Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 2012, Vol. 43, No. 1, 2–33 A Substituting Meaning for the Equals Sign in Arithmetic Notating Tasks Ian Jones Loughborough University Dave Pratt Institute of Education, University of London We present 3 studies trialing arithmetic tasks that support both substitutive and basic relational meanings for the equals sign. The duality of meanings enabled children to engage meaningfully and purposefully with the structural properties of arithmetic statements in novel ways. In particular, they observed and exploited distinctive transformational effects when using different statement types to make substitutions of notation. We show how the initial version of the task emphasized the substitutive meaning but not the basic relational meaning, and an adapted version required both meanings of the equals sign to be flexibly coordinated. We found that some, but not all, children were successful at the adapted task and were able to connect making substitutions of notation with their existing mental calculation strategies. Key words: Arithmetic; Children’s strategies; Computers; Middle grades, 5–8; Pre-algebra The modern equals sign was invented by Robert Recorde in 1557 in The Whetstone of Witte. He set out his reasoning as follows: to avoide the tediouse repetition of these woordes : is equalle to : I will sette as I doe often in woorke use, a paire of paralleles, or Gemowe [twin] lines of one lengthe, thus: ======, bicause noe. 2. thynges, can be moare equalle. (Recorde, 1557, in Cajori, 1928, p. 176) The equals sign can indicate a variety of things, such as a computational result, as in 2 + 2 = 4; an identity, as in (x + y)(x − y) = x2 − y2; a function, as in f (x) = cos x; a substitution, as in x = 1/2; and so on. Digital technology supports further uses of the equals sign. On traditional calculators “=” appears on a button pressed to get the result to a programmed sequence of numerals and operator signs. Within computer programming languages, “=” can assign values or compare two inputs and return a Boolean result. The research reported in this article was conducted by the first author under the supervision of the second author at the University of Warwick, UK. It was funded by the Institute of Education at the University of Warwick. Ian Jones and Dave Pratt 3 The focus here is on young children’s conceptions of the symbol “=” in arithmetic contexts with integers greater than 0. Conceptions of the equals sign are known to be important for children’s understanding of arithmetic and algebraic notations. However, most research has been limited to a dichotomy between a naive conception of the equals sign as meaning “write the answer here,” and a more mature conception of the equals sign as meaning “is the same as.” In this article we argue for and explore the implications of a broader understanding of the equals sign that also acknowledges a substitutive meaning. CHILDREN’S CONCEPTIONS OF THE EQUALS SIGN Young children from Western countries tend to view the equals sign as a place indicator meaning write the answer here (Behr, Erlwanger, & Nichols, 1976; Kieran, 1981; Knuth, Stephens, McNeil, & Alibali, 2006; Renwick, 1932; Warren, 2003). This is evidenced by children accepting only statements of the type expression = numeral, and rejecting other types such as expression = expression (Behr et al., 1976). This place-indicator view of the equals sign works fine in some arithmetic situations, such as 3 + 4 = 7, but can lead to errors such as “running” statements, as in 3 + 4 = 7 + 2 = 9 (Hewitt, 2001; Renwick, 1932; Sáenz-Ludlow & Walgamuth, 1998). More generally, an exclusive place-indicator view leads to inflexible thinking about arithmetic (Baroody & Ginsburg, 1983; Li, Ding, Capraro, & Capraro, 2008; McNeil & Alibali, 2005), and later difficulties with algebraic equation solving (Knuth et al., 2006). The place-indicator view is also resistant to change (McNeil & Alibali, 2005). Nevertheless, there is strong evidence that such problems can be avoided or, with effort, overcome by teaching children that “=” means “is the same as” and allowing them access to a wide variety of statement types (Baroody & Ginsburg, 1983; Carpenter, Franke, & Levi, 2003; Li et al., 2008; Linchevski & Livneh, 1999; Molina, Castro, & Mason, 2008; Pirie & Martin, 1997; Rittle-Johnson, Matthews, Taylor, & McEldoon, 2011). This leads to more flexible thinking about arithmetic, including statement types not encountered previously (Baroody & Ginsburg, 1983; Li et al., 2008). Children who consider the equals sign to have a numerical sameness meaning and are accepting of a wide variety of arithmetic statement types are said to possess a basic relational view of the equals sign (Baroody & Ginsburg, 1983). More recent interventions have sought to promote more sophisticated conceptions of arithmetic equivalence, referred to as a full relational view (Carpenter et al., 2003; Molina et al., 2008). A key idea is to encourage children to exploit the structural properties of carefully selected and sequenced statements such that truthfulness can be established without knowing what the number is on each side. This is typically achieved by appealing to arithmetic principles within the structure of a given statement. Some examples, adapted from Molina et al. (2008), are shown in Table 1. The development of a full relational view is necessary for moving from understanding arithmetic equivalence to understanding algebraic equivalence (Kieran, 4 A Substituting Meaning for the Equals Sign Table 1 Examples of Statement Types That Might Be Presented to Learners to Promote a Full Relational View 10 + 4 = 4 + 10 Commutative property of addition 15 – 5 ≠ 5 – 15 Noncommutativity of subtraction 100 – 94 + 94 = 100 13 + 11 = 12 + 12 Inverse relation of addition and subtraction Compensation relation 1981; Linchevski & Herscovics, 1996; Knuth et al., 2006). Within algebra, the equals sign carries a multiplicity of meanings, such as those given in the introduction to this article. A particularly important meaning is that of substitution (Collis, 1975; Kieran, 1981; Linchevski & Livneh, 1999). The development of a full relational view, including an understanding of the substitutive aspect of equivalence relations, is closely connected to the particular symbols used and the actions intended. For example, statements such as i2 = –1 can be interpreted as a rule for substitution, namely that i2 can be substituted by –1 (and vice versa) in all equations. In terms of learner development, Filloy, Rojano, and Solares (2010) showed that students who can readily substitute a number for an unknown often struggle to substitute an expression containing a second unknown. Our interest here is how the substitutive meaning for the equals sign might be implemented and supported in arithmetic notating tasks, by which we mean activities designed to promote learning about, and learning through, properly formed arithmetic notation. In the remainder of the article we distinguish between three views of the equals sign: place-indicator, substitutive, and basic relational. We consider that substitutive and basic relational are both important aspects of full relational view. However, within a purely arithmetic context, lacking unknowns, it is not immediately obvious how substitution might be relevant to designing educative notating tasks. In the following section we provide a pedagogic argument for an arithmetic substitutive meaning and describe one way that it can be implemented. DIAGRAMMATIC REASONING Our pedagogic argument for supporting the substitutive meaning in arithmetic notating tasks draws on Dörfler’s (2006) interpretation of 19th-century philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce’s (1991) diagrammatic reasoning. Dörfler highlighted the educational implications of Peirce’s attempt to resolve the paradox between deductible and discoverable aspects of mathematics by emphasizing the importance of formal inscriptions in the development of mathematical and scientific thinking. Damerow (2007) traced those aspects of diagrammatic reasoning that can be seen in the development of arithmetic. For example, the introduction of Arabic numerals aided calculation and made new kinds of mathematics possible. From the Peircean viewpoint, a “diagram” can be a geometric construction, a graph, or a system of Ian Jones and Dave Pratt 5 simultaneous equations, and so on. In one sense, this is a looser use of diagram than everyday associations with figures and pictures suggests, but in another sense it is more restrictive, referring only to those inscriptions that form precise mathematical structures with agreed-upon rules for making transformations. Dörfler’s attention to diagrammatic reasoning began with his argument that there exists within mathematics education a widespread, but rarely stated, assumption that mathematics is not directly accessible. Learners must instead deal with representations, including the conventional symbols of arithmetic, but the mathematical objects themselves are concealed behind these visible inscriptions. This, argues Dörfler, is why so many people feel alienated when they try to learn mathematics: They often experience that they do not get close to those genuine object which mathematics purportedly is all about, they belief [sic] they lack the necessary abilities to think “abstractly”, they are convinced that they do not understand what they are expected to understand. They want to reach through the representations to the abstract objects but without success. (p. 100) Dörfler (2006) put forward an alternative, diagrammatic view in which doing symbolic mathematics is based in making rule-governed transformations of visible representations. Mathematics learning can then be seen as an empirical and experimental activity involving the observation and comparison of inscriptions. The focus is not on accessing hidden Platonic entities but on potential actions with what can be seen on the page or computer screen. A similar, non-Platonic focus on mathematical symbols and their transformations being at the very heart of mathematics is apparent in the work of Wittgenstein (1967). The educative value of the diagrammatic approach to task analysis and design is that it allows learners to construct meaning from seeing actual and potential transformations of visible inscriptions toward a task goal. This stands in contrast to meaning arising from specified referents for symbols (Kirshner, 2001), and to the “meaningless” proceduralism commonly associated with learning formal symbol systems in mathematics classrooms. In the following section we set out one way that the substitutive meaning for the equals sign can support diagrammatic reasoning about equality statements. SUBSTITUTIVE AND BASIC RELATIONAL MEANINGS FOR THE EQUALS SIGN In this section we describe specially designed, software-based arithmetic tasks, called Sum Puzzles1, that support both the substitutive and basic relational meanings for the equals sign. We then describe how they can enable an exploratory diagrammatic approach to learning formal symbolism. The software presents learners with a sequence of arithmetic puzzles, an example of which is shown in Figure 1. The version used in the studies contained no instructions or prompts; these were provided by the researcher. Sum Puzzles is operated by 1 To aid clarity, the screenshots of Sum Puzzles in this article are recreations using the latest version of the software. 6 A Substituting Meaning for the Equals Sign Figure 1. A computer-based task that supports a substituting meaning for the equals sign. interacting directly with the notation on the screen, and there are two key functions for solving puzzles. The first is selecting a statement, which is done by clicking on its equals sign. The selected statement then stays highlighted until it has been used to make a substitution, or another statement is selected instead. The second key function is attempting to make a substitution, which is done by clicking on one of the symbols within the boxed expression at the top of the screen. If a statement is selected, and is substitutive with regard to (i.e., can be substituted for) the clicked symbol within the expression, then a substitution takes place in the expression. If a statement is not selected, or a statement is selected but is not substitutive with regard to (i.e., cannot be substituted for) the clicked symbol, nothing happens. Consider the puzzle in Figure 1. The particular numerals and their positions within the puzzle are not of importance here; the purpose is to illustrate how potential substitutions are identified and then carried out. The task goal is to use the provided statements to transform the boxed expression (31 + 40) into a single numeral (i.e., its “answer,” 71). For example, we might start by selecting the statement 31 = 30 + 1 and use it to make a substitution of the numeral 31 in the boxed expression, and so transforming 31 + 40 → 30 + 1 + 40. We can carry on using the statements to make substitutions in this manner until the goal state (71 in the box) is achieved. An example solution for achieving this for the puzzle shown in Figure 1 is provided in Table 2. The task affords diagrammatic ways of viewing, working with, and talking about arithmetic notation compared to typical approaches in the literature. The key Table 2 An Example Solution Presented Statement by Statement for the Puzzle Shown in Figure 1 Statement used Resultant boxed expression 31 + 40 31 = 30 + 1 30 + 1 + 40 30 + 1 = 1 + 30 1 + 30 + 40 30 + 40 = 70 1 + 70 1 + 70 = 71 71 Ian Jones and Dave Pratt 7 affordance is that of visually scanning a puzzle for matches of notation to ascertain where substitutions can be made. For example, we might start by noticing that the boxed expression in the puzzle in Figure 1 contains the numerals 31 and 40, and so look for occurrences of these numerals within the statements. This is a qualitatively different way of looking at arithmetic notation from performing calculations. It is diagrammatic in the sense described in the previous section because it focuses attention on the written symbols themselves rather than the arithmetic objects and principles they might reference. Another affordance is describing and predicting the distinctive substituting effects of different statement types. For example, in Figure 1, if the statement 31 = 30 + 1 is used to make a substitution, then the boxed expression on the screen can be observed transforming from 31 + 40 to 30 + 1 + 40. In this sense, the statement 31 = 30 + 1 can be seen to partition the numeral2 31. (We use partition here to mean the transformation of one integer into the sum of two integers.) More generally, a statement’s transformational effect often depends both on its structure and the notation it transforms. For example, 30 + 40 = 70 has a compositional form if used to substitute for 30 + 40, and a partitioning form if used to substitute for 70. Similarly, the statement 30 + 1 = 1 + 30 in Figure 1 can be seen to change the order of the numerals 30 and 1 when used to make a substitution in the boxed expression. In this way, observing and predicting distinctive substituting effects can offer learners engagement with the structural properties (partitioning and commuting in the above examples) of different statement types in terms of observable and potential actions on symbols. The careful selection of statements when populating puzzles can allow the designer to draw attention to particular principles and conventions. In Figure 1, for example, a left-to-right reading of statements is assumed in which the object on the left of the equals sign is always replaced by the object on the right of the equals sign. (This left-to-right reading was intended to help students get started with solving puzzles. As will be seen subsequently, some students were oblivious to directionality when working with the software.) The partitioning statement 31 = 30 + 1 affords place-value decompositions into two numerals, and the commutative statement 30 + 1 = 1 + 30 affords swapping around two adjacent numerals.3 The software can also be set up to allow learners to try making their own puzzles using a specially designed “keypad tool” (Figure 2). It was designed to resemble a simple calculator and is used for inputting equality statements in order to make 2 This use of numeral rather than number is consistent with Dörfler’s (2006) emphasis on concrete symbols rather than abstract concepts. When using the software, participants observed “31” split into “30” and “1.” 3 Note that puzzles and associated strategies for solving them need not be like that exemplified in Figure 1. For example, we might include distracter statements that are not needed in order to solve the puzzle. Also note that the task goal need not necessarily be to replace the given expression with its “answer.” Figure 1 might as well have begun with 71 in the box and the alternative instruction “Make substitutions until you have changed the number below into 31 + 40.” The options when designing puzzles are very open and, in principle, limitless. 8 A Substituting Meaning for the Equals Sign Figure 2. Keypad tool for entering statements when making a puzzle. puzzles. It lacks an equals button, and instead, each side of a statement is entered at a separate keypad. If the two sides have the same value, then “=” appears between them; otherwise “≠” appears, as shown in Figure 2. Once a true statement has been constructed, it can be placed anywhere in the puzzle by clicking at the desired position. False statements cannot be placed in the puzzle, and if this is attempted, nothing happens. A similar tool, but with one keypad rather than two, exists for entering expressions. (The keypad tools proved to be somewhat slow and have since been removed. Expressions and statements are now typed in at the computer keyboard.) In terms of equivalence, there is an important difference between the activities of solving puzzles and making puzzles. Puzzle solving emphasizes the substitutive meaning instead of the basic relational meaning of the equals sign. This is because the statements are presented as rules for making substitutions and their truthfulness is irrelevant. The false statement 31 = 30 + 2 can be used to exchange symbols just as well as the true statement 31 = 30 + 1. The difference is that the former would lead to mathematical nonsense. Nevertheless, truthfulness, and therefore the basic relational meaning of the equals sign, need not concern us when solving a puzzle. In contrast, puzzle making emphasizes both the substitutive and basic relational meanings. This is because the keypad tool allows only true statements to be entered, and statements must be constructed such that both sides have the same value. Moreover, for the puzzle to work, the statements entered must be substitutive with regard to the boxed expression at the top of the puzzle. In this way, puzzle making requires thinking of the equals sign both in terms of sameness and substitution when constructing statements. RESEARCH FOCUS The purpose of the research reported in this article was to test the design affordances described in the previous section. In particular, we wanted to find out whether children can work with and talk about arithmetic notation in diagrammatic ways that are qualitatively different from how they work and talk when computing arithmetic problems. It was not an explicit aim to test whether sustainable learning gains would be achieved, or whether learning was transferable to different contexts or nondigital media. 9 Ian Jones and Dave Pratt RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND EVIDENCE SOUGHT Three studies were conducted with children aged 9 to 12 years to address the research questions shown in Table 3. Each study consisted of two or three substudies, which we refer to here as trials. Each trial was a single observed use of the software and consisted of one pair of children working with the software for a period of time. Study 1 addressed the first question and comprised two trials, Study 2 addressed the second question and comprised a further two trials, and Study 3 addressed the final two questions and comprised three trials (14 children in seven pairs altogether). The first question was fundamental to all three studies because it sought to test the underlying design affordances described in the previous section. As such, it was informed by elements of the data from all seven trials as shown in Table 3. The second research question tested a specific observation that the substitutive meaning of the equals sign is emphasized and the basic relational meaning is de-emphasized when children solve puzzles. The final two research questions built on this finding, and we adapted the design to help children emphasize each meaning of the equals sign flexibly and appropriately towards a specified task goal. This involved challenging the children to make their own puzzles, which requires using both meanings of the equals sign. In this sense, we aim to present the four research questions as a coherent and cumulative investigation into the potential of the substitutive meaning for the equals sign for designing arithmetic notating tasks. Data from Trials 1 to 4 have been published previously as isolated studies designed to address questions 1 and 2 (Jones, 2007, 2008). Here we draw mostly upon data from Trials 5 to 7, results of which have not been published previously. When it Table 3 The Three Studies and the Research Questions They Addressed, Along With Details of the Trials That Informed the Studies Study Research question Trials Participants Task 1 How can the substitutive meaning for the equals sign promote attention to statement structure? 1–7 9 and 10 years High and midachievers Solving puzzles 2 Are the substitutive and basic relational meanings for the equals sign pedagogically distinct? 3, 4 9, 10, and 12 years High achievers Solving “nonsense” puzzles 3 How can children appropriately emphasize substitutive and basic relational meanings for the equals sign? 5–7 9 and 10 years High and midachievers Making puzzles How can children connect their implicit arithmetical knowledge with making substitutions? 5, 6 9 and 10 years High and midachievers Making puzzles based on strategies 10 A Substituting Meaning for the Equals Sign aids clarity, or when no relevant data are available from these last three trials, we also draw on data from the first four trials to inform questions 1 and 2. We sought qualitative evidence for each research question. For question 1 we analyzed what children said when solving puzzles. In particular, we looked for articulations of partitioning effects using language such as splits up and separates, and articulations of commutative effects using language such as swaps and switches around. We also looked for the articulation of visual searches for potential substitutions, such as (for the puzzle in Figure 1) look for another 31. Given that question 1 addresses the underlying rationale of our approach to task design, we expected such language to permeate all the studies, even when the explicit focus was on other research questions. For question 2 we presented children with sequences of puzzles that contained some false equality statements. (Note that the keypad tool shown in Figure 2 does not allow this, so the researchers programmed the false equalities directly into the puzzles.) We anticipated that the children would not comment on the fact that the puzzles they were solving contained false equalities, or that the substitutions made using them would lead to mathematical nonsense. This would suggest they were not concerning themselves with the basic relational view of the equals sign, in which both sides have the same number. We also expected that, when asked posttrial, the children would not be able to comment on whether false equalities had been present in any of the puzzles. For the final two questions we were interested in seeing whether children were able to make their own puzzles (question 3) and whether they could make puzzles that reflected their own addition strategies (question 4). Making puzzles requires emphasizing both the substitutive and basic relational meanings of the equals sign, as appropriate. We also analyzed the children’s discussion to see when they were articulating the substitutive view, as described previously for question 1, and when they were concerned with the numerical balance across statements, which would be characterized by discussion of calculations. METHOD The research questions set out in the previous section were informed by trials of computer-based tasks with pairs of children, using a method adapted from Noss and Hoyles (1996). Noss and Hoyles described how they created windows on mathematical meanings through the provision of digital tools in a microworld environment. More specifically, Logo-based microworlds in their studies enabled research subjects to gain insight into powerful mathematical ideas and, at the same time, afforded the researchers the opportunity to draw inferences from the subjects’ discussion and use of digital tools. The second author has previously adopted this approach through the design of a learning environment that promotes stochastic abstraction (Pratt, 2000). The present study represents a further adaptation of the approach in that the Sum Puzzles software is more constrained than in those previous studies, focusing tightly on diagrammatic reasoning associated Ian Jones and Dave Pratt 11 with the equals sign. Nevertheless, the approach does exploit the capacity for Sum Puzzles to provide both the children and the researchers a window on this aspect of mathematics. This approach enabled the production and capture of rich, qualitative data akin to semistructured interviews of pairs of students that aim to stimulate their discussion (see Evens & Houssart, 2007). Such data are richest when children listen, explain, and come to agreement when working on tasks. However, the quality of talk is highly dependent on classroom culture and previous educational experiences (Mercer & Littleton, 2007), and the development of such a culture is beyond the scope of short trials. As such, the researcher played a participatory role during trials to prompt explanations (e.g., “Why do you think that?” “Can you explain what you did there?”) and to offer encouragement (e.g., “You’re almost there”), as well to deal with technical problems. The software was introduced to each pair of children by telling them the task goal (transform the boxed expression into its answer) and familiarizing them with the two functionalities of selecting a statement by clicking on its equals sign and trying to make a change in the boxed expression by clicking on it. Seven trials were conducted, each lasting 40–90 minutes. Six of the trials were conducted with Year 5 children (ages 9 and 10) from three different schools. There were three reasons for choosing this age group: (a) Algebra is not normally introduced in the United Kingdom until Year 7, and the school years prior to this are of key interest for presenting arithmetic in more “algebraic” ways; (b) typical Year 5 children can be expected to use implicit arithmetic principles in their mental addition strategies, which was required for the task used to address question 4 (see subsequent description); (c) there are no mandatory National Curriculum assessments in England during Year 5, making access during school hours easier than for other years. On the basis of previous pilots of the software with adults and children known to the authors, we were confident that children this age would not find solving and making puzzles easy. Five of the trials were repeated at least once with high- and medium-achieving children, as judged by their class teachers, in order to explore anticipated individual variations in performance. Two of the trials (Study 2) involved only high-achieving children because we required participants with confident computational skills. Low-achieving children were not requested, because they could be expected to struggle with aspects of the task such as reading notation and performing two-digit mental arithmetic (Department of Children, Schools and Families, 2007). One of the trials used to inform question 2 (see previous section) was conducted with high-achieving Year 8 children (ages 12 and 13) to maximize the possibility of the participants noticing the presence of false equalities in the puzzles presented during the trial. In each trial, a pair of children worked together at a single computer. Their onscreen interactions and discussion were recorded as audiovisual movies, and the resulting data were processed and analyzed in three stages. The first stage was transcription using the qualitative analysis software Transana, which dynamically links text to movie data and so enables the analyst to stay close to and move between 12 A Substituting Meaning for the Equals Sign both the textual and multimedia representations of the data. As such, the data are more accessible than transcripts alone, which are less rich than multimedia data, or movies alone, which must be viewed in real time. Second, a trace of each trial, which is a text-based chronological description of key events that avoids judgments and interpretation as far as possible, was produced (Pratt, 1998). A trace is an evolutionary step from a transcript toward a written report and comprises plain prose interspersed with transcript excerpts and, where helpful, screenshots of the children’s activity. Constructing a trace requires the analyst to move between overviews and fine-grained views of the data in order to identify cumulative, key events over the duration of a trial. Third, each line of the transcripts of children’s talk was coded for children discussing (a) computational results of expressions and statements (e.g., 12 add 1 makes 13 ), (b) visual matches of notation when predicting or describing where substitutions could be made (e.g., look for another 13 ), and (c) the distinctive transformational effects of different statement types when imagining or making substitutions (e.g., that split it up). Most instances of the children’s talk that were coded fell unambiguously into these three categories and closely resembled the examples given. Transcript lines that did not fall unambiguously into the preceding categories were not coded. All coding was carried out by the first author, and examples and interpretations were checked in meetings with the second author. The three codes emerged from the data over the first two trials and are tied closely to the predictions of question 1 (see previous section), but proved valuable for analyzing later trials, too. For example, question 2 sought to replicate the data for question 1 using a slightly modified task. Note that children’s discussion, rather than onscreen interactions, was coded, although the latter were essential to interpreting the discussion, and Transana’s dynamic linking between text and movies greatly assisted in this. Transana also enables the production of time-sequenced graphical displays of coding (see Figure 5), which provides the analyst with a visual overview of the amount, density, and sequencing of coding over the duration of a trial. This allows pattern matching by eye, such as looking for groupings of codes within a trial and which codes tend to precede others. THE STUDIES The research was conducted as a series of three studies comprising two or three trials each. In this section we present data to inform each of the studies in turn. Study 1: How can the substitutive meaning for the equals sign promote attention to statement structure? In Study 1 we sought to determine whether children articulated visual searches for matches of numerals and the distinctive substitutive effects of different statement types. This was a test of whether the basic diagrammatic design principles would support engagement with notational structure and was informed by evidence from all seven trials. Here we present representative transcript excerpts from across the trials to exemplify common features of the children’s talk, and a graphical Ian Jones and Dave Pratt 13 overview of the children’s puzzle-solving activities across all seven trials to illustrate the relative proportions of these features. The first feature common across the seven trials was children attempting to determine where allowable substitutions could be made by visually searching for matching pairs of symbols on the computer screen. The following representative excerpt is from Trial 5 and occurred about 10 minutes into the trial.4 It illustrates 2 girls looking for pairs of the numerals 19 and 31 when trying to solve the puzzle shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. A puzzle presented to children in Trials 5, 6, and 7. It is typical of the puzzles presented in all three studies and contains three different types of statements (c = a + b, a + b = b + a, a + b = c), which are loosely grouped together. 1. Bridie: 31 plus 19. 2. Nadine: 19. What’s that? 3. Bridie: 31 . . . look for a 31 somewhere. 4. Nadine: Well, I found a 19 and another 19. 5. Bridie: But we need something that will equal 19. Aha, I found a 31. The second feature was children describing and predicting the distinctive substituting effects of statements of the form a + b = b + a or c = a + b in terms of commuting and partitioning, respectively. We first present an example of commuting. The researcher (R ) asked the children in Trial 6 to explain why 27 + 23 = 50 had failed to transform 23 + 27. They said that the numerals were “the other way round” (line 12) and then used 23 + 27 = 27 + 23 to commute the numerals. 6. R: What have we got in the green box? 7. John: 23 add 27. 8. R:Can you see that anywhere in the puzzle? Anywhere outside the green box. 9. John: 23 add 27, equals 50. That’s it. 10. R: Anywhere else? 4All participants’ names in this article are pseudonyms. 14 A Substituting Meaning for the Equals Sign 11. John: Um, there? 12. Derek: Yeah, but 27 add 23 is the same. But that’s just the other way round. 13. John: Yeah, I know. So, and this one as well. 14. Derek: 23 add 27 and that’s the same as that. 15. John: Yeah, so try this one. 16. Derek: 27 add 23. 17. John: Try this one, try this one. Try this one, it’s got the same. There you go. Just changed it round. Next we present an example of partitioning taken from Trial 1, in which a pair of children had been presented with the puzzle shown in Figure 4. One of the children quickly identified how to begin solving a puzzle by predicting the partitioning effects of a statement (41 = 40 + 1): 18. Terry: Oh! That’s the one that you do first! It has to be. 19. R:Why? 20. Terry: Because it’s splitting up the 40 and the 1. There were also occasions in every trial when the children did not identify where substitutions could be made or exploit the distinctive substituting effects of different statement types, but instead focused on computing results. The following example occurred 10 minutes into Trial 6: 21. John: 9 add 12 add 1 equals 22. 22. Derek:21. 23. John: No, it’s 22. 13 add 9. 24. Derek: Hm, no, 9 add 12. 9, 13 add 12. No, 13 . . . 25. John: 12 add 1 is . . . 26. Derek: Yeah, 22 because it’s 9 add 12 add 1 is 22. Figure 4. A puzzle presented to children in Trials 1 and 2. In every case, such computation was a distraction from reaching the task goal, which depends solely on identifying and making substitutions. Overall, the children engaged more with the substitutive properties of arithmetic statements than they did with computing results. This can be seen in Figure 5, which shows a Transanaproduced, time-sequenced map of the children’s puzzle-solving activities across the seven trials. Time from 0 to 40 minutes is shown on the horizontal axis, and Figure 5. Time-sequenced coding of children’s puzzle-solving activities for each trial. Each row shows a single trial, and the horizontal axis shows time in minutes. Coding of each line of the transcript of children’s talk is displayed as blocks and reflects children discussing the computation of results, visual matches of notation, commuting effects of substitutions, and partitioning effects of substitutions. The diagram enabled us to search visually for relative proportions of each code across all seven trials. Ian Jones and Dave Pratt 15 16 A Substituting Meaning for the Equals Sign each row shows a pair of children. Within each row the relative proportions of codings of the children’s discussion can be seen as blocks, each of which represents an instance of children computing results (compute), searching for potential substitutions (match), or describing or predicting commutative substitutions (commute) or partitioning substitutions (partition). For example, in Trial 1, just before the 5th minute, the children’s talk was coded as compute, followed by match. Note that Figure 5 gives only an approximate sense of the relative proportions of these four kinds of incidents and is not intended as a measure of the amount or quality of each. For example, a block in the Commute row might simply reflect one child describing a substitution as “swapping round”; another of similar length might reflect two children discussing how to commute two numerals as part of a sophisticated strategy for solving a puzzle. Nonetheless, Figure 5 illustrates how relatively infrequently across the trials the children computed results. The notable exceptions to this are Trial 5, in which two particularly enthusiastic children seemed keen to impress the researcher with their ability to compute results quickly, and the long compute block in Trial 4 when the children responded to the researcher’s questions about the truthfulness of the onscreen statements after they had solved all the puzzles in the sequence. Compute is still present to a larger degree in Trials 6 and 7 than Trials 1 to 3, but less so than the substitutive codes of match and commute combined. Talk was coded less for “partition” than for “commute” in every trial, and the children in Trials 6 and 7 did not articulate partitioning substitutive effects at all. The role of articulating partition when working with the software is considered later in the paper. In sum, Study 1 demonstrated that in a task that placed emphasis on the substitutive meaning, the children appeared to pay attention to statement structure by referring frequently to matching pairs of identical symbols, the “swapping” property of commutative statements and, to a lesser extent, the “splitting” property of partitioning statements. Study 2: Are the substitutive and basic relational meanings for the equals sign pedagogically distinct? The second study was designed to test an emerging hypothesis that when solving puzzles, children tend to emphasize a substitutive meaning at the expense of a basic relational meaning. This is not to say that the children in Study 1 viewed the equals sign only as substitutive at all times, but that they were commonly indifferent to the truthfulness of the statements provided in the puzzles. Indeed, the most efficient way to solve puzzles is to look for substitutions that can be made and not concern oneself with the truthfulness of the presented statements. To test this we designed a sequence of puzzles that included false equalities. The findings from Study 2 have been published previously (Jones, 2008) and are briefly summarized here. The 11 puzzles designed for Study 2 were similar to those used in Study 1, except that the last 4 contained false equalities. These began with subtle falsehoods, such as 15 + 28 = 44 in Puzzle 8, and proceeded to what many would recognize as blatant absurdities, such as 77 = 11 + 33 in Puzzle 11. The puzzles were trialed with a pair Ian Jones and Dave Pratt 17 of children aged 9 and 10 (Trial 3), and another pair both aged 12 (Trial 4). In order to ensure that the arithmetic statements were within the computational ability of the children, and therefore the false equalities would be readily noticeable to them, the children selected were all determined by their teachers to be high achievers in mathematics. During the two trials, the presence of false equalities had no observable effect on how the children talked about and worked with the puzzles. Neither did any of them comment on their presence until they had solved, or almost solved, the final puzzle, whereupon the result “23” appeared on screen as the solution to 143 + 77. Only at this point did a child in each trial comment, with some surprise, that some of the equalities were incorrect. When asked whether any of the previous puzzles had included false equalities, none of the children was able to say (three of the previous puzzles had included false equalities). There were two outcomes of Study 2. First, the substitutive and sameness meanings for the equals sign are distinct, because when puzzle solving, the children made substitutions using false statements but were not aware of their falsity. Second, although the children articulated the distinctive substitutive properties of different statement types, what they were doing on the screen was mathematical nonsense. Only when it was taken to extremes in the final puzzle (e.g., 77 = 11 + 33) did they notice this, and even then—in both trials—only when they had been working on the puzzle for some minutes. In sum, the children were engaged with making substitutions within the context of puzzle solving but were not engaged with the numerical sameness of statements or the conservation of quantity across transformations of the boxed expression. The puzzle-solving task emphasized the substitutive meaning at the expense of the basic relational meaning—they were playing the “substitution game” without consideration of the meaningfulness of their activities. As such, our next step was to redesign the task so that children would be required to emphasize both the substitutive and sameness meanings of the equals sign when working toward a specified goal. This was the focus of Study 3. Study 3 The substitutive and basic relational views of the equals sign are both important aspects of a full relational view, yet the puzzle-solving task appeared to emphasize the former at the expense of the latter. Although the children computed results when solving puzzles, as shown in Figure 5, this was always an aside from working toward the task goal because solving puzzles does not require a basic relational view, as demonstrated by Study 2. Study 3 was designed to find out whether children could emphasize the two meanings appropriately by ensuring that the task goal required both. To this end the children were challenged to make their own puzzles, which required inputting arithmetic statements that were both true (basic relational meaning) and that could be used to transform the boxed expression (substitutive meaning). This generated evidence used to inform the final two research questions: How can children appropriately emphasize substitutive and basic relational meanings for the equals sign? How can children connect their implicit arithmetical knowledge with making substitutions? 18 A Substituting Meaning for the Equals Sign Three trials were conducted with pairs of children aged 9 and 10 (Trials 5 to 7). Each trial entailed two or three sessions and contained three components. Component 1 involved puzzle solving and was designed to familiarize the children with the software and the nature of the puzzles. This did not directly inform the research questions of Study 3, but we use it below to draw up qualitative profiles of the children involved. Component 2 involved unstructured puzzle making and was designed to inform one of the research questions. Component 3 involved structured puzzle making and was designed to inform the other research question. We address each component in turn. Component 1: Qualitative profiles of the children. The children in Trial 5 (Bridie and Nadine) were described by their teacher as high achievers in mathematics. They were confident with arithmetic and eager to impress the researcher throughout the trial with their quickness of calculation, as reflected by the high number of compute codings in Figure 5. They were immediately accepting of varied statement types, suggesting a basic relational view of the equals sign. For example, the first puzzle presented to them contained 13 = 12 + 1, and the researcher asked about each side, to which Nadine replied “12 and a 1. So it makes there be another 13.” When working through puzzles, they exploited commutative and partitioning effects and solved them efficiently, again reflected in Figure 5. This suggests that they readily viewed the equals sign substitutively, as required to achieve the task goal. The children in Trial 6 (Derek and John) were described as middle achievers in mathematics by their teacher. The data provided substantially more insights into John’s thinking because he was more talkative than Derek. John was hesitantly accepting of statement types other than expression = numeral, saying of 12 + 1 = 1 + 12 in the puzzle presented to them: “It’s quite a different sum, isn’t it? Like 12 add 1 equals 1 add 12.” This suggests that he accepted a basic relational meaning of the equals sign, although we are unable to comment on whether Derek shared this view. Their puzzle-solving activity was dominated by computing results and looking for notational matches to establish where substitutions could be made, as shown in Figure 5. John often articulated the commutative effects of substitutions, such as in lines 6–17 (previously presented), but not partitioning effects. Moreover, these articulations of commutation tended to be descriptive and, unlike for the children in Trial 5, were not exploited strategically to achieve the task goals. This suggests that John viewed the equals sign substitutively at times but did not fully grasp its usefulness for solving puzzles, as reflected by his dismissive comment “Just changed it round” in line 17. Derek struggled to continue when John left the trial for 10 minutes (to have his school photograph taken), and we suspect he did not view the equals sign substitutively. The children in Trial 7 (Colin and Imogen) were described as middle achievers in mathematics by their teacher. They were reticent compared with the children in the other six trials and solved puzzles with some difficulty. It is not possible to determine whether they viewed the equals sign as a basic relation, and Imogen in particular tended to express calculation strategies when she did talk. Colin, and to Ian Jones and Dave Pratt 19 some extent Imogen, also looked for matches of notation in order to attempt substitutions, as can be seen in Figure 5. Commutation was articulated at times, but this was generally in response to researcher prompting (“What happened when you clicked in the box?” and so on), and the commutative effects of substitution were only once explicitly used toward achieving the task goal (Imogen: “If you try and click on one of the ones that swap them round, it might work so you can click on that one”). Otherwise their puzzle solving was characterized by trial and error with little evidence of predicting and exploiting the substitutive effects of different statement types. We therefore suspect that Colin and Imogen only rarely viewed the equals sign substitutively, if at all. Having summarized the work of the three pairs of children based on Component 1, we now turn to evidence from Components 2 and 3 in order to inform the third and fourth research questions. Component 2: How can children appropriately emphasize substitutive and basic relational meanings for the equals sign? Puzzle solving requires only emphasizing the substitutive meaning, as shown in Study 2. Puzzle making, however, requires emphasizing both meanings: The basic relational meaning is necessary to ensure that statements entered are true, and the substitutive meaning is necessary to ensure that statements can be used to transform the boxed expression. For Component 2 of the trials children were provided with keypad tools (Figure 2) and challenged to make their own puzzles. We were interested in whether they could make solvable multistep puzzles, by which we mean puzzles that require more than one substitution to be made in order to solve them. For example, a puzzle comprising, say, the boxed expression 30 + 41 and the single statement 30 + 41 = 71 is solvable but only requires one substitution to be made and so is single-step. Bridie and Nadine (Trial 5) were notably more successful at making their own puzzles than the children in Trials 6 and 7. In total they made four solvable multistep puzzles. An analysis of their discussion revealed that they initially viewed the equals sign as a basic relation when deciding which statements to use in their puzzles. For example, they began making their first puzzle by entering 25 + 1 and then, in discussion with one another, entered the three statements 2 + 24 = 24 + 2, 11 + 15 = 15 + 11 and 25 + 1 = 1 + 25. These statements conformed to the basic relational meaning of the equals sign (they were true) and contained terms that equaled the boxed expression (25 + 1), but only one of them was substitutive with regard to the boxed expression. The data do not reveal why they chose three commutative statements, although it is likely they remembered the presence of such statements in the puzzles they had solved previously. At this point the researcher asked them to test whether the puzzle could be solved. Nadine used 25 + 1 = 1 + 25 to change the boxed expression into 1 + 25. 27. Nadine: It just switches it round. 28. Bridie: At the minute it’s impossible to do. 29. Nadine: You can’t do it. We need to have a sum that’s only one thing. 20 A Substituting Meaning for the Equals Sign Here the girls realized the need for statements to be substitutive with respect to the boxed expression. However, after some brief discussion they entered 23 + 3 = 20 + 6, which was true and equal to the value of the boxed expression but still not capable of making a substitution. Nadine then realized statements needed to be matched with the expression in order to be substitutive: “Let’s make one of them that says 25 add 1 because then it will be easy to do.” She entered 25 + 1 = 19 + 7 and 19 + 7 = 26, thereby creating a puzzle that was solvable in two substitutions. From this point on, all the statements they entered were substitutive with respect to the boxed expression. The final puzzle they made contained three statement types and was solvable in four substitutions, as shown in Figure 6 (11 + 9 = 20 was superfluous in terms of solving the puzzle). This strongly suggests they were able to emphasize and de-emphasize appropriately the substitutive and basic relational meanings of the equals sign. Figure 6. A puzzle made by the children in Trial 5. It contains a variety of statement types and can be solved in four substitutions. Derek and John (Trial 6) made two distinct puzzles that were populated mainly by statements that were basic relations (they were true) and equal to the boxed Figure 7. A puzzle made by Derek and John in Trial 6. It contains a variety of statement types, but most are equal to the value of the boxed expression and cannot be used to make substitutions. Ian Jones and Dave Pratt 21 expression, but were not substitutive with regard to it. Figure 7 shows their first puzzle when it was about half made (they subsequently deleted many of the statements, and the final version was somewhat simpler). Only two of the statements can be used to make a substitution (20 + 4 = 24 and 49 + 24 = 24 + 49), and the rest are superfluous in terms of transforming the boxed expression into its single numeral equivalent. They copied the superficial appearance of the puzzles presented in Component 1 by using different statement types and clustering them together. John was quite explicit about copying the format of the puzzles from Component 1, saying, for example, that 40 + 33 = 73 needed to be at the bottom because it was “the answer” (compare Figure 7 with Figure 3). The researcher asked them which statements they thought could be used to solve the puzzle. This led John to identify the need for statements that match the numerals in the boxed expression: “We need to make like a 24 and 49 or something . . . 24 . . . and then something in the sum which is 24.” Following this, he entered 20 + 4 = 24. The researcher asked John to explain his reasoning to Derek, who said he did not understand what John was doing. However, John gave an answer not based on substitutive effects but on his recall that some of the puzzles they had solved contained at least two statements of the type c = a + b: “We need more than one of them, don’t we? Just can’t have one there.”5 Later, with researcher prompting (“Is there anything you can do about that?”), John did identify the need for the statement 32 + 16 = 16 + 32 in order to commute 32 + 16 such that the statement 16 + 32 = 48 could be used. However, this was the only clear articulation of a substitutive view during Component 2 of Trial 6. With one exception, John justified the few substitutive statements they did Figure 8. A puzzle made by the children in Trial 7. 5 Note that John in fact entered his intended c = a + b in the form a + b = c. Such reversals were common throughout Study 3. This appears to be because the keypad tool for entering statements allowed the user to begin on either the left or right side of the equals sign, as shown in Figure 2. Nevertheless, the children’s indifference to left-to-right readings of statements is interesting. 22 A Substituting Meaning for the Equals Sign construct in terms of superficial resemblance with puzzles they had previously solved. They emphasized a basic relational meaning of the equals sign and only rarely emphasized a substitutive meaning. Colin and Imogen (Trial 7) produced four puzzles, although the first three contained only one or two statements and were solvable in a single substitution. The final puzzle contained 10 statements (Figure 8) and superficially resembled the appearance of the puzzles from Component 1, but was again solvable in a single substitution (149 = 55 + 94). Some of the statements were neither numerically equal to the boxed expression nor substitutive with regard to it (e.g., 20 = 10 + 10). These were willfully superfluous statements that Colin suggested would make the puzzle more difficult (“We just need some sums that don’t do anything”). Some of the statements were substitutive with regard to the boxed expression (e.g. 94 = 80 + 14) but were superfluous in terms of solving the puzzle. Their discussion was most often focused on computation (“45 add 45 is equal to . . .” and so on) and generating statements with a single numeral on one side of the equals sign, suggesting that they often viewed the equals sign as a place indicator for a result. There were exceptions, however, particularly toward the end of the trial. At one point Colin discovered that 90 + 3 = 93 failed to make a substitution in 64 + 29 and suggested it might work if written as 93 = 90 + 3. Imogen disagreed, saying, “It’s the same sum but just with the numbers swapped round. I know what will work . . . put 64, add 29 there, and you put 93 there [i.e., enter the statement 64 + 29 = 93] and that works. Because that’s the sum.” Here it seemed that Colin was emphasizing a basic relational view because his focus was on the sameness of 90 + 3 and 93, and Imogen was emphasizing a substitutive meaning, realizing the need for symbols to match exactly in order for a substitution to be made. This meaning does not appear to have been stable, however, and for most of the remainder of the trial Imogen mainly focused on computing results. Colin, conversely, increasingly suggested statements in terms of their substitutive effects. Toward the end of the trial Imogen was trying to input a statement that would transform 55 + 94, which was in the boxed expression. Colin said, “You need a sum that equals 55 and equals 94.” After some computational discussion Imogen entered 55 = 45 + 10 and 94 = 80 + 14. Colin said, “Split them up,” and Imogen used the statements to transform the boxed expression from 55 + 94 into 45 + 10 + 80 + 14. This suggests Colin was developing a stable substitutive meaning for the equals sign and was able to construct statements in terms of required substitutive effects (partition, in this case). However, this came late in the trial, which then ended—due to expiration of time—before the children succeeded in making a puzzle that was solvable in several steps. In sum, during Component 2 some children appropriately emphasized the basic relational and substitutive meanings when making puzzles, but differences in performance were clear. Only Bridie and Nadine (Trial 5) were able to complete the task in the sense of producing solvable multistep puzzles, and their discussion strongly suggests that they appropriately emphasized both meanings of the equals sign. The children in Trial 6 produced a puzzle solvable in two substitutions, and those in Trial 7 did not produce any solvable multistep puzzles. Moreover, the Ian Jones and Dave Pratt 23 children in Trials 6 and 7 appeared to justify their work in terms of their puzzles superficially resembling those from Component 1 of the trial. The data suggest that these children viewed the equals sign substitutively at times, but struggled to coordinate it with the basic relational meaning. Component 3: How can children connect their implicit arithmetical knowledge with explicit transformations of notation? The final research question explored whether the children could express their existing mental calculation strategies for two-digit addition as solvable puzzles. For example, Qualifications and Curriculum Agency (2001) gave an example of a child (Tony) who wrote his mental calculation strategy for 30 + 41 as 30 + 40 = 70 and 70 + 1 = 71. We imagined such a child entering these statements into the Sum Puzzles software and then being asked to enter more statements such that it could be solved as a puzzle. Clearly Tony had implicitly partitioned the 41 into 40 + 1 but had not written it as part of his strategy. We were interested in whether children who are practiced in solving and making puzzles could identify these implicit transformations and express them as explicit substitutive statements. Were children to do this, it would suggest that they were able to connect the arithmetic they already knew with the formal notation on the computer screen. Only data from Trials 5 and 6 informed the fourth research question because time expired in Trial 7 after Component 2. In Trial 5 the researcher put 37 + 58 into the box at the top of the screen. When prompted, Nadine gave the following strategy for obtaining the result: “30 add 50 is 80. And 8 add 7 is 15. So you just have to add those together and you get 95.” The researcher then asked the children to use this strategy to make a puzzle. Nadine entered the first part of her strategy as 30 + 50 = 80. She then noticed an impasse (line 30) and attempted to articulate the need to separate the tens and units (line 32). Bridie then explicitly stated the need for a statement that would partition 58 into the sum of 50 and 8 (line 38). 30. Nadine: Oh, now I can’t do it. 31. R: Why can’t you do it? 32. Nadine:It’s impossible because you won’t have them on their own unless you take them out, but how do you take them out? 33. R: Any ideas, Bridie? 34. Bridie: If [pause] you did 37 . . . [starts to enter a statement starting with 37] 35. Nadine: . . . add 58. 36. Bridie: No. Actually I wouldn’t. [deletes the 37] 37. R: Show us what you would do, Bridie. 38. Bridie:I was going to do that and then, put that. [enters 37 + 50 = 87] It won’t work. . . . Because first of all you need to divide 50 and the 8. Partition it. Bridie then deleted 37 + 50 = 87 from the puzzle. She entered 50 + 8 = 58 and used it to transform the boxed term 37 + 58 into 37 + 50 + 8. The children continued working for another 7 minutes, resulting in a solvable multistep puzzle that accu- 24 A Substituting Meaning for the Equals Sign Figure 9. Nadine’s strategy for solving 37 + 58 expressed as a puzzle. rately reflected Nadine’s strategy (Figure 9). Following this, they similarly went on to make a puzzle reflecting Bridie’s slightly more complicated spoken strategy for 37 + 58: “I added 30 and 50, which was 80. And then 5 plus 3 equals 8, so if you add that 3 to, um, the 87, because you have 37 and 50. . . . So that would be 87. If you add a 3 onto the 87, you have 90, and then from that 8 you’d have 5 left, so it’s 95.” The puzzle reflecting this is shown in Figure 10, and the connection between Bridie’s spoken strategy and the puzzle is set out in Table 4. In Trial 6, the researcher put 37 + 48 into the box at the top of the screen and asked Derek for his strategy: “I just added the 30 and 40 together, added the 8 and 7 together.” The researcher asked the children to use Derek’s strategy to make a puzzle, and with prompting they entered 70 = 30 + 40, 15 = 8 + 7 = 15, and 85 = 70 + 15. (This “backwards” formulation of the statements appears to have been due to the design of the keypads, as noted in footnote 5.) The researcher asked whether these statements could be used to make a substitution in 37 + 48. John replied “not really, no” and entered 85 = 37 + 48. This resulted in a single-step puzzle (it could be solved simply by substituting 85 for 37 + 48) that did not reflect Derek’s strategy. The researcher then challenged the children to make a puzzle using John’s spoken strategy for 37 + 48 (“30 add 40 equals 70 . . . 7 add 8. I just thought the 8 equals Figure 10. Bridie’s strategy for solving 37 + 58 expressed as a puzzle. 25 Ian Jones and Dave Pratt Table 4 The Connection Between Bridie’s Spoken Strategy for Solving 37 + 58 and the Resultant Puzzle Shown in Figure 10 Spoken strategy “I added 30 and 50, which was 80.” Statements used Resultant expression 30 + 7 = 37 30 + 7 + 58 30 + 7 = 7 + 30 7 + 30 + 58 50 + 8 = 58 7 + 30 + 50 + 8 30 + 50 = 80 7 + 80 + 8 “And then 5 plus 3 equals 8, so if you add that 3 to, um, the 87, because you have 37 and 50 . . . . So that would be 87.” 80 + 7 = 7 + 80 80 + 7 + 8 5+3 = 8 80 + 7 + 5 + 3 5+3 = 3+5 80 + 7 + 3 + 5 “If you add a 3 onto the 87, you have 90 . . . .” [87 is partitioned as 80 + 7 and 90 is partitioned as 80 + 10] 7+3 = 10 80 + 10 + 5 15 = 10 + 5 80 + 15 80 + 15 = 95 95 “…and then from that 8 you’d have 5 left, so it’s 95.” [90 remains as 80 + 10, and 5 is added to 10, not 90, giving 80 + 15 rather than 90 + 5] 10, and then 7’s 17. 8 to 10 is 2, 17 takeaway 2 is 15. And 70 add 15 equals 85”). They began by entering the compositions 70 = 30 + 40, 10 = 8 + 2, 17 = 10 + 7, and 17 = 15 + 2. Following this, the researcher prompted them to think about whether the statements could be used to make substitutions in the boxed expression. Derek suggested a commuting statement (“We need one of them swap-arounds”), although he gave no specific example or reasoning. The researcher prompted them to consider the first expression they had entered, 30 + 40, and brought on screen the puzzle they had made earlier (Figure 7). The researcher asked which statement comes first when solving the puzzle in Figure 7. John described the partitioning effect of using 20 + 4 = 24 to make a substitution of the numeral 24 (line 39), and realized that an analogous statement was required but was unable to offer a clear example (line 41). 39. John:That separates it. 40. R: Okay. So would something like that help us in our puzzle we’re doing now? 41. John:Oh yes! So we do like seven-, oh no, because they’re both tens. 30 add 0. Following this, Derek claimed he knew what to do, and suggested and entered a partitioning statement. However, his statement, 85 = 80 + 5, was numerically equivalent to, rather than substitutive with regard to, the boxed expression. At this point time ran out and the trial concluded. 26 A Substituting Meaning for the Equals Sign The outcome of Component 3 was that only the children in Trial 5 succeeded in implementing their spoken arithmetic strategies as solvable puzzles. They succeeded because they were able to identify and make explicit the implicit transformations in their spoken strategies, as is required by the task goal. This appears to have been a continuation of their developing and increasingly coordinated meanings for the equals sign through Components 1 and 2. In particular, they quickly identified the need for a statement to partition the numerals in the given expression. Contrastingly, the children in Trial 6 failed to implement their spoken strategies as solvable puzzles. This appears to be because, unlike the children in Trial 5, they failed to make explicit the partitions implied in their spoken calculation strategies, despite a clue from the researcher. The children emphasized the substitutive meaning of the equals sign during puzzle solving but only partially coordinated it with the basic relational meaning when making puzzles. This partial coordination was not adequate for making puzzles that were solvable in several steps (Component 2) or that reflected the children’s spoken calculation strategies (Component 3). DISCUSSION We investigated the design affordances of computer-based tasks that can promote a substitutive meaning for the equals sign in arithmetic notating tasks. We sought evidence that when working with the Sum Puzzles software, children viewed and talked about arithmetic statements in qualitatively different ways from those reported in the literature. We now revisit the four research questions and discuss the evidence presented previously in light of the diagrammatic framework set out earlier. How Can the Substitutive Meaning for the Equals Sign Promote Attention to Statement Structure? The diagrammatic approach to task design involves enabling learners to explore and experiment with formal mathematical representations. Central to diagrammatic reasoning is predicting and observing the visual effects of making rule-governed transformations. The first research question investigated whether the substitutive meaning for the equals sign as implemented in the Sum Puzzles software can support using equality statements as rules for making transformations of notation. Analysis of the children’s discussion shows that they engaged with statement structure in two key ways. First, they articulated visual searches for matches of notation in order to identify where substitutions could be made. Such articulation of visual searching was evident across all three trials to a greater or lesser degree, as can be seen in Figure 5. This may seem somewhat trivial, but it stands in marked contrast to the kinds of computational activities normally expected when children are presented with formal arithmetic notation. Moreover, it provided a foundation throughout all the trials for richer diagrammatic activities. Second, the children articulated the distinctive visual substitutive effects of different statement types. The substitutive effects of commutative statements were typically articulated using phrases such as “changing round” and “switching,” Ian Jones and Dave Pratt 27 and the substitutive effects of partitioning statements were typically described as “splitting up” or “separating.” The articulation of the distinctive substitutive effects of different statement types was evident across the children’s puzzle-solving activities in all seven trials, as can be seen in Figure 5. More precisely, commutative effects were articulated in all the trials, and partitioning effects to a lesser extent in five of the trials.6 This diagrammatic approach to engaging children with the structural properties of arithmetic notation through observations of visual substitutive effects is, to the best of our knowledge, novel. Are the Substitutive and Basic Relational Meanings for the Equals Sign Pedagogically Distinct? In Study 1 the children considered arithmetic statements in terms of making substitutions, but we suspected that they were unaware of the truth or falsity of the statements. In Study 2 we explicitly tested whether they were indeed oblivious to the basic relational meaning by including false equalities in some of the puzzles. None of the children commented on their presence until they had been working on the final puzzle for several minutes. At the conclusion of the trials we asked whether they had noticed if any previous puzzles contained false equalities, and all the children were unable to say. The children had therefore engaged in the activity of making substitutions but had not concerned themselves with whether this was mathematically sensible. This confirmed that the substitutive and basic relational meanings for the equals sign are pedagogically distinct, and that puzzle solving can emphasize the former over the latter. How Can Children Appropriately Emphasize the Substitutive and Basic Relational Meanings for the Equals Sign? The task goal of solving presented puzzles emphasizes the substitutive meaning and de-emphasizes the basic relational meaning. The task goal of making puzzles instead emphasizes both meanings because when entering statements it is necessary to ensure that they are true (the basic relational meaning) and, if the puzzle is to be solvable, that they are substitutive with respect to the boxed expression. We tested whether challenging children to make their own puzzles would enable them to flexibly and appropriately emphasize both meanings. The evidence sought was twofold. First, if the children were able to make solvable multistep puzzles, this would suggest that they had appropriately emphasized both meanings. We found that only the children in Trial 5, and to a limited extent the children in Trial 6, managed to make solvable multistep puzzles, and that the children in Trial 7 did not manage to do so. Second, we analyzed the children’s discussion for the articulation of substitutive effects and numerical balance of statements. We found that the children in Trial 5 viewed the equals sign as both a symbol of 6 Note that when puzzles contain commutative statements, it is not necessary—but it is useful—to discern their distinctive commutative effects, and the children in Trial 4 did not do so while efficiently solving the first 10 puzzles. 28 A Substituting Meaning for the Equals Sign substitution and basic relation, and that they were able to emphasize these two meanings flexibly in order to achieve the task goal. One of the children in Trial 6, John, viewed the equals sign in terms of both meanings at times, but the basic relational view was dominant and his puzzle-making success was limited. In Trial 7, the children engaged substantially in calculating results in order to construct numerically balanced statements. Toward the end of that trial Colin began to view statements in terms of the substitutions they could make in the boxed expression, but time expired before the children made a solvable puzzle. The key finding here is that the altered task enabled some of the children to appropriately emphasize both meanings of the equals sign toward achieving the goal of making their own puzzles. However, the difference in performance across the three trials was marked. The children in Trials 6 and 7 struggled to create solvable multistep puzzles, and those that they produced bore only a superficial resemblance to the puzzles they had solved in Component 1. They often focused on a basic relational meaning, as evidenced by their use of expressions that were numerically equal to the total of the boxed expression but could not be used to make substitutions. As such, the substitutive meaning was not coordinated with the basic relational meaning. The puzzle-making activities of all the children, whatever their degree of success, contrasts with the puzzle-solving activities reported above. In particular, Study 2 demonstrated that, when puzzle solving, children were engaged with making substitutions toward a specified task goal but without consideration of the truthfulness of the presented statements. They were engaged and successful at solving puzzles, but their activities were mathematically meaningless. In contrast, making puzzles presented a greater challenge and necessitated consideration of the truthfulness and substitutive properties of the statements on the computer screen. How Can Children Connect Their Implicit Arithmetical Knowledge With Explicit Transformations of Notation? The final research question was designed to determine whether children could connect their existing knowledge of arithmetic with making puzzles. In particular, we wanted to determine whether they could identify the transformations that are commonly implicit in typical two-digit addition strategies and express them as explicit arithmetic statements on the computer screen. Only the children in Trial 5 (and not those in Trials 6 or 7) managed to make solvable multistep puzzles that accurately reflected their mental calculation strategies. The key to their success appears to have been identifying the need to partition the numerals in the boxed expression in order to be able to commute and transform that expression into a single numeral. The children in Trial 6 did not construct a puzzle that reflected their mental calculation strategies. This appears to have been due to their struggling to partition the numerals in the boxed expression, despite nearly doing so and despite prompts from the researcher. They viewed the equals sign in terms of basic relations and substitution but seemed to be unable to coordinate these two views to produce the statements required to complete their puzzles. 29 Ian Jones and Dave Pratt LIMITATIONS TO THE STUDY The three studies presented provided qualitative data to address the four research questions, as discussed previously. However, the nature of the evidence presented means that there are limitations to the type and strength of conclusions that can be drawn. The first limitation is the small number of participants used. In total, 14 students participated across the seven trials reported. This enabled us to closely scrutinize rich multimedia data in order to make inferences about the nature of the students’ mathematical activity and contrast this with findings in the literature. This was appropriate given the innovative nature of the software-based task as an exploratory window onto mathematical meanings (Noss & Hoyles, 1996). In particular, we were able to demonstrate that the task encouraged the students to talk about and work with arithmetic statements in novel and educationally promising ways. This involved the development of a qualitative coding scheme as described in the paper. However, the major drawback to this approach is that our conclusions cannot be generalized in a statistical sense to a larger population of students. Such a generalization would require not merely a larger number of participants, but also the use of standardized tests and measures that go beyond a specially developed qualitative coding scheme. Another limitation is that our data captured only how students talked about and worked with arithmetic equations and did not measure learning or transfer. Underlying the study is the theoretical assumption that the novel activities reported have potential for mathematical learning. No claims are made that the students learned during the trials, or that a single trial with the software, as experienced by each participant, is substantial enough to foster conceptual change about the equals sign or arithmetic statements. In order to test the particular software’s effectiveness for learning, and for arithmetical substituting tasks in general, a larger number of students undertaking a larger number of sessions would be required, along with the administration of standardized tests and other measures. A related limitation is the exclusive use of a digital medium for supporting the substituting meaning of the equals sign. In principle, the substituting meaning could also be supported by nondigital media such as card-sorting activities and worksheets. However, we are unable to say to what extent the approach presented is applicable to such media. Finally, we make no claims and provide no evidence about the applicability of the substituting meaning of the equals sign to other mathematical domains. The puzzles presented to learners exclusively contained arithmetic statements comprising only positive integers and addition operations. Moreover, we limited the arithmetic principles embodied by particular statement examples to composition (a + b = c), commutation (a + b = b + a) and partitioning (c = a + b). There is also scope to support a wider variety of statements that include negative numbers and decimal and fraction representations, as well as other arithmetic operations, inclusion symbols, and so on. This in turn would enable the embodiment of a much wider range of arithmetic 30 A Substituting Meaning for the Equals Sign principles. More generally, the diagrammatic approach employed has scope for any mathematical domain that involves reversible equivalence relations represented by an equals sign. Further studies with modified versions of the software would be required to explore the wider applicability of the approach. CONCLUSION We have presented qualitative evidence that a substitutive meaning for the equals sign can meaningfully engage learners with the structure of arithmetic equality statements. The computer-based tasks allowed children to predict and observe the distinctive substitutive effects of different statement types. In particular, commutative statements were viewed in terms of their potential to “swap” numerals, and partitioning statements were viewed in terms of their potential to “split” numerals up. When pairs of children solved arithmetic puzzles comprising sets of equality statements, they emphasized the substitutive meaning of the equals sign and de-emphasized the basic relational meaning. The puzzle-solving task successfully engaged the children in making substitutions, but they were focused on the task goal of solving puzzles without consideration for mathematical coherence. When children attempted to make their own puzzles, both meanings were evident in their discussion. Only those children deemed mathematical high achievers by their teacher were able to flexibly coordinate the two meanings as appropriate and therefore successfully complete the task goals. These same children also demonstrated that they could connect their existing arithmetic knowledge with substitutive statements on the computer screen by successfully constructing puzzles based on their own mental calculation strategies. Conversely, children deemed mathematical medium achievers switched between the two meanings, but not in a coordinated manner. In particular, they were unable to identify and enter statements that would have helpfully partitioned a given numeral into two numerals, and so were only partially successful at making puzzles. Presenting to such children puzzles to solve that contained repeated examples of statements that have a partitioning substitutive effect may have assisted them. These findings have implications for how researchers conceive of the “full” relational conception of the equals sign, which comprises a basic relational view (understanding both sides are the same) along with conceptual knowledge of the structural properties of properly formed arithmetic notation. We propose that a substitutive view of the equals sign is an important aspect of understanding the structural properties of arithmetic statements. We have demonstrated one way in which substitution allows access to thinking about statement structure in terms of the transformative potential of commutative and partitioning statements. Developmental models of children’s evolving meanings for the equals sign (e.g., Carpenter et al., 2003; Rittle-Johnson et al., 2011) start with the place-indicator view and move via a basic relational view through to a full relational conception. Our findings suggest there is scope to consider more explicitly how children’s notions of substitution may play a part in this development. Substitution is clearly important for understanding equivalence in algebraic contexts and is likely to be 31 Ian Jones and Dave Pratt an aspect of the “didactic cut” (Filloy & Rojano, 1989), which requires learners to substantially change how they think about and work with equations when they meet algebra at the start of secondary schooling. For example, it is necessary to accept unknowns on both sides of the equals sign, and this enables new actions such as “substituting a numerical value for the unknown” (Filloy & Rojano, 1989, p. 19). A better understanding of the role of substitution in children’s earlier development of conceptions of the equals sign might aid our understanding of the difficulties involved in moving from arithmetic to algebra. Moreover, Filloy et al. (2010) report a further didactic cut: For some students, difficulties with substitution do not emerge until the introduction of systems of simultaneous two-variable equations. Substitution might then be an important aspect of a developmental model of the evolution of meanings from the place-indicator view in young primary children through to a fully operationalized understanding of equivalence in older secondary students. The findings also have implications for the teaching and learning of arithmetic in primary and lower secondary school. Teaching the substitutive meaning to children may ease the transition from arithmetic to algebra as well as later transitions to increasingly difficult algebra, such as the introduction of systems of simultaneous two-variable equations. The substitutive meaning also offers children access to investigative and exploratory ways of thinking about and working with formal notation, as described in this article. 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