Place Value - Kitwell Primary School

Place Value
Year 1
count to and across 100,
forwards and backwards,
beginning w ith 0 or 1, or
from any given number
Year 2
count in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from
0, and in tens from any number,
forward or backward
count, read and w rite
numbers to 100 in
numerals; count in
multiples of tw os, fives
and tens
Year 3
count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8,
50 and 100;
Year 4
count backw ards through zero to
include negative numbers
find 10 or 100 more or less than
a given number
count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25
and 1000
Year 5
interpret negative numbers in context,
count forwards and backwards with
positive and negative w hole numbers,
including through zero
Year 6
use negative numbers in context,
and calculate intervals across zero
count forwards or backwards in steps
of pow ers of 10 for any given number
up to 1000 000
find 1000 more or less than a
given number
given a number, identify
one more and one less
use the language of:
equal to, more than, less
than (fewer), most, least
compare and order numbers from
0 up to 100; use <, > and = signs
identify and represent
numbers using objects
and pictorial
representations including
the number line
identify, represent and estimate
numbers using different
representations, including the
number line
read and w rite numbers
from 1 to 20 in numerals
and w ords.
read and w rite numbers to at least
100 in numerals and in w ords
recognise the place value of each
digit in a tw o-digit number (tens,
compare and order numbers up
order and compare numbers
read, w rite, order and compare
to 1000
beyond 1000
numbers to at least 1 000 000 and
compare numbers with the same determine the value of each digit
number of decimal places up to
(appears also in Reading and Writing
two decimal places
(copied from Fractions)
identify, represent and estimate
identify, represent and estimate
numbers using different
numbers using different
READING AND WRITING NUMBERS (including Roman Numerals
read and w rite numbers up to 1
read Roman numerals to 100 (I
read, w rite, order and compare
000 in numerals and in w ords
to C) and know that over time,
numbers to at least 1 000 000 and
tell and write the time from an
the numeral system changed to
determine the value of each digit
analogue clock, including using
include the concept of zero and
(appears also in Comparing Numbers)
Roman numerals from I to XII,
place value.
read Roman numerals to 1 000 (M)
and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks
and recognise years written in Roman
(copied from Measurement)
recognise the place value of
recognise the place value of
each digit in a three-digit number each digit in a four-digit number
(hundreds, tens, ones)
(thousands, hundreds, tens, and
find the effect of dividing a oneor two-digit number by 10 and
100, identifying the value of the
digits in the answer as units,
tenths and hundredths
(copied from Fractions)
read, w rite, order and compare
numbers to at least 1 000 000 and
determine the value of each digit
(appears also in Reading and Writing
recognise and use thousandths and
relate them to tenths, hundredths and
decimal equivalents
(copied from Fractions)
read, w rite, order and compare
numbers up to
10 000000 and determine the
value of each digit (appears also in
Reading and Writing Numbers)
read, w rite, order and compare
numbers up to
10 000 000 and determine the
value of each digit
(appears also in Understanding
Place Value)
read, w rite, order and compare
numbers up to
10 000 000 and determine the
value of each digit (appears also in
Reading and Writing Numbers)
identify the value of each digit to
three decimal places and multiply
and divide numbers by 10, 100
1000 where the answers are up to
Place Value
three decimal places (copied from
round any number to the nearest
10, 100 or 1 000
round decimals with one decimal
place to the nearest whole
(copied from Fractions)
use place value and number facts
to solve problems
solve number problems and
practical problems involving
these ideas.
solve number and practical
problems that involve all of the
above and w ith increasingly
large positive numbers
round any number up to 1 000 000 to
the nearest 10, 100, 1 000, 10 000 and
100 000
round decimals with two decimal
places to the nearest whole number
and to one decimal place
(copied from Fractions)
round any w hole number to a
required degree of accuracy
solve problems which require
answers to be rounded to
specified degrees of accuracy
(copied from Fractions)
solve number problems and practical
problems that involve all of the above
solve number and practical
problems that involve all of the