Math: Algebra I Laws of Exponents Objectives Students will be able to: • State the laws of exponents. • Simplify expressions with exponents. Warm-Up Calculate the following: • 32 • (4 + 1L2 • 23 Lesson • Introduction: We know that 32 = 9 and 33 = 27. What is 33 μ 32 ? 2 Math: Algebra I Laws of Exponents í Suppose you know that 36 = 729. To find 33 μ 33 , is there an easier way than multiplying 27 and 27? í What about 33 ë 32 ? í Or I33 M ? 2 Math: Algebra I Laws of Exponents • Student exploration: Try to write the laws of exponents by exploring this concept through Wolfram|Alpha. Assume a > 0. í What is Iax M Iay )? í What is Iax M ë Iay )? í How about Iax M ? y Have students try different examples in Wolfram|Alpha to see if they can figure out the laws of exponents on their own. 3 4 Math: Algebra I Laws of Exponents Math: Algebra I Laws of Exponents • Regroup your students as a class and take volunteers for each of the above questions. Once your students have shared their ideas, solidify these concepts with the actual laws and an example of each. í ax ay = ax+y For example, simplify: b4 b2 y í Iax M = ax y For example, simplify: I72 M í ax ay 4 = aHx-yL For example, simplify: z4 z8 (assuming z ∫ 0) í a1 = a í a0 = 1 (assuming a ∫ 0) Closing Answer the following and have the answer checked before your students leave to demonstrate understanding of the concept. Simplify : I24 M 7 25 Demonstrations Exponents Laws of Exponents 5