A Study of Graphical Permutations Jessica Thune* Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nevada Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV 89154 thunej@unlv.nevada.edu A permutation π on a set of positive integers {a1 , a2 , ..., an } is said to be graphical if there exists a graph containing exactly ai vertices of degree π(ai ). It has been shown that for positive integers with a1 < a2 < ... < an , if π(an ) = an , then the permutation π is graphical if and only if the sum n−1 n P P ai π(ai ). This known result has been proved using a criterion of ai π(ai ) is even and an ≤ i=1 i=1 Fulkerson, Hoffman, and McAndrew which requires the verification of 12 n(n+1) inequalities. In this talk, we use a criterion of Tripathi and Vijay to give a shorter proof of this result, requiring only the verification of n inequalities. We also use this criterion to provide a similar result for permutations π such that π(an−1 ) = an . We prove that such a permutation is graphical if and only if the sum n P P ai π(ai ) is even and an an−1 ≤ an−1 (an−1 − 1) + ai π(ai ). We also consider permutations i=1 i6=n−1 such that π(an ) = an−1 , and then more generally, permutations such that π(an ) = an−j for some j < n.