uTAu , uTBu Av = Bv 共EVP兲 共1兲 where the eigenvalue problem is abbreviated as EVP. The stationarity properties of this “classical” Rayleigh quotient are well established 关2兴. The objective of the present investigation is to explore whether similar Rayleigh-like quotients with stationary properties exist for a vibrating system with dissipation. Discrete vibrating systems are chosen here for the purpose of illustration; generalization of the results to continuous systems is straightforward. This paper is presented as follows. Rayleigh quotients for discrete systems are defined in Sec. 2. Three quotients are introduced in the case of a viscously damped system and their stationary properties are investigated in Secs. 3 and 4. Rayleigh quotients in the context of nonviscously damped systems are studied in Sec. 5. The importance of Rayleigh quotients studied here is illustrated in Sec. 6, and main conclusions emerging from this study are summarized in Sec. 7. Throughout this study, the terms modes and eigenvectors are used interchangeably. Rayleigh Quotients for Discrete Systems Small oscillations of a discrete, linear vibrating system with viscous damping about its equilibrium position are governed by the following equations of motion: Mẍ + Cẋ + Kx = f 共3兲 Mẍ + Kx = 0 The above equation leads to a linear, algebraic eigenvalue problem for the natural frequencies of free vibration, denoted by , given as follows: Ku = Mu 共4兲 = 冑. where the eigenvalue is related to the frequency via Here, the positive branch of the square-root operation is assumed. u is the eigenvector 共mode shape兲 associated with the eigenvalue 共or vibration mode with natural frequency 兲. For linear systems that obey Rayleigh’s reciprocity principle, the matrices M and K are symmetric. This implies that the solutions of the eigenvalue problem in Eq. 共4兲, and u, are real. In the context of vibration analysis of undamped systems, the two quadratic functions in the Rayleigh quotient assume the physical meaning of the kinetic and potential energies. Thus, associated with any admissible deformation vector 共兲, one can define the following quantities: U = TK , R共兲 = T = TM U TK = T TM 共5兲 where T and U are the kinetic and potential energies of the system and R is the classical Rayleigh quotient. However, when systems with dissipation are considered, one is faced with three quadratics. In this situation, one can define three quotients as follows: U = TK , 1 Corresponding author. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of British Columbia, 2054–6250 Applied Science Lane, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1Z4, Canada. Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. Manuscript received September 20, 2006; final manuscript received December 2, 2007; published online August 15, 2008. Review conducted by N. Sri Namachchivaya. Journal of Applied Mechanics 共2兲 where the matrices M, K, and C are, respectively, the mass, stiffness, and damping matrices and the vectors x and f denote the displacement response and applied forces, respectively. In the absence of damping and applied forces, the above equation simplifies to Copyright © 2008 by ASME T = TM , D = TC R 1共 兲 = U TK = T TM R 2共 兲 = D TC = T TM NOVEMBER 2008, Vol. 75 / 061005-1 Downloaded 18 Aug 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm R 3共 兲 = D TC = U TK 共6兲 Note that for Rayleigh quotient to be finite, the denominator terms in the above equation should not be equal to zero. This requires that M be positive definite for R1 and R2 to be finite, and K be positive definite for R3 to be finite. For majority of vibrating systems, M is positive definite while K need not be. Thus, the existence of R3 is case specific. It is the objective of this work to investigate the stationarity properties of the quotients defined in Eqs. 共5兲 and 共6兲. The proof of stationary property of the quotient defined in Eq. 共5兲 is well known 关2,5,6兴. However, it is repeated here for the sake of completeness and also since the proof of stationarity for other quotients closely follows a similar procedure. 2.1 Stationarity of R„…. Let a vector be chosen such that it is close to one of the eigenvectors 共modes兲 ur of the system so that we can express as = 兺cu =u +兺⑀u, i i r i i i ⑀i = i⫽r ci 1 cr 共7兲 damping” as a special case by choosing each matrix function i共•兲 as a real scalar times an identity matrix, that is i共•兲 = ␣iI. In the case of proportionally damped systems, the eigenvectors are real but the eigenvalues are not, i.e., the undamped modes are also the modes of the proportionally damped system. Thus, the proof of stationarity of the first Rayleigh quotient R1共兲 is the same as that given in Sec. 2.1. We consider the second Rayleigh quotient associated with any admissible deformation vector as defined in Eq. 共7兲, R 2共 兲 = r 兺 K = R共兲 = M u Mu + 2 兺 urTKur + 2 T T r r ⑀ uTKur + O共⑀2兲 i⫽r i i ⑀ uTMur + O共⑀2兲 i⫽r i i 共8兲 uiTKu j = 0, uiTKui = i 共9兲 Equation 共8兲 simplifies to R共兲 = r + O共⑀2兲 = r共1 + O共⑀2兲兲 1 + O共⑀2兲 共10兲 The above result proves the stationarity of the Rayleigh quotient, i.e., first order changes in lead to second order changes in R共兲. When is close to one of the eigenvectors, the corresponding value of the quotient is stationary. Further choosing the first eigenvector as the trial vector leads to a minimum value of R共兲. R共兲 is maximum when the trial vector is close to the eigenvector corresponding to the highest eigenvalue. For intermediate eigenvectors, R共兲 is neither a minimum nor a maximum, i.e., R共兲 is at a saddle point. A mini-max 共or inf-sup兲 principle due to Courant and Fischer applies in this case 关2,6兴. 3 Proportional Damping We consider first the case of proportional damping. Here, proportional damping is defined in the sense that the same vector simultaneously diagonalizes the three quadratics T, U, and D. In other words, the three matrices M, K, and C can be simultaneously diagonalized. Although a viscous damping matrix of the form C = ␣M + K is the most widely understood model of a proportional damping model, it is only a subset of a wider class of models 关7兴. The necessary and sufficient conditions for proportional damping are established in Ref. 关7兴 and revisited in Refs. 关8–11兴. Adhikari 关10兴 showed that viscously damped linear systems will have classical normal modes if and only if the damping matrix can be represented by 共a兲 共b兲 C = M1共M−1K兲 + K2共K−1M兲 or C = 3共KM−1兲M + 4共MK−1兲K where i共•兲 are smooth analytic functions in the neighborhood of all the eigenvalues of their argument matrices. Rayleigh’s result can be obtained directly from this “generalized proportional 061005-2 / Vol. 75, NOVEMBER 2008 ⑀ uTCur i⫽r i i + O共⑀2兲 ⑀ uTMur + O共⑀2兲 i⫽r i i uiTMu j = ␦ij 共11兲 共12兲 We define uiTCu j = Cij⬘ , uiTCui = Cii⬘ 共13兲 With the above definition, Eq. 共11兲 can be expressed as R 2共 兲 = ⬘ + 2兺i⫽r⑀iCir⬘ + O共⑀2兲 Crr 1 + O共⑀2兲 共14兲 When damping is proportional, the matrix Cir⬘ is diagonal, i.e., Cir⬘ = 0 for i ⫽ r. In this case, the above equation simplifies to here, the symmetry of M and K is assumed. Due to the orthogonality properties of the eigenvectors 关2,5兴, uiTMu j = ␦ij, r 兺 兺 here, the symmetry of M and C is assumed. Due to the orthogonality properties of the eigenvectors, where ⑀i is a small real quantity. Now, the Rayleigh quotient reads T T TC ur Cur + 2 = TM uTMu + 2 R 2共 兲 = ⬘ + O共⑀2兲 Crr ⬘ 共1 + O共⑀2兲兲 = Crr 1 + O共⑀2兲 共15兲 which proves the stationarity of Rayleigh quotient in the case of a proportionally damped system. Similar proof can be constructed for R3共兲. The equation corresponding to Eq. 共15兲 in this case will read as R 3共 兲 = 4 ⬘ + O共⑀2兲 Crr r2 + O共⑀2兲 = ⬘ Crr r2 共1 + O共⑀2兲兲 共16兲 Nonproportional Damping We consider the case of nonproportional damping wherein the damping matrix C cannot be diagonalized simultaneously with M and K matrices. Consequently, the vector is not necessarily real. Vibrating systems with nonproportional damping are known to possess complex modes in general. Physically, the complex modes represent nearly standing waves. For systems with small dissipation, a perturbation theory originally due to Rayleigh 关1兴 can be used to represent the complex modes in terms of the real modes of the undamped system. According to the first order perturbation theory 关12兴, the complex modes of a viscously damped system are related to the corresponding undamped modes by zn ⬇ un + ı 兺␣ k⫽n knuk where ␣kn = nC⬘kn 2n − 2k ⬍1 共17兲 The undamped modes are mass normalized i.e., uTn Mun = 1. In the above equation, C⬘ is the damping matrix in modal coordinates, i.e., C⬘kn = uTk Cun. The assumption in the perturbation theory is that the terms of the order ␣2kn are very small and hence negligible. When k and n refer to two adjacent modes, the coefficient ␣kn can be related to the modal overlap factor defined as kn ⬅ nn / 共k − n兲 and the ratio ␥kn = C⬘kn / C⬘nn by ␣kn ⬇ 共1 / 2兲kn␥kn. Notice that ␥kn is a measure of the diagonal dominance of the C⬘ matrix. kn is a measure of the spacing of adjacent modes normalized with respect to the half power bandwidth of each mode. Thus, significantly complex modes are to be expected when the modal damping matrix is not diagonally domiTransactions of the ASME Downloaded 18 Aug 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm nant and the modal overlap is not small. Unless the modal overlap factor is of the order of unity, the second and higher order powers of the ␣kn can be safely ignored. If not, then the perturbation expansion has to be extended suitably until the imaginary part of the complex mode converges. Adequacy of the first order theory for systems with small damping has been shown in Ref. 关12兴. Since the complex eigenvectors zi , i = 1 ¯ n form the complete basis in an n dimensional complex vector space, any arbitrary complex vector can be written as 兺cz = 冋 ziHCzr = uiT − ı 兺␣ 冏冏 i i 共19兲 We consider the first real valued Rayleigh quotient associated with the above trial vector, R 1共 兲 = zrHKzr +2 HK = H M zHMz + 2 r r 兺 兺 R共⑀i兲ziHKzr i⫽r i⫽r R 2共 兲 = ⬘ +2 Crr 兺 i⫽r Cir⬘ + O共兩⑀兩 兲 R共⑀i兲ziHMzr + O共兩⑀兩2兲 R 3共 兲 = 共21兲 = O共␣ 兲 Similarly with K, one can show zrHKzr = r2 + O共␣2兲 共23兲 ziHKzr = O共␣2兲 共24兲 and Substituting Eqs. 共21兲–共24兲 in Eq. 共20兲, one obtains r2 + O共␣2兲 + O共⑀2兲 ⬇ r2共1 − O共⑀2兲兲 1 + O共␣2兲 + O共⑀2兲 共25兲 which proves the stationarity of R1共兲. We consider the second real valued Rayleigh quotient defined as follows: zHCz zHMz 共26兲 Substituting Eq. 共17兲 in the above equation leads to r r i⫽r ⬘ +2 Crr Now zrH Czr can be expanded as 冋 ⬘ −ı = Crr 兺␣ k⫽r 兺␣ T kruk 册冋 C ur + ı T kr关uk Cur 兺␣ k⫽r kruk + O共兩⑀兩 兲 2 册 i⫽r 共31兲 R共⑀i兲Cir⬘ + O共⑀兲O共␣兲 + O共⑀2兲 + O共␣2兲 r2 + O共⑀2兲 + O共␣2兲 共32兲 The above quotient is not stationary in general. However, when the modal damping matrix is diagonally dominant in accordance with Eq. 共31兲, stationarity of R3共兲 can be shown as earlier 共see Sec. 3兲. In the case of a complex vector , one is also tempted to define complex valued Rayleigh quotients by replacing the Hermitian transpose 共complex conjugate transpose兲 with the ordinary transpose operator. The stationarity property of these complex valued quotients, however, cannot be shown. Hence, the discussion of these quotients will not be pursued any further. 5 Nonviscous Damping In this section, we consider general linear damping models, described by convolution integrals of the generalized coordinates over appropriate kernel functions. The equation of motion of a N degrees-of-freedom nonviscously damped system is given by 冕 t G共t − 兲ẋ共兲d + Kx共t兲 = f共t兲 共33兲 Here, G共t兲 is a N ⫻ N matrix of kernel functions. It will be assumed that G共t兲 is a symmetric matrix so that reciprocity automatically holds. In the special case when G共t兲 = C␦共t兲, where ␦共t兲 is the Dirac delta function and C is a N ⫻ N matrix, Eq. 共33兲 reduces to the standard form for viscous damping. Taking the Fourier transform of Eq. 共33兲, the eigenvalue equation can be expressed as − 2nMzn + ınG共n兲zn + Kzn = 0 ⬘ + O共␣2兲 − urTCuk兴 + O共␣2兲 = Crr k⫽r 共28兲 Note that C is assumed to be symmetric in simplifying the above equation. Similarly, one can write Journal of Applied Mechanics Ⰶ1 −⬁ 共27兲 zrHCzr = urT − ı 兺 Mẍ共t兲 + R共⑀i兲ziHCzr + O共兩⑀兩2兲 R共⑀i兲ziHMzr i⫽r 共29兲 HC HK 共22兲 2 兺 兺 k⫽r then first order changes in lead to second order changes in R2共兲. In this case, stationarity of the Rayleigh quotient is obtained. Returning to the third quotient R3共兲, = H HC zr Czr + 2 = HM zHMz + 2 + O共␣2兲 It can be seen that first order changes in lead to first order changes in R2共兲. However, if the modal damping matrix is diagonally dominant, i.e., and R 2共 兲 = 册 1 + O共⑀2兲 + O共␣2兲 2 zrHMzr = 1 + O共␣2兲 R 2共 兲 = ⬘ krCik kruk R共⑀i兲Cir⬘ + O共⑀兲O共␣兲 + O共⑀2兲 + O共␣2兲 ⬘ Crr 共20兲 R 1共 兲 = 兺␣ k⫽r Substituting Eqs. 共21兲 and 共22兲, and Eqs. 共28兲 and 共29兲 in Eq. 共27兲, one obtains Noting the orthogonality properties given in Eq. 共9兲, one can deduce the following equations: ziHMzr +ı 兺␣ 共30兲 ci Ⰶ 1. 兩 ⑀ i兩 = cr i⫽r C ur + ı k⫽i i 兺⑀z, ⬘ kiCkr 册冋 = Cir⬘ + O共␣兲 + O共␣2兲 We select a vector close to zr, which can be written as = zr + T kiuk k⫽i = Cir⬘ − ı 共18兲 i i 兺␣ 共34兲 where G共兲 is the Fourier transform of G共t兲. In general, G共兲 is a complex valued function of . For viscously damped system, G共兲 = C , ∀ . Equation 共34兲 is a nonlinear eigenvalue problem. In contrast with the viscously damped case, the number of eigenvalues will not necessarily be equal to 2N, since additional eigenvalues may be introduced by the form of the functions G共n兲. WoodNOVEMBER 2008, Vol. 75 / 061005-3 Downloaded 18 Aug 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm house 关12兴 and Adhikari 关13兴 have treated this problem using a first order perturbation method assuming the damping to be small. We suppose the undamped problem has eigenvalues 共natural frequencies兲 n and eigenvectors 共modes兲 un. The complex eigenvalues can then be expressed as ⬘ 共⫾ n兲/2 n ⬇ ⫾ n + ıGnn 共35兲 where G⬘kl共n兲 = uTk G共n兲ul is the frequency dependent damping matrix expressed in normal coordinates. Since the inverse Fourier transform of G共兲 must be real, it must satisfy the condition G共−兲 = G共兲*, where 共•兲* denotes complex conjugation. It follows that the eigenvalues of the generally damped system appear in pairs and −* 共unless is purely imaginary兲. The first order approximate expression for the complex eigenvectors can be obtained in a way similar to that used for the viscously damped system 共as was first given by Rayleigh 关1兴兲. The result is zn ⬇ un + ı 兺 where kn = knuk k⫽n nG⬘kn共n兲 共2n − 2k 兲 兺 i i i⫽r 冏冏 ci 兩 ⑀ i兩 = Ⰶ1 cr 共38兲 zrHMzr = 1 + O共兩兩2兲 共39兲 ziHMzr = O共兩兩2兲 共40兲 zrHKzr = r2 + O共兩兩2兲 共41兲 ziHKzr = O共兩兩2兲 共42兲 We consider the first Rayleigh quotient r R 2共 兲 = HG共r兲 HM 兺 Mz + 2 兺 兩zrHG共r兲zr + 2 = zrH r i⫽r R共⑀i兲ziHG共r兲zr + O共兩⑀兩2兲兩 i⫽r R共⑀i兲ziHMzr + O共兩⑀兩2兲 共46兲 冋 兺 * u T kr k k⫽r = urTG共r兲ur − ı 册 冋 G共r兲 ur + ı 兺 共* −  kr 兺 kruk k⫽r 册 T kr兲关uk G共r兲ur k⫽r − urTG共r兲uk兴 + O共兩兩2兲 ⬘ + 2ı = Grr 兺 I共 T kr兲关uk G共r兲ur k⫽r − urTG共r兲uk兴 + O共兩兩2兲 ⬘ + O共I共兲兲 + O共兩兩2兲 = Grr Similarly with K, one obtains r For a viscously damped system G共r兲 = C , ∀ r and because C is a real matrix, Eq. 共45兲 reduces to Eq. 共26兲 as a special case. Therefore, Eq. 共45兲 can be viewed as a generalization of the Rayleigh quotient defined in Eq. 共26兲. Substituting Eq. 共36兲 in the above equation leads to zrHG共r兲zr = urT − ı Replacing the matrix G共r兲 with M and noting the orthogonality properties given in Eq. 共9兲, one obtains H HK zr Kzr + 2 R 1共 兲 = H = M zHMz + 2 共45兲 The first term in numerator can be expressed as i 兺⑀z, 兩HG共r兲兩 HM 共37兲 c iz i We consider a vector close to zr, which can be written as = zr + R 2共 , r兲 = 共36兲 Note that the eigenvectors also appear in complex conjugate pairs. Since, in general, G⬘kn共n兲 will be complex, in contrast to the viscously damped case, the real part of natural frequencies and mode shapes do not coincide with the undamped ones. Adequacy of the first order theory for systems with small damping has been investigated in Refs. 关12,13兴. Since the complex eigenvectors zi , i = 1 ¯ N form the complete basis of an N-dimensional complex vector space, any arbitrary complex vector can be expressed as = of frequency. Therefore, in order to define a meaningful Rayleigh quotient, we need to select a value of frequency. If we are interested in studying the stationary behavior of rth mode, then it is logical to select the frequency value as r. We define the real valued Rayleigh quotient for a nonviscously damped system as 兺 兺 i⫽r R共⑀i兲ziHKzr + O共兩⑀兩2兲 i⫽r R共⑀i兲ziHMzr + O共兩⑀兩2兲 where Grr ⬘ = urTG共r兲ur. Note that G共r兲 is assumed to be symmetric in simplifying the above equation. From the second term in the numerator of Eq. 共46兲, one has 冋 ziHG共r兲zr = uiT − ı 共43兲 which proves the stationarity of R1共兲. The second and third Rayleigh quotients involving the damping term need to be carefully defined. The difference between the viscous and the nonviscous case is that the 共effective兲 damping matrix for the nonviscous case is complex valued and a function 061005-4 / Vol. 75, NOVEMBER 2008 T ki k k⫽i 册 冋 G共r兲 ur + ı k⫽r 兺 * u G共 兲u T ki k 兺 r kruk 册 r k⫽i +ı 共44兲 兺 * u = uiTG共r兲ur − ı Substituting Eqs. 共39兲–共42兲 in the above equation, one obtains r2 + O共兩兩2兲 + O共⑀2兲 R 1共 兲 = ⬇ r2共1 − O共⑀2兲兲 1 + O共兩兩2兲 + O共⑀2兲 共47兲 兺 T krui G共r兲uk + O共兩兩2兲 k⫽r = Gir⬘ + O共兲 + O共兩兩2兲 共48兲 where Gir⬘ = uTi G共r兲ur. Substituting Eqs. 共47兲, 共46兲, 共45兲, 共44兲, 共43兲, 共42兲, 共41兲, and 共40兲 in Eq. 共46兲, one obtains Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 18 Aug 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm R 2共 兲 = ⬍ ⬘ +2 兩Grr 兺 i⫽r R共⑀i兲Gir⬘ + O共⑀兲O共兲 + O共⑀2兲 + O共I共兲兲 + O共兩兩2兲兩 1 + O共⑀2兲 + O共兩兩2兲 ⬘ 兩 + 2兺i⫽rR共⑀i兲兩Gir⬘ 兩 + O共⑀兲O共兲 + O共⑀2兲 + O共I共兲兲 + O共兩兩2兲 兩Grr 1 + O共⑀2兲 + O共兩兩2兲 The last line in the above equation follows from the triangle inequality. The terms involving O共I共兲兲 are smaller than O共兩兩兲 terms. Moreover, for lightly nonviscous systems, the terms involving O共I共兲兲 are expected to be smaller than the O共R共兲兲 terms 关14兴. As a result, one expects to have the inequality O共I共兲兲 ⬍ O共R共兲兲 ⬍ O共兩兩兲 共50兲 From Eq. 共49兲, it can be seen that first order changes in lead to first order changes in R2共兲. However, if the complex modal damping matrix is diagonally dominant, i.e., ⬘兩+2 兩HG共r兲兩 兩Grr R 3共 兲 = ⬍ HK 兺 i⫽r Application of Rayleigh Quotients In the case of a single degree of freedom system with viscous damping the three quotients simplify to R1 = 2, R2 = 2, and R3 = 2 / , where and denote the natural frequency and the critical damping factor, respectively. The response of the system in the time domain is described by exp共−t − ı冑1 − 2t兲. We note that R2 governs the decay rate 共or real part of the complex eigenvalue兲 of vibration in the time domain. The same will be true for a multidegree of freedom system, provided that its response can be decomposed into a single degree of freedom system using modal summation i.e., damping is proportional 关3兴. The Rayleigh quotient R1 and its usefulness in solving the eigenvalue problem associated with the undamped system are well documented 关2,3,5兴. Consequent to the stationary property of R1, a theorem originally due to Rayleigh, known as Rayleigh’s principle or interlacing theorem, gives the influence of constraints. It states that the eigenvalues of the constrained system 共⬘兲 interlace with the eigenvalues of the unconstrained system 共兲 such that n ⱕ ⬘n ⱕ n+1. Similar results follow from the stationarity of R2 and R3. In this context, we refer to Rayleigh’s original statement in Sec. 88 of Ref. 关1兴: “… theorems, of importance in other branches of science, may be stated for systems such that only T and F, or only V and F, are sensible.” We note that T ⬅ T, V ⬅ U, and F ⬅ D in the notation of the present paper. Thus, stationarity of R2 implies that the decay rates of each normal mode are stationary. The interlacing theorem would suggest that the decay rates of each normal mode also interlace when a constraint is applied. The interlacing property was discussed in Sec. 88 of Ref. 关1兴 and a less known work of Rayleigh 关15兴. The present study extends these ideas to the general case of nonconservative systems with viscous or nonviscous dissipative processes. Journal of Applied Mechanics Ⰶ1 共51兲 then first order changes in lead to second order changes in R2共兲. In this case, stationarity of the Rayleigh quotient is obtained. Returning to the third quotient, the equation corresponding to Eq. 共46兲 in the case of R3共兲 is R共⑀i兲兩Gir⬘ 兩 + O共⑀兲O共兲 + O共⑀2兲 + O共I共兲兲 + O共兩兩2兲 The above quotient is not stationary. However, when the modal damping matrix is diagonally dominant in accordance with Eq. 共31兲, stationarity of R3共兲 holds. 6 兩Gir⬘ 兩 ⬘兩 兩Grr 共49兲 r2 + O共⑀2兲 + O共兩兩2兲 共52兲 In a viscoelastic system, one deals with elastic potentials and dissipative potentials. Stationarity of R3 has important consequences for such problems, especially in conjunction with the interlacing theorem. A noteworthy work on applying the Rayleigh quotients to determine the elastic and material loss constants of orthotropic sheet materials was undertaken in Refs. 关16,17兴. Our primary aim in this work has been to show the range of applicability of stationarity principles in nonconservative viscous and nonviscous systems. Further application of these results remains to be explored in future studies. 7 Conclusions Rayleigh quotients are revisited in the context of dissipative systems. The study of their stationarity properties leads to the following conclusions. 1. In the case of a proportionally damped viscous system, the three Rayleigh quotients associated with the damped system are stationary. 2. In the case of a nonproportionally damped system, the Rayleigh quotient involving mass and stiffness matrix is stationary while the remaining two involving damping matrix are not. Stationarity in this case is subject to the diagonal dominance of the modal damping matrix. For an arbitrarily chosen viscous damping matrix, the stationarity property does not hold true. However, this negative conclusion is to be balanced by the wide variety of practical engineering structures where the modal damping is diagonally dominant; consequently, Rayleigh quotients are stationary. 3. In the case of a nonviscously damped system, the Rayleigh quotient involving mass and stiffness matrix is still stationary while the remaining two involving the frequency dependent damping matrix are not. Stationarity in this case is subject to 共a兲 the diagonal dominance of the absolute value of the frequency dependent complex modal damping matrix, and 共b兲 light nonviscous damping. For an arbitrarily chosen nonviscous damping function, the stationarity property does not hold true. NOVEMBER 2008, Vol. 75 / 061005-5 Downloaded 18 Aug 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm Acknowledgment A.S.P. acknowledges financial support from Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and Nehru Trust for Cambridge University through the award of Nehru Fellowship; ORS award from CVCP, UK; and Bursaries from St. John’s college, Cambridge, UK. S.A. acknowledges the support of the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council 共EPSRC兲 through the award of an Advanced Research Fellowship, Grant No. GR/T03369/01. References 关1兴 Rayleigh, J. W., 1894, The Theory of Sound, Dover, New York, Vol. 1. 关2兴 Strang, G., 1988, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 3rd ed., Hardcourt Brace Jovanovich, Orlando, FL. 关3兴 Meirovitch, L., 1986, Elements of Vibration Analysis, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York. 关4兴 Newland, D. E., 1990, Mechanical Vibration Analysis & Computation, rep. ed., Longmans, Green, New York. 关5兴 Wilkinson, J. H., 1965, The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem, 1st ed., Clarendon, Oxford. 关6兴 Courant, R., and Hilbert, D., 1989, Methods of Mathematical Physics: Volume 1, 1st ed., Wiley, New York. 061005-6 / Vol. 75, NOVEMBER 2008 关7兴 Caughey, T. K., and O’Kelly, M. E. J., 1965, “Classical Normal Modes in Damped Linear Dynamic Systems,” J. Appl. 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