Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Génération aléatoire et fonctions génératrices pour les langages temporisés et les permutations Nicolas Basset University of Oxford 2 Juillet 1/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics The context of timed automata theory Introduced by Alur and Dill in 1990 to model and verify real-time properties of embedded systems (cars, phones, pacemakers...). Since then many people works... • on practical issues: • successful implemented tools; • used in the industry. • and also on a common theoretical challenge: lifting results from automata theory to timed automata theory. 2/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics The context of timed automata theory Introduced by Alur and Dill in 1990 to model and verify real-time properties of embedded systems (cars, phones, pacemakers...). Since then many people works... • on practical issues: • successful implemented tools; • used in the industry. • and also on a common theoretical challenge: lifting results from automata theory to timed automata theory. A research program since 2009 ⊂ theoretical challenge (Asarin, Degorre, B., Perrin, Béal) Leverage quantitative properties from • automata theory (e.g. Kleene like system of equations for generating functions); • symbolic dynamics (e.g. entropy); • coding theory. 2/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics This talk Volumetry of timed languages Generating function and random sampling for timed languages Application to combinatorics of permutations 3/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Outline Volumetry of timed languages Generating function and random sampling for timed languages Application to combinatorics of permutations 4/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Timed Automata [Alur and Dill] Timed automaton = Finite state automaton + clocks, guards, reset xa a; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x d := 0 p 1 q d; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x a := 0 O 1 xd 5/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics How does it work? Recognizes timed words e.g. (0.4,a)(0.3,d)(0.6,a) xa a; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x d := 0 p 1 q d; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x a := 0 (0, 0) O 1 xd 5/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics How does it work? Recognizes timed words e.g. (0.4,a)(0.3,d)(0.6,a) xa a; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x d := 0 p 1 q (0.4, 0.4) d; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x a := 0 0.4 s elapsed O 1 xd 5/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics How does it work? Recognizes timed words e.g. (0.4,a)(0.3,d)(0.6,a) xa a; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x d := 0 p 1 q (0, 0.4) d; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x a := 0 x d := 0 O 1 xd 5/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics How does it work? Recognizes timed words e.g. (0.4,a)(0.3,d)(0.6,a) xa a; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x d := 0 p 1 (0.3, 0.7) q 0.3 s elapsed d; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x a := 0 O 1 xd 5/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics How does it work? Recognizes timed words e.g. (0.4,a)(0.3,d)(0.6,a) xa a; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x d := 0 p 1 q d; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x a := 0 x a := 0 (0.3, 0) O 1 xd 5/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics How does it work? Recognizes timed words e.g. (0.4,a)(0.3,d)(0.6,a) xa a; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x d := 0 p 1 q (0.9, 0.6) d; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x a := 0 0.6 s elapsed O 1 xd 5/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics How does it work? Recognizes timed words e.g. (0.4,a)(0.3,d)(0.6,a) xa a; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x d := 0 p 1 q (0, 0.6) x d := 0 d; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x a := 0 O 1 xd 5/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics The timed language recognized a; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x d := 0 p q d; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x a := 0 a b a b a b a <1 <1 Language: (t1 , a)(t2 , d)(t3 , a)(t4 , d) . . . such that ti + ti +1 ∈ (0; 1). 6/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Volume of the hypercube a, x ≤ d/x := 0 Timed word : (t1 , a)(t2 , a) . . . (tn , a) dimension 1 dimension 2 dimension 3 dimension n ? t1 ≤ d t1 , t2 ≤ d t1 , t2 , t3 ≤ d t1 , . . . , tn ≤ d Volume d Volume d 2 Volume d 3 Volume d n 7/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Volume of the hypercube a, x ≤ d/x := 0 Volume generating function: f (z) = dimension 1 dimension 2 P n∈N d nz n = dimension 3 1 1−dz . dimension n ? t1 ≤ d t1 , t2 ≤ d t1 , t2 , t3 ≤ d t1 , . . . , tn ≤ d Volume d Volume d 2 Volume d 3 Volume d n 7/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Volume of the simplex a, x ≤ 1 Timed word : (t1 , a)(t2 , a) . . . (tn , a) dimension 1 dimension 2 dimension 3 dimension n ? t1 ≤ 1 t1 + t2 ≤ 1 t1 + t2 + t3 ≤ 1 t1 +· · ·+tn ≤ 1 Volume 1 Volume 1/2 Volume 1/6 Volume 1/n! 8/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Volume of the simplex a, x ≤ 1 Volume generating function: f (z) = dimension 1 dimension 2 P 1 n n∈N n! z dimension 3 = exp(z). dimension n ? t1 ≤ 1 t1 + t2 ≤ 1 t1 + t2 + t3 ≤ 1 t1 +· · ·+tn ≤ 1 Volume 1 Volume 1/2 Volume 1/6 Volume 1/n! 8/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Measuring timed languages π1 t1 π3 t3 π2 t2 • Choosing a timed word (~t, π) ∈ Ln = Discrete choice for the path π + Continuous choice for vector of delays ~t. • Given π, Lπ = {~t | (~t, π) ∈ Ln } ⊆ Rn is a polytope (e.g. hypercube, simplex...) • Measure of Ln : Vn = P π∈E n Vol(Lπ ) • Volume generating function : f (z) = (typically ≈ ρn ) P n∈N Vn z n 9/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Outline Volumetry of timed languages Generating function and random sampling for timed languages Application to combinatorics of permutations 10/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Generating functions of timed languages Volume generating function: X f (z) = Vn z n a; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x d := 0 n∈N For the thick twin: f (z) = tan(z) + 1/ cos(z) 5 4 z + ... = 1 + z + 21 z 2 + 13 z 3 + 24 d; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x a := 0 11/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Generating functions of timed languages Volume generating function: X f (z) = Vn z n a; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x d := 0 n∈N For the thick twin: f (z) = tan(z) + 1/ cos(z) 5 4 z + ... = 1 + z + 21 z 2 + 13 z 3 + 24 d; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x a := 0 Main idea: consider starting state s = (q, ~x ) as a parameter. • L(s): languages starting from s. • vk (s) = Vol(Lk (s)) for k ∈ N. • f (s, z) = P k∈N vk (s)z k. • Take value in the initial state s0 : f (z) = f (s0 , z). 11/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Languages and volume equations, operator Ψ [AD09] • • • • States s = (q, ~x ) ∈ S Timed letter α = (t, δ) ∈ A α Successor operation s − → sα (with sα ∈ S ∪ {⊥}). R RM P Integral over timed letter α∈A .dα = δ∈∆ 0 .dt Recursive equations for languages and volumes Languages equations Volumes equations L0 (s) = ε if s is final v0 (s)R= 1F (s) S Lk+1 (s) = α∈A αLk (sα ) vk+1 (s) = α∈A vk (sα ) dα with Lk (⊥) = ∅ with vk (⊥) = 0 Volumes and operator ΨZ Ψ(g )(s) =def g (sα ) dα with g (⊥) = 0. A vn = Ψ(vn−1 ) = Ψn (1F ). 12/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics From languages equations to generating functions Recall Languages equations Volumes equations L0 (s) = ε if s is final v0 (s)R= 1F (s) S Lk+1 (s) = α∈A αLk (sα ) vk+1 (s) = α∈A vk (sα ) dα with Lk (⊥) = ∅ with vk (⊥) = 0 P Implies f (s, z) = k∈N vk (s)z k fixed point of: Z f (sα , z) dα + 1F (s). f (s, z) = z (1) α∈A More succinctly: f = zΨf + 1F ; this characterises f 13/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics From languages equations to generating functions Recall Languages equations Volumes equations L0 (s) = ε if s is final v0 (s)R= 1F (s) S Lk+1 (s) = α∈A αLk (sα ) vk+1 (s) = α∈A vk (sα ) dα with Lk (⊥) = ∅ with vk (⊥) = 0 P Implies f (s, z) = k∈N vk (s)z k fixed point of: Z f (sα , z) dα + 1F (s). f (s, z) = z (1) α∈A More succinctly: f = zΨf + 1F ; this characterises f Remark (1) can be obtained directly from: [ L(s) = αL(sα ) + (ε if s is final). α∈A 13/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Characterization of the generating function. Recall f (s, z) = Theorem P k∈N vk (s)z k and f (z) = f (s0 , z) For z within the disc of convergence, the function f is the unique solution of the integral equation: f = zΨf + 1F . Can we compute a closed form formula of f from this equation? 14/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Characterization of the generating function. Recall f (s, z) = Theorem P k∈N vk (s)z k and f (z) = f (s0 , z) For z within the disc of convergence, the function f is the unique solution of the integral equation: f = zΨf + 1F . Can we compute a closed form formula of f from this equation? • In general too difficult: involve variables ~x ∈ Rd with d > 1. 14/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Characterization of the generating function. Recall f (s, z) = Theorem P k∈N vk (s)z k and f (z) = f (s0 , z) For z within the disc of convergence, the function f is the unique solution of the integral equation: f = zΨf + 1F . Can we compute a closed form formula of f from this equation? • In general too difficult: involve variables ~x ∈ Rd with d > 1. • For some subclass of timed automata, yes! 14/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Random sampling Problem statement Given L and n > 0, Generate time words t1 a1 · · · tn an ∈ Ln probability 1/Vn . with density of 15/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Random sampling Problem statement...again parametrised wrt. starting state Given L and n > 0, and s ∈ S Generate time words t1 a1 · · · tn an ∈ Ln (s) with density of probability 1/vn (s). 15/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics The recursive method q a, x < 1, y < 1, x := 0 b, x < 1, y < 1, x := 0 p r Let vk (p, (x, y ), a) weight (volume) of timed words of length k starting from state (p, (x, y )) and the transition a: From volume equation... vk (p, (x, y )) = vk (p, (x, y ), a) + vk (p, (x, y ), b) Z vk−1 (q, (0, y + t))dt vk (p, (x, y ), a) = t|x+t∧y +t≤1 ...to recursive random sampling Pk (a|p, (x, y )) = vk (p, (x, y ), a) , vk (p, (x, y )) Pk (t|p, (x, y ), a) = vk−1 (q,(0,y +t)) vk (p,(x,y ),a) Pk (b|p, (x, y )) = vk (p, (x, y ), b) vk (p, (x, y )) 16/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics The Boltzmann method (1/2) • Parameter: z < Rconv(f ) and s ∈ S. • Boltzmann sampler: Pz (w ) = z |w| f (s,z) . 17/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics The Boltzmann method (1/2) • Parameter: z < Rconv(f ) and s ∈ S. • Boltzmann sampler: Pz (w ) = z |w| f (s,z) . Why do we want this? 17/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics The Boltzmann method (1/2) • Parameter: z < Rconv(f ) and s ∈ S. • Boltzmann sampler: Pz (w ) = z |w| f (s,z) . Why do we want this? • Words of a fixed length have the same probability to occurs. • Tuning z allows us to choose the expected size of output timed words. • Easy to construct knowing generating functions: 17/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics The Boltzmann method (2/2) q a, x < 1, y < 1, x := 0 p b, x < 1, y < 1, x := 0 r Let f (p, (x, y ), a, z) generating function starting from (p, (x, y )) and a: From generating function equation... f (p, (x, y ), z) = z × R f (p, (x, y ), a, z) + z × f (p, (x, y ), b, z) + 1 f (p, (x, y ), a, z) = t|x+t∧y +t≤1 f (q, (0, y + t), z)dt ...to Boltzmann sampling Pz (ε) = 1 z × f (p, (x, y ), a, z) , Pz (a|p, (x, y )) = , ... f (p, (x, y ), z) f (p, (x, y ), z) Pk (t|p, (x, y ), a) = f (q,(0,y +t),z) f (p,(x,y ),a,z) 18/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Pros and cons of the two methods • Recursive methods: Space complexity: O(|Q|n|horloges|+1 log(n)) for length n (in bits). • Boltzmann sampling: needs to access the generating functions. No closed form formulae in general. 19/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Pros and cons of the two methods • Recursive methods: Space complexity: O(|Q|n|horloges|+1 log(n)) for length n (in bits). A solution (for quasi-uniform generation): fix m << n and at each step k = 1..n use vm (sk )/vm+1 (sk−1 ) instead of vn−k (sk )/vn−k+1 (sk−1 ) • Boltzmann sampling: needs to access the generating functions. No closed form formulae in general. 19/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Pros and cons of the two methods • Recursive methods: Space complexity: O(|Q|n|horloges|+1 log(n)) for length n (in bits). • Boltzmann sampling: needs to access the generating functions. No closed form formulae in general. We can compute closed form formulae for 1.5 clocks timed automata: f (p, (x, 0), z) = cos(xz)+sin((1−x)z) cos(z) a; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x d := 0 p q d; x a , x d ∈ (0; 1)/x a := 0 19/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Outline Volumetry of timed languages Generating function and random sampling for timed languages Application to combinatorics of permutations 20/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Permutations with signature in a regular language. σ(n) 7 7 ascent 6 σ = 6724512 6 5 Signature: sg(σ) = adaada 5 descent ascent 4 4 ascent 3 2 3 descent d p ascent 2 a q a 1 0 1 n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 21/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics First problem statement Given L ⊆ {a, d}∗ , compute the exponential generating function: FL (z) = X σ, sg(σ)∈L X zn z |σ| = αn (L) |σ|! n! n≥1 where αn (L) = |{σ ∈ Sn | sg(σ) ∈ L}|. EGF for the Up-up-down-down permutations F(aadd)∗ (aa+ǫ) = sinh(z)−sin(z)+sin(z) cosh(z)+sinh(z) cos(z) . 1+cos(z) cosh(z) 22/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Second problem statement Given L ⊆ {a, d}∗ and n ≥ 1, construct a uniform random sampler for {σ ∈ Sn | sg(σ) ∈ L}. That is Prob(output = σ) = 1 αn (L) where αn (L) = |{σ ∈ Sn | sg(σ) ∈ L}|. 23/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Second problem statement Given L ⊆ {a, d}∗ and n ≥ 1, construct a uniform random sampler for {σ ∈ Sn | sg(σ) ∈ L}. That is Prob(output = σ) = 1 αn (L) where αn (L) = |{σ ∈ Sn | sg(σ) ∈ L}|. A permutation without 2 consecutive descents (n = 100) [75, 76, 7, 72, 81, 64, 77, 55, 97, 15, 95, 18, 98, 32, 93, 17, 67, 12, 49, 85, 22, 50, 21, 68, 57, 87, 27, 41, 52, 61, 91, 26, 30, 59, 33, 73, 5, 54, 39, 43, 28, 44, 14, 62, 11, 80, 40, 47, 45, 66, 56, 69, 86, 19, 78, 90, 37, 71, 51, 99, 13, 48, 4, 34, 83, 100, 1, 6, 46, 82, 9, 35, 60, 29, 84, 20, 58, 79, 2, 38, 96, 10, 23, 88, 3, 53, 94, 36, 89, 16, 31, 24, 63, 8, 74, 42, 65, 70, 92, 25] 23/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics A geometric interpretation Order polytopes for permutation σ or signature w ∈ {a, d}n−1 . • O(σ)= set of vectors of [0, 1]n with same order as σ. • O(w )= set of vectors of [0, 1]n with signature w . A vector in O(132) ⊂ O(ad) 1 d a 0 Volume Generating Function FL (z) = X σ, sg(σ)∈L z |σ| X = Vol(O(u))z |u|+1 . |σ|! u∈L 24/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Two transitions and their timed semantic We consider timed automata with two kinds of transition a;x a ,x d ∈(0;1)/x d :=0 Ascent: −−−−−−−−−−−−→ d;x a ,x d ∈(0;1)/x a :=0 Descent: −−−−−−−−−−−−→ The timed polytope associated to w ∈ {a, d}∗ is (~t,w ) Pw =def {~t | (0, 0) −−−→ y for some y ∈ [0, 1]2 } Example (0.4,a) (0.3,d) (0.6,a) (0, 0) −−−−→ (0.4, 0) −−−−→ (0, 0.3) −−−−→ (0.6, 0) Thus (0.4, 0.3, 0.6) ∈ Pada 25/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Chain polytopes The chain polytope of u ∈ {a, d}n−1 is the set C(u) of vectors ~t ∈ [0, 1]n such that for all i < j ≤ n and l ∈ {a, d}, wi · · · wj−1 = l j−i ⇒ ti + . . . + tj < 1. Links between the three kinds of polytopes For l ∈ {a, d} and u ∈ {a, d}n−1 : φ vol. preserving Pul = C(u) −−ul−−−−−−−−−→ O(u). Example A vector (t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t5 ) ∈ [0, 1]5 belongs to C(daadd) = Pdaadda iff t1 + t2 t2 +t3 + t4 t4 +t5 + t6 <1 <1 <1 d aa dd iff 1 − t1 > t2 < t2 + t3 < 1 − t4 > 1 − t4 − t5 > t6 iff (1 − t1 , t2 , t2 + t3 , 1 − t4 , 1 − t4 − t5 , t6 ) ∈ O(daadd). 26/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Reducing the two problems Reduction for Problem 1 (exponential generating function) FL (z) = X u∈L Vol(O(u))z |u|+1 = X Vol(L′′w )z |w | = VGF (L′′ )(z). w ∈L′′ (Recall: volume preserving transformation φw : L′′w → O(u).) Reduction for Problem 2 (uniform sampling) 1. Choose uniformly an n-length timed word (~t, w ) ∈ L′′n ; 2. compute ~ν = φw (~t) ∈ On (L); 3. return σ such that ~ν ∈ O(σ) (using a sort). 27/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Reducing the two problems Reduction for Problem 1 (exponential generating function) FL (z) = X u∈L Vol(O(u))z |u|+1 = X Vol(L′′w )z |w | = VGF (L′′ )(z). w ∈L′′ (Recall: volume preserving transformation φw : L′′w → O(u).) Reduction for Problem 2 (uniform sampling) 1. Choose uniformly an n-length timed word (~t, w ) ∈ L′′n ; 2. compute ~ν = φw (~t) ∈ On (L); 3. return σ such that ~ν ∈ O(σ) (using a sort). Now it suffices to solve the problems for timed automata over {a, d}. 27/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Only one clock is needed Two new kinds of transition (t,S) • Straight: x −−−→ x + t if x + t < 1 to replace (.,a) (t,a) (.,d) (t,d) . −−→ (x a , 0) −−−→ (x a + t, 0) if x a + t < 1; . −−→ (0, x d ) −−−→ (0, x d + t) if x d + t < 1; (t,T ) • Turn: x −−−→ t if x + t < 1 to replace (.,a) (t,d) (.,d) (t,a) . −−→ (x a , 0) −−−→ (0, t) if x a + t < 1; . −−→ (0, x d ) −−−→ (t, 0) if x d + t < 1; 28/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling y 7 Application to combinatorics The straight-turn encoding of signatures 7 a 6Turn 6 Straight 5 d Straight p 5 q a 4 Turn 4 Turn 3 3 S T 2 Turn 2 1 0 p q T 1 x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 29/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Language and VGF equations No two consecutive descents S T p q T parametrized language equations Lp (x) = ∪t≤1−x (t, S)Lp (x + t)∪ ∪t≤1−x (t, T)Lq (t) ∪ ǫ Lq (x) = ∪t≤1−x (t, T)Lp (t) parametrized VGF fp (x, z) = z fq (x, z) = R t≤1−x fp (x R + t, z)dt+ z t≤1−x fq (t, z)dt + 1 R z t≤1−x fp (t, z)dt 30/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics The matrix notation ~f (x, z) = zMS Z 1 ~f (s, z)ds + zMT x Z 1−x ~f (t, z)dt + F ~ 0 No two consecutive descents S T p MS = q T 1 0 0 1 1 ~ , MT = ,F = . 0 0 1 0 0 31/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Solving the equation ~f (x, z) = zMS Z 1 ~f (s, z)ds + zMT x Z 1−x ~f (t, z)dt + F ~ 0 ! ! ~f (x, z) ~f (x, z) −MS −MT =z ~f (1 − x, z) ~f (1 − x, z) MT MS ! ! ~f (1, z) ~f (0, z) −MS −MT ~ = exp z and ~f (1, z) = F ~f (0, z) ~f (1, z) MT MS ∂ ∂x An algorithm to compute FL (z) A1 (z) A2 (z) −MS −MT 1. Compute =def exp z ; A3 (z) A4 (z) MT MS 2. return FL (z) the component of ~f (0, z) = [A1 (z)]−1 [I − A2 (z)]F ~ = [I − A3 (z)]−1 A4 (z)F ~ corresponding to the initial state q0 . 32/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics A classical example: the alternating permutations e.g. σ = 94738251 T ~ = MT = (1), MS = (0). Here F 0 −z cos z −MS −MT = exp = exp z z 0 MT MS sin z − sin z cos z ~ = [I − A3 (z)]−1 A4 (z)F ~) (Recall FL (z) = [A1 (z)]−1 [I − A2 (z)]F FL (z) = cos z 1 + sin z = cos z 1 − sin z 33/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics A classical example: the alternating permutations e.g. σ = 94738251 T ~ = MT = (1), MS = (0). Here F 0 −z cos z −MS −MT = exp = exp z z 0 MT MS sin z − sin z cos z ~ = [I − A3 (z)]−1 A4 (z)F ~) (Recall FL (z) = [A1 (z)]−1 [I − A2 (z)]F FL (z) = cos z 1 + sin z = cos z 1 − sin z For Boltzmann sampling: f (x, z) = z with f (x, z) = Z 1−x f (t, z)dt + 1 0 cos(xz) + sin(1 − x)z cos z 33/34 Volumetry Generating function and random sampling Application to combinatorics Conclusion Some idea exposed here • Link between permutations, poset polytopes and timed languages. • Kleene like equations for timed languages, their volumes and generating functions. Future work • Analytic combinatorics with continuous parameters (measurable union, poset polytopes...). • Statistical model checking (simulation) using random sampling of timed words. • Further exploration of combinatorics of permutations. 34/34