Decimal Floating-Point Adder INVENTORS • Michael Schulte, John Thompson, Nandini Jairam WARF: P04245US View U.S. Patent No. 7,546,328 in PDF format. Since its founding in 1925 as the patenting and licensing organization for the University of Wisconsin- The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) is seeking commercial partners interested in developing a decimal floating-point adder that rapidly performs decimal floating-point arithmetic, particularly addition and subtraction. Madison, WARF has been working with business and industry to transform university research into products that benefit society. WARF intellectual property managers and licensing staff members are leaders in the field of university-based technology transfer. They are familiar with the intricacies of patenting, have OVERVIEW worked with researchers in relevant disciplines, understand industries and markets, and have negotiated innovative licensing strategies to meet the Although most people use decimal arithmetic when performing calculations, computer hardware usually only supports binary arithmetic. Numbers are typically input in decimal form, converted to binary for processing, and then converted back to decimal for output. However, converting between binary and decimal floating-point numbers is computationally intensive, and many common decimal numbers cannot be represented exactly in binary, leading to errors. Software packages for decimal arithmetic have been developed, but they are often hundreds or even thousands of times slower than binary operations in hardware. individual needs of business clients. THE INVENTION UW-Madison researchers have developed a decimal floating-point adder that rapidly performs decimal floating-point arithmetic, particularly addition and subtraction. The decimal floating-point adder includes an alignment unit that aligns the significands (the part of a decimal floating-point number that contains its significant digits) of two floatingpoint numbers so that the exponents associated with the floating-point numbers have equal values. For example, the numbers 12.3 and 4.56 could be represented as 1230 X 10-2 and 456 X 10-2. A binary adder then adds the aligned significands. A correction unit and an output conversion unit are included in the floating-point adder to produce the final decimal floating-point number. APPLICATIONS • Numerically intensive commercial applications Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation | 614 Walnut Street, 13th Floor | Madison, WI 53726 | | WARF: P04245US KEY BENEFITS • Faster than current decimal arithmetic software or hardware • May be pipelined so that complete resultant decimal floating-point numbers are output each clock cycle ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Related Technologies See WARF reference number P04398US for techniques for decimal floating-point division. See WARF reference number P04399US for techniques for rapid decimal multioperand addition. Tech Fields Information Technology - Computing methods CONTACT INFORMATION For current licensing status, please contact Scott Pollyea at or 608-890-2930. Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation | 614 Walnut Street, 13th Floor | Madison, WI 53726 | |