Review of Place Values in Decimal Numbers A decimal number includes a decimal point and digit(s) to the right of the decimal point. Saying a decimal number aloud is very similar to saying a whole number aloud. How would you say the number 1375.2316 aloud? Once again, you need to know the place values of the digits. The place values of decimal numbers are related to the place values of whole numbers. The whole number part (the part to the left of the decimal point) has the same place values as before. What we’re interested in now are the place values of the decimal part. 1 3 7 5 . 2 3 1 6 no th side th side Note how the place value names start from the decimal point. Going to the left is ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. as before. Going to the right is tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten-thousandths, etc. The pattern going to the right or the left from the decimal point is the same – but there are two big differences: •The place values to the right of the decimal point all end in “th.” •There is no such thing as “oneths.” To say the number 1375.2316, say the whole number part, the word “and,” (representing the decimal point), and the number to the right of the decimal point, followed by the name of the place value of the last digit: One thousand three hundred seventy-five and two thousand sixteen ten-thousandths 1375 . 2016 name of place value of the 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRACTICE: 1) Name the digit in the following places in the number 10,234.56789 a) b) c) d) e) f) 2) Write the following numbers in words. tens tenths ten-thousands thousandths ones hundredths a) b) c) d) 241.3 27.008 500.06 3.07021 3) Write the following numbers with digits: a) b) c) d) six and nine tenths one hundred two and three hundredths twelve and three thousand two hundred forty-eight ten-thousandths seven hundred six thousandths --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Rounding Decimal Numbers Rounding with decimals is very similar to rounding with whole numbers. As with whole numbers, you are asked to round a number to a given place value. Everything to the right of the given place value becomes a zero, and the digit in the given place value either stays the same or goes up one. There is one big difference between rounding with decimals and rounding with whole numbers. Zeroes at the end of a decimal number are dropped, while zeroes at the end of a whole number must remain. 3600 ≠ 36 100,000 ≠ 1 36.00 = 36 1.00000 = 1 Dropping zeroes at the end of a whole number changes the number. Dropping zeroes at the end of a decimal does not change the meaning. One way to think of it is to consider the number “thirty-six dollars.” It can be written equally well one of two ways: $36 = $36.00 Any zero at the very end of a decimal number can be dropped: 18.25000 = 18.2500 = 18.250 = 18.25 Ex. 1. A sprinter ran a race in 7.354 seconds. How long did the sprinter take, rounded to the nearest tenth of a second? given place value Go to the given place value and look at the first digit to its right. 7.354 look here 3 Ex. 2. If it’s greater than or equal to 5, round up (increase the digit in the given place value by 1). If it’s less than 5, leave the digit in the given place value alone. 7.354 Change all digits to right of the given place value into zeroes. THIS IS AN INTERMEDIATE STEP WHICH YOU DON’T ACTUALLY WRITE DOWN. 7.400 Drop all zeroes at the end of the decimal part. 7.4 5 = 5, so increase the 3 to a 4. Final answer. Round 7.354 to the nearest hundredth. given place value Go to the given place value and look at the first digit to its right 7.354 If it’s less than 5, leave the digit in the given place value alone. 7.354 look here 4 is less than 5, so leave 5 as is Drop all zeroes to the right of the given place value. 7.35 Sometimes you’re asked to round a decimal number to a place value which is not in the decimal part. Ex. 3. Round 1,294.6374 to the nearest hundred. given place value Go to the given place value and look at the first digit to its right 1,294.6374 9 is greater than or equal to 5, so increase the 2 to a 3. 1,3_ _ . _ _ _ look here 4 Zeroes to the left of the decimal must be included. 1,300. _ _ _ Zeroes to the right of the decimal are dropped. 1,300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRACTICE: 1) Round 62.15723 to the nearest a) b) c) d) 2) Round 1.608541 to the nearest tenth ten-thousandth hundredth thousandth a) b) c) d) 3) Round 17,289.3615 to the nearest a) b) c) d) e) f) hundred-thousandth thousandth tenth hundredth 4) Round 841.9508 to the nearest ten hundredth thousand one tenth thousandth a) b) c) d) e) f) hundredth one tenth ten thousandth hundred -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ANSWERS TO PRACTICE PROBLEMS Page 2 1. a. 3 2. a. b. c. d. b. 5 c. 1 d. 7 e. 4 f. 6 two hundred forty-one and three tenths twenty-seven and eight thousandths five hundred and six hundredths three and seven thousand twenty-one hundred-thousandths 3. a. 6.9 b. 102.03 c. 12.3248 d. .706 Page 3 1. a. 62.2 b. 62.1572 c. 62.16 d. 62.157 2. a. 1.60854 b. 1.609 c. 1.6 d. 1.61 3. a. 17,290 e. 17,289.4 b. 17,289.36 f. 17,289.362 c. 17,000 d. 17,289 4. a. 841.95 e. 841.951 b. 842 f. 800 c. 842.0 d. 840 6 7