Place Value

Game 4N1: Place Value
Strand: Number
Strand Unit: Place Value
Curriculum Objectives Covered:
Explore and identify place value in whole numbers 0-9999.
Read and order four-digit numbers and solve simple problems.
Round whole numbers to the nearest thousand.
Explore and identify place value in decimal numbers to two places of decimals.
Name: “Runaround”
Aim: To follow instructions as quickly as possible and organise your team numbers into the
correct order.
Activity Area: Yard, hall or open area.
Duration: 30 minutes.
A4 paper
Large Marker Pens
Set Up:
1. Before the game, the children should be reminded of place value, thousands, hundreds, tens
and units. The teacher should also explain about rounding numbers to the nearest ten or
hundred, and also the significance of zero in a 3-digit number.
2. The class is split into groups of 4 children per group
3. Each group is given 11 A4 sheets of paper, to make 10 number sheets, 0-9 in large numbers,
and one decimal point sheet.
Start Playing:
Round 1:
1. Each team of 4 stands side-by-side, positioned around the play area.
2. Each child randomly chooses a number card and shows this card to his/her team members.
3. The teams then stand together in a line, holding up their cards to face the class.
4. The teacher calls out the following instructions, one at a time, and the teams must race to
order themselves, according to each of the teacher’s instructions.
Copyright Ann Moran
Teacher instructions:
When I give the signal, organise yourselves to show your highest possible number. Go!
When I give the signal, organise yourselves to show your lowest possible number. Go!
When I give the signal, organise yourselves to show your 2nd lowest possible number. Go!
When I give the signal, organise yourselves to show your 2nd highest possible number. Go!
5. Each team works together to decide the correct order to stand in.
6. As soon as a team thinks they are showing the correct order, they must hold their cards
above their heads to show that they are ready.
7. When each team has given an answer, points are awarded. 1 point is given to each team with
a correct answer, and 3 points are given to the fastest correct answer in each round.
Round 2:
1. The children remain standing side-by-side, with their numbers facing outwards.
2. The teacher goes to each team in turn and asks each child to say aloud the team number, and
also the value of his/her own digit in that number, e.g. “Our team number is seven thousand,
three hundred and sixty five. The value of my six is sixty.”
3. If each member of the team answers correctly, the team is awarded 1 point.
4. If desired, the children can shuffle their positions within their own team and repeat this
Round 3:
1. The children remain standing side-by-side, with their numbers facing outwards.
2. The teacher briefly reminds the children of their third class work on rounding whole
numbers to the nearest ten or hundred.
3. The children now look at their own numbers and discuss, in their teams, rounding their
number to the nearest thousand.
4. Each team giving a correct answer receives 1 point.
5. If desired, the children can shuffle their positions within their own team and repeat this
6. The team with the most points after ‘Round 3’ are the winners of this part of the game.
Round 4:
1. The children are now regrouped into teams of 5, standing side-by-side, and positioned
around the classroom/play area.
2. Each member of a team again randomly chooses a number card, with one team member
choosing a decimal point card instead.
3. The teams then organise themselves to show any number to 2 places of decimals, and stand
holding their cards to face the class.
4. Rounds 1 and 2 are now repeated using these numbers. The decimal point, however, must
always stay in the same position.
Copyright Ann Moran