4–18 Name Date Divisor/Quotient Relationships Dividing with decimals is similar to dividing with whole numbers, but it also can produce some interesting results. This is especially true when you divide by numbers less than 1. 1. Start with simple division using whole numbers. Find these quotients. 60 5 60 4 60 2 60 1 60 3 2. As the divisors decrease, what do you notice about the quotients in exercise 1? 3. In exercise 1, are most of the quotients greater than or less than the dividend? 4. Use your calculator to find these quotients. 60 0.5 60 0.4 60 0.2 60 0.1 60 0.3 5. How are the quotients in exercise 4 different from the quotients in exercise 1? 6. Now use the same dividend but divide with a lesser decimal divisor. 7. 60 0.05 60 0.04 60 0.02 60 0.01 60 0.03 What can you say about the relationship between quotients and dividends when your divisor is less than 1? 4–18 Name Date Divisor/Quotient Relationships Dividing with decimals is similar to dividing with whole numbers, but it also can produce some interesting results. This is especially true when you divide by numbers less than 1. 1. 2. Start with simple division using whole numbers. Find these quotients. 60 5 12 60 4 15 60 2 30 60 1 60 60 3 20 As the divisors decrease, what do you notice about the quotients in exercise 1? The quotients increase. 3. In exercise 1, are most of the quotients greater than or less than the dividend? Less than 4. 5. Use your calculator to find these quotients. 60 0.5 120 60 0.4 150 60 0.2 300 60 0.1 600 60 0.3 200 How are the quotients in exercise 4 different from the quotients in exercise 1? Each quotient is 10 times greater than each quotient in exercise 1. 6. 7. Now use the same dividend but divide with a lesser decimal divisor. 60 0.05 1,200 60 0.04 1,500 60 0.02 3,000 60 0.01 6,000 60 0.03 2,000 What can you say about the relationship between quotients and dividends when your divisor is less than 1? Sample answer. As the divisor decreases, the quotient increases. When the divisor is less than 1, the quotient is greater than the dividend.