Uncovering CMB B-modes with Planck Chris Crowe ccrowe@ast.cam.ac.uk With G. Efstathiou, S. Gratton, and the Planck Collaboration Outline • The Planck mission • B-modes and inflation • Simulating Planck data • Foreground separation The Planck Mission • Launched in Jun 2009 • Helium ran out in January 2012 • 26 papers came out in 2011: – Performance – Compact sources – SZ clusters – Galactic science • Cosmology papers come out in January 2013 The Planck Mission The Planck Mission The Planck Mission • The final word in temperature analysis • Polarization is the next frontier, but…. …foregrounds dominate B-modes and inflation • Anisotropic Thomson scattering sources CMB polarization • Polarization is at a few % of T • Pattern can be decomposed into curl-free E-modes, and divergence-free B-modes B-modes and inflation B-modes and inflation • Harmonic representation of Q/U as spin-2 fields • E and B-modes expand as spin-0 harmonics • Averaged over ensembles B-modes and inflation B-modes and inflation B-modes and inflation • E-pol from scalar, vector and tensor modes • B-pol only from vector and tensor modes • Large scale Gaussian B-modes from primordial gravitational waves: - Constrain the energy scale of inflation via - rule out most ekpyrotic and pure curvaton/ inhomogeneous reheating models and others • Most of B from gravity waves is on large scales l < 300 (for high optical depth most from l < 30) • Lensing dominates at high-l – Motivates low-resolution analyses B-modes and inflation Credit: J Stolan, 2012 Simulating Planck data – Polarized CMB Full Q/U Put in E and B composition of a polarized cmb map TQU E Contrib. B Contrib. Simulating Planck data – Polarized foregrounds ● Dominant foregrounds are the ultimate limit in our ability to characterise inflationary B-modes ● Synchrotron and dust are significantly polarized ● Possible contribution from spinning dust (<2%?) Dust • • • • Aspherical grains align with B field Can be up to ~40% Typically 3-10% Few large scale maps (eg Archeops) Synchrotron • • • • Regular+turbulent B-field Can be up to ~75% Typically 10-40% Multiple maps eg WMAP, Haslam Simulating Planck data – Polarized synchrotron Synchrotron maps available at 400MHz, 1.4GHz, and WMAP Haslam 400MHz Βs from 0.4,1.4,3.23GHz WMAP 23 GHz Q WMAP 23 GHz U Simulating Planck data – Polarized dust Dust maps available at 100µm, but very little other pol info astro-ph/9905128 Simulating Planck data – multifrequency maps Temperature simulations: 30GHz Simulating Planck data – multifrequency maps Temperature simulations: 44GHz Simulating Planck data – multifrequency maps Temperature simulations: 70GHz Simulating Planck data – multifrequency maps Temperature simulations: 100GHz Simulating Planck data – multifrequency maps Temperature simulations: 143GHz Simulating Planck data – multifrequency maps Temperature simulations: 217GHz Simulating Planck data – multifrequency maps Temperature simulations: 353GHz Simulating Planck data – multifrequency maps Polarization simulations: 30GHz Simulating Planck data – multifrequency maps Polarization simulations: 44GHz Simulating Planck data – multifrequency maps Polarization simulations: 70GHz Simulating Planck data – multifrequency maps Polarization simulations: 100GHz Simulating Planck data – multifrequency maps Polarization simulations: 143GHz Simulating Planck data – multifrequency maps Polarization simulations: 217GHz Simulating Planck data – multifrequency maps Polarization simulations: 353GHz Do the simulations look like real data? Foreground Separation -Parametric Method Simple mixing model for multifrequency data: (1) Low-resolution pixel-based parametric likelihood: (2) Likelihood reaches maximum for: (3) (4) Assume smooth βs, and sub (4) into (2) for the spectral likelihood: (5) • The βs that maximise (5) are found numerically • Sub into (4) and solve for amplitudes pixel-by-pixel arXiv:1004.4756, 1203.5285 Foreground Separation -Maps CMB+noise simulations Recovery of Q/U required to at least 1-2% for r~0.1 Foreground Separation -Maps CMB+noise simulations – B-mode Recovery of Q/U required to at least 1-2% for r~0.1 Foreground Separation -Maps • Foregrounds also recovered well • Different frequency subsets can be used to more closely analyse dust/synchrotron Foreground Separation -r Likelihoods • Pixel-based likelihood • Pixel and noise covariance matrices calculated analytically • Foreground-free r=0.1 simulations • Useful handle on spread in recovered r due to noise Foreground Separation -r Likelihoods • Modify likelihood to include spatial correlation of βs • Reflects physical assumption that βs and βd don’t vary on very short scales • Generalise individual pixel priors to covariance matrix: • Vary correlation length to improve noise tolerance: Foreground Separation -r Likelihoods Foreground Separation -Improvements? • These methods can get down to about r~=0.01 (perhaps lower depending on real Planck sky) • r=~0.01 – these and similar methods • r=~0.001 – achievable with extra datasets if we are lucky! • r=~0.0001 – very difficult/ impossible C-BASS • Alternate datasets: • C-BASS 5 GHz (2012) • Quijote – 10-30 GHz (2013?) • Spider – 100,150,220 GHz (2013) • COrE – Dedicated polarization satellite (2020?) COrE? Spider