Scientific Notation Date ______________ Name ____________ Scientific Notation is defined as a way of expressing a number. A number is expressed in scientific notation when it is written as a product of a number greater than or equal to one and less than 10, and a power of ten. An example of this would be: Express 2345.678 in scientific notation. Answer: 2.345678 x 103 If you use a calculator to write this number in scientific notation it would look like 2.345678E3 Write the following numbers in scientific notation and check your work using the graphing calculator. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 8,900,000,000 0.000631 5.1234 55,345 120,000 0.00072 234, 312 9,000,000,000 812.6 0.123456 Ans _________________ Ans _________________ Ans _________________ Ans _________________ Ans _________________ Ans _________________ Ans _________________ Ans _________________ Ans _________________ Ans _________________ Write the following numbers in standard form 1. 2. 3. 2.014E-2 5.94 x 107 2.53 x 109 Ans _________________ Ans _________________ Ans _________________ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 7.2E-2 2.09 x 10 -3 6E0 6.03 x 10 -3 1.2 x 105 9.3E7 1.0098E3 Ans _________________ Ans _________________ Ans _________________ Ans _________________ Ans _________________ Ans _________________ Ans _________________ What is the “Largest” exponent that you can enter into your calculator in scientific notation and still get you calculator to display the result in standard form? Why do you think this is? What is the “Smallest” exponent that you can enter into your calculator in scientific notation and still get you calculator to display the result in standard form? Why do you think this is? Why do you think we would want to express numbers in scientific notation in the first place? Directions: Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Turn the calculator on and clear the screen Hit the [mode] key arrow over to [Sci], hit [enter] make sure [Float] is highlighted, hit [enter] Hit [2nd] [quit] Type in the first number and hit [return]. When you type in 8,900,000,000 and hit return your display should show 8.9E9 For the second part of the worksheet, you will want to go back to the [mode] key. Highlight Normal and press[enter]. Then press[2nd] [quit] and enter your first number using the [EE] key (right above the comma key). I.E., 2.014E-2 would be entered as 2.014 [2nd] [EE] [enter]. You would get .02014 on your display. You can have your students experiment with the calculators but I don’t think that it will take an exponent less than -3 and still give you a number in standard form. The same is true for positive exponents…none larger than 9 will be transformed into standard notation. The calculator will just leave it in scientific form which leads to a good discussion as to why??? What’s the purpose of using scientific notation in the first place? Does anyone see the process standard of CONNECTION?