Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Persistence exponent for random processes in Brownian scenery Nadine Guillotin-Plantard joint work with F. Castell (I2M) and F. Watbled (LMBA) Persistence probabilities and related fields – Darmstadt July 17, 2014 N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems 1 Introduction Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result 2 Sketch of the proofs Lower bound Upper bound: The main idea 3 Open problems N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Definition S = {Sn , n ∈ N} a random walk in Zd . N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Definition S = {Sn , n ∈ N} a random walk in Zd . ξ = {ξx , x ∈ Zd } i.i.d. random variables (the random scenery). N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Definition S = {Sn , n ∈ N} a random walk in Zd . ξ = {ξx , x ∈ Zd } i.i.d. random variables (the random scenery). The random walk in random scenery: Zn := n X ξSk , n ≥ 1. k=1 N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Definition S = {Sn , n ∈ N} a random walk in Zd . ξ = {ξx , x ∈ Zd } i.i.d. random variables (the random scenery). The random walk in random scenery: Zn := n X ξSk , n ≥ 1. k=1 P the product law of ξ, S. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result An example d = 2, ξx ∈ {+1, −1}, S nearest-neighbour. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result An example d = 2, ξx ∈ {+1, −1}, S nearest-neighbour. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result An example d = 2, ξx ∈ {+1, −1}, S nearest-neighbour. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result An example d = 2, ξx ∈ {+1, −1}, S nearest-neighbour. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result An example d = 2, ξx ∈ {+1, −1}, S nearest-neighbour. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result An example d = 2, ξx ∈ {+1, −1}, S nearest-neighbour. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result An example d = 2, ξx ∈ {+1, −1}, S nearest-neighbour. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result An example d = 2, ξx ∈ {+1, −1}, S nearest-neighbour. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result An example d = 2, ξx ∈ {+1, −1}, S nearest-neighbour. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result An example d = 2, ξx ∈ {+1, −1}, S nearest-neighbour. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Motivation Links to other problems and models: 1. Energy function of a polymer in a random medium; 2. Random walks in randomly directed lattices; 3. Anomalous diffusion in layered random media (Matheron- De Marsily model in hydrology) N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Motivation Links to other problems and models: 1. Energy function of a polymer in a random medium; 2. Random walks in randomly directed lattices; 3. Anomalous diffusion in layered random media (Matheron- De Marsily model in hydrology) Question: What is the limiting distribution of (Zn )n≥1 ? Or what is its continuous counterpart? N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Assumptions Assumptions on the random scenery: E [ξ0 ] = 0 and E ξ02 = 1. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Assumptions Assumptions on the random scenery: E [ξ0 ] = 0 and E ξ02 = 1. Assumptions on the random walk: S is the simple random walk in Zd . N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Connection to the self-intersection local time of S Nn (x) := Pn k=1 1{Sk =x} the local time of S at x up to time n. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Connection to the self-intersection local time of S Nn (x) := Pn k=1 1{Sk =x} Zn = the local time of S at x up to time n. Pn k=1 ξSk N. Guillotin = P x∈Zd ξx Nn (x). Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Connection to the self-intersection local time of S Nn (x) := Pn k=1 1{Sk =x} Zn = the local time of S at x up to time n. Pn k=1 ξSk = P x∈Zd ξx Nn (x). P P E Zn2 |S = x∈Zd Nn2 (x) = 1≤i,j≤n 1{Si =Sj } =: In N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Connection to the self-intersection local time of S Nn (x) := Pn k=1 1{Sk =x} Zn = the local time of S at x up to time n. Pn k=1 ξSk = P x∈Zd ξx Nn (x). P P E Zn2 |S = x∈Zd Nn2 (x) = 1≤i,j≤n 1{Si =Sj } =: In In is the self-intersection local time of S up to time n. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Connection to the self-intersection local time of S Nn (x) := Pn k=1 1{Sk =x} Zn = the local time of S at x up to time n. Pn k=1 ξSk = P x∈Zd ξx Nn (x). P P E Zn2 |S = x∈Zd Nn2 (x) = 1≤i,j≤n 1{Si =Sj } =: In In is the self-intersection local time of S up to time n. d = 1, Cn3/2 Var(Zn ) = E [In ] ∼ Cn log n d = 2, Cn d ≥ 3. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Limit theorems Z[nt] ⇒ ∆t under P ? an N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Limit theorems Z[nt] ⇒ ∆t under P ? an d = 1 : Kesten-Spitzer ’79, and Borodin ’79. an = n3/4 , N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Limit theorems Z[nt] ⇒ ∆t under P ? an d = 1 : Kesten-Spitzer ’79, and Borodin ’79. an = n3/4 , {W (x); x ∈ R} a two-sided real Brownian motion. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Limit theorems Z[nt] ⇒ ∆t under P ? an d = 1 : Kesten-Spitzer ’79, and Borodin ’79. an = n3/4 , {W (x); x ∈ R} a two-sided real Brownian motion. {Y (t); t ≥ 0} a Brownian motion, independent of W . {Lt (x), x ∈ R, t ≥ 0} local time of Y . Z ∆t := Lt (x)dW (x). R N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Limit theorems Z[nt] ⇒ ∆t under P ? an d = 1 : Kesten-Spitzer ’79, and Borodin ’79. an = n3/4 , {W (x); x ∈ R} a two-sided real Brownian motion. {Y (t); t ≥ 0} a Brownian motion, independent of W . {Lt (x), x ∈ R, t ≥ 0} local time of Y . Z ∆t := Lt (x)dW (x). R Remark: (∆t )t≥0 is neither Gaussian, nor Markovian. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Limit theorems Z[nt] ⇒ ∆t under P ? an d = 1 : Kesten-Spitzer ’79, and Borodin ’79. an = n3/4 , {W (x); x ∈ R} a two-sided real Brownian motion. {Y (t); t ≥ 0} a Brownian motion, independent of W . {Lt (x), x ∈ R, t ≥ 0} local time of Y . Z ∆t := Lt (x)dW (x). R Remark: (∆t )t≥0 is neither Gaussian, nor Markovian. √ d = 2 : an = n log n, ∆ Brownian motion (Bolthausen ’89). N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Limit theorems Z[nt] ⇒ ∆t under P ? an d = 1 : Kesten-Spitzer ’79, and Borodin ’79. an = n3/4 , {W (x); x ∈ R} a two-sided real Brownian motion. {Y (t); t ≥ 0} a Brownian motion, independent of W . {Lt (x), x ∈ R, t ≥ 0} local time of Y . Z ∆t := Lt (x)dW (x). R Remark: (∆t )t≥0 is neither Gaussian, nor Markovian. √ d = 2 : an = n log n, ∆ Brownian motion (Bolthausen ’89). √ d ≥ 3 : an = n , ∆ Brownian motion (Spitzer’s Book ’76). N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result What can we say about the persistence exponent of the processes (Zn )n≥1 and (∆t )t≥0 ? N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result What can we say about the persistence exponent of the processes (Zn )n≥1 and (∆t )t≥0 ? Redner and Majumdar conjectured (using physical arguments, simulations and comparison with the FBM) that the persistence exponent of ∆t should be equal to 1/4. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result What can we say about the persistence exponent of the processes (Zn )n≥1 and (∆t )t≥0 ? Redner and Majumdar conjectured (using physical arguments, simulations and comparison with the FBM) that the persistence exponent of ∆t should be equal to 1/4. This was solved in (up to logarithmic factors): Castell, F.; Guillotin-Plantard, N.; Pène, F.; Schapira, Br. On the one-sided exit problem for stable processes in random scenery. Electron. Commun. Probab. 18(33):1–7, 2013. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result What can we say about the persistence exponent of the processes (Zn )n≥1 and (∆t )t≥0 ? Redner and Majumdar conjectured (using physical arguments, simulations and comparison with the FBM) that the persistence exponent of ∆t should be equal to 1/4. This was solved in (up to logarithmic factors): Castell, F.; Guillotin-Plantard, N.; Pène, F.; Schapira, Br. On the one-sided exit problem for stable processes in random scenery. Electron. Commun. Probab. 18(33):1–7, 2013. The proof heavily depends on the increments independence of the process Y . Is it possible to compute the persistence exponent without it? for more general processes Y ? N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result W = {W (x); x ∈ R} a standard two-sided real Brownian motion N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result W = {W (x); x ∈ R} a standard two-sided real Brownian motion Y = {Y (t); t ≥ 0} a self-similar process of index γ ∈ (0, 2), with stationary increments. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result W = {W (x); x ∈ R} a standard two-sided real Brownian motion Y = {Y (t); t ≥ 0} a self-similar process of index γ ∈ (0, 2), with stationary increments. W and Y are independent. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result W = {W (x); x ∈ R} a standard two-sided real Brownian motion Y = {Y (t); t ≥ 0} a self-similar process of index γ ∈ (0, 2), with stationary increments. W and Y are independent. There exists a jointly continuous version {Lt (x); x ∈ R, t ≥ 0} of the local time of Y . N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result W = {W (x); x ∈ R} a standard two-sided real Brownian motion Y = {Y (t); t ≥ 0} a self-similar process of index γ ∈ (0, 2), with stationary increments. W and Y are independent. There exists a jointly continuous version {Lt (x); x ∈ R, t ≥ 0} of the local time of Y . The random process in Brownian scenery {∆t ; t ≥ 0} Z ∆t = Lt (x) dW (x). R N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result W = {W (x); x ∈ R} a standard two-sided real Brownian motion Y = {Y (t); t ≥ 0} a self-similar process of index γ ∈ (0, 2), with stationary increments. W and Y are independent. There exists a jointly continuous version {Lt (x); x ∈ R, t ≥ 0} of the local time of Y . The random process in Brownian scenery {∆t ; t ≥ 0} Z ∆t = Lt (x) dW (x). R The process ∆ is itself a h-self-similar process with stationary increments, with γ h := 1 − . 2 N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Our result Let Z V1 := L21 (x) dx ” = ” 1Z 1 Z δ0 (Yt − Ys ) dsdt 0 R 0 be the self-intersection local time of Y . N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Our result Let Z V1 := L21 (x) dx ” = ” 1Z 1 Z δ0 (Yt − Ys ) dsdt 0 R 0 be the self-intersection local time of Y . (H1) ∃ α > 1, C > 0, c > 0 s.t. for any t ≥ 0, P[V1 ≥ t] ≤ C exp(−ct α ). N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Our result Let Z V1 := L21 (x) dx ” = ” 1Z 1 Z δ0 (Yt − Ys ) dsdt 0 R 0 be the self-intersection local time of Y . (H1) ∃ α > 1, C > 0, c > 0 s.t. for any t ≥ 0, P[V1 ≥ t] ≤ C exp(−ct α ). (H2) ∃ β > 0, C > 0, c > 0 s.t. for any t > 0, P[V1 ≤ t] ≤ C exp(−ct −β ). N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Our result Let Z V1 := L21 (x) dx ” = ” 1Z 1 Z δ0 (Yt − Ys ) dsdt 0 R 0 be the self-intersection local time of Y . (H1) ∃ α > 1, C > 0, c > 0 s.t. for any t ≥ 0, P[V1 ≥ t] ≤ C exp(−ct α ). (H2) ∃ β > 0, C > 0, c > 0 s.t. for any t > 0, P[V1 ≤ t] ≤ C exp(−ct −β ). Theorem (F. Castell, N. G-P, F. Watbled, 2014) Assume (H1) and (H2) hold. ∃c > 0, s.t. for T large enough, h i T −γ/2 (ln T )−c ≤ P sup ∆t ≤ 1 ≤ T −γ/2 (ln T )+c . t∈[0,T ] N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Examples of Processes Y satisfying our assumptions 1. Stable Lévy process with index δ ∈ (1, 2] with γ = 1δ , α = δ, δ . and β = 2δ−1 N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Examples of Processes Y satisfying our assumptions 1. Stable Lévy process with index δ ∈ (1, 2] with γ = 1δ , α = δ, δ . and β = 2δ−1 2. Fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index H ∈ (0, 1) with γ = H, α = 1/H, and β = 2. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Definition of the discrete model Motivation Historical overview Our result Examples of Processes Y satisfying our assumptions 1. Stable Lévy process with index δ ∈ (1, 2] with γ = 1δ , α = δ, δ . and β = 2δ−1 2. Fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index H ∈ (0, 1) with γ = H, α = 1/H, and β = 2. 3. Iterated Brownian motion with γ = 1/4, α = β = 4/3. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Lower bound Upper bound: The main idea Aurzada and Molchan’s approach for FBM Theorem (Molchan, 1999 + Aurzada, 2011) Let {Xt ; t ≥ 0} be a continuous process, self-similar with index h > 0, with stationary increments s.t. for every θ > 0, h i E exp θ max |Xt | < +∞. t∈[0,1] N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Lower bound Upper bound: The main idea Aurzada and Molchan’s approach for FBM Theorem (Molchan, 1999 + Aurzada, 2011) Let {Xt ; t ≥ 0} be a continuous process, self-similar with index h > 0, with stationary increments s.t. for every θ > 0, h i E exp θ max |Xt | < +∞. t∈[0,1] Then, there exists c > 0 s.t. for T large enough, h i T −(1−h) (ln T )−c ≤ P sup Xt ≤ 1 . t∈[0,T ] N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Lower bound Upper bound: The main idea Given Y , the process {∆t , t ≥ 0} is a centered Gaussian process with covariance matrix Z E[∆s ∆t |Y ] = Ls (x)Lt (x) dx ≥ 0. R Moreover, for any 0 < s < t, Z E[∆s (∆t − ∆s )|Y ] = Ls (x)(Lt (x) − Ls (x)) dx ≥ 0. R Use Slepian’s Lemma conditionally to Y and then integrate with respect to the law of Y . N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Open problems • Persistence exponent of the discrete model Zn = n X ξSk , n ≥ 1 k=1 with ξx ∈ {±1}, {Sn , n ≥ 0} the simple random walk in Z? N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Open problems • Persistence exponent of the discrete model Zn = n X ξSk , n ≥ 1 k=1 with ξx ∈ {±1}, {Sn , n ≥ 0} the simple random walk in Z? Conjecture 1: As n → +∞, P[ max Zk ≤ 1] ∼ C n−1/4 . 1≤k≤n N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Open problems • Persistence exponent of the discrete model Zn = n X ξSk , n ≥ 1 k=1 with ξx ∈ {±1}, {Sn , n ≥ 0} the simple random walk in Z? Conjecture 1: As n → +∞, P[ max Zk ≤ 1] ∼ C n−1/4 . 1≤k≤n • What can we say if {W (x), x ∈ R} is not a Brownian motion but a two-sided β-stable Lévy process, with β ∈ (1, 2)? N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Open problems • Persistence exponent of the discrete model Zn = n X ξSk , n ≥ 1 k=1 with ξx ∈ {±1}, {Sn , n ≥ 0} the simple random walk in Z? Conjecture 1: As n → +∞, P[ max Zk ≤ 1] ∼ C n−1/4 . 1≤k≤n • What can we say if {W (x), x ∈ R} is not a Brownian motion but a two-sided β-stable Lévy process, with β ∈ (1, 2)? Conjecture 2: The persistence exponent should be equal to h= N. Guillotin β−1 . αβ Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems • Matheron, G.; de Marsily G. Is transport in porous media always diffusive? A counterexample. Water Resources Res. 16:901–907, 1980. • Redner, S. Invited Symposium Contribution: Superdiffusion in Random Velocity Fields. Proceedings of the Bar-Ilan Conference in Condensed-Matter Physics, Physica A 168, 1990. • Redner, S. Survival Probability in a Random Velocity Field. Phys. Rev., E56, 4967, 1997. • Majumdar, S. Persistence of a particle in the Matheron - de Marsily velocity field. Phys. Rev. E 68, 050101(R), 2003. • Castell, F.; Guillotin-Plantard, N.; Pène, F.; Schapira, Br. On the one-sided exit problem for stable processes in random scenery. Electron. Commun. Probab. 18(33):1–7, 2013. • Castell, F.; Guillotin-Plantard, N.; Watbled, F. Persistence exponent for random processes in Brownian scenery. 2014, Arxiv:1407.0364. N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS Outline Introduction Sketch of the proofs Open problems Thank you for your attention! N. Guillotin Persistence exponent for RP in BS