CELEX numbers are composed - EUR-Lex

This document aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the logic that has been used to allocate CELEX
numbers since the setting-up of the EUR-Lex database (formerly known as CELEX).
All CELEX sectors have been thoroughly analysed and the study results can be found in a table which explains
the allocation of numbers by sector.
The table indicates the descriptors used for each type of act and contains examples and special cases. In
addition to this information, an introductory note in each section of the table indicates the general rules used to
allocate CELEX numbers by sector.
Three sectors (7, C and O) are not listed in the table but, for completeness, specific remarks about them have
been included in Section I of this document
General remarks about CELEX numbers………………………………………………………………..
(a) About the year in CELEX numbers………………………………………………………………….
(b) About corrigenda………………………………………………………………………………………
II. Specific remarks about CELEX sectors not listed in the table…………………………………………
(a) Sector 7: National implementing measures………………………………………………………..
(b) Sector C: Documents published in the C series of the Official Journal………………………….
(c) Sector 0: Consolidated versions……………………………………………………………………..
III. CELEX numbers by sector………………………………………………………………………………..
Sector 1: Treaties………………………………………………………………………………………………
Sector 2: International agreements…………………………………………………………………………..
Sector 3: Legislation……………………………………………………………………………………………
Sector 4: Complementary legislation………………………………………………………………………….
Sector 5: Preparatory acts………………………………………………………………………………………
Sector 6: Case-law……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Sector 8: National case law…………………………………………………………………………………….
Sector 9: Parliamentary questions……………………………………………………………………………..
Sector E: EFTA documents………………………………………………………………………………………
CELEX numbers are generally allocated on the basis of a document number or a date, and completed by
descriptors related to the relevant document type.
The table in Section III of this document describes how CELEX numbers are allocated for different types of acts.
The table is structured so that, for each CELEX sector, document types and descriptors are analysed and
special cases mentioned when relevant.
(a) About the year in CELEX numbers
Documents have been indexed with four-digit years since 2000. Prior to the year 2000, only the last two digits of
the year were used in the document number. These two-digit year numbers can be displayed in the advanced
(b) About corrigenda
All documents (except from sectors 0 and 7) may have one or more corrigenda.
Corrigenda are published in both the L and C series of the Official Journal. The CELEX number of a
corrigendum is based on the same number as that of the document being corrected followed by the letter R and
a sequential number between brackets.
The CELEX number for the first corrigendum of a given act would thus receive the suffix R(01), the second
R(02), and so on according to chronological order.
Please note that a given document may not necessarily have been corrected in all official languages of the
European Union and, consequently, a corrigendum may not be available in all languages.
(a) Sector 7: National implementing measures
National implementing measures have the same CELEX number as the implemented directive,
except the sector is "7" instead of "3".
Example: 72009L0144: national provisions communicated by the Member States concerning: Directive 2009/144/EC
of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on certain components and characteristics of
wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors
(b) Sector C: documents published in the C series of the Official Journal
The CELEX number of non-analysed communications is based on a C + year + OJ number + page number
structure. The descriptor C is used for classification.
All the communications of the Court of Justice published as of 1 January 2008 have been analysed.
Communications of the Court of Justice published before 1 January 2008 have been analysed in so far as they
refer to pending cases.
Example: C2009/323/11: Prior notification of a concentration (Case COMP/M.5718 — Bregal Capital/Englefield
Capital) — Candidate case for simplified procedure
(c) Sector 0: Consolidated versions
Consolidated texts are non-official documents usually integrating acts of Sector 3 with their amendments and
Their CELEX numbers are composed of 0 (indicating the current sector) + the CELEX number of the
consolidated act (without the number 3 which indicates its initial sector) + the date of entry into force of the
last amending act. So each consolidated version has a different CELEX number.
Example: 01999L0094-20031120: Directive 1999/94/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13
December 1999 relating to the availability of consumer information on fuel economy and CO2 emissions in respect of
the marketing of new passenger cars.
Sector 1: Treaties
The treaties are available in EUR-Lex and are divided into separate articles. Each article has its own CELEX number, as do protocols, annexes and conventions. These
separate documentary items have a three-digit number. Annexes, declarations, protocols, etc. are given ad hoc references that are, in fact, abbreviations divided by
• Annexes:
N01 (12002EN01)
• Protocols:
PRO (12002E/PRO/06)
• Complete text:
TXT (12002E/TXT)
• Preamble:
000 (12002E000)
• Declarations:
DCL (12001/DCL/08)
• Final acts:
AFI (12005S/AFI)
• Table of contents:
The year represents the date of signature of the treaty and, for consolidated texts, the year of publication.
Type of Act
Treaty establishing the European Coal
and Steel Community (1951)
Sector 1 examples and special cases
11951K097: Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, Article 97.
11951K/PRO/CJ/10: Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice of the
European Coal and Steel Community, Article 10
11957K: The Convention on certain Institutions common to the European Communities has also been indexed with 1K.
Type of Act
Treaty establishing the European
Atomic Energy Community (1957)
Treaty establishing the European
Atomic Energy Community
(consolidated version 2010)
Treaty establishing the European
Atomic Energy Community
(consolidated version 2012)
Treaty establishing the European
Economic Community (EEC Treaty)
Treaty establishing the European
Community (EC Treaty), Maastricht
(consolidated version 1992)
EC Treaty Amsterdam (consolidated
version 1997)
EC Treaty Nice (consolidated version
EC Treaty Athens (consolidated
version 2006)
Treaty on the Functioning of the
European Union consolidated versions
(2008, 2010, 2012)
Sector 1 examples and special cases
11957A217: Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC — Euratom), Article 217
12010A224: Consolidated version of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, Title VI — Final provisions, Article
11957A/AFI/DCL/FRAN: Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC — Euratom), Final Act, Declaration by the
Government of the French Republic on application for patents covering information to be kept secret for defence reasons
12012A/PRO/03: Consolidated version of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community - Protocol on the location of the
seats of the institutions and of certain bodies, offices, agencies and departments of the European Union
EAEC Treaty articles are presented several times in the database under different numerical series due to the appearance of
their subsequent versions (original version 1957; consolidated version 2012).
11957E009: Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, Article 9
11992E229: Treaty establishing the European Community (codified version 1992), Article 229
12002E/PRO/34: Treaty establishing the European Community (Nice consolidated version), Protocol on the financial consequences of the
expiry of the ECSC Treaty and on the research fund for coal and steel
12008E/AFI/DCL/65: Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (2008), Declarations annexed to the
Final Act of the Intergovernmental Conference which adopted the Treaty of Lisbon, signed on 13 December 2007, C. Declarations by
Member States, 65. Declaration by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Article 75 of the Treaty on the Functioning
of the European Union
12012EN01: Treaty establishing the European Community (2012 consolidated version), Annex I
EEC Treaty, EC Treaty and TFEU articles are presented several times in the database, under different numerical series due to
the appearance of their subsequent versions ( 1).
Merger Treaty (1965)
Treaty amending budgetary provisions
11965F/PRO/PRI/22: Treaty establishing a single Council and a single Commission of the European Communities, Protocol on the
privileges and immunities of the European Communities, Article 22
11970F/MOD/08: Treaty amending certain budgetary provisions of the Treaties establishing the European Communities and of the Treaty
establishing a single Council and a single Commission of the European Communities, Chapter III: Provisions amending the Treaty
establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, Article 8
Accession Treaty 1972
(Denmark, Ireland, UK, Norway)
11972B006: Documents concerning the accession to the European Communities of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, the Kingdom of
Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to
the Treaties, Article 6
11972B/AFI/DCL/11: Documents concerning the accession to the European Communities of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, the
Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Final Act, Declarations on hill farming
See also 11993R/PRO/BEI/ documents (Act amending the Protocol on the Statute of the European Investment Bank empowering the Board of Governors to establish a European Investment Fund), amendment to 11957E/PRO/BEI.
Type of Act
Treaty amending certain financial
provisions (1975)
Treaty amending certain provisions of
the protocol on the statute of the
European Investment Bank (1975)
Sector 1 examples and special cases
11975R031: Treaty amending certain financial provisions of the Treaties establishing the European Economic Communities and of the
Treaty establishing a single Council of the European Communities, Article 31
11975R/PRO/BEI/06: Treaty amending certain provisions of the Protocol on the Statute of the European Investment Bank, Article 6
Accession Treaty 1979
11979H007: Documents concerning the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the European Communities, Act concerning the conditions of
accession of the Hellenic Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties, Article 7
11979HN12/04: Documents concerning the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the European Communities, Act concerning the
conditions of accession of the Hellenic Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties, Annex XII: List referred to in Article 145 of the Act of
Accession, IV. Approximation of legislation
Accession Treaty 1985
(Spain, Portugal)
11985I001: Documents concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the European Communities, Act
concerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties, Article 1
11985I/AFI/DCL/49: Documents concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the European
Communities, Final Act, Declaration by the Portuguese Republic on monetary questions
Greenland Treaty (1985)
11985G007: Treaty amending, with regard to Greenland, the Treaties establishing the European Communities, Article 7
Single European Act (1986)
11986U006: Single European Act, Article 6
11986U/AFI/DCL/01: Single European Act, Final Act, Declaration on the powers of implementation of the Commission
Treaty on European Union, Maastricht
EU Treaty, Amsterdam (consolidation
EU Treaty, Nice (consolidation 2002)
EU Treaty, Athens (consolidation 2006)
EU Treaty, Lisbon (consolidations
2008, 2010 and 2012)
11992MG/B8: Treaty on European Union, Title II: Provisions amending the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community with a
view to establishing the European Community, Article G – Article G B 8
11997M045: Treaty on European Union (consolidated version 1997), Article 45
12008M055: Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union (2008), Article 55
12010M001: Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union (2010), Article 1
12012M/TBL: Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union - Tables of equivalences
Accession Treaty 1994
(Austria, Finland, Sweden, Norway)
11994N029: Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the
Kingdom of Sweden and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded, Article 29
Treaty of Amsterdam (1997)
11997D001/P9: Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and
certain related acts, Part One: Substantive amendments, Article 1.9
The articles of EU Treaties are presented several times in the database under different numerical series, due to the
appearance of their subsequent versions.
Type of Act
Sector 1 examples and special cases
Treaty of Nice (2001)
12001C/DCL/25: Treaty of Nice amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and certain
related acts, Declarations of which the conference took note, Declaration by Luxembourg
Accession Treaty 2003
(Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus,
Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta,
Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia)
12003TN08/APP/A: Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the
Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of
Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded, Annex VIII, Appendix A
Treaty establishing a Constitution for
Europe (2004)
12004V005: Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, Part I, Title I: Definition and objectives of the Union, Article I-5
12004V/AFI/DCL/45: Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, Final Act, B. Declarations concerning Protocols annexed to the
Constitution, Declarations by Member States, 45.Declaration by the Kingdom of Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland
Accession Treaty 2005
(Bulgaria, Romania)
12005S/TTE/06: Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium,[...] and the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania, concerning the accession of the
Republic of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union, Article 6
12005SPN03/04: Protocol concerning the conditions and arrangements for admission of the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania to the
European Union, Annex III: List referred to in Article 16 of the Protocol: adaptations to acts adopted by the institutions, 4.Taxation
Treaty of Lisbon (2007)
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
European Union (2007, 2010 and
Accession Treaty 2012
12007L001: Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community, signed at
Lisbon, 13 December 2007, Amendments to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty establishing the European Community, Article
12007L/PRO/A/11: Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community,
Protocols, A. Protocols to be annexed to the Treaty on European Union, to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and, where
applicable, to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community — Protocol on transitional provisions
12007P001: Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Title I: Dignity, Article 1: Human dignity
12007P054: Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Article 54: Prohibition of abuse of rights
12010P002: Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Title I: Dignity, Article 2: Right to life
See also 32000X1218(01): Version 2000 of the Charter, analysed as a Sector 3 (legislation) document.
12012J002: Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Republic of Croatia and the adjustments to the Treaty on European Union,
the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community - Article 2
12012J/AFI/DCL/A: Final Act - A. Joint Declaration by the present Member States - Joint Declaration on the full application of the provisions
of the Schengen acquis
12012JN09: Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Republic of Croatia and the adjustments to the Treaty on European Union,
the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community - Annex IX:
Commitments undertaken by the Republic of Croatia on the restructuring of the steel sector (referred to in Article 36(1), third subparagraph,
of the Act of Accession)
Sector 2: International agreements
In general, the CELEX number is composed of the date of publication (see special cases depending on the type of act).
Type of Act
Agreements with non-member States
or international organisations
Acts of bodies created by
international agreements
Sector 2 examples and special cases
22005A0208(01): Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco on the participation of the Kingdom of Morocco in
the European Union military crisis management operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
22005A0128(02): Protocol to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of
the one part, and the Republic of Croatia, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia,
the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of
Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic to the European Union
The CELEX numbers for these agreements are based on the date of publication, which is always followed by a split number
(additional number between brackets). Different acts published on the same day bear the same number, with the only difference
being a specific split number (e.g. 21986A0331(01), 21986A0331(02)). If only one agreement was published on that day, the
number between brackets is (01).
Before 1983, the number was based on the date of signature or entry into force of the act.
21978D0629(03): Decision No 1/78 of the EEC–Switzerland Joint Committee — Community transit — of 8 May 1978 on the amendment of
Appendix III to the Agreement
22001D0222(03): Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 111/2000 of 22 December 2000 amending Annex XIII to the EEA Agreement
22009D0160: Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No 160/2009 of 4 December 2009 amending Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement, on
cooperation in specific fields outside the four freedoms
22009D0819: 2009/819/EC: Decision No 1/2009 of the EU–Tunisia Association Council of 22 October 2009 amending Decision No 1/1999 on
the implementation of the provisions on processed agricultural products […]
Since March 2001, the CELEX numbers of these acts have been based on their own natural numbers (sequential numbers
assigned when these acts are published).
Before March 2001, the CELEX numbers of these acts were based on their date of publication (year and day) followed by a
split number.
22009P0316(05): Resolution on the situation in Zimbabwe
22009P0914(05): Resolution on establishing and promoting peace, security, stability and governance in Somalia
Acts of parliamentary bodies created
by international agreements
The CELEX numbers for these acts are based on the date of publication followed by a split number.
There are some cases where CELEX numbers have been based on the internal number of the act. See, in particular, resolutions
of the Joint Assembly of the ACP–EU Convention (e.g. 22007P3937).
Type of Act
Other acts
Sector 2 examples and special cases
22009X0612(01): Agreement between the European Community and the Kingdom of Denmark on jurisdiction and the recognition and
enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters
22005X0927(01): Information concerning the extension of the International Agreement on Tropical Timber, 1994
Acts which contain information about the entry into force, provisional application, extensions, etc. of international agreements are
included in this category.
Sector 3: Legislation
As a general rule, the CELEX numbers of acts included in Sector 3 (legislation) are based on their ‘natural numbers’ (i.e. the sequential number assigned when these
acts are published) and the years in which they were published. There are, however, many exceptions and special cases.
Type of Act
Common and foreign security
policy: common positions, joint
actions, common strategies
(pre-Lisbon Title V of the EU
Police and judicial cooperation
in criminal matters (pre-Lisbon
Title VI of the EU Treaty)
Sector 3 examples and special cases
32009E0842: Council Joint Action 2009/842/CFSP of 17 November 2009 amending Joint Action 2007/369/CFSP on the establishment of the
European Union Police Mission in Afghanistan
32009E0717: Council Common Position 2009/717/CFSP of 24 September 2009 extending Common Position 2004/694/CFSP on further measures in
support of the effective implementation of the mandate of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
Post-Lisbon acts adopted in the domain of CFSP take the form of decisions (see D, below).
32009F0948: Council Framework Decision 2009/948/JHA of 30 November 2009 on prevention and settlement of conflicts of exercise of jurisdiction in
criminal proceedings
31996F0602: 96/602/JHA: Joint Action of 14 October 1996 adopted by the Council on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union
providing for a common framework for the initiatives of the Member States concerning liaison officers
The CELEX numbers are based on the date of publication for Council acts establishing conventions (e.g. 31997F0827(01)), Council
acts in the domain of police cooperation (e.g. 32000F1213(01)) and acts of the Management Board of Europol (e.g. 31999F0130(09)).
Post-Lisbon acts adopted in this domain take the form of regulations, directives and decisions (see R, L and D, below).
32009R1290: Commission Regulation (EU) No 1290/2009 of 23 December 2009 fixing the import duties in the cereals sector applicable from
1 January 2010
32001R0469: Council Regulation (EC) No 469/2001 of 6 March 2001 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain electronic
weighing scales originating in Singapore
32009L0147: Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on the conservation of wild birds
31963L0340: Council Directive 63/340/EEC of 31 May 1963 on the abolition of all prohibitions on or obstacles to payments for services where the
only restrictions on exchange of services are those governing such payments
Type of Act
Sector 3 examples and special cases
32009D1017: Council Decision of 22 December 2009 on the granting of State aid by the authorities of the Republic of Hungary for the purchase of
agricultural land between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2013
31981D0775: 81/775/EEC: Commission Decision of 10 September 1981 on the implementation of the reform of agricultural structures in France
pursuant to Council Directive 72/160/EEC
Decisions (with or without
ECSC decisions of general
32000S2749: Commission Decision No 2749/2000/ECSC of 13 December 2000 fixing the rate of the levies for the 2001 financial year and amending
Decision No 3/52/ECSC on the amount of and methods for applying the levies provided for in Articles 49 and 50 of the Treaty
Non-opposition to a notified
32009M5672: Commission Decision of 22/12/2009 declaring a concentration to be compatible with the common market (Case No COMP/M.5672 —
CANON/OCE) according to Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004
Non-opposition to a notified
joint venture
32001J0056: Commission Decision of 29/11/ 2001 declaring a concentration to be compatible with the common market (Case No IV/M.0056 — 3*
HUTCHISON / ECT) according to Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89
32009B0929: Statement of revenue and expenditure for the European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA) for the financial year 2009 — Amending
Budget No 2
ECSC recommendations
31996K2393: Commission Recommendation No 2393/96/ECSC of 16 December 1996 amending Recommendation 91/141/ECSC concerning the
questionnaires contained in the Annex
ECB guidelines
Pre-Lisbon sui generis decisions (Beschluss in German) and decisions (Entscheidung in German), which post-Lisbon are referred to as
decisions with addressee (former Entscheidung) and without addressee (former Beschluss or sui generis), are included in this category.
ECSC High Authority decisions and European Central Bank decisions are also included here. The CELEX number of an ECB act is
based on its internal number (e.g. 32005D0011).
32009O0018: 2009/595/EC: Guideline of the European Central Bank of 17 July 2009 amending Guideline ECB/2006/16 on the legal framework for
accounting and financial reporting in the European System of Central Banks (ECB/2009/18)
The CELEX numbers for these guidelines are based on the internal number of the ECB act.
Type of Act
31995H0326: 95/326/EC: Council Recommendation of 10 July 1995 on the broad guidelines of the economic policies of the Member States and of
the Community
32009A1013(02): Commission Opinion within the framework of Article 17(5) of Directive 2003/88/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time […]
31990A0389: 90/389/EEC: Commission Opinion of 10 July 1990 concerning the Windscale Vitrification Plant and the Vitrified Product Store (United
Since 1998, the CELEX numbers of these opinions have been based on the date of publication followed by a split number. Prior to
then, their CELEX numbers were formed with the ‘natural number’.
32009G1229(01): Council Resolution of 18 December 2009 on a collaborative European approach to Network and Information Security
31967G0279: 67/279/CEE: Résolution du Conseil, du 18 avril 1967, modifiant la liste des marchandises annexée à la résolution du Conseil du 27
octobre 1966 relative à la responsabilité financière de la Communauté […]
Since 1995, the CELEX numbers of these resolutions have been based on the date of publication followed by a split number. Prior to
then, their CELEX numbers were formed with the ‘natural number’
Institutional arrangements
(rules of procedure; internal
Sector 3 examples and special cases
32002C0718(01): Declaration by the Commission in the Conciliation Committee on the Directive relating to the assessment and management of
environmental noise
The CELEX numbers for these declarations are based on the date of publication followed by a split number.
Other documents published in
the OJ L series (or pre-1967)
32006Q0804(01): Revised rules of procedure of the governing board of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
As a rule, the CELEX numbers for these institutional arrangements are based on the date of publication.
Nevertheless, there are some cases where they have been based on the publication reference information.
32008X0314(01): Information concerning the declarations by the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania and the
Republic of Slovenia on their acceptance of the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice to give preliminary rulings […]
31993X0730: 93/730/EC: Code of conduct concerning public access to Council and Commission documents
The CELEX numbers for these documents are based on the publication number for acts published in the OJ L series which received
such a publication number. Otherwise, the basis is the date of publication.
Type of Act
Other documents published in
the OJ C series
Sector 3 examples and special cases
32009Y0530(01): List of international community airports — Article 197 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93
31986Y0131: Decision No 131 of 3 December 1985 concerning the scope of Article 71 (1) (b) (II) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 relating to
the right to unemployment benefits of workers […]
31999Y0828(01): Information from the Court of Justice — Note on the citation of articles of the Treaties in the publications of the Court of Justice and
the Court of First Instance
The CELEX numbers for these documents are based on the publication number for acts published in the OJ C series which received
such a publication number. Otherwise, the basis is the date of publication.
Sector 4: Complementary legislation
As a general rule, the CELEX numbers for this sector are based on the ‘publication number’ for acts published in the OJ which received such a publication number.
Otherwise, the basis is the date of publication.
Type of Act
Sector 4 examples and special cases
Agreements between Member States
42004A0430(01): Agreement between the Member States of the European Union concerning claims introduced by each Member State
against any other Member State for damage to any property owned, used or operated by it or injury or death suffered by any military or
civilian staff of its services, in the context of an EU crisis management operation
41964A0737: 64/737/EEC: Agreement on measures and procedures required for the implementation of the Agreement establishing an
Association between the EEC and Turkey
Decisions of the representatives of
the governments of the Member
The CELEX numbers for these agreements have been based on the date of publication since 1992. Different acts published on
the same day bear the same number, with the only difference of a specific split number (e.g.: 41986A0331(01)).
Nevertheless, there are some cases of CELEX numbers that were composed of publication numbers before 1992.
42009D0913: Decision taken by common agreement between the Representatives of the Governments of Member States of 7 December
2009 on the location of the seat of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
The CELEX numbers for these decisions are based on the natural number of the document.
42008X0711(01): Regulation No 54 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNECE) — Uniform provisions
concerning the approval of pneumatic tyres for commercial vehicles and their trailers
Other acts published in the OJ L
Other acts published in the OJ C
The CELEX numbers for these acts are based on the date of publication of the document.
Regulations of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNECE) are indexed in Sector 4X because they are
acts from non-EU bodies created by an EU international agreement.
42000Y1223(01): Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the
Council of 14 December 2000 concerning an action plan for mobility
The CELEX numbers for these acts are based on the date of publication of the document.
Sector 5: Preparatory acts
Type of Act
Sector 5 examples and special cases
52009AG0018: Common Position (EC) No 18/2009 of 20 November 2009 adopted by the Council,
acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the Treaty
Council or Member
Council common positions (and
post-Lisbon positions)
Council assents (ECSC Treaty)
The CELEX numbers for these common positions are based on the natural number of the
Before 1999, the date of publication was used to compose the CELEX numbers for these acts
because they were published in the OJ C series, where publication numbers are not attributed.
52002KG0005: Assent No 5/2002 given by the Council pursuant to Article 95 of the Treaty establishing
the European Coal and Steel Community
The CELEX numbers for these assents are based on the natural number of the document.
Initiatives from Member States
52009IG0915(01): Initiative of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Czech Republic [...] and the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for a Council Decision [...]
The CELEX numbers for these initiatives are based on the publication date of the document.
Other documents of the Council
or Member States
COM – legislative proposals,
and documents related
52009XG1211(03): Council conclusions of 27 November 2009 on media literacy in the digital
The CELEX numbers for these documents are based on the publication date of the
52009PC0697: Proposal for a Council Regulation imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of
ethanolamines originating in the United States of America
52009PC0199(01): Recommendation for a Council decision granting mutual assistance for Romania
52009PC0199(02): Proposal for a Council decision providing EU medium-term financial assistance for
The CELEX numbers for COM documents containing legislative proposals are based on a year
+ PC + number of the document structure.
A split number is indicated when the adoption of several legislative acts is proposed in the
Type of Act
Other COM documents (green
papers, white papers,
communications, reports, etc.)
Sector 5 examples and special cases
52009DC0710: Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the
application of Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005 regarding the establishment of a Community list of air
carriers subject to an operating ban […]
The CELEX numbers for non-legislative COM documents are based on a year + DC + number
of the document structure.
A split number is indicated when there is more than one version of the document.
52012JC0036: Joint Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic
and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Supporting closer cooperation and regional
integration in the Maghreb: Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia
JOIN documents
The CELEX numbers for JOIN documents are based on a year + JC + number of the
document structure.
A split number is indicated when there is more than one version of the document.
52009SC1719: Commission staff working document — Background document to the […] Annual Report
on the implementation of the instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) {COM(2009)699 final}
SEC and SWD documents
Proposals of codified versions
of regulations, directives and
The CELEX numbers for SEC and SWD documents are based on a year + SC + number of
the document structure.
A split number is indicated when there is more than one version of the document or when one
SEC/SWD includes more than one document.
52002EC2377: Draft Commission Regulation […] on opening and providing for the administration of a
Community tariff quota for malting barley from third countries […]
52001FC0025: Proposal for a Directive […] on the minimum level of training of seafarers (Codified
52001GC0106: Draft Commission Decision […] establishing a model for the lists of entities approved by
Member States in accordance with various provisions of Community veterinary legislation, and the rules
[…] (codified version).
The CELEX numbers for these proposals are based on the CELEX number of the act whose
codification is proposed (e.g. the CELEX number for the codification project of regulation
32000R0001 is 52000EC0001).
Other documents of the
52009XC1231(07): Information by the European Commission on a list of States and their competent
authorities […] on Flag State notifications
The CELEX numbers for these documents are based on the publication date of the
Type of Act
Legislative resolutions of the
European Parliament
Sector 5 examples and special cases
52008AP0560: Medium-term financial assistance for Member States’ balance of payments — European
Parliament legislative resolution of 20 November 2008 on the proposal for a Council regulation
amending Regulation (EC) No 332/2002 establishing a facility providing medium-term financial
assistance for Member States’ balances of payments
The CELEX numbers for these resolutions are based on the internal reference of the
parliamentary act. This internal reference is mentioned in the Official Journal.
52008BP0225: Draft amending budget No 2/2008 European Parliament resolution of 22 May 2008 on
Draft amending budget No 2/2008 of the EU for the financial year 2008 […]
Budget (European Parliament)
Other resolutions of the
European Parliament
Internal decisions of the
European Parliament
The CELEX numbers for these budget documents are based on the internal reference of the
parliamentary act. This internal reference is mentioned in the Official Journal.
52008IP0568: European Parliament resolution of 20 November 2008 on the review of Recommendation
2001/331/EC providing for minimum criteria for environmental inspections in the Member States
The CELEX numbers for these resolutions are based on the internal reference of the
parliamentary act. This internal reference is mentioned in the Official Journal.
52008DP0189: Parliament decision of 8 May 2008 on the conclusion of an interinstitutional agreement
between the European Parliament and the Commission on procedures for implementing Council
Decision 1999/468/EC laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on
the Commission […]
The CELEX numbers for these decisions are based on the internal reference of the
parliamentary act. This internal reference is mentioned in the Official Journal.
52005XP1217(01): Text adopted at the XXXIVth Conference of Committees for European and
Community Affairs of the European Union Parliaments (COSAC)
Other documents of the
European Parliament
The CELEX numbers for these documents are based on the publication date of the
document. These documents are usually published in the OJ C series and do not receive any
internal reference.
Type of Act
Opinions of the Court of
Sector 5 examples and special cases
52008AA0002: Opinion No 2/2008 on a proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC,
Euratom) No 1150/2000 […] on the system of the Communities’ own resources
The CELEX numbers for these opinions are based on the natural number of the document.
52009SA0002: Special Report No 2/2009: The European Union’s Public Health Programme (2003–07):
an effective way to improve health?
Special reports of the Court of
Court of Auditors
European Central
Reports of the Court of Auditors
The CELEX numbers for these special reports are based on the natural number of the
The SA descriptor has been in use since March 2001. Prior to then, the special reports of the
Court of Auditors were classified under Sector 3Y (e.g. 32001Y0222(01))
52009TA1218(01): Report on the annual accounts of the European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the
Development of Fusion Energy for the financial year ended 31 December 2008, together with the replies
of the Joint Undertaking
The CELEX numbers for these reports are based on the publication date of the document.
Other documents of the Court
of Auditors
Opinions of the European
Central Bank
52006XA1031(02): Statement of Assurance by the Court of Auditors on the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
European Development Funds (EDFs) for the financial year 2005
The CELEX numbers for these documents are based on the publication date of the
52001AB0031: Opinion of the European Central Bank of 9 October 2001 […] on a proposal for a Council
Decision establishing a training, exchange and assistance programme for the protection of the euro
against counterfeiting (the Pericles programme) (CON/2001/31)
The CELEX numbers for these documents are based on the natural number of the document.
Recommendations of the
European Central Bank
Other documents of the
European Central Bank
52009HB0014: Recommendation of the European Central Bank of 25 June 2009 to the Council of the
European Union on the external auditors of Národná banka Slovenska (ECB/2009/14)
The CELEX numbers for these recommendations are based on the natural number of the
52004XB0731(01): Notice of the European Central Bank on the imposition of sanctions for infringements
of balance sheet statistical reporting requirements
The CELEX numbers for these documents are based on the publication date of the
Economic and
Social Committee
Type of Act
Opinions on consultation of the
European Economic and Social
Other opinions of the European
Economic and Social
Other documents of the
European Economic and Social
Opinions on consultation of the
Committee of the Regions
Sector 5 examples and special cases
52009AE1467: Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the ‘Proposal for a
regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 998/2003 on the
animal health requirements applicable to the non-commercial movement of pet animals’ COM(2009) 268
final — 2009/0077 (COD)
The CELEX numbers for these opinions are based on the internal number of the document.
Between 1958 and 2000, the descriptor AC was used for the opinions of the Economic and
Social Committee. As code C was reserved for Commission documents, code AC was
gradually replaced by the new codes AE and IE.
52009IE1459: Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on ‘Enhancing energy
efficiency policies and programmes by end users’ (Own-initiative opinion)
52000AC1195: Opinion of the Economic and Social Committee on the ‘Communication from the
Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the
Committee of the Regions — Principles and guidelines for the Community’s audiovisual policy in the
digital age’
The CELEX numbers for these opinions are based on the internal number of the document.
Between 1958 and 2000, the descriptor AC was used for the opinions of the Economic and
Social Committee. As code C was reserved for Commission documents, code AC was
gradually replaced by the new codes AE and IE.
52007XE1217: Resolution of the European Economic and Social Committee on ‘Natural disasters’
Committee of the
Other opinions of the
Committee of the Regions
Other documents of the
Committee of the Regions
The CELEX numbers for these documents are based on the internal number of the
document. Nevertheless there are some cases of CELEX numbers based on the publication
date of the document.
52008AR0321: Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on non-discrimination, equal opportunities and
the implementation of the principle of equal treatment between persons
The CELEX numbers for these opinions are based on the internal number of the document.
52009IR0089: The Committee of the Regions’ White Paper on multilevel governance
The CELEX numbers for these opinions are based on the internal number of the document.
52009XR0176: Resolution of the Committee of the Regions on climate change: the road to Copenhagen
adopted on 18 June 2009
52003XR0323(02): Resolution of the Committee of the Regions on enlargement
The CELEX numbers for these documents are based on the internal number of the
document. Nevertheless there are some cases of CELEX numbers based on the publication
date of the document.
European Coal and
Steel Community
Other organs
Type of Act
ECSC Consultative Committee
Other documents of the ECSC
Other documents
Sector 5 examples and special cases
52001AK0614(01): Opinion of the ECSC Consultative Committee on the European climate change
programme and emissions trading (adopted unanimously at the 355th session of 5 April 2001)
The CELEX numbers for these opinions are based on the publication date of the document.
52002XK0530(01): Resolution of the ECSC Consultative Committee on the decision by the President of
the United States to introduce measures to protect the US steel industry (adopted unanimously at the
360th session of 10 April 2002)
The CELEX numbers for these documents are based on the publication date of the
52009XX1205(04): Notice of application for an oil and gas exploration licence designated the Biancavilla
licence — Republic of Italy — Region of Sicily — Regional Ministry of Industry — Regional Department
of Industry and Mining — Regional Office for Hydrocarbons and Geothermal Energy (U.R.I.G.)
The CELEX numbers for these documents are based on the publication date of the
Sector 6: Case-law
The Celex number for this sector is constructed as follows: 6aaaaPPnnnn(cc), with: aaaa (year of the decision), TJ, TO, etc… (descriptor of the act), nnnn (case number)
and cc (code of continuation allowing to distinguish acts of the same type related to the same case).
Sector 6 examples and special cases
62007TJ0344: Judgment of the General Court (Sixth Chamber) of 10 February 2010 — O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG
v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM) — Community trade mark […] —
Case T-344/07
62009TO0443: Order of the President of the Court of First Instance of 20 January 2010 — Agriconsulting Europe SA v
European Commission — Application for interim measures — Case T-443/09 R.
62005TT0385: Order of the President of the Court of First Instance of 4 February 2010 — Portuguese Republic v
Transnáutica - Transportes e Navegação, SA and European Commission — Interim measures […] — Case T-385/05 TO
General Court
(pre-Lisbon Court of
First Instance)
Type of Act
62009TA0113: Case T-113/09: Judgment of the General Court of 9 February 2010 — PromoCell bioscience alive GmbH
v OHIM […]
62007TB0173: Case T-173/07: Order of the General Court of 11 January 2010 — Reno Schuhcentrum v OHIM —
Payless ShoeSource Worldwide
62009TN0486: Case T-486/09: Action brought on 4 December 2009 — Poland v Commission
New cases
Opinions of the
61990TC0024: Joined opinions of Judge Edward, acting as Advocate General, delivered on 10 March 1992.
Type of Act
Opinions of the
Advocate General
62008CC0211: Opinion of Advocate General Mengozzi delivered on 25 February 2010 — Commission v Spain — Case C211/08
62009CJ0295: Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 25 February 2010 — Commission v Spain — Case C-295/09
62008CO0579: Order of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 15 January 2010 — Messer Group v Air Products and Chemicals
Inc. and Office for Harmonisation in the internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM) — Case C-579/08 P
62002CS0001: Order of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 27 March 2003 — Antippas v Commission of the European
Communities […] — Case C-1/02 SA
61992CV0002: Opinion 2/92 of the Court of 24 March 1995 — Competence of the Community or one of its institutions to
participate in the Third Revised Decision of the OECD on national treatment
61978CX0001: Ruling of the Court of 14 November 1978 — Ruling delivered pursuant to the third paragraph of Article 103
of the EAEC Treaty — Draft Convention of the International Atomic Energy Agency on the Physical Protection of Nuclear
Materials, Facilities and Transports — Ruling 1/78.
62011CD0017: Decision of the Court of Justice (special chamber provided for in Article 123b of the Rules of Procedure) of
8 February 2011.
Court of Justice
Sector 6 examples and special cases
61984CT0292: Order of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 22 September 1987 — F. Bolognese and others v H. Scharf and
Commission of the European Communities. […] — Case 292/84 TO
62011CP0329: View of Advocate General Mazák delivered on 26 October 2011.
62006CA0257: Case C-257/06: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 24 January 2008 (reference for a preliminary
ruling from the Corte suprema di cassazione (Italy) […]
Type of Act
62009CB0139: Case C-139/09: Order of the President of the Court of 11 January 2010 — European Commission v
Kingdom of Belgium
62009CG0001: Opinion 1/09: Opinion of the Court (Full Court) of 8 March 2011 — Council of the European Union
(Opinion delivered pursuant to Article 218(11) TFEU
Requests for an
62009CU0001: Opinion 1/09: Request for an opinion submitted by the Council of the European Union pursuant to Article
300(6) EC
New cases
Court of Justice
62009CN0551: Case C-551/09: Action brought on 23 December 2009 — European Commission v Republic of Austria
62008FJ0089: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Third Chamber) of 24 February 2010 — P v Parliament — Case F89/08
62009FO0092: Order of the President of the Civil Service Tribunal of 18 December 2009 — U v European Parliament.
[…].Case F-92/09 R
New cases
Civil Service
Sector 6 examples and special cases
62009FA0003: Case F-3/09: Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 30 November 2009 — Roberto
Ridolfi v Commission of the European Communities […]
62009FB0010): Case F-10/09: Order of the Civil Service Tribunal of 30 November 2009 — Moschonaki v European
Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
62009FN0104: Case F-104/09: Action brought on 21 December 2009 — Canga Fano v Council
Sector 8: National case law
The Celex number for this new sector, grouping national cases, is constructed as follows: 8aaaaPPmmjj(cc), with: aaaa (year of the decision), PP (country code), mm
(month of the decision), jj (day of the decision), cc (code of continuation allowing to distinguish the decisions of the same day of the same country).
The country codes used in sector 8 are:
Czech Republic
82010BE1117(03): Tribunal de 1re instance de Namur, 4e chambre, jugement du 17/11/2010 - Remi Paquot / Etat belge
82010BE1013(01): Rechtbank van 1e aanleg Brugge, 4e kamer, vonnis van 13/10/2010 - Vlaamse Oliemaatschappij / F.O.D. Financiën
82011BG1026(01): Administrativen sad Veliko Tarnovo, Opredelenie 26/10/2011 - Menidzherski biznes reshenia OOD / Direktor na Direktsia Obzhalvane i
upravlenie na izpalnenieto - V. Tarnovo
82011BG0719(01): Komissia za zashtita ot discriminazia, Reshenie, 19/07/2011 - Valeri Hariev Belov / CEZ Electro Bulgaria AD e.a.
82009CZ0923(02): Nejvyšší správní soud, usnesení ze dne 23/09/2009 - M. Landtová / Ceská správa socialního zabezpecení
82010CZ0429(01): Nejvyšší soud, usnesení ze dne 29/04/2010 - KONFORM, s.r.o. / Erwin Behr Automotive GmbH
82011DK0914(01): Vestre Landsret, 15. afdeling, kendelse af 14/09/2011 - HK Danmark agissant pour Glennie Kristensen / Experian A/S
Sector 8: examples
82011DK0111(01): Højesteret, dom af 11/01/2011- Niels Hausgaard m.fl. / Statsministeren og Udenrigsministeren
82009DE1217(01): Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart, 5. Senat für Bußgeldsachen, Beschluss vom 17/12/2009
82010DE1209(02): Bundesverwaltungsgericht, Beschluss vom 09/12/2010
82011EE0317(01): Riigikohus, kohtumäärus 17/03/2011 - AS Pimix (en liquidation) / Maksu- ja Tolliameti Lõuna maksu- ja tollikeskus et
82008EE0319(01): Tallinna Halduskohus, kohtumäärus 19/03/2008 - Rakvere Lihakombinaat AS / Põllumajandusministeerium et Maksu- ja Tolliameti Ida maksuja tollikeskus
82011IE0513(01): Supreme Court (Ireland), order of 13/05/2011 - Peter Sweetman, Irlande e.a. / An Bord Pleanala, Galway County Council et Galway City
82010IE0129(01): High Court (Ireland), order of 29/01/2010 - P. Kelly / The National University of Ireland, also known as University College, Dublin and The
Director of the Equality Tribunal (Notice Party)
82009EL1009(01): Symvoulio tis Epikrateias, Olomeleia, apofasi tis 09/10/2009
82008EL1127(01): Anotato Dikastirio Kyprou, Anatheoritiki Dikaiodosia, apofasi tis 27/11/2008
82008ES1222(01): Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid, Sala de lo Contencioso-administrativo, Sección 6, sentencia de 22/12/2008 - Real Sociedad de
Fútbol SAD et Nihat Kahveci / Real Federación Española de Fútbol et Consejo Superior de Deportes
82010ES0914(01): Tribunal Supremo, Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo, Sección tercera, auto del 14/09/2010 - Asociación para la Calidad de los Forjados
(Ascafor) e.a. / Administración del Estado e.a.
82010FR1117(01): Cour de cassation (France), arrêt du 17/11/2010 - Refcomp SpA / Axa Corporate Solutions Assurance SA e. a
Sector 8: examples
82011FR1128(01): Conseil d'État, décision du 28/11/2011 - Établissement national des produits de l'agriculture et de la mer (FranceAgriMer), venant aux droits
de l'Office national interprofessionnel des fruits, des légumes, des vins et de l'horticulture (VINIFLHOR)
82011IT0920(01): Commissione tributaria provinciale di Parma, ordinanza del 20/09/2011 - Danilo Debiasi / Agenzia delle Entrate Ufficio di Parma
82009IT1020(01): Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale della Lombardia, Sezione Prima, ordinanza del 20/10/200 - Duomo Gpa Srl / Comune di Baranzate e.a.
82009CY0714(01): Anotato Dikastirio Kyprou, 14/07/2009
82008CY1127(01): Anotato Dikastirio Kyprou, Anatheoritiki Dikaiodosia, apofasi tis 27/11/2008
82008LV1023(01): Latvijas Republikas Augstākās tiesas Senāts Administratīvo lietu departaments, 23/10/2008 - Alstom Power Hydro / Valsts ieņēmumu dienests
82009LV0626(01): Latvijas Republikas Augstākās tiesas Senāts Administratīvo lietu departaments, 26/06/2009 - SIA Pakora Pluss / Valsts ienemumu dienests
82008LT0825(02): Aukščiausiasis Teismas, nutartis 25/08/2008 - Inga Rinau / Michael Rinau
82010LU0608(01): Tribunal administratif (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg), 3ème chambre, jugement du 08/06/2010 - Tankreederei I SA / Directeur de
l'administration des contributions directes
82011HU0712(02): Fővárosi Bíróság, végzés 12/07/2011 - Erika Jőrös / Aegon Magyarország Hitel Zrt.
82011HU0503(01): Magyar Köztársaság Legfelsőbb Bírósága, végzés 03/05/2011 - Oskar Shomodi / Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei e.a.
82011MT0131(01): Qorti Ta' L-Appell - Court of Appeal (Malta), Sentenz 31/01/2011 - Dr Hugh Peralta (Curatel del Fallimento Tondon Sedie sas) / Zet Ltd
82010LT0513(01): Lietuvos vyriausiasis administracinis teismas, nutartis 13/05/2010 - G. Valčiukienė e.a. / Pakruojo rajono savivaldybės taryba e.a.
82011LU0714(01): Cour administrative, 14/07/2011 - Caves Krier Frères SARL / Directeur de l'Administration de l'emploi
Sector 8: examples
82009MT0604(01): Prim'Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili, ordni ta 04/06/2009 - AJD Tuna Limited / Direttur tal-Agrikoltura u s-Sajd et I-Avukat Generali
82009NL1104(01): Rechtbank 's-Gravenhage, sector bestuursrecht, 3e afdeling, meervoudige kamer, vonnis van 04/11/2009 - AHP Manufacturing BV / Bureau
van de Industriële Eigendom, handelend onder de naam Octrooicentrum Nederland
82011NL0630(01): Rechtbank Haarlem, sector bestuursrecht, meervoudige douanekamer, uitspraak van 30/06/2011 - Hewlett-Packard Europe BV / Inspecteur
van de Belastingdienst/Douane West
82011AT0705(02): Oberster Gerichtshof, Beschluss vom 05/07/2011
82011AT0531(01): Bundeskommunikationssenat, Beschluss vom 31/05/2011 - GZ 611.003/0004-BKS/2011
82010PL1202(01): Sąd Apelacyjny -Sąd Pracy i Ubezpieczeń Społecznych, postanowienie z dnia 02/12/2010 - Janina Wencel / Zakład Ubezpieczeń
Społecznych w Białymstoku
82008PL0917(01): Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny, postanowienie z dnia 17/09/2008, II GSK 331/08
82008PT0306(01): Supremo Tribunal Administrativo, Acórdão de 06/03/2008 - A / Vogal do Conselho de Administração do INGA
82010PT0415(01): Tribunal Cível da Comarca do Porto, certidão de 15/04/2010 - Maria Alice Pendão Lapa Costa Ferreira et Alexandra Pendão Lapa Ferreira /
Companhia de Seguros Tranquilidade SA
82010RO1220(01): Curtea de Apel Bucureşti, Secţia de Contencios Administrativ şi Fiscal, 20/12/2010 - S.C. Gran Via Moineşti SRL / Agenţia Naţională de
Administrare Fiscală (A.N.A.F) e.a.
82011RO0919(01): Tribunalul Comercial Cluj, Încheiere din 19/09/2011- SC Volksbank România SA / Andreia Câmpan et Ioan Dan Câmpan
82011SI0915(01): Vrhovno sodišče Republike Slovenije, sklep z dne 15/09/2011 - Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije (Ministère des affaires
intérieures de la République de Slovénie) / Ahmed Abdirahman (Somalie)
82010SI1208(01): Upravno sodišce Republike Slovenije, sklep z dne 08/12/2010 - Pelati doo / Republika Slovenija
82009SK0917(01): Najvyšší súd Slovenskej republiky, rozsudok zo dňa 17.09.2009
Sector 8: examples
82010SK0119(01): Krajský súd v Prešove, uznesenie zo dňa 19/01/2010
82010FI1213(01): Korkein hallinto-oikeus, välipäätös 13/12/2010 - Insinööritoimisto InsTiimi Oy / Puolustusvoimat
82011FI0705(01): Korkein hallinto-oikeus, välipäätös 05/07/2011 - O et S / Maahanmuuttovirasto
82011SE0621(02): Förvaltningsrätten i Falun, beslut av 21/06/2011 - Widex A/S / Skatteverket
United Kingdom
Other countries,
EFTA Court,
European Court of
Human Rights
82009SE1217(01): Göta hovrätt, beslut av 17/12/2009 - Österström Rederi Aktiebolag / 1. Bellona Shipping Company Limited et 2. Schulte & Bruns GmbH & Co.
82009UK1215(02): Court of Appeal (England), Civil Division, order of 15/12/2009 - The Number (UK) Limited et Conduit Enterprises Limited / Office of
Communications et British Telecommunications plc
82010UK1215(01): High Court of Justice (England), Chancery Division, 15/12/2010 - Test Claimants in the FII Group Litigation / Commissioners of Inland
Revenue e.a.
82010XX0223(01): Cour européenne des droits de l'homme, arrêt du 23/02/2010 - Agnidis / Turquie
82009XX0929(01): Schweizerisches Bundesgericht, II. Öffentlichrechtliche Abteilung, Urteil vom 29/09/2009 - 1. X. und 2. Y. / Sicherheitsdirektion des Kantons
82007XX0314(01): EFTA Court, judgment of 14/03/2007, E-1/06 - EFTA Surveillance Authority / Kingdom of Norway
Sector 9: Parliamentary questions
Type of Act
Sector 9 examples and special cases
92004E001190: Written Question P-1190/04 by Joan Vallvé (ELDR) to the Commission. Forum of Cultures 2004.
Written questions
Questions at question time
The CELEX numbers for written questions are based on the year in which the question is asked and the internal EP
92000H000132: Question No 111 (H-0132/00) by Jean-Claude Fruteau to the Commission. Common organisation of the market in sugar
Oral questions
The CELEX numbers for questions at question time are based on the year in which the question is asked and the internal EP
92000O000006: Oral Question B5-0007/00 with debate by Wolfgang Kreissl- Doerfler, Alain Lipietz, Camilo Nogueira Román to the
Commission. Protection of humanitarian aid workers in Colombia
The CELEX numbers for oral questions are based on the year in which the question is asked and the internal EP reference.
Sector E: EFTA documents
Type of Act
Sector E examples and special cases
E1994A1231(08): Protocol 7 on the legal capacity, privileges and immunities of the EFTA Court
Agreements between EFTA Member
Acts of the EFTA Surveillance
The CELEX numbers for these agreements are based on the internal reference or natural number of the document or, if
neither of these is available, on its publication date.
E1999C0149: EFTA Surveillance Authority Decision No 149/99/COL of 30 June 1999 introducing guidelines on the application of State aid
rules to measures relating to direct business taxation and amending for the 19th time the Procedural and Substantive Rules in the field of
State aid
The CELEX numbers for these acts are based on the internal reference or natural number of the act or, if neither of these
is available, on its publication date.
E1995G0002: Decision of the Standing Committee of the EFTA States No 2/95/SC of 18 May 1995 amending the Rules of Procedure of
the Standing Committee of the EFTA States
Acts of the EFTA Standing Committee
Decisions, orders, consultative
opinions of the EFTA Court
The CELEX numbers for these acts are based on the internal reference or natural number of the document or, if neither of
these is available, on its publication date.
E1997J0004(01): Judgment of the Court of 3 March 1999 in Case E-4/97: Norwegian Bankers’ Association v. EFTA Surveillance Authority
(Action for annulment of a decision of the EFTA Surveillance Authority — State aid — Exceptions under Article 59(2) EEA — Procedures)
The CELEX numbers for these opinions are based on the year in which the case was brought and the case number.
E1998P0006: Action brought on 2 September 1998 by the Government of Norway against the EFTA Surveillance Authority (Case E-6/98)
Pending cases of the EFTA Court
The CELEX numbers for pending cases are based on the year in which the case was brought and the case number.
E1996X0613(01): Communication from the Kingdom of Norway pursuant to the Act referred to in Point 12 of Annex IV to the EEA
Agreement on the conditions for granting and using authorizations for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons
Informations and communications
Other acts
The CELEX numbers for these information and communication documents are based on the internal reference or natural
number of the document or, if neither of these is available, on its publication date.
The CELEX numbers for these documents are based on the internal reference or natural number of the document or, if
neither of these is available, on its publication date.
• July 2011 (first publication)
• August 2013