View or Post Positive

Post coverage confirmed in real time with
Post-Positive System
U.S. Security Associates (USA) confirms that officers are on post, on time, with Post-Positive® Post Supervisory System.
USA’s strategy for managing service quality combines security
best practices with technology-based quality controls. The PostPositive® Post Supervisory System is technology that holds us
accountable for having officers on post, on time, and for billing
Did the officer show up for work? Was he or she on time? These
ranked among the top concerns of security managers in a recent
study — especially security managers responsible for coldstart locations. Post-Positive® — an optional round-the-clock
post monitoring solution developed as a quality control tool to
support shift organization at cold start locations­— can answer
these questions in real time. With Post-Positive®, officers sign in
and out of duty telephonically from recognized site phones. If a
scheduled sign-in is missed, the system triggers a supervisor alert,
enabling rapid response to support post coverage.
Post-Positive offers detailed reporting of post coverage, and
system-generated timesheets ensure precise, accurate billing.
Innovations like Post-Positive ® form the foundation for
performance management excellence. With our team of internal
developers continuously working to improve existing systems,
expand applications, and take advantage of the latest technology,
we are proud to introduce advanced solutions for improving
efficiency, effectiveness and accountability in security operations.
Key Benefits of Post-Positive
User-friendly – Both officers and security managers can
intuitively operate the Post-Positive® system. No complex
technology, no training.
• Foolproof – Caller ID and controlled timesheets correctly
identify that the right person is at the right place at the right
Efficient – Telephonic check-ins and automated alerts free
managers to focus on other responsibilities.
The Post-Positive® Post Supervisory System triggers a supervisor alert if an officer
fails to sign in or sign out on schedule from a recognized site phone.
U.S. Security Associates (USA) is one of North America’s largest security companies, with locally-responsive offices providing premier national security services and
global consulting and investigations to customers in a range of industries. USA is a recognized leader in optimizing security solutions and enabling better business
intelligence through the strategic combination of manpower and technology.
USA uses proprietary technology to engineer service delivery processes. With its innovative applications of technology for training delivery and
quality management, USA has been ranked among the 30 best training and development companies in the world by ATD and is consistently
listed as a Top 125 training company by Training magazine.
© USA Rev. 08-15
USA is committed to building quality security and risk management programs that are Safe. Secure. Friendly.SM Advanced technology is
integral to the company’s success delivering solutions that reduce security costs, increase quality and value, and provide transparency and
accountability that enable customers to effectively evaluate return on their security program investments. • • 866-735-9418 or 770-625-1500
Safe. Secure. Friendly.
California License # PPO 10116. Licensed
by the New York State Department of State.