ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 ICO Tournament mode A) Introduction and important facts about group system and final rounds .............................................. 4 Preparations .............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Notes on group stage ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Notes on final rounds ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Notices ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5 B) Group stage ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Group stage for 4 – 5 players .................................................................................................................................... 6 Group stage for 6 – 11 players .................................................................................................................................. 7 Final round for 6 – 11 players .................................................................................................................................... 7 Group stage for 12 – 15 players ................................................................................................................................ 8 Final round for 12 – 15 players .................................................................................................................................. 8 Group stage for 16 – 19 players ................................................................................................................................ 9 Final round for 16 – 19 players .................................................................................................................................. 9 Group stage for 20 – 23 players .............................................................................................................................. 10 Final round for 20 – 23 players ................................................................................................................................ 10 Group stage for 24 – 27 players .............................................................................................................................. 11 1 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Final round for 24 – 27 players ................................................................................................................................ 12 Group stage for 28 – 31 players .............................................................................................................................. 13 Final round for 28 – 31 players ................................................................................................................................ 14 Group stage for 32 – 35 players .............................................................................................................................. 15 Final round for 32 – 35 players ................................................................................................................................ 15 Group stage for 36 – 39 players .............................................................................................................................. 17 Final round for 36 – 39 players ................................................................................................................................ 18 Group stage for 40 – 43 players .............................................................................................................................. 19 Final round for 40 – 43 player .................................................................................................................................. 20 Group stage for 44 – 47 players .............................................................................................................................. 21 Final round for 44 – 47 players ................................................................................................................................ 22 Group stage for 48 – 51 players .............................................................................................................................. 23 Final round for 48 – 51 players ................................................................................................................................ 24 Group stage for 52 – 55 players .............................................................................................................................. 25 Final round for 52 – 55 players ................................................................................................................................ 26 Group stage for 56 – 59 players .............................................................................................................................. 27 Final round for 56 – 59 players ................................................................................................................................ 28 Group stage for 60 – 63 players .............................................................................................................................. 29 2 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Final round for 60 – 63 players ................................................................................................................................ 30 Group stage for 64 players ...................................................................................................................................... 31 Final round for 64 players ........................................................................................................................................ 32 C) Tournament brackets ........................................................................................................................ 33 Tournament bracket for 4 players ............................................................................................................................ 33 Tournament bracket for 8 players ............................................................................................................................ 34 Tournament bracket for 16 players .......................................................................................................................... 35 Tournament bracket for 32 players .......................................................................................................................... 36 D) Overview and time calculating .......................................................................................................... 38 E) Group stage model............................................................................................................................ 41 3 ICO Tournament mode – Version NOV, 2015 A) Introduction and important facts about groups system and final rounds Preparations - Create a specific seeding list for your tournament (note your seeding deadline for the tournament) according registered participants & official ICO international ranking. For doubles divisions use the ICO ranking list for doubles and sum up the points of every double partner to get the ranking points of the registered double pairs and to create the seeding list. In case one or both players have no ranking position take the ranking of the worst ranked player. - Results will only be valid for the ISBO ranking if: at least 4 registered players participate in the Junior divisions and at least 8 players in all other divisions (4 pairs for doubles). If a division is cut due to a lack of participants, the registered participants of that division will be placed in the next higher division. For Junior categories there is an exception: U12 and U14 male and female participants must be mixed into one category as well as U18 doubles. If participants have to play a higher division, they will be seeded after their ranking in the higher division. If they do not have a ranking they will be draw by lot. From the 1st January 2016 players that cant play their own category due to the low number of players will play any other category that they are allowed to play, but points will be awarded for all categories that they could play, including their own category. - Players who register for an ICO tournament but do not show up without any written and approved reason receive minus 100 points for the ranking in each division they have registered (please send the ICO the names of these players via the tournament report!) Notes on group stage - Every player must have minimum 3 games [exception: 6,7 (U12, U14 & U18) and 11players – 4-4-3] - Seed minimum as much players as total groups of every division and set these players on the top of groups. Draw the other players in the group or as described under B). - In case of a draw and to get the best placed players in the groups reaching the final rounds go on as described, including always all matches of the group: 1. winning matches (in relation won/lost) 2. Set points (in relation: won / lost) 3. Points (in relation: won / lost) 4. Won or lost against the player who is still on the same place 5. by lot - Use the documents and system under point B) of this document. Tournament software are accepted after confirmation by ICO executives and only if these regulations are followed. - Draw System: Put numbers from “1” till “total number of participants in the division” on a paper and fold it that the numbers cannot be seen. Then put it in different bags in the following way: ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 o Bag1: Numbers 1 & 2 o Bag2: Numbers 3 & 4 if necessary (> 3 groups) o Bag3: Depends on the numbers of groups & total numbers of participants (see B of this document for your total number of participants in the division) o Bag4: Numbers for the next line of groups (see B of this document for your total number of participants in the division) o Bag5: .... o Afterwards take the papers with numbers (one by one) and put the names by order (see B of this document) in groups. - Start drawing the remaining players with the last group moving downwards Notes on final rounds - The best 2 players of each group reach the final round; if applicable handle free positions in the tournament bracket as Byes (player reach automatically the next round) - Avoid that players from the same group play against each other in the first round of the final round again and as late as possible - Knock-out-system (including semi-final): Lost = no more game - Use the documents and system under point B) of this document Notices - Send the draw, which you have assigned by lot for your tournament previously (in time!) the tournament to the ICO (address: tournament@crossminton.org)! - Please report (per tournament report) the ICO about players cancelling their participation too late (after the no-return deadline) or weren`t at the venue in time. These players lose all games 0:16 / 0:16 and get 100 minus points for the rankings. The ICO will decide about further consequences. - Over 80 participants organize a tournament on 2 days (not 1 day) – not obligatory The ICO uses the following system to avoid players from the same group play against each other in the final round again respectively as late as possible! 5 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 B) Group stage Group stage for 4 – 5 players One Group - no final round Group 1 Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 6 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group stage for 6 – 10 players 2 Groups – go on with tournament bracket for 4 players Draw the players as followed displayed into the groups according to your seeding list. Group 1 Ranking position 1 or 2 Group 2 Remaining ranking position 1 or 2 Ranking position 3 or 4 Remaining ranking position 3 or 4 Remaining ranking position 5 or 6 Ranking position 5 or 6 Remaining ranking position 7 or 8 Ranking position 7 or 8 Remaining ranking position 9 or 10 Ranking position 9 or 10 Final round for 6 – 10 players First assign all players to the right ranking position in the group. How to put the players to the tournament bracket is followed described. Group 1 Best of group 1 goes to number 1 of tournament bracket Group 2 Best of group 2 goes to number 4 of tournament bracket Second of group 1 goes to number 3 of tournament bracket Second of group 2 goes to number 2 of tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 7 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group stage for 11 – 15 players 3 Groups – go on with tournament bracket for 8 players Draw the players as followed displayed into the groups according to your seeding list. Group 1 Ranking position 1 or 2 Group 2 Remaining ranking position 1 or 2 Group 3 Ranking position 3 Ranking position 4 - 6 Remaining ranking position 4 - 6 Remaining ranking position 4 - 6 Ranking position 7 - 9 Remaining ranking position 10 - 12 Remaining ranking position 7 - 9 Remaining ranking position 10 - 12 Remaining ranking position 7 - 9 Ranking position 10 - 12 Remaining ranking position 13 - 15 Remaining ranking position 13 - 15 Ranking position 13 - 15 Final round for 11 – 15 players First assign all players to the right ranking position in the group. How to put the players to the tournament bracket is followed described. You have 2 free positions in the tournament bracket. Group 1 Best of group 1 goes to number 1 of tournament bracket The second of group 1 goes to number 6 of tournament bracket Group 2 Best of group 2 goes to number 8 of tournament bracket The second of group 2 goes to number 4 of tournament bracket Group 3 Best of group 3 goes to number 5 of tournament bracket The second of group 3 goes to number 3 of tournament bracket Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out 8 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group stage for 16 – 19 players 4 groups – go on with the tournament bracket for 8 players Draw the players as followed displayed into the groups according to your seeding list. Group 1 Ranking position 1 or 2 Group 2 Remaining ranking position 1 or 2 Remaining ranking position 5 - 8 Remaining ranking position 9 - 12 Remaining ranking position 12 - 16 Remaining ranking position 17 - 19 Ranking position 5 - 8 Ranking position 9 - 12 Ranking position 12 - 16 Group 3 Ranking position 3 or 4 Remaining ranking position 5 - 8 Remaining ranking position 9 - 12 Remaining ranking position 12 - 16 Remaining ranking position 17 - 19 Group 4 Remaining ranking position 3 or 4 Remaining ranking position 5 - 8 Remaining ranking position 9 - 12 Remaining ranking position 12 - 16 Ranking position 17 - 19 Final round for 16 – 19 players First assign all players to the right ranking position in the group. How to put the players to the tournament bracket is followed described. Group 1 Best of group 1 goes to number 1 of tournament bracket The second of group 1 goes to number 6 of tournament bracket OUT OUT Group 2 Best of group 2 goes to number 8 of tournament bracket The second of group 2 goes to number 3 of tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT Group 3 Best of group 3 goes to number 5 of tournament bracket The second of group 3 goes to number 2 of tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT Group 4 Best of group 4 goes to number 4 of tournament bracket The second of group 4 goes to number 7 of tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT 9 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group stage for 20 – 23 players 5 groups – go on with the tournament bracket for 16 players Draw the players as followed displayed into the groups according to your seeding list. Group 1 Ranking position 1 or 2 Group 2 Group 3 Remaining ranking position Ranking position 3 or 4 1 or 2 Ranking position 6 - 10 Remaining ranking position Remaining ranking position 6 - 10 6 - 10 Ranking position 11 - 15 Remaining ranking position Remaining ranking position 11 - 15 11 - 15 Remaining ranking position Remaining ranking position Remaining ranking position 16 - 20 16 - 20 16 - 20 Remaining ranking position 21 - 23 Group 4 Group 5 Remaining ranking position Ranking position 5 3 or 4 Remaining ranking position Remaining ranking position 6 - 10 6 - 10 Remaining ranking position Remaining ranking position 11 - 15 11 - 15 Remaining ranking position Remaining ranking position 16 - 20 16 - 20 Remaining ranking position Ranking position 21 - 23 21 - 23 Final round for 20 – 23 players First assign all players to the right ranking position in the group. How to put the players to the tournament bracket is followed described. If you use the tournament bracket for 16 players you have 6 free positions in the tournament bracket and must put the players in the bracket as marked with the number between the parenthesis (X). Group 1 Best of group 1 goes to number 1 (1) of tournament bracket The second of group 1 goes to number 7 (12) of tournament bracket t OUT OUT Group 2 Best of group 2 goes to number 10 (16) of tournament bracket The second of group 2 goes to number 2 (4) of tournament bracket OUT OUT Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Best of group 3 goes to Best of group 4 goes to Best of group 5 goes to number 6 (9) of tournament number 5 (8) of tournament number 4 (5) of tournament bracket bracket bracket The second of group 3 The second of group 4 The second of group 5 goes to number 3 (3) of goes to number 8 (13) of goes to number 9 (14) of tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 10 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group stage for 24 – 27 players 6 groups – go on with tournament bracket for 16 players Draw the players as followed displayed into the groups according to your seeding list. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Ranking Remaining Ranking Remaining Ranking Remaining position 1 ranking position 3 or 4 ranking position 5 or 6 ranking or 2 position 1 or 2 position 3 or 4 position 5 or 6 Ranking Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining position 7 ranking ranking ranking ranking ranking 12 position 7 - 12 position 7 - 12 position 7 - 12 position 7 - 12 position 7 - 12 Ranking Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining position 13 ranking ranking ranking ranking ranking - 18 position 13 - 18 position 13 - 18 position 13 - position 13 - position 13 - 18 18 18 Ranking Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining position 19 ranking ranking ranking ranking ranking - 24 position 19 - 24 position 19 - 24 position 19 - position 19 - position 19 - 24 24 24 Remaining Remaining Ranking ranking ranking position 25 - 27 position 25 - position 25 27 27 11 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Final round for 24 – 27 players First assign all players to the right ranking position in the group. How to put the players to the tournament bracket is followed described. You have 4 free positions in the tournament bracket. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Best of group Best of group Best of group Best of group Best of group Best of group 1 goes to 2 goes to 3 goes to 4 goes to 5 goes to 6 goes to number 1 of number 16 of number 9 of number 8 of number 5 of number 12 of tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of group 1 goes group 2 goes group 3 goes group 4 goes group 5 goes group 6 goes to number 13 to number 3 to number 4 to number 14 to number 11 to number 6 of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out 12 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group stage for 28 – 31 players 7 groups – go on with the tournament bracket for 16 players Draw the players as followed displayed into the groups according to your seeding list. Group 1 Group 2 Ranking position Remaining ranking 1 or 2 position 1 or 2 Group 3 Ranking position 3 or 4 Group 4 Remaining ranking position 3 or 4 Group 5 Ranking position 5-7 Group 6 Group 7 Remaining ranking Remaining ranking position 5 - 7 position 5 - 7 Ranking position Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking 8 - 14 position 8 - 14 position 8 - 14 position 8 - 14 position 8 - 14 position 8 - 14 position 8 - 14 Ranking position Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking 15 - 21 position 15 - 21 position 15 - 21 position 15 - 21 position 15 - 21 position 15 - 21 position 15 - 21 Ranking position Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking 22 - 28 position 22 - 28 position 22 - 28 position 22 - 28 position 22 - 28 position 22 - 28 position 22 - 28 Remaining ranking Remaining ranking position 29 - 31 position 29 - 31 Ranking position 29 - 31 13 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Final round for 28 – 31 players First assign all players to the right ranking position in the group. How to put the players to the tournament bracket is followed described. You have 2 free positions in the tournament bracket. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Best of group 1 Best of group 2 Best of group 3 Best of group 4 Best of group 5 Best of group 6 Best of group 7 goes to number 1 goes to number 16 goes to number 9 goes to number 8 goes to number 5 goes to number 12 goes to number 14 of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of group 1 goes to group 2 goes to group 3 goes to group 4 goes to group 5 goes to group 6 goes to group 7 goes to number 11 of number 3 of number 4 of number 13 of number 10 of number 6 of number 7 of tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out 14 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group stage for 32 – 35 players 8 groups – go on with the tournament bracket for 16 players Draw the players as followed displayed into the groups according to your seeding list. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Ranking position Remaining Ranking position Remaining Ranking position Remaining Remaining Remaining 1 or 2 ranking position 3 or 4 ranking position 5-8 ranking position ranking position ranking position 1 or 2 3 or 4 5-8 5-8 5-8 Ranking position Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining 9 - 16 ranking position ranking position ranking position ranking position ranking position ranking position ranking position 9 - 16 9 - 16 9 - 16 9 - 16 9 - 16 9 - 16 9 - 16 Ranking position Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining 17 - 24 ranking position ranking position ranking position ranking position ranking position ranking position ranking position 17 - 24 17 - 24 17 - 24 17 - 24 17 - 24 17 - 24 17 - 24 Ranking position Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining Remaining 24 - 32 ranking position ranking position ranking position ranking position ranking position ranking position ranking position 24 - 32 24 - 32 24 - 32 24 - 32 24 - 32 24 - 32 24 - 32 Remaining Remaining Ranking position ranking position ranking position 33 - 35 33 - 35 33 - 35 Final round for 32 – 35 players First assign all players to the right ranking position in the group. How to put the players to the tournament bracket is followed described. 15 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group 1 Group 2 Best of group 1 Best of group 2 goes to number goes to number 1 of tournament 16 of bracket tournament bracket The second of The second of group 1 goes to group 2 goes to number 11 of number 6 of tournament tournament bracket bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Best of group 3 Best of group 4 Best of group 5 Best of group 6 goes to number goes to number goes to number goes to number 9 of tournament 8 of tournament 5 of tournament 12 of bracket bracket bracket tournament bracket The second of The second of The second of The second of group 3 goes to group 4 goes to group 5 goes to group 6 goes to number 4 of number 13 of number 10 of number 7 of tournament tournament tournament tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Group 7 Best of group 7 goes to number 14 of tournament bracket The second of group 7 goes to number 2 of tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT Group 8 Best of group 8 goes to number 3 of tournament bracket The second of group 8 goes to number 15 of tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT 16 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group stage for 36 – 39 players 9 groups – go on with the tournament bracket for 32 players Draw the players as followed displayed into the groups according to your seeding list. Group 1 Ranking position 1 or 2 Ranking position 10 - 18 Group 2 Remaining ranking position 1 or 2 Remaining ranking position 10 - 18 Group 3 Ranking position 3 or 4 Remaining ranking position 10 - 18 Group 4 Remaining ranking position 3 or 4 Remaining ranking position 10 - 18 Group 5 Ranking position 5 - 8 Remaining ranking position 10 - 18 Group 6 Remaining ranking position 5 - 8 Remaining ranking position 10 - 18 Ranking position 19 - 27 Remaining ranking position 19 - 27 Remaining ranking position 19 - 27 Remaining ranking position 19 - 27 Remaining ranking position 19 - 27 Remaining ranking position 19 - 27 Ranking position 28 - 36 Remaining ranking position 28 - 36 Remaining ranking position 28 - 36 Remaining ranking position 28 - 36 Remaining ranking position 28 - 36 Remaining ranking position 28 - 36 Group 7 Remaining ranking position 5 - 8 Remaining ranking position 10 - 18 Remaining ranking position 19 - 27 Remaining ranking position 28 - 36 Remaining ranking position 37 - 39 Group 8 Remaining ranking position 5 - 8 Remaining ranking position 10 - 18 Remaining ranking position 19 - 27 Remaining ranking position 28 - 36 Remaining ranking position 37 - 39 Group 9 Ranking position 9 Remaining ranking position 10 - 18 Remaining ranking position 19 - 27 Remaining ranking position 28 - 36 Ranking position 37 39 17 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Final round for 36 – 39 players First assign all players to the right ranking position in the group. How to put the players to the tournament bracket is followed described. If you use the tournament bracket for 32 players you have 14 free positions in the tournament bracket and must put the players in the bracket as marked with the number between the parentheses (X). Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Best of group 1 goes Best of group 2 goes Best of group 3 goes Best of group 4 goes Best of group 5 goes Best of group 6 goes to number 1 (1) of to number 18 (32) of to number 10 (17) of to number 9 (16) of to number 5 (24) of to number 6 (9) of tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket The second of group 1 The second of group 2 The second of group 3 The second of group 4 The second of group 5 The second of group 6 goes to number 12 goes to number 8 (12) goes to number 4 (5) goes to number 11 goes to number 15 goes to number 16 (20) of tournament of tournament bracket of tournament bracket (28) of tournament (13) of tournament (30) of tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Group 7 Group 8 Best of group 7 goes Best of group 8 goes to number 13 (25) of to number 14 (8) of tournament bracket tournament bracket The second of group The second of group 7 goes to number 2 8 goes to number 3 (4) of tournament (29) of tournament bracket bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Group 9 Best of group 9 goes to number 7 (21) of tournament bracket The second of group 9 goes to number 17 (3) of tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT 18 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group stage for 40 – 43 players 10 groups – go on with the tournament bracket for 32 players Draw the players as followed displayed into the groups according to your seeding list. Group 1 Ranking position 1 or 2 Group 2 Remaining ranking position 1 or 2 Group 3 Ranking position 3 or 4 Group 4 Remaining ranking position 3 or 4 Group 5 Ranking position 5 - 8 Group 6 Remaining ranking position 5 - 8 Ranking position 11 - 20 Remaining ranking position 11 - 20 Remaining ranking position 11 - 20 Remaining ranking position 11 - 20 Remaining ranking position 11 - 20 Remaining ranking position 11 - 20 Ranking position 21 - 30 Remaining ranking position 21 - 30 Remaining ranking position 21 - 30 Remaining ranking position 21 - 30 Remaining ranking position 21 - 30 Remaining ranking position 21 - 30 Ranking position 31 - 40 Remaining ranking position 31 - 40 Remaining ranking position 31 - 40 Remaining ranking position 31 - 40 Remaining ranking position 31 - 40 Remaining ranking position 31 - 40 Group 7 Remaining ranking position 5 - 8 Group 8 Remaining ranking position 5 - 8 Group 9 Ranking position 9 or 10 Group 10 Remaining ranking position 9 or 10 Remaining ranking position 11 - 20 Remaining ranking position 11 - 20 Remaining ranking position 11 - 20 Remaining ranking position 11 - 20 Remaining ranking position 21 - 30 Remaining ranking position 21 - 30 Remaining ranking position 21 - 30 Remaining ranking position 21 - 30 Remaining ranking position 31 - 40 Remaining ranking position 31 - 40 Remaining ranking position 31 - 40 Remaining ranking position 31 - 40 Remaining ranking position 41 - 43 Remaining ranking position 41 - 43 Ranking position 41 43 19 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Final round for 40 – 43 player First assign all players to the right ranking position in the group. How to put the players to the tournament bracket is followed described. If you use the tournament bracket for 32 players you have 12 free positions in the tournament bracket and must put the players in the bracket as marked with the number between the parentheses (X). Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Best of group 1 goes Best of group 2 goes Best of group 3 goes to number 1 (1) of to number 20 (32) of to number 11 (17) of tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket The second of group The second of group The second of group 1 goes to number 12 2 goes to number 8 3 goes to number 9 (28) of tournament (5) of tournament (14) of tournament bracket bracket bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Best of group 4 goes Best of group 5 goes Best of group 6 goes to number 10 (16) of to number 6 (24) of to number 15 (9) of tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket The second of group The second of group The second of group 4 goes to number 13 5 goes to number 17 6 goes to number 4 (20) of tournament (13) of tournament (19) of tournament bracket bracket bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Best of group 7 goes Best of group 8 goes Best of group 9 goes to number 14 (25) of to number 7 (8) of to number 5 (21) of tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket The second of group The second of group The second of group 7 goes to number 2 8 goes to number 18 9 goes to number 19 (3) of tournament (29) of tournament (4) of tournament bracket bracket bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Group 10 Best of group 10 goes to number 16 (12) of tournament bracket The second of group 10 goes to number 3 (30) of tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT 20 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group stage for 44 – 47 players 11 groups – go on with the tournament bracket for 32 players Draw the players as followed displayed into the groups according to your seeding list. Group 1 Ranking position 1 or 2 Ranking position 12 - 22 Group 2 Remaining ranking position 1 or 2 Remaining ranking position 12 - 22 Group 3 Ranking position 3 or 4 Remaining ranking position 12 - 22 Group 4 Remaining ranking position 3 or 4 Remaining ranking position 12 - 22 Group 5 Ranking position 5 - 8 Remaining ranking position 12 - 22 Group 6 Remaining ranking position 5 - 8 Remaining ranking position 12 - 22 Ranking position 23 - 33 Remaining ranking position 23 - 33 Remaining ranking position 23 - 33 Remaining ranking position 23 - 33 Remaining ranking position 23 - 33 Remaining ranking position 23 - 33 Ranking position 34 - 44 Remaining ranking position 34 - 44 Remaining ranking position 34 - 44 Remaining ranking position 34 - 44 Remaining ranking position 34 - 44 Remaining ranking position 34 - 44 Group 7 Remaining ranking position 5 - 8 Group 8 Remaining ranking position 5 - 8 Group 9 Ranking position 9 - 11 Group 10 Remaining ranking position 9 - 11 Group 11 Remaining ranking position 9 - 11 Remaining ranking position 12 - 22 Remaining ranking position 12 - 22 Remaining ranking position 12 - 22 Remaining ranking position 12 - 22 Remaining ranking position 12 - 22 Remaining ranking position 23 - 33 Remaining ranking position 23 - 33 Remaining ranking position 23 - 33 Remaining ranking position 23 - 33 Remaining ranking position 23 - 33 Remaining ranking position 34 - 44 Remaining ranking position 34 - 44 Remaining ranking position 34 - 44 Remaining ranking position 34 - 44 Remaining ranking position 34 - 44 Remaining ranking position 45 - 47 Remaining ranking position 45 - 47 Ranking position 45 47 21 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Final round for 44 – 47 players First assign all players to the right ranking position in the group. How to put the players to the tournament bracket is followed described. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Best of group 1 goes Best of group 2 goes Best of group 3 goes Best of group 4 goes Best of group 5 goes Best of group 6 goes to number 1 of to number 32 of to number 17 of to number 16 of to number 9 of to number 24 of tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket The second of group The second of group The second of group The second of group The second of group The second of group 1 goes to number 20 2 goes to number 4 of 3 goes to number 12 4 goes to number 29 5 goes to number 22 6 goes to number 13 of tournament bracket tournament bracket of tournament bracket of tournament bracket of tournament bracket of tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Best of group 7 goes Best of group 8 goes Best of group 9 goes Best of group 10 goes Best of group 11 goes to number 25 of to number 8 of to number 5 of to number 28 of to number 21 of tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket The second of group The second of group The second of group The second of group The second of group 7 goes to number 11 8 goes to number 19 9 goes to number 30 10 goes to number 14 11 goes to number 3 of tournament bracket of tournament bracket of tournament bracket of tournament bracket of tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 22 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group stage for 48 – 51 players 12 groups – go on with the tournament bracket for 32 players Draw the players as followed displayed into the groups according to your seeding list. Group 1 Ranking position 1 or 2 Group 2 Remaining ranking position 1 or 2 Group 3 Ranking position 3 or 4 Group 4 Remaining ranking position 3 or 4 Group 5 Group 6 Ranking position 5 - 8 Remaining ranking position 5 - 8 Ranking position 13 - 24 Remaining ranking position 13 - 24 Remaining ranking position 13 - 24 Remaining ranking position 13 - 24 Remaining ranking position 13 - 24 Remaining ranking position 13 - 24 Ranking position 25 - 36 Remaining ranking position 25 - 36 Remaining ranking position 25 - 36 Remaining ranking position 25 - 36 Remaining ranking position 25 - 36 Remaining ranking position 25 - 36 Ranking position 37 - 48 Remaining ranking position 37 - 48 Remaining ranking position 37 - 48 Remaining ranking position 37 - 48 Remaining ranking position 37 - 48 Remaining ranking position 37 - 48 Group 7 Remaining ranking position 5 - 8 Group 8 Remaining ranking position 5 - 8 Group 9 Ranking position 9 - 12 Group 10 Remaining ranking position 9 - 12 Group 11 Remaining ranking position 9 - 12 Group 12 Remaining ranking position 9 - 12 Remaining ranking position 13 - 24 Remaining ranking position 13 - 24 Remaining ranking position 13 - 24 Remaining ranking position 13 - 24 Remaining ranking position 13 - 24 Remaining ranking position 13 - 24 Remaining ranking position 25 - 36 Remaining ranking position 25 - 36 Remaining ranking position 25 - 36 Remaining ranking position 25 - 36 Remaining ranking position 25 - 36 Remaining ranking position 25 - 36 Remaining ranking position 37 - 48 Remaining ranking position 37 - 48 Remaining ranking position 37 - 48 Remaining ranking position 37 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 51 Remaining ranking position 37 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 51 Remaining ranking position 37 - 48 Ranking position 49 - 51 23 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Final round for 48 – 51 players First assign all players to the right ranking position in the group. How to put the players to the tournament bracket is followed described. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Best of group 1 goes to Best of group 2 goes to Best of group 3 goes to Best of group 4 goes to Best of group 5 goes to Best of group 6 goes to number 1 of tournament number 32 of number 17 of number 16 of number 9 of tournament number 24 of bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket bracket tournament bracket The second of group 1 The second of group 2 The second of group 3 The second of group 4 The second of group 5 The second of group 6 goes to number 20 of goes to number 13 of goes to number 4 of goes to number 29 of goes to number 30 of goes to number 3 of tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 Best of group 7 goes to number 25 of tournament bracket The second of group 7 goes to number 14 of tournament bracket OUT OUT Best of group 8 goes to Best of group 9 goes to Best of group 10 goes Best of group 11 goes Best of group 12 goes number 8 of tournament number 5 of tournament to number 28 of to number 21 of to number 12 of bracket bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket The second of group 8 The second of group 9 The second of group 10 The second of group 11 The second of group 12 goes to number 19 of goes to number 22 of goes to number 11 of goes to number 6 of goes to number 27 of tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 24 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group stage for 52 – 55 players 13 groups – go on with the tournament bracket for 32 players Draw the players as followed displayed into the groups according to your seeding list. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Ranking position Remaining ranking Ranking position Remaining ranking Ranking position Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking 1 or 2 position 1 or 2 3 or 4 position 3 or 4 5-8 position 5 - 8 position 5 - 8 position 5 - 8 Ranking position Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking 14 - 26 position 14 - 26 position 14 - 26 position 14 - 26 position 14 - 26 position 14 - 26 position 14 - 26 position 14 - 26 Ranking position Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking 27 - 39 position 27 - 39 position 27 - 39 position 27 - 39 position 27 - 39 position 27 - 39 position 27 - 39 position 27 - 39 Ranking position Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking 40 - 52 position 40 - 52 position 40 - 52 position 40 - 52 position 40 - 52 position 40 - 52 position 40 - 52 position 40 - 52 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Ranking position Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking 9 - 13 position 9 - 13 position 9 - 13 position 9 - 13 position 9 - 13 Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking position 14 - 26 position 14 - 26 position 14 - 26 position 14 - 26 position 14 - 26 Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking position 27 - 39 position 27 - 39 position 27 - 39 position 27 - 39 position 27 - 39 Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Remaining ranking position 40 - 52 position 40 - 52 position 40 - 52 position 40 - 52 position 40 - 52 Remaining ranking Remaining ranking Ranking position position 53 - 55 position 53 - 55 53 - 55 25 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Final round for 52 – 55 players First assign all players to the right ranking position in the group. How to put the players to the tournament bracket is followed described. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Best of group 1 Best of group 2 Best of group 3 Best of group 4 Best of group 5 Best of group 6 Best of group 7 Best of group 8 goes to number 1 goes to number 32 goes to number 17 goes to number 16 goes to number 9 goes to number 24 goes to number 25 goes to number 8 of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of group 1 goes to group 2 goes to group 3 goes to group 4 goes to group 5 goes to group 6 goes to group 7 goes to group 8 goes to number 20 of number 4 of number 3 of number 29 of number 30 of number 14 of number 11 of number 19 of tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Best of group 9 Best of group 10 Best of group 11 Best of group 12 Best of group 13 goes to number 5 goes to number 28 goes to number 21 goes to number 12 goes to number 13 of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of group 9 goes to group 10 goes to group 11 goes to group 12 goes to group 13 goes to number 22 of number 6 of number 7 of number 27 of number 26 of tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 26 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group stage for 56 – 59 players 14 groups – go on with the tournament bracket for 32 players Draw the players as followed displayed into the groups according to your seeding list. Group 1 Ranking position 1 or 2 Ranking position 15 - 28 Ranking position 29 - 42 Ranking position 43 - 56 Group 9 Ranking position 9 - 14 Remaining ranking position 15 - 28 Remaining ranking position 29 - 42 Remaining ranking position 43 - 56 Group 2 Remaining ranking position 1 or 2 Remaining ranking position 15 - 28 Remaining ranking position 29 - 42 Remaining ranking position 43 - 56 Group 3 Ranking position 3 or 4 Group 10 Remaining ranking position 9 - 14 Remaining ranking position 15 - 28 Remaining ranking position 29 - 42 Remaining ranking position 43 - 56 Group 11 Remaining ranking position 9 - 14 Remaining ranking position 15 - 28 Remaining ranking position 29 - 42 Remaining ranking position 43 - 56 Remaining ranking position 15 - 28 Remaining ranking position 29 - 42 Remaining ranking position 43 - 56 Group 4 Remaining ranking position 3 or 4 Remaining ranking position 15 - 28 Remaining ranking position 29 - 42 Remaining ranking position 43 - 56 Group 5 Ranking position 5-8 Group 12 Remaining ranking position 9 - 14 Remaining ranking position 15 - 28 Remaining ranking position 29 - 42 Remaining ranking position 43 - 56 Remaining ranking position 57 - 59 Group 13 Remaining ranking position 9 - 14 Remaining ranking position 15 - 28 Remaining ranking position 29 - 42 Remaining ranking position 43 - 56 Remaining ranking position 57 - 59 Remaining ranking position 15 - 28 Remaining ranking position 29 - 42 Remaining ranking position 43 - 56 Group 6 Remaining ranking position 5-8 Remaining ranking position 15 - 28 Remaining ranking position 29 - 42 Remaining ranking position 43 - 56 Group 7 Group 8 Remaining Remaining ranking position ranking position 5 5-8 -8 Remaining Remaining ranking position ranking position 15 - 28 15 - 28 Remaining Remaining ranking position ranking position 29 - 42 29 - 42 Remaining Remaining ranking position ranking position 43 - 56 43 - 56 Group 14 Remaining ranking position 9 - 14 Remaining ranking position 15 - 28 Remaining ranking position 29 - 42 Remaining ranking position 43 - 56 Ranking position 57 - 59 27 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Final round for 56 – 59 players First assign all players to the right ranking position in the group. How to put the players to the tournament bracket is followed described. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Best of group 1 Best of group 2 Best of group 3 Best of group 4 Best of group 5 Best of group 6 Best of group 7 Best of group 8 goes to number 1 goes to number 32 goes to number 17 goes to number 16 goes to number 9 goes to number 24 goes to number 25 goes to number 8 of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of group 1 goes to group 2 goes to group 3 goes to group 4 goes to group 5 goes to group 6 goes to group 7 goes to group 8 goes to number 29 of number 4 of number 3 of number 30 of number 19 of number 14 of number 11 of number 22 of tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Group 14 Best of group 9 Best of group 10 Best of group 11 Best of group 12 Best of group 13 Best of group 14 goes to number 5 goes to number 28 goes to number 21 goes to number 12 goes to number 13 goes to number 20 of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament of tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of group 9 goes to group 10 goes to group 11 goes to group 12 goes to group 13 goes to group 14 goes to number 27 of number 6 of number 7 of number 26 of number 23 of number 10 of tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket tournament bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 28 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group stage for 60 – 63 players 15 groups – go on with the tournament bracket for 32 players Draw the players as followed displayed into the groups according to your seeding list. Group 1 Ranking position 1 or 2 Ranking position 16 - 30 Ranking position 31 - 45 Remaining ranking position 33 - 63 Group 9 Ranking position 9 - 16 Remaining ranking position 16 - 30 Remaining ranking position 31 - 45 Remaining ranking position 46 - 60 Group 2 Remaining ranking position 1 or 2 Remaining ranking position 16 - 30 Remaining ranking position 31 - 45 Remaining ranking position 33 - 63 Group 3 Ranking position 3 or 4 Group 5 Ranking position 5-8 Remaining ranking position 16 - 30 Remaining ranking position 31 - 45 Remaining ranking position 33 - 63 Group 4 Remaining ranking position 3 or 4 Remaining ranking position 16 - 30 Remaining ranking position 31 - 45 Remaining ranking position 33 - 63 Group 10 Remaining ranking position 9 - 15 Remaining ranking position 16 - 30 Remaining ranking position 31 - 45 Remaining ranking position 46 - 60 Remaining ranking position 16 - 30 Remaining ranking position 31 - 45 Remaining ranking position 33 - 63 Group 6 Remaining ranking position 5-8 Remaining ranking position 16 - 30 Remaining ranking position 31 - 45 Remaining ranking position 33 - 63 Group 7 Remaining ranking position 5-8 Remaining ranking position 16 - 30 Remaining ranking position 31 - 45 Ranking position 46 - 60 Group 11 Remaining ranking position 9 - 15 Remaining ranking position 16 - 30 Remaining ranking position 31 - 45 Remaining ranking position 46 - 60 Group 12 Remaining ranking position 9 - 15 Remaining ranking position 16 - 30 Remaining ranking position 31 - 45 Remaining ranking position 46 - 60 Group 13 Remaining ranking position 9 - 15 Remaining ranking position 16 - 30 Remaining ranking position 31 - 45 Remaining ranking position 46 - 60 Remaining ranking position 61 - 63 Group 14 Remaining ranking position 9 - 15 Remaining ranking position 16 - 30 Remaining ranking position 31 - 45 Remaining ranking position 46 - 60 Remaining ranking position 61 - 63 Group 15 Remaining ranking position 9 - 15 Remaining ranking position 16 - 30 Remaining ranking position 31 - 45 Remaining ranking position 46 - 60 Ranking position 61 - 63 Group 8 Remaining ranking position 5-8 Remaining ranking position 16 - 30 Remaining ranking position 31 - 45 Remaining ranking position 46 - 60 29 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Final round for 60 – 63 players First assign all players to the right ranking position in the group. How to put the players to the tournament bracket is followed described. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Best of group 1 Best of group 2 Best of group 3 Best of group 4 Best of group 5 Best of group 6 Best of group 7 Best of group 8 goes to number 1 goes to number goes to number goes to number goes to number 9 goes to number goes to number goes to number 8 of tournament 32 of tournament 17 of tournament 16 of tournament of tournament 24 of tournament 25 of tournament of tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of group 1 goes to group 2 goes to group 3 goes to group 4 goes to group 5 goes to group 6 goes to group 7 goes to group 8 goes to number 30 of number 4 of number 3 of number 19 of number 22 of number 14 of number 11 of number 27 of tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Group 9 Best of group 9 goes to number 5 of tournament bracket The second of group 9 goes to number 26 of tournament bracket OUT OUT Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Group 14 Group 15 Best of group 10 Best of group 11 Best of group 12 Best of group 13 Best of group 14 Best of group 15 goes to number goes to number goes to number goes to number goes to number goes to number 28 of tournament 21 of tournament 12 of tournament 13 of tournament 20 of tournament 29 of tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of group 10 goes to group 11 goes to group 12 goes to group 13 goes to group 14 goes to group 15 goes to number 6 of number 7 of number 23 of number 18 of number 10 of number 15 of tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 30 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Group stage for 64 players 16 groups – go on with the tournament bracket for 32 players Draw the players as followed displayed into the groups according to your seeding list. Group 1 Ranking position 1 or 2 Ranking position 17 - 32 Ranking position 33 - 48 Ranking position 49 - 64 Group 9 Ranking position 9 - 16 Remaining ranking position 17 - 32 Remaining ranking position 33 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 64 Group 2 Remaining ranking position 1 or 2 Remaining ranking position 17 - 32 Remaining ranking position 33 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 64 Group 3 Ranking position 3 or 4 Group 5 Ranking position 5-8 Remaining ranking position 17 - 32 Remaining ranking position 33 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 64 Group 4 Remaining ranking position 3 or 4 Remaining ranking position 17 - 32 Remaining ranking position 33 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 64 Group 10 Remaining ranking position 9 - 16 Remaining ranking position 17 - 32 Remaining ranking position 33 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 64 Remaining ranking position 17 - 32 Remaining ranking position 33 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 64 Group 6 Remaining ranking position 5-8 Remaining ranking position 17 - 32 Remaining ranking position 33 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 64 Group 7 Remaining ranking position 5-8 Remaining ranking position 17 - 32 Remaining ranking position 33 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 64 Group 8 Remaining ranking position 5-8 Remaining ranking position 17 - 32 Remaining ranking position 33 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 64 Group 11 Remaining ranking position 9 - 16 Remaining ranking position 17 - 32 Remaining ranking position 33 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 64 Group 12 Remaining ranking position 9 - 16 Remaining ranking position 17 - 32 Remaining ranking position 33 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 64 Group 13 Remaining ranking position 9 - 16 Remaining ranking position 17 - 32 Remaining ranking position 33 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 64 Group 14 Remaining ranking position 9 - 16 Remaining ranking position 17 - 32 Remaining ranking position 33 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 64 Group 15 Remaining ranking position 9 - 16 Remaining ranking position 17 - 32 Remaining ranking position 33 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 64 Group 16 Remaining ranking position 9 - 16 Remaining ranking position 17 - 32 Remaining ranking position 33 - 48 Remaining ranking position 49 - 64 31 ICO Tournament mode – Status NOV, 2015 Final round for 64 players First assign all players to the right ranking position in the group. How to put the players to the tournament bracket is followed described. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Best of group 1 Best of group 2 Best of group 3 Best of group 4 Best of group 5 Best of group 6 Best of group 7 Best of group 8 goes to number goes to number goes to number goes to number goes to number goes to number goes to number goes to number 1 of tournament 32 of tournament 17 of tournament 16 of tournament 9 of tournament 24 of tournament 25 of tournament 8 of tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of group 1 goes to group 2 goes to group 3 goes to group 4 goes to group 5 goes to group 6 goes to group 7 goes to group 8 goes to number 30 of number 3 of number 14 of number 19 of number 22 of number 11 of number 6 of number 27 of tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Group 14 Group 15 Group 16 Best of group 9 Best of group 10 Best of group 11 Best of group 12 Best of group 13 Best of group 14 Best of group 15 Best of group 16 goes to number goes to number goes to number goes to number goes to number goes to number goes to number goes to number 5 of tournament 28 of tournament 21 of tournament 12 of tournament 13 of tournament 20 of tournament 29 of tournament 4 of tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of The second of group 9 goes to group 10 goes to group 11 goes to group 12 goes to group 13 goes to group 14 goes to group 15 goes to group 16 goes to number 26 of number 7 of number 10 of number 23 of number 18 of number 15 of number 2 of number 31 of tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament tournament bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket bracket OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 32 C) Tournament brackets Tournament bracket for 4 players back to the group stage Tournament bracket for 8 players back to the group stage 34 Tournament bracket for 16 players back to the group stage 35 Tournament bracket for 32 players back to group stage 36 37 D) Overview and time calculating 38 39 40 E) Group stage model 41