P.2.s s IntegralExponents Notation and Scientific 15 c) Sandyhasonequartofgrassseedandonequartofsand,eachstoredin onegallon containers.Sandypoursa little seedinto the sandandshakeswell. Shethen poursthe sameamountof the mix backinto the containerof seedso that both containersagaincontainexactlyone quart.Is theremore sandin Sandy'sseed or moreseedin Sandy'ssand?Explain. d) In each cell of the secondrow of the following table put one of the digits 0 through 9. You may use a digit more than once, but each digit in the secondrow must indicate the number of times that the digit above it appearsin the secondrow. 6 . 2 .t , 0 . 0 . 0 . 1 , 0 . 0 , 0 The percentageofseed ir.rthe sandis equalto the percentageofsarrd in the seed. i*0 *-i-f-l;- i--**-l^-"*li-**- -1 ? ]*i;-] [-3--T;"T;*ru-I {- - -*i* -"} * -:.+'**-T-**1-***l-**- I Integral Exponentsand Scientific Notation We defined positive integral exponentsin SectionP.1.In this sectionwe will define negative integral exponents and review the rules for exponents.Then we will see how exponentsare used in scientific notation to indicate very large and very small numbers. Negative Integral Exponents We use a negative sign in an exponentto representmultiplicative inversesor reciprocals. For negative exponentswe do not allow the base to be zero becausezero does not have a reciprocal. i*-*-**-*'*"*.. 1: Definition:Negative Integral Exponents : If o i, a nonzero real number and n is a positive integer, th"n o-n : foa.nF/a I ). rvatuatingexpressions that have negative exponents Simplify each expressionwithout using a calculator, then check with a calculator. a . 3 - r . s - z. t o 2 o . / ? \ - ' \l/ ^ 6-2 c' 24 Solution a.3r.5r.lo2 lt J)- ll t 0 0: - . - . 325 100 100 4 753 I 16 Chapter P I sffi Prerequisites o(3)' - 1 + 5 * - 2 + 1 B rF F F 4./3 (3/3)^ -SrFrac 3 - ? / ? 4 - S F F r a27/E s I (?\' \ J./ \3/ 1 222 | _27 88 27 JJJ .r.-.1 N o t et h a t ( i ) - ,r.3 (;) 1 c.. o1,' ?/9 - 123 b- I - -1 Notethat4:4 36 6' 2r * FigureP.13 These three expressionsare shown on a graphing calculator in Fig. P.13.Note ffi that the fractional base must be in parentheses.The fraction feature was used to set fractional answers. \rV \I,rt. Simplif,.a.2-2. 43 a. . tz-' O-' Example 1(b) illustrates the fact that a fractional basecan be inverted, ifthe sign of the exponent is changed.Example I (c) illustrates the fact that a factor of the numerator or denominator can be moved from the numerator to the denominator or vice versa as long as we change the sign ofthe exponent. These rules follow from the definition of negative exponents. Rulesfor Negative Exponentsand Fractions Ifa and b arenonzeroreal numbers andmandn are integers,then #:# e)-^:H'and Using this rule, we could shortenExamples1(b) and (c) as follows: + ac )/3^ -SIFF SE/E ( 1+?*S)/3*?rFras /z\-3 /:\3 27 6-22382 2-t 62 36 9' Note thatwe cannotapplytheseruleswhenadditionor subtractionis involved. I * FigureP.14 and t;i:(.t:T l+3-2 +' 1 + 2 3 2-3 32 ffi FigureP.14showstheseexpressions on a graphingcalculator. tr Rutesof Exponents Considerthe product a2 . a3. Using the definition of exponents,we can simplify this product as follows: a2. a3 : (a. a)(a. a. a) : os Similarly, if m and n are any positive integerswe have m factors a-.an:a.a ri factors a.a.a.....a:at*n m -f n factors This equation indicates that the product of exponential expressionswith the same base is obtained by adding the exponents.This fact is called the product rule. P.2r. € fuanFla I IntegralExponents and Scientific Notation 17 Usingthe productrule Simplifueachexpression. a. (3x9yz)(-zxy47 b. 23 - 32 Sotution a. Usetheproductrule to addthe exponents whenbasesareidentical: (zx8y2)(-zxyo): - 6*'yu b. Sincethe basesaredifferentwe cannotusethe productrule, but we cansimplifz theexpression usingthedefinitionofexponents: 23'32 :8'9 :72 4rV 7fu1. Simplify-2ct4b3(-3a5b6). So far we have defined positive and negative integral exponents.The definition of zero as an exponentis given in the following box. Note that the zero power of zero is not defined. Definition:ZeroExponent + -3+3 If a is a nonzero real number, then a0 : l. The definition of zero exponent allows us to extend the product rule to any integral exponents.For example, using the definition of negative exponents,we set t 3. 125 . FigureP.15 Rulesfor IntegralExponents 2-3 . ^l 1) 23: l. Adding exponents,we get 2-3 . 23 : 2-3+3 : 20.The answeris the samebecause 2u is defined to be 1. To evaluate2-3+3 on a calculator,the expression-3 * 3 must be in parenffi thesesas in Fig. P.15. tr Using the definitions of positive, negative,and zero exponents,we can show that the product rule and several other rules hold for any integral exponents.We list theserules in the followins box. If a and 6 are nonzero real numbers andm andn are integers,then l. a*en : sm*n Product rule '' # * am-n Quotientrule 3. {an)n : qmn 4. (ab): Q'bo Powerof a power rule Powerof a prodirct rule :# '.G)" Powerof a quotient rule The rules for integral exponentsare used to simplify expressions. 18 ChapterP rrt Prerequisites foam/e with Simptifyingexpressions integralexponents I Assume Simplifr eachexpression. Write your answerwithout negativeexponents. that all variablesrepresentnonzerorealnumbers. 2y-s),. a. (3x2y3)(-4x #S Sotution a. (3x2y3)(-4x-2y-\: -12x2+(-z)y3+(-5) Product rule -12*oy-z Simplifu the exponents. t2 *-v Definition ofnegative and zero exponents "v -6a'b' D . ^ ? - 1zao : - J^a. -- : -3o-262 7b-l-e3\ Quotient rule Simplify the exponents. 3b2 ,) Definition of negative exponents. u 77V Tht. Simplify-to-t6-s(9a-2b8). that In the next example,we usethe rulesof exponentsto simpli$ expressions havevariablesin the exponents. fua*/e with Simptifyingexpressions variabteexponents I Simplify each expression.Assume lhat alI bases are nonzero real numbers and all exponentsare integers. a. (-3xa-sr-s1+ r. /z^2n-t\-z \;;*) Sotution a. (-3xo-sy-')o : (-21+1ro-s1+j-t)o power of a product rute :8lx4a-2oy-12 Powerofapowerrule : Yroo-'o Definition of negative exponents ;E- . (3a2,-r1-s u'l^-Ln1- \za --/ 3-t1ozm-t1-t ^-1r-1-,-1 z -\a -') - 23o-6n+3 33o9m Power of a quotient rule Power of a power rule and definition ofnegative exponents gO-tsn+3 27 Quotient rule 1ry Tbl. simplify(2a'-z1z(-2oo*)3.